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Full text of "Canton and the Bogue : the narrative of an eventful six months in China"

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%^      BY  THE  YEAR,  O' 




JOHN    DAY,  ^ 

mmmmm^^wm  m 



J.     STAWPING  PLAIN   OR  IN    «j, 
^^  COLOURS.  <\ 

135  iniindy  (W.  W.)  Canton  and  the 
BoGUE,  the  Narrative  of  an  Eventful  Six 
Months  in  China,  post  8vo,  cloth,  40c,  London, 
1875.    . 

^/O.  ^fu^/^e^^^^A^^^'f^'^ 

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1  i.i:'ti&i^ 





MARSEILLES   TO   SUEZ         .           ,           ,           , 



SUEZ— ADEN — GALLE         ,           .            .           . 
















CANTON  .            .            .       '    . 



RESIDENCE   IN   CANTON     ,           .           .           . 



RELIGIOUS   CEREMONIES    .            .            .            . 






A   CHINESE   DINNER             .            ,           »           . 



NEIGHBOURHOOD    OF   CANTON    .            . 













THE   TYPHOON   OF    1874        .            .            ,           . 



CONCLUSION      ...... 






The  shortness  of  my  stay  in  China  may 
seem  to  make  it  presumptuous  for  me  to 
attempt  to  relate  to  the  puhHc  the  Httle 
that  I  saw  which  may  be  new  or  inter- 
esting to  them ;  but  considering  that  on 
no  point  is  there  so  much  ignorance  and 
misconception  as  on  all  things  connected 
with  the  Chinese  Empire,  and  that  fewer 
books  of  real  merit  have  appeared  about 
it  than  upon  any  other  question  of  equal 
importance,  even  what  I  have  to  say  may 
prove,  in  its  way,  to  be  not  without  some 

h  1 

XfA'NTQI^/ AN'h  \tHE  BOGUE. 

interest,  and  my  imperfect  knowledge  may- 
be of  some  utility.  The  chief  good  I 
should  anticipate  from  my  own  observa- 
tions would  be,  that  it  would  be  setting 
an  example  to  those  in  whom  a  longer 
residence  in  and  acquaintance  with  the 
country,  together  with  greater  powers  of 
discernment  and  description,  would  all 
combine  to  make  them  produce  a  book 
that  should  be  at  once  interesting  _from 
the  novelty  of  their  facts,  and  instructive 
from  the  depth  and  penetration  of  their 
views  and  suggestions.  This  is  of  course 
far  beyond  my  aspirations,  and  I  shall  be 
more  than  satisfied  if  I  can  with  success 
play  the  humbler  part  of  pointing  out  the 
way  to  those  who  could  achieve  a  much 
more  brilliant  success. 

I  may  be  pardoned  prefacing  with  these 
remarks,  and  will  conclude  them  by  ex- 
pressing   the    hope   that  my  readers    will 


give  me  their  kind  consideration  in  my 
retrospect,  which,  recalls  to  me  many 
events  that  I  need  hardly  say  are  of  a 
very  painful  nature. 

I  left  England  on  the  10th  of  March, 
1874,  and  arrived  in  due  course  at  Mar- 
seilles, where  I  embarked  in  the  French 
mail  steamer  Tigre,  en  route  for  China. 

To  any  person  who  has  never  before 
undertaken  a  long  journey  by  sea,  and 
who  is  about  to  become  for  the  first  time 
a  sojourner  for  weeks  on  the  watery  deep, 
with  all  its  dangers  and  hidden  mysteries, 
there  must  always  be  a  feeling  of  excite- 
ment at  the  uncertainty  of  the  futm-e 
immediately  before  him,  although  it  is 
sobered  down  by  the  solemnity  of  the 
enterprise.  It  seems  as  if  we  were  leav- 
ing behind  us,  with  the  last  view  of  our 
fatherland,  some  landmark  that  we  do  our 
very  best  to  fix  on  our  memory  for  ever, 


SO  that  whatever  may  betide  us  in  the 
new  life  we  are  just  about  entering  upon, 
we  at  least  have  all  our  old  one  so  im- 
pressed upon  us  that  it  may  serve  to 
solace  us  in  disappointment,  or  reanimate 
us  to  fresh  exertions,  in  order  to  be  re- 
stored to  the  home  we  leave  behind  in 
grief  intolerable,  if  it  were  not  lightened 
by  the  hope  of  a  return  after  a  career 
more  successful  than  we  could  with  justice 
expect  to  result  from  a  continued  residence 
in  the  old  country.  It  is  this  hope  that 
alone  encourages  Englishmen  to  depart 
abroad  in  pursuit  of  fortune,  seeking  for 
it  under  conditions  less  arduous  than  are 
entailed  on  those  who  remain  in  England; 
but  also  let  it  be  not  forgotten  that  it  is 
to  their  efforts  that  England  owes  that 
empire  on  which  the  sun  never  sets.  So 
my  thoughts  were  with  *'auld  lang  syne," 
as    the    fortifications    of    Marseilles    grew 


fainter  in  the  distance,  and  my  imagination 
clianged  them  into  the  white  cliffs  I  had 
a  few  days  previously  said  good-bye  to,  as 
I  believed,  for  many  a  long  year.  How 
man  proposes  to  himself  a  future  out  of 
his  own  heart,  and  how  illusory  it  ever  is  ! 
I  was  young,  however,  and  fuU  of  sanguine 
expectations.  The  prospect  before  me 
seemed  to  me  to  be  without  any  draw- 
back, and  on  the  horizon  of  my  worldly 
career  there  seemed  to  be  no  cloud  what- 
ever; so  I  soon  with  light-hearted  gaiety 
settled  down  to  make  myself  comfortable, 
and  being  a  good  sailor,  had  not  to  go 
through  the  painful  ordeal  of  getting  my 
sea  legs. 

The  Tigre^  although  by  no  means  one 
of  the  latest  build,  is  in  some  degree  re- 
markable for  a  length  considerably  in  excess 
of  her  other  proportions,  and  her  tonnage 
is   about    3,000    tons    gross.      I    will    not 


show  my  ignorance  of  nautical  matters  by 
attempting  to  give  any  express  description 
of  her,  although  a  certain  amount  of  gra- 
titude must  always  be  felt  for  the  good 
ship  that  has  performed  in  safety  a  journey 
of  many  thousand  miles.  As  a  passenger 
I  was  naturally  concerned  more  with  her 
internal  arrangements  than  with  her  out- 
ward good  points,  and  her  cuisine  and  other 
accommodation  left  nothing  to  be  desired. 
Of  course,  on  starting  on  a  long  voyage 
like  this,  preparations  are  made  for  regular 
amusements,  in  order  to  make  it  agreeable 
and  seem  as  short  as  possible.  The  Eng- 
lish passengers,  as  a  rule,  compare  the 
Messageries  maritimes  unfavourably  with 
our  Peninsular  and  Oriental  in  this  re- 
spect. They  say  that  the  French  officers 
neglect  to  organize  theatricals  and  musical 
soirees  to  speed  the  journey,  and  that  fewer 
steps  are  taken  to  make  it  a  more  pleasant 


affair.  Although  I  cannot  speak  of  the 
Peninsular  and  Oriental  service  from  per- 
sonal acquaintance,  it  is  most  probable  that 
it  is  much  gayer  and  not  so  quiet  as  it 
undoubtedly  is  on  the  French  line.  Still, 
the  latter  has  some  advantages,  which  I 
will  try  to  enumerate.  In  the  first  place, 
in  many  ways  the  officers  are  specially 
obliging  and  attentive  to  English  pas- 
sengers; who,  I  regret  to  say,  are,  as  a 
rule,  somewhat  deficient  in  reciprocating 
their  kindnesses.  They  always  made  it  a 
point  of  having  some  surprises  in  the 
shape  of  httle  dishes  a  VAnglaise,  and 
many  of  them  who  could  not  understand 
English  on  our  setting  out  were  suffi- 
ciently advanced  in  a  short  time  to  carry 
on  an  ordinary  conversation,  so  eager  to' 
learn,  and  so  little  ashamed  to  speak  a 
strange  language  imperfectly  were  they. 
What  a  contrast  to  ourselves,  who  disHke 


to  sliow  our  imperfections  in  any  way,  erspe- 
cially  in  conversing  in  a  strange  tongue. 

Among  the  passengers  were  a  good 
many  Dutch,  French,  and  some  Ger- 
man; the  French  leaving  at  Aden  for 
the  Mauritius,  and  the  Dutch  at  Singa- 
pore for  Java  and  Sumatra.  I  y/as  greatly 
struck  with  the  courtesy  and  general  in- 
formation of  the  latter,  who  were  very 
amusing  and  intelligent  companions.  They 
were  full  of  praises  of  everything  English, 
and  some  were  well  read  in  our  literature. 
I  may  here  also  say  that  if  their  views  of 
our  colonial  empire  may  be  taken  as  a 
specimen  of  the  general  opinion  among 
them,  there  is  little  to  he  feared  from 
their  jealousy  of  us,  even  in  the  Straits  of 
Malacca.  On  this  subject  I  will  venture, 
however,  to  make  some  remarks  further 
on ;  of  course  I  have  been  speaking  of  the 
European,  not  of  the  Colonial  Dutchman. 


By  the  Messageries  it  is  comparatively 
an  easy  thing  to  get  a  cabin  for  oneself, 
and  more  than  two  are  seldom,  if  ever, 
put  into  one.  The  French  diet,  to  my 
mind,  is  also  more  suitable  to  the  limited 
exercise  possible  on  board  ship  than  our 
own  more  substantial  mode  of  living. 

The  weather  was  everything  that  could 
be  desired  as  far  as  Naples,  where,  how- 
ever, having  the  misfortune  to  meet  with 
a  slight  accident,  I  was  unable  to  land ; 
but  I  had  a  good  view  of  that  unrivalled 
bay.  Our  stoppage  was  not  for  long,  how- 
ever, and  that  night  we  passed  through 
the  Straits  of  Messina,  and  in  the  morning 
Etna  was  but  a  speck  far  in  our  rear. 
Nothing  had  occurred  to  remind  me  of  my 
close  proximity  to  Scylla  and  Charybdis. 
So  far  the  weather,  though  sHghtly  cold, 
had  been  fine,  but  it  now  changed  sud- 
denly,  and    became  sufficiently  rough    to 


close  the  ports.  We  also  had  to  pass 
through  a  thick  mist,  which  ohliged  us  to 
slacken  to  half  speed,  and  made  frequent 
soundings  necessary.  This  mist  was  caused 
by  the  wind  blowing  clouds  of  sand  from 
the  deserts  of  Africa.  Through  these  causes 
we  were  somewhat  late  in  arriving  at  Port 
Said.  We  immediately  went  on  shore,  but 
as  it  was  dark  we  saw  very  little  of  the 
town.  We  went  to  the  Casino,  which  I 
thought — even  after  several-^  days  at  sea, 
when  any  change  is  a  rehef — very  stupid; 
and  then  to  the  Alcazar,  where  the  per- 
formance, which  exclusively  consisted  of 
women  playing  on  violins  and  other  stringed 
instruments,  was  well  worth  seeing.  Even 
critically  observed,  the  playing  was  good. 

Few  of  us  had  much  sleep  that  night, 
as  the  noise  from  coaling  the  ship  was  ter- 
rific. We  commenced  our  passage  through 
the  canal  early  in  the  morning.     Without 

MARSEILLES  TO   SUEZ.    -  ii 

giving  any  description  of  this  wonderful 
piece  of  engineering,  I  may  mention  that 
as  the  main  channel  is  only  sufficiently 
wide  to  admit  of  one  ship  going  through 
at  a  time,  there  are  stations  where  ships 
wait  until  it  comes  to  their  turn,  and  the 
way  is  clear.  The  communication  is  kept 
up,  and  the  traffic  is  regulated  by  tele- 
graph. As  far  as  feasible,  everything  makes 
way  for  the  mail  steamers.  The  best  com- 
parison to  maile  to  illustrate  the  mode  of 
working  is  to  the  arrangements  on  a 
single  line  of  railway.  The  simile  is  almost 
exact.  We  were  stopped  some  time  at 
Ismailia,  where  both  the  Khedive  and  M. 
de  Lesseps  have  handsome  palaces,  to  let 
some  vessels  pass.  Here  I  saw  the  mirage^ 
and  it  was  with  some  difficulty  I  could 
persuade  myself  that  the  sight  was  de- 
ceitful. I  felt  grateful,  however,  that  the 
illusion  brought  no  punishment  to  me,  and 


I  shuddered  to  think  how  awful  the  dis- 
appointment must  be  to  discover  the  fallacy 
when  one's  Hfe  was  at  stake  in  the  desert. 
The  canal  regulations  oblige  all  ships  to 
anchor  at  night ;  so  when  the  captain  will 
give  permission,  many  go  ashore  to  shoot 
jackals,  or  to  visit  the  caf6  cliantant  which 
some  of  the  villages  possess.  I  was  not 
much  prepossessed  with  the  inhabitants  of 
these  villages,  chiefly  employes  of  the  com- 
pany ;  a  greater  set  of  cut-throat  looking 
vagabonds  I  never  saw. 

Just  before  reaching  Suez  we  were  stopped 
to  let  the  transport  Crocodile^  returning 
with  troops  from  India,  pass. 

The  Messageries  steamers  anchor  in  a 
bay  two  or  three  miles  from  Suez,  so  I  did 
not  see  the  town,  but  the  neighbourhood 
looked  very  pretty  and  nice. 




The  next  morning  we  left  Suez,  steaming 
through  the  Straits  of  Jubal/ and  saw  in 
the  distance  the  peaks  of  St.  Catherine, 
the  supposed  Mount  Sinai.  The  weather 
was  remarkably  fine,  and  the  heat  soon 
became — some  days  later  than  usual,  though 
— so  oppressive  that  a  change  to  thinner 
clothing  had  to  be  adopted.  The  '^  pun- 
kah "  or  ^^fan"  had  also  to  be  kept  in 
motion.  Two  days  after  leaving  Suez  we 
were  hailed  by  a  native  (Arabian)  ship 
signalhng  for  a  doctor.  We  launched  our 
boat,  sending  to  them  ours,  who  did  not 
seem  to  Like  the  project  at  all.     For  some 


reason  or  other  there  was  some  excite- 
ment on  board, — some  even  talking  of 
pirates,  whicli  had  a  visible  effect  on  the 
courage  of  the  poor  doctor.  The  idea  of 
a  small  boat  attacking  a  large  steamer  was 
too  ridiculous  for  the  impression  to  last 
long.  How  it  ever  arose  would  be  difficult 
to  imagine.  On  reaching  her  they  found 
it  was  a  hoax.  The  owners,  having  lost 
their  way,  wanted  to  know  whereabouts 
they  were.  They  signalled  for  a  doctor, 
as  they  knew  that  is  the  only  one  for  which 
a  mail  steamer  will  stop.  This  vessel  was 
a  very  pretty  sight,  being  perfectly  white, 
even  to  the  masts.  Altogether  this  stop- 
page delayed  us  some  hours.  We  passed 
through  the  Straits  of  Bab-el-Mandeb,  close 
to  our  strong  island  of  Perim.  This  island 
presents  a  most  repelling  appearance,  being 
nothing  but  a  barren  flat  without  a  trace 
of    vegetation, — the     friendly    light-house 


being  the  only  thing  for  which  a  human 
being  has  to  be  thankful.  This  station 
for  the  military  is  a  sort  of  penal  settle- 
ment, and  the  guard  has  to  be  changed  at 
frequent  intervals  by  rehefs  from  Aden. 
Outdoor  amusement  is  an  impossibility  in 
this  uninviting  oven. 

We  arrived  at  Aden  some  hours  later 
in  the  night,  landing  the  next  morning, 
when  we  drove  to  see  the  sight  of  the  town, 
viz.,  the  Tanks,  which  are  some  distance 
inland,  close  to  the  English  cantonments. 
These  cavities  are  supposed  to  have  existed 
as  far  back  as  four  thousand  years  ago. 
When  we  took  and  fortified  Aden  we  con- 
structed reservoirs  in  them,  which,  as  it 
often  does  not  rain  here  for  three,  some- 
times not  for  ten,  years,  are  most  useful  in 
collecting  the  water  during  the  wet  seasons. 
We  also  connected  these  tanks ;  one  now 
leading   into    the   other  with  steps    down 


them,  and  planted  terraces  round  tlie  sides 
of  the  rocks  with  acacia  and  other  trees, 
which  form  a  great  relief  to  the  eye,  as 
nothing  else  green  can  be  seen  in  the 
neighbourhood,  the  whole  district  being 
volcanic :  indeed  the  town  of  Aden  is 
supposed  to  be  built  in  the  crater  of  a 
volcano,  and  the  bold  precipitous  rocks  by 
which  it  is  surrounded  represent  the  sides. 
We  drove  about  in  the  native  carriage, 
which  is  the  same  at  Galle  and  Singapore, 
and  is  also  called  '*  Gharry "  at  each  of 
these  places.  Strange  to  say,  this  inhos- 
pitable-looking place  is  rather  liked  as  a 
station  by  the  officers.  The  reason  I  be- 
lieve is,  that  it  is  possible  for  them  to  save 
on  their  pay.  There  is  no  question  at  all, 
however,  about  their  hospitality,  all  being 
most  willing  to  give  everyone  a  hearty 
welcome.  It  was  very  amusing  to  see 
the  little   blackies   paddling   about   in  the 



harbour  in  tiny  canoes,  from  whicli,  or 
even  from  the  yards  of  our  vessel,  they 
would  dive  into  the  water  for  money,  and 
we  could  see  them  distinctly  fighting 
underneath  among  themselves  to  get  the 
prize.  They  would  also  dive  under  one 
side  of  the  ship  and  come  up  at  the  other, 
chattering  all  the  while  like  monkeys.  I 
was  not  sorry,  however,  to  leave  this  place 
and  get  on,  for  by  this  time  the  end  of  the 
journey  was  every  day  becoming  a  matter  to 
be  looked  forward  to  with  greater  pleasure. 

On  passing  Cape  Guardafui  and  the  island 
of  Socotra,  we  encountered  a  great  swell, 
which  made  us  roll  very  much, — the  curious 
thing  being  that  the  sea  to  all  appearance 
was  perfectly  calm;  but  I  beheve  there 
was  nothing  unusual  in  this.  The  contrast 
to  the  heavy  rollers  of  the  Atlantic  was 
very  great  to  all  appearance,  but  the  effect 
on  the  steadiness  of  our  vessel  was   cer- 



tainly  not  less.  From  Aden  to  Galle — by 
far  the  most  tedious  part  of  the  voyage — 
it  takes  seven  to  nine  days,  according  to 
the  monsoon.  The  weather  was  so  sultry 
and  oppressive  that  it  was  often  impossible 
to  stay  between  decks,  and  several  nights 
I  slept  on  deck  in  an  arm-chair.  We  saw 
lots  of  flying-iish  and  shoals  of  porpoises. 
If  the  days  could  be  complained  of  on 
account  of  the  force  of  the  sun,  the  nights 
were  the  more  enjoyable,  for  the  splendour 
of  the  moon  and  the  evening  breezes  com- 
pensated to  some  extent  for  the  extra  heat 
of    the   day. 

We  arrived  at  Galle  after  nine  days' 
steaming.  The  change  of  scene  was  ex- 
traordinary. I  may  say,  it  was  not  since 
leaving  Naples  that  I  had  seen  anything 
green.  A  fortnight's  roasting  in  the  Bed 
Sea  and  Indian  Ocean  would  be  enough  to 
make  one  greet  with  pleasure  the  slightest 


shade;  but  here  we  had  immense  woods 
coming  down  to  the  verge  of  the  water, 
which  made  me  long  for  their  refreshing 
shelter.  I  hope  I  shall  not  be  accused  of 
exaggeration  in  saying  that  Galle  struck 
me  as  the  prettiest  place,  externally,  I  came 
across.  If  anyone  doubts  it,  they  had 
better  make  the  experiment;  and  if  they 
— as  they  must  from  England — go  the  same 
route  as  I  did,  I  feel  certain  that  their 
opinion,  after  the  same  culinary  preparation, 
will  agree  with  mine.  'But  as  to  reach  the  gar- 
dens of  the  Hesperides  many  obstacles  had  to 
be  overcome,  so  there  are  dangers  to  be  en- 
countered by  those  desirous  of  landing  here. 
In  the  first  place,  even  to  enter  the 
harbour  is  no  easy  matter,  and  requires 
the  most  careful  steering.  As  a  warning, 
should  we  not  keep  true  in  the  centre  of 
the  passage,  there  rises  above  the  waves, 
only   a  few  yards  from  us,  the   hull   and 


masts  of  the  Arracan,  wrecked  here  some 
months  before.  Even  when  we  have  passed 
through  this  dangerous  strait  we  have  only 
accomplished  half  our  task.  There  is  so 
great  a  swell  that  we  are  obliged  to  land 
in  boats,  and  to  get  into  these  boats  is  very- 
awkward  and  difficult.  It  requires  the 
greatest  skill  in  choosing  your  opportunity, 
which  must  be  immediately  acted  upon,  or 
you  will  not  escape  without  a  ducking  at 
the  very  least.  Perhaps  I  speak  with  some 
of  the  bitterness  of  unsuccess,  as  I  was 
among  the  unfortunate, — escaping  however, 
luckily,  with  only  half  the  penalty.  All 
this  inconvenience  detracts  something  from 
the  praise  of  Galle,  especially ,  as  many 
ships  are  periodically  lost  here.  Besides, 
there  is  so  obvious  and  simple  a  remedy. 
Colombo,  which  is  very  little  out  of  the 
direct  line,  and  is  a  very  thriving  and 
large  town,   has    a   commodious    and  fine 


harbour,  wMch  is  easy  of  entrance,  and 
safe  at  all  seasons.  It  certainly  is  slightly 
ont  of  the  route,  but  the  advantages  that 
would  arise  from  making  it  the  port  of  call 
far  counterbalance  the  slight  delay  that 
might  be  occasioned  by  the  change.  But, 
somehow,  all  the  world  over,  it  takes  a 
very  long  time  to  effect  any  improvement 
on  what  is.  As  far  as  my  experience  goes, 
I  can  endorse  the  saying  of  an  eminent 
man — that  we  are  not  Conservative,  but 
Chinese.  It  may  be  some  consolation  to 
think  that  all  the  world's  the  same. 

We  went  to  the  hotel  on  landing,  which 
is  a  capital  one.  The  proprietor  fed  us 
remarkably  well,  and  I  tasted  here  one  of 
the  greatest  dainties  imaginable.  I  unfor- 
tunately did  not  get  the  receipt,  but  I  can 
state  the  chief  ingredients  :  curried  prawns, 
flavoured  with  cocoa-nut  milk  and  dry 
champagne.     It     was     capital.     We     took 


gharries,  drawn  by  very  fine  little  ponies, 
and  drove  up  into  the  country,  over  ex- 
cellent roads.  The  scenery  was  very  pretty, 
splendid  trees  overhanging  the  roads,  and 
forming  a  perfect  archway.  Through  the 
vistas  of  the  wood  we  could  see  native  huts 
— to  all  appearance  clean  and  comfortable 
— and  now  and  then  a  small  temple,  with 
the  native  gods.  These  were  chiefly  re- 
markable for  the  tasty  manner  in  which 
they  were  decorated  with  flowers.  We 
drove  also  to  see  the  cinnamon  gardens, 
which  were  some  miles  inland.  The  only 
drawback  that  I  could  see  was  the  quantity 
of  beggars  who,  as  everywhere  else  in 
the  East,  pestered  us  for  alms.  We  drove 
back  to  our  hotel,  where  a  crowd  of  Parsee 
merchants  had  assembled  to  receive  us, 
exhibiting  their  wares,  and  demanding  fancy 
and  most  exorbitant  prices  for  everything. 
We  were  taken  by  a  back  way  to  see  their 


shops  and  all  their  treasures.  They  offered 
us  sapphires,  rubies,  pearls,  etc. ;  but  though 
we  were  fully  awake  to  their  tricks,  we  found 
it  difficult  to  resist  their  cajoling  arts  when  we 
had  put  ourselves  into  their  den.  For  a  ring 
for  which  they  demanded  JC50,  they  accepted 
£5.  Of  course  the  majority  of  these  fellows 
are  arrant  swindlers,  palming  off  pieces  of 
glass  or  bad  stones  on  the  unwary  as  gems 
of  priceless  value.  Their  whole  system  is 
supported  by  unlimited  credit,  they  reckon- 
ing on  catching  you  on  your  return.  They 
are  a  fearful  nuisance,  but  it  rests  with 
travellers  themselves  to  put  them  down  by 
discouraging  them.  But  as  a  few  great 
bargains  are  sometimes  made,  everyone 
tries  to  do  the  same,  and  the  result  is  that 
these  fellows  thrive  and  make  fortunes,  as 
elsewhere,  on  the  creduHty  of  mankind. 

Our  stay  here  seemed  to  me  too  short. 
Jt  was  only  for  twenty-four  hours  ;  I  could 


gladly  have  enjoyed  another  stay  of  equal 
length.  That  evening  there  was  a  tre- 
mendous storm,  the  lightning  being  most 
vivid.  This  I  may  call  our  half  way 
house,  it  being  also  in  distance  only  a 
little  more  than  half  done  towards  getting 
to  the  end  of  the  journey.  I  now  had 
the  pleasure  of  being  able  to  look  back  on 
so  much  successfully  accomplished  to  sustain 
me  in  the  latter  half  of  this  lengthy  under- 
taking. I  left.  Galle  much  refreshed  by 
its  pleasant  scenery,  although  there  we  lost 
some  of  our  fellow  passengers,  who  were 
much  missed  and  regretted. 




FouE  days  after  leaving  Galle,  we  were 
passing  the  north  part  of  Sumatra,  al- 
though at  too  great  a  distance  to  get  a 
very  clear  view  of  Atchin.  Our  course  here 
lay  through  narrow  straits  between  little 
islands;  and,  more  or  less,  this  is  the  de- 
scription of  the  whole  of  the  view  of  the 
strait  down  to  Singapore. 

These  islands  present  the  most  beautiful 
appearance.  They  are  absolutely  covered 
with  trees,  which  run  down  to  the  water's 
edge.  I  saw  a  very  splendid  sunset 
the  evening  we  were  passing  through. 
The  sun,  sinking  behind   the   tree-crested 


mountains  of  the  islands,  lit  up  the  open 
sea  with  a  glow  of  gold,  or  was  reflected 
hack  from  the  woods  and  rocks  of  various 
islets ;  while  that  part  of  the  sea  nearest  to 
the  shore,  being  in  close  shade,  was  con- 
sequently perfectly  dark.  The  contrast  was 
most  singular  and  striking.  We  arrived  at 
Singapore  without  noticing  anything  par- 
ticular, for,  as  I  said,  one  description  is 
sufficient  for  the  whole  of  this  route.  The 
entrance  to  the  new  and  small  harbour, 
although  extremely  narrow,  is  most  pretty, 
as  it  is  fringed  on  either  side  with  thickly- 
wooded  islands ;  although  here  is  added 
to  the  scenery  some  comfortable-looking 
and  picturesquely-situated  villas,  and  the 
smoke  rising  from  behind  the  trees  cheers 
the  heart  with  its  sign  of  hospitahty.  We 
again  took  gharries  and  drove  to  the  town 
of  Singapore,  which  is  about  three  miles 
from  the  quay ;  and  having  lunched  on  our 


arrival,  we  started  to  see  the  Botanical 
Gardens,  which  are  ahout  four  miles  inland. 
The  drive  through  the  jungle  the  whole 
way  was  remarkably  pretty,  and  the  Gar- 
dens, even  after  this  preliminary  prepara- 
tion, did  not  fall  short  of  my  expectations. 
We  dined  with  a  friend  still  further  up  the 
country,  where  I  saw  a  most  perfect  pun- 
kah ;  it  had  five  fans,  instead  of  only  one. 
We  also  saw  the  Governor's  house,  but  at 
that  time  without  a  Governor.  Sir  Andrew 
Clarke  had  not  then  commenced  his  ad- 
ministration, although  on  my  return  his 
success,  aided  by  the  well-known  gracious- 
ness  and  kindness  of  Lady  Clarke,  was  the 
talk  of  the  place.  Everyone  out  there  will 
join,  w^hile  deeply  regretting  his  short  stay, 
in  wishing  him  every  prosperity  in  his  new 

At  Singapore  the  diving  boys  were  equally 
numerous   and    amusing,    and    there   they 


showed  remarkable  quickness  in  discerning 
the  English  from  the  French  passengers. 
To  the  former  they  would  say,  **  Have  a 
dive  ?  " — to  the  latter,  *^  A  la  mer."  Here 
we  lost  our  agreeable  fellow-passengers  the 
Dutch,  who  change  for  Java.  I  regretted 
much  to  part  from  them,  as  they  had  been 
especially  kind  to  me.  One  of  them,  who 
had  been  ruined  in  Holland  by  giving  secu- 
rity for  a  friend,  was  going  out  with  his  wife 
to  Batavia,  to  try  and  make  another  for- 
tune. We  all  heartily  wished  him  every 

As  the  Straits  Settlement  seemed  but  a 
short  time  ago  to  have  assumed  a  certain 
importance  as  the  subject  of  a  political 
question,  it  may  not  be  out  of  place  to 
make  here  a  few  remarks  on  that  point. 
The  Dutch,  as  is  well  known,  were  once  our 
most  formidable  rivals  on  the  sea.  Even 
when  Blake,  Sandwich,  and  Kodney  had  in 


successiye  generations  fully  proved  our  su- 
premacy on  that  element,  Holland  still 
possessed  many  colonies,  some  of  which 
now  belong  to  us,  and  might,  without  un- 
truth, claim  to  be  our  equal  in  foreign 
possessions.  These  she  owed  to  the  energy 
and  genius  of  her  own  sailors,  who  for 
some  time  and  at  a  certain  period  were 
unrivalled.  Of  all  that  imperial  sway,  Java 
and  Sumatra  are  the  two  most  precious 

It  is  no  exaggeration  to  call  these  islands, 
in  richness  of  soil  and  quantity  and  variety 
of  products,  the  pearls  of  the  East  Indies. 
Mismanaged,  as  they  are  acknowledged  to 
be,  not  a  tenth  properly  cultivated,  still 
they  furnish  the  home  country  with  a  net 
profit  in  the  shape  of  revenue  of  several 
millions.  The  Dutch  in  that,  part  of  the 
world  acknowledge  their  shortcomings,  and 
look  with  envy  on  what  they  consider  the 


admirable  manner  in  which  our  Indian 
settlements  are  managed.  They  are  only 
too  desirous  to  make  the  best  of  their  pro- 
mising territory;  but,  whether  owing  to 
real  want  of  energy,  or  to  being  hampered 
by  the  home  Government,  little  progress 
is  made.  Opposed  to  the  long  sea-board 
of  Sumatra  lie  our  settlements  on  the  pen- 
insula of  Malay,  with  the  great  emporium 
Singapore  at  its  extreme  end.  They  are 
thus  brought  face  to  face  with  us ;  and  in 
the  necessary  course  of  things,  a  time  must 
come  when  we  shall  be  obliged  to  take 
cognizance  of  their  doings.  There  is  no 
doubt  but  that  the  Dutch  are  aware  of 
our  gradual  absorption  of  everything  worth 
possessing  in  this  direction. 

