Paul Broun

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Paul C. Broun
Image of Paul C. Broun
Prior offices
U.S. House Georgia District 10
Successor: Jody Hice


Net worth

(2012) $303,507

Elections and appointments
Last election

May 24, 2022



University of Georgia, 1967


Medical College of Georgia, 1971


Service / branch

U.S. Marine Corps

Service / branch

U.S. Navy Reserve

Christian: Baptist

Paul C. Broun (Republican Party) was a member of the U.S. House, representing Georgia's 10th Congressional District.

Broun (Republican Party) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Georgia's 10th Congressional District. He lost in the Republican primary on May 24, 2022.

Broun sought election to the U.S. House in 2016 to represent the 9th Congressional District of Georgia.[1] Broun was defeated by incumbent Doug Collins in the Republican primary on May 24, 2016.[2]

Broun was a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives and represented Georgia's 10th Congressional District. He was first elected in a special election in 2007.[3] After being re-elected in 2008, he served two more terms until 2014.[4]

Broun ran in 2014 for U.S. Senate to fill the seat of retiring Sen. Saxby Chambliss.[5] Broun was defeated in the Republican primary on May 20, 2014.[6]


Paul Broun served in the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Navy Reserve.[7] Broun earned a B.S. in chemistry from the University of Georgia in 1967 and an M.D. from the Medical College of Georgia in 1971.[7][8] His career experience includes working as a physician. Broun served on the Foundation Board of St. Mary's Hospital in Athens, Georgia, and has been affiliated with the American Legion, VFW, and Military Order of World Wars.[7]

Committee assignments

U.S. House


Broun served on the following committees:[9][10]

Key votes

113th Congress

The second session of the 113th Congress enacted into law 224 out of the 3215 introduced bills (7 percent). Comparatively, the 112th Congress had 4.2 percent of introduced bills enacted into law in the second session.[11] For more information pertaining to Broun's voting record in the 113th Congress, please see the below sections.[12]

National security

DHS Appropriations

Yea3.png Broun voted in favor of HR 2217 - the DHS Appropriations Act of 2014. The bill passed the House on June 6, 2013, with a vote of 245 - 182 and was largely along party lines.[13]

Keystone Pipeline Amendment

Nay3.png Broun voted against House Amendment 69, which would have amended HR 3 to "require that the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security, conduct a study of the vulnerabilities of the Keystone XL pipeline to a terrorist attack and certify that necessary protections have been put in place." The amendment failed on May 22, 2013, with a vote of 176 - 239 and was largely along party lines.[13]

CISPA (2013)

Nay3.png Broun voted against HR 624 - the CISPA (2013). The bill passed the House on April 18, 2013, with a vote of 288 - 127. The bill permitted federal intelligence agencies to share cybersecurity intelligence and information with private entities and utilities.[14] The bill was largely supported by Republicans, but divided the Democratic Party.[13]


Yea3.png Broun voted in support of HR 1960 - the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014. The bill passed the House on June 14, 2013, with a vote of 315 - 108. Both parties were somewhat divided on the vote.[13]


Farm bill

Nay3.png On January 29, 2014, the U.S. House approved the Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act of 2013, H.R. 2642, also known as the Farm Bill.[15] The bill passed by a vote of 251-166. The nearly 1,000-page bill reformed and continued various programs of the Department of Agriculture through 2018. The $1 trillion bill expanded crop insurance for farmers by $7 billion over the next decade and created new subsidies for rice and peanut growers that would kick in when prices drop.[16][17] It also cut the food stamp program an average of $90 per month for 1.7 million people in 15 states.[17] Broun voted with 62 other Republican representatives against the bill.

2014 Budget

Nay3.png On January 15, 2014, the Republican-run House approved H.R. 3547, a $1.1 trillion spending bill to fund the government through September 30, 2014.[18][19] The House voted 359-67 for the 1,582 page bill, with 64 Republicans and three Democrats voting against the bill.[19] The omnibus package included 12 annual spending bills to fund federal operations.[20] It included a 1 percent increase in the paychecks of federal workers and military personnel, a $1 billion increase in Head Start funding for early childhood education, reduced funding to the Internal Revenue Service and the Environmental Protection Agency and protected the Affordable Care Act from any drastic cuts. Broun joined with the 63 other Republicans and 3 Democrats who voted against the bill.[18][19]

Government shutdown

See also: United States budget debate, 2013

Nay3.png On September 30, 2013, the House passed a final stopgap spending bill before the shutdown went into effect. The bill included a one-year delay of the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate and would have also stripped the bill of federal subsidies for congressional members and staff. It passed through the House with a vote of 228-201.[21] At 1 a.m. on October 1, 2013, one hour after the shutdown officially began, the House voted to move forward with going to a conference. In short order, Sen. Harry Reid rejected the call to conference.[22] Broun voted against the stopgap spending bill that would have delayed the individual mandate.[23]

Nay3.png The shutdown ended on October 16, 2013, when the House took a vote on HR 2775 after it was approved by the Senate. The bill to reopen the government lifted the $16.7 trillion debt limit and funded the government through January 15, 2014. Federal employees also received retroactive pay for the shutdown period. The only concession made by Senate Democrats was to require income verification for Obamacare subsidies.[24] The House passed the legislation shortly after the Senate, by a vote of 285-144, with all 144 votes against the legislation coming from Republican members. Broun voted against HR 2775.[25]

Pay during government shutdown

See also: United States budget debate, 2013

Broun announced on Twitter on October 1, 2013, that he wanted his pay withheld "until we are able to resolve the govt #shutdown."[26]

Paul Ryan Budget Proposal

Nay3.png In March 2013 the Republican controlled House passed the budget proposal set out by Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan (R) for the third straight year.[27] However, not all Republican representatives voted in favor of the proposal.[27] Broun was one of the 10 Republican Representatives who voted against Ryan's budget proposal.[27]

The proposal was killed after being voted down in the U.S. Senate with a 40-59 vote.[28]

The proposal would have cut about $5 trillion over the next decade and aimed to balance the budget by the end of the 10-year period.[27] The 2013 bill had opposition from 10 Republicans — the same number that voted against it in 2012. In 2011 only four Republicans cast a vote in opposition.[27] Democrats have unanimously voted against the bill every year.[27]


