Primary election competitiveness in state and federal government, 2022

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2022 State Legislative Competitiveness
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2022 State legislative competitiveness
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Ballotpedia's 2022 state primary election competitiveness data analyzes all state legislative, state executive, and congressional elections that took place in 2022. This analysis provides an understanding of how competitive the year's primary elections were using metrics including the number of incumbents who did not seek re-election, the total number of contested primaries, and the number of incumbents with primary challengers. Historical comparisons are also provided for context. Click here to learn more about how Ballotpedia defines and calculates competitiveness figures.

Ballotpedia has published comprehensive competitiveness data from each election cycle since 2010. In 2022, this includes data from state legislative, state executive, and congressional filings.

  • An average of 2.4 candidates filed per seat, the second-highest rate compared to the four preceding election cycles behind 2018.[1]
  • Of the 7,021 seats and offices up for election, 23.5% were open.[2] This was the largest percentage of open seats compared to the four preceding election cycles, none of which had an open seat rate higher than 20%.
  • Of all possible primaries, 24.3% were contested, the highest rate compared to the four preceding election cycles.[3]
  • Of the 5,454 incumbents who filed for re-election, 30.2% faced contested primaries, the highest rate compared to the four preceding election cycles, none of which had a rate higher than 30%.

  • On this page you will find:


    The following statistics are an aggregate of primary election competitiveness data across all states with completed filing deadlines unless otherwise noted. Corresponding data from 2020, 2018, 2016, and 2014 are provided for comparative purposes. For state-specific competitiveness data in 2022, click here. Learn more about Ballotpedia's primary competitiveness methodology here.

    The table below shows aggregate primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in 2022. You may need to move the table horizontally using the scrollbar at the bottom of the table depending on your screen size.

    2022 aggregate primary competitiveness data
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 34 34 6 335 64 23 26 4 82.8% 21 75.0%
    U.S. House 435 435 60 2,138 795 165 230 67 58.1% 228 59.8%
    State executive 271 274 89 1,167 516 91 137 27 49.4% 97 50.3%
    State legislature 5,862 6,278 1,492 13,443 11,419 821 1,387 126 20.4% 1,299 26.8%
    Totals 6,602 7,021 1,647 17,083 12,794 1,100 1,780 224 24.3% 1,645 30.2%


    Click [show] on the table below to view aggregate primary competitiveness data from 2020.


    Click [show] on the table below to view aggregate primary competitiveness data from 2018.


    Click [show] on the table below to view aggregate primary competitiveness data from 2016.


    Click [show] on the table below to view aggregate primary competitiveness data from 2014.

    Breakdown by office

    The tables below show primary competitiveness statistics overall and broken down by office type. Figures are shown as percentages with overall figures shown first. Click [show] on the bars beneath the table to view statistics by office type.

    Comparison of overall primary competitiveness percentages, 2010-2022
    2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 Average
    Open seats (%) 18.7% 21.9% 16.9% 17.4% 20.0% 15.0% 23.5% 19.0%
    Total primaries (%) 18.3% 18.5% 18.2% 19.1% 23.2% 20.5% 24.3% 20.3%
    Inc. in contested primaries (%) 20.0% 23.3% 21.7% 22.8% 24.9% 22.7% 30.2% 23.6%

    The charts below show primary competitiveness statistics broken down by office type. The figures shown are total numbers. This analysis uses the following definitions:

    • Total candidates: the total number of major party candidates running in primary elections.[7]
    • Total seats: the total number of seats or offices up for election with the possibility of a primary election.
    • Open seats: the total number of seats, out of the total seats figure, where the incumbent did not file to run for re-election or filed to run for re-election but withdrew before the primary filing deadline.
    • Incumbents contested: the total number of incumbents in contested primaries.
    • Democratic/Republican/Top-two primaries: the total number of these types of primaries where at least one candidate could have failed to advance to the general election.
    • Total primaries: a combination of all Democratic, Republican, and top-two primaries where at least one candidate could have failed to advance to the general election.

    U.S. Senate

    U.S. House

    State executive

    State legislative

    Breakdown by state

    See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Filing Analysis Hub, 2022


    This section provides state-specific data on primary competitiveness numbers. Each section contains a state overview as well as state-specific looks at the four categories of elections covered in this analysis: U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive, and state legislative.

    For each state, the categories of elections are shown as historical tables with data from previous election cycles where races in that category were up for election. All 2020 numbers reflect races where there was, or could have been, a primary. It does not include numbers for races that use conventions or some other method as the sole form of nomination to the general election ballot. Due to the expansion of Ballotpedia's coverage and changes made to the competitiveness analysis, previous years' numbers may vary. Common reasons include the exclusion of offices that were outside of Ballotpedia's coverage at the time and the inclusion of races that use conventions or some other method as the sole means of nomination.

    If you have any questions about the methodology used in this analysis, please email us.


    Below are definitions of terms and metrics used in this analysis.

    • Districts/offices: the number of districts or offices up for election. Since some state legislative districts and state executive offices are represented by more than one officeholder, this number may be smaller than the number of seats.
    • Seats: the number of seats up for election.
    • Open seats: the number of open seats. This analysis defines a seat as open if the incumbent did not file to run for re-election or filed but withdrew and did not appear on any ballot for the district/office.[8]
    • Candidates: the number of candidates participating in primaries. If the race is a top-two primary, all candidates are counted. In all other primaries, only major-party candidates are counted.[9]
    • Possible primaries: this figure reflects the number of major-party primaries that are possible. In most cases, this figure is twice the number of districts/offices up for election, since every district could have a Democratic and a Republican primary. If top-two primaries are used, there is only one primary per district/office. If a convention is the only method of nomination, it is not counted as a possible primary.[10][11]
    • Contested Democratic/Republican/top-two primaries: these figures show the total number of primaries where at least one candidate will be defeated, meaning there are more candidates in the primary than there are seats.
    • % of contested primaries: calculated by dividing the sum of all contested primaries by the number of possible primaries.
    • Incumbents in contested primaries: the number of incumbents who appear on a primary ballot where he or she could be defeated.[12]
    • % of incumbents in contested primaries: calculated by dividing the number of incumbents in contested primaries by the number of incumbents seeking re-election.[13]


    Alabama had two separate filing deadlines: January 28, 2022, for state offices and February 11, 2022, for congressional races. Candidates filed to run for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Alabama primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 1 9 2 1 1 100.0% N/A N/A
    U.S. House 7 7 1 21 14 3 2 35.7% 1 16.7%
    State executive 13 13 3 43 26 1 9 38.5% 6 60.0%
    State legislature 140 140 26 260 280 17 43 21.4% 35 30.7%
    Totals 161 161 31 333 322 22 55 23.9% 42 32.3%

    U.S. Senate

    Alabama U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 1 9 2 1 1 100.0% N/A N/A
    2020 1 1 0 8 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 7 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%

    U.S. House

    Alabama U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 7 7 1 21 14 3 2 35.7% 1 16.7%
    2020 7 7 2 25 14 2 3 35.7% 1 20.0%
    2018 7 7 0 23 14 4 3 50.0% 3 42.9%
    2016 7 7 0 16 14 0 4 28.6% 4 57.1%
    2014 7 7 1 20 14 1 3 28.6% 3 50.0%

    State executives

    Alabama state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 13 13 3 43 26 1 9 38.5% 6 60.0%
    2020 5 5 2 18 10 2 1 30.0% 1 33.3%
    2018 13 13 5 53 26 3 11 53.8% 6 75.0%
    2016 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 9 9 2 25 18 1 6 38.9% 4 57.1%

    State legislature

    Alabama state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 140 140 26 260 280 17 43 21.4% 35 30.7%
    2018 140 140 37 301 280 26 42 24.3% 36 35.0%
    2014 140 140 20 283 280 19 45 22.9% 40 33.3%


    Alaska's primary filing deadline was on June 1, 2022. Candidates filed to run for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Alaska primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-four primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 19 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 1 1 1 22 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    State executives 1 1 0 10 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    State legislature 59 59 20 147 59 1 1.7% 0 0.0%
    Totals 62 62 21 198 62 4 6.5% 2 4.8%

    U.S. Senate

    Alaska U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-four primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 19 1 N/A N/A 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 5 2 1 0 N/A 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 6 2 1 1 N/A 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 1 1 0 6 2 1 1 N/A 100.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Alaska U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-four primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 1 22 1 N/A N/A 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2020 1 1 0 6 2 1 1 N/A 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 1 1 0 7 2 1 1 N/A 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 0 7 2 1 1 N/A 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 1 1 0 6 2 1 1 N/A 100.0% 1 100.0%

    State executives

    Alaska state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-four primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 10 1 N/A N/A 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 2 2 0 15 4 0 2 N/A 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 2 2 1 10 4 2 2 N/A 100.0% 1 100.0%

    State legislature

    Alaska state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-four primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 59 59 20 147 59 N/A N/A 1 1.7% 0 0.0%
    2020 50 50 3 108 100 8 23 N/A 31.0% 20 42.6%
    2018 50 50 15 126 100 5 23 N/A 28.0% 12 34.3%
    2016 50 50 9 115 100 4 17 N/A 21.0% 12 29.3%
    2014 54 54 8 106 100 2 11 N/A 12.0% 4 8.7%


    Arizona's primary filing deadline was on April 4, 2022. Candidates filed to run for the U.S. Senate, U.S.House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Arizona primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 6 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    U.S. House 9 9 1 40 18 2 7 50.0% 2 25.0%
    State executives 7 8 4 35 14 2 6 57.1% 1 100.0%
    State legislature 60 90 43 207 120 15 23 31.7% 26 52.0%
    Totals 77 108 48 288 154 19 37 36.4% 29 48.3%

    U.S. Senate

    Arizona U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 6 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2016 1 1 0 4 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Arizona U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 9 9 1 40 18 2 7 50.0% 2 25.0%
    2020 9 9 0 38 18 7 5 66.7% 4 44.4%
    2018 9 9 2 37 18 5 5 55.6% 3 42.9%
    2016 9 9 2 33 18 5 6 61.1% 4 57.1%
    2014 9 9 1 25 18 1 4 27.8% 1 12.5%

    State executives

    Arizona state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 7 8 4 35 14 2 6 57.1% 1 100.0%
    2020 3 3 1 6 6 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 8 8 1 30 16 3 5 50% 5 71.4%
    2016 3 3 1 7 6 0 1 50.0% 2 100.0%
    2014 8 8 5 27 16 6 1 43.8% 2 66.7%

    State legislature

    Arizona uses multi-member state legislative districts, meaning there are multiple seats in some or all state legislative districts. The percentage of total contested primaries divides the number of primaries by the number of districts multiplied by two to account for all possible Democratic and Republican primaries.

