1984 ballot measures
1984 State Ballot Measures | |
1985 »
« 1983
| |
Part 1: Overview | |
Current measures | |
Measure Monthly |
By state
See also: Alabama 1984 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gov't Finances | Concerning the importance of a state budget | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Agriculture | Concerning the eradication of the boll weevil | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Hunting | Concerning hunting license applications in certain counties |
See also: Alaska 1984 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Bonding Proposition A | Bonds | Issues $700 million in bonds for residential mortgages for veterans | |
LRCA | Legislative Annulment of Regulations Amendment | Legislature | Permits the legislature to annul executive branch regulations | |
LRCA | Length of Legislative Sessions Amendment | Legislature | Requires the legislature to adjourn a regular legislative session no later than 120 consecutive calendar days after the date it convenes | |
IndISS | Reduce Transportation Regulation Initiative | Transportation | Repeals statutes establishing the Alaska Transportation Commission |
See also: Arizona 1984 ballot measures
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 100 | Elections | Provide for the classification of initiatives and referendums as Initiative Petitions and require them to be filed six months prior to the election |
353,835 (40%) |
528,151 (60%) |
Proposition 101 | Administration; Budgets | Allow the state legislature to provide by law for expenditures and appropriations of federal fund money |
350,744 (40%) |
532,309 (60%) |
Proposition 102 | Labor | Prohibit strikes by public employees and prohibit binding arbitration over employment issues |
397,439 (44%) |
501,745 (56%) |
Proposition 103 | Judiciary | Provide for jurors of superior court civil cases to be selected from the body of the county |
337,187 (38%) |
545,197 (62%) |
Proposition 104 | Administration; Business | Provide for the increase in membership of the Corporation Commission and the prescription of methods for the integration and termination of members |
291,622 (34%) |
575,301 (66%) |
Proposition 105 | Administration; Business | Permit the legislature to transfer duties of approving the formation of corporations and the sale of securities to other state agencies |
326,630 (38%) |
526,439 (62%) |
Proposition 106 | Administration; Business | Provide for the expansion of the Corporation Commission and the provision of staggering terms for the two new commissioners |
375,809 (50%) |
378,857 (50%) |
Proposition 107 | Administration; Business | Provide for the repeal of the requirement that the Corporation Commission use the fair value method to determine a utility rate base |
356,570 (45%) |
430,363 (55%) |
Proposition 108 | Administration; Taxes | Provide for the establishment of a State Revenue Commission |
356,570 (45%) |
430,363 (55%) |
Proposition 109 | Administration; Healthcare | Provide the legislature with the authority to impose limits on hospital revenues from rates |
385,724 (43%) |
511,013 (57%) |
Proposition 110 | Healthcare; Business | Provide for the authorization of the legislature to regulate healthcare institutions affected by a vital public interest |
372,879 (41%) |
547,279 (59%) |
Proposition 200 | Administration; Healthcare | Provide for the establishment of the Arizona Health Care Authority with the power to regulate hospital pricing |
375,982 (40%) |
553,676 (60%) |
Proposition 300 | Labor; Wages | Prohibit regulation that requires public works contracts exceeding $1,000 to pay all laborers the prevailing wage for similar work |
398,051 (51%) |
386,479 (49%) |
Proposition 301 | Administration; Healthcare; Business | Provide for the containment of healthcare costs until 1986 by promoting competition and limiting increases in healthcare rates |
397,463 (49%) |
420,162 (51%) |
Proposition 302 | Administration; Healthcare; Business | Provide a variety of rules and regulations to limit the inflation of hospital prices and expansion from 1986 through 1990 |
432,913 (49%) |
444,651 (51%) |
See also: Arkansas 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 62 | Bonds | Allows local governments to issue bonds | |
LRCA | Proposed Amendment 63 | Taxes | Creates a State Tax Commission and exempts some personal property from ad valorem taxation | |
CICA | Proposed Amendment 64 | Term limits | Creates four-year term limits for state constitutional officers | |
CICA | Proposed Amendment 66 | Gambling | Legalizes and regulates gambling in Garland County | |
CICA | Proposed Amendment 67 | Taxes | Instates a .00125% tax increase, funds from which are to be used by the State Game & Fish Commission | |
LRSS | Referred Question Act 535 | Bonds | Authorizes the State Soil and Water Conservation Commission to issue bonds for waste disposal system development |
See also: California 1984 ballot propositions
June 5, 1984
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 16 | Allow for bonds up to $250,000,000 for the construction and improvement of county jails and establish the terms of such bonds. |