Morton Memos Prohibition

Yea3.png Broun voted in favor of House Amendment 136 - Prohibits the Enforcement of the Immigration Executive Order. The amendment was adopted by the House on June 6, 2013, with a vote of 224 - 201. The purpose of the amendment as stated on the official text is to "prohibit the use of funds to finalize, implement, administer, or enforce the Morton Memos." These memos would have granted administrative amnesty to certain individuals residing in the United States without legal status. The vote largely followed party lines.[13]


Healthcare Reform Rules

Yea3.png Broun voted in favor of House Amendment 450 - Requires Congressional Approval for Any Rules Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The amendment was adopted by the House on August 2, 2013, with a vote of 227-185. The amendment requires all changes to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act be approved by Congress before taking effect. The vote was largely along party lines.[13]

Keep the IRS Off Your Healthcare Act

Yea3.png Broun voted in favor of HR 2009 - Keep the IRS Off Your Healthcare Act of 2013. The bill passed through the House on August 2, 2013, with a vote of 232-185. The bill would prevent the IRS and Treasury Secretary from enforcing the powers provided to them in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The vote largely followed party lines.[13]

Social issues

Amash amendment

Yea3.png Broun voted in favor of House Amendment 413 - Prohibits the National Security Agency from Collecting Records Under the Patriot Act. The amendment failed on July 4, 2013, by a vote of 205-217. The amendment would have prohibited the collection of records by the National Security Agency under the Patriot Act. Both parties were split on the vote.[13]

House vote on abortion ban

Nay3.png On June 18, 2013, the House voted 228-196, mostly along party lines, to approve a ban on late-term abortions, or abortions occurring after 20 weeks of pregnancy[29][30] A number of members crossed over party lines in their votes. The vote was largely symbolic as the Senate is not expected to take up the bill and the White House has threatened to veto the legislation.[31] Broun was one of six Republican members who voted against the ban. Reps. Woodall and Broun were opposed because they felt the bill did not go far enough and left exceptions to the ban.[30][32]

Government affairs

HR 676

See also: Boehner's lawsuit against the Obama administration

Nay3.png On July 30, 2014, the U.S. House approved a resolution 225 to 201 to sue President Barack Obama for exceeding his constitutional authority. Five Republicans voted with Democrats against the lawsuit. Broun joined with four other Republicans voting against the lawsuit.[33] All Democrats voted against the resolution.[34][35]

Previous congressional sessions

Fiscal Cliff

Nay3.png Broun voted against the fiscal cliff compromise bill, which made permanent most of the Bush tax cuts originally passed in 2001 and 2003 while also raising tax rates on the highest income levels. He was 1 of 151 Republicans that voted against the bill. The bill was passed in the House by a 257 - 167 vote on January 1, 2013.[36]


Conservative Fight Club

According to the conservative website RedState, Broun was one of 16 U.S. House members in the "Conservative Fight Club," a designation meant to describe the "gold standard for conservatives in the House," as outlined by RedState. They were the 16 Republicans who voted against the continuing appropriations resolution to avoid the impending government shutdown in August 2014. This type of resolution is used to fund government agencies when a formal federal budget has not been approved.[37]



See also: Georgia's 10th Congressional District election, 2022

General election

General election for U.S. House Georgia District 10

Mike Collins defeated Tabitha Johnson-Green in the general election for U.S. House Georgia District 10 on November 8, 2022.

Image of Mike Collins
Mike Collins (R) Candidate Connection
Image of Tabitha Johnson-Green
Tabitha Johnson-Green (D)

Total votes: 307,630
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Democratic primary runoff election

Democratic primary runoff for U.S. House Georgia District 10

Tabitha Johnson-Green defeated Jessica Fore in the Democratic primary runoff for U.S. House Georgia District 10 on June 21, 2022.

Image of Tabitha Johnson-Green
Tabitha Johnson-Green
Image of Jessica Fore
Jessica Fore Candidate Connection

Total votes: 14,094
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Republican primary runoff election

Republican primary runoff for U.S. House Georgia District 10

Mike Collins defeated Vernon Jones in the Republican primary runoff for U.S. House Georgia District 10 on June 21, 2022.

Image of Mike Collins
Mike Collins Candidate Connection
Image of Vernon Jones
Vernon Jones

Total votes: 41,005
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Democratic primary election

Democratic primary for U.S. House Georgia District 10

Tabitha Johnson-Green and Jessica Fore advanced to a runoff. They defeated Phyllis Hatcher, Femi Oduwole, and Paul Walton in the Democratic primary for U.S. House Georgia District 10 on May 24, 2022.

Image of Tabitha Johnson-Green
Tabitha Johnson-Green
Image of Jessica Fore
Jessica Fore Candidate Connection
Image of Phyllis Hatcher
Phyllis Hatcher Candidate Connection
Image of Femi Oduwole
Femi Oduwole Candidate Connection
Image of Paul Walton
Paul Walton Candidate Connection

Total votes: 37,702
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Republican primary election

Republican primary for U.S. House Georgia District 10

The following candidates ran in the Republican primary for U.S. House Georgia District 10 on May 24, 2022.

Image of Mike Collins
Mike Collins Candidate Connection
Image of Vernon Jones
Vernon Jones
Image of Timothy Barr
Timothy Barr
Image of Paul C. Broun
Paul C. Broun
Image of David Curry
David Curry
Image of Alan Sims
Alan Sims Candidate Connection
Image of Marc McMain
Marc McMain Candidate Connection
Image of Mitchell Swan
Mitchell Swan Candidate Connection

Total votes: 112,165
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Withdrawn or disqualified candidates


See also: Georgia's 9th Congressional District election, 2020

Georgia's 9th Congressional District election, 2020 (June 9 Republican primary)

Georgia's 9th Congressional District election, 2020 (June 9 Democratic primary)

General election

General election for U.S. House Georgia District 9

Andrew Clyde defeated Devin Pandy in the general election for U.S. House Georgia District 9 on November 3, 2020.