    Arizona state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 60 90 43 207 120 15 23 31.7% 26 52.0%
    2020 60 90 17 182 120 12 14 21.7% 27 37.0%
    2018 60 90 33 210 120 21 21 35% 26 45.6%
    2016 60 90 26 167 120 11 13 20.0% 19 29.7%
    2014 60 90 27 187 120 10 21 25.8% 24 38.1%


    Arkansas' primary filing deadline was on March 1, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S.House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Arkansas primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 7 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 4 4 0 12 8 0 3 37.5% 3 75.0%
    State executives 7 7 5 28 14 2 5 50.0% 1 50.0%
    State legislature 135 135 32 263 270 10 52 23.0% 29 27.9%
    Totals 147 147 37 310 294 13 61 25.2% 34 30.6%

    U.S. Senate

    Arkansas U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 7 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%

    U.S. House

    Arkansas U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 4 4 0 12 8 0 3 37.5% 3 75.0%
    2020 4 4 0 7 8 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 4 4 0 13 8 1 2 37.5% 2 50.0%
    2016 4 4 0 6 8 0 1 12.5% 1 25.0%
    2014 4 4 2 10 8 0 2 25.0% 0 0.0%

    State executives

    Arkansas state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 7 7 5 28 14 2 5 50.0% 1 50.0%
    2018 7 7 2 15 14 1 2 21.4% 1 20.0%
    2014 7 7 5 22 14 1 5 42.9% 0 0.0%

    State legislature

    Arkansas state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 135 135 32 263 270 10 52 23.0% 29 27.9%
    2020 117 117 10 191 234 5 16 9.0% 11 10.3%
    2018 118 118 24 195 236 9 18 11.4% 13 13.8%
    2016 117 117 15 177 234 4 17 9.0% 10 9.8%
    2014 118 118 31 186 236 4 22 11.0% 8 9.2%


    California's primary filing deadline was on March 11, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    California primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 27 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 52 52 5 272 52 52 100.0% 47 100.0%
    State executives 12 12 2 94 12 12 100.0% 10 100.0%
    State legislature 100 100 34 317 100 53 53.0% 32 46.4%
    Totals 165 165 41 710 165 118 71.5% 90 70.9%

    U.S. Senate

    California U.S. Senate primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 27 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 1 1 0 32 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 1 34 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A

    U.S. House

    California U.S. House primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 52 52 5 272 52 52 100.0% 47 100.0%
    2020 53 53 4 262 53 47 88.7% 32 65.3%
    2018 53 53 2 244 53 41 77.4% 39 76.5%
    2016 53 53 4 202 53 40 75.5% 36 73.5%
    2014 53 53 6 209 53 38 71.7% 32 68.1%

    State executive

    California state executive primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 12 12 2 94 12 12 100.0% 10 100.0%
    2018 11 11 8 85 11 11 100.0% 3 100.0%
    2016 N/A[14]
    2014 7 7 2 50 7 7 100.0% 5 100.0%

    State legislature

    California state legislative primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 100 100 34 317 100 53 53.0% 32 46.4%
    2020 100 100 14 283 100 51 51.0% 37 43.0%
    2018 100 100 14 303 100 50 50.0% 37 43.0%
    2016 100 100 26 292 100 49 49.0% 26 35.1%
    2014 100 100 33 303 100 46 46.0% 43 64.2%


    Colorado's primary filing deadline was on March 15, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Colorado primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    U.S. House 8 8 2 30 16 3 5 50.0% 4 66.7%
    State executives 12 12 5 31 24 2 4 25.0% 0 0.0%
    State legislature 82 82 32 181 164 7 16 14.0% 7 14.0%
    Totals 103 103 39 245 206 12 26 18.4% 11 17.2%

    U.S. Senate

    Colorado U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 4 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2020 1 1 0 3 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 6 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%

    U.S. House

    Colorado U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 8 8 2 30 16 3 5 50.0% 4 66.7%
    2020 7 7 0 16 14 1 1 14.3% 1 14.3%
    2018 7 7 1 24 14 5 1 42.9% 2 33.3%
    2016 7 7 0 18 14 2 2 28.6% 3 42.9%
    2014 7 7 1 19 14 0 3 21.4% 2 33.3%

    State executives

    Colorado state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 12 12 5 31 24 2 4 25.0% 0 0.0%
    2020 6 6 5 15 12 2 1 25.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 9 9 6 28 18 3 2 27.8% 0 0.0%
    2014 5 5 2 11 10 0 1 10.0% 0 0.0%

    State legislature

    Colorado state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 82 82 32 181 164 7 16 14.0% 7 14.0%
    2020 83 83 20 177 166 8 11 11.4% 5 7.9%
    2018 82 82 25 179 164 12 8 12.2% 5 8.8%
    2016 83 83 24 175 166 12 12 14.5% 5 8.5%
    2014 82 82 23 158 164 3 9 7.3% 2 3.4%


    Connecticut's primary filing deadline was on June 7, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Connecticut primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 4 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    U.S. House 5 5 0 11 10 0 1 10.0% 0 0.0%
    State executives 6 6 3 19 12 2 1 25.0% 0 0.0%
    State legislature 187 187 30 335 374 6 2 2.1% 4 2.5%
    Totals 199 199 33 369 398 8 5 3.3% 4 2.4%

    U.S. Senate

    Connecticut U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2016-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 4 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%

    U.S. House

    Connecticut U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 5 5 0 11 10 0 1 10.0% 0 0.0%
    2020 5 5 0 13 10 0 2 20.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 5 5 1 13 10 1 1 20.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 5 5 0 12 10 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 5 5 0 10 10 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%

    State executives

    Connecticut state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 6 6 3 19 12 2 1 25.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 6 6 4 26 12 4 5 75.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 6 6 0 16 12 0 3 25.0% 0 0.0%

    State legislature

    Connecticut state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 187 187 30 335 374 6 2 2.1% 4 2.5%
    2020 187 187 16 358 374 10 4 3.7% 5 2.9%
    2018 187 187 26 373 374 16 7 6.1% 4 2.5%
    2016 187 187 23 337 374 10 2 3.2% 10 6.1%
    2014 187 187 24 343 374 13 5 4.8% 9 5.5%


    Delaware's primary filing deadline was on July 12, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Delaware primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    State executives 3 3 0 6 6 1 0 16.7% 1 33.3%
    State legislature 62 62 7 108 124 11 3 11.3% 8 14.5%
    Totals 66 66 7 116 132 12 3 11.4% 9 15.3%

    U.S. House

    Delaware U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2020 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 1 7 2 1 0 50.0% 0 N/A
    2014 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%

    State executives

    Delaware state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 3 3 0 6 6 1 0 16.7% 1 33.3%
    2020 3 3 0 11 6 2 1 50.0% 2 66.7%
    2018 3 3 2 11 6 2 0 33.3% 0 0.0%
    2016 3 3 2 14 6 2 2 66.7% 1 100.0%
    2014 3 3 2 14 6 2 2 66.7% 1 100.0%

    State legislature

    Delaware state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 62 62 7 108 124 11 3 11.3% 8 14.5%
    2020 52 52 2 95 104 12 1 12.5% 8 16.0%
    2018 51 51 13 106 102 13 4 16.7% 3 7.9%
    2016 52 52 2 180 104 7 2 8.7% 6 12.0%
    2014 51 51 2 91 102 8 3 10.8% 9 18.4%


    Florida's primary filing deadline was on June 17, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Florida primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 5 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%
    U.S. House 28 28 6 151 56 14 24 67.9% 17 73.9%
    State executives 4 4 1 16 8 3 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    State legislature 160 160 47 372 320 31 49 25.0% 32 28.1%
    Totals 193 193 54 544 386 49 74 31.9% 49 34.8%

    U.S. Senate

    Florida U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2016-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 5 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 9 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Florida U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 28 28 6 151 56 14 24 67.9% 17 73.9%
    2020 27 27 2 114 54 10 19 53.7% 10 40.0%
    2018 27 27 4 104 54 19 12 57.4% 11 47.8%
    2016 27 27 7 100 54 11 13 44.4% 9 45.0%
    2014 27 27 0 75 54 5 10 27.8% 8 29.6%

    State executives

    Florida state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 4 4 1 16 8 3 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 4 4 3 28 6 3 3 75.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 5 5 0 14 10 2 1 30.0% 1 20.0%

    State legislature

    Florida state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 160 160 47 372 320 31 49 25.0% 32 28.1%
    2020 140 140 40 362 280 38 34 25.7% 17 17.0%
    2018 140 140 36 320 280 38 31 24.6% 20 19.2%
    2016 160 160 62 381 320 42 34 23.8% 14 14.3%
    2014 140 140 17 252 280 14 29 15.4% 21 17.2%


    Georgia's primary filing deadline was on March 11, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S.House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Georgia primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 8 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 14 14 2 82 28 8 9 60.7% 8 61.5%
    State executive 10 10 3 65 20 9 7 80.0% 5 71.4%
    State legislature 236 236 51 493 472 51 53 22.0% 63 33.5%
    Totals 261 261 56 648 522 69 70 26.6% 77 36.8%

    U.S. Senate

    Georgia U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 8 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 8 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 6 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 1 1 1 11 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A

    U.S. House

    Georgia U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 14 14 2 82 28 8 9 60.7% 8 61.5%
    2020 14 14 3 77 28 8 8 57.1% 5 45.5%
    2018 14 14 0 48 28 8 5 46.4% 5 35.7%
    2016 14 14 1 44 28 2 7 32.1% 5 38.5%
    2014 14 14 3 49 28 3 8 39.3% 5 45.5%

    State executives

    Georgia state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 10 10 3 65 20 9 7 80.0% 5 71.4%
    2020 2 2 0 5 4 1 0 25.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 10 10 4 44 20 8 6 70.0% 2 33.3%
    2016 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 10 10 1 39 20 3 3 30.0% 2 22.2%

