North Carolina House of Representatives elections, 2010

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North Carolina State House elections, 2010

Majority controlCampaign contributions

QualificationsCompetitiveness analysis

Star bookmark.png  State Legislative Election Results Star bookmark.png

List of candidates
District 1District 2District 3District 4District 5District 6District 7District 8District 9District 10District 11District 12District 13District 14District 15District 16District 17District 18District 19District 20District 21District 22District 23District 24District 25District 26District 27District 28District 29District 30District 31District 32District 33District 34District 35District 36District 37District 38District 39District 40District 41District 42District 43District 44District 45District 46District 47District 48District 49District 50District 51District 52District 53District 54District 55District 56District 57District 58District 59District 60District 61District 62District 63District 64District 65District 66District 67District 68District 69District 70District 71District 72District 73District 74District 75District 76District 77District 78District 79District 80District 81District 82District 83District 84District 85District 86District 87District 88District 89District 90District 91District 92District 93District 94District 95District 96District 97District 98District 99District 100District 101District 102District 103District 104District 105District 106District 107District 108District 109District 110District 111District 112District 113District 114District 115District 116District 117District 118District 119District 120
North Carolina House of Representatives

Elections for the office of North Carolina's House of Representatives were held in North Carolina on November 2, 2010.

The signature filing deadline for candidates wishing to run in these elections was February 26, 2010. The primary Election Day was May 4, 2010. The second primary election was June 22, 2010.

In North Carolina, representatives are elected to two-year terms with no limit on consecutive terms.

In the 2010 election, Democrats lost 16 seats and Republicans gained a majority in the chamber.

See also: North Carolina House of Representatives and State legislative elections, 2010

November 2 General Election Results

The following candidates won election on November 2, 2010:

  1. Mike Cuffe
  2. William Owens, Jr. (North Carolina)
  3. Norman Sanderson
  4. Timothy Spear
  5. Annie Mobley
  6. William Cook (North Carolina)
  7. James Dixon (North Carolina)
  8. Angela Bryant
  9. Efton Sager
  10. Edith Warren
  11. Marian McLawhorn
  12. William Wainwright
  13. George Cleveland
  14. Patricia McElraft
  15. Daniel McComas
  16. Susi Hamilton
  17. Frank Iler
  18. Phillip Shepard
  19. William Brisson
  20. Carolyn Justice
  21. Dewey Hill
  22. Jean Farmer-Butterfield
  23. Larry Bell
  24. Jeffrey Collins
  25. N. Leo Daughtry
  26. Joe Tolson
  27. Michael Wray (North Carolina)
  28. James Langdon, Jr.
  29. Larry Hall
  30. Paul Luebke
  31. Henry Michaux, Jr.
  32. Rosa Gill
  33. Nelson Dollar
  34. Grier Martin
  35. Jennifer Weiss
  36. Paul Stam
  37. Darren Jackson
  38. Thomas Murry
  39. Marilyn Avila
  40. Deborah Ross
  41. Marvin Lucas Jr. (North Carolina)
  42. Gaston Pridgen
  43. Elmer Floyd
  44. Rick Glazier
  45. Garland Pierce
  46. Glen Bradley
  47. Charles Graham (North Carolina)
  48. Diane Parfitt
  49. Michael Stone (North Carolina representative)
  50. Jamie Boles
  51. David Lewis, Sr.
  52. Bill Faison
  53. Joe Hackney
  54. W.A. Wilkins
  55. Verla Insko
  56. Alma Adams
  57. Margaret Jeffus
  58. John Faircloth
  59. John Blust
  60. Mary Harrison
  61. Marcus Brandon
  62. Dan Ingle
  63. Alice Bordsen
  64. D. Craig Horn
  65. Patricia Hurley
  66. Pryor Gibson
  67. Larry Womble
  68. Earline Parmon
  69. Larry Brown, North Carolina Representative
  70. Dale Folwell
  71. Harry Warren
  72. Harold Brubaker
  73. Julia Howard
  74. Jerry Dockham
  75. Rayne Brown
  76. Linda Johnson (North Carolina)
  77. Phillip Frye
  78. Jeffrey Barnhart
  79. Mitch Gillespie
  80. Mark Hollo
  81. Edgar V. Starnes
  82. Hugh Blackwell
  83. Mitchell Setzer
  84. Sarah Stevens
  85. Jonathan Jordan
  86. Bryan Holloway
  87. Darrell McCormick
  88. Grey Mills Jr.
  89. Mark Hilton
  90. Johnathan Rhyne
  91. Thom Tillis (North Carolina)
  92. Ric Killian
  93. Tricia Cotham
  94. Beverly Earle
  95. Becky Carney
  96. Martha Alexander
  97. John Torbett
  98. Kelly Alexander, Jr.
  99. Michael Hager
  100. Kelly Hastings
  101. Timothy K. Moore
  102. W. David Guice
  103. Susan Fisher
  104. Charles McGrady
  105. Timothy Moffitt
  106. Patricia Keever
  107. Ray Rapp
  108. Robert Phillip Haire
  109. Roger West (North Carolina)
  110. William Brawley
  111. Ken Goodman
  112. Ruth Samuelson
  113. James Crawford, Jr. (North Carolina)
  114. William McGee (North Carolina)
  115. William A. Current, Sr.
  116. Stephen LaRoque
  117. Shirley Randleman
  118. Justin Burr
  119. Rodney Moore (North Carolina)
  120. Fred Steen