Image of Andrew Clyde
Andrew Clyde (R)
Image of Devin Pandy
Devin Pandy (D) Candidate Connection

Total votes: 372,547
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Democratic primary runoff election

Democratic primary runoff for U.S. House Georgia District 9

Devin Pandy defeated Brooke Siskin in the Democratic primary runoff for U.S. House Georgia District 9 on August 11, 2020.

Image of Devin Pandy
Devin Pandy Candidate Connection
Brooke Siskin

Total votes: 11,711
(100.00% precincts reporting)
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Republican primary runoff election

Republican primary runoff for U.S. House Georgia District 9

Andrew Clyde defeated Matt Gurtler in the Republican primary runoff for U.S. House Georgia District 9 on August 11, 2020.

Image of Andrew Clyde
Andrew Clyde
Image of Matt Gurtler
Matt Gurtler

Total votes: 88,961
(100.00% precincts reporting)
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Democratic primary election

Democratic primary for U.S. House Georgia District 9

Brooke Siskin and Devin Pandy advanced to a runoff. They defeated Dan Wilson in the Democratic primary for U.S. House Georgia District 9 on June 9, 2020.

Brooke Siskin
Image of Devin Pandy
Devin Pandy Candidate Connection
Image of Dan Wilson
Dan Wilson Candidate Connection

Total votes: 31,211
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Watch the Candidate Conversation for this race!

Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Republican primary election

Republican primary for U.S. House Georgia District 9

The following candidates ran in the Republican primary for U.S. House Georgia District 9 on June 9, 2020.

Image of Matt Gurtler
Matt Gurtler
Image of Andrew Clyde
Andrew Clyde
Image of Kevin Tanner
Kevin Tanner
Image of Paul C. Broun
Paul C. Broun
Image of John Wilkinson
John Wilkinson
Image of Ethan Underwood
Ethan Underwood Candidate Connection
Image of Kellie Weeks
Kellie Weeks
Maria Strickland Candidate Connection
Image of Michael Boggus
Michael Boggus Candidate Connection

Total votes: 140,375
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Withdrawn or disqualified candidates


See also: Georgia's 9th Congressional District election, 2016

Heading into the election, Ballotpedia rated this race as safely Republican. Incumbent Doug Collins (R) faced no opponent in the general election. Collins defeated Paul Broun, Bernie Fontaine, Mike Scupin, and Roger Fitzpatrick in the Republican primary on May 24, 2016.[38][2]

U.S. House, Georgia District 9 General Election, 2016
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngDoug Collins Incumbent 100% 256,535
Total Votes 256,535
Source: Georgia Secretary of State

U.S. House, Georgia District 9 Republican Primary, 2016
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngDoug Collins Incumbent 61.3% 52,080
Paul Broun 22.1% 18,772
Roger Fitzpatrick 10.5% 8,945
Mike Scupin 3.4% 2,856
Bernie Fontaine 2.8% 2,342
Total Votes 84,995
Source: Georgia Secretary of State


See also: United States Senate elections in Georgia, 2014

After Saxby Chambliss's January 25, 2013, announcement that he was retiring at the end of his current term and would not seek re-election in 2014, Paul Broun filed paperwork for his candidacy on February 6, 2013.[39] Broun was defeated in the Republican primary on May 20, 2014.[6]

U.S. Senate, Georgia Republican Primary, 2014
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngDavid Perdue 30.6% 185,466
Green check mark transparent.pngJack Kingston 25.8% 156,157
Karen Handel 22% 132,944
Phil Gingrey 10% 60,735
Paul Broun 9.6% 58,297
Derrick Grayson 1% 6,045
Art Gardner 0.9% 5,711
Total Votes 605,355
Source: Georgia Secretary of State


Broun received an endorsement from Ron Paul on April 25, 2013.[40] In the statement Paul stated, “Paul Broun and I worked together in the House to bring some necessary oversight to the Federal Reserve. I endorse Paul Broun on his candidacy to the U.S. Senate.”[40]


Republican primary candidates
Poll Phil Gingrey Paul BrounKaren HandelJack KingstonDavid PerdueEugene YuDerrick GraysonArt GardnerOther/UndecidedMargin of ErrorSample Size
May 18, 2014
May 12-14, 2014
May 12, 2014
May 8-12, 2014
Saint Leo University
May 5-6, 2014
April 13-15, 2014
March 23-24, 2014
March 23-24, 2014
Hicks Evaluation Group/Apache Political Communication
February 13-16, 2014
The polling company, Inc/Woman Trend
January 31-February 1, 2014
Public Policy Polling
August 2-5, 2013
March 28, 2013
Note: A "0%" finding means the candidate was not a part of the poll. The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to

Democratic primary candidates
Poll Branko Radulovacki Michelle NunnSteen MilesTodd RobinsonUndecidedMargin of ErrorSample Size
May 8-12, 2014
Note: A "0%" finding means the candidate was not a part of the poll. The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to
General election (August 2014-Present)
Poll Michelle Nunn (D) David Perdue (R)Amanda Swafford (L)UndecidedMargin of ErrorSample Size
October 31, 2014
October 19-22, 2014
October 10-13, 2014
Landmark (R)
October 7-9, 2014
Rasmussen Reports
September 15-16, 2014
Landmark Communications
September 9-11, 2014
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
September 8-11, 2014
Survey USA
September 9-8, 2014
August 24-25, 2014
Landmark Communications
August 20-21, 2014
Note: A "0%" finding means the candidate was not a part of the poll. The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to

General election (August 2013-August 2014)
Poll Michelle Nunn (D) David Perdue (R)Amanda Swafford (L)UndecidedMargin of ErrorSample Size
August 14-17, 2014
Insider Advantage
August 12-13, 2014
Hicks Evaluation Group
August 8-10, 2014
Vox Populi Polling
July 27-28, 2014
Landmark Communications
July 25, 2014
Rasmussen Reports
July 23-24, 2014
Public Policy Polling
July 9-12, 2014
June 3-5, 2014
Rasmussen Reports]
May 21-22, 2014
Landmark Communications
May 19, 2014
Saint Leo University
May 5-6, 2014
Atlanta Journal Constitution
May 5-8, 2014
NBC News/Marist Poll
April 30 - May 6, 2014
March 23-24, 2014
Public Policy Polling
August 2-5, 2013
Note: A "0%" finding means the candidate was not a part of the poll. The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to