2,906,093 (59%) |
2,036,736 (41%) |
Proposition 17 | Allow for bonds up to $300,000,000 for the construction and improvement of state correctional facilities. |
2,835,869 (58%) |
2,067,033 (42%) |
Proposition 18 | Allow for the issuance of bonds up to $370,000,000 for parks, beaches, recreation, or historical preservation. |
3,088,486 (63%) |
1,798,772 (37%) |
Proposition 19 | Allow for bonds up to $85,000,000 for the Wildlife Conservation Board and the State Coastal Conservancy for the development of habitat areas. |
3,132,792 (64%) |
1,762,407 (36%) |
Proposition 20 | Prevent those who have engaged in libelous or slanderous behavior towards an opponent from holding office. |
2,472,075 (52%) |
2,290,901 (48%) |
Proposition 21 | Allow the legislature to authorize the investment of public retirement systems' funds in any investment. |
2,440,568 (53%) |
2,148,729 (47%) |
Proposition 22 | Exempt the chief investment officer, assistant chief investment officer, and principal fund managers of the PERS and STRS from state civil service. |
2,181,491 (48%) |
2,365,466 (52%) |
Proposition 23 | Establish that "new construction" for property taxation purposes does not apply to changes made to buildings to comply with earthquake safety law. |
2,476,934 (53%) |
2,174,218 (47%) |
Proposition 24 | Change procedures relating to the legislature. |
2,444,751 (53%) |
2,162,024 (47%) |
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 25 | Allow for bonds up to $325,000,000 for water pollution conservation projects and establish the terms of such bonds. |
6,509,295 (73%) |
2,416,849 (27%) |
Proposition 26 | Allow for bonds up to $450,000,000 for the construction or improvement of public schools. |
5,337,372 (61%) |
3,451,296 (39%) |
Proposition 27 | Allow for the issuance of bonds up to $100,000,000 for hazardous substance cleanup and establish the terms of such bonds. |
6,302,811 (72%) |
2,449,626 (28%) |
Proposition 28 | Allow for bonds up to $75,000,000 for improving water systems to meet minimum drinking water standards. |
6,509,505 (74%) |
2,344,558 (26%) |
Proposition 29 | Allow for bonds up to $650,000,000 for helping veterans purchase farms and homes and establish the terms of such bonds. |
5,845,487 (66%) |
2,969,261 (34%) |
Proposition 30 | Allow for the issuance of bonds up to $50,000,000 for funds for senior centers and establish the terms of such bonds. |
5,903,868 (67%) |
2,940,911 (33%) |
Proposition 31 | Establish that the term "newly constructed" does not apply to fire-related improvements, for taxation purposes. |
4,287,308 (51%) |
4,158,673 (49%) |
Proposition 32 | Establish procedures for determining what cases the Supreme Court of California hears from the courts of appeals. |
4,775,255 (59%) |
3,280,276 (41%) |
Proposition 33 | Allow the legislature to defer property tax payments for disabled people. |
7,135,666 (82%) |
1,542,818 (18%) |
Proposition 34 | Establish that the term "newly constructed" does not include any changes to certified historical structures. |
3,993,004 (47%) |
4,428,036 (53%) |
Proposition 36 | Add restrictions to the taxation of real property and create restrictions on creating new taxes on real property. |
4,052,993 (45%) |
4,904,372 (55%) |
Proposition 37 | Authorize the establishment of s statewide lottery, prohibit gambling casinos, and establish a California State Lottery Commission. |
5,398,096 (58%) |
3,924,346 (42%) |
Proposition 38 | Require the governor of California write a letter to federal governmental officials requesting that all election materials be provided in English only. |
6,390,676 (71%) |
2,645,599 (29%) |
Proposition 39 | Create a commission in charge of the reapportionment of Assembly, State Senate, congressional, and Board of Equalization districts. |
3,995,762 (45%) |
4,919,860 (55%) |
Proposition 40 | Limit contributions to political campaigns and establish a fund to give eligible candidates matching amounts to the personal contributions of their opponents. |
3,109,746 (36%) |
5,640,473 (64%) |
Proposition 41 | Limit the amount of spending on certain public assistance programs. |
3,427,127 (38%) |
5,517,127 (62%) |
See also: Colorado 1984 ballot measures
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 3 | Prohibit the use of public funds for abortions |
627,343 (50%) |
617,637 (50%) |
Amendment No. 1 | Establish provisions relating to the appointment of the commissioner of insurance and exempting them from the state personnel system. |
641,587 (59%) |
449,362 (41%) |
Amendment No. 2 | Establish the requirement of voter registration in order to vote in a number of elections and to be able to sign several types of petitions. |
811,130 (73%) |
304,208 (27%) |
Amendment No. 4 | Establish procedures for removing electors from the registration books, allow qualified elections to register to vote at state driver licensing stations, and allow voters to register up to 25 days before an election. |
705,725 (61%) |
447,803 (39%) |
Amendment No. 5 | Establish provisions relating to the establishment of a casino control commission and allow casino gambling in Pueblo County. |