    State legislature

    Georgia state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 236 236 51 493 472 51 53 22.0% 63 33.5%
    2020 236 236 26 476 472 49 31 16.9% 42 20.0%
    2018 236 236 20 438 472 44 43 18.4% 53 24.5%
    2016 236 236 19 386 472 31 45 16.1% 49 22.6%
    2014 236 236 17 364 472 23 39 13.1% 48 21.9%


    Hawaii's primary filing deadline was on June 7, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S.House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Hawaii primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 7 2 1 1 N/A 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 2 2 1 13 4 2 2 N/A 100.0% 1 100.0%
    State executives 4 6 1 26 10 2 2 2 60.0% 4 66.7%
    State legislature 76 76 15 205 152 36 15 N/A 33.6% 25 39.7%
    Totals 83 85 17 251 168 41 20 2 37.5% 31 43.7%

    U.S. Senate

    Hawaii U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2016-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 7 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 1 1 0 9 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 9 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Hawaii U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 2 2 1 13 4 2 2 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 2 2 1 19 4 1 2 75.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 2 2 1 13 4 2 1 75.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 2 2 1 12 4 2 1 75.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 2 2 1 12 4 1 2 75.0% 0 0.0%

    State executives

    Hawaii state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 4 6 1 26 10 2 2 2 60.0% 4 66.7%
    2020 4 4 1 24 4 N/A N/A 4 100.0% 3 100.0%
    2018 5 5 2 41 7 2 2 2 85.7% 4 80.0%
    2016 N/A[15]
    2014 2 2 0 13 4 2 2 N/A 100.0% 2 100.0%

    State legislature

    Hawaii state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 76 76 15 205 152 36 15 33.6% 25 39.7%
    2020 64 64 8 136 128 29 2 24.2% 20 35.7%
    2018 64 64 10 140 128 34 4 29.7% 23 42.6%
    2016 65 65 3 140 130 30 5 26.9% 25 40.3%
    2014 64 64 5 145 128 24 6 23.4% 21 35.6%


    Idaho's primary filing deadline was on March 11, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Idaho primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 7 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 2 2 0 8 4 0 1 25.0% 1 50.0%
    State executive 7 7 2 29 14 0 5 35.7% 3 60.0%
    State legislature 105 105 36 251 210 0 71 33.8% 45 60.8%
    Totals 115 115 38 295 230 1 78 34.3% 50 61.0%

    U.S. Senate

    Idaho U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 7 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 3 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 1 1 0 4 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Idaho U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 2 2 0 8 4 0 1 25.0% 1 50.0%
    2020 2 2 0 7 4 1 2 75.0% 2 100.0%
    2018 2 2 1 13 4 2 1 75.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 2 2 0 9 4 1 2 75.0% 2 100.0%
    2014 2 2 0 10 4 1 2 75.0% 2 100.0%

    State executives

    Idaho state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 7 7 2 29 14 0 5 35.7% 3 60.0%
    2018 7 7 3 30 14 4 4 57.1% 1 25.0%
    2014 7 7 2 27 14 2 6 57.1% 4 80.0%

    State legislature

    Idaho state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 105 105 36 251 210 0 71 33.8% 45 60.8%
    2020 105 105 18 209 210 3 42 21.4% 28 32.2%
    2018 105 105 16 228 210 7 44 24.3% 31 34.8%
    2016 105 105 9 217 210 3 34 17.6% 31 32.3%
    2014 105 105 11 209 210 6 36 20.0% 31 33.0%


    Illinois' primary filing deadline was on March 14, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Illinois primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 8 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 17 17 4 95 34 8 11 55.9% 7 46.7%
    State executives 5 5 1 22 10 2 3 50.0% 1 25.0%
    State legislature 177 177 22 313 354 25 26 14.4% 25 16.1%
    Totals 200 200 27 438 400 35 41 19.0% 33 18.9%

    U.S. Senate

    Illinois U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 8 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 7 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 5 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%

    U.S. House

    Illinois U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 17 17 4 95 34 8 11 55.9% 7 46.7%
    2020 18 18 1 73 36 13 8 58.3% 10 58.8%
    2018 18 18 1 79 36 12 8 55.6% 7 41.2%
    2016 18 18 1 49 36 8 6 38.9% 7 41.2%
    2014 18 18 0 50 36 4 5 25.0% 3 16.7%

    State executives

    Illinois state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 5 5 1 22 10 2 3 50.0% 1 25.0%
    2018 6 6 1 32 12 3 3 50.0% 2 40.0%
    2016 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 6 6 1 21 12 2 3 41.7% 2 40.0%

    State legislature

    Illinois state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 177 177 22 313 354 25 26 14.4% 25 16.1%
    2020 138 138 16 255 276 28 10 13.8% 22 17.9%
    2018 157 157 28 306 314 23 22 14.3% 17 13.2%
    2016 158 158 14 266 316 18 15 10.4% 17 11.8%
    2014 137 137 14 228 274 13 16 10.6% 14 11.4%


    Indiana's primary filing deadline was on February 4, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S.House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Indiana primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    U.S. House 9 9 1 49 18 8 4 66.7% 3 37.5%
    State executive N/A[16]
    State legislature 125 125 14 255 250 9 40 19.6% 30 26.3%
    Totals 135 135 15 306 270 17 44 22.6% 33 26.8%

    U.S. Senate

    Indiana U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 1 1 0 4 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 1 3 2 0 1 50.0% N/A N/A

    U.S. House

    Indiana U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 9 9 1 49 18 8 4 66.7% 3 37.5%
    2020 9 9 2 78 18 9 6 83.3% 4 57.1%
    2018 9 9 2 71 18 8 7 83.3% 4 57.1%
    2016 9 9 2 51 18 8 8 88.9% 7 100.0%
    2014 9 9 0 49 18 7 6 72.2% 6 66.7%

    State executives

    Indiana state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 N/A[17]
    2020 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 N/A[18]
    2016 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 N/A[19]

    State legislature

    Indiana state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 125 125 14 256 250 9 40 19.6% 30 26.3%
    2020 125 125 10 252 250 20 24 17.6% 23 20.0%
    2018 125 125 14 267 250 17 26 17.2% 23 20.7%
    2016 125 125 18 242 250 14 28 16.8% 17 15.9%
    2014 125 125 8 217 250 2 23 10.0% 11 9.4%


    Iowa's primary filing deadline was on March 18, 2020. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S.House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Iowa primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 5 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 4 4 0 10 8 0 1 12.5% 0 0.0%
    State executives 6 6 0 14 12 1 1 16.7% 0 0.0%
    State legislature 134 134 46 254 268 13 31 16.4% 14 15.1%
    Totals 145 145 46 283 290 15 34 16.9% 15 14.4%

    U.S. Senate

    Iowa U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 5 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 6 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 5 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 1 1 1 6 2 0 1 50.0% 0 N/A

    U.S. House

    Iowa U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 4 4 0 10 8 0 1 12.5% 0 0.0%
    2020 4 4 1 18 8 0 4 50.0% 1 33.3%
    2018 4 4 0 16 8 3 1 50.0% 1 25.0%
    2016 4 4 0 13 8 2 2 50.0% 2 50.0%
    2014 4 4 2 21 8 1 3 50.0% 0 0.0%

    State executives

    Iowa state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 6 6 0 14 12 1 1 16.7% 0 0.0%
    2018 7 7 0 22 14 2 1 21.4% 1 14.3%
    2014 7 7 1 15 14 0 1 7.1% 1 16.7%

    State legislature

    Iowa state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 134 134 46 254 268 13 31 16.4% 14 15.1%
    2020 125 125 17 242 250 12 16 11.2% 6 5.6%
    2018 125 125 22 256 250 14 17 12.4% 4 3.9%
    2016 125 125 14 231 250 13 15 11.2% 9 8.1%
    2014 125 125 15 212 250 14 15 11.6% 8 7.3%


    Kansas' primary filing deadline was on June 1, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Kansas primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 8 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 4 4 0 9 8 0 1 12.5% 0 0.0%
    State executives 10 10 2 26 20 1 7 40.0% 5 62.5%
    State legislature 125 125 24 227 250 12 25 14.8% 16 15.7%
    Totals 140 140 26 270 280 14 35 17.1% 22 19.1%

    U.S. Senate

    Kansas U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 8 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 1 13 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2016 1 1 0 4 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 1 1 0 6 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Kansas U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 4 4 0 9 8 0 1 12.5% 0 0.0%
    2020 4 4 1 19 8 2 3 62.5% 1 33.3%
    2018 4 4 1 24 8 2 4 75.0% 3 100.0%
    2016 4 4 0 12 8 2 2 50.0% 2 50.0%
    2014 4 4 0 13 8 2 3 62.5% 3 75.0%

    State executives

    Kansas state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 10 10 2 26 20 1 7 40.0% 5 62.5%
    2020 5 5 1 9 10 0 2 20.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 11 11 5 47 22 2 6 36.4% 2 33.3%
    2014 6 6 1 19 12 4 0 33.3% 3 60.0%

    State legislature

    Kansas state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 125 125 24 227 250 12 25 14.8% 16 15.7%
    2020 165 165 23 334 330 14 40 16.4% 31 21.8%
    2018 125 125 14 232 250 11 31 16.8% 26 23.4%
    2016 165 165 34 354 330 14 55 20.9% 39 29.8%
    2014 125 125 13 238 250 5 30 14.0% 21 18.8%


    Kentucky's primary filing deadline was on January 25, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Kentucky primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 10 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 6 6 1 31 12 3 5 66.7% 4 80.0%
    State legislature 119 119 21 248 238 15 42 23.9% 31 30.4%
    Totals 126 126 22 289 252 19 48 26.6% 36 33.3%

    U.S. Senate

    Kentucky U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 10 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 17 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 0 10 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 1 1 0 9 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Kentucky U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 6 6 1 31 12 3 5 66.7% 4 80.0%
    2020 6 6 0 21 12 2 5 58.3% 4 66.7%
    2018 6 6 0 28 12 5 3 66.7% 2 33.3%
    2016 6 6 1 18 12 1 4 41.7% 2 40.0%
    2014 6 6 0 16 12 4 0 33.3% 1 16.7%