See also: Georgia's 10th Congressional District elections, 2012

Broun ran in the 2012 election for the U.S. House to represent Georgia's 10th District. Broun sought re-election on the Republican ticket. Stephen Simpson also ran as a Republican. The signature filing deadline was May 25, 2012, with the primary on July 31, 2012. He defeated Stephen Simpson in the primary and ran unopposed in the general election on November 6, 2012.[41]

An October 2012 article in The Daily named Broun one of the 20 worst candidates in 2012.[42]

U.S. House, Georgia District 10 General Election, 2012
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngPaul Broun Incumbent 100% 211,065
Total Votes 211,065
Source: Georgia Secretary of State "Official Election Results, 2012 General Election"
U.S. House, Georgia District 10 Republican Primary, 2012
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngPaul C. Broun Incumbent 69% 58,405
Stephen K. Simpson 31% 26,256
Total Votes 84,661

Full history

Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Paul C. Broun did not complete Ballotpedia's 2022 Candidate Connection survey.

Campaign website

Broun's campaign website stated the following:


Let Teachers Teach!

Education is the great equalizer in our country. Regardless of someone’s background, a high quality education gives them a pathway to success. On education, we absolutely have to get it right.

Education policy has to recognize that each student is unique and original. Meeting the needs of every child requires a variety of educational choices and options that can only be done at the local level.

Moving fowards that requires sending powers back to the states and getting federal bureaucrats out of local education decisions. To act on this during my previous time in Congress, I introduced a bill to abolish the Department of Education.

We also need to stop the ongoing federal intrusion into education. This intrusion is most evident through Common Core and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which reauthorized No Child Left Behind. Or, as I like to call it “No Teacher Left Unshackled.”

These terrible policies are key examples of unnecessary, detrimental federal inrusion into education.

Sadly, when they voted for ESSA, Establishment Republicans voted to reauthorize No Child Left Behind and to keep Common Core in place. On top of that, the Omnibus bill that Establishment Republicans passed locked funding for Common Core and the Department of Education into place.

This is unacceptable!

When elected to Congress I will immediately put forth a bill to completely eliminate the Department of Education, to fully and finally repeal No Child Left Behind, and to put a complete stop to Common Core once and for all.

You can read more about my thoughts on education here.


100% Pro-Life

I am 100% Pro-Life and nobody can question my commitment to defending the unborn. I believe in protecting every single unborn baby in every circumstance.

I was proud in my time as a legislator to be endorsed by Georgia Right to Life. Georgia Right to Life is the strongest, most committed Pro-Life group in Georgia. They know that I fight for the unborn in every circumstance and never accept allowing any unborn babies to be killed, unless the mother and baby's lives are in imminent danger.

I will never vote to send a single penny from your paycheck to Planned Parenthood. The Hyde Amendment, which has been the Law of the Land since the 1970s, is not enough to make taxpayer funds for Planned Parenthood acceptable. Make no mistake, every taxpayer penny given to Planned Parenthood frees up money in their budget for abortion. A vote to fund Planned Parenthood is a vote to fund abortion, whether directly or indirectly. Especially after the terrible discovery that Planned Parenthood has been butchering babies for profit, it is morally reprehensible to take money from your paycheck and send it Planned Parenthood.

I pledge that I will continue to fight against funding Planned Parenthood and to provide unborn babies with personhood.

The first bill I have introduced and the first bill I will introduce when I am elected to Congress will be the Sanctity of Life bill. This bill will ensure that all pre-born babies are guaranteed a right to personhood by banning abortion.

The 2nd Amendment

A Proud Fighter For Second Amendment Rights

As a lifelong hunter, I know that we have a God-given right to own firearms and to protect ourselves. This right is also explicitly protected by our Constitution's 2nd Amendment. In Congress, I not only fought to stop gun grabbers from limiting your rights, but I also fought to eliminate existing barriers and to expand your right to keep and bear arms.

I am proud of my record as a Constitional Conservative Congressman:

  • Support National Constitutional Carry
  • Started and served as Chairman of the U.S. House 2nd Amendment Task Force.
  • Life member of NRA and Gun Owners of America.
  • A NRA Rating
  • A+ Gun Owners of America Rating
  • Former President of Georgia affiliate of NRA.
  • Member of Georgia Carry.

The U.S. Constitution

As a Member of Congress, Proven Constitutional Conservative

I describe myself and my approach to public service in three very simple words: Christian. Constitutionalist. Conservative. I believe strongly in following the Original Intent of the Constitution. And I'm proud of my voting record to prove it.

The 2nd question I asked of any legislation was "Is it Constitutional based on Original Intent?" If the answer was "no" then I voted "no." In fact, I carry a pocket sized Constitution with me wherever I go in case I need to check. Next time you see me, ask me - I'll show you!

No Amnesty

No Amnesty

Establishment politicians and the mainstream media support so-called immigration "reform." But immigration is not the real issue. What we are dealing with is Mass Migration into the United States through illegal means.

Millions of people have either entered or remained in the U.S. illegally. Reform is just a disguise for Amnesty. Other features of proposed reform legislation are often disguised to make Amnesty seem more acceptable.

We simply cannot allow amnesty. It flouts and jeopardizes the rule of law. Beyond that, it's detrimental to our economy. We frankly can't afford the additional burden on entitlement programs and the other expenses that would be thrust upon us by allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens.

Its intent is simple: to stop Amnesty, regardless of what other so-called immigration "reforms" pass Congress.

Jobs & Economy

We must defend the free market

The Democrats have absolutely no solutions to create economic growth. Their policies are just plain wrong. Higher taxes, more spending, more borrowing and debt, over-regulation, and ObamaCare are failures that cause terrible pain to our economy. Real unemployment is still far too high, and underemployment is even worse. Too many people have to work multiple jobs just to make ends meet. College students are going into excessive amounts of debt, only to graduate into a suppressed job market.