406,989 (33%) |
819,533 (67%) |
See also: Connecticut 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Civil Rights | Prohibits discrimination against a person because of his or her physical or mental disability | |
LRCA | Question 2 | State Exec | Provides a procedure for the Lieutenant Governor to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the office of governor when the Governor is unable to do so | |
LRCA | Question 3 | Admin of Gov't, Judiciary | Establishes a division of criminal justice and provides for the appointment of state's attorneys by a criminal justice commission |
See also: Delaware 1984 ballot measures
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Charitable Gambling Advisory Question | Advise the Delaware General Assembly to pass legislation allowing the state to license certain organizations to conduct lotteries |
92,465 (74%) |
33,318 (26%) |
See also: Florida 1984 ballot measures
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Extend the exemption of homesteads and personal property from forced sale to any natural person |
2,766,516 (79%) |
734,785 (21%) |
Amendment 2 | Allow for the disbursement of state funds via electronic means, magnetic tape, or any other transfer medium and remove obsolete language about countersigning of warrants by the Governor |
2,467,025 (73%) |
919,675 (27%) |
Amendment 3 | Establish that uniform rules of procedure be established by the judicial nominating commissions at each level of the court system and that proceedings of the commissions shall be open to the public |
2,720,297 (82%) |
590,960 (18%) |
Amendment 4 | Establish that legislators' speech and debate relating to their legislative duties is privileged and that they can not be questioned on it in any place other than the legislature |
1,110,743 (33%) |
2,216,910 (67%) |
Amendment 5 | Allow county commissioners to be elected in the manner prescribed by law and allow boards of county commissioners to be made up of five or seven members |
2,150,510 (64%) |
1,195,654 (36%) |
Amendment 6 | Require that a person be a member of the Florida state bar for the preceding five years to be eligible to be a county court judge and allow a person to be eligible to be appointed or elected as a county court judge in a county with a population of 40,000 or less if they are a member in good standing with the state bar |
2,529,436 (75%) |
823,219 (25%) |
Amendment 7 | Alter rules regarding general obligation bonds issued by the state |
2,095,916 (65%) |
1,109,900 (35%) |
Amendment 8 | Provide for a levy on gross receipts to allow the continuation of funding of bonds for public education construction |
2,553,332 (77%) |
778,114 (23%) |
See also: Georgia 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Admin of Gov't | Provides that a judge could be suspended from office upon a felony indictment | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Admin of Gov't | Provides that certain public officials could be suspended from office upon a felony indictment | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Admin of Gov't | Authorizes the State Board of Education to appoint the State School Superintendent | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Pension | Authorizes the general assembly to change pension laws to redefine involuntary separation from employment | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | State Exec | Prohibits the payment of retirement benefits to any governor who ceased to hold office due to an involuntary separation | |
LRCA | Amendment 6 | Admin of Gov't | Provides that the office of any elected official be declared vacant upon the qualification of said official to run for any other elected office | |
LRCA | Amendment 7 | Taxes | Changes the amount of and eligibility for homestead exemptions for disabled veterans | |
LRCA | Amendment 8 | Gov't Finances | Authorizes general obligation debt to be incurred to provide public library facilities | |
LRCA | Amendment 9 | Property | Provides that agricultural property that qualifies for preferential assessoment may be owned by an estate or trust | |
LRCA | Amendment 10 | Admin of Gov't | Authorizes the creation of community improvement districts to provide governmental services | |
LRCA | Amendment 11 | Local Gov't | Requires that a local law that authorizes additional municipal redevelopment powers be approved by voters | |
LRSS | Referendum 1 | Property | Makes headquarters for organizations that promote cooperation between parents and teachers extensions of the public school system | |
LRSS | Referendum 2 | Taxes | Provides that motor vehicles used for transporting handicapped students to and from educational institutions be exempt from ad valorem taxes | |
LRSS | Referendum 3 | Taxes | Exempts property of nonprofit homes for the mentally handicapped from ad valorem taxation |
