Oklahoma 1992 ballot measures
In 1992, voters decided on eight statewide ballot measures in Oklahoma. On March 10, voters decided on one measure. On November 3, voters decided on seven measures.
- One of the measures was an initiated constitutional amendment.
- Five of the measures were legislatively referred constitutional amendments.
- Two of the measures were legislatively referred state statutes.
- Voters approved six (75%) and rejected two (25%) measures.
On the ballot
March 10, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 640 | Taxes; Direct democracy | Require voter approval for revenue-raising bills unless a 75% majority in each legislative chamber and the governor's signature. |
373,143 (56%) |
290,978 (44%) |
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 643 | Transportation; Constitutional language | Repeal the requirement for railroads within four miles of a county seat to pass through it and maintain a depot. |
822,199 (64%) |
465,412 (36%) |
State Question 645 | Administration; Pension | Require public retirement system assets to be held in trust for benefits, refunds, investments, and expenses. |
857,767 (67%) |
427,049 (33%) |
State Question 646 | Taxes; Local government | Allow counties to levy an annual property tax, with voter approval, to fund a local cooperative extension office. |
515,893 (40%) |
763,552 (60%) |
State Question 647 | Healthcare; Taxes; Budgets | Create a nursing home grant program, mandate health care reforms, and form a task force for recommendations. |
514,381 (39%) |
806,126 (61%) |
State Question 648 | Taxes; Local government | Allow counties to exempt household goods and livestock from property taxes with voter approval and revenue adjustments. |
648,988 (51%) |
629,706 (49%) |
State Question 649 | Bonds | Issue $350,000,000 in bonds for state projects, repaid in 30 years with cigarette taxes or general revenue. |
723,414 (55%) |
602,086 (45%) |
State Question 650 | Gambling | Regulate charity games through the Oklahoma Tax Commission, including licensing, taxes, fees, and penalties, and repeal bingo laws. |
826,552 (62%) |
499,635 (38%) |
See also
- Laws governing the initiative process in Oklahoma
- Types of ballot measures in Oklahoma
- List of Oklahoma ballot measures
- 1992 ballot measures
External links
State of Oklahoma Oklahoma City (capital) | |
Elections |
What's on my ballot? | Elections in 2025 | How to vote | How to run for office | Ballot measures |
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