Majority control

See also: Partisan composition of state houses

Heading into the November 2 election, the Democratic Party held the majority in the North Carolina House of Representatives:

North Carolina House of Representatives
Party As of November 1, 2010 After the 2010 Election
     Democratic Party 68 52
     Republican Party 52 67
     Independent - 1
Total 120 120

Campaign contributions

This chart shows how many candidates ran for state senate in North Carolina in past years and the cumulative amount of campaign contributions in state senate races, including contributions in both primary and general election contests. All figures come from Follow The Money.[1]

Year Number of candidates Total contributions
2012 290 $18,937,780
2010 268 $17,390,203
2008 233 $14,037,756
2006 220 $15,381,190
2004 263 $14,234,075
2002 322 $11,732,634
2000 265 $12,530,685

During the 2010 election, the total contributions to the 268 House candidates was $17,390,203. The top 10 contributors were:[2]

2010 Donors, North Carolina House of Representatives
Donor Amount
North Carolina Democratic Party $1,578,709
North Carolina Republican Party $801,494
North Carolina Democratic House Cmte $595,163
North Carolina Democratic Party House Caucus $329,134
North Carolina Medical Society $179,000
North Carolina Association of Realtors $173,000
North Carolina Advocates for Justice $168,500
Progress Energy $167,000
North Carolina Hospital Association $153,750
Bank of America $152,100


Unopposed incumbents

28 incumbents (25.5%) faced no competition in the November 2 general election.

  • 8 Democratic incumbents faced no November challenger.
  • 19 GOP incumbents faced no November challenger.

Primary challenges

Competitiveness logo 1.jpg

A total of 28 incumbents (25.5%) faced competition in the June 1 primary. Five incumbents -- Ronnie Sutton (D), Earl Jones (D), Nick Mackey (D), Pearl Burris Floyd (R), and D. Bruce Goforth (D) -- lost to their challengers -- Charles Graham, Kenneth Brandon, Rodney Moore, Kelly Hastings, Patricia Keever -- respectively. The following 22 incumbents (13 Democrats, 10 Republicans) won their primaries:

Retiring incumbents

Ten incumbent representatives did not run for re-election, while 110 incumbents (91.7%) ran for re-election. Of the 10 incumbents who did not seek re-election, 4 are Democrats and 6 are Republicans.


Article 2, Section 7 of the North Carolina Constitution states: Each Representative, at the time of his election, shall be a qualified voter of the State, and shall have resided in the district for which he is chosen for one year immediately preceding his election.

List of candidates

Partisan dominance in state houses
heading into the 2010 state legislative elections
Nevada State AssemblyMassachusetts House of RepresentativesColorado House of RepresentativesNew Mexico House of RepresentativesWyoming House of RepresentativesArizona House of RepresentativesMontana House of RepresentativesCalifornia State AssemblyOregon House of RepresentativesWashington House of RepresentativesIdaho House of RepresentativesTexas House of RepresentativesOklahoma House of RepresentativesKansas House of RepresentativesSouth Dakota House of RepresentativesNorth Dakota House of RepresentativesMinnesota House of RepresentativesIowa House of RepresentativesMissouri House of RepresentativesArkansas House of RepresentativesLouisiana House of RepresentativesMississippi House of RepresentativesAlabama House of RepresentativesGeorgia House of RepresentativesFlorida House of RepresentativesSouth Carolina House of RepresentativesIllinois House of RepresentativesWisconsin State AssemblyTennessee House of RepresentativesNorth Carolina House of RepresentativesIndiana House of RepresentativesOhio House of RepresentativesKentucky House of RepresentativesPennsylvania House of RepresentativesNew Jersey State AssemblyNew York State AssemblyVermont House of RepresentativesVermont House of RepresentativesNew Hampshire House of RepresentativesMaine House of RepresentativesWest Virginia House of DelegatesVirginia State AssemblyMaryland House of DelegatesMaryland House of DelegatesConnecticut House of RepresentativesConnecticut House of RepresentativesDelaware House of RepresentativesDelaware House of RepresentativesRhode Island House of RepresentativesRhode Island House of RepresentativesMassachusetts House of RepresentativesNew Hampshire House of RepresentativesMichigan House of RepresentativesMichigan House of RepresentativesAlaska House of RepresentativesHouses Map 2010.png

District 1

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party William Owens, Jr. 11,538 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party John Woodard 10,336

District 2

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Timothy Spear Approveda Incumbent Spear first assumed office for the 2nd District in 2007.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Timothy Spear 12,733 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Robert Steinburg 10,467

District 3

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Alice Underhill Approveda Incumbent Underhill first assumed office for the 3rd District in 2005.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
Libertarian Party May 4 Libertarian primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Alice Underhill 7,859
Republican Party Norman Sanderson 14,620 Green check mark transparent.png
Libertarian Party Herbert Sobel 477

District 4

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:

Note: Incumbent Democrat Russell Tucker did not seek re-election in 2010.

Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Mott Blair 8,527
Republican Party James Dixon 9,004 Green check mark transparent.png

District 5

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Annie Mobley Approveda Incumbent Mobley first assumed office for the 5th District in 2007.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Annie Mobley 11,850 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Matthew Peeler 8,237

District 6

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Arthur Williams Approveda Incumbent Williams first assumed office for the 6th District in 2003.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Arthur Williams 11,242
Republican Party William Cook 12,910 Green check mark transparent.png

District 7

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Angela Bryant Approveda Incumbent Bryant first assumed office for the 7th District in 2007.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
No Republicans filed to run for this seat.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Angela Bryant 12,544 Green check mark transparent.png

District 8

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Edith Warren: 5,319 Approveda Incumbent Warren first assumed office for the 8th District in 1999.
  • Mildred Council: 3,184
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
No Republicans filed to run for this seat.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Edith Warren 14,814 Green check mark transparent.png

District 9

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Marian McLawhorn Approveda Incumbent McLawhorn first assumed office for the 9th District in 1999.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Marian McLawhorn 11,808 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Stanley Larson 11,460

District 10

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Van Braxton Approveda Incumbent Braxton first assumed office for the 10th District in 2007.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Van Braxton 8,820
Republican Party Stephen Laroque 11,802 Green check mark transparent.png

District 11

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Efton Sager Approveda Incumbent Sager first assumed office for the 11th District in 2007.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Efton Sager 15,409 Green check mark transparent.png

District 12

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • William Wainwright Approveda Incumbent Wainwright first assumed office for the 12th District in 1991.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party William Wainwright 9,390 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Mark Griffin 6,206

District 13

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Patricia McElraft: 4,354 Approveda Incumbent McElraft first assumed office for the 13th District in 2007.
  • William Rike: 1,269

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Craig Hassler 7,113
Republican Party Patricia McElraft 19,491 Green check mark transparent.png

District 14

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • George Cleveland Approveda Incumbent Cleveland first assumed office for the 14th District in 2005.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party George Cleveland 8,961Green check mark transparent.png

District 15

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

Note: Incumbent Republican William Grady did not seek re-election in 2010.

Grey.png Independent candidate:

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Phillip Shepard 5,873 Green check mark transparent.png
Grey.png George Shaeffer 1,790

District 16

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Carolyn Justice Approveda Incumbent Justice first assumed office for the 16th District in 2003.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Franklin Rivenbark 9,320
Republican Party Carolyn Justice 21,630 Green check mark transparent.png

District 17

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Frank Iler: 6,131 Approveda Incumbent Iler first assumed office for the 17th District in 2009.
  • Henry Tyson: 2,106

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party James Knox 11,146
Republican Party Frank Iler 24,065 Green check mark transparent.png

District 18

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:

Note: Incumbent Democrat Sandra Hughes did not seek re-election in 2010.

Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Susan Hamilton 10,097 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Mary Dawson 7,600

District 19

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Daniel McComas Approveda Incumbent McComas first assumed office for the 19th District in 1995.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Daniel McComas 22,407 Green check mark transparent.png

District 20

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Dewey Hill: 3,876 Approveda Incumbent Hill first assumed office for the 20th District in 1993.
  • Kenneth Wadel: 3,077
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Dewey Hill 11,042 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Tristan Patterson 9,698

District 21

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Larry Bell Approveda Incumbent Bell first assumed office for the 21st District in 2001.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Larry Bell 11,678 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party DeAnn Poirier 6,126

District 22

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • William Brisson: 6,499 Approveda Incumbent Brisson first assumed office for the 22nd District in 2007.
  • Robert Brooks: 2,385
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party William Brisson 12,675 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party John Szoka 11,298

District 23

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Joe Tolson Approveda Incumbent Tolson first assumed office for the 23rd District in 1997.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Joe Tolson 12,043 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Garland Shepheard 10,517

District 24

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Jean Farmer-Butterfield 12,682 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Claiborne Holtzman 6,878

District 25

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Randy Stewart Approveda Incumbent Stewart first assumed office for the 25th District in 2009.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Randy Stewart 10,370
Republican Party Jeffrey Collins 14,096 Green check mark transparent.png

District 26

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Namon Daughtry Approveda Incumbent Daughtry first assumed office for the 26th District in 1993.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Namon Daughtry 18,941 Green check mark transparent.png

District 27

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Michael Wray Approveda Incumbent Wray first assumed office for the 27th District in 2005.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
No Republicans filed to run for this seat.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Michael Wray '17,701 Green check mark transparent.png

District 28

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • James Langdon, Jr. Approveda Incumbent Langdon first assumed office for the 28th District in 2005.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Brian Allen 6,043
Republican Party James Langdon, Jr. 19,918 Green check mark transparent.png

District 29

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Larry Hall Approveda Incumbnet Hall first assumed office for the 29th District in 2007.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
No Republicans filed to run for this seat.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Larry Hall 18,130 Green check mark transparent.png

District 30

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Paul Luebke Approveda Incumbent Luebke first assumed office for the 30th District in 1991.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Paul Luebke 13,442 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Jason Chambers 7,393

District 31

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Henry Michaux, Jr. Approveda Incumbent Michaux first assumed office for the 31st District in 1983.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Henry Michaux, Jr. 18,801 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Patricia Ladd 6,102

District 32

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
No Republicans filed to run for this seat.
Libertarian Party May 4 Libertarian primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party James Crawford, Jr. 13,814 Green check mark transparent.png
Libertarian Party Barbara Howe 3,802

District 33

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Rosa Gill: 3,048 Approveda Incumbent Gill first assumed office for the 33rd District in 2009.
  • Bernard Allen: 1,133
  • Kamau Aal Anubiaimhotepoko: 78
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Rosa Gill 18,426 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Paul Terrel 5,262

District 34

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Grier Martin Approveda Incumbent Martin first assumed office for the 34th District in 2005.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Steven Henion: 1,637 Approveda
  • Brian Tinga: 1,231
  • Joseph Ross: 495
  • James Earp: 243

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Grier Martin 15,234 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Steven Henion 12,886

District 35

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Jennifer Weiss Approveda Incumbent Weiss first assumed office for the 35th District in 1999.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Jennifer Weiss 13,144 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Donald Frantz 9,725

District 36

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Nelson Dollar Approveda Incumbent Dollar first assumed office for the 36th District in 2005.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Robin Anderson 12,225
Republican Party Nelson Dollar 17,477 Green check mark transparent.png

District 37

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Paul Stam Approveda Incumbent Stam first assumed office for the 37th District in 2003.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Debera McHenry 14,028
Republican Party Paul Stam 24,937 Green check mark transparent.png

District 38

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Deborah Ross Approveda Incumbent Ross first assumed office for the 38th District in 2003.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Deborah Ross 14,093 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Madison Shook 7,382

District 39

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Darren Jackson: 2,175 Approveda Incumbent Jackson first assumed office for the 39th District in 2009.
  • Jeanne Bonds: 1,407
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Darren Jackson 16,870 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Duane Cutlip 12,809

District 40

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Marilyn Avila Approveda Incumbent Avila first assumed office for the 40th District in 2007.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Violet Rhineheart 16,345
Republican Party Marilyn Avila 27,686 Green check mark transparent.png

District 41

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Chris Heagarty Approveda Incumbent Heagarty first assumed office for the 41st District in 2009.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Thomas Murry: 2,070 Approveda
  • Todd Batchelor: 1,941
  • David Sloane: 152

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Chris Heagarty 17,052
Republican Party Thomas Murry 19,736 Green check mark transparent.png

District 42

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Marvin Lucas, Jr. Approveda Incumbent Lucas first assumed office for the 42nd District in 2001.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
No Republicans filed to run for this seat.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Marvin Lucas, Jr. 8,874 Green check mark transparent.png

District 43

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Elmer Floyd: 2,172 Approveda Incumbent Floyd first assumed office for the 43rd District in 2009.
  • Mary McAllister: 1,127
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
No Republicans filed to run for this seat.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Elmer Floyd 7,967 Green check mark transparent.png

District 44

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Diane Parfitt Approveda Incumbent Parfitt first assumed office for the 44th District in 2010.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Diane Parfitt 8,189 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Johnny Dawkins 8,081

District 45

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Rick Glazier: 2,714 Approveda Incumbent Glazier first assumed office for the 45th District in 2003.
  • Tina Odom: 997
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Rick Glazier 9,858 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Jacquelyn Warner 9,812

District 46

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Douglas Yongue Approveda Incumbent Yongue first assumed office for the 46th District in 1995.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Douglas Yongue 6,958
Republican Party Gaston Pridgen 7,590 Green check mark transparent.png

District 47

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Charles Graham 7,865 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Brawleigh Graham 3,903

District 48

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Garland Pierce Approveda Incumbent Pierce first assumed office for the 48th District in 2005.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Garland Pierce 9,698 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party John Harry 3,267

District 49

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party John May (North Carolina) 10,544
Republican Party Glen Bradley 11,276 Green check mark transparent.png

District 50

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Bill Faison Approveda Incumbent Faison first assumed office for the 50th District in 2005.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Bill Faison 13,848 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Richard Smith 10,804

District 51

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Jimmy Love, Sr. Approveda Incumbent Love first assumed office for the 51st District in 2007.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Jimmy Love, Sr. 9,370
Republican Party Michael Stone (North Carolina representative) 10,793 Green check mark transparent.png

District 52

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Jamie Boles Approveda Incumbent Boles first assumed office for the 52nd District in 2009.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Jamie Boles 20,749 Green check mark transparent.png

District 53

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • David Lewis, Sr. Approveda Incumbent Lewis first assumed office for the 53rd District in 2003.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Ibrahim Oudeh 6,784
Republican Party David Lewis, Sr. 13,533 Green check mark transparent.png

District 54

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Joe Hackney Approveda Incumbent Hackney first assumed office for the 54th District in 1981.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Joe Hackney 18,048 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Cathy Wright 13,368

District 55

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • W.A. Wilkins: 4,876 Approveda Incumbent Wilkins first assumed office for the 55th District 2005.
  • Fred Foster: 2,899
  • Robert Standish: 348
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party W.A. Wilkins 16,619 Green check mark transparent.png

District 56

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Verla Insko Approveda Incumbent Insko first assumed office for the 56th District in 1997.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
No Republicans filed to run for this seat.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Verla Insko 17,737 Green check mark transparent.png

District 57

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Mary Harrison Approveda Incumbent Harrison first assumed office for the 57th District in 2005.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Mary Harrison 10,664 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Jonathan Hardister 8,485

District 58

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Alma Adams: 3,383 Approveda Incumbent Adams first assumed office for the 58th District in 1995.
  • Ralph Johnson: 1,036
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Alma Adams 15,334 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Darin Thomas 8,948

District 59

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Margaret Jeffus Approveda Incumbent Jeffus first assumed office for the 59th District in 1991.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Margaret Jeffus 11,928 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Theresa Yon 10,729

District 60

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Kenneth Brandon 10,664 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Lonnie Wilson 4,646

District 61

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • John Faircloth: 1,783 Approveda
  • Paul Norcross: 1,050
  • Georgia Nixon-Roney: 716
  • Gerald Grubb: 636

Note: Incumbent Republican Laura Wiley did not seek re-election in 2010.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party John Faircloth 18,035 Green check mark transparent.png

District 62

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • John M. Blust: 3,757 Approveda Incumbent Blust first assumed office for the 62nd District in 2001.
  • Michael Garret: 1,461
Libertarian Party May 4 Libertarian primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party John M. Blust 21,829 Green check mark transparent.png
Libertarian Party Jeffery Simon 4,266

District 63

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Alice Bordsen Approveda Incumbent Bordsen first assumed office for the 63rd District in 2003.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Alice Bordsen 8,920 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Roger Parker 7,536

District 64

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Dan Ingle Approveda Incumbent Ingle first assumed office for the 64th District in 2009.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Dan Ingle 19,301 Green check mark transparent.png

District 65

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Nelson Cole Approveda Incumbent Cole first assumed office for the 65th District in 1997.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
No Republicans filed to run for this seat.
Grey.png Independent candidate:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Nelson Cole 7,561
Grey.png Bert Jones 9,628 Green check mark transparent.png

District 66

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Melanie Goodwin Approveda Incumbent Goodwin first assumed office for the 66th District in 2005.
  • Ken Goodman Note:Goodwin dropped out and was replaced by Goodman on the Democratic ticket.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Ken Goodman 11,298 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party James Parsons 7,322

District 67

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Justin Burr Approveda Incumbent Burr first assumed office for the 67th District in 2009.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Kevin Furr 5,587
Republican Party Justin Burr 17,135 Green check mark transparent.png

District 68

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

Note: Incumbent Republican Curtis Blackwood did not seek re-election in 2010.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Dwight Horn28,214 Green check mark transparent.png

District 69

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Pryor Gibson Approveda Incumbent Gibson first assumed office for the 69th District in 1991.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Pryor Gibson 10,302 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Johnie Barker 6,810

District 70

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Patricia Hurley: 3,252 Approveda Incumbent Hurley first assumed office for the 70th District in 2007.
  • Fred Burgess: 1,405

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Patricia Hurley 13,564 Green check mark transparent.png

District 71

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Larry Womble Approveda Incumbent Womble first assumed office for the 71st District in 1995.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
No Republicans filed to run for this seat.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Larry Womble 9,503 Green check mark transparent.png

District 72

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Earline Parmon: 2,205 Approveda Incumbent Parmon first assumed office for the 72nd District in 2003.
  • Gardenia Henley: 710
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Earline Parmon 9,980 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party John Magee 4,384

District 73

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Larry Brown Approveda Incumbent Brown first assumed office for the 73rd District in 2005.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Larry Brown 17,675 Green check mark transparent.png

District 74

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Dale Folwell Approveda Incumbent Folwell first assumed office for the 74th District in 2005.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Cristina Vazquez 7,733
Republican Party Dale Folwell 17,475 Green check mark transparent.png

District 75

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • William McGee Approveda Incumbent McGee first assumed office for the 75th District in 2003.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party William McGee 17,824 Green check mark transparent.png

District 76

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Fred Steen, II Approveda Incumbent Steen first assumed office for the 76th District in 2005.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Fred Steen, II 15,093 Green check mark transparent.png

District 77

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Lorene Coates Approveda Incumbent Coates first assumed office for the 77th District in 2001.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Lorene Coates 8,951
Republican Party Harry Warren 9,117 Green check mark transparent.png

District 78

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Harold Brubaker: 3,351 Approveda Incumbent Brubaker first assumed office for the 78th District in 1977.
  • Arnold Lanier: 1,996

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Harold Brubaker 13,823 Green check mark transparent.png

District 79

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Julia Howard Approveda Incumbent Howard first assumed office for the 79th District in 1989.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Julia Howard 17,006 Green check mark transparent.png

District 80

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Jerry Dockham: 5,105 Approveda Incumbent Dockham first assumed office for the 80th District in 1991.
  • Richard Johnson: 2,861

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Jerry Dockham 16,593 Green check mark transparent.png

District 81

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Hugh Holliman Approveda Incumbent Holliman first assumed office for the 81st District in 2001.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Hugh Holliman 6,469
Republican Party Rayne Brown '8,744 Green check mark transparent.png

District 82

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Jeffrey Barnhart: 2,955 Approveda Incumbent Barnhart first assumed office for the 82nd District in 2001.
  • Larry Pittman: 2,020

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Jeffrey Barnhart 17,694 Green check mark transparent.png

District 83

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Linda Johnson Approveda Incumbent Johnson first assumed office for the 83rd District in 2001.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Linda Johnson 17,197 Green check mark transparent.png

District 84

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Phillip Frye Approveda Incumbent Frye first assumed office for the 84th District in 2003.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Phillip Frye 15,393 Green check mark transparent.png

District 85

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Mitch Gillespie Approveda Incumbent Gillespie first assumed office for the 85th District in 1999.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Mary Ostgaard 5,577
Republican Party Mitch Gillespie 12,421 Green check mark transparent.png

District 86

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Hugh Blackwell Approveda Incumbent Blackwell first assumed office for the 86th District in 2009.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Walter Church 6,412
Republican Party Hugh Blackwell 10,429 Green check mark transparent.png

District 87

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Edgar V. Starnes Approveda Incumbent Starnes first assumed office for the 87th District in 1997.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Edgar V. Starnes 14,295 Green check mark transparent.png

District 88

Note: Incumbent Democrat Ray Warren did not seek re-election in 2010.

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party David Munday 7,525
Republican Party Mark Hollo 13,587 Green check mark transparent.png

District 89

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Mitchell Setzer Approveda Incumbent Setzer first assumed office for the 89th District in 1999.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Mitchell Setzer 16,119 Green check mark transparent.png

District 90

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Sarah Stevens Approveda Incumbent Stevens first assumed office for the 90th District in 2009.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party John Wolfe 4,988
Republican Party Sarah Stevens 12,274 Green check mark transparent.png

District 91

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Bryan Holloway Approveda Incumbent Holloway first assumed office for the 91st District in 2005.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Edward Gambill 5,275
Republican Party Bryan Holloway 16,153 Green check mark transparent.png

District 92

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Darrell McCormick Approveda Incumbent McCormick first assumed office for the 92nd District in 2009.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Darrell McCormick 15,883 Green check mark transparent.png

District 93

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Cullie Tarleton Approveda Incumbent Tarleton first assumed office for the 93rd District in 2007.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Cullie Tarleton 12,759
Republican Party Jonathan Jordan 13,528 Green check mark transparent.png

District 94

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Shirley Randleman: 4,892 Approveda Incumbent Randleman first assumed office for the 94th District in 2009.
  • John Reavill: 1,406

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party David Moulton 5,124
Republican Party Shirley Randleman 14,322 Green check mark transparent.png

District 95

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Grey Mills, Jr. Approveda Incumbent Mills first assumed office for the 95th District in 2009.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Grey Mills, Jr. 18,675 Green check mark transparent.png

District 96

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Mark Hilton Approveda Incumbent Hilton first assumed office for the 96th District in 2001.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Gary Lafone 6,087
Republican Party Mark Hilton 12,193 Green check mark transparent.png

District 97

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Johnathan Rhyne Approveda Incumbent Rhyne first assumed office for the 97th District in 2009.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Johnathan Rhyne 18,274 Green check mark transparent.png

District 98

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Thom Tillis Approveda Incumbent Tillis first assumed office for the 98th District in 2007.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Thom Tillis 23,540 Green check mark transparent.png

District 99

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Rodney Moore 15,591 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Michael Wilson 6,059

District 100

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Patricia Cotham Approveda Incumbent Cotham first assumed office for the 100th District in 2007.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Patricia Cotham 9,578 Green check mark transparent.png

District 101

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Beverly Earle: 2,148 Approveda Incumbent Earle first assumed office for the 101st District in 1995.
  • Roderick Bailey: 504
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Beverly Earle 15,184 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Rebecca Steen 5,253

District 102

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Becky Carney: 1,510 Approveda Incumbent Carney first assumed office for the 102nd District in 2003.
  • Kim Ratliff: 714
  • Kenneth Davies: 221
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Becky Carney 10,993 Green check mark transparent.png

District 103

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

Note: Incumbent Republican Jim Gulley did not seek re-election in 2010.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Ann Newman 10,830
Republican Party William Brawley 13,790 Green check mark transparent.png

District 104

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Ruth Samuelson: 3,489 Approveda Incumbent Samuelson first assumed office for the 104th District in 2007.
  • Jerry Drye: 713

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Frank Deaton 6,758
Republican Party Ruth Samuelson 20,001 Green check mark transparent.png

District 105

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Ric Killian Approveda Incumbent Killian first assumed office for the 105th District in 2007.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Ric Killian 22,857Green check mark transparent.png

District 106

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Martha Alexander Approveda Incumbent Alexander first assumed office for the 106th District in 2008.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Martha Alexander 10,278 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Michael Cavallo 6,996

District 107

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Kelly Alexander, Jr. 13,132 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Deborah Ware 6,392

District 108

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

Note: Incumbent Republican Wil Neumann did not seek re-election in 2010.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party John Torbett 15,034 Green check mark transparent.png

District 109

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party William A. Current, Sr. 12,183 Green check mark transparent.png

District 110

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party John Eaker 5,373
Republican Party Kelly Hastings 12,433 Green check mark transparent.png

District 111

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Timothy K. Moore Approveda Incumbent Moore first assumed office for the 111th District in 2003.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Mary Accor 6,413
Republican Party Timothy K. Moore 11,972 Green check mark transparent.png

District 112

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:

Note: Incumbent Democrat Bob England did not seek re-election in 2010.

Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Michael Hager: 1,515 Approveda
  • Alan Toney: 843
  • Jimmy Newton: 791
  • Dennis Davis: 308

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party James Proctor 7,203
Republican Party Michael Hager 13,486 Green check mark transparent.png

District 113

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • W. David Guice Approveda Incumbent Guice first assumed office for the 113th District in 2009.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party W. David Guice 19,641 Green check mark transparent.png

District 114

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Susan Fisher Approveda Incumbent Fisher first assumed office for the 114th District in 2005.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Susan Fisher 14,555 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party John Carrol 10,356

District 115

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Patricia Keever 15,775 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Mark Crawford 12,282

District 116

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Jane Whilden Approveda Incumbent Whilden first assumed office for the 116th District in 2009.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Jane Whilden 11,598
Republican Party Timothy Moffitt 14,638 Green check mark transparent.png

District 117

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
No Democrats filed to run for this seat.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

Note: Incumbent Republican Carolyn Justus did not seek re-election in 2010.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Charles McGrady 20,331 Green check mark transparent.png

District 118

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Ray Rapp Approveda Incumbent Rapp first assumed office for the 118th District in 2003.
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Ray Rapp 13,267 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Samuel Edwards 11,006

District 119

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
  • Robert Phillip Haire: 5,229 Approveda Incumbent Haire first assumed office for the 119th District in 1999.
  • Bruce Friedman: 1,899
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Robert Phillip Haire 12,637 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Dodie Allen 9,951

District 120

Democratic Party May 4 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party May 4 GOP primary result:
  • Roger West: 4,466 Approveda Incumbent West first assumed office for the 120th District in 2001.
  • Timothy West: 1,681

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Randy Hogsed 7,767
Republican Party Roger West 20,086 Green check mark transparent.png

See also

External links


Speaker of the House:Destin Hall
Majority Leader:Brenden Jones
Minority Leader:Robert Reives
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
Bill Ward (R)
District 6
Joe Pike (R)
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
John Bell (R)
District 11
District 12
District 13
District 14
District 15
District 16
District 17
District 18
District 19
District 20
Ted Davis (R)
District 21
Ya Liu (D)
District 22
District 23
District 24
District 25
District 26
District 27
District 28
District 29
District 30
District 31
District 32
District 33
District 34
District 35
District 36
District 37
District 38
District 39
District 40
District 41
District 42
District 43
District 44
District 45
District 46
District 47
District 48
District 49
District 50
District 51
District 52
Ben Moss (R)
District 53
District 54
District 55
District 56
District 57
District 58
District 59
District 60
District 61
District 62
District 63
District 64
District 65
District 66
District 67
District 68
District 69
Dean Arp (R)
District 70
District 71
District 72
District 73
District 74
District 75
District 76
District 77
District 78
District 79
District 80
District 81
District 82
District 83
District 84
District 85
District 86
District 87
District 88
Mary Belk (D)
District 89
District 90
District 91
Kyle Hall (R)
District 92
District 93
District 94
District 95
District 96
Jay Adams (R)
District 97
District 98
District 99
District 100
District 101
District 102
District 103
District 104
District 105
District 106
District 107
Aisha Dew (D)
District 108
District 109
District 110
District 111
District 112
District 113
District 114
Eric Ager (D)
District 115
District 116
District 117
District 118
District 119
District 120
Republican Party (71)
Democratic Party (49)