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Seal of the Supreme Court of the United States
Term: 1913
Important Dates
Argued: January 6, 1914
Decided: April 6, 1914
Reversed and remanded
William Rufus DayOliver Wendell HolmesCharles Evans HughesJoseph Rucker LamarJoseph McKennaMahlon PitneyWillis Van DevanterEdward Douglass White

RUSSELL v. SEBASTIAN is a case that was decided by the Supreme Court of the United States on April 6, 1914. The case was argued before the court on January 6, 1914.

In an 8-0 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the ruling of the lower court and remanded the case for further proceedings consistent with the Court's opinion. The case originated from the California State Supreme Court.


About the case

  • Subject matter: Economic Activity - Federal and some few state regulation of public utilities regulation: gas producer
  • Petitioner: Arrested person, or pretrial detainee
  • Petitioner state: Unknown
  • Respondent type: City, town, township, village, or borough government or governmental unit
  • Respondent state: California
  • Citation: 233 U.S. 195
  • How the court took jurisdiction: Writ of error
  • What type of decision was made: Opinion of the court (orally argued)
  • Who was the chief justice: Edward Douglass White
  • Who wrote the majority opinion: Charles Evans Hughes

These data points were accessed from The Supreme Court Database, which also attempts to categorize the ideological direction of the court's ruling in each case. This case's ruling was categorized as conservative.

See also

External links