They  also  see  more  clearly  than  we  do 
ourselves,  that  Australia — that  continent 
of  the  future — is  bound  to  draw  nearer  to 
our    Indian  Empire.     They    see    that    one 


of  these  days  they  must  meet.  They  feel 
themselves  unable,  for  several  reasons,  to 
oppose  any  permanent  resistance  to  the 
progress  of  these  movements. 

While  possessing  much  of  the  ability 
and  courage  of  their  forefathers,  they  have 
perhaps  allowed  a  prosperous  life  in  rich 
colonies  to  render  them  more  sluggish  and 
less  likely  to  seize  any  favourable  oppor- 
tunity. Their  army  is  also  chiefly  composed 
of  natives  or  of  mercenaries  of  every  country, 
and  not  to  be  trusted  when  brought  face  to 
face  with  regular  troops.  Even  the  pluck 
of  the  Atchinese  was  sufficient  to  baffle  for 
long  the  numbers  brought  against  them. 

The  Dutch  feel  the  reality  of  all  this  ; 
and  the  result  is  an  intense  jealousy,  which 
shows  itself  by  hampering  us  in  all  our 
intercourse  with  these  islands.  It  would 
be  an  instructive  lesson  to  anyoae  to  work 
up  how  it  was  that,  when  we  were  foremost 


amongst  the  advocates  of  conquest  and 
extension  of  dominion,  we  permitted  these 
treasures  to  escape  our  grasp.  Their 
position,  their  wealth,  every  reason  of 
policy,  both  on  its  broad  principle  and  on 
its  narrower  one  of  self-interest,  demanded 
their  occupation.  Why  did  we  give  up 
our  hold  on  Sumatra  in  Bencoolen  in 
exchange  for  Malacca?  Of  course,  this 
gives  no  right  to  take  them  now,  even  if 
that  were  feasible  ;  and  if  Holland .  were 
to  manage  them  properly  there  might  never 
be  any  necessity.  But  the  world  is  not 
large  enough  nor  rich  enough  to  permit 
anyone  to  mismanage  that  which  is  meant 
for  the  good  of  all.  And  eventually,  if  we 
neglect  to  interest  ourselves  in  the  ques- 
tion, if  we  are  so  purblind  as  not  to  keep 
a  watchful  eye  on  this  quarter,  we  may 
find  that  some  other  power,  for  reasons 
certainly  not   of    friendship    to   ourselves, 


will  secure  these  prizes,  and  we  with  our 
eyes  closed  the  whole  time.  It  ought  to  he 
sufficient  to  point  out  that,  as  far  as  race 
goes,  Holland  is  as  much  German  as  Alsace 
or  Holstein;  and  even  the  independent 
Dutch  might  not  ohject  so  much  as  is 
imagined  to  merge  themselves  in  such  a 
formidable  power  as  Germany  would  then 
become  by  their  alHance.  Germany  is  fast 
creating  a  navy.  She  would,  then,  have 
harbours  and  colonies.  Those  of  her  sub- 
jects who  shirk  the  military  obHgations  by 
leaving  the  Fatherland  would,  perhaps  the 
State  might  consider,  be  sufficiently  usefully 
employed  in  estabhshing  new  or  strengthen- 
ing old  colonies  to  allow  them  to  be  excused 
from  some  of  the  legal  penalties  they  incur 
under  present  circumstances. 

On  leaving  Singapore,  and  turning  our 
prow  northwards,  I  may  say  we  were  set- 
ting out  on  our  last  stage,  although,  by  the 



French  packet,  the  journey  is  broken  by  a 
stoppage  at  their  settlements  in  Cochin 
China.  In  three  days  we  reached  Point 
St.  James,  which  is  at  the  month  of  the 
Cambodia  or  Gamboge  river.  The  contract 
of  the  Company  with  the  French  Govern- 
ment compels  them  to  go  np  the  river  to 
Saigon,  which  is  about  sixty  miles,  and 
entails  a  tedious  journey  of  about  twenty- 
four  hours  each  way ;  they  are  also  obliged 
to  make  a  stoppage  there  of  twenty-four 
hours;  so  that  altogether  this  arbitrary 
and  really  useless  arrangement  delays  the 
arrival  in  China  by  three  days.  The  river 
is  very  wide,  but  so  shallow  that  it  is  only 
possible  for  ships  to  go  up  to  Saigon  when 
the  tide  is  favourable.  The  banks  are  very 
low,  so  I  could  see  the  jungle  extending  for 
miles  inland.  The  heat  here  was  some- 
thing fearful,  and  the  farther  we  went  from 
the  sea  the  worse  it  became. 


As  the  Frencli  are  lield  to  attach  much 
importance  to  this  settlement,  it  is  perhaps 
some  set-off  against  the  delay  to  get  even  a 
slight  glimpse  of  how  they  manage  their 
colonies.  Coming  from  Singapore  to  Saigon 
seems  like  a  return  to  Europe.  With  its 
straight  streets  Hned  with  trees,  with  its 
cafes  retreating  under  the  shade,  and  its 
boulevards  of  handsome  shops,  it  seems 
almost  exactly  like  a  town  of  la  helle 
France,  Scarlet  trousered  officers,  bronzed 
by  an  eastern  sun  to  almost  blackness, 
lounge  about;  and  the  political  talk  is  no 
less  lively  than  it  is  on  a  Parisian  boulevard. 
Their  system  of  ruling  their  colony  is 
exactly  similar  to  that  in  force  in  Algeria, 
and  is  purely  military.  The  whole  of  the 
country  is  dotted  over  with  small  stations, 
and  the  natives  are  subject  and  must  con- 
form to  the  French  laws  alone. 

This  is  somewhat  different  and  opposed 


to  the  course  we  have  adopted  in  the 
management  of  our  immense  possessions 
in  India.  There  we  see  the  miHtary  en- 
tirely subsidiary  to  the  civil  authority. 
The  Commissioner  is  the  highest  power. 
We  openly  acknowledge  we  only  hold  our 
authority  in  trust  for  the  benefit  of  the 
natives,  and  we  encourage  them  to  show 
themselves  capable  of  assisting  us  in  go- 
verning themselves.  This  is  far  removed 
from  the  military  system,  pure  and  simple, 
followed  by  the  French ;  and  I  do  not  think 
its  advantages  can  be  questioned. 

There  is  a  Jardin  des  Plantes  and  a  public 
park  about  a  mile  from  the  town.  There  is 
a  very  good  show  at  the  former,  especially 
some  magnificent  tigers.  Close  to  this  is 
the  Governor's  palace,  which  is  reputed  to 
have  cost  seven  miUion  francs,  or  jC280,000. 
Altogether,  Saigon  would  repay  a  longer 
Aisit,   and  the    heavy  jungles    throughout 


the  interior  afford  a  splendid  field  for  sport. 
Besides,  it  lias  great  advantages  as  a  start- 
ing place  for  explorations  inland,  and  the 
opening  up  of  the  Cambodia  would  confer 
more  advantages  on  the  human  race  than 
the  clearing  out  of  the  Oxus.  The  latter 
will  open  up  a  passage  to  the  rugged  steppes 
of  Khoordistan  and  the  Hindoo  Koosh,  but 
the  former  will  open  up  the  rich  treasures 
of  Siam  and  Burmah. 

We  sailed  down  the  river  again,  and  four 
days  after  leaving  Point  St.  James  we 
reached  Hong-Kong.  It  was  a  very  pretty 
sight  to  see  the  merchants'  gigs,  manned  by 
Chinamen  in  different  coloured  costumes, 
coming  off  to  welcome  old  friends  from 
their  own  common  home,  or  new  ones 
who  were  coming  out  to  be  cheered  by 
their  hospitality. 

My  journey  was  over.  Ten  thousand 
miles,  mostly  by  sea,  is,  under  every  cir- 


cumstance,  both  of  comfort  and  of  fine 
weather,  but  a  disagreeable  and  tedious 
task.  Its  end  can  be  only  greeted  with 
relief.  But  when  it  is  accomplished,  al- 
though feelings  of  expectation  have  been 
for  weeks  uppermost  in  our  mind,  we  go 
back  and  dwell  on  all  the  episodes  and 
dangers  of  the  journey;  and  we  then,  if 
but  for  a  few  moments,  feel  some  of  the 
debt  we  owe  to  that  Almighty  Providence 
that  has  carried  us  with  safety  to  our  jour- 
ney's end. 

There  is  also  grief  and  a  feeling  of  lone- 
liness to  think  how  many  a  mile  lies  between 
us  and  cur  home,  where  is  all  we  love. 
Only  the  warmest  welcome,  only  the  truest 
friendship,  only  the  greatest  hope  can  make 
us  bear  up  successfully.  These  in  my  case 
were  all  powerfully  present,  and  soon  I  was 
reconciled  to  my  new  surroundings. 




Befoee  commencing  my  narrative  of  resi- 
dence in  China,  I  will  devote  two  ciiapters 
to  preparatory  matter,  which  will  perhaps 
serve  to  give  greater  interest  and  consis- 
tency to  what  follows.  In  this  chapter  I 
will  endeavour  to  give  some  slight  sketch 
of  the  course  of  China's  history,  while  in 
the  next  I  will  make  some  remarks  that 
may  seem  naturally  suggested  by  our  con- 
nexion with  the  country. 

The  native  accounts  date  their  empire 
from  a  most  remote  period,  but  we  have 
as  yet  no  reliable  record  of  the  events 
which    occurred    in    the    infancy  of    this 


extraordinary  people  ;  and  considering 
that  the  anthentio  Mstory  was  destroyed 
by  a  sovereign  (Chi-Noam-to,  200  B.C.) 
whose  acts  the  learned  disapproved  of, 
because  it  was  turned  again&t  him  to  esta- 
blish precedents  to  prove  his  own  bad 
government,  it  is  highly  probable  that  it 
will  for  ever  remain  shrouded  in  mystery. 
We  know  that  the  Komans  received  am- 
bassadors from  a  country  called  Cathay, 
situated  far  to  the  east  of  the  Indus  ;  and 
we  may  not  be  wrong  in  accepting  these 
emissaries  as  coming  from  that  country 
which  is  the  subject  of  this  book.  We  are 
also  aware  that  some  Christian  sceptics 
are  reported  to  have  retired  thither  in  the 
first  centuries  of  the  Church ;  and  I  believe 
attempts  have  of  late  years  been  made  to 
trace  their  descendants. 

Fo-Hi,  one  of  the  first  emperors,  and  the 
reputed  founder  of  the  empire,  lived  about 


2000  B.C.,  and  is  supposed  to  be  the  same  as 
Noah ;  but  the  first  reliable  historical  per- 
sonage we  know  of,  is  Confucius,  who  was 
born  about  550  b.c.  He  is  to  the  Chinese 
what  Moses  is  to  the  Jews,  and  Mahomet  to 
the  Arabs.  He  is  at  once  their  lawgiver 
and  their  prophet,  their  example  of  morality 
and  the  highest  and  grandest  type  of  their 
race.  The  descendants  of  this  distinguished 
philosopher  form  the  only  hereditary  nobility 
among  the  Chinese.  During  the  first  cen- 
turies the  imperial  rule  was  exercised  by 
the  family  of  Hong,  but  the  rulers  for 
several  generations  having  fallen  into  all 
the  vices  of  impotency,  were,  after  a  period 
of  anarchy  and  confusion,  succeeded  by  the 
Tang  family,  which  had  as  its  founder  the 
great  Taitsong.  Their  dynasty  faUing  into 
the  same  state  of  effeminacy  as  their  prede- 
cessors', gave  place  to  new  rulers  ;  and  this 
result  was  repeated  several  times,  until  the 


great  Mongol  conqueror  Genghis  Khan 
overran  a  great  part  of  the  kingdom,  and 
his  grandson  Kublai  Khan  completed  the 
task  of  conquest  by  subduing  the  whole 
country,  and  he  and  several  of  his  descend- 
ants ruled  from  Kamschatka  to  Cochin. 
But  the  old  epidemic  soon  seized  the 
Mongol  emperors  as  it  had  previously  the 
Chinese.  Inactivity  soon  take  the  place 
of  energy,  and  the  pleasures  of  debauchery 
succeeded  the  actions  of  ambition  in  the 
court  of  Pekin.  The  conquered  inhabitants, 
from  being  accustomed  to  sneer  at  the  de- 
generacy of  their  conquerors,  soon  resorted 
to  measures  to  restore  themselves  to  free- 
dom and  to  regain  the  empire  they  once 
possessed.  The  revolt  was  successful,  and 
their  victorious  general  established  himself 
at  Pekin.  He  became  the  founder  of  the 
famous  dynasty  of  Ming ;  and,  not  content 
with  having  expelled  a  conqueror,  led  vie- 


torious  armies  through  Thibet  and  Tartary. 
The  Ming  period  is  the  most  popular  among 
the  Chinese,  as  the  time  of  their  chief 
greatness  ;  and  it  would  he  unwise  to  leave 
out  of  consideration  the  fact  that  they  recur 
to  the  events  of  that  time  with  extreme 
fondness,  for  as  changes  of  rulers  have  in 
no  other  kingdom  been  of  more  frequent 
occurrence,  so  it  is  not  impossible  that  one 
more  revolution  may  be  added,  and  it  can- 
not be  confidently  asserted  that  it  will  meet 
with  no  success. 

The  defeated  Mongols  sought  refuge 
among  the  Tartars  on  the  extreme  north- 
western frontier  of  the  empire,  and  several 
centuries  later  their  descendants  appeared 
once  more  upon  the  scene  under  the  name 
of  Mantchoos.  For  even  the  sovereigns 
of  the  house  of  Ming  were  not  to  be  exempt 
for  any  great  length  of  time  from  the  faults 
of  their  predecessors ;  and  when  the  state 


was  divided  into  rival  factions,  in  an  evil 
liour  the  aid  of  the  Mantchoos  was  invoked. 
Victory  declared  for  the  side  they  fought 
on,  and  as  Hengist  and  Horsa  in  our  history 
from  victorious  allies  made  the  easy  change 
to  conquerors,  so  in  China  these  fierce  and 
irresistible  Tartars  seized  the  empire,  and 
converted  their  benefactors  and  friends  into 
their  dependents.  The  first  emperor  of 
the  new  race,  Chun-tchi,  showed  himself  a 
sagacious  and  tolerant  prince  by  honouring 
the  prejudices  of  his  new  subjects  and  by 
satisfying  himself  with  the  real  attributes 
of  power  without  demanding  any  of  its 
useless  appendages. 

The  Tartar  conquest  was  consummated 
in  the  year  1644,  and  Chun-tchi  was 
succeeded  in  1661  by  his  son  Kang-hi, 
who  in  a  long  reign  of  sixty  years  proved 
himself  to  be  the  most  enlightened  prince 
who     ever     occupied     the     throne.       His 


measures  consolidated  tlie  power  of  his 
family,  and  it  is  mainly  to  him  that  it  is 
due  that  the  state  of  the  country  has  been 
tolerably  settled  ever  since.  He  at  first 
had  friendly  inclinations  for  foreigners,  and 
it  was  in  his  reign  that  the  Jesuits  first 
effected  a  permanent  settlement.  He  made 
use  of  their  knowledge  to  assist  him  in 
compiling  a  history,  and  also  employed 
them  on  many  works  of  national  import- 
ance, notably  the  improvement  of  the 
calendar  and  the  education  of  the  masses. 
It  was  at  this  time  that  so  many  works 
were  issued  on  China,  and  had  the  place 
of  the  Jesuit  observers  been  as  worthily 
filled  of  late  years  by  the  Enghsh  merchants, 
there  should  be  a  much  greater  knowledge 
of  the  people  and  of  their  customs  than 
unfortunately  there  is.  Towards  the  end 
of  Kang-hi's  reign,  however,  the  Jesuits  fell 
into  disrepute,  and  they  were  banished  the 


court.  Perhaps  some  of  their  theories  as 
to  the  spiritual  supremacy  of  the  Pope 
were  a  little  too  freely  uttered  to  please 
the  spiritual  father  of  a  distinct  religion. 
"Whatever  the  reason,  the  fact  remains 
the  same,  that  Jesuit  influence  was  at  its 
height  in  his  reign,  and  that,  although  still, 
scattered  over  the  country,  where  perhaps 
no  other  white  man  dare  venture,  may 
be  found  representatives  of  this  powerful 
society,  it  has  ever  since  been  on  the 

Since  this  reign  the  internal  history  of 
China  has  been  quiet.  The  Mantchoos 
are  still  the  ruling  caste.  The  djniasty  of 
Tatsing  still  sways  the  sceptre.  To  all 
appearance  the  native  Chinaman  is  con- 
tented, and  the  Tartar  lords  it  throughout 
the  land.  The  even  tenor  of  their  rule 
has  indeed  received  one  shock.  I  allude 
to  the  Taeping  rebelHon;   and  the  result  of 


that  insurrection  remained  undecided  until 
an  Englisliman  solved  the  difficulty  by 
leading  an  army  from  victory  to  victory ; 
and  Gordon  and  the  Ever  Victorious  Army 
became  the  heroes  of  the  day.  The  vanity 
of  the  victors,  hurt  by  having  to  own  their 
success  as  chiefly  attributable  to  a  foreigner, 
has  received  some  salve  in  the  successful 
destruction  of  the  Panthays,  who  had  of 
late  years  formed  an  independent  power 
in  the  south-west ;  and  military  officialism 
has  become  more  arrogant  than  before, 
on  account  of  these  recent  laurels.  The 
Taepings  were  indeed  crushed ;  but  the 
impressions  of  foreign  residents  are  con- 
flicting as  to  whether  the  Chinese  are 
really  well  affected  to  the  Mandarins. 

Ta-whang-li,  or  Mighty  Emperor,  is  the 
style  of  the  potentate  at  Pekin,  and  his  power 
is  as  unlimited  as  the  most  extended  view  of 
paternal  authority  sanctions.  He  is  temporal 


and  spiritual  cliief ;  and  his  person  is  con- 
sidered so  sacred  that  it  is  only  recently 
that  audience  has  heen  permitted  to  the 
representatives  of  foreign  powers ;  and  now 
it  is  done  in  such  a  manner  as  in  any  other 
country  would  be  considered  more  insult 
than  honour. 

The  Goyernment  is  carried  on  by  a  coimcil 
of  four ;  but  at  the  present  moment  it  is 
vested  in  a  Kegency,  and  the  Empress, 
mother  of  the  previous  sovereign,  is  the 
instigator  of  policy.  The  great  Viceroys 
exercise  a  vast  amount  of  influence,  and  in 
their  respective  provinces  are  supreme,  par- 
ticularly the  ruler  of  the  province  of  Chihli, 
by  name  Li  Hung  Chang,  or  the  great  Li 
as  he  is  more  usually  called ;  who  to  great 
power  and  wealth  adds  all  the  energy  and 
ambition  of  his  ancestors.  In  theory,  how- 
ever, the  Tu-che-yiven,  or  censors,  have  the 
right  to  superintend  all  things,  and  have  a 


station  independent  of  the  Ministry.  They 
fill  a  somewhat  similar  position  in  name  to 
that  the  Ephors  did  in  fact  at  Sparta ;  but 
they  are  entirely  without  the  power  of  that 
formidable  magistracy.  They  have  some 
privileges,  and  may  enjoy  the  doubtful 
pleasure  of  listening  to  measures  being  re- 
solved upon  by  the  boards  of  administration 
without  having  any  option  between  silence 
and  a  futile  opposition. 

It  is  sufficiently  evident  even  from  these 
few  facts  that  if  the  sovereign  be  not  of  an 
active  disposition,  and  does  not  really  act 
the  king,  there  is  plenty  of  field  for  ambi- 
tion ;  and  that  backstair  influence  is  much 
called  into  use  to  decide  the  merits  of  rival 
favourites,  or  to  settle  the  litigations  con- 
stantly pending  between  irritated  feuda- 
tories. When  such  a  state  of  affairs  exists, 
there  can  be  neither  salutary  government  at 
home  nor  trustworthy  engagements  abroad. 



In  anotlier  point  of  view,  it  leaves  room  for 
sudden  changes,  by  holding  out  an  occasion 
to  ambitious  generals  to  form  an  empire  of 
their  own  out  of  the  surrounding  corruption. 
And  indeed  it  is  a  very  significant  fact  what 
skilled  connoisseurs  these  eastern  potentates 
are  becoming  in  the  merits  of  Krupps  and 

China  has  remained  under  the  same  rulers 
for  a  period  of  two  hundred  and  thirty 
years.  But  if  it  be  true  that  all  history 
repeats  itself,  we  must  arrive  at  the  con- 
clusion that  even  a  dynasty  whose  ninth 
representative  is  on  the  throne,  is  not  safe 
from  the  fate  of  its  predecessors.  It  is  also 
a  fact  not  to  be  lost  sight  of,  that,  strictly 
speaking,  there  is  no  regular  army.  The 
forces  correspond  more  to  our  militia,  re- 
siding at  their  own  houses,  and  not  in 
barracks,  and  occupying  themselves  in  trades 
or  labour  of  some  kind,  except  on  those 


special  days  when  they  are  summoned  to 
their  divisions. 

Our  first  attempt  to  open  trade  inter- 
course with  China  was  in  1637,  when  the 
East  India  Company  despatched  several 
vessels  to  Macao  ;  but  through  the  intrigues 
of  the  Portuguese,  then  as  now  in  possession 
of  that  town,  the  attempt  proved  a  failure, 
and  the  ships  were  forced  to  depart  without 
effecting  their  purpose.  For  more  than  a 
century  afterwards  a  limited  traffic  was 
carried  on  with  Canton  by  the  East  India 
Company ;  but  the  Chinese  were  never 
cordial  about  it,  and  the  Portuguese  were 
not  at  all  chary  of  spreading  reports  to  our 
disadvantage.  In  1792,  however,  an  em- 
bassy was  sent  under  Lord  Macartney,  to 
see  if  some  better  arrangements  could  not  be 
concluded,and  to  bear  gifts  of  friendship  from 
the  conquerors  of  India ;  but  it  is  impossible 
to  say  the  success  attending .  this  mission 


was  more  than  dubious.  In  1816  tlie  Earl 
of  Amherst  again  attempted  the  hopeless 
task  of  pointing  out  the  advantages  to 
be  derived  from  trade  and  intercommuni- 
cation, but  with  no  better  result  than 
Lord^  Macartney  had  met  with. 

In  1834  the  monopoly  of  the  East  India 
Company  was  abolished,  and  general  traders 
had  the  right  granted  them  to  transact  busi- 
ness with  the  country.  In  1842,  after  a  war 
in  which  Canton  was  much  damaged  and 
the  Chinese  Government  had  to  pay  a 
large  indemnity,  a  treaty  of  commerce  was 
ratified  between  Great  Britain  and  China, 
by  which  five  ports  were  declared  open 
to  EngHsh  merchants.  They  were  Canton, 
Amoy,  Foo-chow,  Ningpo,  and  Shanghai. 
Hong-Kong  was  also  ceded  to  us  for 

I  need  not  here  recapitulate  the  leading 
features  of  the  last  war,  which  resulted  in 


the  entry  into  Pekin  and  the  treaty  of 
Tientsin.  The  events  of  that  war  are  suf- 
ficiently well  known,  although  I  may  men- 
tion that  eight  more  ports  were  opened  to 
the  foreigner,  viz.,  Swatow,  Tientsin,  Chee- 
foo,  Kiu-Kiang,  Hankow,  Chin-Kiang, 
New  Chang,  and  Formosa. 

It  is  notorious  that,  even  after  two 
hundred  years  of  some  kind  of  contact,  we 
are  not  on  as  friendly  terms  as  might  be,  and 
that  all  our  efforts  to  break  through  the 
phlegm  of  the  Chinaman  have  been  only 
rewarded  with  a  limited  success.  We  are 
looked  upon  as  intruders,  we  are  only  per- 
mitted to  remain  on  sufferance ;  and  whether 
the  future  will  bring  any  improvement  in 
these  respects  is  more  than  the  most  san- 
guine of  us  can  answer  satisfactorily.  At  all 
events,  our  patience  cannot  now  be  com- 
plained of,  and  we  have  put  up  for  thirteen 
years  with  circumstances  that  have  seemed 


on  many  occasions  about  to  produce  a 
quarrel.  The  question,  then,  changes  to, 
Has  our  complaisance  gone  too  far  in  the 
other  direction  ? 




A  SINGLE  glance  at  the  map  is  sufficient 
to  show  that  the  position  of  China  is  one 
entitling  it  to  play  a  most  prominent  part 
in,  and  to  attract  much  attention  from 
those  desirous  of  participating  in,  the 
pontics  of  Asia. 

The  antiquity  of  its  history,  the  hardly 
perceptible  difference  in  the  chief  charac- 
teristics of  its  inhabitants  for  thousands 
of  years,  the  exclusiveness  in  which  it  has 
kept  itself  aloof  from  western  advances, 
and  the  halo  of  fancy  and  mystery  that 
surrounds  all  those  things  that  are  little 


comprehended,  combine  to  make  tlie  Celes- 
tial Empire  an  interesting  subject.  To 
these,  however,  mnst  now  be  added  the 
importance  of  our  commercial  relations, — 
the  fact  of  our  being  established  in  settle- 
ments on  its  soil,  and,  perhaps  more  than 
all,  the  feeling  that  we  are  there  in  keen 
competition  with  other  nations.  It  has 
not  been  hitherto  held  an  attribute  of  the 
English  race  to  draw  back  from  any  course 
for  fear  of  rivals ;  rather  has  it  been  the 
contrary,  and  we  have  carried  out  many 
an  undertaking  merely  for  the  sake  of 
thwarting  some  opponent.  Its  reputed 
history  dates  from  about  2,000  years  before 
the  birth  of  our  Saviour.  It  is  thus 
synonymous  i  length  with  that  o  f  the 
Jews  empire  has  passed  away 

nearly  2,000  years,  while  that  of  its  far 
eastern  contemporary  seems  to  be  still, 
for  an  Asiatic  power,  in  the  fuU  strength 


of  manhood.  Through  many  changes  of 
ruhng  dynasty,  through  many  a  desperate 
rebellion,  through  passing  under  the  sway 
of  such  conquerors  as  Genghis  Khan,  it  has 
come  down  to  our  time  a  relic  of  the  past. 
We  have  an  ancient  people  before  us,  we 
have  the  unlimited  power  of  the  priesthood, 
we  have  the  omnipotent  majesty  of  the 
sovereign  enshrined  in  the  hearts  of  the 
people.  More  than  this  :  the  wonders  of  our 
modern  life,  what  must  appear  to  them  the 
astonishing  results  of  our  mechanical  ap- 
pliances, seem  to  be  regarded  with  a  certain 
apathy  and  indifference.  They  nowadays 
go  abroad;  but  if  they  do,  they  carry  China 
with  them.  They  never  depart  with  the 
idea  of  no  return.  They  feel  satisfied  that 
even  if  they  do  die  in  the  strange  world 
they  have  entered  upon,  their  bodies  will 
be  brought  back  to  rest  among  their  fore- 


It  is  no  part  of  my  object  to  recon- 
cile the  age  of  the  Chinese  institutions 
with  the  Jewish  Cosmogony ;  but  any- 
one's eyes  are  sufficient  to  show  him  that 
*^  Tartar"  is  written  on  every  lineament  of 
a  Chinaman.  Whether  they  be  the  de- 
scendants of  Tartaric  hordes  who  in  pre- 
historic times  supplanted  some  aboriginal 
race,  or  whether  the  Tartar  bands  of 
Mongolia  and  Central  Asia  are  the  off- 
shoots of  an  over-redundant  population,  is 
to  my  mind  an  unimportant  question. 
These  Tartars  of  the  desert  have  been, 
however,  a  by  no  means  trivial  anxiety 
for  the  imperial  minds  at  Pekin. 

We  have  seen  that  their  irruptions  have 
been  frequent,  that  they  have  left  a  per- 
manent mark  in  many  of  the  institutions 
of  the  country,  that  they  have  not  a  few 
times  furnished  a  ruler  to  the  empire,  and 
that  the  present  sovereigns  are  their  descend- 


ants.  Against  these  intruders  an  immense 
and  fortified  wall  was  erected.  That  wall, 
e\^en  if  it  may  seem  antiquated  to  our  eyes, 
and  utterly  trivial  in  these  days  of  rifled 
ordnance,  has  for  centuries  been  regarded 
as  one  of  the  wonders  of  the  world ;  and 
might  even  on  a  future  occasion  form  a  by 
no  means  unimportant  opposition  to  the 
attack  of  anyone  in  that  direction.  Its 
safest  defence  on  this  side  is,  however,  the 
character  of  the  obstacles  the  immense 
extent  of  that  northern  part  of  Asia  offer  to 
anyone  who  should  wish  to  march  an  army 
on  that  quarter.  The  south-west  of  China 
is  also  almost  totally  unexplored,  although 
it  seemed,  a  short  time  ago,  that  at  last  this 
desirable  object  was  to  be  accomplished  by 
an  expedition  starting  from  Eangoon.  It 
is  well  known  how  that  attempt  resulted 
in  failure,  and  the  murder  of  a  most  pro- 
mising oJEcial. 


A  quarter  of  a  century  ago,  it  was  prog- 
nosticated that  China  was  to  he  a  new  El 
Dorado  ;  and  although  those  expectations 
have  heen  only  realized  in  a  limited  degree, 
we  cannot  say  that  we  have  exhausted  every 
means  to  accomplish  that  end.  As  yet  the 
iron  horse  has  not  ploughed  up  the  land  ; 
the  rivers  and  canals  are  still  traversed  hy 
the  heavy-rigged  barges,  and  news  still 
travels  with  the  tortoise  pace  of  the  courier. 
Each  province,  each  village,  must  rest  there- 
fore on  its  own  resources  in  any  emergency 
that  may  arise.  But  yet,  as  a  sign  of  the 
wealth  of  the  country,  we  have  a  population 
which  in  certain  districts  is  truly  immense. 
The  national  thrift  of  course  accounts  for 
this  in  some  degree.  The  real  secret, 
perhaps,  of  its  wealth,  is,  however,  the 
number  and  size  of  its  rivers.  In  the  ^ 
centre  there  is  the  majestic  Yangtse-Kiang  ; 
in  the  north  there  is  the  equally  imposing 


Ho-ang-Ho;    wliile  in  the   south  there  is 
the  no  less  useful  Kiu-Kiang. 

These  highways  given  by  nature  perforate 
the  country  in  all  directions.  Not  only  is 
the  land  copiously  irrigated,  but  these  means 
of  communication  require  no  paternal  and 
careful  legislature  to  keep  them  in  perma- 
nent order.  Our  chief  informants  on  every 
point  of  Chinese  custom  and  history — the 
Jesuits — dwell  on  the  importance  of  this 
fact,  and  many  have  carefully  and  eloquently 
detailed  the  immense  advantage  of  these 
splendid  streams. 

Pere  Mailla,  in  his  ^^  Histoire  Generale 
de  la  Chine,"  which  is  a  French  translation 
of  the  orthodox  Chinese  History,  which  I 
believe  he  was  also  chiefly  instrumental  in 
compiling  in  the  reign  of  Kang-hi,  gives  a 
most  vivid  description  of  the  whole  country, 
in  which  he  resided  for  a  great  number  of 
years.     No  further  information,  I  may  say. 


has  been  added  to  that  he  affords  us,  and 
the  history  of  the  Celestial  Empire  has  yet 
to  be  written.  Her  bold  and  extensive 
seaboard,  stretching  for  hundreds  of  miles, 
from  which  not  even  the  horrors  of  the 
typhoon  can  detract  its  many  advantages, 
is  specially  intended  for  the  children  of 
commerce ;  and  although  it  may  seem  a 
paradox,  the  supposition  is  not  opposed  by 
the  facts. 