We need dramatic change that gets the government out of the way so our economy can grow.

That is exactly why we need a jobs bill!

Revitalizing Free Enterprise is the solution to our economic problems and to creating more private sector jobs. A well thought out jobs bill would inject trillions of dollars into the economy overnight by:

  • Zeroing out the corporate tax
  • Zeroing out the death tax
  • Zeroing out capital gains tax
  • Allowing businesses to write off capital expenditures

Businesses are the backbone of our economy and these tax cuts will enable them to grow again and to create jobs.

American families, business owners, and workers need opportunity and economic certainty. The greatest economic engine in history is our Free Enterprise System. We must set it free to work again at maximum efficiency.

Will you help me fight to get government out of the way so we can create more American jobs?

Government Spending

We Should End Big Spending

Our federal government is completely out of control. The future of our Republic depends on our ability and willingness to get federal spending under control. We’ve simply got to stop the outrageous spending in Washington, pay down the debt, and balance the budget.

Reducing spending is much more than just reducing its rate of growth. We need to actually slash spending and then apply those savings to debt reduction! And we need a Constitutional Amendment to require a balanced budget.

I authored the strongest Balanced Budget Amendment before Congress. Here’s what made my amendment different:

  • Requires a 2/3 majority to raise taxes and to deficit spend.
  • Limits spending increases to population growth plus inflation.
  • Allows waivers only during wars officially declared by Congress.
  • Requires that any surplus be returned to taxpayers.

Health Care

Repeal and Replace ObamaCare

As a physician, I know that President Obama has misdiagnosed American health care. ObamaCare is the wrong prescription. ObamaCare doesn’t improve health care. It is a massive government intrusion into the most private aspect of our lives. It is the first step in a government takeover of a large segment of our economy.

President Obama is guilty of malpractice, but it’s the American people who will pay the price.

Every promise about ObamaCare was false. Under it, the quality of health care decreases, cost increases, taxes go up, privacy in health care decision-making and the privacy of your personal health records is destroyed. Denial of care and rationing of care is inevitable.

The American people surely never wanted the IRS to become the policeman of their health care. But that’s part of ObamaCare.

We must not have health care controlled by bureaucrats and policed by the IRS. We need private-sector, market-based, patient-centered solutions. Here's what we must do:

  • REPEAL ObamaCare!
  • 100% tax deductibility of all health care expenses, including health insurance
  • Significantly increase Health Savings Accounts contributions and eligibility
  • Save Medicare from bankruptcy by making it a premium-based assistance program.
  • Let consumers buy health insurance across state lines.
  • Expand group insurance options by allowing any qualified entity to create an insurance pool and negotiate insurance plans of behalf of any participating member.
  • Allow physicians to donate charity and pro bono care now prohibited by federal law.[45]
—Paul Broun's campaign website (2022)[46]


Paul C. Broun did not complete Ballotpedia's 2020 Candidate Connection survey.

Campaign website

Broun's campaign website stated the following:


Let Teachers Teach!

Education is the great equalizer in our country. Regardless of someone’s background, a high quality education gives them a pathway to success. On education, we absolutely have to get it right.
Education policy has to recognize that each student is unique and original. Meeting the needs of every child requires a variety of educational choices and options that can only be done at the local level.
Moving fowards that requires sending powers back to the states and getting federal bureaucrats out of local education decisions. To act on this during my previous time in Congress, I introduced a bill to abolish the Department of Education.
We also need to stop the ongoing federal intrusion into education. This intrusion is most evident through Common Core and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which reauthorized No Child Left Behind. Or, as I like to call it “No Teacher Left Unshackled.”
These terrible policies are key examples of unnecessary, detrimental federal inrusion into education.
Sadly, when they voted for ESSA, Establishment Republicans voted to reauthorize No Child Left Behind and to keep Common Core in place. On top of that, the Omnibus bill that Establishment Republicans passed locked funding for Common Core and the Department of Education into place.
This is unacceptable!
We must fight to pass a bill to abolish the Department of Education, to fully and finally repeal No Child Left Behind, and to put a complete stop to Common Core once and for all.


100% Pro-Life

I am 100% Pro-Life and nobody can question my commitment to defending the unborn. I believe in protecting every single unborn baby in every circumstance.
I was proud in my time as a legislator to be endorsed by Georgia Right to Life. Georgia Right to Life is the strongest, most committed Pro-Life group in Georgia. They know that I fight for the unborn in every circumstance and never accept allowing any unborn babies to be killed, unless the mother and baby's lives are in imminent danger.
I will never vote to send a single penny from your paycheck to Planned Parenthood. The Hyde Amendment, which has been the Law of the Land since the 1970s, is not enough to make taxpayer funds for Planned Parenthood acceptable. Make no mistake, every taxpayer penny given to Planned Parenthood frees up money in their budget for abortion. A vote to fund Planned Parenthood is a vote to fund abortion, whether directly or indirectly. Especially after the terrible discovery that Planned Parenthood has been butchering babies for profit, it is morally reprehensible to take money from your paycheck and send it Planned Parenthood.
I pledge that I will continue to fight against funding Planned Parenthood and to provide unborn babies with personhood.

The 2nd Amendment

A Proud Fighter For Second Amendment Rights

As a lifelong hunter, I know that we have a God-given right to own firearms and to protect ourselves. This right is also explicitly protected by our Constitution's 2nd Amendment. In Congress, I not only fought to stop gun grabbers from limiting your rights, but I also fought to eliminate existing barriers and to expand your right to keep and bear arms.
I am proud of my record as a Constitional Conservative Congressman:
  • Support National Constitutional Carry
  • Served as Chairman of the U.S. House 2nd Amendment Task Force.
  • Life member of NRA and Gun Owners of America.
  • A NRA Rating
  • A+ Gun Owners of America Rating
  • Former President of Georgia affiliate of NRA.
  • Member of Georgia Carry.
  • Endorsed by National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR).

