Ohio Voting and Elections Amendment (2025)

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Ohio Voting and Elections Amendment
Flag of Ohio.png
Election date
November 4, 2025
Elections and campaigns and Voting policy measures
Cleared for signature gathering
Constitutional amendment

The Ohio Voting and Elections Amendment may appear on the ballot in Ohio as an initiated constitutional amendment on November 4, 2025.

This ballot initiative would make various changes to the Ohio Constitution regarding voting and elections, including providing for automatic voter registration and same-day registration change, voting by non-electronic and electronic means, providing photo identification, and require the state of Ohio to make accommodations for voters with disabilities.[1]

Text of measure

Full text

The full text of the ballot measure is available here.




  • Ohio NAACP
  • Ohio Organizing Collaborative


  • Petee Talley, representative of Ohio Voter Bill of Rights: “We believe that this amendment would help guarantee that all voices are heard and that all voices are counted in our electorate. And, we believe that this bill of rights is going to help us build an equitable path to the ballot box for all Ohioans, while at the same time safeguarding the security and integrity of our elections.”





  • Sec. of State Frank LaRose (R): "Let me be clear: there will be nothing secure and fair about the way we vote in this state if this amendment is passed. It’s a direct assault on the integrity of our voting process and the safeguards we’ve put in place to hold that process accountable."

Path to the ballot

Process in Ohio

See also: Laws governing the initiative process in Ohio

In Ohio, the number of signatures required to get an initiated constitutional amendment placed on the ballot is equal to 10 percent of the votes cast in the preceding gubernatorial election. Ohio also requires initiative sponsors to submit 1,000 signatures with the initial petition application. Ohio has a signature distribution requirement, which requires that signatures be gathered from at least 44 of Ohio's 88 counties. Petitioners must gather signatures equal to a minimum of half the total required percentage of the gubernatorial vote in each of the 44 counties. Petitions are allowed to circulate for an indefinite period of time. Signatures are due 125 days prior to the general election that proponents want the initiative on.

The requirements to get an initiated constitutional amendment certified for the 2025 ballot:

County boards of elections are responsible for verifying signatures, and the secretary of state must determine the sufficiency of the signature petition at least 105 days before the election. If the first batch of signatures is determined to be insufficient, the petitioners are given a ten-day window to collect more signatures.

Stages of this ballot initiative

The initiative was submitted to the attorney general's office on December 19, 2023. The petition was rejected on December 28, 2023. The initiative was submitted again for a second time on January 16, 2024, and rejected on January 25, 2024.[2]

See also

External links