See also: Hawaii 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Taxes | Proposes to eliminate excessive revenue refunds for taxpayers via House Bill No. 1213 of 1983 | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Legislature | Proposes to eliminate the deadline for the proposal of legislation in the House | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Gov't Salaries | Proposes to alter the frequency of payment for legislators to equal monthly installments | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Legislature | Proposes to eliminate the minimum number of recess days and allows recesses to be taken anytime after the bill deadline |
See also: Idaho 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | HJR 5 | Redistricting | Allows counties to be divided into legislative districts | |
LRCA | SJR 117 | Legislature | Gives the legislature the authority to amend the state water plan | |
CISS | INIT 1 | Taxes | Exempts all food for human consumption from sales tax |
See also: Illinois 1984 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Taxes | Shall veterans' organizations be exempt from property tax? |
See also: Indiana 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Con Language | Proposes that the language of the constitution be update | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes that clarifications be made regarding districts and their electors |
See also: Iowa 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Admin of gov't | Allows the legislature to void an adopted administrative rule of a state agency by the process of a joint resolution | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Education | Repeals the constitutional provision relating to the distribution of money subject to the support and maintenance of common schools |
See also: Kentucky 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Term limits | Proposes to allow sheriffs to be re-elected or act as deputies for succeeding terms |
See also: Louisiana 1984 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Gov't Finances | Concerning limiting state spending | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Taxes | Concerning ad valorem taxation of motor vehicles | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Taxes | Concerning the corporate deduction of federal income taxes | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Legislature | Concerning an organizational meeting of the legislature | |
LRCA | Amendment 5 | Civil Service | Concerning the New Orleans civil service commission |
See also: Maine 1984 ballot measures
June 12
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Bond Issue | Environment | Issues $15,735,000 in bonds for pollution abatement and hazardous waste clean up |
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Bond Issue 1 | Education | Issues $13,425,000 in bonds for building projects at vocational-technical institutes and tugboat for the Maritime Academy | |
BI | Bond Issue 2 | Judiciary | Issues $6 million in bonds for the construction of courthouses for the Portland and Bath-Brunswick Courts | |
BI | Bond Issue 3 | Education | Issues $16.5 million in bonds for buildings at the University of Maine | |
BI | Bond Issue 4 | Prisons | Issues $10,035,000 in bonds for building and repairing prisons | |
LRCA | Constitutional Amendment 5 | Bonds | Extends automatic deauthorization of bonds to cases in which some but not all authorized bonds are issued within five years | |
LRCA | Constitutional Amendment 6 | Constitutional Rights | Adds provision guaranteeing equal rights for males and females | |
LRCA | Constitutional Amendment 7 | Veternas | Allows the legislature to set the limit for guaranteed loans to veterans; extends loans to businesses | |
LRCA | Constitutional Amendment 8 | Taxes | Exempts watercraft from personal property tax; allows municipal excise taxes on some watercrafts |
See also: Maryland 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Admin of gov't | Prohibits individuals from maintaining elected official positions if they are not registered voters |
See also: Michigan 1984 ballot measures
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposal A | Allow the state legislature to make decisions on the implementation of administrative agencies' rules |
1,280,948 (41%) |
1,827,677 (59%) |
Proposal B | Create the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and establish a board to manage the fund |
2,066,554 (65%) |
1,120,794 (35%) |
Proposal C | Require voter approval for the adoption of new taxes or tax increases and amend certain taxes |
1,376,141 (40%) |
2,035,867 (60%) |
See also: Minnesota 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Property | Allows the exchange of state-owned lands for lands owned by state or local governments | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Education | Removes restrictions on the investment of permanent school funds |
See also: Mississippi 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes to prohibit government employees from engaging in business using their government position for gain |
See also: Missouri 1984 ballot measures
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 1 | Pension | Permit local government retirement systems to grant cost-of-living adjustments to retirees, provided the system remains financially stable, with local governments deciding the costs based on benefits and funding methods |
