Oregon 1960 ballot measures
In 1960, voters decided on 16 statewide ballot measures in Oregon. On May 20, voters decided on one measure. On November 8, voters decided on 15 measures.
- One of the measures was an initiated state statute.
- 13 of the measures were legislatively referred constitutional amendments.
- One of the measures was a legislatively referred state statute.
- One of the measures was a veto referendum.
- Voters approved 10 (62.5%) and rejected six (37.5%) measures.
On the ballot
May 20, 1960
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 1 | Legislature; Salaries | Increase the salaries of state legislators from $600 to $2100 per year. |
250,456 (47%) |
281,542 (53%) |
November 8, 1960
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 10 | Elections | Allow the legislature to provide that an elective office becomes vacant when the official holding office is elected to another office. |
486,019 (74%) |
169,865 (26%) |
Measure 11 | Taxes; Local government | Require home rule counties to pay for local improvements by taxing property that benefit from such improvements. |
399,210 (64%) |
222,736 (36%) |
Measure 12 | Administration; War | Authorize the legislature to mandate the continuation of local and state government in the event of an attack. |
578,266 (87%) |
88,995 (13%) |
Measure 13 | Budgets | Set constitutional bonding limits for war veterans’ loans from four percent to three percent true cash value of all property in the state. |
415,931 (61%) |
266,630 (39%) |
Measure 14 | Taxes | Increase state tax revenues, abolish federal income tax deductions, and lower personal income tax rates. |
115,610 (17%) |
570,025 (83%) |
Measure 15 | Transportation; Business | Prohibit certain advertising signs within 600 feet of interstate highways and regulate permissible signs. |
261,735 (36%) |
475,290 (64%) |
Measure 1 | Legislature | Align the start of a legislator’s term with the start of the regular legislative session following their election. |
579,022 (86%) |
92,187 (14%) |
Measure 2 | Time | Establish daylight saving time in Oregon from the last Sunday in April until the last Sunday in September. |
357,499 (48%) |
393,652 (52%) |
Measure 3 | Economic development; Taxes | Allow urban redevelopment projects to be paid through increased property tax revenues resulting from increased property values. |
335,792 (52%) |
312,187 (48%) |
Measure 4 | Trials | Permit district attorneys to commence criminal prosecutions by filing written charges, or “informations,” or by grand jury indictment. |
306,190 (47%) |
340,197 (53%) |
Measure 5 | Legislature | Allow the legislature to revise the constitution and refer their revisions to voters for approval. |
358,367 (55%) |
289,895 (45%) |
Measure 6 | Budgets | Allow the state to increase its bonded indebtedness to construct additional self-liquidating higher education facilities. |
467,557 (67%) |
233,759 (33%) |
Measure 7 | Suffrage; Elections | Allow voter to vote for the United States President without meeting the six-month state residency requirement for other elections. |
508,108 (73%) |
183,977 (27%) |
Measure 8 | Budgets | Authorize issuance of state bonds to construct buildings for state institutions, office buildings, and higher education facilities. |
232,250 (35%) |
433,515 (65%) |
Measure 9 | Judiciary | Require judges to retire at age 75 and allow the legislature to require retirement of judges when disabled or at age 70. |
578,471 (82%) |
123,283 (18%) |
See also
- Laws governing the initiative process in Oregon
- Types of ballot measures in Oregon
- List of Oregon ballot measures
- 1960 ballot measures
External links
State of Oregon Salem (capital) | |
Elections |
What's on my ballot? | Elections in 2025 | How to vote | How to run for office | Ballot measures |
Government |
Who represents me? | U.S. President | U.S. Congress | Federal courts | State executives | State legislature | State and local courts | Counties | Cities | School districts | Public policy |