    State legislature

    Kentucky state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 119 119 21 248 238 15 42 23.9% 31 30.4%
    2020 119 119 17 240 238 13 23 15.1% 13 12.7%
    2018 119 119 22 291 238 25 26 21.4% 18 18.6%
    2016 119 119 10 255 238 18 34 21.8% 18 16.5%
    2014 119 119 11 215 238 11 18 12.2% 14 13.0%


    Louisiana's primary filing deadline was on July 22, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and state executive offices. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Louisiana primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries[20] % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 13 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 6 6 0 22 6 4 66.7% 4 66.7%
    State executives 2 2 0 8 2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%
    Totals 9 9 0 43 9 7 77.8% 7 77.8%

    U.S. Senate

    Louisiana U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries[20] % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 13 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 15 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 1 23 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2014 1 1 0 9 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Louisiana U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries[20] % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 6 6 0 22 6 4 66.7% 4 66.7%
    2020 6 6 1 30 6 6 100.0% 5 100.0%
    2018 6 6 0 28 6 6 100.0% 6 100.0%
    2016 6 6 2 39 6 5 83.3% 3 75.0%
    2014 6 6 1 35 6 5 83.3% 3 60.0%

    State executives

    Louisiana state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries[20] % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 2 2 0 8 2 2 100.0% 2 100.0%
    2020 2 2 0 9 2 1 50.0% 1 50.0%
    2018 2 2 0 10 2 1 50.0% 1 50.0%
    2016 2 2 1 4 2 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 2 2 0 5 2 1 50.0% 1 50.0%


    Maine's primary filing deadline was on March 15, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Maine primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 2 2 0 5 4 0 1 25.0% 0 0.0%
    State executive 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    State legislature 186 186 70 370 372 12 20 8.6% 3 2.6%
    Totals 189 189 70 377 378 12 21 8.7% 3 2.5%

    U.S. House

    Maine U.S. House primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 2 2 0 5 4 0 1 25.0% 0 0.0%
    2020 2 2 0 6 4 0 1 25.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 2 2 0 6 4 1 0 25.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 2 2 0 5 4 0 1 25.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 2 2 1 6 4 1 1 50.0% 0 0.0%

    State executives

    Maine state executive primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 1 1 1 11 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2014 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%

    State legislature

    Maine state legislative primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 186 186 70 370 372 12 20 8.6% 3 2.6%
    2020 186 186 38 385 372 25 9 9.1% 7 4.7%
    2018 186 186 52 387 372 21 7 7.5% 2 1.5%
    2016 186 186 37 398 372 17 12 7.8% 4 2.7%
    2014 186 186 59 390 372 12 13 6.7% 3 2.4%


    Maryland's primary filing deadline was on April 15, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Maryland primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 12 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 8 8 1 65 16 8 7 93.8% 6 85.7%
    State executives 3 3 3 21 6 3 2 83.3% 0 N/A
    State legislature 118 188 39 437 236 51 34 36.0% 95 62.9%
    Totals 130 200 43 535 260 63 45 41.5% 102 64.2%

    U.S. Senate

    Maryland U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2016-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 12 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 1 1 0 19 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 1 24 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A

    U.S. House

    Maryland U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 8 8 1 65 16 8 7 93.8% 6 85.7%
    2020 8 8 0 79 16 8 8 100.0% 8 100.0%
    2018 8 8 1 55 16 7 7 87.5% 6 85.7%
    2016 8 8 2 60 16 7 8 93.8% 5 83.3%
    2014 8 8 0 35 16 6 6 75.0% 6 75.0%

    State executives

    Maryland state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 3 3 3 21 6 3 2 83.3% 0 N/A
    2018 4 4 0 22 8 2 0 25.0% 2 50.0%
    2014 4 4 3 26 8 3 2 62.5% 0 N/A

    State legislature

    Maryland uses multi-member state legislative districts, meaning there are multiple seats in some or all state legislative districts. The percentage of total contested primaries divides the number of primaries by the number of districts multiplied by two to account for all possible Democratic and Republican primaries.

    Maryland state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 118 188 39 437 236 51 34 36.0% 95 62.9%
    2018 114 188 38 524 228 64 25 39.0% 107 71.3%
    2014 114 188 50 517 228 57 27 36.8% 92 66.7%


    Massachusetts had two filing deadlines depending on the office sought: May 31 or June 7.[21] Candidates filed to run for U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Massachusetts primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 9 9 0 19 18 0 2 11.1% 0 0.0%
    State executives 14 14 5 36 28 7 2 32.1% 2 22.2%
    State legislature 200 200 24 321 400 40 4 11.0% 21 11.9%
    Totals 223 223 29 376 446 47 8 12.3% 23 11.9%

    U.S. House

    Massachusetts U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 9 9 0 19 18 0 2 11.1% 0 0.0%
    2020 9 9 1 27 18 4 1 27.8% 3 37.5%
    2018 9 9 1 31 18 6 2 44.4% 5 62.5%
    2016 9 9 0 14 18 0 1 5.6% 0 0.0%
    2014 9 9 0 20 18 2 1 16.7% 2 22.2%

    State executives

    Massachusetts state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 14 14 5 36 28 7 2 32.1% 2 22.2%
    2020 8 8 1 10 16 2 0 12.5% 1 14.3%
    2018 14 14 0 31 28 6 2 28.6% 5 35.7%
    2014 6 6 4 20 12 4 1 41.7% 0 0.0%

    State legislature

    Massachusetts state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 200 200 24 321 400 40 4 11.0% 21 11.9%
    2020 200 200 15 286 400 33 4 9.3% 23 12.4%
    2018 200 200 23 340 400 43 6 12.3% 18 10.2%
    2016 200 200 13 305 400 37 3 10.0% 21 11.2%
    2014 200 200 21 343 400 35 12 11.8% 15 8.4%


    Michigan's primary filing deadline was on April 19, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Michigan primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 13 13 2 53 26 4 9 50.0% 7 58.3%
    State executives 1 1 0 6 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    State legislature 148 148 66 548 296 58 81 47.0% 44 52.4%
    Totals 162 162 68 607 324 62 91 47.2% 51 52.6%

    U.S. House

    Michigan U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 13 13 2 53 26 4 9 50.0% 7 58.3%
    2020 14 14 1 55 28 7 8 53.6% 4 30.8%
    2018 14 14 2 51 28 9 1 35.7% 1 8.3%
    2016 14 14 2 38 28 3 3 21.4% 3 25.0%
    2014 14 14 4 48 28 5 8 46.4% 6 60.0%

    State executives

    Michigan state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 6 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2020 N/A[22]
    2018 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 100% 0 N/A
    2016 N/A[23]
    2014 4 4 0 8 8 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%

    State legislature

    Michigan state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 148 148 66 548 296 58 81 47.0% 44 52.4%
    2020 110 110 26 393 220 48 43 41.4% 24 28.6%
    2018 148 148 70 572 296 67 59 42.6% 23 29.5%
    2016 110 110 42 382 220 45 50 43.2% 23 33.8%
    2014 148 148 51 521 296 48 56 35.1% 24 24.7%


    Minnesota's primary filing deadline was on May 31, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Minnesota primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 8 8 1 32 16 5 4 56.3% 3 42.9%
    State executives 4 4 0 16 8 3 3 75.0% 3 75.0%
    State legislature 201 201 63 425 402 18 26 10.9% 20 14.1%
    Totals 213 213 64 473 426 26 33 13.8% 26 17.0%

    U.S. House

    Minnesota U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 8 8 1 32 16 5 4 56.3% 3 42.9%
    2020 8 8 0 37 16 4 6 62.5% 6 75.0%
    2018 8 8 3 38 16 5 5 62.5% 2 40.0%
    2016 8 8 1 30 16 3 5 50.0% 3 42.9%
    2014 8 8 1 19 16 1 2 18.8% 0 0.0%

    State executives

    Minnesota state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 4 4 0 16 8 3 3 75.0% 3 75.0%
    2018 4 4 3 20 8 2 2 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 5 5 2 26 10 4 3 70.0% 3 100.0%

    State legislature

    Minnesota state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 201 201 63 425 402 18 26 10.9% 20 14.1%
    2020 201 201 19 440 402 25 15 10.0% 19 10.4%
    2018 134 134 23 299 268 14 8 8.2% 7 6.3%
    2016 201 201 28 426 402 17 11 7.0% 11 6.4%
    2014 134 134 15 275 268 6 9 5.6% 5 4.2%


    Mississippi's primary filing deadline was on March 1, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Mississippi primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 4 4 0 23 8 3 4 87.5% 4 100.0%
    Totals 4 4 0 23 8 3 4 87.5% 4 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Mississippi U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 4 4 0 23 8 3 4 87.5% 4 100.0%
    2020 4 4 0 15 8 2 3 62.5% 3 75.0%
    2018 4 4 1 14 8 1 2 37.5% 1 33.3%
    2016 4 4 0 11 8 1 2 37.5% 2 50.0%
    2014 4 4 0 17 8 4 2 75.0% 3 75.0%


    Missouri's primary filing deadline was on March 29, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Missouri primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 1 32 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    U.S. House 8 8 2 57 16 6 8 87.5% 6 100.0%
    State executives 1 1 1 3 2 0 1 50.0% 0 N/A
    State legislature 180 180 49 362 360 15 54 19.2% 35 26.5%
    Totals 190 190 53 454 380 22 64 22.6% 41 29.7%

    U.S. Senate

    Missouri U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2016-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 1 32 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2018 1 1 0 18 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 0 8 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Missouri U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 8 8 2 57 16 6 8 87.5% 6 100.0%
    2020 8 8 0 40 16 4 6 62.5% 6 75.0%
    2018 8 8 0 39 16 5 6 68.8% 5 62.5%
    2016 8 8 0 45 16 5 8 81.3% 8 100.0%
    2014 8 8 0 36 16 4 6 62.5% 5 62.5%

    State executives

    Missouri state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 1 3 2 0 1 50.0% 0 N/A
    2020 5 5 0 22 10 3 2 50.0% 2 40.0%
    2018 1 1 0 5 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 5 5 5 27 10 5 4 90.0% 0 N/A
    2014 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%

    State legislature

    Missouri state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 180 180 49 362 360 15 54 19.2% 35 26.5%
    2020 180 180 57 373 360 22 42 17.8% 17 13.8%
    2018 180 180 63 436 360 29 49 21.7% 19 16.2%
    2016 180 180 38 337 360 24 33 15.8% 21 14.8%
    2014 180 180 33 333 360 16 33 13.6% 22 15.0%