1,144,445 (62%) |
715,076 (38%) |
Amendment 3 | Healthcare | Allow state and local governments to provide medical benefits for dependents of their employees, with costs varying based on future laws and chosen insurance plans |
918,596 (50%) |
917,812 (50%) |
Amendment 5 | Lottery | Authorize a state lottery and require the legislature to set regulations and allocate funds, with all costs covered by lottery revenue |
1,369,910 (70%) |
590,648 (30%) |
Amendment 7 | Gambling | Authorize pari-mutuel wagering on horse racing, establish the Missouri Horse Racing Commission, allocate funds to the Commission and various programs, allow counties to ban wagering, and require the state to cover initial costs until wagering revenues are generated |
1,157,664 (60%) |
771,437 (40%) |
Proposition B | Utilities | Enact a law to allow utilities to charge consumers for some costs of abandoned electrical plants, require deferral of certain rate increases, and prohibit specific cost overruns and nuclear plant charges |
650,895 (33%) |
1,317,444 (67%) |
See also: Montana 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | C-13 | Judiciary | Allows the Supreme Court to discipline a judge or justice | |
LRCA | C-14 | Redistricting | Requires redistricting within 90 days after the census | |
CISS | I-96 | Food | Abolishes the state board of milk control | |
CISS | I-97 | Business reg | Allows the practice of denturity |
See also: Nebraska 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Law enforcement | Allows proceeds from forfeited or confiscated property to be divided among schools and counties | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Judiciary | Changes procedures relating to disciplinary actions against judges | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Local gov't | Allows municipalities to incur indebtedness to redevelop blighted property | |
LRCA | Amendment 4 | Property | Allows the legislature to separately classify agricultural and horticultural land |
See also: Nevada 1984 ballot measures
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 10 | Taxes | Tax 60% of materials for new manufactured homes and exempt used homes previously taxed in the state. |
103,399 (40%) |
156,676 (60%) |
Question 11 | Bonds | Issue $20 million in bonds to purchase private land in the Tahoe Basin for conservation and pollution reduction. |
119,385 (45%) |
143,499 (55%) |
Question 12 | Taxes; Property | Require a two-thirds legislative vote and majority voter approval to raise most taxes and fees, with a 5% cap on property tax increases. |
132,688 (48%) |
143,874 (52%) |
Question 1 | Taxes | Exempt food for human consumption, excluding alcoholic beverages and prepared food, from any tax on sale or use. |
225,611 (83%) |
45,316 (17%) |
Question 2 | Taxes | Allow the taxation of mining proceeds at a different rate from other property, up to a maximum of 5 percent. |
126,899 (49%) |
133,748 (51%) |
Question 3 | Judiciary | Allow the legislature to increase, but not decrease, the number of district judges during a term. |
128,007 (49%) |
134,816 (51%) |
Question 4 | Banking | Allow public money deposits in mutually owned financial institutions. |
113,858 (43%) |
148,151 (57%) |
Question 5 | Legislature | Allow the legislature to delegate technical reconciliation of statute changes to the legislative counsel. |
78,169 (31%) |
175,878 (69%) |
Question 6 | Budgets; Banking | Exempt state-issued debt for purchasing local government bonds from the state debt limit. |
73,757 (29%) |
179,793 (71%) |
Question 7 | Legislature | Require the legislature to set permanent committee rules, changeable only by both houses and the governor’s approval. |
121,010 (48%) |
131,272 (52%) |
Question 8 | Taxes | Exclude trade-in vehicle values from sales tax and end exemptions for occasional sales, except within families. |
99,197 (38%) |
162,719 (62%) |
Question 9 | Bonds | Issue up to $10 million in state bonds to fund the construction and expansion of public libraries. |
152,245 (57%) |
114,572 (43%) |
New Hampshire
See also: New Hampshire 1984 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CCR | Question 1 | Constitutional Rights | Shall New Hampshire make polling places accessible to disabled and elderly? | |
CCR | Question 2 | Gov't Finances | Shall New Hampshire require full funding for new or expanded local programs? | |
CCR | Question 3 | Admin of Gov't | Shall budget bills be prohibited from establishing or modifying laws not related to expenditures? | |
CCR | Question 4 | Legislature | Shall New Hampshire change the size of the House of Representatives and the Senate? | |
CCR | Question 5 | Legislature | Shall New Hampshire restrict mileage payments to 45 days per legistlative session? | |
CCR | Question 6 | Legislature | Shall New Hampshire reduce the age requirement for Senate and Executive Council members to 25 years of age? | |
CCR | Question 7 | Constitutional Rights | Shall New Hampshire modify the standard for criminal insanity? | |
CCR | Question 8 | Trials | Shall New Hampshire modify the threshold amount for a jury trial in a civil case? | |