The U.S. Constitution

As a Member of Congress, Proven Constitutional Conservative

I describe myself and my approach to public service in three very simple words: Christian. Constitutionalist. Conservative. I believe strongly in following the Original Intent of the Constitution. And I'm proud of my voting record to prove it.
The 2nd question I asked of any legislation was "Is it Constitutional based on Original Intent?" If the answer was "no" then I voted "no." In fact, I carry a pocket sized Constitution with me wherever I go in case I need to check. Next time you see me, ask me - I'll show you!

No Amnesty

No Amnesty

Establishment politicians and the mainstream media support so-called immigration "reform." But immigration is not the real issue. What we are dealing with is Mass Migration into the United States through illegal means.
Millions of people have either entered or remained in the U.S. illegally. Reform is just a disguise for Amnesty. Other features of proposed reform legislation are often disguised to make Amnesty seem more acceptable.
We simply cannot allow amnesty. It flouts and jeopardizes the rule of law. Beyond that, it's detrimental to our economy. We frankly can't afford the additional burden on entitlement programs and the other expenses that would be thrust upon us by allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens.
Its intent is simple: to stop Amnesty, regardless of what other so-called immigration "reforms" pass Congress.

Jobs & Economy

We must defend the free market

The Democrats have absolutely no solutions to create economic growth. Their policies are just plain wrong. Higher taxes, more spending, more borrowing and debt, over-regulation, and ObamaCare are failures that cause terrible pain to our economy. Real unemployment is still far too high, and underemployment is even worse. Too many people have to work multiple jobs just to make ends meet. College students are going into excessive amounts of debt, only to graduate into a suppressed job market.
We need dramatic change that gets the government out of the way so our economy can grow.
That is exactly why we need a jobs bill!
Revitalizing Free Enterprise is the solution to our economic problems and to creating more private sector jobs. A well thought out jobs bill would inject trillions of dollars into the economy overnight by:
  • Zeroing out the corporate tax
  • Zeroing out the death tax
  • Zeroing out capital gains tax
  • Allowing businesses to write off capital expenditures
Businesses are the backbone of our economy and these tax cuts will enable them to grow again and to create jobs.
American families, business owners, and workers need opportunity and economic certainty. The greatest economic engine in history is our Free Enterprise System. We must set it free to work again at maximum efficiency.
Will you help me fight to get government out of the way so we can create more American jobs?

Government Spending

We Should End Big Spending

Our federal government is completely out of control. The future of our Republic depends on our ability and willingness to get federal spending under control. We’ve simply got to stop the outrageous spending in Washington, pay down the debt, and balance the budget.
Reducing spending is much more than just reducing its rate of growth. We need to actually slash spending and then apply those savings to debt reduction! And we need a Constitutional Amendment to require a balanced budget.
I authored the strongest Balanced Budget Amendment before Congress. Here’s what made my amendment different:
  • Requires a 2/3 majority to raise taxes and to deficit spend.
  • Limits spending increases to population growth plus inflation.
  • Allows waivers only during wars officially declared by Congress.
  • Requires that any surplus be returned to taxpayers.

​Health Care

Repeal and Replace ObamaCare

As a physician, I know that President Obama has misdiagnosed American health care. ObamaCare is the wrong prescription. ObamaCare doesn’t improve health care. It is a massive government intrusion into the most private aspect of our lives. It is the first step in a government takeover of a large segment of our economy.
President Obama is guilty of malpractice, but it’s the American people who will pay the price.
Every promise about ObamaCare was false. Under it, the quality of health care decreases, cost increases, taxes go up, privacy in health care decision-making and the privacy of your personal health records is destroyed. Denial of care and rationing of care is inevitable.
The American people surely never wanted the IRS to become the policeman of their health care. But that’s part of ObamaCare.
We must not have health care controlled by bureaucrats and policed by the IRS. We need private-sector, market-based, patient-centered solutions. Here's what we must do:
  • REPEAL ObamaCare!
  • 100% tax deductibility of all health care expenses, including health insurance
  • Significantly increase Health Savings Accounts contributions and eligibility
  • Save Medicare from bankruptcy by making it a premium-based assistance program.
  • Let consumers buy health insurance across state lines.
  • Expand group insurance options by allowing any qualified entity to create an insurance pool and negotiate insurance plans of behalf of any participating member.
  • Allow physicians to donate charity and pro bono care now prohibited by federal law.


—Broun's campaign website (2020)[47]


The following issues were listed on Broun's campaign website. For a full list of campaign themes, click here.

  • Education: Education is the great equalizer in our country. Regardless of someone’s background, a high quality education gives them a pathway to success. On education, we absolutely have to get it right.
  • Pro-Life: I am 100% Pro-Life and nobody can question my commitment to defending the unborn. I believe in protecting every single unborn baby in every circumstance. On my very first day in Washington, the first bill I will introduce is my Sanctity of Human Life Act, which defines Life as beginning at fertilization.
  • The 2nd Amendment: As a lifelong hunter, I know that we have a God-given right to own firearms and to protect ourselves. This right is also explicitly protected by our Constitution's 2nd Amendment. In Congress, I will not only fight to stop gun grabbers from limiting your rights, but I will also fight to eliminate existing barriers and to expand your right to keep and bear arms.
  • The U.S. Constitution: I describe myself and my approach to public service in three very simple words: Christian. Constitutionalist. Conservative. I believe strongly in following the Original Intent of the Constitution. And I'm the only candidate with a voting record to prove it.
  • No Amnesty: We simply cannot allow amnesty. It flouts and jeopardizes the rule of law. Beyond that, it's detrimental to our economy. We frankly can't afford the additional burden on entitlement programs and the other expenses that would be thrust upon us by allowing millions of illegal aliens to become citizens.


—Paul Broun's campaign website,

Campaign finance summary

Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law.

Paul C. Broun campaign contribution history
2022U.S. House Georgia District 10Lost primary$534,697 $534,682
2020U.S. House Georgia District 9Lost primary$199,267 $199,235
2012U.S. House (Georgia, District 10)Won $1,351,218 N/A**
2010U.S. House (Georgia, District 10)Won $2,032,417 N/A**
2008U.S. House (Georgia, District 10)Won $1,726,314 N/A**
Grand total$5,843,913 $733,916
Sources: OpenSecretsFederal Elections Commission ***This product uses the openFEC API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
** Data on expenditures is not available for this election cycle
Note: Totals above reflect only available data.