    Montana's primary filing deadline was on March 14, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Montana primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 2 2 1 15 4 2 2 100.0% 1 100.0%
    State executive 2 2 1 8 4 1 2 75.0% 1 100.0%
    State legislature 125 125 39 265 250 13 31 17.6% 13 15.1%
    Totals 129 129 41 288 258 16 35 19.8% 15 17.0%

    U.S. House

    Montana U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 2 2 1 15 4 2 2 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 1 8 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2018 1 1 0 7 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A

    State executives

    Montana state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 2 2 1 8 4 1 2 75.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 8 8 6 35 16 4 7 68.8% 1 50.0%
    2018 2 2 1 9 4 1 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 9 9 4 24 18 3 3 33.3% 3 60.0%
    2014 2 2 1 5 4 0 1 25.0% 0 0.0%

    State legislature

    Montana state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Conteste=ested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 125 125 39 265 250 13 31 17.6% 13 15.1%
    2020 125 125 41 268 250 16 35 20.4% 23 27.4%
    2018 125 125 37 261 250 17 21 15.2% 10 11.4%
    2016 125 125 49 308 250 15 38 21.2% 13 17.1%
    2014 125 125 18 294 250 21 38 23.6% 18 16.8%


    Nebraska's primary filing deadline was on February 15, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Nebraska primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 3 3 1 15 6 3 3 N/A 100.0% 2 100.0%
    State executive 13 13 5 45 20 1 7 3 55.0% 6 75.0%
    State legislature 24 24 13 65 24 N/A N/A 14 58.3% 6 54.5%
    Totals 40 40 19 125 50 4 10 17 62.0% 14 66.7%

    U.S. House

    Nebraska U.S. House primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 3 3 1 15 6 3 3 100.0% 2 100.0%
    2020 3 3 0 14 6 2 2 66.7% 2 66.7%
    2018 3 3 0 11 6 2 1 50.0% 1 33.3%
    2016 3 3 0 6 6 0 1 16.7% 0 0.0%
    2014 3 3 0 11 6 1 3 66.7% 3 100.0%

    State executives

    Nebraska state executive primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 13 13 5 45 20 1 7 3 55.0% 6 75.0%
    2020 7 7 3 14 8 0 1 1 25.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 15 15 5 37 22 2 4 3 40.9% 4 40.0%
    2016 2 2 0 5 4 0 2 N/A 50.0% 2 100.0%
    2014 6 6 4 20 12 2 4 N/A 50.0% 1 50.0%

    State legislature

    Nebraska state legislative primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 24 24 13 65 24 14 58.3% 6 54.5%
    2020 25 25 6 60 25 6 24.0% 2 10.5%
    2018 24 24 8 59 24 5 20.8% 5 31.3%
    2016 25 25 11 63 25 13 52.0% 4 28.6%
    2014 24 24 17 64 24 11 45.8% 0 0.0%


    Nevada's primary filing deadline was on March 18, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Nevada primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 12 2 1 1 N/A 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 4 4 0 33 8 3 4 N/A 87.5% 3 75.0%
    State executives 11 11 6 66 17 4 5 5 82.4% 4 80.0%
    State legislature 53 53 19 180 106 17 31 N/A 45.3% 13 38.2%
    Totals 69 69 25 291 133 25 41 5 53.4% 21 47.7%

    U.S. Senate

    Nevada U.S. Senate primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 12 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 1 1 0 11 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 1 13 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A

    U.S. House

    Nevada U.S. House primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 4 4 0 33 8 3 4 87.5% 3 75.0%
    2020 4 4 0 40 8 4 4 100.0% 4 100.0%
    2018 4 4 2 42 8 4 4 100.0% 2 100.0%
    2016 4 4 1 37 8 4 3 87.5% 2 66.7%
    2014 4 4 0 19 8 4 2 75.0% 2 50.0%

    State executives

    Nevada state executive primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 11 11 6 66 17 4 5 5 82.4% 4 80.0%
    2020 8 8 6 26 6 N/A N/A 6 75.0% 2 100.0%
    2018 10 10 7 21 16 3 5 2 62.5% 1 33.3%
    2016 N/A[24]
    2014 6 6 5 28 12 2 3 N/A 41.7% 1 100.0%

    State legislature

    Nevada state legislative primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 53 53 19 180 106 17 31 45.3% 13 38.2%
    2020 52 52 13 132 104 14 15 27.9% 7 17.9%
    2018 53 53 14 141 106 16 17 31.1% 8 20.5%
    2016 53 53 11 179 106 15 27 39.6% 17 40.5%
    2014 53 53 10 134 106 12 20 30.2% 13 30.2%

    New Hampshire

    New Hampshire's primary filing deadline was on June 10, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    New Hampshire primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 14 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 2 2 0 19 4 0 2 50.0% 0 0.0%
    State executives 6 6 0 22 12 1 4 41.7% 4 66.7%
    State legislature 227 424 126 913 454 20 69 19.6% 116 38.4%
    Totals 236 433 126 968 472 22 76 20.8% 121 38.9%

    U.S. Senate

    New Hampshire U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 14 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 7 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 0 6 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 1 1 0 11 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%

    U.S. House

    New Hampshire U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 2 2 0 19 4 0 2 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2020 2 2 0 12 4 1 2 75.0% 1 50.0%
    2018 2 2 1 25 4 1 2 75.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 2 2 0 14 4 0 2 50.0% 1 50.0%
    2014 2 2 0 10 4 0 2 50.0% 0 0.0%

    State executives

    New Hampshire state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 6 6 0 22 12 1 4 41.7% 4 66.7%
    2020 6 6 2 28 12 4 5 75.0% 1 25.0%
    2018 6 6 1 16 12 2 2 33.3% 1 20.0%
    2016 6 6 3 20 12 1 1 16.7% 0 0.0%
    2014 1 1 0 7 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    State legislature

    New Hampshire uses multi-member state legislative districts, meaning there are multiple seats in some or all state legislative districts. The percentage of total contested primaries divides the number of primaries by the number of districts multiplied by two to account for all possible Democratic and Republican primaries.

    New Hampshire state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 227 424 126 913 454 20 69 19.6% 116 38.4%
    2020 228 424 82 902 456 30 38 14.9% 106 31.0%
    2018 228 424 105 866 456 34 36 15.4% 86 27.0%
    2016 228 424 117 865 456 25 52 16.9% 125 40.7%
    2014 228 424 122 878 456 20 57 16.9% 98 32.5%

    New Jersey

    New Jersey's primary filing deadline was on April 4, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    New Jersey primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 12 12 1 56 24 6 9 62.5% 6 54.5%
    Totals 12 12 1 56 24 6 9 62.5% 6 54.5%

    U.S. House

    New Jersey U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 12 12 1 56 24 6 9 62.5% 6 54.5%
    2020 12 12 0 50 24 8 7 62.5% 8 66.7%
    2018 12 12 2 49 24 8 4 50% 5 50%
    2016 12 12 0 37 24 6 4 41.7% 7 58.3%
    2014 12 12 3 45 24 7 5 50.0% 4 44.4%

    New Mexico

    New Mexico's primary filing deadline was on February 1, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    New Mexico primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 3 3 0 8 6 1 1 33.3% 0 0.0%
    State executives 12 12 7 26 24 3 2 20.8% 0 0.0%
    State legislature 70 70 12 128 140 13 9 15.7% 12 20.7%
    Totals 85 85 19 162 170 17 12 17.1% 12 18.2%

    U.S. House

    New Mexico U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 3 3 0 8 6 1 1 33.3% 0 0.0%
    2020 3 3 1 19 6 1 3 66.7% 0 0.0%
    2018 3 3 2 15 6 2 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 3 3 0 7 6 0 1 16.7% 0 0.0%
    2014 3 3 0 8 6 1 1 33.3% 1 33.3%

    State executives

    New Mexico state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 12 12 7 26 24 3 2 20.8% 0 0.0%
    2020 7 7 4 14 14 3 1 28.6% 1 33.3%
    2018 15 15 8 37 30 6 2 26.7% 2 28.6%
    2016 8 8 6 8 16 1 0 6.3% 1 50.0%
    2014 17 17 6 41 34 5 0 14.7% 1 9.1%

    State legislature

    New Mexico state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 70 70 12 128 140 13 9 15.7% 12 20.7%
    2020 112 112 11 239 224 25 13 17.0% 20 19.8%
    2018 70 70 8 119 140 10 3 9.3% 6 9.7%
    2016 112 112 8 200 224 24 6 13.4% 9 8.7%
    2014 70 70 11 125 140 12 6 12.9% 7 11.9%

    New York

    New York held two separate filing deadlines due to redistricting delays. Candidates for state executive offices and the state Assembly filed on April 7, 2022. Candidates for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and the state Senate filed on June 10, 2022. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    New York primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 2 2 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    U.S. House 26 26 7 107 52 16 8 46.2% 13 65.0%
    State executives 4 4 0 15 8 2 1 37.5% 2 50.0%
    State legislature 213 213 25 447 426 53 10 14.8% 46 24.1%
    Totals 244 244 32 571 488 71 19 18.4% 61 28.2%

    U.S. Senate

    New York U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2016-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 2 2 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%

    U.S. House

    New York U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 26 26 7 107 52 16 8 46.2% 13 65.0%
    2020 27 27 4 108 54 16 7 42.6% 11 47.8%
    2018 27 27 1 85 54 13 1 25.9% 6 23.1%
    2016 27 27 4 77 54 10 3 24.1% 5 21.7%
    2014 27 27 2 55 54 5 5 18.5% 5 20.0%

    State executives

    New York state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 4 4 0 15 8 2 1 37.5% 2 50.0%
    2018 4 4 1 13 8 3 0 37.5% 2 66.7%
    2014 4 4 1 11 8 2 0 25.0% 1 33.3%

    State legislature

    New York state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 213 213 25 447 426 53 10 14.8% 46 24.1%
    2020 213 213 33 448 426 53 6 13.8% 35 19.4%
    2018 213 213 18 405 426 39 9 11.3% 31 15.9%
    2016 213 213 20 410 426 41 12 12.4% 34 17.6%
    2014 213 213 19 411 426 39 9 11.3% 30 15.5%