CCR | Question 9 | State Exec | Shall New Hampshire eliminate the governor's ability to extend the legislature's recess without its consent? | |
CCR | Question 10 | Pension | Shall New Hampshire require that all assets in state operated retirement systems be used only in the retirement system and not be diverted to other projects? | |
LRCA | Question A | Legislature | Shall New Hampshire require that council votes are presented to the legislature in early January? | |
LRCA | Question B | State Exec | This amendment proposed a line of succession for an incapacitated governor. | |
LRCA | Question C | Term Limits | This amendment proposed a term limit of two successive terms for governor. |
New Jersey
See also: New Jersey 1984 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Question 1 | Bond issues | Authorizes $90 million in bonds to establish a network of advanced technology centers at higher education institutions. | |
BI | Question 2 | Bond issues | Authorizes $60 million in bonds for human services facility construction. | |
LRCA | Question 3 | Taxes | Allocates revenues from 2.5 cents of the motor fuels tax for 17 years to an account in the general fund in order to pay for improvements to the transportation system. | |
LRCA | Question 4 | Lottery | Allows senior citizen organizations to conduct raffles for their own support. | |
LRCA | Question 5 | Taxes | Allows qualifying citizens to receive both the veterans' and senior citizens' tax deduction. | |
LRCA | Question 6 | Taxes | Prohibits state taxation of Social Security and Railroad Retirement benefits. |
New York
See also: New York 1984 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Proposal 1 | Elections | Provides that the sheriff or county clerk of a county must be elected once in every three or four years | |
LRCA | Proposal 2 | Gambling | Provides that games of chance, which is restricted, can be changed by the legislature |
North Carolina
See also: North Carolina 1984 ballot measures
May 8
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Bonds | Authorizes the creation of an agency to issue revenue bonds for agricultural facilities |
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | Admin of gov't | Requires the attorney general and district attorneys be authorized to practice law |
North Dakota
See also: North Dakota 1984 ballot measures
June 12
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Measure 1 | Local Gov't | Changes public officers designated by law to constitute boards of appraisal | |
LRCA | Measure 2 | Legislature | Creates eight new sections providing for the legislative assembly | |
VR | Measure 3 | Education | Renames Minot State College to Dakota Northwestern University Minot |
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Measure 1 | State Exec | Removes the state treasurer as an elected constitutional officer | |
LRCA | Measure 2 | Legislature | Creates five new sections establishing basic procedures for the operation of the legislative assembly | |
CICA | Measure 3 | Firearms | Grants right to bear arms | |
CISS | Measure 4 | Education | Requires the State Board of Higher Education to give up control of three junior colleges |
See also: Oklahoma 1984 ballot measures
August 28, 1984
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 561 | Taxes; Local government | Increase the maximum ad valorem tax levy from 2.5 to 5 mills for county health departments. |
291,704 (48%) |
314,049 (52%) |
State Question 578 | Education; Budgets | Remove outdated language, eliminate payment limits, and grant the legislature authority over payment formulas. |
308,263 (52%) |
288,590 (48%) |
State Question 581 | Water; Budgets | Allow state funds for public water and sewage projects using the Water Development and Resources Funds. |
397,272 (66%) |
206,488 (34%) |
September 18, 1984
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 563 | Alcohol | Rename the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, remove Senate confirmation, and let the Legislature regulate and tax alcohol. |
425,803 (52%) |
396,923 (48%) |
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
State Question 570 | Taxes; Local government | Allow counties with populations over 250,000 and a park system to levy up to 3 mills for park construction and maintenance. |
406,998 (36%) |
734,365 (64%) |
State Question 571 | Labor | Allow the legislature to set damage limits for claims against the state or its subdivisions for personal injuries resulting in death. |
555,822 (49%) |
580,326 (51%) |
State Question 572 | Education; Budgets | Increase the school district debt limit from 10% to 15% of taxable property value, requiring voter approval for any increase. |
543,020 (48%) |
591,950 (52%) |
State Question 573 | Taxes; Local government | Allow counties to impose an additional ad valorem tax of up to 5 mills for constructing and maintaining county roads and jails. |
457,192 (40%) |
673,398 (60%) |
State Question 574 | Local government; Utilities | Allow cities, towns, and counties to incur debt for public utilities with approval from at least three-fourths of their governing body. |