The  leading  merchants  along  the  Straits 
of  Malacca  are,  if  not  Chinese  by  birth, 
certainly  so  by  origin,  and  are  distinguished 
by  the  term  "  Baba."  Their  trade  with 
the  Phihppine  Isles  and  Cochin  China  is 
also  extensive,  and  this  is  carried  on  chiefly, 
if  not  altogether,  in  native  ships. 

The  appearance  of  the  Chinese  in  the 
labour  market  of  California  has  been  at- 
tended with  such  success  that  there  are 
some  who   are   sanguine   enough  to  point 


to  a  time  when  demand  for  their  services 
will  be  universal.  What  would  not  some 
of  our  colliery  proprietors,  and  other  em- 
ployers of  labour,  they  say,  give  for  work- 
men who  would  be  content  with  a  fair  and 
fixed  wage,  and  with  no  inducement  or  wish 
to  strike  for  higher  terms;  and  these  all 
the  time  no  unskilled,  incapable  persons  ; — 
persons  who  have  proved  themselves  most 
adaptable  to  strange  surroundings  ;  steady, 
sober ;  if  humoured  in  some  of  their  re- 
ligious and  superstitious  observances,  most 
amenable  to  authority  ?  If  we  may  despise 
many  of  their  characteristics  as  meannesses ; 
if  we  prefer  to  pride  ourselves  on  our  open- 
ness of  character,  let  us  not  forget  that  the 
reasons  for  which  we  contemn  them  are 
the  very  ones  that  would  render  them  most 
valuable  in  any  civiHzed  country  which  may 
at  present  be  agitated  to  its  heart's  core  by 
the  difficulty  of  obtaining  men,  and  by  the 


antagonism,  every  day  becoming  more  em- 
bittered, between  capital  and  labour.  The 
thousands  who  annually  arrive  on  the  shores 
of  California  are  so  many  proofs  that  there 
would  be  no  impossibility  in  attracting  them 
from  their  own  country.  Australia  also  is 
visited  by  a  considerable  number.  These 
emigrants,  of  whom  the  great  majority  ulti- 
mately return  to  their  own  country,  have 
also  another  significance  for  us.  New  ideas 
on  the  white  nations  must  be  springing  up 
in  the  minds  of  the  natives.  The  wondrous 
tales  brought  back,  if  viewed  with  apathy 
and  unconcern,  must  have  some  effect,  and 
must  leave  some  impression  on  their  minds. 
The  presence  of  ambassadors  at  the  capital ; 
the  right  of  audience,  so  lately  conceded ; 
the  sight  of  our  men-of-war  in  their  rivers ; 
the  remembrances  of  our  prowess ;  and 
more  than  all,  perhaps,  the  knowledge  that 
it  was  to  English  officers  they  owed  the 


suppression  of  the  most  formidable  rebel- 
lion that  had  disturbed  their  tranquility 
for  ages,  the  severity  of  which  is  even  now 
brought  vividly  before  them  by  the  sight, 
of  the  jungle  growing  where  once  was  the 
temple,  and  the  silent  street  where  of  yore 
trod  the  noisy  throng, — all  these  must  be 
taken  as  being  productive  of  a  gradual 
awakening  to  the  realities  of  civilization; 
and  if  it  does  not  mean  any  real  adoption 
of  our  system,  it  at  all  events  means  tole- 
ration of  it.  Indeed,  with  a  power  like 
Kussia  roaming  about  somewhere  on  her 
northern  frontier  ;  with  the  Enghsh  and 
Americans — not  to  speak  of  other  nations 
— estabhshing  themselves  in  her  seaports ; 
with  free  trade  openly  proclaimed ;  and, 
more  than  all,  with  a  neighbouring  and 
rival  power  showing  an  inclination  to  com- 
pete for  European  popularity,  there  seem 
certainly   sufficient    topics    to    make    even 



the  most  conservative  of  Chinamen  desirous 
of  knowing  something  from  whence  these 
audacious  interlopers  spring.  At  the  same 
time,  they  are  also  bound  to  confess  that 
to  a  great  degree  they  are  the  most  bene- 
fited by  the  connexion.  There,  therefore, 
can  be  no  doubt  that  the  interior  of  China 
will  not  for  much  longer  continue  a  terra 
incognita ;  and  although  before  she  fully 
opens  herself  to  the  foreigner  complica- 
tions of  a  lesser  or  greater  seriousness 
may  arise,  they  cannot  retard  the  result 
for  long. 

In  our  dealings,  political  and  otherwise, 
we  should  always  remember  that  the  rule 
with  all  eastern  nations  applies  with  double 
force  to  them,  viz.,  that  the  slightest  hesi- 
tation is  construed  as  weakness ;  and  that 
the  only  true  way  of  discomfiting  their 
chicanery  is  an  honourable  firmness,  quick 
in  conception  and  unflinching  in  execution. 


They  are  perfectly  aware  of  the  jealousies 
between  the  different  nations  trading  with 
them,  and  are  only  too  alive  to  the  means 
of  setting  them  by  the  ears  with  one  another. 
We  are  no  longer  able,  as  in  the  last  century, 
to  compel  the  acknowledgment  by  the  natives 
of  our  pre-eminence  by  thrashing  all  our 
rivals.  We  cannot  do  as  Chve  did, — conquer 
India  by  overcoming  Dupleix.  So  if  we 
are  debarred  from  the  simplest  solution  of 
the  difficulty,  it  behoves  us  to  be  most 
careful,  and  to  meet  all  artifices  by  that 
most  powerful  of  all  poHcies,  firm  and  truth- 
ful candour.  Our  interests  in  China  are 
most  important ;  and  should  the  proposed 
coal  investigations  turn  out  successful,  would 
increase  to  a  very  great  'degree  ;  and  there- 
fore we  must  not  permit  anyone  to  oust 
us  in  our  foremost  position  there.  We  must 
not  risk  present  and  future  advantages  by 
neglecting  any  opportunity  that  may  occur. 


We  are  an  old  power,  wlio  may  have  seen 
days  of  higher  repute,  but  at  no  time  was 
our  strength  greater  or  of  a  more  lasting 
description.  So  even  if  we  can  afford  to 
brook  our  European  position  to  be  ques- 
tioned, our  representatives  in  the  colonies 
only  remember  what  we  were,  and,  rightly  or 
wrongly,  cannot  tolerate  the  remotest  idea 
of  competition  from  any  quarter  whatsoever. 
I  would  here  again  draw  attention  to 
the  late  expedition  exploratory  of  South- 
west China,  which  left  Eangoon  under 
Colonel  Browne,  for  the  purpose  of  urging 
the  necessity  for  a  renewal  of  the  attempt ; 
and  indeed  it  is  extremely  doubtful  how  we 
can  start  under  more  favourable  auspices, 
as  it  will  seem  but  a  natural  demand  that 
a  fresh  safe-guard  to  effect  this  all-important 
purpose  be  one  of  the  first  requests  on  the 
Government  of  Pekin,  as  some  atonement 
for  the  murder  of  poor  Margary. 


It  is  reported  that  the  capabilities  for 
cotton  planting  are  here  most  promising 
and  extensive.  There  is  no  lack  of  splendid 
rivers,  nor  is  there  scarcity  of  labour,  and 
there  certainly  is  not  more — and  probably 
rather  less — ill-will  towards  foreigners  among 
the  people. 

This  is  om-  question  exclusively.  Here 
lies  our  real  high  road  to  China.  The 
impulse  that  would  be  given  to  friendly 
relations  by  the  commencement  of  a  trade 
in  these  parts  would  be  such  as  would  leave 
little  doubt  in  the  minds  of  the  Chinese 
who  their  best  and  most  powerful  customers 
really  were.  On  the  sea-coast  we  have,  and 
must  always  have,  formidable  rivals.  In 
this  direction  there  are  none  to  question  us. 
We  can  foUow  our  own  plans  with  dehbera- 
tion  ;  and  as  the  natives  would  equally 
benefit  with  ourselves,  there  can  be  no 
doubt  of  the  ultimate  success.  We  might  by 


SO  doing  seem  to  be  entering  in  a  race  with 
Kussia,  who  approaches  in  the  north  as  we 
should  in  the  south ;  but  if  we  draw  back 
we  are  only  permitting  another  power,  with 
more  obstacles  to  contend  against,  to  ap- 
proach the  common  goal  alone. 




As  I  said  in  a  previous  chapter,  I  soon 
became  accustomed  to  my  new  surround- 
ings, strange  as  they  at  first  seemed  to 

Hong-Kong,  situated  on  an  island,  but 
including  in  its  jurisdiction  the  neighbour- 
ing peninsula  of  Kow-Loon,  at  the  mouth 
of  the  river  Kiu-Kiang,  was  ceded  to  the 
English  as  long  ago  as  1841, 

Its  capacious  harbour  affords  most  ex- 
cellent shelter  for  our  shipping,  and  is 
surrounded  by  a  range  of  hills,  one  and 
even  two  thousand  feet  in  height,  which 
are  covered  with  the  beautifully-situated 
houses  of  the  merchants. 


On  landing,  the  coolies  plying  for  hire 
with  chairs  surrounded  us  ;  and  I  must  say 
on  entering  one,  I  found  to  my  surprise 
that  they  walked  so  well  together  that  the 
journey  was  not  only  done  very  fast,  but 
also  in  the  greatest  comfort.  Sometimes 
you  unfortunately  may,  however,  get  un- 
evenly matched  carriei*s,  when  the  sensa- 
tion is  anything  but  agreeable.  The  streets 
have  a  very  busy  look,  what  with  coolies 
along  the  Praya,  or  quay,  carrying  bales  of 
stuffs,  and  the  general  bustling  about  of 
the  men  of  commerce.  There  are  several 
very  fine  buildings,  notably  the  club,  near 
which  is  the  town-hall.  At  the  club  there 
is  a  very  fair  library.  All  the  chief  papers 
arrive  by  each  mail — TimeSy  Pall  Mall 
Gazette y  Gi-arphic,  Punchy  etc. ;  and  there 
is  some  accommodation  for  sleepers.  There 
are  boat-houses,  cricket  fields,  baths,  and 
racquet  courts,  where  all  the  great  games 


of  old  England  are  to  be  seen  as  much 
enjoyed  as  on  any  public  ground  at  home. 

The  evening  I  was  here  on  this  occasion 
we  had  a  pleasant  drive  to  Happy  Valley, 
which  is  the  popular  resort,  and  also 
where  the  races  are  periodically  held.  The 
road  there  is  a  most  lively  sight,— quite 
a  miniature  Kotten  Kow  in  a  less  grand 
degree  :  the  whole  way  thronged  with  all 
kinds  of  traps,  driven  by  all  kinds  of  horses, 
— Australian,  China  ponies,  Manilla  ponies, 
half-breds  and  thorough-breds,  of  all  hues 
and  of  all  ages. 

I  have  detailed  the  various  amusements 
at  the  service  of  a  resident  in  Hong-Kong, 
• — which  in  this  instance  may  be  taken  as  a 
type  of  the  rest  of  English  life  in  China, — 
because  nothing  struck  me  more  in  our 
countrymen  out  there  than  the  little  desire 
they  showed  to  return  home.  At  first  this 
surprised  me  very  much ;  but  when  I  saw 


the  quantity  of  means  at  their  disposal  of 
]3assing  their  leisure  pleasantly,  the  equality 
in  their  positions,  the  sumptuousness,  I 
may  term  it,  of  their  diet,  and  the  dolce  far 
niente  of  their  whole  life,  my  surprise 
ceased,  and  my  own  ideas  soon  became 
the  same. 

Who  would  compare  to  this  the  drudging 
existence  in  a  London  house,  the  harassing 
anxiety  of  an  English  career,  the  impossi- 
bility of  enjoying  to  any  similar  degree  the 
comforts  of  life,  and  the  feeling  of  the 
inequality  of  social  status  so  constantly 
brought  before  us  in  most  disagreeable 
ways  ?  On  the  one  hand,  we  have  every 
present  requirement,  with  much  future 
hope  ;  on  the  other,  we  have  monotonous 
and  heart-wearying  toil,  with  an  almost 
barren  prospect.  But  now  that  I  have 
been  compelled  to  turn  my  back  on  this 
bright  prospect,  I  am  able  to  see  that  life 


in  China  makes  self,  a  god  everywhere,  the 
only  one.  One's  moral  character  suffers 
for  the  sake  of  his  material  welfare. 

The  latest  news,  both  of  worldly  and  of 
private  interest,  arriving  now  so  regularly 
and  so  frequently,  makes  life  abroad  much 
less  irksome  and  tedious  than  formerly. 
The  Chinese  boys  who  serve  as  valets  are 
remarkably  sharp,  and  as  faithful  as  any 
Chinaman  can  be.  They  are  also  so  at- 
tentive to  you,  that  when  giving  a  dinner 
they  have  the  bad  tact  to  wait  upon  your- 
self in  a  marked  degree,  more  than  on  your 
guests.  This  has  become  such  an  acknow- 
ledged fact,  that  each  one  brings  his  own 
boy.  The  pidgin  English  which  they  speak 
is  often  very  difficult  to  understand,  and  be- 
sides, they  never  get  much  beyond  the  pidgin 
part  of  it.  *'  Pidgin  "  means  *^  business," 
and  is  used  in  such  idioms  as  ^*  What  pidgin 
have  you  done  to-day  ?  "   My  only  night  here 


I  used  mosquitoe  curtains,  but  as  I  went 
to  bed  late,  and  had  to  be  up  early  to 
catcb  the  river  steamer,  these  tormentors 
hadn't  much  time  to  be  a  nuisance.  The 
river  packets,  which  ply  daily  between 
Canton  and  Hong-Kong,  are  very  fine 
steamers — American  built — painted  white 
all  over.  They  have  three  decks;  one  for 
the  Chinese,  one  for  the  passengers,  and 
a  small  one  above  for  the  captain  and  pilot. 
The  trip  takes  from  six  to  eight  hours,  but 
varies  according  to  the  tide. 

The  river  Kiu-Kiang  (called  here,  how- 
ever, by  us,  Bocca  Tigris,  or  the  Bogue) 
is  very  broad,  dotted  over  with  islands ; 
but  the  whole  scenery,  although  pretty,  is 
very  flat.  Cultivated  fields  stretch  for  miles 
along  the  banks  on  either  side  of  tha  river, 
with  a  small  range  of  hills  in  the  distance, 
and  nearer  at  hand  a  pagoda  or  two  ever 
and  anon  peeping  out  from  over  the  foliage. 


The  whole  view  was  pleasant  and  homely 

We  stopped  at  Whampoa,  a  few  miles 
from  Canton,  where  all  ships  with  mer- 
chandise are  loaded,  as  they  cannot  pro- 
ceed np  to  Canton.  The  river,  and  in 
fact  all,  steamers,  however,  can  go  up  to 
the  town  ;  but  sailing  ships  never  proceed 
higher  than  Whampoa.  From  here  I  could 
distinctly  see  Canton,  with  the  French 
Cathedral  towering  above  the  houses.  The 
whole  place  seemed  a  plain  of  roofs,  with 
here  and  there  a  lofty  narrow  house  rising 
through  the  gloom,  which  are  either  places 
to  look  out  for  fires,  or  pawn-shops  where 
most  Chinese  place  their  winter  clothes, 
furs,  etc.,  to  be  taken  care  of;  things  which, 
if  kept  without  extra  precaution,  would  spoil 
during  the  summer.  The  loss,  however, 
entailed  by  fire  is  sometimes  very  severe 
on  individuals,   and  very  widely  felt ;  the 


liability  of  the  care-takers  being  not  at 
all  legally  established.  The  Government 
derives  a  large  revenue  from  shops,  particu- 
larly pawn-shops. 

On  coming  up  the  river  through  the 
town,  we  passed  through  the  city  of  Sam- 
pans, or  boats.  These,  packed  closely  to- 
gether, lay  stretched  on  either  side  of  me. 
The  numbers  who  dwell  in  these  cannot 
be  at  all  accurately  estimated,  and  add 
greatly  to  the  difficulty  of  even  approxi- 
mating to  the  population  of  Canton.  The 
banks  of  the  river,  on  approaching  the  city, 
are  lined  with  pretty  little  houses,  inhabited 
by  well-to-do  Chinamen.  These  have  nice 
little  gardens  running  down  to  the  banks 
of  the  river,  with  a  little  boat  lying  at  its 
anchorage.  Then  we  saw  the  houses  of 
the  missionaries — nearly  all  French — quite 
surrounded  by  the  native  settlements.  This 
used  to  be  the  old  factory  site  before  the 


war.  Then  there  is  Honam,  which  at  one 
time  was  a  favourite  locality  for  foreigners  ; 
but  since  Shameen  has  been  built,  it  has 
been  deserted  by  all  except  Parsee  mer- 
chants or  Portuguese  clerks,  with  the 
Chinese  tea  manufactories  ;  so  that  all  the 
EngHsh  houses,  or  Hongs,  with  one  excep- 
tion alone,  do  their  business  in  the  settle- 
ment, but  have  to  go  to  Honam  to  weigh 
their  teas  previous  to  shipment. 

On  reaching  the  wharf,  which  was 
thronged  with  Chinese,  I  changed  to  the 
house-boat  which  awaited  me,  and  I  was 
rowed  up  the  river  to  Shameen,  the  settle- 
ment. It  would  have  been  almost  impos- 
sible, and  a  most  tedious  undertaking,  to 
have  attempted  to  have  gone  through  the 
streets,  owing  to  their  narrowness,  and  to 
the  offensive  smells  prevalent  in  all  Chinese 
cities.  The  river  is  very  broad,  and  the 
view  of  the  country  on  the  opposite  side 


of  the   river,   with    hardly   any  houses   to 
intercept  it,  is  pretty. 

Shameen,  originally  a  mud  fiat,  was,  by 
a  stipulation  of  the  treaty  after  the  last 
war,  made,  at  the  Chinese  Government's 
expense,  into  a  settlement  for  foreigners. 
The  little  island  is  walled  all  round  with 
a  quay,  or  rampart,  to  protect  it  from  the 
river,  and  also  as  some  means  of  keeping 
the  damp  out.  The  top  of  this  is  paved 
with  chunam — a  kind  of  asphalte — and 
being  bordered  with  trees,  short  though 
bushy,  forms  an  agreeable  promenade, 
where  many  a  pleasant  walk  have  I  en- 
joyed in  the  evening.  It  is  known  by  the 
name  of  the  Bund.  I  called  Shameen  a 
little  island,  it  being  divided  from  the 
native  town  at  the  back  by  a  canal  called 
the  Creek,  but  is  connected  with  the  main- 
land by  bridges,  at  each  of  which  a  native 
policeman  is   always   stationed  to  enquire 


the  business  of  every  native  who  wants  to 
enter.  The  other  side  is  facing  the  open 
river,  so  that  the  shape  of  the  island  is 
very  similar  to  that  of  an  ^gg.  In  size 
it  is  about  one  and  a  half  miles  round. 
Chinese  gunboats,  commanded  by  foreigners, 
are  also  stationed  opposite  the  island,  for 
the  better  protection  of  the  residents.  Two 
long  rows  of  houses — although  not  quite 
over  the  whole  extent  of  the  island,  as  the 
French  part  is  not  inhabited — run  across 
it.  The  settlement  is  so  loved  by  all,  that 
it  is  often  called  the  Paradise,  as  every- 
thing is  supposed  to  be  nearly  perfection, 
all  the  residents  being  regarded  as  fellow- 
members  of  one  large  family,  from  which 
the  backbiting  and  scandal  so  rife  in  small 
communities  is  supposed  to  have  been  en- 
tirely banished.  The  roads  are  of  grass, 
with  beautiful  avenues  of  trees  ;  outside 
these  are  good  paths  of  chunam.     There 



is  also  a  small  flower  garden,  where  the 
children  play.  Within  the  last  two  years 
a  capital  hall  has  heen  erected,  with  a 
stage  and  theatre.  This  is  also  used  very 
often  for  dances.  Adjoining  is  a  good 

The  first  night  I  arrived,  there  happened 
to  he  a  ball  given  by  a  resident  before 
returning  to  England.  As  the  night  was 
wet,  we  had  chairs  round  after  dinner  to 
take  us  there.  Outside  the  building  there 
was  quite  a  posse  of  chair-coolies,  all  in 
different  costumes,  holding  lanterns  with 
the  names  of  their  masters  in  Chinese 
and  English.  The  whole  looked  fantastic 
and  somewhat  weird.  The  entrance  was 
decorated  with  much  taste,  and  everything 
was  admirably  got  up.  The  great  draw- 
back was  of  course  the  scarcity  of  ladies, 
many  having  to  dance  with  two  or  three 
gentlemen  for  one  dance. 


No  one  drives  in  Shameen,  but  many 
keep  their  ponies  for  riding  in  the  evening, 
although  there  is  such  limited  space  for 
horse  exercise.  There  are  a  racquet  court, 
boat-houses,  and  club,  the  last  of  which 
contains  billiard  and  reading-rooms.  The 
markers  at  the  tables  are  Chinese  boys, 
many  of  whom  play  a  good  game. 
Picnics,  which  are  quite  the  rage,  are 
often  got  up, — ^when  prettily  decorated 
boats  are  called  into  requisition  to  convey 
gay  parties  up  and  down  the  river  to  their 
destination.  Some  of  these  are  able  to 
go  up  little  creeks  where  rowing  is  im- 
possible ;  and  often  in  these  pretty  retreats 
comfortable  places  can  be  found  to  enjoy 
the  capital  lunch  always  provided  for  such 
occasions.  And  it  has  been  my  good 
fortune  to  have  shared  in  several  of  these 
expeditions,  when,  beneath  a  tasty  rustic 
bridge,  and  with  music  from  a  neighbouring 


temple  breaking  soothingly  upon  the  ear, 
I  have  done  ample  justice  to  game  pies  and 

Shameen's  Local  Government  Board  is 
a  council  elected  by  the  residents,  and 
each  member  looks  after  a  department ; 
e.g.^  one  takes  the  police,  another  the 
roads,  another  something  else,  and  so  on. 
The  contrast  this  pleasant  retreat  bears 
to  the  great  bustling  native  city  is  soothr 
ing  and  tranquilizing.  But  the  social  ties 
are  no  less  imposing  there  than  in  our 
civilized  communities.  The  round  of 
visits  obligatory  on  all  new  arrivals  no 
sooner  ceases,  than  the  round  of  dinners- 
out  succeeds,  and  keeps  the  martyrdom 

Two  or  three  days  after  my  arrival,  I 
took  chairs  to  go  to  see  our  consul.  Sir 
Brooke  Eobertson,  who  resides  through 
the  native  city,   at  a  place  called  the  Ya- 


men.  This  was  a  most  tedious  and  awful 
journey,  the  streets  being  too  narrow  to 
admit  of  more  than  one  chair  passing  at 
a  time,  and  the  roofs  of  the  houses  nearly 
meet  across  the  street.  Whenever  we  en- 
countered another  chair,  we  had  to  stand 
aside  somehow  or  other,  and  let  it  squeeze 
past.  On  my  way  we  were  caught  in  a 
storm,  the  rain  coming  down  in  torrents, 
— so  much  so  that  although  my  bearers 
toiled  on  knee-deep  in  it  for  some  time, 
they  at  last  were  forced  to  take  shelter 
in  the  court  of  a  temple,  where  I  was  in 
close  proximity  to  one  or  two  life-size  gods. 
There  were  also  many  of  the  poorer  Chinese 
sheltering  here,  who  could  not  restrain 
their  curiosity,  but  now  and  then  pulled 
my  curtains  aside  and  had  a  peep  at  me. 
All  this  made  me  a  little  nervous,  and  by 
energetic  signs  I  made  the  coolies,  who 
couldn't  understand  even  pidgin   English, 


go  on  again,  although  they  had  still  to 
wade  knee-deep.  After  more  than  an  hour's 
journey  we  reached  the  Yamen.  This 
proved  to  be  a  delightful  place,  quite  a  la 
chinoise, — fine  park  with  deer,  and  a  pond 
in  front  of  the  house.  The  fourth  side  of 
each  room  is  a  verandah,  and  everything 
very  comfortable  and  nice  :  the  whole 
place  surrounded  by  magnificent  trees, 
and  about  the  grounds  lie  some  ruins, 
mementoes  of  the  last  war.  From  a  tower 
here  I  had  a  splendid  view  of  the  country. 

The  French  consul  lives  somewhere  near, 
but  isolated  as  it  is  among  natives  who 
certainly  under  present  circumstances  don't 
want  much  incentive  to  become  vindictive 
and  blood-thirsty,  it  seemed  to  me  anything 
but  a  pleasant  locality  to  reside  in.  Sir 
Brooke  Kobertson,  however,  said  he  liked 
the  quiet  very  much,  and  employed  most 
of  his  leisure  in  reading. 


I  was  very  glad  to  get  back  to  the  settle- 
ment, as  this  was  my  first  expedition  into 
the  native  quarters ;  and  if  my  bearers  had 
deserted  me,  as  at  any  moment  they  might 
have,  I  should  have  found  it  utterly  im- 
possible to  get  out  of  a  maze  where  right 
and  left,  before  and  behind,  had  exactly 
the  same  appearance,  and  as  I  could  not 
speak  the  language  it  would  have  been 
impossible  for  me  to  discover  my  road  by 

The  beggars  in  the  streets  were  a  most 
horrible  sight,  and  I  was  told  that  they  live 
to  a  great  extent  on  the  vermin  off  their 
bodies.  This  is  almost  too  disgusting  to 
be  put  on  paper. 

My  impressions  of  a  Chinese  city  from 
this  journey  were  anything  but  prepossess- 
ing. The  inconvenience  owing  to  the 
narrow  streets,  the  offensive  smells,  the 
disagreeableness  of  being  brought  into  close 


contact  with  sucli  disgusting  sights  as  these 
outcasts,  make  a  visit  to  the  native  quarters 
no  pleasant  task,  and  one  seldom  wished 
to  be  quickly  repeated.  To  get  into  one's 
bath,  and  shake  off  the  contamination,  was 
a  relief,  and  to  seek  as  quickly  as  possible 
forgetfulness  in  rational  comforts  and  in- 
tercourse with  others  of  the  knowledge  of 
what  the  human  race  can  become  through 
generations  of  neglect  and  misfortune, 
through  squalor,  misery,  and  poverty,  of 
a  kind  that  is  beyond  even  the  com- 
prehension of  a  East  London  Samaritan. 

CANTON.  89 



Canton,  the  chief  town  and  residence  of 
the  Grovernor  of  the  province  of  Quang- 
Tung,  was  the  first  port,  and  for  a  long 
time  the  most  important  one,  with  which 
the  Enghsh  carried  on  trade  intercourse ; 
although  it  has  of  late  years — since  the 
great  destruction  in  Canton  during  the 
war — been  eclipsed  by  its  younger  rivals, 
Shanghai  and  Foo-Chow,  which  enjoy  the 
special  advantage  of  having  greater  facili- 
ties of  reaching  the  tea  plantations. 

Canton,  however,  besides  being  an  im- 
portant place  on  accoimt  of  its  commerce, 
is  also,  it  must  not  be  forgotten,  a  great 


Chinese  city,  and  the  multitude  of  harges 
and  boats  that  proceed  up  country  are  so 
many  instances  of  the  activity  and  im- 
portance of  its  inland  trade.  Its  popula- 
tion has  been  estimated  at  various  figures, 
some  patently  exaggerated,  and  all,  owing 
to  the  difficulties  attending  a  census, 
founded  on  insufficient  evidence. 

It  is  situated  on  the  Kiu-Kiang,  which, 
however,  has  several  other  names.  It  is 
here  a  fine  broad  river ;  but  to  all  intents 
and  purposes  Whampoa  is  its  seaport,  it 
being  impossible  for  sailing  ships  to  come 
up  the  river  to  load,  owing  to  the  shallow- 
ness of  the  river.  It,  therefore,  labours 
under  this  other  disadvantage  as  com- 
pared with  its  rivals ;  which  can  alone  be 
obviated  by  the  construction  of  a  railway 
between  Whampoa  and  Canton.  Permis- 
sion might  be  obtained  from  the  viceroy 
of  Quang-Tung,  as  the  Chinese  merchants 

CANTON.  91 

themselves  would  join  in  advocating  for 
this  local  improvement.  The  funds  could 
easily  he  raised,  and  as  there  would  he  no 
national  opposition,  the  undertaking  would 
not  run  much  risk,  especially  if  the  pro- 
moters were  content  to  commence  with  a 
tramway,  to  prepare  the  popular  mind  for 
the  more  formidable  appearance  of  the 
steam  engine. 

Canton,  lying  in  a  plain,  is  surrounded 
on  the  north  by  a  long  range  of  hills 
called  the  Pak-Wan,  or  White  Cloud, 
Mountains.  They  are  very  barren,  and  are 
used  as  the  cemetery  of  the  city.  These 
attain  some  elevation,  and  are  situate  about 
seven  or  eight  miles  from  the  walls  by 
which  the  city  is  surrounded.  The  walls 
are  about  seven  miles  in  circuit,  and  form 
an  excellent  walking  ground,  the  perambu- 
lation of  them  being  the  usual  preparation 
for  our  Sunday  dinner.     Outside  the  walls 


are  canals,  "whicli  are  a  most  disgusting 
sight  when  the  tide  is  out.  The  view  of 
the  surrounding  scenery  is  good,  and  from 
some  of  the  pagodas  situate  on  them  the 
prospect  is  very  pretty. 

The  principal  streets,  for  a  native  town, 
are  considered  to  be  clean,  although  now 
and  then  the  odour  is  most  offensive.  Curio 
Street,  one  of  the  best,  is  the  place  for 
curio  and  china  shops.  Some  of  these  are 
very  fine,  and  are  got  up  in  the  most  mag- 
nificent style,  with  polished  panelling  and 
gilding  freely  all  round,  and  with  a  sort  of 
bower  for  the  sellers  to  sit  in.  Some  are  so 
extensive  as  to  have  three  or  four  floors 
covered  with  most  exquisite  china.  How- 
ever, in  the  curio  shops  particularly,  one 
has  to  bargain  greatly,  as  the  prices  de- 
manded are  most  exorbitant.  The  better 
shops  are,  however,  beginning  to  have  fixed 
and  tolerably  reasonable  prices  marked  on 

CANTON.  93 

their  wares ;  and  this  good  example  is 
being  imitated  to  some  degree  by  all. 
Hoa  Ching,  the  great  ivory  carver,  who 
obtained  honourable  mention  at  the  Vienna 
Exhibition,  has  a  shop  here;  but  he  has 
little  ready-made  fine  carving,  so  every- 
thing has  to  be  ordered,  often  taking  from 
three  to  four  years  before  it  is  executed. 
In  hot  weather  visiting  these  shops  is  like 
going  into  an  oven. 