Noteworthy events

"Anti-science" comments

Broun gave a speech at Liberty Baptist Church in Hartwell, Ga., on September 27, 2012, that included what some partisan critics characterized as "anti-science" comments. He referred to evolution, embryology and the Big Bang theory as "lies straight from the pit of hell."[48]

In response to the criticism, a spokeswoman for Broun explained the comments, and said that they were of a personal nature and that Broun was “speaking off the record to a large church group about his personal beliefs regarding religious issues.”[49]

At the time, Broun was a high-ranking member of the House Science Committee.[48]

List of corrupt members of Congress

The Washington, D.C.-based group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington included Broun on its list of the "most corrupt members of Congress" released in September 2013.[50] It was Broun's second consecutive year being included on the list.[50]

The group said,

Broun "failed to disclose the true source and terms of loans he made to his campaign, illegally concealing the source of thousands of dollars in loans from 2007 to 2010."[51][45]

Broun is among thirteen members of Congress on the report. Four Democrats and nine Republicans are listed. Others included in the list are Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and former presidential candidate Michele Bachmann.[50]

Personal Gain Index

Congressional Personal Gain Index graphic.png
See also: Personal Gain Index (U.S. Congress)

The Personal Gain Index (U.S. Congress) is a two-part measurement that illustrates the extent to which members of the U.S. Congress have prospered during their tenure as public servants.
It consists of two different metrics:

PGI: Change in net worth

See also: Changes in Net Worth of U.S. Senators and Representatives (Personal Gain Index) and Net worth of United States Senators and Representatives
Net Worth Metric graphic.png

Based on congressional financial disclosure forms and calculations made available by, Broun's net worth as of 2012 was estimated between $127,014 and $480,000. That averages to $303,507, which is lower than the average net worth of Republican representatives in 2012 of $6,956,438.47. Broun ranked as the 317th most wealthy representative in 2012.[52] Between 2007 and 2012, Broun's calculated net worth[53] decreased by an average of 11 percent per year. Between 2004 and 2012, the average annual percentage increase for a member of Congress was 15.4 percent.[54]

Paul Broun Yearly Net Worth
YearAverage Net Worth
Growth from 2007 to 2012:−56%
Average annual growth:−11%[55]
Comparatively, the American citizen experienced a median yearly decline in net worth of -0.94%.[56]

The data used to calculate changes in net worth may include changes resulting from assets gained through marriage, inheritance, changes in family estates and/or trusts, changes in family business ownership, and many other variables unrelated to a member's behavior in Congress.

PGI: Donation Concentration Metric

See also: The Donation Concentration Metric (U.S. Congress Personal Gain Index)

Filings required by the Federal Election Commission report on the industries that give to each candidate. Using campaign filings and information calculated by, Ballotpedia calculated the percentage of donations by industry received by each incumbent over the course of his or her career (or 1989 and later, if elected prior to 1988). Broun received the most donations from individuals and PACs employed by the Retired industry.

From 1995-2014, 24.32 percent of Broun's career contributions came from the top five industries as listed below.[57]

Donation Concentration Metric graphic.png
Paul Broun Campaign Contributions
Total Raised $6,872,253
Total Spent $6,669,440
Top five industries that contributed to campaign committee
Health Professionals$419,949
Real Estate$171,813
Leadership PACs$124,944
% total in top industry7.34%
% total in top two industries13.89%
% total in top five industries24.32%


Ideology and leadership

See also: GovTrack's Political Spectrum & Legislative Leadership ranking

Based on an analysis of bill sponsorship by GovTrack, Broun was a "far-right Republican leader," as of July 29, 2014. This was the same rating Broun received in June 2013.[58]

Like-minded colleagues

The website OpenCongress tracks the voting records of each member to determine with whom he or she votes most and least often. The results include a member from each party.[59]

Broun most often voted with:

Broun least often voted with:

Lifetime voting record

See also: Lifetime voting records of United States Senators and Representatives

According to the website GovTrack, Broun missed 198 of 5,509 roll call votes from Jul 2007 to July 2014. This amounts to 3.6 percent, which is worse than the median of 2.5 percent among current congressional representatives as of July 2014.[60]

Congressional staff salaries

See also: Staff salaries of United States Senators and Representatives

The website Legistorm compiles staff salary information for members of Congress. Broun paid his congressional staff a total of $964,907 in 2011. He ranks 166th on the list of the lowest paid Republican representative staff salaries and ranks 222nd overall of the lowest paid representative staff salaries in 2011. Overall, Georgia ranks 24th in average salary for representative staff. The average U.S. House of Representatives congressional staff was paid $954,912.20 in fiscal year 2011.[61]

National Journal vote ratings

See also: National Journal vote ratings

Each year National Journal publishes an analysis of how liberally or conservatively each member of Congress voted in the previous year.


Broun ranked 196th in the conservative rankings in 2013.[62]


Broun ranked 175th in the conservative rankings in 2012.[63]


Broun ranked 178th in the conservative rankings in 2011.[64]

Voting with party

The website OpenCongress tracks how often members of Congress vote with the majority of the chamber caucus.