371,986 (33%) |
747,654 (67%) |
State Question 575 | Healthcare; Taxes | Allow counties to levy an additional ad valorem tax of up to 3.5 mills to fund health care for poor residents. |
459,923 (41%) |
663,156 (59%) |
State Question 576 | Trials | Increase grand jury petition requirements to 400-800 signatures and 2% of the county population. |
437,878 (39%) |
672,716 (61%) |
State Question 579 | Local government; Transportation | Allow cities, towns, or counties to create transportation service districts for providing transportation. |
467,028 (42%) |
648,112 (58%) |
State Question 580 | Taxes | Authorize local school districts to propose an annual incentive tax levy of up to 20 mills on taxable property. |
486,607 (44%) |
630,263 (56%) |
State Question 582 | Taxes; Property | Tax for-profit schools, maintain nonprofit school exemptions, and remove Civil War soldier and widow exemptions. |
577,316 (51%) |
545,316 (49%) |
See also: Oregon 1984 ballot measures
May 15, 1984
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 1 | Budgets | Authorize the state to borrow and lend money up to one percent of the true cash value of all taxable property for public works projects. |
332,175 (48%) |
365,571 (52%) |
Measure 2 | Taxes; Transportation | Increase the minimum registration fee by $10, "farm truck license” fee by 20¢ per 100 pounds, and fees for specified vehicles by up to $20. |
234,060 (32%) |
487,457 (68%) |
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure 1 | Recall | Change minimum signatures for a recall referendum from 25% of voters in the last Supreme Court justice elections to 15% of voters in the last gubernatorial election. |
664,464 (59%) |
470,139 (41%) |
Measure 2 | Taxes; Property | Limit real property tax to less than 1.5% of 1981 assessed property value and require a majority popular vote for new or increased taxes. |
599,424 (49%) |
616,252 (51%) |
Measure 3 | Utilities | Establish the Citizens’ Utility Board, a nonprofit public corporation funded by voluntary contributions to represent the interests of utility consumers. |
637,968 (53%) |
556,826 (47%) |
Measure 4 | Gambling; Economic development | Establish a lottery commission to organize and operate games other than bingo, parimutuel racing, or social gaming, with profits to be used for economic development. |
794,441 (66%) |
412,341 (34%) |
Measure 5 | Gambling | Regulate the state lottery by establishing qualifications for commission, director, retailers, vendors, and contractors. |
786,933 (66%) |
399,231 (34%) |
Measure 6 | Death penalty | Impose the death penalty for aggravated murder with a unanimous jury decision, exempting it from the Oregon Bill of Rights protections. |
653,009 (56%) |
521,687 (44%) |
Measure 7 | Death penalty | Require the death penalty by lethal injection for aggravated murder when an unanimous jury finds a defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. |
893,818 (75%) |
295,988 (25%) |
Measure 8 | Law enforcement; Trials | Revise criminal trial statutes, give prosecutors more control, allow joint trials for multiple defendants, and prohibit dismissals after civil compromises. |
552,410 (48%) |
597,964 (52%) |
Measure 9 | Nuclear issues | Add requirements for the Energy Facility Siting Council to assess and secure radioactive isotopes disposal sites, preventing environmental risks. |
655,973 (56%) |
524,214 (44%) |
See also: Pennsylvania 1984 ballot measures
April 10, 1984:
Type | Name | Subject | Description | Result |
BI | Question 1 | Bonds | Authorized $190 million in bonds for economic redevelopment programs |
November 6, 1984:
Type | Name | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Question 1 | Taxes | Allows the legislature to revise standards for uniform special real property taxes | |
LRCA | Question 2 | Trials | Allows the use of a suppressed voluntary admission or voluntary confession in criminal trials |
Rhode Island
See also: Rhode Island 1984 ballot measures
November 6:
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
ConCon | Proposal 1 | Constitutional convention | Asks voters whether to hold a state constitutional convention | |
LRCA | Proposal 2 | Elections and campaigns | Allows convicted felons to vote upon completing their sentences. | |
LRCA | Proposal 3 | Civil and criminal trials | Allows judges to deny bail to those charged with a crime involving a dangerous weapon given substantial proof of guilt and a previous conviction for a similar crime. | |
LBM | Proposal 4 | Bond issues | Authorizes $2.2 million for a college facility. | |
LBM | Proposal 5 | Bond issues | Authorizes $2.6 million in bonds for school equipment and improvements. | |
LBM | Proposal 6 | Bond issues | Authorizes $3 million in bonds for state ports. | |
LBM | Proposal 7 | Bond issues | Authorizes $5 million in bonds for an emergency telephone system. | |
LBM | Proposal 8 | Bond issues | Authorizes $5 million in bonds for studies of hazardous waste sites. | |
LBM | Proposal 9 | Bond issues | Authorizes $5 million in bonds for the repair or extension of septic, sewer and water systems. | |