Canal  Koad  is  a  newer  street  that  Curio 
Street,  but  even  these  fine  and  chief  streets 
are  quite  narrow,  and  transit  is  a  matter  of 
much  difiiculty.  Most  of  the  houses  are 
only  two  stories  high,  and  there  are  few 
buildings  that  attract  much  attention  for 
their  external  appearance.  Some  of  the 
joss  houses,  or  temples,  are  extensive;  one 
at  Honam  in  particular,  covering  several 
acres.  These  are  not  only  the  temple  of 
the  god,  but  the  residence  and  cemetery  of 


his  priests.  There  is  a  part  of  the  city  set 
specially  aside  for  lepers,  bearing  the  name 
of  the  Leper  City;  and  the  Chinese  also 
seem  to  suffer  to  a  remarkable  degree  from 
stone.  It  is  no  unusual  sight  to  see  in 
boats,  which  however  must  keep  away  from 
others,  persons  suffering  from  leprosy,  who 
are  fearful  and  disgusting  objects.  I  forgot 
to  mention  that  another  disadvantage  from 
the  shops  being  so  close  to  one  another  is 
that  the  passengers  in  the  streets  receive 
the  benefit  of  the  mixture  of  smells,  which 
is  anything  but  pleasant. 

It  is  a  difficult  matter  to  distinguish  be- 
tween the  social  ranks  at  a  glance ;  but 
as  a  general  rule  the  short  coat  means  in- 
feriority and  the  long  coat  superiority.  Eor 
instance,  our  *^boys,"  on  going  home  for 
a  holiday,  always  put  on  their  long  coats, 
to  show  they  still  retained  their  old  social 
position,    and    out    of    deference    to    their 

CANTON.  95 

parents ;  and  some  of  the  hongs,  or  foreign 
houses,  had  the  tact  to  perceive  this  trait, 
and  made  them  appear  in  long  coats  when 
waiting  at  table;  but  strange  to  say,  for 
another  reason,  they  have  an  objection  to 
this,  as  the  short  coat  is  more  comfortable 
to  work  in.  It  is  by  humouring  inferior 
nations  in  their  superstitious  and  social 
observances  that  we  can  alone  hope  to  gain 
their  affection.  Tact  and  apparent  sym- 
pathy gain  hearts  and  good  opinion  all 
the  world  over.  The  coolies'  or  labouring 
man's  ordinary  apparel  is  pajamah-trowsers 
and  a  short  tunic  made  of  a  brown  material, 
with  an  oily  appearance  much  like  the  can- 
vas stuff  worn  by  fishermen  at  our  ports. 
Then'  whole  appearance  and  conduct  is 
quiet,  and  impresses  one  favourably  after 
the  rowdyism  and  dissipation  of  our  large 
towns.  They  seem  to  treat  their  famihes 
well,  and  if  not  violently  affectionate,  are 


at  least  considerate  in  their  actions  with 
their  own.  The  merchant  classes  have  the 
same  characteristics,  and  show  themselves 
to  be  certainly  our  equals,  if  not  superiors, 
in  all  matters  of  commercial  diplomacy. 
Many  proofs  of  this  will  be  adduced  in 
the  course  of  this  narrative,  and  will  be 
of  more  service  and  easier  to  supply  than 
any  specified  examples  of  this  fact.  The 
Chinaman  is  remarkably  civil  and  obliging 
in  his  manner,  except  when  eating.  It  is 
then  no  easy  task  to  get  him  away  from  his 
meal  of  rice — which  is  generally  flavoured 
with  some  greasy  substance ;  but  at  all 
other  times  no  fault  can  be  found  with 
his  temper.  It  is  that  precious  quality 
that  makes  him  such  a  formidable  customer 
to  deal  with,  and  few  of  the  arts  of  plausi- 
bility are  unknown  to  either  the  shopkeeper 
or  the  merchant. 

The   women  are  allowed  a  considerable 

CANTON.  97 

amount  of  liberty,  although  of  course  it  is 
well  known  that  Chinese  ladies  never  walk 
abroad.  Their  feet  are  therefore  remark- 
ably small ;  and  rivahy  among  beauties  is 
decided  by  a  comparison  of  their  extremi- 
ties. They  have  to  be  carried  from  their 
houses  to  their  chairs,  in  which  they  alone 
go  about.  But  this  they  are  allowed  to  do, 
I  may  say,  without  any  further  escort  than 
their  bearers.  As,  however,  they  are  cur- 
tained in  most  carefully,  there  is  no  real 
breach  of  Eastern  etiquette.  Their  ordi- 
nary costume  is  silk  paj amahs  and  beauti- 
fully embroidered  white  jackets.  They  wear 
their  hair  brushed  up,  with  numerous  pins 
in  it,  and  they  ornament  themselves  most 
tastefully  with  flowers, — some  even  putting 
exquisite  little  ones  in  their  ears  as  ear- 

When  one  gets   a  little  accustomed  to 
their  features,  many  points   of  merit   and 



attraction  are  visible  in  them,  far  more 
so  tlian  any  Englishman  is  at  first  willing 
to  admit.  Little  is  known  of  their  internal 
and  domestic  relations.  I  never  heard  of 
any  instance  of  a  white  man  obtaining  to 
any  degree  of  intimacy  in  a  native  family, 
although  there  are  many  foreigners  in  the 
Government's  employ  ;  still  they  always 
are  kept  a  race  apart,  and  their  own  pride 
assists  the  native  reserve.  It  is,  therefore, 
no  unusual  thing  to  meet  men  who  have 
lived  a  lifetime  in  China  with  scarcely  any 
knowledge  either  of  their  social  customs  or 
of  their  personal  character,  beyond  business 
matters.  There  are  even  cases  of  men  who 
have  never  gone  into  Chinese  quarters  since 
the  time  when  they  went  for  curiosity  during 
the  first  months  of  their  arrival  out  there. 
They  are  content  to  hve  on  in  the  settle- 
ment, to  be  ignorant  of  the  place  where 
they  really   dwell,    or   at    the   farthest    to 

CANTON,  99 

accept  second-hand  information  that  may 
at  any  time  have  a  most  important  bearing 
on  their  own  affairs ;  and  to  divide  their 
existence  into  three  parts — their  business, 
their  meals,  and  their  sleep.  These  have 
a  great  deal  to  do  with  the  antipathy  of 
the  natives  to  foreigners.  They  have  never 
endeavoured,  or  done  anything  whatever, 
to  meet  the  race  objections  of  those  with 
whom  they  were  compelling  an  intercourse. 
On  the  contrary,  their  manner  and  arro- 
gance have  on  many  occasions  caused  more 
offence ;  and  when  tact  and  some  fellow- 
feeling  would  have  smoothed  over  many 
a  difficulty,  they  have  blunderingly  made 
matters  worse  by  a  harsh  and  off-handed 

Of  course  there  have  been  exceptions ; 
there  have  been  some  wiser  than  their 
generation,  and  the  gratitude  of  the  whole 
community  out  there  is  due  to  their  praise- 


worthy  efforts.  Principally  for  these  rea- 
sons the  Jesuits  are  alone  versed  in  the 
details  of  real  Chinese  life  ;  but  as  they 
openly  aim  at  converting  them,  they  raise 
such  powerful  enemies  that  the  reward  of 
their  tact  and  good  management  is  per- 
verted for  another  reason. 

One  of  the  chief  reasons  why,  when  the 
Chinese  Government  came  to  look  upon 
trade  with  foreigners  as  a  necessary  evil, 
they  appointed  Canton  as  the  port,  was 
its  distance  from  Pekin. 

Canton,  although  in  the  same  latitude 
as  Bengal,  enjoys  a  much  milder  climate, 
and  never  attains  to  the  immense  heat  of 
India.  Snow  has  been  known  to  stay  some 
hours  on  the  ground,  although  it  is  reported 
the  natives  were  then  ignorant  of  its  name. 
The  learned  professions  are  very  numerous 
throughout  the  empire ;  but  it  seemed  to  me 
that  the  power  and  wealth  lay  more  in  the 


hands  of  the  military  and  merchant  classes. 
The  Fehin  Gazette,  which  appears  every- 
day, and  in  which  all  the  imperial  edicts 
and  ordinances — even  the  most  trivial — 
are  promulgated,  is  a  most  important  and 
powerful  machine  of  tyranny.  It  would 
be  strange  if,  as  is  suggested  by  some,  we 
should  borrow  from  a  Chinese  institution 
the  idea  of  starting  a  similar  daily  official 
paper.  We  see  there  its  power,  the  influence 
it  unavoidably  has  on  men's  minds ;  and 
if  in  our  case  it  could  not  be  made  the 
assistant  of  tyranny,  it  certainly  would,  if 
only  to  a  slight  degree,  be  made  the  par- 
tisan and  supporter  of  a  party  ministry. 
Interpreters  of  the  Gazette  form  a  regular 
profession  throughout  China,  and  answer 
in  some  way  to  the  improvisatori  of  Italy. 
This  paper  is  only  a  production  of  the 
merest  court  trifles,  and  eveiything  is 
viewed   in  the  light    of   that   clique   who 

?o2  ,    .    .^  CANfb^  'ANP   THE  BOGUE. 

for  tlie  time  being  may  be  foremost  in 
the  councils  at  Pekin.  It  is,  therefore, 
no  rehable  exponent  of  the  nation's 
sentiments,  and  it  is  in  no  way  to  be 
trusted  in  our  dealings  with  the  country 
at  large. 




On  the  opposite  side  of  the  river,  which 
is  here  about  four  hundred  yards  across, 
and  almost  facing  the  ^^  settlement,"  are 
some  very  pretty  flower  and  nursery 
gardens,  known  by  the  name  of  Fa  Tie. 
All  the  flowers  for  dinner  tables  and 
general  use  are  obtained  here.  The  head 
boy  or  butler  makes  all  the  arrangements 
for  the  supply,  which  is  done  at  a  contract 
price ;  and  as  flowers  are  so  extensively 
used  for  ornament,  this  is  a  very  heavy 
item  in  the  bills,  and  generally  turns  out 
a  good  thing  for  the  contractor.  The  lotus 
flower,  worn  so  much  by  the  native  guis 


in  their  hair,  is  perhaps  the  most  con- 
spicuous ;  but  there  are  also  small  shrubs, 
trained  over  wire  in  pots,  and  fantastically 
interwoven  into  all  sorts  of  designs,  such 
as  foreigners  in  boots,  trowsers,  and  tall 
hats,  or  dogs,  huts,  etc.  Eemarkable  taste 
is  shown  in  the  blending  of  colours,  and 
the  workmanship  in  executing  the  design 
is  highly  artistic,  and  is  all  done  by  native 
workmen.  These  gardens  are  a  very  nice 
place  to  stroll  in  on  a  Sunday  evening 
before  dinner,  having  also  a  row  there 
and  back. 

The  Hong  with  which  I  was  being  the 
only  one  that  transacted  their  business  at 
Honam,  I  enjoyed  a  pleasant  pull  every 
morning  and  evening.  All  the  other  Hongs 
do  their  work  in  the  settlement,  only  going 
to  Honam  to  weigh  the  teas.  The  customs 
are  collected  at  Canton  by  Europeans,  and 
they  form  an  extensive  establishment,  su- 


pervised  by  Commissioners.  There  are  also 
interpreters  attached  to  the  staff ;  but  with 
none  of  these  did  I  come  much  in  contact, 
as  they  reside  in  a  large  building  in  the  city, 
near  the  Custom  House.  As  an  instance  of 
the  httle  inducement  to  anyone  to  go  about 
and  investigate  the  place,  a  globe  trotter — 
such  is  the  name  given  to  a  traveller — 
whom  I  had  under  my  care  to  show  about 
the  city,  was  so  overcome  by  the  smells 
and  heat,  that  after  the  first  day  he  refused 
to  stir  beyond  the  house. 

Some  little  way  down  the  river  there  are 
tea  gardens ;  at  least  they  are  called  so,  as 
there  are  a  few  tea  shrubs  here.  Of  course 
it  is  generally  known  that  Canton  itself  is 
not  a  tea  district.  Here  one  can  get  a 
capital  country  walk, — although,  of  course, 
there  are  no  roads,  only  small  paths  made 
by  the  labourers;  and,  consequently,  it  is 
as  rough  work  as  on  a  highland  moor  ; — the 


whole  place  quite  open,  and  no  boundaries 
visible  ; — a  patch  of  something  grown  here 
and  there,  a  clump  of  trees,  and  all  the  rest 
a  wide,  open,  untilled,  uncultivated  plain, 
swarming  with  buffaloes,  on  which  the 
people  ride.  As  these  animals  hate  a  white 
face,  and  often  rushed  at  us,  we  had  to 
keep  on  the  alert,  and  several  times  had  to 
place  a  ditch  between  them  and  ourselves. 
This  was  great  fun. 

The  country  people  are  very  civil,  allow- 
ing us  to  go  anywhere,  so  long  as  we  didn't 
touch  their  crops,  and  to  shoot  anything 
we  saw.  They  seemed  very  good-tempered 
and  not  at  all  ill-disposed  towards  us ;  only 
just  a  little  bit  curious. 

We  took  a  photograph,  and  stuck  it  up 
as  a  target  to  shoot  at,  to  show  them  what 
we  could  do,  and  also  to  amuse  them. 
After  riddling  it  considerably  we  gave  it  to 
them,  making  them  understand  it  was  our 


likeness ;  at  whicli  they  rushed  away  with 
it  in  great  excitement,  thinking  they  had 
got  a  prize. 

We  met  altogether  a  good  many  labour- 
ers, and  from  none  received  any  incivility 
whatever,  all  kow-towing  to  us  in  the  most 
courteous  manner,  and  we  doing  the  same 
in  return.  It  was  very  pleasant  to  see 
them  so  friendly  disposed,  and  I  really  be- 
lieve the  people  themselves  have  no  such 
bad  feeling  towards  us  as  is  the  received 
opinion.  Their  priests  and  rulers  for  their 
own  motives  and  advantage  stir  them  up 
against  foreigners,  avaihng  themselves  of 
the  popular  superstitions  and  fearful  igno- 
rance of  the  masses  to  prejudice  them 
against  all  advances  from  Europeans.  They 
have  really  been  kept  in  leading-strings 
ever  since  our  intercourse  with  the  country 
has  been  looked  upon  as  an  imminent 
danger  by  the   ruling   povrers.      But  this 


cannot  be  done  mncli  longer.  The  people 
must  soon  begin  to  feel  their  own  import- 
ance and  real  power,  and  then  wish  to  have 
some  voice  in  the  matter ;  and  then  we 
shall  find  that,  imperceptibly  it  may  be  at 
first,  their  opinion  difi'ers  to  a  very  consider- 
able degree  to  that  enunciated  for  them 
heretofore  by  persons  who  arrogate  to  them- 
selves the  right  to  dictate  their  line  of  con- 
duct in  every  important  question. 

This  feeling  of  hostility  to  strangers  has 
been  fostered  and  greatly  supported  by  the 
zeal  of  missionaries,  who,  if  they  have  been 
the  forerunners  in  many  instances  of  the 
settler,  have  also  never  assisted  the  settler 
in  overcoming  the  repugnance  all  natives 
feel  at  the  forcible  adoption  of  their  country 
as  a  home  by  foreigners.  They  have  always 
drawn  the  fierce  polemics  of  religion  into  a 
question  that  should  be  decided  by  recipro- 
cal benefits  alone.     There  is  time  enough 


to  convert  them  when  our  higher  system  of 
life  has  fixed  itself  on  their  imagination. 
Man  has  too  often  been  proved  to  be  only 
influenced  by  material  considerations  to 
permit  of  any  doubt  of  this  assertion ;  and 
he  is  in  that  the  same,  if  in  nothing  else, 
whether  black  or  white,  whether  bond  or 

The  Jesuits,  who  are  the  chief  mission- 
aries in  China,  have  adopted  the  dress  and 
external  appearance  of  the  inhabitants,  in 
order  to  pass  the  better  unnoticed  in  native 
quarters,  into  which  they  venture  with  a 
careless  recklessness.  They  have  even  imi- 
tated the  national  pigtail.  Some  of  them 
Uve  in  huts  in  the  mountains  as  hermits, 
and  acquire  great  reputations  for  holiness, 
and  also  for  skill  and  power  as  curers  of 
illnesses,  although  the  national  doctor  is 
ceaseless  prayer  alone. 

One  day  we  started,  a  party  of  five,  in  a 


yaclit  early  in  the  morning  to  go  up  the 
river  for  a  little  trip.  These  yachts  are 
somewhat  expensive,  costing  from  j£180  to 
^200,  although  a  native-hnilt  hoat  to  answer 
every  necessary  purpose  can  be  got  for 
about  <£40  to  £60.  The  expensive  yachts 
are  most  comfortable,  with  a  good  saloon 
large  enough  for  six  to  sit  down  to  dinner, 
a  ladies'  cabin,  a  lavatory,  and  a  cooking 
place  for  the  boys  to  prepare  a  meal.  These 
are  generally  used  only  by  two  men,  who 
go  away  for  two  or  three  weeks'  shooting ; 
but  this  is  done  more  particularly  in  the 
north,  where  the  sport  is  better.  Down 
south  we  still  had  the  satisfaction  of  re- 
ceiving some  of  their  spoil  in  the  shape  of 
immense  game  pies. 

The  yachts  in  question  are  worked  by 
about  six  sailors.  On  this  occasion  we 
were  unfortunate  in  having  no  wind,  so 
that   we   were   only   able   to   go  up  about 


twenty-four  miles.  The  scenery  was  most 
lovely,  with  pagodas  on  the  tops  of  the 
hills,  villages  delightfully  situated  and  half- 
hidden  by  trees, — the  whole  reminding  me 
very  much  of  the  Khine,  only,  of  course, 
not  quite  so  elevated.  We  came  to  a  place 
called  Kum  Shan,  where  as  you  turn  a 
corner  you  see  a  very  high  range  of  hills 
looking  very  black  and  formidable  ;  and  the 
river  here  seems  to  abruptly  terminate,  or 
to  go  under  the  mountains. 

Here  we  were  caught  in  one  of  those 
fearful  storms  which  are  of  frequent  and  sud- 
den occurrence,  so  that  accidents  take  place 
tolerably  often ;  the  boats  being  worked  only 
with  one  sail,  capsize  very  easily.  We  took 
shelter  under  the  shore  ;  but  the  moment  it 
abated,  we  availed  ourselves  of  the  wind  to 
return,  as  it  might  fail  us  at  any  moment, 
and  we  did  not  wish  to  sleep  in  the  boat. 

One  of  the  most  curious  sights  was  the 


mode  adopted  along  the  river  of  irrigating 
the  country.  As  the  banks  are  much 
higher  than  the  river,  every  hundred  yards 
or  so  two  men,  standing  on  a  sort  of  wooden 
platform,  tread  away  for  hard  life  with 
a  trough  running  down  into  the  water,  up 
which  the  water  was  drawn  by  means  of 
these  men  treading  and  working  a  long  sort 
of  paddle-wheel.  The  water  is  thus  thrown 
up  on  the  land,  and  flows  through  the 
country  in  dykes.  Sometimes  there  were 
even  five  or  six  men  working,  and  all  the 
time  under  a  blazing  sun. 

We  met  many  boats  rowed  by  women; 
the  chief  point  about  these  being  that 
they  wear  one  long  plait  down  their  back, 
with  their  hair  cut  short  across  their 
foreheads,  which  is  different  to  the  usual 
custom,  as  I  explained  before.  These  boat- 
women,  tanned  to  a  darker  colour,  had  not 
at   all  a  prepossessing  appearance,  and  re- 


sembled  to  a  great  degree  those  unfortimate 
beings  who  ply  a  similar  livelihood  in  barges 
on  our  own  canals. 

Many  petty  acts  of  theft  are  committed 
daily ;  for  instance,  one  of  us  had  been 
losing  jewellery  to  some  extent,  and  we  told 
the  head  boy  or  butler  that  he  must  dis- 
cover the  culprit,  or  we  should  hold  him 
responsible  for  the  loss.  At  this  he  was  in 
a  great  fright,  but  still  the  thief  could  not 
be  discovered.  After  several  more  things 
being  taken,  one  of  the  boys  disappeared ; 
so  we  sent  the  chief  detective — a  very  clever 
fellow — after  him ;  and  with  a  little  diffi- 
culty he  found  him  in  a  gambhng-house, — 
to  which  all  the  Chinese  when  they  get  a 
little  money  resort :  but  when  he  heard 
that  the  detective  was  coming,  he  stabbed 
himself  twice  in  the  stomach,  to  save  him- 
self from  the  thrashing  with  the  bamboo  he 
would  have  got  at  the  Yamen,  which  is  the 



punishinent  for  theft.  He  was  sensible 
enougli  not  to  hurt  himself  very  much,  as 
all  I  heard  of  him  afterwards  was  that  he 
was  continually  getting  better.  The  head 
butler  was  held  responsible,  and  had  to 
make  up  for  the  losses.  The  custom  is, 
when  he  engages  the  boys  he  takes  the  risk 
of  any  loss  that  may  occur  through  them. 

As  an  instance  of  their  extreme  love  of 
spirits,  this  fellow  had  a  bad  leg,  and  was 
given  at  his  request  a  bottle  of  fine  Cognac 
to  bathe  it  with.  This  did  him  so  much 
good  that  he  wanted  another ;  when  he  had 
had  three,  however,  he  was  given  a  case  of 
common  stuff  brought  from  Hong-Kong. 
This,  however,  he  returned  with  proud  in- 
dignation, declaring  it  was  not  the  good 
sort.  This  made  us  quite  certain  where  the 
first  bottles  had  gone,  and,  as  we  didn't 
want  the  poor  fellow  to  become  a  confirmed 
toper,  he  got  no  more. 


The  natives  are  mucli  given  to  imbibing 
spirits  on  every  opportunity,  and  tbeir  own 
favourite  beverage,  samshu,  is  a  most  power- 
ful stimulant  distilled  from  rice. 




Theke  is  no  special  day  in  China,  like  our 
Sunday,  for  universal  prayer  and  rest ;  but 
the  festival  and  other  holy  days  are  quite 
sufficient  in  number  to  make  up  for  this 
deficiency.  The  great  festival  I  saw  while 
out  there  was  the  Dragon  Festival.  This 
is  one  of  the  chief  public  celebrations, 
and  preparations  are  made  for  it  weeks 
before  its  coming  off.  The  performers  in 
it  go  in  for  a  course  of  training  just  as  we 
do  for  our  boat  races  and  other  athletic 
sports.  The  principal  part  of  the  cere- 
mony consists  in  processions  of  boats  up 
and  down  the  river.     These  boats,  although 


•often  capable  of  containing  eighty  or  ninety 
persons,  are  only  just  wide  enough  to  admit 
of  one  sitting  down;  so  anyone  can  easily 
imagine  what  a  length  they  must  be  when 
they  carry  nearly  a  hundred  people.  The 
wonder  is  that  there  are  not  more  fre- 
quent accidents  through  upsets.  Each  of 
the  rowers  has  a  little  paddle,  which  he 
dips  into  the  water  very  quickly,  thus 
propelling  the  boat  along  at  a  gooxi 
pace.  The  handles,  which  they  hold  with 
both  hands,  are  so  short  that  in  paddling 
they  almost  touch  the  water  with  their 
hands.  Most,  being  well  trained,  keep 
capital  time.  A  man  standing  in  the  bow 
of  the  boat  with  a  sort  of  a  wand  in  his 
hand,  waving  it  from  side  to  side,  invokes 
the  spirit  of  the  river  to  give  them  back 
some  great  sage  who  lived  long  ago,  and 
who  conferred  great  benefits  upon  his  coun- 
trymen— I  do  not  think  it  was  Confucius ; 


but  others  say  this  man  in  the  bow  of  the 
boat  is  supposed  to  be  distributing  corn, 
etc.,  to  the  river,  and  praying  that  a  good 
and  prosperous  harvest  may  be  vouchsafed 
to  them.  There  are  several  other  legends 
attached  to  this  proceeding.  Between  the 
rowers  stand  men  beating  gongs  and  play- 
ing other  instruments,  and  there  is  an 
elaborately  decorated  altar  in  the  middle, 
with  men  holding  large  silk  banners  around 
it.  All  the  men  standing  up  are  dressed 
in  yellow  silk  coats,  fantastic  hats,  and  blue 
or  red  trowsers ;  and  I  have  been  told  that 
these  have  a  very  high  opinion  of  them- 
selves ever  after,  from  having  held  such  a 
post  of  honour  in  this  day^s  festivities.  The 
noise  from  the  gongs,  which  are  continu- 
ally kept  going,  is  something  fearful,  and 
can  be  heard  quite  distinctly  half  a  mile 
off.  In  this  way  they  go  on  all  day,  going 
np  and  down  the  river.     All  the  Chinese 


flock  to  the  river  banks,  and  the  rival 
merits  of  the  boats  are  as  much  the  topic 
of  conversation  and  difference  of  opinion 
as  is  the  case  at  any  of  our  own  national 
amusements  and  public  events.  On  this 
day  we  permit  them  to  come  on  to  the  set- 
tlement, as  the  best  view  is  obtained  from 
there ;  but  when  it  was  all  over  we  were 
only  too  glad  to  get  rid  of  them,  although 
they  behaved  themselves  remarkably  well, 
and  we  could  find  nothing  to  complain  of. 
Still,  we  had  to  keep  ourselves  in  all  day, 
not  to  give  them  any  inducement,  with 
their  religious  frenzy  about  them,  of  making 
a  row.  Before  permission  was  given  them, 
it  was  mooted  that  it  might  be  advisable 
to  request  the  Chinese  Viceroy  to  send 
some  mihtary  on  the  island  for  that  day, 
as  an  extra  precaution.  This  was  not,  how- 
ever, after  careful  consideration,  deemed  to 
be  necessary.     So  with  this   extra  reason 


for  doubt  in  our  minds,  we  were  greatly 
rejoiced  at  their  departure.  I  felt  myself 
inclined  to  question  the  wisdom  of  per- 
mitting their  admittance,  thinking  that  it 
would  appear  more  a  right  than  an  obliga- 
tion to  them,  and  at  the  same  time  excite 
jealousy  by  the  general  appearance  of  the 
wealth  of  the  settlement. 

About  the  same  time  I  saw  another  very 
pretty  sight  on  the  river — the  feast  in 
honour  of  the  departed,  which  continued 
for  several  nights.  Immense  boats  are 
hired  for  this  occasion,  and  covered  with 
lighted  lanterns.  These  are  hung  round  the 
boat,  and  the  masts  are  ht  up  with  them, 
and  triangles  and  all  sorts  of  arches  are 
formed  by  these  slung  on  ropes  all  over  the 
boat.  The  richer  Chinamen  give  splendid 
dinners  on  board  to  their  friends,  with  lots 
of  music  and  beautiful  girls  to  dance  and 
wait  upon  them.     Each  of  their  boats,  too. 


have  kites  and  balloons,  with  variegated 
lamps  attached  to  them,  and  there  are 
crowds  of  these  boats  in  all  parts  of  the 
river;  but  the  principal  place  is  at  the 
flower  boats,  or  the  regular  streets  of  boats, 
which  are  always  stationary,  and  where  all 
the  Chinese  dinners  are  given.  The  river 
during  this  season  has  a  very  gay  appear- 
ance, as  can  be  well  imagined.  Oil  is  burnt 
in  the  lamps,  as  well  as  I  could  find  out, 
and  the  oil  bill  is  one  of  the  heaviest 
household  items  in  a  family,  owing  to  the 
native  boys  stealing  it  in  such  quantities. 
They  take  it  home  to  their  people,  who 
flavour  their  food  with  it. 

One  day  while  out  rowing  in  a  four  oared 
boat,  we  came  across  some  of  these  fellows 
practising,  on  the  occasion  of  the  Dragon 
Festival,  in  their  long  boats.  On  our  com- 
ing up  to  them  they  raced  alongside,  and 
worked  themselves  into  a  tremendous  fit  of 


good-tempered  excitement  trying  to  beat  us. 
But  though  no  one  would  believe  it  when 
we  mentioned  it,  we  beat  them,  though  not 
without  much  exertion.  They  grinned  and 
''Hey-heyed"  us  the  whole  way,  but  took 
their  defeat  in  perfect  temper,  and  *'  Kow- 
towed" us  on  our  leaving  them.  I  did  not 
see  any  more  festivals,  but  often  met  great 
processions  in  the  street  returning  from 
something  of  the  sort ;  but  beyond  delay- 
ing us  in  getting  along,'  as  they  took  up 
most  of  the  room,  they  seemed  too  en- 
grossed in  their  own  antics  to  bestow  any 
of  their  attention  on  foreigners.  So  there 
is  no  forced  obeisance,  as  in  some  Eoman 
Catholic  countries  is  imposed  on  those  who 
may  happen  to  witness  the  progress  of  any 
of  these  religious  bodies.  As  far  as  I  could 
see,  all  the  natives  did  was  to  stand  still, 
thus  showing  their  respect.  In  these  pro- 
cessions boys  come  first,  dressed  in  gaudy 


attire,  with  banners  and  images,  and  carry- 
ing a  ginger-bread  sort  of  thing,  with  pro- 
bably a  joss  or  god  inside  ;  the  whole 
brought  up  with  men  clashing  cymbals, 
and  playing  on  other  instruments  which 
sound  very  like  the' bag-pipes;  and  indeed 
the  whole  procession  reminded  me  most 
of  our  Lord  Mayor's  Show.  They,  how- 
ever, did  not  strike  me  as  being  a  very 
religious  people,  although  the  superstitious 
rites  and  observances  seem  to  have  great 
hold  on  their  minds. 

Some  of  their  temples  are  fine  buildings, 
with  exquisite  carving  on  the  walls,  which 
are  of  stone  ;  but  the  courtyard  is  the  resort 
of  the  beggars, — what  I  may  call  a  Chinese 
workhouse,  or  rather  casuals  ward ;  and 
they  are  only  turned  out  when  some  re- 
ligious performance  is  about  to  take  place. 

As  I  said,  the  only  doctor  is  prayer. 
To  give  an  instance  of  this,  when  I   was 


at  Macao,  a  tea-boy,  who  lived  with  his 
family  in  a  lodge  near  onr  house,  was  very 
much  afflicted  on  account  of  his  wife's 
illness,  as  she  was  supposed  to  be  dying. 
But  the  only  thing  to  be  done,  he  said, 
was  to  call  in  the  priests ;  and  as  he  lived 
some  distance  from  the  house,  permission 
was  given  him  to  have  them.  The  conse- 
quence of  this  to  us  was  that  we  got  little 
rest  that  night.  But  the  priests  came  in 
and  dinned  their  horrid  music  round  her 
bed,  praying  their  gods  that  she  might  be 
cured.  In  this  case  their  prayers  were 
efficacious ;  but  what  would  any  of  our 
doctors  say  to  this  noisy  pantomime  going 
on  in  a  patient's  room  ?  The  husband, 
however,  seemed  to  be  somewhat  sceptical 
as  to  the  real  cause  of  his  wife's  recovery ; 
a  scepticism  which  perhaps  was  owing  to 
the  priests  requiring  a  heavy  fee.  There, 
as  elsewhere,  they  don't  give  their  services 


for  nothing.  But  my  friend  in  this  case 
seemed  to  be  a  general  free-thinker,  and 
quite  a  republican  in  his  politics.  He 
ranted  no  less  against  the  evils  of  man- 
darinism  than  some  of  our  cosmopolitan 
friends  do  against  the  abuses  resulting 
from  a  landed  aristocracy.  Only  do  away 
with  the  mandarins,  and  all  would  come 
right.  Such  was  his  universal  panacea. 
The  Chinese  would  then  adopt  our  customs, 
and  swear  an  eternal  friendship,  if  we  only 
allied  ourselves  with  such  pohticians  as 
my  friend,  to  put  down  the  mandarins. 
He  was  particularly  partial  to  England, 
though  he  resided  in  a  Portuguese  settle- 
ment, and  was  very  fond  of  talking  of  all 
our  wonderful  possessions  ;  but  nothing 
seemed  to  take  his  fancy  so  much  as  our 
railways.  He  told  me  how,  many  years 
ago,  an  Englishman  came  to  Canton,  and 
laid  down  a  line  in   a  room,  and  had   a 


miniature  engine  and  carriages  running  on 
it ;  and  he  invited  all  tlie  influential  China- 
men to  come  and  see  his  railway.  He 
pointed  out  to  them  the  advantages  of 
adopting  such  an  improvement,  and  offered, 
if  they  would  only  obtain  the  requisite  au- 
thority, to  construct  it,  and  carry  out  all 
the  arrangements  for  working  the  railway 
when  built.  Many  of  the  merchants  were 
greatly  pleased  with  the  idea,  fully  per- 
ceiving what  immense  advantage  it  would 
be  to  them,  and  the  country  generally; 
but  they  were  either  afraid  to  ask  for,  or 
failed  to  obtain,  the  permission  of  the  man- 
darins and  other  chiefs  ;  and  for  some  reason 
or  other,  which  I  am  not  aware  of,  the 
whole  proposal  fell  through,  and  has  not 
since  been  renewed. 