Broun voted with the Republican Party 86.4 percent of the time, which ranked 221st among the 234 House Republican members as of July 2014.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; invalid names, e.g. too many


Broun voted with the Republican Party 87 percent of the time, which ranked 229th among the 233 House Republican members as of June 2013.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; invalid names, e.g. too many


Note: Please contact us if the personal information below requires an update.
Broun has been married to his wife Niki since 1985 and has two adult daughters, a son and two grandchildren.[8]

See also

External links


  1., "Barry Loudermilk, Doug Collins attract two new primary challengers," March 9, 2016
  2. 2.0 2.1 The New York Times, "Georgia Primary Results," May 24, 2016
  3. Project Vote Smart, "Biography," accessed June 14, 2013
  4. Politico, "2012 House Race Results," accessed November 6, 2012
  5. [ The Christian Science Monitor, "Will Rep. Paul Broun be Karl Rove's first 'unelectable' target?" accessed February 6, 2013
  6. 6.0 6.1 Associated Press, "Georgia Election Results," accessed May 20, 2014
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Paul Broun for Congress, "Bio," accessed April 20, 2022
  8. 8.0 8.1 Congressman Paul Broun, M.D., "Biography:About Me," accessed October 26, 2011
  9., "House Committee Rosters for the 113th Congress," accessed March 3, 2013
  10. U.S. House of Representatives, "Committee Assignments," accessed March 29, 2014
  11. Congressional Record, "Resume of Congressional Activity, First Session of the 112th Congress," accessed September 5, 2013
  12. Congressional Record, "Resume of Congressional Activity, Second Session of the 113th Congress," accessed March 4, 2014
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 Project Vote Smart, "Paul Broun Key Votes," accessed September 30, 2013
  14. The Library of Congress, "Bill Summary & Status - 113th Congress (2013 - 2014) - H.R.624," accessed August 27, 2013
  15. Clerk of U.S. House, "Roll Call Vote 31: H.R. 2642," accessed February 12, 2014
  16. Politico, "House clears farm bill," accessed February 12, 2014
  17. 17.0 17.1 New York Times, "Senate passes long-stalled Farm Bill, With clear winners and losers," accessed February 12, 2014
  18. 18.0 18.1, "House passes compromise $1.1 trillion budget for 2014," accessed January 20, 2014
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 U.S. House, "Roll Call Vote 21," accessed January 20, 2014
  20. Roll Call, "House Passes $1.1 Trillion Omnibus," accessed January 20, 2014
  21. Clerk of the U.S. House, "Final vote results for Roll Call 504," accessed October 31, 2013
  22. Buzzfeed, "Government Shutdown: How We Got Here," accessed October 1, 2013
  23. Clerk of the U.S. House, "Final vote results for Roll Call 504," accessed October 31, 2013
  24. The Washington Post, "Reid, McConnell propose bipartisan Senate bill to end shutdown, extend borrowing," accessed October 16, 2013
  25. U.S. House, "Final vote results for Roll Call 550," accessed October 31, 2013
  26. Washington Post, "Which lawmakers will refuse their pay during the shutdown?" accessed October 2, 2013
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 Washington Post, "10 House Republicans Vote Against Ryan Budget," accessed March 22, 2013
  28. CBS News, "Senate Rejects Paul Ryan Budget," accessed March 22, 2013
  29. CNN, "House passes late term abortion ban," accessed June 20, 2013
  30. 30.0 30.1 U.S. House, "June 18 Roll Call Vote," accessed June 20, 2013
  31. Politico, "House OKs 20-week abortion ban bill," accessed June 20, 2013
  32. Examiner, "Two Georgia Republicans voted against abortion ban (Video)," accessed June 20, 2013
  33. U.S. House, "House Resolution 676," accessed July 30, 2014
  34. Yahoo News, "Suing Obama: GOP-led House gives the go-ahead," accessed July 30, 2014
  35. Washington Post, "House clears way for lawsuit against Obama," accessed July 30, 2014
  36. U.S. House, "Roll Call Vote on the Fiscal Cliff," accessed January 4, 2013
  37. RedState, "Fight Club," March 6, 2013
  38. Georgia Secretary of State, "Qualifying Candidate Information," accessed March 12, 2016
  39. Washington Post, "Saxby Chambliss retiring in 2014," accessed January 25, 2013
  40. 40.0 40.1 Washington Post, "Ron Paul endorses Paul Broun for Senate," accessed April 25, 2013
  41. Georgia Secretary of State, "2012 Primary Results," accessed 2012
  42. The Daily, "The worst candidates of 2012," accessed October 29, 2012(Archived)
  43. U.S. Congress House Clerk, "Statistics of the Congressional Election of November 2, 2010," accessed March 28, 2013
  44. U.S. Congress House Clerk, "Statistics of the Congressional Election of November 4, 2008," accessed March 28, 2013
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  46. Paul Broun for Congress, “Issues,” accessed April 20, 2022
  47. Broun's 2020 campaign website, “Issues,” accessed April 8, 2020
  48. 48.0 48.1 U.S. News & World Report, "Anti-Evolution Rep. Broun Wants to Stay on Science Committee," December 3, 2012
  49. Huffington Post, "Paul Broun Campaign: Anti-Science Comments Were 'Off The Record,' About 'Personal Beliefs'," accessed October 10, 2012
  50. 50.0 50.1 50.2 News Channel 11, "Rep. Paul Broun named to 'most corrupt' list," accessed September 20, 2013
  51. CREW, "Rep. Paul Broun (R-CA) Named One of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress," accessed December 4, 2015
  52. OpenSecrets, "Broun, (R-GA), 2012," accessed February 18, 2014
  53. This figure represents the total percentage growth from either 2004 (if the member entered office in 2004 or earlier) or the member's first year in office (as noted in the chart below).
  54. This number was found by dividing each member's total net worth growth percentage by the number of years included in the calculation.
  55. This figure represents the total percentage growth divided by the number of years for which there are net worth figures for each member.
  56. This figure was calculated using median asset data from the Census Bureau. Please see the Congressional Net Worth data for Ballotpedia spreadsheet for more information on this calculation.
  57., "Rep. Paul Broun," accessed September 23, 2014
  58. GovTrack, "Paul Broun," accessed July 29, 2014
  59. OpenCongress, "Rep. Paul C. Broun," archived March 5, 2016
  60. GovTrack, "Paul Broun," accessed July 29, 2014
  61. LegiStorm, "Paul Broun," accessed 2012
  62. National Journal, "2013 Congressional Vote Ratings," accessed July 29, 2014
  63. National Journal, "2012 Congressional Vote Ratings," accessed February 27, 2013
  64. National Journal, "Searchable Vote Ratings Tables: House," accessed February 23, 2012
Political offices
Preceded by
Charlie Norwood
U.S. House of Representatives - Georgia District 10
Succeeded by
Jody Hice

District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
District 11
District 12
District 13
District 14
Republican Party (9)
Democratic Party (7)