Raisin City Elementary School District recall, California (2016)

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Raisin City Elementary School District Board of Trustees recall
Ballotpedia Election Coverage Badge.png
Anthony Monreal
Nancy Schwabenland
Frederico Garcia
Evangelina Urias
Recall status
Recall approved
Recall defeated
Recall election date
April 12, 2016
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2016
Recalls in California
California recall laws
School board recalls
Recall reports

A recall election targeting four members of the Raisin City Elementary School District Board of Trustees in California was on the ballot on April 12, 2016. Anthony Monreal, Nancy Schwabenland, and Federico Garcia were ousted from office, but Evangelina Urias was retained.[1] Patricia Ramirez, Sofia Lopez, and Laday Ramirez were elected to replace the three recalled school board members.[2]

The possibility of recalling Raisin City Elementary Board of Education members was first discussed in February 2015. Monreal, Garcia, Schwabenland, and Urias were initially targeted with fellow board member Rafael Morfin. The recall effort started after news of Superintendent/Principal Anna Ramirez's 2013 felony conviction came to light. Ramirez had been ordered to pay $63,948 in restitution after pleading no contest to felony forgery. She alerted the board of her conviction prior to getting hired, but Schwabenland said the board hired her because the conviction had "nothing to do with school" and "nothing to do with kids." Recall supporters also cited Ramirez's lack of administrative credentials as another reason the board should not have hired her.[3][4]

Recall vote

Nancy Schwabenland, At-Large Board Member, Raisin City Elementary School District
Yes check.svg Recall15263.33%
Election results via: Fresno County Clerk, "Election Summary Report 4/12/16 Official Final Results," accessed April 29, 2016 

Schwabenland's successor candidate, At-Large Board Member, Raisin City Elementary School District
Yes check.svgPatricia Ramirez 149 91.41%
Red x.svgWrite-in votes 14 8.59%
Election results via: Fresno County Clerk, "Election Summary Report 4/12/16 Official Final Results," accessed April 29, 2016 

Federico Garcia, At-Large Board Member, Raisin City Elementary School District
Yes check.svg Recall15866.95%
Election results via: Fresno County Clerk, "Election Summary Report 4/12/16 Official Final Results," accessed April 29, 2016 

Garcia's successor candidate, At-Large Board Member, Raisin City Elementary School District
Yes check.svgSofia Lopez 149 92.55%
Red x.svgWrite-in votes 12 7.45%
Election results via: Fresno County Clerk, "Election Summary Report 4/12/16 Official Final Results," accessed April 29, 2016 

Anthony Monreal, At-Large Board Member, Raisin City Elementary School District
Yes check.svg Recall15866.95%
Election results via: Fresno County Clerk, "Election Summary Report 4/12/16 Official Final Results," accessed April 29, 2016 

Monreal's successor candidate, At-Large Board Member, Raisin City Elementary School District
Yes check.svgLaday Ramirez 135 76.27%
Red x.svgAmber Flynn 36 20.34%
Red x.svgWrite-in votes 6 3.39%
Election results via: Fresno County Clerk, "Election Summary Report 4/12/16 Official Final Results," accessed April 29, 2016 

Evangelina Urias, At-Large Board Member, Raisin City Elementary School District
Red x.svg Retain13355.65%
Election results via: Fresno County Clerk, "Election Summary Report 4/12/16 Official Final Results," accessed April 29, 2016 

Recall supporters

Parents and community members of the one-school district started protesting outside of the school building in February 2015. Members of the protest said they were disappointed that the board had hired someone without an administrative credential to be superintendent and principal of the Raisin City Elementary School District. State law required principals to have the credential, but not superintendents. Fresno County schools Superintendent Jim Yovino said it was standard for people holding a dual superintendent-principal role, such as Ramirez was doing, to hold the credential, but that it "depends on what the district wants or needs."[3][4]

Sophia Aguilar, one of the protesters, said that Ramirez was "a confessed felon who is in charge of a school. Our picketing is done to increase the visibility of the situation to the community.”[3]

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing recall in California

The Fresno County Clerk's Office approved the recall petition on December 10, 2015. The office then set the recall election date for April 12, 2016. Candidates wishing to run to replace the recalled board members had to file by January 28, 2016.[5]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms 'Raisin City Elementary School District' California recall. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

External links