I  would  here  advocate,  in  as  strong  terms 
as  I  can,  the  revival  of  this  idea;  and  I 
would  press  on  the  consideration  of  every 


one  who  feels  any  interest  in  the  welfare 
of  China,  the  all-importance  of  this  pro- 
posal. Where  it  would  be  best  to  make 
a  commencement,  whether  from  Canton  to 
Whampoa,  or  somewhere  else,  I  leave  to 
those  whom  a  longer  residence  in  China 
than  mine  would  authorise  to  speak  with 
greater  authority  and  wider  knowledge. 
But  at  all  events,  on  its  broad  principle 
of  public  utility,  I  submit  that  the  intro- 
duction of  the  steam-engine  into  China  is 
a  by  no  means  unimportant  question ;  and 
China,  ill-cultivated  and  badly-managed  as 
it  is,  would,  by  the  introduction  of  me- 
chanical assistance,  make  such  a  rapid 
progi'ess  in  wealth,  that  not  only  would 
these  undertakings  quickly  repay  their 
promoters,  but  be  of  lasting  good  to  the 
country  at  large.  It  would,  doubtless,  be 
a  task  of  some  difficulty  at  first  to  obtain 
the  consent   of  the  mandarins ;   but   even 


this  opposition,  although,  they  esteem  such 
a  proposal  a  direct  menace  at  their  own 
authority,  would,  in  my  opinion,  be  over- 
come by  conciliatory  advances.  At  all 
events,  we  cannot  assert  that  it  is  impos- 
sible until  we  have  adopted  some  means 
more  energetic  and  pressing  to  influence 
their  decision  than  any  that  have  been 
taken  as  yet. 

Perhaps  the  question,  however,  may  re- 
ceive a  different  and  more  easy  solution. 
One  of  the  chief  Viceroys  has  just  com- 
menced, or  is  about  to,  excavations  for 
coal,  although  it  is  uncertain  how  far  he 
may  feel  inclined  to  carry  them ;  and  it  is 
rumoured  that  if  these  turn  out  successful, 
he  will  construct  what  is  represented  as 
an  old  idea  of  his — a  railway  in  his  own 
province.  This,  however,  will  probably  not 
be  to  benefit  foreign  trade,  but  merely  to 
further  his  own  ambitious  designs;  so,  al- 


though  a  beginning  in  the  right  direction, 
this  ought  to  be  no  reason  for  deterring 
undertakings  in  other  provinces,  especially 
when  they  are  intended  for  a  more  legiti- 
mate and  useful  purpose. 




CoNSiDEKiNG  that  I  have  the  privilege  to 
belong  to  a  profession  whose  special  subject 
is  ^^  tea,"  it  may  not  seem  out  of  place  to 
insert  here  a  chapter  on  this  article  ;  and 
as  my  remarks  will  apply  both  to  the  plant 
on  the  bush  and  also  as  it  appears  to  the 
consumer  in  England,  what  I  have  to  say 
about  it  may  prove  sufficiently  interesting. 

It  is  well  known  that  on  its  first  intro- 
duction into  Europe  it  became  a  great 
luxury,  and  was  only  procurable  by  the 
very  rich,  on  account  of  its  excessive  price. 
Eor  many  years  after  it  was  known  only  to 
epicures  ;   but  in  this  century  its  use  has 


greatly  increased,  and  it  now  is  no  longer 
the  beverage  of  tlie  few,  but  one  of  the 
chief  household  necessaries  of  the  many. 

In  quite  recent  years  we  have  had  the 
import  duty  reduced  to  a  mere  trifle  ;  and 
indeed  some  desire  that  it  should  be  passed 
duty  free,  as  an  absolute  necessary.  This  is 
agitated  for  chiefly  by  those  who  wish  to 
set  up  as  formidable  a  rival  as  possible  to 
beer  and  spirit  drinking ;  but  it  must  not 
be  lost  sighfc  of  that  excess  in  tea  drinking, 
like  excess  in  everything  else,  has  its  evil 
effects.  The  present  tax  on  tea  is  also  so 
moderate,  and  presses  so  lightly  on  every- 
body, that  it  might  be  unwise  in  a  moment 
of  impulse  to  remove  it,  when  it  would 
become  a  matter  of  considerable  difficulty 
to  supply  its  place  in  as  satisfactory  a 

I  will  begin  by  giving  a  description  of 
the  manufacture  of  tea ;  but  it  must  first 


be  stated  tliat  what  I  say  refers  to  the 
mode  of  procedure  in  Canton  and  Macao. 
In  the  north,  at  Hankow  and  Shanghai, 
the  teas  are  made  up  near  the  tea  planta- 
tions ;  but  in  the  south  the  rough  leaf  is 
put  into  bags  and  then  conveyed  down  the 
river  to  Canton  or  Macao,  where  this  rough 
leaf  is  changed  into  the  household  article. 
This  plan  has  great  advantages  for  the 
tea-man,  or  man  who  manufactures  the 
teas ;  for,  instead  of  having  all  the  tea  made 
after  one  fashion,  and  then  giving  this 
stock  to  his  broker  to  sell  to  the  foreign 
merchant,  as  would  be  the  case  if  he 
received  the  tea  ready-made  from  the 
plantation,  he  need  only  make  a  few 
pounds  as  a  sample ;  and  then,  he  is  also 
in  a  position  to  judge  whether,  if  he  ac- 
cepted the  foreigner's  offer,  it  would  repay 
him  to  make  up  the  whole  of  the  quantity 
after  the  sample  at  the  price  offered.    Again : 


if  the  style  of  the  sample  is  not  approved 
of,  he  can  have  it  altered  to  suit  the  foreign 
merchant,  who  has  to  consult  what  is,  or 
what  he  may  consider  to  be,  the  taste  of 
the  hour;  and  indeed  that  taste,  being 
the  opinion  of  the  home  consumer,  is  of 
a  most  fickle  character,  and  cannot  be 
relied  upon  as  a  fair  criterion  of  real  merit. 
But,  on  the  other  hand,  if  this  system 
has  advantages  for  the  tea-man,  it  places 
the  buyer,  or  foreign  merchant,  under  some 
disadvantages,  especially  the  following : 
the  tea-man  seldom  if  ever  makes  the 
bulk  of  the  tea  equal  to  the  approved  of 
'*  muster "  or  sample,  and  as  freight  has 
been  taken  for  it  in  the  meanwhile  in  the 
home  steamer,  it  is  a  difficult  matter  to 
throw  up  the  arrangement,  and  a  '*  cut," 
or,  in  plainer  language,  taking  so  much  off 
the  stipulated  price,  is  never  satisfactory. 
Again :  there  is  another  drawback  in  select- 


ing  too  soon  after  mannfacture ;  for  the 
muster  having  come  only  perhaps  a  few 
minutes  before  hot  from  the  pan,  and  its 
being  fresh  and  powerful  from  the  short 
interval  after  the  scenting  operation,  any- 
one, if  at  all  careless  or  inexperienced,  is 
apt  to  be  deceived,  and  jump  to  a  hasty 
conclusion  as  to  its  virtues.  For  if  the 
scent,  though  under  the  circumstances 
mentioned  seeming  so  powerful  and  satis- 
factory, has  not  been  properly  instilled 
(the  scenting  operation  I  will  explain  by 
and  by),  it  passes  off  on  the  journey,  and 
on  reaching  home  has  lost  all  the  fine 
aroma  that  induced  the  selection ;  and  the 
worst  of  this  is,  that  having  lost  its  scent 
it  is  comparatively  valueless,  as  highly 
scented  teas  are  the  most  sought  for  in 
the  market. 

The  usual  mode  of  proceeding  is  for  a 
great  tea-man,  just  before  or  at  the  com- 


mencement  of  the  season,  which  begins 
in  March  and  April,  to  send  an  experienced 
employe  to  the  tea  plantations  to  contract 
for  the  quantity  of  tea  he  may  desire  to 
purchase ;  and  sometimes  this  contract  is 
made  as  it  grows  on  the  bushes,  sometimes 
when  it  has  been  gathered  and  has  under- 
gone partial  drying.  In  the  latter  state 
I  believe  it  is  most  difficult  for  a  foreigner 
to  discern  the  real  quahty  of  the  crop  ;  and 
the  experience  and  knowledge  of  even  old 
Chinamen  are  put  to  a  severe  test  to  find 
out  its  real  value.  When  the  purchases 
have  been  made,  the  plant,  after  being 
packed  in  bags,  is  conveyed  in  barges  or 
junks  down  to  Canton,  to  be  converted  into 
the  article  of  sale.  Some  of  the  larger 
of  the  foreign  firms  keep  their  own  fac- 
tories, and  advance  or  lend  to  their  tea-man 
large  sums  of  money  to  contract  for  tea. 
This  plan  has  the  apparent  advantage    o 


enabling  the  foreigner  to  have  his  teas 
made  to  his  own  taste  and  after  his  own 
fashion,  and  also  he  can  rely  with  greater 
assurance  on  the  hona  fides  of  his  manager 
in  making  the  bulk  uniform  to  the  sample, 
than  if  he  dealt  direct  with  the  natives. 
But  on  the  other  hand  there  is  no  incon- 
siderable risk,  as  the  man  may  speculate 
unfortunately,  and  then  much  money  is 
lost.  Many  '^  hongs  "  have  found  this  plan 
so  unprofitable  as  to  be  compelled  to  resort 
to  the  safer  course  of  purchasing  off  the 
open  market. 

The  tea  factories  in  Canton  are  situated 
chiefly  at  Honam,  and  are  large  buildings, 
with  only  one  lofty  floor  however,  which  is 
divided  into  several  rooms,  some  of  which 
are  used  for  firing  the  tea,  others  for  sort- 
ing, and  yet  again  others  for  the  final 
operation  of  weighing  and  packing.  On 
first  entering  the  building  we  see  the  firing 


room,  where  there  are  long  ranges  of  stoves 
which>  resemble  very  much  the  copper  to 
be  found  in  everyone's  back  kitchen.  A  fire 
burns  underneath  each  in  a  brick  grate,  and 
placed  on  the  top  is  the  pan,  made  of  iron 
or  copper,  in  a  slanting  position.  It  is 
easier  for  the  coolie  to  turn  the  tea  when 
the  pan  is  thus  placed. 

In  an  ordinarily- sized  factory  there  are 
about  twenty  of  these  stoves  in  a  range, 
and  to  each  is  attached  a  coolie,  whose  duty 
it  is  to  keep  continually  turning  the  leaf 
round  and  round  the  pan;  and  this  opera- 
tion, aided  by  the  heat  of  the  fire,  makes 
the  tea  assume  the  shape  and  size  that 
may  be  desired.  Of  course  one  firing  is 
not  sufficient  to  effect  this  object,  but  seve- 
ral ;  and  after  one  or  two  more  firings  it 
is  passed  on  to  other  men,  who  again  fire 
it,  at  the  same  time  mixing  the  scenting- 
flower  with  it;  and  this   is  the  operation 


that  fixes  the  relative  value  of  all  teas.  If 
the  flower  is  mixed  when  the  leaf  is  half 
open,  and  the  intermingling  is  well  sustained 
to  the  last,  the  aroma  will  not  only  he 
powerful,  but  durable.  But  as  this  scent- 
ing flower  costs  money,  many  economise  its 
use,  and  in  that  case  the  tea  is  only  scented 
on  the  surface,  when  although,  being  fresh, 
the  bouquet  may  seem  powerful,  it  soon 
passes  off. 

We  then  leave  the  firing-room,  and  enter 
the  room  for  sorting,  where  hundreds  of 
women  are  sitting  crosslegged  on  the  floor 
with  a  basket  on  either  side  of  them. 
Some  separate  the  young  from  the  old 
leaves,  or  large  from  the  small,  in  order  to 
make  them  into  the  different  descriptions 
so  far  as  name  and  shape  of  make  decide 
that  question, — all  coming,  however,  from  the 
same  plantation  or  bush  even.  Others  take 
the  scenting-flower  from  the  tea  after  the 


firing  has  been  finished.  If  the  flower  is 
found  to  have  lost  its  power,  it  is  thrown 
away ;  but,  in  any  case,  the  flower  is  not 
left  in  the  tea. 

In  another  room,  smaller  than  the  others, 
it  undergoes  its  last  firing.  In  this  case  it 
is  strewn  thinly  over  a  sieve,  and  placed 
on  a  bright  charcoal  fire.  It  is  then  placed 
in  baskets  in  a  heap.  When  this  is  finished 
nothing  remains  to  be  done  but  to  hand 
it  over  to  be  weighed,  and  coohes  tread  it 
into  boxes  containing  twenty  pounds  each. 

After  these  are  filled,  others  solder  the 
tops  with  lead  and  a  hot  piece  of  iron,  to 
make  them  perfectly  air-tight.  Then  the 
marks  and  descriptions  are  pasted  on,  and 
they  are  ready  for  inspection  by  the  foreigner 
before  shipment.  These  boxes  are  a  well- 
known  ornament  in  the  windows  of  small 
grocers  at  home,  and  the  pubHc,  seeing 
such   a  veritable    Chinese    article  in    the 


window,  argue  that  the  contents  must 
needs  be  as  pure. 

There  is  an  export  duty  payable  to  the 
Chinese  Government,  and  before  a  pass  to 
permit  the  shipment  of  the  teas  will  be 
given,  they  have  to  be  sent  through  the 
Custom  House. 

All  teas  are  usually  scented  with  a  white 
flower  which  is  grown  especially  for  this 
purpose ;  but  some  teas,  especially  for  the 
South  American  market,  are  scented  with 
a  different  flower,  or,  more  correctly,  a 
seed,  called  Chulan,  and  a  few  very  special 
ones  have  been  scented  with  the  rose  leaf. 
Some  of  the  native  brokers  are  not  only 
very  good  judges  of  tea,  but  also  are  versed 
in  the  causes  of  the  fluctuations  of  our  own 
market,  and  often  at  favourable  opportuni- 
ties ship  teas  on  their  own  account  through 

Some  little  time  ago  there  was  consider- 


able  discussion  in  the  papers,  and  some 
grumbling  and  surprise  was  manifested  at 
the  fact  of  Kussia  absorbing  all  the  fine 
teas ;  and  assertion  was  made  that  the 
public  were  most  willing  to  give  a  long 
price  for  the  genuine  article.  If  such 
were  the  case,  it  would  indeed  be  sur- 
prising if  we  could  not  have  as  much  of 
the  fine  growth  as  we  desired.  It  is  not 
very  difficult  to  give  a  proper  explanation 
of  the  subject.  The  Eussian  and  English 
buyers  all  hasten  to  Hankow  for  the  opening 
of  the  market,  and  all  are  equally  able  to 
secure  the  best  chops,  provided  they  are 
wiUing  to  pay  the  price.  Now,  as  the 
Enghsh  market  will  not  pay  above  9;  certain 
price,  it  is  impossible  for  the  buyers  for 
home  use  to  go  higher  than  the  price  which 
the  consumer  will  pay  and  the  necessary  pro- 
fits. Whereas  for  special  growths  in  Kussia 
there  is  a  great  demand,  and  therefore  their 


buyers  can  bid  prices  whicb  would  be  ruin- 
ous to  any  English  firm  to  tbink  of  offering. 
Some  English  firms  do  purchase  these  fine 
teas  at  heavy  prices ;  but  it  is  not  for  the 
home  consumption, — they  only  enter  into 
competition  with  Eussian  firms  in  the 
market  of  that  country. 

But  even  labouring  under  this  disadvant- 
age of  price,  it  must  not  be  too  hastily 
supposed  that  we  get  no  fine  teas.  The 
difference  between  the  best  of  the  teas  we 
get  and  those  procured  by  Eussia  is  such 
as  to  make  it  very  difficult  for  an  uneducated 
palate  to  decide  either  way;  and  this  diffi- 
culty is  greatly  increased  by  the  fictitious 
use  of  milk  and  sugar.  What  I  mean  to 
say  is,  that  our  present  mode  of  using  tea 
kills  the  real  aroma  of  the  plant,  and  as  long 
as  the  present  custom  prevails  it  would  be 
unwise  to  attempt  to  introduce  a  far  more 
expensive  article,  which  the  great  majority 


would  consider — and  with  a  certain  degree  of 
truth,  for  the  reasons  I  mention — no  better 
than  that  previously  in  use.  The  invari- 
able practice  among  retail  dealers  is  to  mix 
the  fine  teas  they  may  buy  with  a  stronger 
but  infinitely  coarser  growth,  because  it  is 
preferred'  by  famihes.  Strength  and  not 
quality  is  the  test  of  the  virtues  of  one's 
tea  grocer,  and  a  tea  that  looks  thin  in  the 
cup  is  set  down  as  an  adulterated  article  at 
once.  This  vitiated  taste  has  been  fostered 
to  a  great  extent  by  the  advertisers  of 
"best  tea"  at  a  price  at  which  only  very 
ordinary  stuff  can  be  purchased.  For  the 
practical  purpose  of  every-day  use,  and  in 
the  persons  of  the  million,  there  can  be 
little  doubt  that  the  really  fine  growths  of 
tea,  if  introduced,  would  only  produce 
dissatisfaction  ;  and  that  when  the  taste,  if 
ever,  for  this  beverage  arrives  at  a  higher 
state  of  culture,  the  natural   consequence 


will  result  in  our  receiving  as  much:  as  we 
like  of  the  finer  qualities. 

The  epicure,  however,  if  he  be  content 
to  discard  the  accessories  of  milk  and  sugar, 
will  certainly,  when  he  has  learned  to  detect 
the  difference,  require  the  more  delicate 
flavour  of  those  growths  that  at  present 
are  monopolized  by  Eussia ;  but  under  the 
most  probable  event  it  seems  that  they  will 
even  then  be  confined  to  the  epicure. 

But,  for  the  reasons  I  have  alleged,  it  is 
clear  that  to  introduce  precipitately  these 
superfine  teas  to  the  home  market  would 
be  to  appeal  to  a  public  really  ignorant  of 
their  merits,  and  the  only  result  would  be, 
loss  to  the  merchant  and  discontent  to  the 
consumer.  When  the  palate  of  the  latter 
has  been  educated  to  detect  the  difference, 
— which  can  only  be  after  he  has  resolved 
to  give  up  his  present  custom  of  imbibing 
it, — ^then  there  is   no   doubt  whatever  but 


that  he  can  obtain  what  he  desires.  He 
must  first  appreciate  its  merits,  and  then 
consent  to  pay  a  greater  sum  for  the 
increased  pleasure. 





And  now  let  me  attempt  to  give  some 
description  of  a  Chinese  dinner,  their  chief 
meal,  and  also  one  of  the  most  important 
means  at  present  open  to  ns  affording  an 
opportunity  of  gaining  any  insight  into 
their  customs  and  character ;  when  in  the 
conviviality  of  the  entertainment  they 
discard  some  of  their  reserve,  and,  if  only 
to  a  slight  extent,  show  themselves  as  they 
appear  and  act  towards  one  another.  It 
is  everywhere  the  same — if  you  wish  for  a 
favourahle  occasion  to  understand  a  man's 
feelings,  put  him  in  the  character  of  host, 
and  invite  yourself  to  dine  with  him.     You 


have  him  at  a  disadvantage,  and  render  it 
extremely  difficult  for  him  to  act  a  feigned 
part,  as,  fettered  hy  the  customs  of  his  post, 
he  is  compelled  hy  sheer  necessity  to  fall 
back  on  his  habitude;  and  it  is  decidedly 
your  own  fault  if,  as  the  dinner  draws 
nearer  to  the  "walnuts  and  the  wine,"  all 
restraint  is  not  banished,  and  you  have  the 
man  as  he  is.  It  is  impossible,  unless  in 
the  case  of  the  veriest  churl,  to  remain 
unsociable  through  it  all.  The  Chinese,  put 
on  their  metal  in  the  role  of  host,  fall  short 
in  no  detail  of  the  most  scrupulous  courtesy, 
and  they  study  the  faintest  wishes  of  their 
guests.  They  have,  moreover,  that  true 
breeding  that  sacrifices  much  of  one's  own 
comfort  and  practices  to  the  prejudices  of 
those  they  entertain.  And  the  best  sign 
of  the  success  of  their  efforts  is  that,  despite 
the  strange  surroundings,  and  not  to  say 
the    repugnance   an    European    must   feel 


to  their  repast,  it  is  impossible  not  to  be 
thoroughly  at  home  with  them,  and  to  be 
able  to  fraternize  with  them  to  a  very  con^ 
siderable  degree. 

The  broker  who  invited  me  gave  me  carte 
blanche  to  bring  as  many  friends  as  I  liked, 
and  to  name  my  own  day,  so  as  to  place 
no  restraint  of  a  fixed  appointment  npon 
my  own  inclination.  He  also  sent  me  an 
address  in  Chinese  characters,  which  I  was 
to  give  to  our  head  boatman  when  we 
intended  to  accept  the  invitation. 

Of  course  this  dinner  was  given  at  the 
Flower  Boats,  which  is  a  name  given  to 
certain  streets  in  the  boat  city.  The  river 
where  these  boats  are  situated  is  exceed- 
ingly rapid,  and  if  the  steersman  enters  the 
wrong  street,  backing  out  again  is  very 
awkward,  and  the  risk  is  great  of  being 
sucked  under  the  surrounding  boats. 

We,  however,   managed    all    right,   and 


met  with  no  contretemps  whatever.  Wo 
arrived  at  the  house  or  boat  about  ten 
o'clock,  where  many  familiar  faces  welcomed 
me  and  the  only  friend  who  accompanied 
me.  These  acquaintances  were  specially 
asked  to  meet  us,  to  make  the  whole  thing 
more  pleasant  for  us  than  it  would  have 
been  venturing  among  utter  strangers.  On 
each  of  these  boats  is  a  house  of  one  story, 
having  one  room  haK  below  the  deck  and 
another  above  it. 

These  boats  moored  to  each  other  form 
a  perfect  street,  and  in  front  of  each  of  the 
houses  is  a  gravelled  path.  So  the  scene  is 
the  river  avenue  forming  the  road  and  this 
path  for  foot-passengers,  which  is  also  made 
quite  a  promenade  of  in  the  evening  by  per- 
sons who  come  to  listen  to  the  music  going 
on  inside  the  houses.  On  entering  the 
house  a  coolie  immediately  attached  him- 
seK  to  each  of  us  to  fan  us,  while  others 


broTiglit  tea,  nuts, — lychees,  etc., — and  ci- 
gars, or  a  pipe  of  opium.  This  latter  we 
begged  to  decline. 

It  may  be  as  well  to  mention  that  these 
houses  are  regular  dining  establishments, 
each  party  hiring  one  for  the  occasion,  and 
the  proprietor  provides  everything  as  part 
of  his  contract.  These  dinners  for,  say  ten 
persons,  usually  cost  from  JC20  to  ^25,  which 
is  expensive. 

Sitting  round  the  room  we  first  entered, 
at  several  tables  were  the  singers  (girls), 
who  sat  rouging  their  faces  and  admiring 
themselves  in  looking-glasses.  They  also 
had  cups  of  tea  before  them,  and  smoked 
in  the  intervals  between  singing,  which 
they  did  in  turns,  to  the  accompaniment 
of  stringed  instruments,  played  on  this  night 
by  two  men.  The  men  also  sang,  but  their 
voices  are  exactly  the  same  as  a  woman's, 
which  seemed  very  strange  to  me  when  I 


firsfc  noticed  it.  I  had,  however,  often  re- 
marked this  before,  as  our  servants  always 
sang  over  their  work  at  home. 

On  first  hearing  a  Chinese  song,  it  seems 
very  monotonous  to  our  ears  ;  but  when  a 
little  more  accustomed  to  it,  it  loses  much 
of  its  discordance,  and  becomes  quite  en- 
durable and  even  pleasing.  Some  of  their 
ballads  are  very  plaintive,  and  there  is  even 
some  harmony  in  their  arrangement. 

These  singers  were  dressed  most  beauti- 
fully, some  even  having  on  magnificent 
jewellery ;  while  the  painting  of  their  faces 
and  the  pencilHng  of  their  eyebrows,  which 
they  perform  themselves,  were  executed 
most  artistically.  Perhaps  the  most  striking 
part  of  their  attire  was  the  splendour  of 
the  flowers  in  their  hair.  Their  hands 
and  fingers  are  perfection  in  shape ;  and 
they  allow  one  or  two  of  their  nails  to  grow 
to  a  great  length,  as  a  sign  of  their  owner's 


pretensions  to  beauty.  But  of  course  there 
is  nothing  wonderful  in  the  elegance  of  their 
hands,  as  they  do  no  work  of  any  kind  what- 

None  of  them  spoke  anything  but  Chinese, 
so  conversation  was  out  of  the  question ; 
besides,  it  is  not  at  all  sought  for  by  them, 
as  they  shrank  away  at  the  slightest  sign 
of  approach  on  our  part,  the  reason  being 
that  they  lose  caste  among  their  own  people 
if  a  foreigner  even  chances  to  touch  them. 

After  some  time  spent  in  imbibing  tea 
and  listening  to  the  musical  efforts  of  these 
syrens,  we  were  conducted  into  an  inner 
room,  which  was  lighted  by  lamps  hung  in 
chains  from  the  ceiling.  Nine  of  us  sat 
down  to  a  table  covered  with  different 
edibles ;  and  as  soon  as  one  course  was 
finished,  a  fresh  one  immediately  took  its 
place.  Beside  each  of  us  was  placed  a 
damp  cloth  to  wipe  away  the  perspiration 


from  our  faces  ;  and  this  was  changed  once 
or  twice  during  the  evening.  Chop-sticks 
were  placed  for  each  guest ;  but  in  case  we 
should  fail  to  manage  these  satisfactorily,  a 
sort  of  small  pitchfork  was  also  provided  to 
help  us  out  of  the  difficulty.  But  we  were 
fully  determined  to  gain  popularity ;  so  we 
manfully  stuck  to  the  chop-sticks,  and  with 
some  advice  as  to  their  use,  and  assistance 
in  manipulating  them,  we  succeeded  in 
getting  on  tolerably  well. 

This  determination  pleased  our  hosts  im- 
mensely, and  they  were  evidently  flattered 
by  our  choosing  the  national  mode  of  eating. 
I  won't  reveal  what  agony  and  how  many 
abortive  attempts  that  concession  cost  me  ! 

On  taking  our  seats — mahogany  stools — 
the  singers  entered  the  room,  and  seated 
themselves  uround  on  ottomans  behind  us ; 
to  whom  the  custom  is  now  and  then  to 
hand   a  nut  or   seed,  or  perhaps  a  cup  of 


samshu,  in  return  for  which  they  fan 

The  post  of  honour  is  on  the  left  of  the 
host.  The  dinner  commenced  with  birds'- 
nest  soup,  which  is  a  white  soup,  and  very 
glutinous  ;  then  came  sharks'  fins,  which 
you  dip  first  of  aU  in  various  sauces  on  the 
table ;  then  plovers'  eggs ;  then  chickens 
done  up  in  difi'erent  ways ;  claws  of  cray- 
fish, and  every  sort  of  vegetable  done  up  in 
as  many  kinds  of  sauces;  pastry  d  VAnglaise, 
which  I  found  very  difficult  to  get  down ; 
other  kinds  of  sweets,  and  stewed  pears  ; 
the  whole  winding  up  with  a  dessert,  con- 
sisting chiefly  of  crystallized  fruits. 

In  its  way,  this  was  a  more  than  average 
dinner,  and  our  friends  evidently  enjoyed  it 
immensely,  taking  of  every  dish,  and  that 
plentifully.  We  could  not  stomach  it, 
however,  and  indeed  took  the  precaution 
before  starting  of  having  a  dinner  at  home 


to  prepare  us  for  our  ordeal.  I  was  mticli 
relieved  when  all  the  eating  was  over. 

One  of  the  greatest  condescensions  a 
Chinaman  can  make,  and  one  of  the  greatest 
honours  he  can  confer  on  you,  is  to  take  a 
bit  from  his  own  plate  and  put  it  into  your 
mouth.  This  was  done  frequently,  which  I 
did  not  fail  to  return  as  often,  much  to  their 

The  real  task  of  the  evening  was,  how- 
ever, the  drink.  Beside  each  of  us  was 
placed  a  tea-pot  containing  warmed  samshu, 
and  this  we  drank  out  of  small  and  beauti- 
fully-shaped china  tea-cups.  This  spirit 
is  sometimes  very  strong,  but  fortunately 
for  us  on  this  occasion  it  was  rather 
weaker  than  usual.  I  say  fortunately  for 
us,  because  they  seemed  fully  determined 
to  see  us  under  the  table  before  we  could 
satisfy  their  hospitable  intentions ;  and 
as  they  were   seven  to  two,   it  was  very 


hard  work  for  us  to  defeat  their  object, 
considering  that  the  practice  is  anyone  may 
challenge  you  to  drink,  when  each  must 
drain  a  cup  of  samshu,  turning  it  up  to 
show  that  you  have  done  so.  Their  num- 
bers gave  them  a  formidable  advantage, 
which  they  seemed  determined  to  make  the 
most  of,  repeatedly  challenging  us  to  drink 
one  after  the  other.  After  some  time,  too, 
they  also  tried  to  shirk  the  full  measure, 
only  half  filling  their  cups  or  not  quite 
emptying  them.  On  remarking  this  I 
immediately  filled  their  cups  for  them,  and 
made  them  turn  them  up  to  show  they  had 
drank  it  all.  They  were  very  much  sur- 
prised at  the  liquor  not  having  a  more 
visible  effect  upon  us,  and  indeed,  so  were 
we  ourselves.  At  last  they  brought  out 
champagne,  which,  although  we  refused 
at  first,  they  made  us  take,  saying  they 
had  procured  it  specially  in  honour  of  our 


visit.  We,  however,  satisfied  them  with 
tasting  it.  While  at  dinner  they  played 
several  games ;  the  chief  of  which,  as  well 
as  I  could  gather,  was  for  one  to  hold  up  a 
certain  numher  of  fingers,  and  to  shout  out 
at  the  same  time  a  number,  when  if  his  op- 
ponent failed  to  guess,  without  a  moment's 
consideration,  what  these  made  together,  he 
had  to  pay  the  forfeit  of  drinking  a  cup  of 
samshu.  They  showed  remarkable  quick- 
ness in  guessing  correctly.  This  is  quite  a 
national  custom,  being  generally  adopted 
by  the  lower  classes  as  an  encouragement 
to  their  potations.  When  this  lengthy 
repast  was  finished,  we  went  out  to  the 
outer  room  again,  and  reclined  on  lounges, 
and  even  took  a  short  stroll  in  the  fresh  air, 
which  I  found  very  soothing  after  our  hard 

The  Chinese   occupied    themselves  with 
smoking  opium.    We  were  then  shown  over 


the  house.  After  that  we  had  another  and 
smaller  feed ;  and  on  getting  into  onr  boat 
to  return  home,  a  girl  presented  us  with  a 
betel  nut  done  up  in  a  green  leaf.  They 
wanted  us  to  stop  longer,  but  as  it  was 
two  o'clock,  and  we  were  quite  done  up 
with  fatigue,  we  resolutely  declined.  They 
themselves  probably  prolonged  their  orgies 
till  the  morning.  As  the  tide  was  running 
very  strong  with  us,  and  as  we  were  well 
manned,  we  went  home  at  a  tremendous 
pace;  still,  being  a  very  dark  night,  we 
had  to  keep  our  eyes  about  us,  to  avoid 

This  was  the  only  native  dinner  I  was  at, 
but  as  far  as  my  inclinations  go  it  was  quite 
sufficient  to  last  for  my  lifetime. 