    North Carolina

    North Carolina's primary filing deadline was on March 4, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    North Carolina primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 1 25 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    U.S. House 14 14 4 100 28 9 13 78.6% 7 70.0%
    State legislature 170 170 30 383 340 29 44 21.5% 33 22.8%
    Totals 185 185 35 508 370 39 58 26.2% 40 25.8%

    U.S. Senate

    North Carolina U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 1 25 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2020 1 1 0 9 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 0 8 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 1 1 0 11 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    North Carolina U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 14 14 4 100 28 9 13 78.6% 7 70.0%
    2020 13 13 3 64 26 8 5 50.0% 3 30.0%
    2018 13 13 0 56 26 10 7 65.4% 8 61.5%
    2016 13 13 1 74 26 6 10 61.5% 9 75.0%
    2014 13 13 3 60 26 8 9 65.4% 6 60.0%

    State legislature

    North Carolina state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 170 170 30 383 340 29 44 21.5% 33 22.8%
    2020 170 170 27 401 340 29 30 17.4% 24 16.8%
    2018 170 170 30 434 340 34 41 22.1% 35 25.0%
    2016 170 170 21 346 340 26 35 17.9% 31 20.8%
    2014 170 170 14 339 340 22 30 15.3% 28 17.9%

    North Dakota

    North Dakota's primary filing deadline was on April 11, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    North Dakota primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 4 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    State executives 5 5 1 10 10 0 1 10.0% 0 0.0%
    State legislature 67 98 26 168 134 3 21 17.9% 27 36.0%
    Totals 74 105 27 184 148 4 23 18.2% 28 34.1%

    U.S. Senate

    North Dakota U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2016-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 4 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%

    U.S. House

    North Dakota U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2020 1 1 0 3 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 1 1 1 5 2 0 1 50.0% 0 N/A
    2016 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%

    State executives

    North Dakota state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 5 5 1 10 10 0 1 N/A 10.0% 0 0.0%
    2020 6 6 1 15 11 0 3 1 36.4% 2 40.0%
    2018 6 6 1 12 12 0 0 N/A 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 6 6 3 13 11 0 1 0 9.1% 0 0.0%
    2014 6 6 0 12 12 0 0 N/A 0.0% 0 0.0%

    State legislature

    North Dakota uses multi-member state legislative districts, meaning there are multiple seats in some or all state legislative districts. The percentage of total contested primaries divides the number of primaries by the number of districts multiplied by two to account for all possible Democratic and Republican primaries.

    North Dakota state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 67 98 26 168 134 3 21 17.9% 27 36.0%
    2020 46 69 6 130 92 0 6 6.5% 5 7.9%
    2018 48 72 12 132 96 0 6 6.3% 6 10.0%
    2016 47 70 15 141 94 0 4 4.3% 7 12.7%
    2014 48 72 13 127 96 1 3 4.2% 4 6.8%


    Ohio's primary filing deadline had three filing deadlines in 2022: February 2, 2022, for congressional candidates, March 4, 2022, state legislative and most state executive offices, and August 10, 2022, for the Board of Education. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Ohio primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 1 10 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    U.S. House 15 15 1 67 30 8 10 60.0% 8 57.1%
    State executives 10 10 3 65 20 9 7 80.0% 5 71.4%
    State legislature 116 116 31 249 232 19 28 20.3% 20 23.3%
    Totals 142 142 36 391 284 37 46 29.2% 33 30.8%

    U.S. Senate

    Ohio U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2016-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 1 10 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2018 1 1 0 6 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 5 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Ohio U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 15 15 1 67 30 8 10 60.0% 6 42.9%
    2020 16 16 0 67 32 11 11 68.8% 10 62.5%
    2018 16 16 2 82 32 12 11 71.9% 8 57.1%
    2016 16 16 1 59 32 5 5 31.3% 4 26.7%
    2014 16 16 0 47 32 6 6 37.5% 5 31.3%

    State executives

    Ohio state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 10 10 3 65 20 9 7 80.0% 5 71.4%
    2018 5 5 5 17 10 1 2 30.0% 0 N/A
    2014 5 5 0 10 10 1 0 10.0% 0 0.0%

    State legislature

    Ohio state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 116 116 31 249 232 19 28 20.3% 20 23.3%
    2020 115 115 23 266 230 17 23 17.4% 15 16.3%
    2018 116 116 41 314 232 30 33 27.2% 21 28.0%
    2016 115 115 27 274 230 17 28 19.6% 14 15.9%
    2014 116 116 27 289 232 18 34 22.4% 23 25.8%


    Oklahoma's primary filing deadline was on April 15, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Oklahoma primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 9 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 5 5 1 28 10 0 4 40.0% 3 75.0%
    State executives 9 9 3 31 18 1 7 44.4% 4 66.7%
    State legislature 125 125 20 235 250 6 43 19.6% 26 24.8%
    Totals 140 140 24 303 280 8 55 22.5% 34 29.3%

    U.S. Senate

    Oklahoma U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 9 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 8 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 1 1 0 6 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Oklahoma U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 5 5 1 28 10 0 4 40.0% 3 75.0%
    2020 5 5 0 27 10 3 3 60.0% 3 60.0%
    2018 5 5 1 36 10 5 4 90.0% 3 75.0%
    2016 5 5 0 20 10 3 5 80.0% 5 100.0%
    2014 5 5 1 22 10 3 4 70.0% 3 75.0%

    State executives

    Oklahoma state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 9 9 3 31 18 1 7 44.4% 4 66.7%
    2020 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 9 9 6 45 18 4 8 66.7% 3 100.0%
    2016 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 9 9 1 22 18 1 4 27.8% 3 37.5%

    State legislature

    Oklahoma state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 125 125 20 235 250 6 43 19.6% 26 24.8%
    2020 125 125 11 241 250 8 44 20.8% 33 28.9%
    2018 125 125 43 418 250 49 68 46.8% 37 45.1%
    2016 126 126 42 333 252 28 56 33.3% 28 33.3%
    2014 126 126 31 256 252 12 34 18.3% 13 13.7%


    Oregon's primary filing deadline was on March 8, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Oregon primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 10 2 1 1 N/A 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 6 6 2 45 12 6 4 N/A 83.3% 4 100.0%
    State executive 2 2 2 41 3 1 1 1 100.0% N/A
    State legislature 75 75 24 188 150 14 23 N/A 24.7% 9 17.6%
    Totals 84 84 28 284 167 22 29 1 30.5% 14 25.0%

    U.S. Senate

    Oregon U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 10 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 5 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 7 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2014 1 1 0 8 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Oregon U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 6 6 2 45 12 6 4 83.3% 4 100.0%
    2020 5 5 1 40 10 5 5 100.0% 4 100.0%
    2018 5 5 0 32 10 5 4 90.0% 5 100.0%
    2016 5 5 0 19 10 3 4 70.0% 4 80.0%
    2014 5 5 0 17 10 2 3 50.0% 2 40.0%

    State executives

    Oregon state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 2 2 2 41 3 1 1 1 100.0% N/A
    2020 3 3 1 9 6 1 1 N/A 33.3% 0 0.0%
    2018 2 2 1 16 3 1 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 3 3 2 9 6 1 1 N/A 33.3% 0 0.0%
    2014 1 1 0 8 2 1 1 N/A 100.0% 1 100.0%

    State legislature

    Oregon state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 75 75 24 188 150 14 23 24.7% 9 17.6%
    2020 75 75 15 189 150 20 13 22.0% 5 8.3%
    2018 76 76 8 160 152 13 12 16.4% 9 13.2%
    2016 75 75 18 156 150 11 10 14.0% 4 7.0%
    2014 76 76 16 148 152 7 13 13.2% 5 8.3%


    Pennsylvania's primary filing deadline was on March 8, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Pennsylvania primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 1 11 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    U.S. House 17 17 2 48 34 5 6 32.4% 2 13.3%
    State executives 2 2 2 22 4 1 2 75.0% 0 N/A
    State legislature 228 228 41 465 456 35 46 17.8% 42 22.1%
    Totals 248 248 46 546 496 42 55 19.6% 44 21.5%

    U.S. Senate

    Pennsylvania U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2016-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 1 11 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2018 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 5 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%

    U.S. House

    Pennsylvania U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 17 17 2 48 34 5 6 32.4% 2 13.3%
    2020 18 18 0 51 36 6 5 30.6% 2 11.1%
    2018 18 18 7 84 36 13 8 58.3% 6 54.5%
    2016 18 18 2 44 36 4 5 25.0% 4 25.0%
    2014 18 18 2 46 36 6 3 25.0% 2 12.5%

    State executives

    Pennsylvania state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 2 2 2 22 4 1 2 75.0% 0 N/A
    2020 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 2 2 0 13 4 1 2 75.0% 1 50.0%
    2016 3 3 2 9 6 1 1 33.3% 0 0.0%
    2014 2 2 0 11 4 2 0 50.0% 0 0.0%

    State legislature

    Pennsylvania state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 228 228 41 465 456 35 46 17.8% 42 22.1%
    2020 228 228 19 455 456 33 25 12.7% 28 13.4%
    2018 228 228 32 469 456 40 22 13.6% 22 11.2%
    2016 228 228 19 392 456 30 21 11.2% 29 13.9%
    2014 228 228 26 421 456 40 29 15.1% 42 20.8%

    Rhode Island

    Rhode Island's primary filing deadline was on July 21, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Rhode Island primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 2 2 1 8 4 1 0 25.0% 0 0.0%
    State executives 5 5 2 21 10 4 2 60.0% 2 66.7%
    State legislature 113 113 14 230 226 40 3 19.0% 30 30.3%
    Totals 120 120 17 259 240 45 5 20.8% 32 31.1%

    U.S. House

    Rhode Island U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 2 2 1 8 4 1 0 25.0% 0 0.0%
    2020 2 2 0 5 4 1 1 50.0% 1 50.0%
    2018 2 2 0 6 4 1 1 50.0% 1 50.0%
    2016 2 2 0 7 4 2 0 50.0% 2 100.0%
    2014 2 2 0 6 4 1 1 50.0% 1 50.0%

    State executives

    Rhode Island state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 5 5 2 21 10 4 2 60.0% 2 66.7%
    2018 5 5 1 14 10 2 1 30.0% 2 50.0%
    2014 5 5 4 18 10 4 2 60.0% 0 0.0%

