Republican Party Secretary of State primaries, 2020

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2020 Republican Party primary elections
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Secretary of State primaries
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Republican Party primaries, 2020
Democratic Party primaries, 2020
Top-two battleground primaries, 2020
Primaries by state

In 47 states—all except Alaska, Hawaii, and Utah—the secretary of state is among the top executive offices. Although the duties and powers of the secretary of state vary from state to state, a common responsibility is management and oversight of elections and voter rolls, which are assigned to the secretary of state in 41 states. Other common responsibilities include registration of businesses, maintenance of state records, and certification of official documents. Of the 35 states in which the secretary of state is directly elected, seven held elections for the position in 2020.

Of those seven secretary of state seats, two were held by Democrats prior to the November 2020 elections and five were held by Republicans.

  • Click here for more on the Democratic secretary of state primaries in 2020.
  • Click here for more on the secretary of state general elections in 2020.

By state


See also: Missouri Secretary of State election, 2020 (August 4 Republican primary)

Republican Party Republican primary candidates

Did not make the ballot:


See also: Montana Secretary of State election, 2020 (June 2 Republican primary)

Republican Party Republican primary candidates

North Carolina

See also: North Carolina Secretary of State election, 2020 (March 3 Republican primary)

Republican Party Republican primary candidates

Candidate Connection = candidate completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey


See also: Oregon Secretary of State election, 2020 (May 19 Republican primary)

Republican Party Republican primary candidates


See also: Vermont Secretary of State election, 2020 (August 11 Republican primary)

Republican Party Republican primary candidates


See also: Washington Secretary of State election, 2020 (August 4 top-two primary)

Washington utilizes a top-two primary, in which a single primary election is held for each office wherein all candidates running for that office, regardless of party affiliation, compete in the same election. The two candidates receiving the most votes move on to the general election; all voters may vote in the primary for any candidate. Washington's primary was held on August 4, 2020.

Primary candidates

Candidate Connection = candidate completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey

West Virginia

See also: West Virginia Secretary of State election, 2020 (June 9 Republican primary)

Republican Party Republican primary candidates

Did not make the ballot:

Seats up for election

There were two Democratic and five Republican seats up for election in 2020. The table below shows what seats were up for election and the incumbent heading into the election.

2020 Secretary of State Races
State Current Incumbent Term-limited (Y/N)
Missouri Republican Party Jay Ashcroft No
Montana Republican Party Corey Stapleton No
North Carolina Democratic Party Elaine Marshall No
Oregon Republican Party Bev Clarno No
Vermont Democratic Party Jim Condos No
Washington Republican Party Kim Wyman No
West Virginia Republican Party Mac Warner No

Election dates

The following table details 2020 secretary of state filing deadlines and primary dates in each state. The signature filing deadline was the date by which candidates had to file nominating signatures with election officials in order to have their name placed on the ballot.

2020 Election Dates
State Filing deadline Primary election
Missouri March 31 August 4
Montana March 9 June 2
North Carolina December 20 March 3
Oregon March 10 May 19
Vermont May 28 August 11
Washington May 15 August 4
West Virginia January 25 June 9

See also

2020 elections:

Previous elections:

Ballotpedia exclusives:
