1990 ballot measures
1990 State Ballot Measures | |
1991 »
« 1989
| |
Part 1: Overview | |
Current measures | |
Measure Monthly |
By state
See also: Alabama 1990 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Taxes | Concerning ad valorem taxes used for education |
See also: Alaska 1990 ballot measures
August 28:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
IndISS | Measure 1 | Transportation | Amends the Alaska Railroad Act | |
IndISS | Measure 2 | Gaming | Creates an Alaska Gambling Board |
November 6:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Measure 1 | Gov't Finances | Creates a budget reserve fund | |
IndISS | Measure 2 | Marijuana | Criminalizes the possession of marijuana |
See also: Arizona 1990 ballot measures
November 6, 1990
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 100 | Natural resources; Property | Provide for the authorization of the state to exchange state trust land for public or private land of equal or greater value |
466,089 (45%) |
567,267 (55%) |
Proposition 101 | Bonds; Local government | Allow municipalities to issue bonds for streets, highways, and bridges |
401,165 (39%) |
622,210 (61%) |
Proposition 102 | Judiciary | Provide for the authorization of the justice of the peace and courts inferior to the superior court to hear civil cases involving amounts up to $10,000 |
543,944 (53%) |
473,111 (47%) |
Proposition 103 | Education; Budgets | Provide for the establishment of the Classroom Improvement Program |
354,733 (34%) |
687,977 (66%) |
Proposition 104 | Constitutional rights; Trials | Provide constitutional rights to victims of criminal offenses |
589,870 (57%) |
443,930 (43%) |
Proposition 105 | Insurance; Tort law; Transportation | Make an exception from the state constitutional provision prohibiting laws that limit the amount of damages someone can recover for a death or injury for those resulting from an automobile accident |
180,922 (17%) |
865,289 (83%) |
Proposition 200 | Environment; Gambling | Provide for the establishment of Heritage Funds from state lottery revenues and the allocation of funds for the State Parks Board and Game and Fish Commission |
648,046 (62%) |
394,952 (38%) |
Proposition 201 | Business | Provide for the establishment of an Insurance Consumer Office |
231,266 (22%) |
820,653 (78%) |
Proposition 202 | Environment | Require Arizona to develop a statewide plan to reduce the amount of solid waste in Arizona by 20% by the year 2010 |
346,926 (33%) |
691,580 (67%) |
Proposition 203 | Business | Provide for the option of purchasing a fault based or personal protection insurance policy and establishing certain insurance requirements and limitations |
156,301 (15%) |
892,794 (85%) |
Proposition 300 | Legislature; Salaries | Provide for the increase of legislative salaries from $15,000 per year to $24,000 |
337,868 (33%) |
699,589 (67%) |
Proposition 301 | Administration | Provide for the establishment of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a paid holiday and the removal of Columbus Day as a paid holiday |
251,308 (25%) |
768,763 (75%) |
Proposition 302 | Administration | Provide for the establishment of Martin Luther King, Jr./Civil Rights Day as a paid state holiday on the third Monday in January |
517,882 (49%) |
535,151 (51%) |
See also: Arkansas 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 1 | Admin of gov't | Establishes the Arkansas Compensation Commission | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 2 | Business reg | Controls interest rates and sets the penalty for violations thereof | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 3 | Con language | Repeals Amendment 44 of the Arkansas Constitution | |
CISS | Proposed Initiated Act 1 | Gov't acc | Provides for standards of conduct and disclosure for candidates and political campaigns | |
LRSS | Proposed Question Act 683 | Education | Authorizes the Arkansas Development Finance Authority to issue college savings bonds | |
LRSS | Proposed Question Act 945 | Development | Authorizes the issuance of Economic Development Credit Enhancement General Obligation Bonds |
See also: California 1990 ballot propositions
June 5, 1990
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 107 | Housing; Bonds | Issue $150 million in bonds for housing projects and purchasing assistance for first-time homebuyers. |
2,613,414 (52%) |
2,396,377 (48%) |
Proposition 108 | Transportation; Bonds | Issue $1 billion in bonds for passenger rail transportation projects. |
2,795,092 (56%) |
2,170,876 (44%) |
Proposition 109 | Legislature; Executive officials | Extend time from 12 days to 29 days for the Governor to review bills after adjournment in the first year of the legislative session. |
2,627,505 (55%) |
2,116,438 (45%) |
Proposition 110 | Taxes | Authorize the California State Legislature to allow severely disabled homeowners to transfer the value of their existing home to a replacement home. |
3,931,937 (80%) |
972,850 (20%) |
Proposition 111 | Taxes; Transportation | Enact a 55% increase in truck weight fees and increase the tax by $0.01 on January 1 for the next four years. |
2,621,022 (52%) |
2,378,028 (48%) |
Proposition 112 | Legislature; Salaries | Establish the Citizens Compensation Commission and limiting the ability of the state legislature to close sessions of the Legislature. |
2,994,561 (62%) |
1,799,517 (38%) |
Proposition 113 | Business | Amend the laws regulating licenses for chiropractors. |
3,897,974 (82%) |
864,835 (18%) |
Proposition 114 | Death penalty; Law enforcement; Judiciary | Amend the law to expand the types of peace officers whose murder is a special circumstance potentially warranting the death penalty. |
3,435,095 (71%) |
1,395,087 (29%) |
Proposition 115 | Law enforcement; Judiciary; Trials | Create laws and constitutional amendments relating to criminal prosecution, crimes, and trials. |
2,690,115 (57%) |
2,026,599 (43%) |
Proposition 116 | Transportation; Bonds | Issue nearly $2 billion in bonds for passenger and commuter rail transportation projects. |
2,579,810 (53%) |
2,263,573 (47%) |
Proposition 117 | Environment; Animals | Create the Habitat Conservation Fund and appropriate $30 million annually to the fund until 2020. |
2,572,470 (52%) |
2,334,899 (48%) |
Proposition 118 | Legislature; Redistricting | Establish provisions for approving redistricting maps and establish the Joint Legislative Ethics Committee in the state constitution. |
1,615,163 (33%) |
3,281,177 (67%) |
Proposition 119 | Legislature; Redistricting | Amend the state constitution and state law to authorize a 12-person citizens commission to redistrict the boundaries of districts after each census. |
1,761,510 (36%) |
3,105,501 (64%) |
Proposition 120 | Prisons; Bonds | Authorize the issuance of $450 million in bonds to fund prison construction. |
2,714,145 (56%) |
2,133,995 (44%) |
Proposition 121 | Education; Bonds | Authorize the issuance of $450 million in bonds for the construction of higher education facilities. |
2,687,831 (55%) |
2,195,888 (45%) |
Proposition 122 | Earthquakes; Bonds | Authorize the state to issue $300 million in bonds for seismic retrofitting of government facilities against earthquakes. |
2,679,875 (55%) |
2,190,057 (45%) |
Proposition 123 | Education; Bonds | Authorize the state to issue $800 million in bonds to fund the construction of public school facilities. |
2,781,973 (58%) |
2,054,385 (42%) |
November 6, 1990
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 124 | Healthcare; Business | Allow local hospital districts to own stock of corporations engaging in any health-related business. |
3,225,340 (46%) |
3,815,030 (54%) |
Proposition 125 | Taxes; Transportation | Authorize a portion of the revenue from motor vehicle gas taxes to be allocated to the purchase of rail transit vehicles and equipment. |
3,229,081 (46%) |
3,859,304 (54%) |
Proposition 126 | Alcohol; Taxes | Amend the state constitution to increase the taxes on alcohol. |
3,001,351 (41%) |
4,332,827 (59%) |
Proposition 127 | Earthquakes; Taxes | Amend the constitution to exclude earthquake safety modifications from property tax assessments until the property is sold. |
4,431,687 (62%) |
2,750,765 (38%) |
Proposition 128 | Environment; Forests and parks; Natural resources; Property; Bonds | Regulate pesticides on food, establish water quality standards, and appropriate $340 million for environmental research and redwoods forestry projects. |
2,636,663 (36%) |
4,760,022 (64%) |
Proposition 129 | Law enforcement; Bonds | Appropriate $1.9 billion over eight years for drug enforcement and issue $740 million in bonds for treatment and confinement facilities. |
1,982,372 (28%) |
5,192,742 (72%) |
Proposition 130 | Forests and parks; Natural resources; Property; Bonds | Impose restrictions on logging operations on nonfederal lands and authorize $742 million in bonds to acquire old-growth forestlands. |
3,528,887 (48%) |
3,842,733 (52%) |
Proposition 131 | Term limits; Elections | Establish provisions relating to term lengths and campaign finance contributions. |
2,723,763 (38%) |
4,490,973 (62%) |
Proposition 132 | Hunting and fishing; Environment | Establish the Marine Protection Zone, prohibit gill and trammel, and establish four new ocean water reserves for research purposes. |
3,959,238 (56%) |
3,140,733 (44%) |
Proposition 133 | Law enforcement; Taxes | Increase the state's sales tax, create the Safe Streets Fund, and prohibit the early release of certain convicted individuals. |
2,281,937 (32%) |
4,877,808 (68%) |
Proposition 134 | Alcohol; Taxes | Establish the Alcohol Surtax Fund and add an increased surtax of $0.05 on alcohol. |
2,285,256 (31%) |
5,076,822 (69%) |
Proposition 135 | Food and agriculture; Environment; Business | Appropriate $5 million annually to fund pesticide-related research, change the monitoring and regulation of pesticides on foods, and establish state training for pesticide users. |
2,191,301 (30%) |
5,015,928 (70%) |
Proposition 136 | Taxes; Direct democracy; Elections; Supermajority | Require certain taxes be voted on by citizens. |
3,439,621 (48%) |
3,744,620 (52%) |
Proposition 137 | Direct democracy; Elections | Require voter approval for changes to the rules governing initiative petition circulators and how the initiative is presented to voters. |
3,157,383 (45%) |
3,860,756 (55%) |
Proposition 138 | Forests and parks; Natural resources; Bonds | Establish provisions relating to logging, forests, greenhouse gases, and private land. |
2,108,389 (29%) |
5,201,891 (71%) |
Proposition 139 | Prisons | Establish provisions relating to inmate labor. |
3,867,147 (54%) |
3,288,144 (46%) |
Proposition 140 | Term limits; Legislature | Create term limits and provisions relating to the legislature. |
3,744,447 (52%) |
3,432,666 (48%) |
Proposition 141 | Water; Business | Extend to public agencies the prohibition on discharging or releasing into water chemicals known to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity. |
3,332,755 (48%) |
3,542,894 (52%) |
Proposition 142 | Veterans; Housing; Bonds | Issue $400 million in bonds for home loans for veterans through the Cal-Vet program. |
4,153,879 (59%) |
2,884,851 (41%) |
Proposition 143 | Education; Bonds | Authorize the state to issue $450 million in bonds to fund the improvement of public higher education facilities in the state. |
3,449,401 (49%) |
3,619,457 (51%) |
Proposition 144 | Prisons; Bonds | Authorize $450 million in bonds to fund the construction of new prisons and Youth Authority facilities to address overcrowding. |
2,871,183 (40%) |
4,239,091 (60%) |
Proposition 145 | Housing; Bonds | Issue $125 million in bonds to fund a housing and earthquake safety program. |
3,113,975 (44%) |
3,904,145 (56%) |
Proposition 146 | Education; Bonds | Authorize $800 million in bonds for improvements to public school buildings under the State School Building Lease-Purchase Program. |
3,679,099 (53%) |
3,324,276 (47%) |
Proposition 147 | Prisons; Bonds | Authorize the state to issue $225 million in bonds to construct and renovate county correctional facilities and county juvenile facilities. |
2,574,002 (37%) |
4,329,678 (63%) |
Proposition 148 | Water; Bonds | Authorize the state to issue $380 million for a water resources program and change provisions of the Water Conservation Bond Law. |
3,024,141 (44%) |
3,886,587 (56%) |
Proposition 149 | Forests and parks; Natural resources; Property; Bonds | Authorize the state to issue $437 million in bonds for developing and restoring state and local nature, historical, or museum properties. |
3,330,877 (47%) |
3,743,765 (53%) |
Proposition 150 | Judiciary; Bonds | Authorize the state to issue $200 million in bonds for the construction and renovation of county courthouse facilities. |
1,830,612 (26%) |
5,100,520 (74%) |
Proposition 151 | Education; Bonds | Authorize the state to issue $30 million in bonds for the construction of childcare facilities. |
3,360,443 (47%) |
3,719,971 (53%) |
See also: Colorado 1990 ballot measures
November 6, 1990
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment No. 1 | Require voter approval for new and increased taxes and debts and establish new property assessment procedures. |
494,934 (49%) |
516,534 (51%) |
Amendment No. 2 | Establish a presidential primary to select delegates to the national party convention. |
582,835 (61%) |
370,166 (39%) |
Amendment No. 3 | Repeal obsolete constitutional provisions. |
717,544 (78%) |
204,294 (22%) |
Amendment No. 4 | Legalize limited gambling in certain cities and create the Limited Gambling Control Commission. |
574,620 (57%) |
428,096 (43%) |
Amendment No. 5 | Impose term limits for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, members of the General Assembly, and United States Senators and Representatives for Colorado. |
708,975 (71%) |
289,664 (29%) |
See also: Connecticut 1990 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Redistricting | Extends the timetable for reapportionment |
See also: Florida 1990 ballot measures
November 6, 1990
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Establish the timing of meetings of the legislature |
2,615,449 (84%) |
513,970 (16%) |
Amendment 2 | Require a three-day waiting period between the purchase and delivery of any handgun |
2,840,912 (84%) |
522,248 (16%) |
Amendment 3 | Excuse municipalities from general laws requiring them to spend funds under certain circumstances |
2,031,557 (64%) |
1,140,745 (36%) |
Amendment 4 | Provide for the recording of certain legislative votes and open and noticed committee and other legislative meetings |
2,795,784 (88%) |
392,323 (12%) |
See also: Georgia 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Tort | Authorizes lawsuits against the state and its departments, agencies, officers and employees | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Gov't Finances | Provides for an education trust fund to assist in financing post-secondary education | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Environment | Encourages the conservation and protection of conservation use property | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Insurance | Provides for the indemnification of emergency management specialists who are killed or permanently disabled | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Taxes | Allows political subdivisions to impose a local sales tax | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Admin of Gov't | Requires a person to be a registered voter to hold public office | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Judiciary | Authorizes the general assembly to confer jurisdiction upon municipal courts to try state offenses | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Divorce & Custody | Provides that divorce cases can be tried in the county where the plaintiff resides if the defendant moves counties | |
LRCA | Amendment 9 | Gov't Finances | Provides for an emerging crops loan fund to assist farmers | |
LRSS | Referendum 1 | Taxes | Raises the threshold below which intangible property tax liability is not incurred |
See also: Hawaii 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Legislature | Increases the minimum number of days for legislative recesses and alters the permissible start dates for recesses | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Judiciary | Increases the minimum number of years of holding a license for district court judges | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Legislature | Proposes to change the status for reappointment qualifications | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Constitutional Rights | Repeals the use of fractional voting for island unit representation | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Legislature | Changes the reappointment boundaries and applies changes as much as possible |
See also: Idaho 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | HJR 14 | Legislature | Authorizes the legislature to impose a fee on fish and game land |
See also: Illinois 1990 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Taxes | Changes redemption periods for property sold for non-payment of taxes |
See also: Indiana 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposition 1 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes that the General Assembly act on a governor's veto prior to a session's termination | |
LRCA | Proposition 2 | Pension Civil Service | Proposes to allow the General Assembly to decided whether public employee retirement funding ought to be invested |
See also: Iowa 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
ABR | Constitutional Convention Question | Con convention | Calls for a constitutional convention to amend the constitution |
See also: Kansas 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Education | Proposes to amend the state constitution regarding education, specifically in administration, governance and finance |
See also: Kentucky 1990 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Admin of gov't | Allowing the General Assembly to call itself into special legislative session upon petition by two-thirds of the membership of the General Assembly | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Admin of gov't | General Assembly having the authority to establish a process which allows it, or an agency or a committee it designates, to review, approve, or reject any administrative regulation of an officer or agency of the executive department during or between regular sessions of the General Assembly | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Admin of gov't | Removing from the Kentucky Constitution various detailed limitations related to the General Assembly authority to classify and regulate cities; grant cities "home rule" powers; set limits on local government tax rates and debt capacity; regulate city elections and the terms in office of city council and commission members; and regulate local government taxing powers; including the power to grant limited tax exemptions to businesses and industries | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Taxes | Providing a tax exemption for the real property owned and occupied by, and personal property, both tangible and intangible, owned by, institutions of religion |
See also: Louisiana 1990 ballot measures
October 6:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Legislature | Concerning the start date of the legislaive session | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Gov't Finances | Concerning the state budget | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Education | Concerning administrative spending in education | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Gambling | Concerning the creation of a state lottery | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Admin of gov't | Concerning administrative decisions in workers compensation claims | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Civil Service | Concerning creation of a civil service system solely for state police | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Civil Service | Concerning supplemenal civil service pay | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Education | Concerning the ability of colleges to acquire stock as payment for research | |
LRCA | Amendment 9 | Taxes | Concerning the prohibition of a local inheritance tax | |
LRCA | Amendment 10 | Taxes | Concerning local ad valorem tax exemption for inventory held in distribution centers | |
LRCA | Amendment 11 | Taxes | Concerning a tax break for property improvement in certain areas | |
LRCA | Amendment 12 | Taxes | Concerning property tax exemption for leasing property to nonprofit groups | |
LRCA | Amendment 13 | Taxes | Concerning New Orleans property tax to suppot police and fire services | |
LRCA | Amendment 14 | Taxes | Concerning donating taxes to private entities for job creation | |
LRCA | Amendment 15 | Taxes | Concerning allocation of lignite taxes |
See also: Maine 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
IndISS | Question No. 1 | Sunday | Allows certain sized stores to open on Sundays and certain holidays | |
BI | Question No. 2 | Transportation | Issues $4.5 million in bonds for the acquisition of certain rail lines | |
BI | Question No. 3 | Education | Issues $5 million in bonds for the correction of major emergency maintenance problems in public schools | |
BI | Question No. 4 | Environment | Issues $3 million in bonds for the investigation, abatement, clean up and mitigation of uncontrolled hazardous substance sites | |
BI | Question No. 5 | Forests & Parks | Issues $19 million in bonds to purchase of public lands and for construction to replace Churchill Dam | |
BI | Question No. 6 | Prisons | Issues $20,250,000 in bonds to build, purchase, plan and renovate correction facilities and to study future operation needs | |
BI | Question No. 7 | Water | Issues $9 million in bonds for the construction of water pollution control facilities | |
BI | Question No. 8 | History | Issues $5 million in bonds for historic buildings preservation, improvements at state parks and access for persons with disabilities | |
LRCA | Question No. 9 | Housing | Uses state credit to insure the payment of mortgage loans |
See also: Maryland 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Admin of gov't | Allows state and local officials to serve at the same time as members of a reserve component of the military | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Judiciary | Provides that circuit court clerks are governed by rules adopted by the state's highest court | |
ABR | Question 3 | ConCon | Asks voters if a convention should be called to revise the Constitution |
See also: Massachusetts 1990 ballot measures
November 6, 1990
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Provide that the federal census be used for redistricting |
1,731,341 (78%) |
479,999 (22%) |
Question 2 | Place limits on the state's use of consultants |
1,038,174 (45%) |
1,246,739 (55%) |
Question 3 | Revise laws relating to the state income tax and the setting of fees by state agencies |
935,337 (40%) |
1,397,542 (60%) |
Question 4 | Establish requirements for establishing a political party |
1,134,535 (52%) |
1,027,966 (48%) |
Question 5 | Provide for the distribution of the Local Aid Fund |
1,242,270 (57%) |
949,561 (43%) |
Question 6 | Require all radio and television broadcast outlets give equal time to all certified candidates for public office |
1,141,706 (54%) |
973,933 (46%) |
See also: Minnesota 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Lottery | Dedicates state lottery proceeds to the environment and natural resources trust fund |
See also: Mississippi 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Redistricting Local Gov't | Proposes that counties be divided and the board members need not live in the district they represent | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Prisons | Proposes to establish a state-run nonprofit to operate prisons | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes state congressional leaders read and sign bills in open sessions | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Pension | Proposes to end pensions for Confederate soldiers and their widows | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Statehood | Proposes to repeal the part of the constitution pertaining to state boundaries | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes to remove the provision that authorizes the state legislature to elect U.S. Senators and to appoint presidential electors | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes to repeal the provision that requires the governor and the state treasurer to publish the treasury balance |
See also: Missouri 1990 ballot measures
August 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gambling | Removes various regulations on bingo operations | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Bonds | Creates neighborhood improvement districts and the ability to take on debt by vote for funding the improvements | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Taxes | Requires a four-sevenths majority of those voting to approve certain operating levies | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Admin of Gov't | Creates Department of Insurance and Office of Consumer Affairs |
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CISS | Proposition A | Environment | Creates a Natural Streams Commission to adopt management plans and regulations |
See also: Montana 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
ABR | CC-1 | Con Convention | Asks whether there should be a Constitutional Convention | |
LRCA | C-21 | Elections | Requires a valid election to be held on qualified ballot issues | |
CICA | CI-55 | Taxes | Repeals existing taxes and requires state funding through trade charge | |
CISS | I-115 | Tobacco | Increases sales tax on cigarettes and tobacco |
See also: Nebraska 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Taxes | Defines agricultural and horticultural land as distinct property class for tax purposes | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Judiciary | Provides the right to appeal and appellate courts | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Local gov't | Allows municipalities to use local revenue sources for economic and industrial development with voter approval | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Education | Creates the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education | |
CICA | Amendment 5 | Lottery | Establishes a state lottery system operated by nonprofit organizations | |
CICA | Amendment 6 | Gov't Finances | Limits the annual increase of state and local budgets to 2% | |
VR | Referendum 1 | Education | Retains an increase sales and income taxes to support schools |
See also: Nevada 1990 ballot measures
November 6, 1990
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Judiciary | Authorize the legislature to establish family courts as divisions of district courts to handle domestic matters. |
204,981 (66%) |
105,338 (34%) |
Question 2 | Gambling | Allow charitable and nonprofit organizations to operate raffles and drawings for fundraising. |
183,795 (59%) |
128,707 (41%) |
Question 3 | Taxes | Exempt textbook sales from sales taxes throughout the University of Nevada System. |
172,662 (55%) |
139,660 (45%) |
Question 4 | Taxes | Exempt certain gold, silver, and platinum medallions and bars from sales and use taxes. |
87,922 (28%) |
220,851 (72%) |
Question 5 | Environment; Bonds | Issue up to $47.2 million in bonds for park improvements, new parks, and the protection of wetlands and wildlife resources. |
206,790 (66%) |
106,720 (34%) |
Question 6 | Education; Taxes | Establish a net profit tax on corporations and a $500 franchise fee, with revenues going toward education. |
72,427 (23%) |
241,949 (77%) |
Question 7 | Abortion | Affirm the statute to allow for abortions up to 24 weeks gestation |
200,645 (63%) |
115,495 (37%) |
Question 9 | Taxes | Prohibit a state personal income tax while allowing business taxes to continue. |
225,651 (72%) |
86,361 (28%) |
New Hampshire
See also: New Hampshire 1990 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Lottery Money for Education | Lottery | Shall all lottery moneys be used for edcation? |
New Jersey
See also: New Jersey 1990 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Question 1 | Bond issues | Allows for $135 million in bonds for housing assistance. | |
LRSS | Question 2 | Gambling | Allows Sunday horse racing at tracks on the condition that they remain closed on another day of the week. | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Gambling | Allows Atlantic City gambling establishments to show live video of horse races and to accept wagers on them. |
New York
See also: New York 1990 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Proposal 1 | Bond issues | Authorizes the creation of state debt to provide moneys for the preservation, enhancement, restoration, improvement and stewardship of this state's environment |
North Carolina
See also: North Carolina 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Referendum 1 | Bonds | Issues bonds to provide funds for prison and youth facilities |
North Dakota
See also: North Dakota 1990 ballot measures
June 12
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Measure 1 | Legislatures | Removes the lieutenant governor as the presiding officer of the state senate | |
LRCA | Measure 2 | Gov't Finances | Provides that resources trust fund is a constitutional trust fund and for transfer of funds to resources trust fund | |
LRCA | Measure 3 | Gov't Finances | Allows up to 50 percent of coal severance tax moneys to be used for lignite research, development and marketing | |
CISS | Measure 4 | Education | Provides for an increase in several taxes to support elementary, secondary, adult and vocational education |
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Measure 1 | Legislatures | Provides that bills passed by the Legislative Assembly become effective on August 1 after passage | |
LRCA | Measure 2 | Judiciary | Provides term limits for appointed Supreme Court justices or district court judges | |
LRCA | Measure 3 | Admin of Gov't | Defines "graduate" relating to membership requirements of the State Board of Higher Education | |
LRCA | Measure 4 | State Exec | Moves the State Auditor from the executive to the legislative branch after 1992 | |
CICA | Measure 5 | Gambling | Allows private citizens and for-profit organizations to conduct games of chance in Roland Township | |
CICA | Measure 6 | Gambling | Authorizes electronic video gaming by private citizens, for-profit entities, and nonprofit organizations | |
CISS | Measure 7 | Business | Allows an insurance agent to offer a rebate of all or any portion of the insurance agents commission to the insured party | |
CISS | Measure 8 | Gambling | Regulates private games of chance conducted by use of video gaming devices |
See also: Ohio 1990 ballot measures
November 6, 1990
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Funding for Housing Assistance Amendment | Allow the state and political subdivisions to provide funds for housing assistance. |
1,705,528 (53%) |
1,517,466 (47%) |
Licensing of a Casino in Lorain Initiative | Authorize the licensing of a casino resort hotel in the city of Lorain. |
1,270,387 (38%) |
2,098,725 (62%) |
Spousal Continuance for the Homestead Tax Exemption Amendment | Allow spouses of persons receiving a homestead tax exemption to continue receiving it after their spouse's death if certain criteria are met. |
2,967,935 (89%) |
372,950 (11%) |
See also: Oklahoma 1990 ballot measures
June 26, 1990
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 633 | Education; Administration | Create a seven-member State Board of Education, with six appointees serving six-year terms, and the State Superintendent as president. |
119,218 (49%) |
124,457 (51%) |
State Question 634 | Education; Taxes | Consolidate school levies into a 44-mill cap, redirect high-value property taxes to a statewide fund, and permit levy adjustments within the cap. |
110,669 (45%) |
132,907 (55%) |
State Question 635 | Education; Budgets | Create the Oklahoma School Land Fund and allow the legislature allocate income from public land leases to schools. |
112,971 (46%) |
130,083 (54%) |
State Question 636 | Education; Administration | Allow the legislature to determine the ages at which children are required to attend school. |
110,925 (46%) |
132,019 (54%) |
August 28, 1990
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 623 | Trials | Raise the jury trial threshold to $1,500, require 12-person juries for major cases, and mandate unanimous verdicts for serious crimes. |
436,904 (63%) |
260,266 (37%) |
State Question 624 | Eminent domain | Redefine compensation for land taken, considering value, injury, and benefits, ensuring owners are not charged more than the injury. |
423,866 (61%) |
270,013 (39%) |
State Question 625 | Bonds | Allow counties to issue bonds for industrial development, set procedures by law, and restrict voting to registered voters. |
430,947 (63%) |
257,092 (37%) |
State Question 626 | Local government; Utilities | Allow cities and towns to borrow money for public utilities without additional taxes, repayable through pledged funds or revenues. |
425,405 (62%) |
261,676 (38%) |
September 18, 1990
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 627 | Administration; Government accountability | Create a five-member Ethics Commission, appointed by state officials, to set campaign rules and investigate violations. |
409,100 (64%) |
231,899 (36%) |
State Question 632 | Term limits; Legislature | Limit future legislators to 12 years total, while allowing current members an additional 12 years. |
437,806 (67%) |
213,158 (33%) |
State Question 638 | Alcohol | Restrict state agencies, except certain lodges, from the alcohol business and let the legislature limit employee involvement. |
337,991 (53%) |
302,772 (47%) |
November 6, 1990
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 637 | Alcohol | Allow liquor stores to remain open during city franchise elections while keeping them closed during other elections. |
359,746 (41%) |
525,608 (59%) |
State Question 641 | Taxes | Allow the legislature to permit cities and counties to provide tax exemptions and other tax relief for economically declining areas. |
451,497 (53%) |
402,767 (47%) |
See also: Oregon 1990 ballot measures
May 15, 1990
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 1 | Taxes; Transportation | Authorize allocation of local vehicle taxes for mass transit with voter approval. |
294,099 (48%) |
324,458 (52%) |
Measure 2 | Environment; Bonds | Allows state general obligation bond funds for pollution and waste control facilities and related activities. |
352,922 (59%) |
248,123 (41%) |
Measure 3 | Legislature | Require annual legislative sessions with a maximum of 135 calendar days in odd-numbered years and 45 days in even-numbered years. |
294,664 (50%) |
299,831 (50%) |
Measure 5A | Education; Budgets | Change the K-12 schools financing system in Oregon. |
462,090 (77%) |
140,747 (23%) |
Measure 5B | Property; Taxes | Increase the income tax from 5% to 5.8%, from 7% to 8%, and from 9% to 10.4% to reduce homeowner school property taxes. |
177,964 (30%) |
408,842 (70%) |
Measure 5C | Property; Taxes | Increase the 9% top personal income tax rate to eliminate school property taxes on homes. |
128,642 (22%) |
449,725 (78%) |
Measure 5D | Property; Taxes | Implement a 4% sales tax on most goods to reduce K-12 school operating property taxes. |
202,367 (34%) |
385,820 (66%) |
Measure 5E | Property; Taxes | Implement a 5% sales tax on goods and services to eliminate K-12 school operating property taxes. |
222,611 (37%) |
374,466 (63%) |
November 6, 1990
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 10 | Abortion | Requires doctors to give a two day notice to the guardian of a minor seeking an abortion |
530,851 (48%) |
577,806 (52%) |
Measure 11 | Education; School choice; Taxes | Require open enrollment for students to attend public schools outside their districts and offer state income tax credit for non-public school education expenses |
351,977 (32%) |
741,863 (68%) |
Measure 1 | Local government | Allow metropolitan service districts to self-govern metropolitan matters by forming home rule district charters. |
510,947 (51%) |
491,170 (49%) |
Measure 2 | Education; Taxes | Allow the new tax base of the newly created district would be equal to the sums of merged school districts. |
680,463 (66%) |
354,288 (34%) |
Measure 3 | Pension; Taxes | Eliminate state income tax exemption on Public Employes Retirement System (PERS) benefits and provide extra benefits to PERS retirees. |
406,372 (40%) |
617,586 (60%) |
Measure 4 | Nuclear issues | Prohibit the Trojan Nuclear Power Plant from operating until nuclear waste, cost, and earthquake standards are met. |
446,795 (40%) |
660,992 (60%) |
Measure 5 | Property; Taxes | Set a constitutional limit on property tax allocation for schools and government operations tied to the property's real market value. |
574,833 (52%) |
522,022 (48%) |
Measure 6 | Environment; Business | Require packaging materials to be reusable or recyclable by 1993. |
467,418 (42%) |
636,804 (58%) |
Measure 7 | Public works; Welfare | Establish a three-year pilot public work program, substituting government-funded wages for welfare benefits for public assistance recipients. |
624,744 (58%) |
452,853 (42%) |
Measure 8 | Abortion | Prohibit abortion in Oregon |
355,963 (32%) |
747,599 (68%) |
Measure 9 | Transportation | Require motor vehicle drivers and passengers to wear safety belts on all public roads in Oregon. |
598,460 (54%) |
512,872 (46%) |
See also: Pennsylvania 1990 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Question 1 | Bond issues and Prisons | Issues bonds to repair, expand, construct, reconstruct and rehabilitate county prisons | |
BI | Question 2 | Bond issues | Issues loans to volunteer fire companies |
Rhode Island
See also: Rhode Island 1990 ballot measures
November 6:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposal 1 | Bond issues | Issues $41.85 million in general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 2 | Bond issues | Issues $92.1 million in general obligation bonds. | |
LRSS | Proposal 3 | Gambling | ||
LBM | Proposal 4 | Bond issues | Issues $7 million in general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 5 | Bond issues | Issues $2 million in general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 6 | Bond issues | Issues $35 million in general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 7 | Bond issues | Reallocates bond proceeds. | |
LBM | Proposal 8 | Bond issues | Issues $20 million in general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 9 | Bond issues | Issues $19,445,540 in general obligation bonds. | |
LBM | Proposal 10 | Bond issues | Issues $3.5 million in general obligation bonds. | |
LRSS | Proposal 11 | Gambling |
South Carolina
See also: South Carolina 1990 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1A | Judiciary | Restricts the jurisdiction of the state grand jury to certain crimes | |
LRCA | Amendment 1B | Judiciary | Provides that the jurisdiction of the state grand jury must be as provided in Section 22 of Article V of the Constitution of this State | |
LRCA | Tax question | Taxes | One percent sales and use tax levy in state counties |
South Dakota
See also: South Dakota 1990 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment A | Property | Relates to the disposition of private property taken for public use | |
LRCA | Amendment B | Legislature | Changes aspects of legislative eligibility | |
LRCA | Amendment C | Taxes | Prohibits an income tax unless revenue is dedicated to education | |
LRCA | Amendment D | Legislature | Allows for special legislative sessions when requested | |
LRCA | Amendment E | Taxes | Limits the growth of taxes on real property | |
CISS | Initiative 1 | Utilities | Approves construction and operation of a solid waste facility | |
CISS | Initiative 2 | Natural resources | Requires permits for large scale gold and silver mining |
See also: Texas 1990 ballot measures
November 6, 1990
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 1 | Administration | Clarify the authority of the Senate to review and approve nominees for particular state and district offices to fill vacancies in those positions. |
1,740,374 (66%) |
916,162 (34%) |
See also: Utah 1990 ballot measures
November 6, 1990
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative A | Food and agriculture; Taxes | Prohibit sales taxes on food |
194,448 (44%) |
245,045 (56%) |
Proposition 1 | Healthcare; Local government | Change the service counties can offer from "hospital" to "healthcare" |
299,267 (72%) |
118,856 (28%) |
Proposition 2 | Administration; Legislature | Grant legislature emergency powers |
323,463 (77%) |
94,123 (23%) |
See also: Virginia 1990 ballot measures
November 6, 1990
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Allow for lower personal property taxes for those 65 and older and those who are disabled |
942,840 (82%) |
212,486 (18%) |
Question 2 | Allow the proceeds of property seized for drug law violations to be used to promote law enforcement |
896,275 (79%) |
236,581 (21%) |
Question 3 | Allow for a new local debt category for transportation purposes |
262,698 (24%) |
837,885 (76%) |
Question 4 | Allow for a new state debt category for transportation purposes |
234,070 (21%) |
862,730 (79%) |
See also: Washington 1990 ballot measures
November 6, 1990
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
HJR 4203 | Administration; Local government | Require new counties to have a minimum 10,000 population and prohibit removal of areas that reduces existing counties' population to below 10,000. |
403,377 (33%) |
810,098 (67%) |
HJR 4231 | Taxes; Elections | Provide authorization for voters to approve excess tax levies for six or fewer consecutive years. |
407,423 (32%) |
848,026 (68%) |
Initiative 547 | Administration; Environment; Local government | Require land use planning by all counties and create two regional management councils to develop rules for local land use plans. |
327,339 (25%) |
968,505 (75%) |
SJR 8212 | Taxes | Permit basing the tax value of low-income housing upon the property's current use. |
606,683 (50%) |
608,223 (50%) |
See also: Wisconsin 1990 ballot measures
April 3, 1990
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Prohibit the governor from vetoing individual letters to create new words in appropriation bills |
387,068 (61%) |
252,481 (39%) |
See also: Wyoming 1990 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Judicial Reform | Provides that sheriffs cannot keep fees collected for services in civil cases; such fees are credited to county general fund | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Admin of gov't | Deletes constitutional requirement -- governor appoints state examiner, state geologist and state inspector of mines, but still permits legislature to otherwise provide for performance of duties currently performed by these officers | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Admin of gov't | Deletes constitutional requirement for board of charities and reform, but still requires legislature to provide for performance and duties currently performed by board. | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Admin of gov't | Restricts use of public employee retirement funds to purposes benefitting members, retirees and beneficiaries of retirement systems |
External links
- The 1990 Elections: Ballot Proposals; Voters Spurn Array of Plans For Protecting Environment New York Times, November 8, 1990
- California November 1990 election results (dead link) (pages 9-10)
- Los Angeles Law Library, California 1990 ballot propositions