Oklahoma State Question 478, Business on Sundays Initiative (December 1971)

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Oklahoma State Question 478

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Election date

December 7, 1971

Business regulation and Rules about Sunday


Initiated state statute


Oklahoma State Question 478 was on the ballot as an initiated state statute in Oklahoma on December 7, 1971. It was defeated.

A "yes" vote supported prohibiting the sale of specific merchandise on both Saturday and Sunday at the same location.

A "no" vote opposed prohibiting the sale of specific merchandise on both Saturday and Sunday at the same location.

Election results

Oklahoma State Question 478

Result Votes Percentage
Yes 109,409 46.26%

Defeated No

127,080 53.74%
Results are officially certified.

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title for State Question 478 was as follows:

Shall an Act relating to retail sales; making it unlawful to sell certain enumerated merchandise on the consecutive days of Saturday and Sunday at the same location; defining terms; exempting certain sales; providing penalty for violations; declaring prohibited sales to be a public nuisance and providing remedy therefor; making act severable and repealing 21 O.S. 1961 Section 907, 908, 909 and 911, be approved by the people?

Path to the ballot

See also: Signature requirements for ballot measures in Oklahoma

In Oklahoma, the number of signatures required for an initiated state statute was equal to 8% of the votes cast in the last general election. In 2010, voters approved State Question 750, which changed the signature requirement to be based on the preceding gubernatorial election. A simple majority vote is required for voter approval.

See also

External links