LBM | Proposal 10 | Bond issues | Authorizes $8 million in bonds for group facilities. | |
LBM | Proposal 11 | Bond issues | Authorizes $9.975 million in bonds for highway work. | |
LBM | Proposal 12 | Bond issues | Authorizes $10.6 million in bonds for a medium-security prison. | |
LBM | Proposal 13 | Bond issues | Authorizes $14 million in bonds for capital development. |
South Dakota
See also: South Dakota 1984 ballot measures
November 6
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment A | Admin of gov't | Combines the duties of the treasurer and the commissioner of school and public lands | |
IndISS | Initiative 1 | Nuclear issues | Requires voter approval of nuclear waste disposal compacts | |
IndISS | Initiative 2 | Education | Establishes opening day of school after Labor Day | |
IndISS | Initiative 3 | Nuclear issues | Mandates a verifiable nuclear freeze |
See also: Texas 1984 ballot measures
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Proposition 1 | Business; Banking | Grant state banks the same rights and privileges as national banks |
2,967,984 (75%) |
994,084 (25%) |
Proposition 2 | Education | Create a special higher education assistance fund for construction, restructure the Texas permanent university fund, and increase eligibility for fund recipients |
2,926,392 (72%) |
1,145,819 (28%) |
Proposition 3 | Pension | Provide assistance to the surviving dependent parents, brothers, and sisters of certain public employees who are killed while on duty |
2,559,892 (64%) |
1,469,551 (36%) |
Proposition 4 | Local government | Abolish the office of county treasurer in Bexar and Collin counties |
2,291,452 (68%) |
1,091,186 (32%) |
Proposition 5 | Administration; Executive officials | Authorize the state senate to fill vacancies in the lieutenant governor position should they arise |
2,377,602 (63%) |
1,426,217 (37%) |
Proposition 6 | Insurance | Allow public funds for payment of mutual insurance policies and annuity premiums, enabling government entities to buy insurance from mutual insurance companies |
1,301,880 (35%) |
2,406,003 (65%) |
Proposition 7 | Judiciary | Expand grounds for disciplining judicial officials, broaden the jurisdiction of the state commission on judicial conduct, and alter its composition |
2,858,130 (77%) |
854,655 (23%) |
Proposition 8 | Legislature; Salaries | Set per diem for members of the legislature to the maximum allowable amount that still qualifies for deduction from federal income taxation |
1,233,314 (33%) |
2,504,733 (67%) |
See also: Utah 1984 ballot measures
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative A | Business; Obscenity; Media | Make the distribution of obscene material over cable TV a crime |
238,734 (39%) |
373,361 (61%) |
Proposition 1 | Taxes; Property; Transportation | Allow the legislature to exempt motor vehicles from property tax and instead create a registration fee |
313,196 (52%) |
283,450 (48%) |
Proposition 2 | Legislature; Constitutional language | Adjust the length of legislative sessions to 45 days each year |
381,874 (66%) |
197,085 (34%) |
Proposition 3 | Judiciary; Constitutional language | Amend the Judicial Article of the constitution |
316,272 (56%) |
249,942 (44%) |
Proposition 4 | Education; Budgets | Change the revenue sources of the State School Fund and the Uniform School Fund |
366,702 (64%) |
205,077 (36%) |
Proposition 5 | Constitutional language; Firearms | Permit the legislature to define the lawful use of firearms |
370,566 (62%) |
231,413 (38%) |
See also: Virginia 1984 ballot measures
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Question 1 | Allow members of local government bodies to be elected or appointed to fill vacancies in the office of mayor or board chairman |
1,131,019 (71%) |
468,843 (29%) |
Question 2 | Require a balanced state budget |
1,194,262 (74%) |
411,689 (26%) |
See also: Washington 1984 ballot measures
November 6, 1984
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative 456 | Hunting and fishing | Provide that natural resources should be managed by the state alone and petition the United States Congress to decommercialize steelheads. |
916,855 (53%) |
807,825 (47%) |
Initiative 464 | Taxes | Exclude the value of a trade-in from the selling price for sales and use tax purposes when trading in property of like kind |
1,175,781 (69%) |
529,560 (31%) |
Initiative 471 | Abortion | Prohibit the public funding of abortion except to prevent the death of the pregnant woman or her unborn child. |
838,083 (47%) |
949,921 (53%) |
See also: Wyoming 1984 ballot measures
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
LRCA | Amendment 1 | State and local governments | Prescribes a procedure for writing off uncollected debts | |
LRCA | Amendment 2 | Pension | Permits the investment of public employee retirement funds in the capital stock corporations | |
LRCA | Amendment 3 | Administration of government | Provides that appointed public officers serve at the pleasure of the governor |
If you know of a statewide measure that is not listed here or if you notice an error, please email editor@ballotpedia.org.