It  can  be  seen  from  this  description — 
which  is  of  a  by  no  means  exceptional 
event;  in  fact,  it  is  what  they  indulge 
in  more   or   less   every  night  in  the  year 


— that  the   Chinaman  is    inclined    to    be 
fastidious    in     his     eating.       They   linger 
over    this    meal     with     a     fondness    that 
shows  their  whole  idea  of  happiness  cen- 
tres in  the  indulgence  of  good  living.     It  is 
with  the  utmost  regret  that  they  compel 
themselves  to  leave  the  table,  and  I  beheve 
no  human    argument  could  persuade  them 
to   omit   enjoying    a   single   course.     They 
also  do  not  merely  touch  each  separate  dish, 
but  they  eat  copiously  of  it.     This  charac- 
teristic is  somewhat  in  contradiction  to  their 
usual  abstemious  and  business-like  habits, 
although  I  think  the  merchant  classes,  as  a 
rule,  abstain  at  all  other  times — particularly 
in   business   hours — and    look    upon   their 
dinner,  not  only  as  the  day's  chief  event, 
but  also  as  the  great  reward   of  all  their 

It   cannot    be    said,    either,   that   their 
night's  orgy  leaves  any  ill  effect  after  it. 


The  next  day  we  meet  them  as  cool,  as 
calculating,  and  as  self-confident  as  ever; 
and  while  we  who  may  have  indulged  in  a 
heavy  repast  pay  the  penalty  in  a  height- 
ened pulse  and  a  feverish  frame,  we  see  the 
companions  and  sharers  of  our  festivities 
apparently  as  unaffected  as  if  it  had  been 
all  a  dream. 

These  remarks  do  not  apply  to  the  Man- 
darin classes,  who  keep  themselves  entirely 
distinct,  and  quite  a  race  apart ;  indeed,  in 
many  important  traits  they  are  totally  dis- 
similar to  the  rest  of  their  countrymen. 
But  the  lower  we  descend  in  the  social  scale 
out  there,  the  greater  do  we  find  the  desire 
for  social  comforts  and  self-indulgence,  and 
the  vice  of  excess  in  drinking  is  manifest  to 
a  very  marked  degree  ;  at  the  same  time, 
however,  it  is  not  to  be  seen  so  much  pub- 
licly in  the  streets  as  it  is  that  it  exists 
widespread   among  the   people,  and  is  in-- 


dulged  in  to  a  degree  that  altogether  sur- 
passes the  outward  show  its  victims  make. 

But  if  this  vice  brings  its  terrible 
evils,  there  is  another,  no  less  a  vice,  and 
far  more  deeply  rooted  among  the  masses. 
I  refer  to  gambling.  The  middle  classes 
are  also  addicted  to  it ;  but  as  there  are 
social,  if  not  legal,  punishments  inflicted 
on  them,  it  is  really  in  the  lower  classes 
that  all  the  evils  of  this  folly  are  to  be  seen. 
The  man  who  can  only  even  on  great  oc- 
casions risk  a  trifle,  is  a  more  inveterate 
gambler  at  heart  than  he  who  can  lose  his 
dollar  every  night  without  any  serious  in- 
convenience to  himself.  No  sooner  does  a 
youth — no  matter  how  young — obtain  the 
smallest  coin,  than  he  immediately  makes 
for  the  nearest  of  the  gambling  booths, 
which  are  very  numerous  throughout  Canton ; 
and  although  he  may  a  hundred  times  be- 
fore have  paid  the  forfeit  of  all  his  earn- 



ings,  lie  has  learned  no  prudence  from  Ms 
experience,  and  his  recklessness  and  trust 
in  some  good  stroke  of  fortune  that  never 
has  occurred  is  as  great  as  ever;  and  in 
this  respect  the  most  confirmed  rou4  who 
lost  a  fortune  half  a  century  ago  at 
Baden  or  Homburg,  and  has  ever  since 
tried  to  regain  it  by  some  special  and,  o 
course,  infallible  system,  and  by  limiting 
himself  to  guineas,  does  not  surpass  the 
poor  Chinaman,  who,  in  the  utter  credulity 
of  his  heart,  and  in  his  firm  belief  in  re- 
wards and  punishments — of  course  shaped 
to  his  own  invention  and  desire — on  the 
earth,  rushes  to  trust  his  all  in  the  hands 
of  unscrupulous  sharpers,  only  to  find  that 
again  he  has  thrown  away  his  money, 
and  that  one  more  unsuccess  has  swelled 
the  total  of  his  failures. 

This  mania  for  speculation  pervades  the 
whole  of  the  lower  orders,  and  is  a  true  and 


reliable  proof  of  the  real  ignorance  of  the 
populace, — an  ignorance  which  has  been  to 
a  great  extent  hidden  from  us  by  that  which, 
however,  does  not  always  go  hand  in  hand 
with  civilization,  viz.,  a  good-natured  feeling 
of  tolerance  towards  one  another.  The  order 
of  their  streets,  the  absence  of  open  quar- 
rels, have  imposed  upon  all  observers ;  and 
they  have  considered  these  as  signs  of  an 
intelligent  understanding, — even  if  grant- 
ing that  they  still  cling  tenaciously  to  the 
precedents  of  antiquity.  The  wonderful 
peace  on  the  Canton  river,  which  is  the 
home  of  thousands  of  boats  and  junks  of 
every  size  and  description,  is  most  striking. 
It  is  most  unusual  to  hear  even  a  verbal 
quarrel,  while  resorting  to  blows  is  a  thing 
that  never  occurs. 

And  this  is  on  a  river  where,  from  the 
strength  of  the  current,  even  the  udinost 
skill  and  experience  cannot  always  avert 
trivial  accidents.     All  this  good  behaviour 


has  concealed  the  fearful  ignorance  that  is 
behind  it, — and,  indeed,  superstitions  of  the 
most  degrading  character  are  the  induce- 
ments to  these  poor  people  to  place  an  im- 
plicit reliance  in  the  imaginary. 

There  is  another  evidence  of  this  in  the 
fact  that  they  never  learn  to  speak  a  foreign 
tongue.  It  is  a  wonderful  exception  to 
meet  a  Chinaman  who  has  even  a  smatter- 
ing of  an  European  language.  Nearly  all 
the  interpreters  are  Europeans.  It  is  a 
rare  thing  to  meet  with  a  Chinese  inter- 
preter. In  the  upper  and  middle  classes 
also  the  learning  is  Hmited  exclusively  to 
the  sacred  hooks,  and  examinations  are 
held  periodically  over  the  country ;  and 
proficiency  in  the  works  of  Confucius 
and  of  Mincius — great  as  the  merits  of 
these  undoubtedly  are — is  the  sole  test 
of  a  liberal  education.  It  therefore  is 
tolerably  evident  that  while  there  is  no 
learning  or  knowledge  of  any  kind  among 


the  poorer  classes,  even  that  of  the  upper 
is  superficial  and  exceedingly  limited  in  its 

A  comparison  with  their  neighbours  the 
Japanese  makes  their  narrow-mindedness 
the  more  apparent.  Colleges  are  being  in- 
stituted in  the  one  for  the  propagation  of 
western  science  and  languages ;  and  the 
European  modes  of  government  are  being 
fast  adopted,  the  management  being  en- 
trusted to  foreigners.  Yet  the  other  still 
remains  like  a  snail  coiled  up  in  its  own 
shell.  It  indeed  seems  a  useless  task  to 
hope  for  any  improvement  from  them,  as 
the  power  is  entirely  in  the  hands  of  the 
Mandarins,  who,  as  a  body,  are  the  most 
bitter  against  the  admittance  of  strangers. 

But  with  jealousy  for  Japan  so  strong 
upon  them,  and  the  incompetency  of  their 
navy  to  attempt  to  cope  with  that  of  their 
rival,  it  seems  that  sheer  necessity  will  at 
length  compel  them,  if  only  in  this  way,  to 


make  use  of  the  engineering  skill  of  Eng- 
land in  particular,  to  enable  tliem  to  en- 
counter their  enemy  on  more  equal  terms. 
This,  of  course,  must  oblige  them  to  have 
more  intercourse  with  us,  and  to  yield  us 
somewhat  greater  liberties  in  our  communi- 
cations with  the  country  in  general.  At  all 
events,  the  adoption  of  even  one  improve- 
ment will  be  a  commencement,  and  will 
encourage  the  most  foreseeing  among  them 
to  agitate  for  a  more  advanced  and  enlight- 
ened policy;  and  perhaps  some  day  they 
may  produce  a  man  who  will  set  himself  the 
Herculean  task  of  removing  some  of  their 
prejudices  and  of  improving  the  general 
condition  and  knowledge  of  the  people ; 
when,  if  successful,  he  will  as  certainly  earn 
their  gratitude  for  having  introduced  an 
order  of  things  that  will  really  increase 
their  social  advantages,  and,  at  the  same 
time,  raise  them  to  a  more  eminent  position 
in  the  family  of  nations. 




I  PURPOSE  in  this  chapter  to  give  some 
account  of  short  trips  taken  in  the  imme- 
diate vicinity  of  Canton.  These  will  illus- 
trate the  kind  of  hfe  English  residents 
spend  out  there,  besides  in  some  degree 
showing  how  we  stand  with  regard  to  the 
natives  generally. 

The  first  of  these  was  to  a  place  called 
Lee-Ming- Coon,  which  is  about  four  miles 
up  the  river,  where  there  is  a  large  joss 
house.  On  this  occasion  six  of  us  started, 
including  two  ladies,  in  a  gig  by  water, 
while  two  others  went  in  chairs  by  land 
through  the  city.     This  temple  contained 


a  great  number  of  small  rooms,  which  are 
let  out  to,  and  are  much  frequented  by,  the 
Chinese,  who  give  small  dinners  in  them. 

This  is  hardly  indicative  of  any  very 
deep  religious  sentiment,  and  does  not  at 
all  agree  with  our  own  feelings  as  to  the 
sacredness  of  a  place  of  worship.  Notice 
has  to  be  given  a  day  or  two  before  to  the 
authorities  at  the  temple,  who  then  make 
all  the  preparations  necessary. 

While  waiting  for  dinner  we  strolled 
about  the  gardens,  which  were  certainly 
very  beautifully  laid  out,  and  quite  main- 
tained the  high  reputation  the  Chinese  have 
gained  as  ornamental  horticulturists.  Their 
general  idea  is  extreme  imitation  of  nature  ; 
and  while  everything  is  as  regular  and 
correct  as  a  Dutch  garden,  they  are  not 
content  with  this  effect,  but  introduce 
rockeries  and  variety  of  trees  to  simulate 
an  appearance  strictly   in  accordance  with 


reality.  The  garden  is  divided  into  long 
avenues,  either  bordered  by  trees  or  low 
walls,  while  the  pretty  little  lakes  have 
imitation  rocks  and  islets  on  them,  and  are 
completely  covered  with  Hlies.  Arbours 
and  miniature  houses  beautifully  carved 
are  also,  somewhat  too  plentifully  perhaps, 
scattered  over  the  ground.  Some  of  the 
trees  were  very  fine,  and  reminded  me 
much  of  our  elms. 

As  soon  as  dinner  was  announced  we 
returned,  to  find  it  laid  out  in  a  most  cosy 
little  room  with  a  punkah  temporarily  con- 
structed, and  the  table  prettily  decorated 
with  flowers.  We  were  greatly  amused  by 
seeing  first  one,  then  another  face  appear 
at  the  window  to  get  a  look  at  the  foreign 
visitors.  After  a  short  time  we  had  quite 
a  crowd  of  the  villagers  of  the  place  outside. 
They  were  very  quiet,  and  were  perfectly 
satisfied  with  the  liberty  of  staring.     After 


dinner  we  sat  in  an  arbour  singing  glees  and 
choruses,  mucli  to  the  amusement  of  our 
audience.  But  we  simply  astonished  them 
when  we  wound  up  our  proceedings  with  an 
impromptu  Sir  Eoger  de  Coverley,  and  they 
evidently  considered  we  had  lost  our  senses 
to  perform  such  antics  on  a  hot  day  after 
dinner.  They  Hked,  however,  to  see  the 
"  foreign  devils,"  as  they  respectfully  term 
us,  enjoying  themselves,  although  I  don't 
think  it  ever  entered  their  heads  to  imagine 
that  any  pleasure  could  arise  from  our 
exertions.  They  probably  thought  it  some 
religious  or  national  observance,  and  as  such 
respected  it.  Anything  connected  with 
hard  work  is  to  their  minds  utterly  opposed 
to  all  idea  of  pleasure,  and  they  are  naturally 
so  la^y,  and  so  averse  to  any  exertion,  that 
even  walking  about  is  a  penalty  they  shrink 
from  as  much  as  they  can.  They  always 
seem  glad  to  get  home,  put  on  a  short  coat, 


and  recline  on  sofas,  having  a  smoke  or 
their  hair  dressed ;  and  it  was  very  amus- 
ing to  invent  some  caase  for  an  unexpected 
visit,  when  on  your  entrance  they  imme- 
diately start  up  quite  confused,  and  bustle 
about,  striving  to  appear  as  busy  as  possible. 
They  invent  all  kinds  of  excuses  to  make 
you  believe  them,  and  are  most  anxious  to 
discover  that  they  have  deceived  you. 

We  did  not  start  on  our  return  till  about 
ten,  when  instead  of  getting  into  our  own 
boat  we  took  passage  on  board  a  flower  boat, 
which  we  had  previously  hired  to  take  us 
back  to  Canton  ;  and  as  it  was  a  very  clear 
night,  the  trip  was  pleasant.  We  were  very 
merry,  and  as  it  happened  to  be  Her 
Majesty's  birthday,  we  sang  all  the  loyal 
songs  we  could  remember.  The  boatmen 
admired  our  loyalty,  and  attempted  to  join 
in  the  chorus.  These  boats  are  punted 
along  by  about  twelve  men  armed  with  long 


poles.  Down  eacli  side  of  tlie  boat  is  a  sort 
of  raised  deck  or  gangway,  on  which  the 
polers  stand,  six  on  each  side ;  so  when  they 
work  well  together  they  can  give  a  consider- 
able impetus  to  the  boat.  In  the  stern  is 
also  an  immense  oar  worked  by  the  women 
and  children  of  the  boat  family,  which 
besides  guiding  the  boat,  helps  it  along 
very  much.  However,  this  night  it  was 
slow  work,  as  the  current  was  running 
strong  against  us,  and  we  did  not  reach 
home  till  long  past  twelve  o'clock. 

Another  time  we  started  in  a  yacht  in 
the  evening,  also  taking  canoes  to  go  up 
creeks,  intending  to  dine  by  candle-light  on 
some  hills  not  a  great  distance  off;  but  the 
wind  failed  us,  and  we  were  obliged  to 
anchor,  and  as  it  was  too  hot  to  dine  below, 
we  commenced  to  do  so  on  deck;  but  our 
lights  attracted  all  the  flies  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood, so  that  it  was  with  the  greatest 


difficulty  we  managed  to  get  the  better  of 
our  formidable  adversaries,  and  finish  our 

On  another  occasion — a  Sunday  afternoon 
— we  started  to  explore  one  of  the  neigh- 
bouring creeks,  when  we  met  with  a  slight 
adventure.  After  rowing  some  distance  up 
this  creek,  it  became  too  narrow  for  anything 
but  paddHng.  On  one  side  the  banks  were 
rather  high,  while  on  the  other  they  were 
quite  flat ;  but  each  side  was  lined  with 
trees  very  similar  to  our  poplars,  while 
orchards  seemed  to  extend  for  miles  inland. 
Indeed,  it  reminded  me  much  of  some  of 
the  fruit  gardens  near  London.  Soon  we 
came  to  a  small  stone  bridge  through  which 
we  could  only  just  scrape.  At  the  first 
convenient  spot  we  landed,  and  wandered 
about  while  our  boys  made  some  tea.  On 
the  other  side  to  where  we  were  was  a  large 
temple,  where   some   ceremony  was  being 


performed,  as  we  heard  the  music  and  got  a 
glimpse  of  a  procession. 

There  were  some  Chinese  about,  whom 
we  set  down  as  overseers,  or  caretakers,  of 
the  fruit,  but  as  they  usually  don't  object  to 
us  intruding,  and  never  before  had  said 
anything  about  our  taking  a  little  fruit,  we 
unluckily  began  plucking  that  which  was 
about.  It  chiefly  consisted  of  a  flat  yellow 
fruit,  resembling  our  gooseberry  in  flavour. 
We  wandered  about  for  some  time,  and  were 
returning  to  our  boat  when  we  heard  a  man 
bellowing,  and  on  looking  round  saw  a 
Chinaman  rushing  towards  us.  On  getting 
up  to  us  he  called  us  foreign  thieves  and 
all  sorts  of  bad  names,  and  went  on  in  a 
towering  passion,  making  threats.  One  of 
us  luckily  was  sufliciently  fluent  in  Chinese 
to  represent  to  him  how  matters  stood,  but 
as  we  unfortunately  had  no  money  with  us, 
we  could  not  easily  pacify  him.     Quite  a 


crowd  of  Chinese  had  by  this  time  collected, 
and  if  they  had  wished  to  be  quarrelsome 
they  had  us  completely  at  their  mercy ;  but 
they  seemed  to  think  the  whole  affair  great 
fun,  and  indeed  the  fellow  appeared  to  be 
only  half  saved.  After  half  an  hour's 
palavering,  we  succeeded  in  pacifying  him 
a  little,  and  he  was  going  off,  but  the 
jeers  of  our  boatmen  were  once  or  twice 
too  much  for  him,  and  he  returned  worse 
than  ever.  At  last  we  got  rid  of  him,  and 
commenced  our  tea  on  the  river  bank, 
with  the  Chinese  still  around  us.  We  soon 
made  friends  with  them  by  giving  their 
little  ones  biscuits.  After  this  we  always, 
when  we  took  fruit,  held  it  up  and  showed 
those  near,  and  we  always  found  that  as- 
sent was  given  freely  and  by  friendly  nods. 
During  these  trips  1  often  saw  even 
Chinese  men  following  the  national  amuse- 
ment of  kite  flying ;  some  of  which,  made  in 


imitation  of  birds,  are  so  well  formed  as  to 
deceive  even  a  practised  eye  at  some  dis- 
tance.    The  other  national  amusement  of 
fireworks  is  much  indulged  in,  although  the 
chief  occasion  on  which  I  saw  them  was  on 
the  American  Festival,  July  4th,  when  all 
the  American  houses  give  grand  entertain- 
ments,  inviting   all   the   missionaries   and 
some  of  the  chief  representatives  of  other 
countries.     The  whole  festivities  wind  up 
with  a  display  of  fireworks.      Some  of  the 
set  pieces  are  good,  especially  those  repre- 
senting  pagodas   and  peach  trees  in  full 
bloom.     But  as  a  whole,  their  skill  as  pyro- 
technists  is  inferior  to  our  own,  although 
sufficiently  good  for  the  practical  purpose 
of  supplying  the   ships  trading  there  with 
rockets  and  other  lights. 

Somewhat  akin  to  this  is  the  subject  of 
fires,  the  most  horrible  of  all  the  enemies  of 
the  human  race.     They  are  of  frequent  oc- 


currence  at  Canton,  but  since  the  partial 
destruction  of  the  town  in  1822  there  has 
been  no  general  conflagration.  Owing  to 
the  great  current  of  air  blowing  down  the 
narrow  streets,  the  slightest  one  would  be 
soon  fanned  into  alarming  proportions,  if 
there  were  not  an  efficient  organization  to 
repress  its  progress  on  the  first  symptoms. 
As  soon  as  a  fire  is  announced  the  neigh- 
bours, an  effective  volunteer  force,  band 
themselves  under  recognised  leaders  to  op- 
pose the  common  enemy,  and  their  skill 
and  exertions  are  so  energetic  that  they  are 
generally  able  to  prevent  it  doing  wide- 
spread damage.  It  is  said  some  are  so 
agile  that  they  can  run  up  the  walls  of  the 
houses,  but  I  cannot  personally  vouch  for 
the  correctness  of  this  assertion.  At  all 
events,  they  must  have  something  more 
than  good  luck  to  stave  off  a  catastrophe 
w^hich  often  seems  imminent.     At  Macao, 



where  I  saw  a  considerable  fire,  they 
formed  a  line  down  to  the  beach,  and 
handed  buckets  continually  up  to  the  scene 
of  action.  In  this  case  their  nimble  mode 
was  attended  with  success,  but  it  seemed  to 
me  that  if  a  fire  once  got  a  hold  on  any 
quarter,  their  organization  would  be  utterly 
powerless,  and  as  they  would  in  all  probabi- 
lity decline  any  assistance  from  foreigners, 
the  result  would  be  no  less  disastrous  than 
that  of  1822  was. 

The  only  really  useful  instruments  of 
repression  they  possess  are  river  fire- 
engines,  and  these,  of  course,  could  only 
avail  when  it  took  place  in  the  immediate 
vicinity  of  the  river.  Fire,  therefore — not 
to  be  despised  even  with  all  the  organiza- 
tion of  our  metropolitan  army — is  a  danger 
to  be  dreaded  and  prepared  for  when  at  any 
moment  we  may  find  that  it  is  approaching 
our*  homes  with  irresistible  strides ;  and  al- 


though  Shameen  is  more  favourably  situ- 
ated with  regard  to  that  contingency  than 
the  old  factory  site  was,  it  still  behoves 
those  out  there  to  be  on  their  guard  against 
a  danger  that  has  within  our  recollection 
made  many  homeless,  and  may  at  any 
moment  be  repeated  with  all  its  terrible 
suffering  and  loss. 




I  HAVE  now  come  in  the  course  of  my 
narrative  to  this  event,  which  has  exercised 
such  a  baneful  influence  on  my  fate,  and 
has  blasted  all  the  hopes  of  success  I  might 
previously  have  entertained  of  my  worldly 
career.  The  best  description  I  can  give  of 
it  is  that  which  was  honoured  by  appearing 
in  the  columns  of  the  Times  shortly  after 
my  return  to  England.  To  my  at  that 
time  necessarily  hmited  knowledge  of  some 
of  the  facts  Qoncerning  the  origin  of  the 
catastrophe,  I  will,  however,  add  after 
this  extract  some  of  the  more  important 
details,  on  which  also  I  can  thoroughly  rely 


as  authentic.  I  must  add,  however,  that 
some  of  these  appeared  in  my  letter  in  the 
Times  of  March  29th  last  :— 

'^  Mr.  Walter  William  Mundy,  who  was 
the  only  English  passenger  on  hoard  the 
Sjparh,  sends  us  the  following  interesting 
account  of  the  piratical  outrage  on  the 
•Canton  river  : — 

**  *  I  emharked  on  hoard  the  Sparh  on 
the  22nd  of  August,  to  proceed  on  business 
to  Macao.  We  left  Canton  at  half-past 
seven  in  the  morning,  and  were  due  at 
Macao  between  four  and  five  the  same 
afternoon.  The  Spark  had  once  been  a 
comfortable  boat  enough ;  but  the  traffic 
had  considerably  outgrown  its  proportions, 
and  complaints  had  been  repeatedly  made 
to  the  Company  to  supply  a  new  packet. 
She  is  a  paddle-wheel   steamer   somewhat 


larger  than  our  Thames  boats.  To  make 
the  subsequent  events  the  clearer,  I  will 
endeavour,  to  the  best  of  my  memory,  to 
describe  those  parts  of  the  ship  with  which 
my  narrative  has  chiefly  to  do.  The  lower 
deck  was  confined  exclusively  to  Chinese 
passengers,  and  a  winding  staircase  near 
the  stern  led  to  the  quarter-deck,  which 
was  for  Europeans.  Passing  from  this 
gangway  forward,  first  came  the  saloon, 
then  the  beam  of  the  engine,  which  was 
exposed  to  view ;  close  to  this,  and  still 
more  forward,  was  the  wheel-house  and  the 
captain's  cabin,  divided  by  a  thin  partition. 
A  large  window  in  the  partition  enabled 
the  captain  to  give  his  instructions  to  the 
steersman  with  greater  facility.  The  fore 
part  of  the  deck,  covered  with  an  awning, 
was  where  the  passengers  generally  sat. 
In  the  centre  of  this  was  another  gangway 
for  the  use  of  the  sailors,  and  leading  from 


the  lower  deck.  There  were  a  great  many 
native  passengers,  but  I  had  the  misfortune 
to  be  the  only  European,  The  crew  con- 
sisted of  about  twenty  men — Chinese  and 
Portuguese  half  castes.  The  captain,  poor 
Brady,  was  an  American,  and,  although  an 
iitter  stranger  to  him  previous  to  our  jour- 
ney, it  has  seldom  been  my  good  fortune 
to  have  a  nicer  or  more  amiable  companion. 
Shortly  after  leaving  Canton  he  gave  one 
trait  of  his  general  disposition.  The  purser 
came  and  told  him  that  there  was  a  man 
below  who  could  not  pay  his  passage,  and 
asked  what  he  was  to  do.  Brady  asked 
what  sort  of  fellow  he  was.  When  on  being 
told  he  was  a  coolie,  with  no  money  at  all 
about  him,  he  said,  ^^  Oh,  let  the  fellow 
go."  We  had  a  capital  run  to  Whampoa. 
After  leaving  here,  about  nine  o'clock,  we 
breakfasted.  The  Canton  steamer  to  Hong- 
Kong   and  the  return  steamer  from  Hong- 


Kong  ouglit  to  have  passed  us  soon  after 
leaving  Whampoa ;  but  from  some  reason 
they  were  delayed,  and  did  not  pass  us 
till  after  twelve  o'clock,  which  obliged  the 
pirates  to  put  off  their  attack.  The  river 
here,  where  the  outrage  was  perpetrated,  is 
about  one  mile  across. 

" '  So  far,  the  trip  had  been  most  delight- 
ful— nothing  had  occurred  to  awaken  any 
suspicion.  I  was  still  as  wedded  to  the 
humdrum  existence  and  safety  of  English 
life  as  if  I  were  but  taking  a  trip  in  the 
British  Channel,  and  so  little  thinking  of 
any  peril,  that  I  dozed  over  my  cigar  and 
book  under  the  awning  forward.  I  must 
have  slept  here  some  time,  as  I  certainly 
awoke  with  a  start;  it  may  have  been  a 
noise,  it  may  have  been  instinct  of  danger 
which  roused  me.  Which  it  really  was  I 
am  now  unable  to  tell.  But  I  immediately 
perceived  a  man  rushing  up  the  gafi^way 


towards  me  with  a  knife  in  his  hand,  and  a 
gash  across  his  forehead.  Surprised  and 
only  half  awake,  my  first  thought  was  that 
he  was  a  madman,  and  I  rushed  out  to 
procure  help  to  seize  him.  In  attempting 
to  do  so,  I  was,  however,  met  by  two 
other  men,  who  attacked  me  with  knives. 
Quickly  seeing  my  mistake,  I  rushed  past 
them,  and  ran  on  in  search  of  weapons, 
endeavouring  to  find  out  what  it  all  meant, 
and  to  see  whether  any  resistance  was  being 
made.  I  now  strove  to  reach  the  passen- 
gers' gangway,  to  see  what  the  Chinese 
were  doing.  In  attempting  this  I  had  to 
run  the  gauntlet  of  several  of  the  pirates, 
who  wounded  me  in  many  places.  Two  of 
them  here  seized  me,  tearing  my  watch  off, 
and  were  going  to  cut  my  fingers  off  for 
my  rings,  when,  by  a  desperate  effort,  I 
managed  to  break  loose  from  them.  It 
was  then  that  I  saw  the  Chinese  passengers 


sitting  below,  looking  as  unconcerned  as 
possible.  I  then  rushed  to  the  stern,  where 
I  saw  the  poor  purser  holding  on  by  his 
hands  to  the  side  of  the  ship,  preparing  to 
jump  overboard,  and  a  pirate  cutting  at 
him.  Here  also  the  chief  mate  was  battling 
most  courageously  with  one  arm,  while  with 
the  other  he  attempted  to  loosen  a  buoy. 
I  tried  to  join  him,  but  my  wounds  were 
beginning  to  tell  on  my  strength,  and 
numbers  easily  drove  me  off.  With  no 
hope  left  I  endeavoured  to  retrace  my  steps, 
but  was  immediately  attacked  by  two  or 
three  fresh  arrivals.  I  here  managed  to 
get  within  striking  distance  of  one,  whom 
I  succeeded  in  knocking  down ;  but  the 
success  cost  me  dear,  as  his  companions 
wounded  me  at  the  same  moment  despe- 
rately in  the  left  side.  How  they  let  me 
retire  I  cannot  imagine ;  how  I  was  able  is 
equally  difficult  for  me  to  explain!     But  I 


was  again  attacked  by  two  others  armed 
with  capstan  bars,  who  successively  knocked 
me  down  with  these  weapons.  I  rolled  out 
of  their  way,  and  for  a  time  was  left  in 
peace.  I  staggered  to  the  wheel-house, 
but  had  to  support  myself  on  an  umbrella 
which  I  picked  up.  I  was  now  almost  in- 
sensible, and  leaned  against  the  window  I 
mentioned  in  my  description  of  the  ship. 
On  looking  down  into  the  captain's  cabin, 
I  saw  poor  Brady  lying  stretched  out  on 
the  floor,  with  his  little  dog  staring  mourn- 
fully into  his  face.  This  sign  of  fidelity 
consoled  me  even  then  somewhat,  and, 
indeed,  my  sole  wish  now  centred  in  the 
hope  of  being  able  to  last  long  enough  to 
get  some  chance  of  revenge  by  the  arrival 
of  assistance.  After  leaning  here  for  ten  or 
fifteen  minutes,  I  fell  on  the  deck  from  ex- 
haustion and  loss  of  blood.  A  few  minutes 
after  this  the  pirates,  who  had  been  plunder- 


ing  tlie  ship,  returned  on  deck,  battened 
down  the  hatchways,  and  proceeded  to  count 
their  booty  close  by  me.  They  continually 
passed  over  me,  stepping  on  and  kicking  me. 
On  receiving  my  wound  in  the  side,  I, 
luckily  for  myself,  had  sufficient  presence 
of  mind  to  shove  my  handkerchief  and 
fingers  into  the  aperture  to  keep  my  lungs 
from  breaking  out.  The  pirates,  either 
imagining  I  was  trying  to  conceal  some- 
thing, or  in  brutal  sport,  tore  my  hand 
several  times  from  the  wound.  The  agony 
I  thus  endured  I  can  never  forget.  How  I 
prayed  for  unconsciousness  !  One  of  them 
motioned  to  me  to  throw  myself  overboard, 
and  even  pretended  to  do  it,  lifting  me  up 
in  his  arms.  Another,  whom  I  judged  to 
be  the  chief,  as  he  swaggered  about  in  my 
hat,  with  a  revolver  and  cutlass  at  his  belt, 
brandishing  his  sword,  pretended  to  draw 
it  across  my  throat   several  times,  to  the 


evident  delight  of  all  his  comrades.  For 
what  reason  he  did  not  carry  his  perform- 
ance into  practice  I  cannot  possibly  con- 
ceive. I  was  lying  on  the  deck  for  six 
hours  with  these  fellows  close  to  me,  but 
not  for  one  instant  did  I  lose  consciousness. 
A  junk  then  came  alongside,  when  the 
steamer  was  stopped  for  the  first  time.  The 
plunder  was  transferred  to  the  junk,  and 
they  all  hastened  on  board  her,  after  spiking 
and  breaking  the  helm. 