    State legislature

    Rhode Island state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 113 113 14 230 226 40 3 19.0% 30 30.3%
    2020 113 113 9 189 226 33 1 15.0% 26 25.0%
    2018 113 113 15 192 226 30 3 14.6% 18 18.4%
    2016 113 113 7 180 226 29 6 15.5% 18 17.0%
    2014 113 113 7 171 226 23 3 11.5% 17 16.0%

    South Carolina

    South Carolina's primary filing deadline was on March 30, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    South Carolina primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 4 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%
    U.S. House 7 7 0 28 14 2 4 42.9% 4 57.1%
    State executives 7 7 1 26 14 2 5 50.0% 4 66.7%
    State legislature 124 124 15 243 248 12 36 19.4% 34 30.6%
    Totals 139 139 16 301 278 17 45 22.3% 42 33.6%

    U.S. Senate

    South Carolina U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 4 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2020 1 1 0 5 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 1 1 0 9 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    South Carolina U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 7 7 0 28 14 2 4 42.9% 4 57.1%
    2020 7 7 0 20 14 3 2 35.7% 1 14.3%
    2018 7 7 1 43 14 6 3 64.3% 2 33.3%
    2016 7 7 0 17 14 1 2 21.4% 2 28.6%
    2014 7 7 0 17 14 3 2 35.7% 2 28.6%

    State executives

    South Carolina state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 7 7 1 26 14 2 5 50.0% 4 66.7%
    2018 8 8 1 23 16 1 3 25.0% 3 42.9%
    2014 9 9 2 30 18 1 5 33.3% 3 42.9%

    State legislature

    South Carolina state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 124 124 15 243 248 12 36 19.4% 34 30.6%
    2020 170 170 14 336 340 26 38 18.8% 36 23.1%
    2018 124 124 10 227 248 12 33 18.1% 35 30.7%
    2016 170 170 17 313 340 20 40 17.6% 40 26.1%
    2014 124 124 9 189 248 8 21 11.7% 20 17.4%

    South Dakota

    South Dakota's primary filing deadline was on March 29, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    South Dakota primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 4 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    State executives 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    State legislature 72 105 34 212 144 2 39 28.5% 35 49.3%
    Totals 75 108 34 221 150 2 42 29.3% 38 51.4%

    U.S. Senate

    South Dakota U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 4 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 1 1 1 6 2 0 1 50.0% 0 N/A

    U.S. House

    South Dakota U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 1 1 1 4 2 0 1 50.0% 0 N/A
    2016 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%

    State executives

    South Dakota state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 N/A[25]
    2018 1 1 1 3 2 0 1 50.0% 0 N/A
    2016 N/A[26]
    2014 1 1 0 4 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    State legislature

    South Dakota uses multi-member state legislative districts, meaning there are multiple seats in some or all state legislative districts. The percentage of total contested primaries divides the number of primaries by the number of districts multiplied by two to account for all possible Democratic and Republican primaries.

    South Dakota state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries =new y % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 72 105 34 212 144 2 39 28.5% 35 49.3%
    2020 72 105 28 201 144 2 27 20.1% 25 32.5%
    2018 72 105 28 224 144 7 16 16.0% 18 23.4%
    2016 72 105 43 179 144 4 22 18.1% 18 29.0%
    2014 72 105 33 195 144 5 17 15.3% 17 23.6%


    Tennessee's primary filing deadline was on April 7, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Tennessee primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 9 9 1 36 18 4 4 44.4% 3 37.5%
    State executives 1 1 0 4 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%
    State legislature 116 116 17 214 232 11 25 15.5% 15 15.2%
    Totals 126 126 18 254 252 16 29 17.9% 18 16.7%

    U.S. House

    Tennessee U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 9 9 1 36 18 4 4 44.4% 3 37.5%
    2020 9 9 2 45 18 6 2 44.4% 3 42.9%
    2018 9 9 2 49 18 6 7 72.2% 5 71.4%
    2016 9 9 2 48 18 4 6 55.6% 5 71.4%
    2014 9 9 0 39 18 3 8 61.1% 8 88.9%

    State executives

    Tennessee state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 4 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2018 1 1 1 9 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2014 1 1 0 8 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    State legislature

    Tennessee state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 116 116 17 214 232 11 25 15.5% 15 15.2%
    2020 115 115 6 213 230 14 24 16.5% 28 25.7%
    2018 117 117 26 292 234 26 36 26.5% 24 26.4%
    2016 115 115 7 278 230 9 34 18.7% 34 31.5%
    2014 117 117 13 221 234 10 34 21.9% 24 23.1%


    Texas' primary filing deadline was on December 13, 2021. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Texas primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 38 38 6 222 76 17 27 57.9% 19 59.4%[27]
    State executive 22 22 5 115 44 12 17 65.9% 11 64.7%
    State legislature 181 181 30 456 362 33 63 26.5% 45 29.6%
    Totals 241 241 41 793 482 62 107 35.1% 75 37.3%

    U.S. House

    Texas U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 38 38 6 222 76 17 27 57.9% 19 59.4%[28]
    2020 36 36 6 231 72 24 26 69.4% 18 60.0%
    2018 36 36 8 212 72 25 21 63.9% 15 53.6%
    2016 36 36 2 127 72 13 20 45.8% 19 55.9%
    2014 36 36 1 100 72 6 13 26.4% 12 34.3%

    State executives

    Texas state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 22 22 5 115 44 12 17 65.9% 11 64.7%
    2020 9 9 4 28 18 4 3 38.9% 2 40.0%
    2018 14 14 3 56 28 10 7 60.7% 9 81.8%
    2016 1 1 1 10 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2014 7 7 6 37 14 3 7 71.4% 1 100.0%

    State legislature

    Texas state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Year Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 181 181 30 456 362 33 63 26.5% 45 29.6%
    2020 166 166 11 385 332 41 30 21.4% 32 20.6%
    2018 165 165 14 412 330 45 49 28.5% 50 33.1%
    2016 166 166 17 320 332 22 43 19.6% 44 29.5%
    2014 165 165 15 309 330 13 44 17-.3% 39 26.0%


    Utah's primary filing deadline was on March 17, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Utah primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 4 4 0 13 8 0 4 50.0% 4 100.0%
    State executives 9 9 3 14 18 0 2 11.1% 1 14.3%
    State legislature 90 90 8 160 180 3 20 12.8% 15 18.3%
    Totals 104 104 11 190 208 3 27 14.4% 21 22.3%

    U.S. Senate

    Utah U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 1 1 1 3 2 0 1 50% 0 N/A
    2016 1 1 0 4 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%

    U.S. House

    Utah U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 4 4 0 13 8 0 4 50.0% 4 100.0%
    2020 4 4 1 15 8 1 2 37.5% 0 0.0%
    2018 4 4 0 10 8 1 1 25% 1 25%
    2016 4 4 0 10 8 0 2 25.0% 2 50.0%
    2014 4 4 1 17 8 2 4 75.0% 3 100.0%

    State executives

    Utah U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 9 9 3 14 18 0 2 N/A 11.1% 1 14.3%
    2020 13 13 6 24 26 0 5 N/A 19.2% 3 42.9%
    2018 7 7 2 14 7 N/A N/A 1 14.3% 0 0.0%
    2016 4 4 0 9 8 0 1 N/A 12.5% 1 25.0%

    State legislature

    Utah state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 90 90 8 160 180 3 20 12.8% 15 18.3%
    2020 90 90 13 167 180 1 17 10.0% 12 15.6%
    2018 89 89 24 179 178 3 14 9.6% 3 4.6%
    2016 90 90 14 156 180 0 10 5.6% 6 7.9%
    2014 89 89 12 165 178 1 6 3.9% 4 5.2%


    Vermont's primary filing deadline was on May 26, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Vermont primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    U.S. House 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    State executives 6 6 4 18 12 3 2 41.7% 1 50.0%
    State legislature 125 180 57 277 250 17 7 9.6% 18 14.4%
    Totals 133 188 63 308 266 22 11 12.4% 19 15.0%

    U.S. Senate

    Vermont U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2016-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2018 1 1 0 6 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 0 3 2 1 0 50.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Vermont U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2020 1 1 0 6 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 1 1 0 5 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 0 1 2 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 1 1 0 4 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%

    State executives

    Vermont state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 6 6 4 18 12 3 2 41.7% 1 50.0%
    2020 6 6 1 27 12 3 3 50.0% 2 40.0%
    2018 6 6 0 16 12 1 1 16.7% 1 16.7%
    2016 6 6 3 19 12 4 1 41.7% 1 33.3%
    2014 6 6 0 11 12 2 1 25.0% 2 33.3%

    State legislature

    Vermont uses multi-member state legislative districts, meaning there are multiple seats in some or all state legislative districts. The percentage of total contested primaries divides the number of primaries by the number of districts multiplied by two to account for all possible Democratic and Republican primaries.

    Vermont state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 125 180 57 277 250 17 7 9.6% 18 14.4%
    2020 117 180 22 320 234 22 7 12.4% 26 16.5%
    2018 117 180 32 267 234 11 3 6.0% 19 12.8%
    2016 117 180 28 288 234 19 2 9.0% 27 17.8%
    2014 117 180 27 253 234 6 5 4.7% 8 5.2%


    Virginia's primary filing deadline was on April 7, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Virginia primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 11 11 0 33 16[29] 1 4 31.3% 2 18.2%
    Totals 11 11 0 33 16 1 4 31.3% 2 18.2%

    U.S. House

    Virginia U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 11 11 0 33 16[30] 1 4 31.3% 2 18.2%
    2020 11 11 0 31 15[31] 4 2 42.9% 2 18.2%
    2018 11 11 2 37 17[32] 6 3 52.9% 2 20.0%
    2016 11 11 2 29 20[33] 1 4 25.0% 2 22.2%
    2014 11 11 2 32 20[34] 1 3 20.0% 2 22.2%


    Washington's primary filing deadline was on May 20, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Washington primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 18 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 10 10 0 68 10 10 100.0% 10 100.0%
    State legislature 122 122 26 293 122 51 41.8% 31 32.3%
    Totals 133 133 26 379 133 62 46.6% 42 39.3%

    U.S. Senate

    Washington U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2016-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 18 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 1 1 0 29 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 0 17 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