"  ^  Immediately  on  their  leaving,  the  crew 
came  on  deck,  and,  rigging  a  helm  in  the 
stern,  commenced  working  the  ship.  A 
Chinese  merchant,  procuring  assistance, 
carried  me  to  the  saloon,  placed  me  on  a 
sofa,  and  covered  me  with  a  tablecloth  to 
keep  the  cold  from  my  wounds.  All  on 
board  were  so  overcome  that  they  had  to 
be  kept  at  their  work  by  a  copious  supply 
of  brandy.     We  were  delayed  some  time  in 


Macao  harbour  before  we  were  permitted 
to  land,  a  regiment  of  soldiers  being  drawn 
up  to  receive  us  on  the  quay,  and  no  China- 
man was  allowed  to  leave  before  he  was 
searched  and  his  name  and  address  were 
taken.  When  I  recall  the  whole  event,  it 
seems  like  a  hideous  dream.  It  is  only 
when  I  look  at  the  proofs  on  my  body  of 
its  horrible  reality  that  I  awake  to  a  full 
sense  of  all  my  danger,  and  a  feeling  of 
thankfulness  for  my  miraculous  escape 
drives  every  other  thought  away.'  " 

The  alleged  and  generally  received  cause 
of  this  outrage  is  as  follows  : — 

The  gambling  tables  at  Macao  had  been 
losing  considerably  for  some  time,  and 
their  partners  at  Canton  were  sending  a 
man  to  them  with  a  considerable  amount 
of  dollars,  said  to  be  in  a  belt  attached  to 
his  person.     This  rumour  got  wind  in  the 


back  slums  and  gambling  haunts  of  Can- 
ton, and  a  body  of  loafers  and  ruined  re- 
probates, with  no  character  to  lose,  and  only 
too  eager  for  a  prey  to  think  of  any  risk, 
combined  to  ease  this  person  of  his  charge. 
Proof  of  this  plot  was  obtained  from  one 
of  the  pirates,  who  was  so  badly  wounded 
that  he  had  to  give  himself  up  to  the 
authorities,  and  eventually  died  of  his  in- 
juries. He  first,  however,  confessed,  and 
said  that  he  had  received  his  wounds  in  a 
scuffle  among  his  comrades  as  to  the  division 
of  the  spoil.  He  gave  all  the  names  of  the 
party,  and  it  was  chiefly  owing  to  his  evi- 
dence that  some  of  them  were  captured.  He 
also  said  that  an  armed  junk  manned  by 
forty  men  was  to  have  boarded  the  SparTc 
while  they  created  a  diversion  in  their 
favour.  He  stated  that  had  there  been 
more  Europeans,  or  had  the  ship  been  better 
guarded,  they  would  not  have  attempted  an 


attack,  but  waited  till  they  reached  Macao, 
when  they  could  have  knocked  their  man 
down,  and  robbed  him  in  the  streets.  At 
the  commencement  of  the  attack,  when  the 
sailors  were  set  upon,  separated  one  from 
another  among  the  crowds  of  passengers, 
and  could  offer  no  effectual  resistance, 
either  the  second  engineer  or  the  second 
mate,  who  I  believe  was  a  Portuguese, 
seeing  that  things  looked  hopeless,  jumped 
overboard,  and  after  floating  for  two  hours 
was  picked  up  by  a  native  boat,  and  then 
transferred  to  a  Chinaman's  steam  yacht 
which  was  close  at  hand,  and  must  have 
witnessed  the  whole  proceeding.  But  its 
owner,  with  national  caution  and  want 
of  fellow-feeling,  steamed  away,  although 
these  yachts  are  well  armed,  mounting 
several  guns  ;  doubtless  deeming  the  course 
entaihng  least  responsibility  to  be  to  inform 
a  gun-boat — which  was,  I  am  sorry  to  say. 


commanded  by  an  Englishman — stationed 
close  at  hand.  It,  however,  paid  no  atten- 
tion, although  if  it  had  got  up  steam  at 
once  it  would  have  caught  the  whole  band 
red-handed.  The  name  of  this  boat  was  the 
Fei'Loong^  and  it  was  subsequently  lost,  with 
all  hands,  in  the  typhoon.  This  statement 
has  been  confirmed  by  our  representatives 
at  Canton. 

All  praise  ought  surely  to  be  given  to  the 
endeavours  of  the  Chinese  Government  for 
the  steps  their  officials  took  to  capture  the 
culprits  !  China  neglects  to  fulfil  the  stipula- 
tions of  her  treaty,  she  wilfully  disregards 
her  obligations  as  a  friendly  power,  she  in- 
culcates into  her  subjects  that  any  crime 
against  a  foreigner  is  laudable  ;  yet  there 
is  no  remonstrance  raised,  no  punishment 

The  Mandarins  and  local  authorities 
were,  however,  too  shrewd  observers  of  the 



course  of  public  events,  and  knew  only  too 
well  what  a  storm  the  murder  of  an  Eng- 
lishman might  bring  upon  their  heads,  to 
neglect  the  appearance  of  deep  solicitude 
for  the  result,  and  not  to  pretend  earnest 
endeavours  for  the  capture  and  punishment 
of  the  criminals.  They  refused  all  the 
rewards  offered  by  the  Steam  Boat  Com- 
pany, and  by  the  different  Governments, 
thinking  if  they  only  got  off  with  simply 
hanging  a  few  individuals  they  would  indeed 
be  lucky. 

The  chief  mate's  case  was  a  very  sad  one. 
I  knew  him  very  well,  as  he  was  for  some 
time  stationed  on  a  ship  laid  up  in  the 
Canton  river,  the  captain  of  which  I  knew, 
and  as  I  spent  several  evenings  on  board 
her  I  saw  him  tolerably  often.  When  I 
met  him  on  the  S^par'k  he  told  me  he  had 
just  been  put  on  that  line.  The  next  and 
last  time  I  saw  him  was  when  I  tried  to  join 


him  on  deck,  when  he  was  so  gallantly 
keeping  at  bay  half-a-dozen  assailants.  The 
poor  purser,  who  was  also  killed,  left  a 
widowed  mother  with  many  children  solely 
relying  on  him.  He  was  generally  liked, 
owing  to  his  quiet  and  agreeable  character. 
The  captain  was  reported  to  have  made 
a  determined  resistance,  but  it  is  my  firm 
belief  that  he  was  attacked  in  his  cabin  and 
taken  completely  by  surprise,  as  I  saw  him 
only  a  few  minutes  after  the  commencement 
stretched  out  on  the  floor  of  his  cabin  quite 
dead,  looking  so  placid  as  to  make  it  evident 
that  death  had  been  sudden  and  without 
pain.  His  revolver  was  found  with  several 
barrels  missed  fire,  and  this  gave  rise  to  the 
conjecture  that  Brady  had  attempted  to 
quell  a  disturbance.  But  as  this  was  the 
same  the  pirate  chief  had  fired  at  me  several 
times,  though  fortunately  without  its  going 
off,  it  is  plain  how  the  misconception  arose. 


The  leader  of  the  band  was  a  big  powerful 
fellow,  and  I  hear  when  captured  fought  so 
desperately  that  it  cost  his  captors  the  lives 
of  two  of  their  best  soldiers  to  secure  him. 
These  are  all  the  further  facts  I  have  been 
able  to  gather,  but  I  think  they  are  sufficient 
to  make  the  defence  set  up  for  China's  non- 
responsibility  appear  in  a  worse  light  than 
ever.  If  their  acts  in  punishment  are  to 
be  considered  to  outbalance  their  neglect 
in  repression,  surely  when  those  acts  are 
proved  to  have  been  really  deficient  they 
are  as  culpable  on  the  lesser  indictment  as 
they  are  on  the  higher  one,  and  the  only 
line  of  defence  offered  for  their  non-liability 
is  untenable. 

In  my  next  chapter  I  will  endeavour  to 
give  some  general  account  of  piracy. 




PiKACY  in  China  may  be  said  in  some  sense 
to  owe  its  origin  to  praiseworthy  intentions 
and  honourable  endeavours,  and  in  a  de- 
scent of  several  hundred  years  the  motives 
causing  it  have  gone  through  all  the 
changes  from  the  lofty  impulse  of  dis- 
interested patriotism  till  they  have  at  last 
degenerated  into  mere  greed  for  gain  and 
love  for  a  turbulent  existence.  It  may  be 
interesting  to  consider  under  what  circum- 
stances an  evil,  to  put  down  which  all 
civilized  countries  are  now  united  in 
opinion,  was  not  so  long  ago  really  worthy 
of  admiration  from  all  observers,  and  had 


the  history  of  China  at  that  time  been  of 
interest  to  the  world  in  general,  would 
doubtless  have  attracted  all  the  sympathy 
that  is  usually  bestowed  upon  the  unfortunate. 
"When  the  Tartars  had  overrun  the 
whole  of  China,  and  the  Chinese,  worsted 
in  many  battles,  were  totally  unable  to  make 
any  further  resistance  on  land,  there  re- 
mained but  two  alternatives — to  the  timid 
and  the  weak,  surrender;  to  the  resolved 
and  the  brave,  to  try  conclusions  and  tempt 
fortune  once  more  on  another  element. 
The  bolder  ones  resolved,  if  these  con- 
querors could  not  be  driven  back,  if  to 
defend  their  beloved  country  was  a  hope- 
less task,  that  they  at  least  would  not  swell 
their  enemies'  triumph  by  their  submission, 
but  would  carry  to  another  clime  the 
memory  of  their  former  greatness,  and  found 
an  empire  under  fresh  auspices.  They 
fortunately  had  amongst  them  a  man  who 


combined  in  his  person  all  the  varied  re- 
quirements of  a  leader  of  such  a  band  under 
such  circumstances.  He  had  all  the  know- 
ledge and  intellect  to  show  them  what  to 
do,  and  all  the  courage  and  daring  to  be 
the  first  to  execute  as  well  as  to  command. 
Koshinga — ^such  was  the  leader's  name — 
may  one  day  be  viewed  by  future  Chinese 
generations  in  the  same  light  as  we  do  King 
Arthur,  ^ — that  mythical  champion  of  a  race 
which,  although  we  have  little  or  no  claim 
to  rank  as  our  ancestors,  is  endeared  to  us 
all  by  the  name  of  Britons  ;  and  should 
ever  the  subject  race  regain  the  rule  of  the 
country,  we  may  hear  more  of  this  gallant 
chieftain,  and  his  name  may  be  the  rallying 
word  for  those  who  may  rebel  against  the 
at  present  dominant  Tartar.  He  pointed 
out  that  there  was  no  necessity  to  seek  a 
more  distant  asylum,  until  it  had  been 
proved  that  the  conqueror — whose  prowess 


on  the  sea  liad  never  been  put  to  the  test — 
could  expel  them  from  the  islands  along  the 
coast.  They  therefore  established  them- 
selves on  these  islands,  especially  those  at 
the  mouth  of  the  Canton  river.  In  a  few 
years,  by  intrigue  and  force,  they  ousted 
the  Portuguese  from  the  island  of  Formosa, 
and  making  it  their  head-quarters,  the  con- 
federacy became  so  powerful  as  to  defy  all 
the  efforts  of  their  conquerors,  and  for  a 
time  their  voice  was  supreme  in  these  seas.. 
No  ship  was  allowed  to  trade  without  ac- 
knowledging their  authority,  and  it  became 
a  recognised  fact  that  for  the  present  the 
Pekin  Government  was  unable  to  cope  with 
this  predatory  force.  But  when  Koshinga 
died,  the  voice  that  had  really  kept  down 
those  dissensions  that  continually  arose, 
threatening  to  destroy  all  the  good  effects 
of  their  valour  and  success,  was  hushed, 
and  round  his    deathbed    were    sown    the 


seeds  that  bore  fruit  in  the  dissolution  of 
the  band.  His  wife  succeeded  to  the  com- 
mand, but  her  two  chief  lieutenants  quar- 
relling, the  whole  settlement  was  divided 
into  two  camps,  and  there  took  place  at 
sea  a  fearful  battle,  which,  if  a  victory  for 
the  lieutenant  who  supported  his  mistress's 
authority,  was  so  far  a  defeat  as  to  entail 
ultimately  the  annihilation  of  the  commu- 
nity. Discord  among  themselves  thus  ac- 
complished what  all  the  power  of  a  great 
conqueror  in  the  full  tide  of  his  triumph 
could  not  effect.  The  thwarted  rival  se- 
ceded, with  the  remnants  of  his  squadron, 
to  the  established  Government ;  and  in  the 
course  of  a  few  years,  intrigue  and  liberal 
promises  to  the  leaders,  backed  up  by  what 
the  disintegration  of  the  band  had  com- 
menced, and  what  some  small  reverses  con- 
tinued, induced  the  whole  force  to  accept 
the   general   amnesty   offered  them. 


The  breaking  np  of  this  force  was  the 
removal  of  a  standing  danger  to  the  Pekin 
G-overnment,  and  was  the  disappearance 
of  the  last  vestige  of  national  resistance  to 
the  Tartar  conquest.  Their  rule  over  the 
whole  country  was  as  fully  acknowledged 
as  when  our  Edward  ruled  from  Land's  End 
to  the  Grampians,  and  from  Milford  Bay  to 
the  Forelands.  As  the  Celt  and  Saxon  had 
yielded  to  the  Norman,  so  had  the  Chinese 
succumbed  to  the  Tartar  of  the  desert. 

The  few  dissentients  to  this  surrender  de- 
parted for  other  seas,  but  communications 
were  still  kept  up  with  their  disbanded 
comrades  on  shore  ;  and  such  is  the  supe- 
riority in  physique  of  the  boating  and  fish- 
ing population  of  the  sea  coast,  and  their 
love  of  adventure  and  predatory  instincts  are 
so  developed  as  to  render  them  only  too  sus- 
ceptible to  the  gorgeous  stories  brought  back 
to  them  by  these  rovers  of  the  sea.     This 


being  so,  recruiting  for  these  piratical  junks 
was  no  difficult  task,  and  for  more  than  a 
century  acts  of  piracy  occurred  at  frequent 
intervals,  although  no  formidable  esta- 
blished band  was  organized.  Towards  the 
end  of  the  last  century,  however,  these 
pirates  had  become  bolder.  No  energetic 
measures  having  been  taken  for  years  to 
repress  their  actions,  they  had  gradually 
become  more  ambitious  in  their  aims, 
attracting  to  their  standard  all  those  who 
wished  to  throw  off  the  trammels  of  the 
law,  all  the  hangers-on  of  the  gambling 
booths  of  Canton,  and  offering  the  only 
chance  of  safety  to  criminals  either  escaped 
from  the  hands  of  justice  or  those  dreading 
falling  into  them,  it  is  no  wonder  that  this 
force  in  a  short  time  assumed  formidable 
proportions.  They  encamped  on  the  nu- 
merous islets  at  the  mouth  of  the  Canton 
river,  some  of  which  they  fortified.     These 


afforded  them  all  necessary  shelter,  a  depo- 
sitory for  their  plunder,  and  a  look-out  from 
which  to  spy  their  prey.  At  first  European 
merchantmen  were  unmolested,  but  soon 
even  these  were  compelled  to  pay  toll 
to  these  unpleasant  gate-keepers.  They, 
however,  were  not  especially  remarkable  for 
ferocity,  or  for  any  particularly  atrocious 
action.  Two  Enghsh  gentlemen,  who  had 
the  misfortune  to  fall  into  their  power,  have 
given  a  most  interesting  account  of  their 
customs,  which  they  carefully  studied 
during  their  enforced  residence  amongst 
them  of  several  years.  This  band  flourished 
for  several  years,  greatly  impeding  com- 
merce ;  but  no  assistance  could  be  expected 
from  the  Pekin  Government,  who  acknow- 
ledged their  incapacity  to  deal  with  the 
offenders.  An  English  squadron  was  at  last 
despatched  from  India,  and  they  received 
such  a  lesson  at  their  hands  as  to  respect 


the  English  flag  for  ever  after.  Their 
power  being  thus  crippled,  the  whole  band 
melted  away,  and  the  Chinese  Government 
built  forts  on  the  islets  to  keep  them  in 
their  possession.  This  was  the  last  occa- 
sion on  which  they  assumed  such  formida- 
ble proportions,  but  piratical  outrages  have 
been  by  no  means  unfrequent  ever  since, 
and  indeed  boat  robberies  are  a  daily  oc- 

In  1828  the  crew  of  a  French  mer- 
chantman, Le  Navigateur,  were  compelled 
through  stress  of  weather  to  take  refuge 
on  the  coast  of  Cochin  China,  where, 
instead  of  receiving  the  hospitable  recep- 
tion usually  accorded  to  shipwrecked  ma- 
riners, they  received  anything  but  kind 
treatment,  and  were  forced  to  sell  their 
cargo  and  ship.  They  then  took  passage 
on  board  of  a  Chinese  junk  bound  for 
Macao.     On  the  journey,  the  native  crew, 


excited  by  cupidity — report  went  that  these 
Barbarians  had  many  dollars — formed  an 
atrocious  and  bloodthirsty  plan  against 
them.  On  arriving  safely  within  sight  of 
their  destination,  the  Chinese  passengers 
were  transferred  to  another  junk  to  land. 
Unfortunately  this  hurried  departure  did  not 
arouse  any  suspicions  in  the  minds  of  the 
victims,  and  taken  off  their  guard,  separated 
from  one  another,  they  were  all  murdered 
by  these  villains.  One  sailor  alone — after 
fighting  courageously — although  covered 
with  wounds,  succeeded  in  jumping  over- 
board; and  after  being  refused  admission 
by  several  boats,  was  at  last  picked  up  and 
landed  during  the  night  at  Macao.  The 
criminals  were  captured  in  their  junk,  and 
all  were  executed. 

I  cannot  discover  what  became  of  the 
sole  survivor,  who  recovered  from  his 
wounds,  and,  I  believe,  died  at  a  great  age 


not  very  long   ago ;  and  although  he  was 
compensated,  I  believe  there  was  no  satis- 
faction rendered  to  France  for  the  insult  to 
her  as  a  nation.     It  was  done  more  in  the 
light  of  a  private  present,  than  in  atone- 
ment for  suffering  caused  by  their  subjects. 
For  the  next  thirty  years  acts  of  piracy 
and  cases  of  robbery  occurred  at  frequent 
intervals  ;  but  no  formidable  band  was  es- 
tablished.     Several   cases   of  English  sub- 
jects claiming  compensation  on  account  of  , 
loss  suffered  by  them  in  person,  or  in  the 
death  of  relations,  were  kept  in  an  unsettled 
state  for  years,  and  it  was  only  when  the 
stern  arbitrement  of  war  had  been  appealed 
to,  and  the  Chinese  had  to  sue  in  the  form 
of  the   defeated,    that   these    claims    were 
taken  up  by  our  Peace  Commissioners,  and 
demand  for  compensation  was  inserted  as 
one  of  the  provisoes  of  the  treaty. 

The   treaty    of    Tientsin   deserves   some 


praise  at  the  hands  of  all  those  interested 
with  our  future  in  China.  It  is  the  first 
treaty  granted  to  foreigners  by  that  most 
conservative  of  governments,  and,  as  in 
every  other  case,  was  only  wrung  from 
them  when  our  soldiery  were  thundering 
at  the  gate  of  the  capital,  and  polluting 
the  threshold  of  their  temples  and  their 
palaces.  Every  foreigner  looks  to  this 
treaty  and  its  various  stipulations  as  the 
safeguard  of  his  presence  in  China, — as 
the  Magna  Charta  renewing  and  specially 
enunciating  his  right  to  stand  and  trade  on 
Chinese  territory.  If  all  its  articles  were 
fully  observed,  if  all  the  regulations  were  as 
fuUy  carried  into  practice,  would  there  be 
such  grumbling  and  discontent  on  the  part 
of  our  merchants  ? 

After  the  war  the  general  feeling  of  the 
populace  was  so  cowed  by  the  valour  and 
successful  superiority  of  Europeans,  that  no 


attempts  against  our  mercliaiit  ships  were 
thought  of.  They  confined  themselves  to 
robbing  their  own  countrymen  and  pillaging 
native  packets,  till  at  length  grown  bolder 
by  impunity,  they  disregarded,  in  my  case, 
the  reputed  sanctity  of  white  men,  by  not 
only  assaulting  me,  but  also  by  murdering  the 
captain  and  officers  of  the  S;parh,  The  fate 
of  these  officers  is  too  much  lost  sight  of. 
Their  murders  appeal  for  revenge  and  re- 
dress. They  died  manfully  at  their  posts ; 
and  deserting  the  cause  of  these  gallant 
and  unfortunate  champions  of  western 
interests  is  hardly  a  thing  to  be  proud  of. 
One  of  the  chief  facihties  afforded  to  these 
pirates  to  continue  their  career  is,  it  must  be 
remembered,  supplied  by  their  countrymen 
in  office.  Those  Mandarins  vested  with  the 
local  authority  have  the  power  of  collecting 
the  customs  ;  and  they  farm  this  right  to  the 
Hoppo,  or  tax  collector,  for  a  period  of  five 



years.  To  support  this  officer  in  his  power- 
fol  position  all  the  gunboats  stationed  on 
the  river  are  pressed  into  his  service ;  and 
what  with  the  aid  only  too  voluntarily 
given  by  crafts  of  every  size  and  descrip- 
tion, he  finds  no  difficulty  in  putting  his 
authority  into  execution.  These  gunboats 
employed  on  such  profitable  service  have, 
therefore,  little  time  to  spare  in  hunting  up 
these  river  pests  who  thrive  on  the  com- 
munity at  large,  and  are  equally  willing  to 
play  the  part  of  tax  gatherer  one  day 
and  pirate  the  next.  Each  of  these  boats 
is  armed  with  its  letter  of  marque,  in  the 
shape  of  a  much-beilowered  document  au- 
thorising the  collection  of  custom  dues ; 
and  although  you  may  have  paid  your 
charge  several  times  before,  that  will  not 
save  you  from  having  to  pay  it  to  whomso- 
ever else  may  demand  it.  This  is  a  dis- 
graceful   state   of  things,   and  our  consuls 


are  mncli  to  be  blamed  for  its  continuance, 
but  in  a  still  higher  degree  our  authorities 
at  home. 

It  may  be  interesting  to  describe  how 
this  all-powerful  official  and  despot,  the 
Hoppo,  is  elected.  The  contract  he  makes 
with  the  Governor  of  Quang-Toung  is  for 
five  years,  and  for  that  he  pays  between 
one  and  two  milhon  dollars.  At  the  end 
of  his  term  he  is  generally  estimated  to 
have  seven  milHon  dollars.  As  a  rule  he 
cannot  get  his  term  renewed.  He  is  theu 
ordered  up  to  Pekin,  but  at  every  town  on 
the  way  he  is  taxed.  When  he  reaches 
Pekin  he  is  not  admitted  within  the  walls 
until  he  pays  a  heavy  fee  to  the  Imperial 
Treasury,  and  receives,  moreover,  a  great 
whipping !  He  then  is  permitted  to  enter 
the  city  and  retire  into  private  life, — a  not 
much  richer  man,  if  happily  a  wiser,  than 
when  he  entered  into  all  the  perquisites  and 

212     •  CANTON  AND   THE  BOGUE. 

honours  of  the  mighty  post  of  Hoppo  of  the 
province  of  Quang-Toung  five  years  before. 

What  can  be  the  inducement  to  any  man 
with  a  handsome  fortune,  which  he  must 
have  to  obtain  the  post,  to  accept  a  barren 
honour  for  the  short  space  of  five  years,  to 
result  in  such  httle  benefit  and  such  great 
personal  ignominy  ?  I  often  tried  to  dis- 
cover this,  but  never  got  more  than  the 
unsatisfactory  reply  that  the  splendour  of 
the  post  was  the  attraction  in  their  eyes. 
I  have  often  since  thought  that  it  must  be 
the  indirect  means  of  advancing  them  to 
some  post  at  the  court  of  Pekin,  and  that 
their  reward  is  calculated  by  the  amount  of 
treasure  they  bring  into  the  Imperial  cof- 
fers. This  is  merely  my  surmise,  and  an 
attempt  to  give  a  reason  for  one  of  those 
things  that,  being  a  national  custom,  there 
perhaps  exists  no  known  reason  for. 

At  all  events,  this  Hoppo  is  a  very  dis- 


agreeable  fellow  for  us,  and  requires  to  be 
placed  within  bounds.  All  power,  when 
arbitrary,  runs  to  excess  and  does  harm. 
His,  with  no  check  on  his  caprice,  causes 
us  much  loss,  our  representatives  much 
discouragement,  and  our  country  much 
disparagement  in  prestige.  The  Chinese 
have  a  perfect  right  to  certain  custom 
dues ;  but  it  is  unjust  to  expect  us  to  pay 
exorbitant  rates,  first  of  all  to  enrich  arro- 
gant officials,  and  eventually  to  swell  the 
revenues  of  the  country  and  the  exchequers 
of  the  favourites  at  Pekin. 

The  present  system  of  ties 3  pirates  is  a 
small  number  of  land  colleagues  either  in 
possession  of  a  junk  or  in  temporary  alliance 
with  one,  who  join  for  a  certain  occasion, 
and  then  part  company ;  so  that  if  not 
detected  at  once,  the  difficulty  of  proving 
the  real  culprits  is  considerable,  as  they 
speedily  lose  themselves  among  the  mass 


of  their  fellow-citizens.  Happily  for  the 
detectives,  there  is  the  one  common  attrac- 
tion in  the  gamhling-hooths.  To  show  the 
general  feeling  of  insecurity  among  the 
officers  of  the  river  boats,  several  have 
told  me  that  they  are  in  continual  dread 
of  attack  from  some  of  these  rascals,  and 
never  venture  about  without  a  loaded  re- 
volver— as  one  of  them  expressed  it,  '^five 
barrels  for  the  blackguards,  the  sixth  for 

Therefore  if  at  present  there  is  no  power- 
ful confederacy  to  crush,  there  are  wide- 
spread among  the  masses  instincts  which 
furnish  all  the  material  for  confederacies 
similar  to  those  once  existant,  and  it  is 
only  a  fitting  opportunity  that  is  lacking. 
If  our  large  ships  are  not  in  daily  dread,  if 
the  danger  to  individuals  is  not  most  im- 
minent, the  inconvenience  and  uncertainty 
caused  by  the  knowledge  of  what  is  possible 


is  rather  the  more  increased.  When  the 
danger  is  before  us  and  certain,  we  can 
prepare  ourselves  to  meet  it  unflinchingly. 
When  there  is  just  the  likelihood  of  being 
murdered  in  our  beds,  unarmed  and  in- 
capable of  resistance,  there  is  all  the  agony 
of  the  suffering  in  an  intensified  form,  and 
yet  nothing  serious  may  take  place.  The 
whole  question  is  therefore  one  China  can- 
not go  on  shirking,  or  we  neglecting. 
Germany's  action  in  her  small  matter 
with  them  the  other  day  sets  us  a  good 
precedent,  and  one  we  should  be  wise  to 
follow  in  our  deahngs  with  this  power. 
We  have  just  signally  failed  in  applying 
the  high-toned  morality  of  western  justice 
to  an  important  question  in  our  Indian 
empire ;  and  we  have  found  how  im- 
possible it  is  to  reconcile  eastern  chicanery 
and  subjection  with  European  honour  and 
dominion.   Let  us  profit  by  the  lesson,  which 


may  eventually  lead  to  bitter  things,  and 
not  make  the  same  mistake  in  our  diplo- 
matic intercourse  with  the  Celestial  Empire, 
which  we  are  inclined  to  view  with  a  far  too 
lenient  and  favourable  eye. 




I  PEOPOSE  in  this  chapter  to  offer  some 
remarks  on  what  measures  should  be 
adopted  to  put  an  end  to  this  class  of 
crime,  of  which  I  endeavoured  in  my  last 
chapter  to  give  some  detailed  account,  and 
the  necessity  for  repressing  which  none 
can  deny.  I  will  divide  what  I  would 
suggest  under  the  three  following  heads, 
viz., — firstly.  What  share  properly  falls  on 
the  Chinese  Government ;  secondly,  What 
individual  travellers  and  those  companies 
which  undertake  their  transport  should  do 
in  assistance  of  legislation ;    and,   thirdly, 

21 8  CANTON  AND   THE  BO  CUE. 

both  these  proving  iiisu£S.cient  to  meet  the 
emergency,  how  far  it  is  incumbent  on 
England  and  other  powers  to  interfere  in 
the  matter,  either  to  compel  action  on  the 
part  of  the  Pekin  Government,  or  to  take 
the  case  out  of  their  hands,  in  the  interest 
of  our  commerce  and  society  in  general, 
and  carry  out  repressive  measures  on  their 
own  responsibility. 

To  answer  any  or  all  of  these  queries 
with  complete  satisfaction  would  require  an 
amount  of  legal  knowledge  to  which  I 
cannot  lay  claim ;  and  what  I  venture  to 
say  on  the  subject  I  submit  to  the  correction 
of  those  who  speak  with  all  the  authority 
of  the  law.  I  may  indeed  preface  by  ex- 
pressing my  astonishment  that  no  more 
powerful  voice  than  mine  has  yet  been 
raised  in  pointing  out  the  pressing  nature 
of  the  question.  It  seems  to  me  most 
astonishing  of  all,  however,  that  the  resi- 


dents  out  there — those  most  immediately 
concerned — should  be  so  apathetic  in  the 
few  precautions  they  have  adopted  against 
a  recurrence  of  the  outrage ;  and  yet  any 
one  amongst  them  may  at  any  time  meet 
with  a  similar,  or  even  sadder,  fate  than 
my  own. 