    U.S. House

    Washington U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 10 10 0 68 10 10 100.0% 10 100.0%
    2020 10 10 1 73 10 10 100.0% 9 100.0%
    2018 10 10 1 49 10 8 80.0% 7 77.8%
    2016 10 10 1 56 10 10 100.0% 9 100.0%
    2014 10 10 1 49 10 10 100.0% 9 100.0%

    State legislature

    Washington state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested top-two primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 122 122 26 293 122 51 41.8% 31 32.3%
    2020 123 123 16 308 123 52 42.3% 38 35.5%
    2018 123 123 18 302 123 47 38.2% 32 30.5%
    2016 124 124 21 303 124 46 37.1% 32 31.1%
    2014 123 123 13 266 123 29 23.6% 17 15.5%

    West Virginia

    West Virginia's primary filing deadline was on January 29, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    West Virginia primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 2 2 0 13 4 1 2 75.0% 3[35] 100.0%
    State legislature 117 117 23 299 234 18 54 30.8% 36 36.7%
    Totals 119 119 23 312 238 19 56 31.5% 39 38.6%

    U.S. House

    West Virginia U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 2 2 0 13 4 1 2 75.0% 3 100.0%
    2020 3 3 0 12 6 2 2 66.7% 2 66.7%
    2018 3 3 1 18 6 3 1 66.7% 0 0.0%
    2016 3 3 0 11 6 1 1 33.3% 1 33.3%
    2014 3 3 1 14 6 2 1 50.0% 1 50.0%

    State legislature

    Before the 2022 election cycle, West Virginia used multi-member state legislative districts in its House of Delegates. There were 100 seats divided between 67 districts. During the redistricting process, legislators chose to create 100 single-member districts. The Senate kept its multi-member districts with two senators to each of the 17 districts, though only one seat from each district is up for election each cycle.

    The change in the House affected West Virginia's "Open seats" metric both by creating seats in districts that did not previously exist and by switching districts that previously contained multiple seats into districts with a single seat. Hover here to learn more about how Ballotpedia handled this change.

    West Virginia state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 117 117 23[36] 299 234 18 54 30.8% 36 36.7%
    2020 84 117 24 294 168 19 33 31.0% 45 48.4%
    2018 84 117 20 304 168 23 34 33.9% 40 41.2%
    2016 85 118 25 313 170 30 32 36.5% 40 43.0%
    2014 84 117 11 283 168 19 24 25.6% 33 31.1%


    Wisconsin's primary filing deadline was on June 1, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Wisconsin primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. Senate 1 1 0 10 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    U.S. House 8 8 1 22 16 1 5 37.5% 3 42.9%
    State executives 5 5 2 30 10 3 5 80.0% 1 33.3%
    State legislature 116 116 30 258 232 9 29 16.4% 9 10.5%
    Totals 130 130 33 320 260 14 40 20.8% 14 14.4%

    U.S. Senate

    Wisconsin U.S. Senate competitiveness, 2016-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 10 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 1 1 0 6 2 0 1 50.0% 0 0.0%
    2016 1 1 0 3 2 1 0 50.0% 0 0.0%

    U.S. House

    Wisconsin U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 8 8 1 22 16 1 5 37.5% 3 42.9%
    2020 8 8 1 23 16 3 3 37.5% 1 14.3%
    2018 8 8 1 25 16 3 3 37.5% 2 28.6%
    2016 8 8 1 23 16 5 3 50.0% 4 57.1%
    2014 8 8 1 27 16 3 5 50.0% 3 42.9%

    State executives

    Wisconsin state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 5 5 2 30 10 3 5 80.0% 1 33.3%
    2018 5 5 1 26 10 4 3 70.0% 2 50.0%
    2014 5 5 2 17 10 4 2 60.0% 0 0.0%

    State legislature

    Wisconsin state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 116 116 30 258 232 9 29 16.4% 9 10.5%
    2020 115 115 20 265 230 18 15 14.3% 9 9.5%
    2018 116 116 18 224 232 14 6 8.6% 4 4.1%
    2016 115 115 13 233 230 28 12 17.4% 7 6.9%
    2014 116 116 26 236 232 12 20 13.8% 11 12.2%


    Wyoming's primary filing deadline was on May 27, 2022. Candidates filed to run for U.S. House, state executive offices, and the state legislature. The table below shows cumulative primary competitiveness and incumbency statistics by office in this state.

    Wyoming primary competitiveness, 2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    U.S. House 1 1 0 9 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    State executives 5 5 1 19 10 1 4 50.0% 3 75.0%
    State legislature 78 78 21[37] 165 156 2 46 30.8% 28 49.1%
    Totals 84 84 22 193 168 4 51 32.7% 32 51.6%

    U.S. House

    Wyoming U.S. House competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 1 1 0 9 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2020 1 1 0 5 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2018 1 1 0 5 2 1 1 100.0% 1 100.0%
    2016 1 1 1 10 2 1 1 100.0% 0 N/A
    2014 1 1 0 3 2 0 1 50.0% 1 100.0%

    State executives

    Wyoming state executive competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 5 5 1 19 10 1 4 50.0% 3 75.0%
    2018 5 5 3 19 10 1 3 40.0% 0 0.0%
    2014 5 5 2 15 10 0 4 40.0% 2 66.7%

    State legislature

    Wyoming state legislative competitiveness, 2014-2022
    Office Districts/
    Seats Open seats Candidates Possible primaries Contested Democratic primaries Contested Republican primaries % of contested primaries Incumbents in contested primaries % of incumbents in contested primaries
    2022 78 78 21[38] 165 156 2 46 30.8% 28 49.1%
    2020 75 75 15 157 150 6 40 30.7% 31 51.7%
    2018 75 75 11 138 150 2 26 18.7% 17 26.6%
    2016 75 75 19 183 150 3 35 25.3% 20 35.7%
    2014 75 75 11 143 150 3 33 24.0% 27 42.2%

    See also


    1. 2020: 2.3
      2018: 2.4
      2016: 2.2
      2014: 2.1
    2. This analysis defines a seat as open if the incumbent did not file to run for re-election or filed to run for re-election but withdrew before the primary filing deadline.
    3. A primary is contested when more candidates file to run than nominations available, meaning at least one candidate must lose.
    4. State legislative elections in Nebraska's nonpartisan Senate were not included in this analysis.
    5. State legislative elections in Nebraska's nonpartisan Senate were not included in this analysis.
    6. State legislative elections in Nebraska's nonpartisan Senate were not included in this analysis.
    7. In top-two primaries, all candidates, regardless of party affiliation, are counted. If a convention is the sole means of nomination, only the candidate(s) advancing beyond the convention are counted.
    8. If an incumbent withdrew from or did not participate in a primary, but later chose to run for re-election as a minor party or independent candidate, his or her seat would not be counted as open.
    9. If a convention is the sole means of nomination, only the candidate(s) advancing beyond the convention are counted.
    10. For example, if there are 50 districts up for election, there would be 100 possible primaries. If Democrats in five districts and Republicans in two districts chose to nominate candidates via a convention, the number of possible primaries would decrease to 93
      ((50 * 2) - 7).
    11. If conventions are used, but could still result in a primary, that is included as a possible primary even if the convention did not proceed to a primary. For example, in some states a candidate can advance to the general election from a convention outright if he or she receives a certain percentage of the vote. If that percentage is not met, the race may proceed to a primary.
    12. Incumbents participating in contested nominating conventions are not included in this total. If the incumbent participates in a convention and advances to a contested primary, he or she would be included. This figure include all incumbents whose name appear on a contested primary ballot even if that incumbent passed away or unofficially withdrew before the election.
    13. Incumbents seeking re-election can typically be calculated by subtracting the number of open seats from the number of total seats.
    14. Ballotpedia's coverage scope did not include any state executive elections in California in 2016.
    15. Ballotpedia's coverage scope did not include any state executive elections in Hawaii in 2016.
    16. All state executive offices in Indiana up for election in 2022 were nominated solely via conventions and excluded from this analysis.
    17. All state executive offices in Indiana up for election in 2022 were nominated solely via conventions and excluded from this analysis.
    18. All state executive offices in Indiana up for election in 2018 were nominated solely via conventions and excluded from this analysis.
    19. All state executive offices in Indiana up for election in 2014 were nominated solely via conventions and excluded from this analysis.
    20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Louisiana's general election statistics are recorded as primary figures for the purpose of this analysis.
    21. The May 31 deadline for state legislative and other offices elected by district such as the Governor's Council. The June 7 deadline for federal and statewide offices.
    22. All state executive offices in Michigan up for election in 2020 were nominated solely via conventions and excluded from this analysis.
    23. Ballotpedia's coverage scope did not include any state executive elections in Michigan in 2016.
    24. Ballotpedia's coverage scope did not include any state executive elections in Nevada in 2016.
    25. All state executive offices in South Dakota up for election in 2020 were nominated solely via conventions and excluded from this analysis.
    26. All state executive offices in South Dakota up for election in 2016 were nominated solely via conventions and excluded from this analysis.
    27. Dividing the number of incumbents in contested primaries (19) by the number of incumbents who filed for re-election (32).
    28. Dividing the number of incumbents in contested primaries (19) by the number of incumbents who filed for re-election (32).
    29. Six district parties chose to hold nominating conventions or caucuses instead of primaries. Those are not included in the total for number of possible primaries.
    30. Six district parties chose to hold nominating conventions or caucuses instead of primaries. Those are not included in the total for number of possible primaries.
    31. Seven district parties chose to hold nominating conventions or caucuses instead of primaries. Those are not included in the total for number of possible primaries.
    32. Five district parties chose to hold nominating conventions or caucuses instead of primaries. Those are not included in the total for number of possible primaries.
    33. Two district parties chose to hold nominating conventions or caucuses instead of primaries. Those are not included in the total number of possible primaries.
    34. Two district parties chose to hold nominating conventions or caucuses instead of primaries. Those are not included in the total number of possible primaries.
    35. West Virginia was apportioned two congressional districts after the 2020 census, a decrease from the three apportioned after 2010. All three incumbents chose to run for re-election with two incumbents running against each other in one district.
    36. There were four open seats in the Senate. Of the 19 open seats in the House, nine were in districts that did not exist before the 2022 election cycle. Three open seats were in districts that, before 2022, contained multiple seats. The remaining seven open seats were in districts that had been single-member districts before 2022.
    37. Includes three seats created during the redistricting process after the 2020 census.
    38. Includes three seats created during the redistricting process after the 2020 census.