Firstly,  as  to  what  is  incumbent  on  the 
Pekin  Government ;  which,  besides  being 
the  first  and  most  important  of  all  the 
queries,  seems  also  at  a  first  blush  to  be 
the  only  one  necessary  at  all, — as  surely 
it  is  the  country's  duty  to  see  that  the 
poHce  is  efficient,  as  nothing  more  tends  to 
its  own  advantage,  or  to  make  it  more 
respected  abroad.  When  that  poHce  proves 
inefficient,  special  acts  of  legislature  must 
be  enacted,  special  punishments  must  be 
inflicted  on  the  guilty,  so  as  to  show  that, 
when  the  ordinary  course  of  justice  is  of  no 
avail,  there  are  still  means  left  on  the  side 


of  the  rulers  that  can  vindicate  all  the  out- 
raged majesty  of  the  law.  In  China  more 
than  this  must  be  demanded  at  the  hands 
of  the  Government.  Besides  these  special 
precautions — which  have  by  no  means  come 
into  effect — there  is  a  moral  obligation  to 
discourage  all  acts  against  the  persons  of 
strangers,  which  is  not  inculcated  at 
all  into  the  rising  generation  by  their 
governors.  Under  the  circumstances,  we 
have  a  right  to  demand  that  some  special 
social  obloquy  be  attached  to  deeds  of 
violence  against  us.  I  emphasize  the  word 
social,  as  punishments  of  that  kind  are  the 
most  efficacious  in  dealing  with  these 
people.  If  we  do  not  claim  our  rights, 
things  will  continue  getting  worse  and 
worse  every  day;  and  the  remedy  then 
will  have  to  be  so  sharp  and  decisive,  as 
to  render  it  doubtful  of  possibility  without 
resulting  in  a  war. 


It  is  a  well-kno'wn  fact  that  tlie  theory  is 
deeply  rooted  in  the  heart  of  every  China- 
man, that  it  is  not  only  not  unjustifiable 
but  praiseworthy  even  to  hold  no  law 
sacred  in  his  dealings  with  a  *' foreign 
devil."  Can  it  therefore  be  marvelled  at, 
if,  with  this  first  great  incentive  to  take 
unfair  advantage  of  any  foreigner,  added  to 
their  dislike  of  foreign  intercourse  (than 
which  nothing  is  more  natural,  considering 
how  it  has  been  forced  upon  them),  their 
thoughts  continually  run,  in  the  towns  we 
visit,  on  the  subject  of  getting  the  better 
of  us  in  every  way  imaginable  ?  and  when 
they  proceed  to  violence,  as  their  crime 
carries  no  disgrace,  what  deterrent  effect 
has  the  punishment  inflicted,  when  the 
same  breath  swells  the  virtue  of  the  de- 
ceased for  the  sufferings  inflicted  on  one 
regarded  as  hostile  by  themselves  ?  The 
Chinese  themselves,  no  doubt,  are  the  more 


frequent  victims  at  the  hands  of  these  river 
pirates,  but  it  is  equally  beyond  doubt  that 
a  packet  enlevement  is  looked  upon  with 
glee  and  pleasure  by  a  great  number  of  the 
population.  They  may  be  the  same  crimi- 
nals who  but  the  day  before  upset  poor 
Chin  out  of  his  boat  for  the  sake  of  his 
small  cargo  of  fish ;  the  same  motives  act- 
uated them  that  will  to-morrow,  perhaps, 
make  them  either  murder  one  another  for 
his  share  in  the  booty,  or  waylay  a  native' 
merchant  on  his  route  home  to  his  villa 
near  the  big  city ;  but  it  is  beyond  all  dis- 
pute that  their  attacks  on  such  packets  as 
the  S^arh  and  the  Navigateur  command 
the  sympathy  of  the  masses,  and  would 
meet  with  lenient  treatment  indeed  if  there 
was  not  the  standing  fear  of  foreign  inter- 
vention .  I  firmly  believe  that  to  avoid  that 
the  Chinese  would  at  one  time  have  yielded 
any  point.     I  therefore  lay  special  stress  on 


the  importance  of  having  some  change  made 
in  the  received  opinion,  even  if  it  were  only 
qualified  by  the  public  declaration  that  crimes 
against  the  person  of  foreigners  are  as  crimi- 
nal as  if  committed  against  a  native.  Such 
a  declaration  would  not  only  be  our  most 
important  safeguard,  but  would  at  the  same 
time  remove  the  real  shield  of  the  culprit. 
The  Mandarin  officials  plead  in  extenuation 
that  Canton  is  by  no  means  in  an  un- 
guarded state,  and  they  point  for  proof  of 
their  assertion  to  the  undoubtedly  great 
number  of  gunboats  stationed  on  the  river. 
These  gunboats  are  well  manned,  and  in 
their  way  by  no  means  to  be  despised. 
Their  captains  and  some  of  the  head  officers 
— such  as  master  gunners — are  Europeans, 
mostly  English.  In  numbers  those  on  the 
Canton  river  ought  to  suffice  to  put  down 
and  exterminate  nests  of  pirates.  But  un- 
fortunately they  are  of  no  real  use,  and 


afford  no  protection  beyond  their  immediate 
vicinity.  They,  for  the  most  part,  have 
fixed  stations,  which  of  course  are  well 
known,  and  are  therefore  of  no  avail  against 
the  present  system  of  these  freebooters, 
who,  when  they  do  attack  a  packet,  take 
good  care  not  to  do  so  too  near  where 
these  guardians  of  the  peace  may  interfere 
with  their  actions.  This  system  ought  to 
be  altered;  strict  instructions  should  be 
issued  that  there  should  be  patrols  at 
regular  hours,  and  that  other  gunboats 
should,  be  kept  permanently  cruising 
about.  This  would  be  throwing  great 
difficulties  in  the  way  of  evil  doers,  as 
it  would  be  almost  impossible  for  them 
to  expect  the  good  fortune  of  escaping 
with  their  booty,  provided  even  they  suc- 
ceeded in  carrying  out  their  attack  success- 

The   present   easy   life    on  this    station 


would  doubtless  be  changed,  as  tbey  cer- 
tainly would  meet  with  considerable  re- 
sistance,— ^very  similar  probably  to  that 
incurred  by  our  revenue  officials  in  putting 
down  smuggling ;  but  that  would  not  be  at 
all  unwelcome,  as  everywhere  action,  with 
its  chances  of  speedy  promotion  and  prize 
money,  is  preferred  to  a  sedentary  and 
barren  charge.  It  would  be  also  a  matter 
of  wise  and  effectual  precaution,  if  before 
permitting  Chinese  passengers  to  embark 
they  were  to  some  extent  examined,  and 
all  weapons  removed  from  their  person ; 
and  every  suspicious  character — one,  for  in- 
stance, of  notoriously  bad  associations — 
should  be  declined  a  passage.  A  Govern- 
ment official  might  be  specially  delegated 
to  this  work.  Perhaps,  however,  it  may 
be  thought  this  is  more  a  question  for  the 
steamboat  company  to  see  to,  than  for  the 
State  to  impose   any  restriction    on  their 


226  CANTON  AND   THE  BOGUE.     ' 

subjects  journeying  on  one  of  their  own 

It  will  be  seen  that  I  consider  tbe 
greatest  security  the  GoYernment  can 
give  is  a  moral  one ;  and  that  the 
means  of  repression  are  at  hand,  and 
only  require  to  be  properly  applied  to 
have  the  desired  effect.  It  is  extremely 
doubtful,  however,  whether  any  action 
will  be  taken  in  the  matter,  unless  some 
gentle  remonstrance  be  addressed  to  the 
ear  of  the  Governor  of  the  province  of 

For  the  second  question.  What,  ought 
individual  travellers  and  the  Company  do 
to  increase  the  safety  of  travelling?  This 
of  course  can  only  be  agitated  for,  and 
effected  by  the  weight  of  public  opinion 
out  there;  and  it  really  rests  with  those 
interested  in  the  journeys  from  Canton 
to  Hong-Kong  or  Macao  to  see  that  their 

Measures  for  repressing  piracy.  227 

Company  take  all  the  necessary  precautions. 
But  it  is  at  all  events  certain  that  the 
Company  ought  to  provide  guards;  that 
arms  should  be  freely  distributed  to  the 
crew  and  trustworthy  passengers  ;  that  the 
division  between  native  and  foreign  pas- 
sengers should  be  strictly  maintained ; 
and  also  that  a  sentry,  with  a  loaded 
rifle,  should  be  stationed  at  each  gang- 
way, with  instructions  to  shoot  the  first 
native  who  attempted  to  break  this  all- 
important  rule.  It  might  also  be  advisable 
to  erect  in  the  centre  of  the  vessel  a 
bulwarked  room,  occupying  the  whole 
centre  of  the  ship,  including  the  engines 
and  the  helm,  which  would  afford  a  retreat 
if  the  outer  gangways  were  forced,  whence 
three  or  four  armed  men  could  expel  a 
whole  host  of  such  rabble  as  these  fellows. 
Some  of  these  arrangements  were  for  a 
time   put  in    force,    but    had  long    before 


the  Sparh  affair  fallen  into  disuetude.  If 
the  Packet  Company  were  to  make  these 
or  some  such  regulations,  they  would  be 
performing  only  the  duty  that  is  incumbent 
on  them ;  while,  by  instituting  some  sort  of 
check  on  the  character  of  the  passengers 
they  receive,  they  would  be  taking  every 
reasonable  precaution  to  render  an  attack 
from  within  a  remote  and  almost  impossible 
contingency.  Against  an  attack  from  with- 
out,— that  is,  by  force  majeure^ — there  of 
course  can  be  no  safeguard  of  this  kind; 
but  no  one  would  think  of  demanding  it 
under  those  circumstances. 

I  am  also  informed  that  the  legal  quibble 
is  that  while  the  Chinese  Government 
would  be  liable  for  a  piratical  attack  in 
their  realm  by  boarding,  they  are  not  re- 
sponsible for  any  internal  outbreak  among 
the  passengers,  although  the  consequences 
may,  in  all  likelihood,  be  quite  as  disastrous. 


All  individuals  can  do  is  to  assist  the  Com- 
pany to  carry  out  the  regulations  framed  for 
their  protection,  and,  in  any  emergency,  to 
place  themselves  at  the  captain's  disposal 
and  obey  orders.  The  measures  should  be 
concerted  between  the  Company  and  the 
Government  officials.  What  the  latter 
will  do,  and  also  what  they  expect  from 
the  Company,  should  be  ascertained. 

At  present  there  is  mutual  recrimination  ; 
and  the  Mandarins,  aware  of  an  unfortunate 
feeling  out  there  that  the  Company  is  alone 
to  blame,  and  alone  must  be  held  respon- 
sible, take  advantage  of  what  I  denounce  as 
a  mistaken  idea  to  shift  all  the  onus  of  the 
catastrophe  on  its  shoulders,  and  argue  with 
much  plausibility  that  it  was  its  gross 
neglect  that  gave  the  opportunity  to  a  hand- 
ful of  ruffians  to  seize  and  plunder  such  a 
large  boat  as  the  Sjparh,  It  would  be  diffi- 
cult to  imagine  what  must  have  been  the 


delight  of  the  officials  when  they  found  they 
had  such  a  good  excuse  ready  made  for 
them,  as  to  he  ahle  to  shift  the  blame  on  to 
the  shoulders  of  somebody  else  ;  but  it  does 
not  say  much  for  our  perspicuity  or  love  of 
fair  play,  if  we  permit  these  dastardly  syco- 
phants to  escape  from  all  the  penalty  by 
inculpating  somebody  else,  whose  greatest 
fault  is  certainly  no  more  than  for  not 
having  taken  a  few,  doubtless  necessary, 

For  the  third  question,  all  I  will  venture 
to  say,  besides  suggesting  it  to  our  rulers, 
is  that  as  we  were  one  of  the  high  contract- 
ing powers  to  the  treaty  of  Tientsin,  we  are 
no  less  bound  than  the  Chinese  to  carry  out 
its  stipulations.  Why,  then,  while  we  have 
been  quelling  a  slave  trade  in  one  part  of 
the  world,  and  destroying  Malay  stockades 
in  another,  have  we  not  seen  that  some  of  our 
engagements  were  being  properly  attended 


to  ?  If  we  could  not  spare  time  to  attend 
to  such  a  paltry  affair  in  person,  why  not 
instruct  our  representatives  in  China  to  see 
that  something  was  done  in  the  matter  ? 

There  was  a  vague  rumour  going  about 
that  the  present  Ministry  were  instituting 
some  inquiries,  and  if  this  had  been  perse- 
vered in,  it  would  have  been  some  manifesta- 
tion of  a  perception  of  the  importance  of  the 
subject  beginning  at  last  to  dawn  on  the 
minds  of  our  mlers.  Unfortunately,  this 
sudden  fit  of  energy  seems  to  have  as  quickly 
passed  away,  without  any  salutary  result 

People  are  always  sceptical  on  the  im- 
portance of  anything  that  does  not  seem  of 
pressing  moment,  or  that  does  not  imme- 
diately concern  themselves ;  but  a  glance  at 
the  dry  figures  setting  forth  the  state  of  our 
trade  with  China ;  a  thought  of  that  impor- 
tant beverage,  tea  ;  a  mere  idea  of  the  vast 


size  of  the  country,  teeming  with  unknown 
wealth,  and  the  extraordinary  influence  its 
opening  may  have  on  our  own  affairs  and 
the  world  in  general;  and  also  that  this 
piracy  is  not  confined  to  the  Canton  river, 
but  is  in  force  on  the  Yang-tse,  and  that  it 
is  one  of  the  most  apparent  and  simplest 
means  of  opposition  on  the  part  of  the 
Chinese  to  further  intercourse, — a  sHght 
consideration  of  these  reasons  ought  to  be 
sufficient  to  show  the  all-importance  of  this 
subject,  and  that  it  is  no  trivial  matter  at  all. 
A  step  in  the  right  direction  would  be 
that  the  general  instructions  to  our  consuls 
should  be  modified.  At  present  they  run 
in  characters  easily  read — interfere  on  no 
account:  let  individuals  shift  for  them- 

THE  TYPHOON  OF  1874.  233 


THE   TYPHOON    OF    1874. 

The  Chinese,  like  most  barbarous  or  half- 
civilised  nations,  attach  superstitious  im- 
portance to  all  those  phenomena  of  nature 
which  thrill  the  hearts  even  of  students 
of  science  with  a  feeling  of  awe ;  so  the 
comet,  the  earthquake,  even  the  thunder 
and  lightning,  but  above  all  the  typhoon, 
have  a  peculiar  significance  to  their  minds, 
as  the  direct  manifestation  of  an  offended 
deity,  and  the  retribution  of  their  own 
transgressions.  There  is  nothing  absolutely 
ridiculous  in  these  sentiments;  all  nations 
in  their  early  ages  have  shared  them,  and 
indeed,  in  their  case,  the  pre-eminent  awful- 


ness  of  the  typhoon  would  be  alone  a 
sufficient  excuse  for  the  fears  of  a  people 
not  too  enlightened  as  to  the  causes  of 
these  outbursts  of  nature. 

To  illustrate  the  character  of  a  typhoon, 
I  will  give  some  description  of  that  of  1874 ; 
to  find  a  parallel  to  which,  in  the  amount  of 
damage  inflicted,  and  in  the  immense  power 
of  the  hurricane,  one  must  go  back  more 
than  a  generation. 

Typhoon,  or  Tae-foong — the  great  wind 
— bears  a  singular  resemblance  to  the  Greek 
tv4kov,  although  it  can  have  no  direct  com- 
munication with  it.  These  storms  occur 
periodically,  generally  after  an  interval  of 
three  or  four  years ;  as  that  interval  is  ex- 
ceeded, so  the  storms  increase  in  intensity ; 
and  as  on  this  occasion  there  had  not  been 
one  for  some  time  over  the  stated  period, 
the  extreme  severity  of  that  of  1874  is  thus 
to  a  certain  extent  accounted  for.     One  of 

THE   TYPHOON  Oh    1874.  235 

the  chief  signs  of  the  approach  of  a  typhoon 
is  the  extraordinary  fall  of  the  barometer 
that  takes  place  ;  but  sailors  experienced  in 
these  regions  are  also  very  clever  at  prognos- 
ticating its  arrival.  Another  warning  note 
is  the  long  and  heavy  swell  which  sets 
in,  without  any  apparent  cause  whatever. 
These  storms  do  not  extend,  however,  very 
much  to  the  north  of  Canton,  and  rage 
chiefly  between  latitudes  10°  and  30°  N. ; 
and  although  they  last  from  twelve  to 
twenty  hours,  the  great  violence  of  the 
storm  is  only  three  or  four  in  duration. 

This  particular  typhoon,  which  had  been 
expected  for  some  time  previous  to  its  oc- 
currence by  the  Chinese  prophets,  com- 
menced on  the  evening  of  the  22nd  of 

In  Hong-Kong,  where  I  was  at  the  time, 
placards  had  been  put  up  warning  all  the 
Chinese  that  it  was  approaching,  and  cau- 


tioning  them  to  keep  within  their  houses,  and 
also  to  make  them  as  secure  as  possible  from 
the  18th  to  the  25th  of  September.  This 
time  their  calculations — or  expectations — 
as  to  its  occurrence  were  nearly  correct ; 
but  this  is  by  no  means  always  the  case. 
The  warning  has  been  issued,  the  public 
have  prepared  to  meet  the  emergency,  the 
miserable  have  become  resigned  to  succumb 
to  its  fury,  yet  the  typhoon  has  mercifully 
declined  to  come,  and  everyone  has  his  or 
her  mind  lightened  of  a  load;  only,  however, 
on  its  next  visit  it  will  take  a,mple  amends 
for  its  neglect  in  appearing.  But  in  the 
face  of  such  a  foe  no  precaution  should  be 
omitted,  and  the  warning,  though  repeated 
without  perhaps  any  need,  must  not  yet  be 
treated  as  a  mere  cry  of  ^'  Wolf."  It  com- 
menced with  a  wind  suddenly  arising  about 
eight  in  the  evening,  which  went  on  till 
three  or  four  the  following  morning  with 

THE   TYPHOON  OF  1874.  237 

great  violence.  From  ten  to  two  its  force 
was  at  its  height,  when  it  was  awful  in  the 
extreme.  Every  door  and  window  was 
bolted  and  made  as  fast  and  secure  as 
possible ;  typhoon  bars  being  put  up  to 
doubly  secure  the  windows,  which,  with 
Venetians  fastened  firmly  outside,  seemed 
to  present  an  impenetrable  barrier  to  the  on- 
set. When  this  had  been  carefully  seen  to, 
there  was  nothing  more  for  the  inhabitants 
to  do  but  to  wait  patiently  and  to  prepare 
themselves  as  best  they  might  for  the 
ordeal.  At  the  time,  I  was  lying  in  bed 
recovering  from  my  wounds,  with  one  arm 
perfectly  useless,  and  my  whole  system  so 
shattered  as  to  make  me  hardly  able  to 
bear  this  trying  shock  with  equanimity. 

As  I  said,  the  storm  commenced  with  a 
violent  wind  suddenly  springing  up,  and  it 
soon  became  so  irresistible  in  its  might 
that  no  obstacle  seemed  able  to  retard  it. 


As  the  night  wore  on,  the  destruction  in- 
creased, and  each  fresh  blast  of  the  hurri- 
cane was  the  doom  of  houses  and  of  ships. 
The  bars  across  the  windows  snapt  one 
after  the  other  with  a  report  hke  that  of 
cannon ;  and  the  Venetians,  torn  from  their 
fastenings  and  banging  against  the  wall, 
increased  the  noise,  till  at  last  the  wind 
swept  them  completely  off,  and  rushed 
into  the  house  with  •  a  shriek,  as  if  about 
to  carry  everything  before  it.  The  washing 
stands  were  in  the  verandah,  and  the  wind 
caught  the  jugs  and  basins  up  as  if  they 
were  but  leaves,  and  smashed  them  in  all 
directions.  The  glass  doors  leading  into 
the  bedrooms  were  then  taken  bodily  off 
their  hinges,  and  fragments  of  the  glass 
were  scattered  throughout  the  house.  Many 
pieces  fell  on  my  bed,  but  I  escaped  with- 
out any  bad  cuts.  The  doors  throughout 
the   different   corridors   were    the  next   to 

THE  TYPHOON  OF  1874.  239 

succumb ;  and  now  the  risk  became  very 
great  that  the  wind  would  Hft  the  roof  com- 
pletely off  the  house,  which  actually  hap- 
pened to  many  other  houses  in  the  colony. 
To  add  to  the  confusion  of  the  scene,  the 
wind  got  into  the  pipes  and  put  the  gas 
out,  leaving  us  in  total  darkness. 

The  danger  from  the  storm  is  not,  how- 
ever, the  only  one  to  be  incurred  on  this 
dreadful  occasion.  Bobbers  take  advantage 
of  the  general  panic  and  defencelessness 
of  the  inhabitants,  and  even  proceed  to 
incendiarism  to  aid  them  in  their  ne- 
farious designs.  For  me  personally  there 
was  to  be  agony  piled  upon  agony.  A 
bed  of  sickness,  feverish  anxiety  and 
nervousness  alone  would  not  have  en- 
abled me  to  bear  the  trying  scenes  of 
that  night  with  any  degree  of  success, 
but  as  if  all  these  were  not  sufficient,  I  had^ 
to  endure  being  deprived  of  the  companion- 


ship  that  alone  seemed  to  give  me  a  ficti- 
tious strength.  As  the  hong  or  house  I 
belonged  to  were  all  members  of  the  fire 
brigade,  on  a  fire  being  announced  they  had 
to  don  their  uniform  and  go  to  their  duty; 
thus  leaving  me  alone  with  a  Chinese  boy 
to  look  after  me,  who,  however,  was  quite 
as  unnerved  as  myself.  In  fact,  all  the 
boys  of  the  house  collected  in  one  room, 
and  would  not  come  out  for  a  long  time. 
Now  and  then  the  one  who  nominally  had 
charge  of  me  would  come  and  ask  me  had 
I  "too  muchee  fear." 

Some  of  the  men  returned  sooner  than 
might  have  been  expected,  greatly  to  my 
relief.  All  their  efforts  had  been  in  vain, 
for  in  the  face  of  such  an  opponent  man's 
attempts  seemed  ridiculous,  and  the  fire, 
such  as  it  was,  had  to  be  permitted  to  burn 
its  course. 

The  storm  was  now  at  its  height,  and  it 

THE   TYPHOON  OF  1874.  241 

was  thought  absolutely  necessary  to  move 
me  upstairs  to  a  room  that  was  more  safely 
situated  and  altogether  stronger  than  my 
own.     One   by  one   the   remainder   of  the 
men  returned,  wet  to  the  skin,  and  hardly 
able  to  walk  as  their  long  boots  were  full 
of  water.     They   all   took   refuge    in    this 
room,  and  brandy  was  in  constant  request 
to  keep  up  my  spirits,  and  to  refresh  them- 
selves after  their  trying  but  unavailing  at- 
tepts  to  avert  a  fresh  danger  in  a  possible 
conflagration.     This  room  was  divided  from 
the    drawing-room    by   folding    doors,    and 
these   soon   showed    signs   of    approaching 
destruction.     So  all  the  assistance  we  could 
collect  in  the  shape  of  coolies  was  called  up, 
and  with  their  aid  drawers  and  boxes  were 
piled  up  against  them;   but  they. were  of 
very  little  use,  as   the   wind   swept  them 
away,  and  they  were  only  erected  to  fall 
again  with  a  crash.     Then  they  got  long 



bamboo  poles,  wedging  them  in  to  support 
the  doors,  and  they  had  to  use  their  fire- 
man's hatchets  as  hammers  ;  but  even  these 
props  were  of  little  avail,  one  giving  way 
after  the  other. 

All  this  time  we  were  burning  oil  lamps, 
which  gave  both  a  very  uncertain  light 
and  also  were  continually  meeting  with 
accidents.  Most  of  the  men  again  went 
out ;  some  to  look  after  the  fire,  others  to 
try  and  save  life  from  the  ships  that  were 
constantly  being  blown  on  shore. 

How  the  gusts  of  wind  howled  through 
the  house,  and  how  I  dreaded  each  one  as 
it  came,  and  with  what  a  sigh  of  thank- 
fulness I  followed  its  departure !  How  I 
also  strove  to  detect  some  lessening  in  its 
violence,  and  with  what  heart-sinking  I 
seemed  to  think  each  blast  but  louder  and 
more  terrific  than  its  predecessor ! 

The  poor  boys  wandered  about,  keeping 

THE   TYPHOON  OF  1874.  243 

clear  of  tlie  windows  and  our  temporary 
barricades,  lest  they  should  come  down; 
but  every  now  and  then  my  particular 
friend  would  repeat  his  former  inquiry,  and 
I  think  it  was  a  great  consolation  to  him 
to  see  a  white  man  almost  as  frightened 
as  himself.  At  last  this  night  of  horrors 
drew  towards  a  close,  and  about  four  in 
the  morning  it  became  perceptibly  quieter, 
and  had  so  far  softened  down  that  at  six 
o'clock  I  was  able  to  get  some  sleep. 

Although  by  no  means  long  in  duration, 
the  oldest  inhabitant  at  Hong-Kong  could 
not  remember  one  more  severe.  Besides 
the  reason  I  gave  to  account  for  its  extra- 
ordinary violence,  I  may  mention  the  follow- 
ing, viz.,  that  its  extent  was  more  limited, 
and  we  got  it  from  every  quarter  in  the 
course  of  the  twelve  hours.  Generally  its 
force  is  divided  by  its  violence  being  ex- 
pended in  attacks  at  different  points,  sepa- 


rated  from  each  other  by  hundreds  of  miles. 
In  this  instance  all  its  might  was  spent  on 
that  part  of  the  coast  bordering  on  the 
Canton  river,  of  which  Hong-Kong  and 
Macao  are  the  seaports.  Of  course  it  was 
very  bad  over  a  much  more  extended  sur- 
face, but  it  was  here  that  it  reached  its 
acme.  Most  men  who  before  had  often 
expressed  a  wish  to  witness  a  typhoon, 
changed  their  minds  after  this  experience 
of  the  reality,  and  their  only  desire  now 
was  never  again  to  be  subjected  to  its 
miseries  and  horrors. 

For  a  week  afterwards  there  was  a  com- 
plete stoppage  of  all  work,  and  the  various 
events  of  the  catastrophe,  and  each  indi- 
vidual's experience,  were  the  sole  topics  of 
the  hour. 

What  a  sad  and  wretched  sight  Hong- 
Kong  presented  the  next  day  !  In  our  own 
house — one  of  the  best  built,  and  therefore 

THE   TYPHOON  OF  1874.  245 

one  of  the  most  fortunate  in  the  place — the 
debris  of  furniture,  of  pictures,  and  of  glass- 
ware cumhered  the  floors ;  smashed  doors, 
cracked  walls,  and  frameless  apertures,  that 
once  were  windows  gay  with  Venetians,  on 
all  sides  !  Everything  in  confusion,  every- 
thing more  or  less  ruined,  as  if  the  whole 
place  had  just  heen  sacked  hy  a  victorious 
foe  after  a  heavy  homhardment.  And  the 
work  of  restoration  to  anything  like  order, 
beset  with  difficulties  in  every  way.  No 
carpenters  or  skilled  workmen  to  he  ob- 
tained at  any  price,  so  that  for  two  or  three 
days  the  house  lay  open  to  robbers,  who 
took  every  advantage  of  the  general  defence- 
lessness,  until  at  last  we  had  boards  nailed 
across  as  a  temporary  protection.  Hardly 
a  single  house  escaped  without  almost  the 
total  loss  of  its  tiles.  A  report  was  circu- 
lated that  someone  had  purchased  all  the 
tiles  in  the  town  immediately  previous  to 


the  typhoon,  and  that  he  made  a  fortune 
by  selling  his  eagerly  sought  for  stock  at  a 
large  profit. 

The  Praya,  or  pubHc  walk  along  the  quay, 
was  the  .public  meeting-place  and  general 
resort  of  crowds  coming  to  see  the  ruins  of 
what  once  had  been  the  fine  quay.  This 
was  Hterally  torn  up  from  its  foundations, 
although  constructed  of  immense  blocks  of 
granite.  It  looked  as  if  ''the  treasure  of 
nature's  germins  had  tumbled  all  together, 
even  till  destruction  sickened,"  and  walking 
on  the  uneven  surface  was  no  easy  or  plea- 
sant task.  Many  of  the  contiguous  houses 
had  been  breached  by  some  huge  block 
being  hurled  against  them,  as  if  from  a 
catapult.  Some  of  these  blocks  were  so 
imbedded  in  the  walls  as  to  seem  to  form' 
part  of  the  original  structure.  Nearly  all 
the  piers  were  destroyed ;  one  of  them  was 
cut  completely  in  two  by  a  large  steamer, 

THE   TYPHOON  OF  1874.  247 

which  had  left  its  anchors.  Two  other 
steamers,  the  Alhay  and  the  Leonor,  which 
had  just  arrived  with  a  large  number  of 
Chinese  passengers,  came  into  collision,  and 
sank  one  on  the  top  of  the  other.  By  this 
latter  accident  alone,  over  150  persons  were 
supposed  to  have  been  drowned ;  and  during 
the  next  day,  and  for  several  days  after,  the 
odour  along  the  quay  from  dead  bodies  and 
certain  kinds  of  merchandise,  carried  on 
shore  by  the  tide,  was  extremely  offensive. 

The  Alaska,  a  Pacific  mail  steamer,  was 
beached  high  and  dry  on  the  opposite  shore  ; 
most  of  the  coasting  and  other  steamers 
had  to  loose  their  anchors  and  steam  about. 
The  admiral's  ship  and  also  the  police  hulk 
drifted  from  their  moorings,  and  were  found 
in  totally  different  positions  when  it  had  all 
subsided.  All  sailing  vessels  were  more  or 
less  injured,  and  for  days  after  gunboats 
cruised   about  to  bring  in  water-logged  or 


otherwise  disabled  vessels,  of  wliich  there 
were  a  great  many,  not  a  few  being  too 
much  damaged  to  be  of  any  further  service. 

It  must  be  remembered  that  the  road- 
stead of  Hong-Kong  is  considered  one  of 
the  safest  and  most  commodious  along  the 
whole  coast.  Of  course  the  greatest  loss  of 
life  occurred  amongst  the  Chinese  popula- 
tion, especially  among  those  living  in  boats. 
These,  stationed  round  the  colony,  w^ere 
all  swamped.  It  was  therefore  next  to  im- 
possible to  discover  the  number  of  persons 
kiUed ;  but  I  believe  the  bodies  of  over  500 
persons  were  recovered. 

The  prison  at  Kow-Loon,  or  Stonecutter's 
Island,  had  the  roof  carried  off;  and  the 
Town  Hall,  besides  suffering  much  general 
damage,  had  a  rather  fine  clock  spoilt.  The 
Library  also  suffered  a  great  deal.  The 
beauty  of  Hong-Kong  was  deprived  of  one 
of  its  chief   ornaments  by  the  destruction 

THE   TYPHOON  OF  1874-  249 

of  the  trees  lining  the  road  to  Happy  Valley. 
These  were  either  torn  up  by  the  roots  and 
blocked  the  road,  or  were  so  damaged  that 
they  had  to  be  cut  away,  as  only  the  stumps, 
peeled  of  their  bark,  remained.  It  vras  some 
days  before  the  road  was  fit  again  for  traffic. 
The  Governor's  house,  at  the  Peak,  was 
unroofed,  and  the  flagstaif  which  signals  all 
incoming  steamers  was  rendered  useless. 
The  telegraph  wires  also  to  Saigon  were 
broken,  so  that  messages  had  to  be  taken 
by  steamer  to  Singapore  or  Shanghai,  as  the 
up-coast  wire  to  Shanghai  was  also  broken. 
At  Pook-foo-Lun,  where  the  English  resi- 
dents have  built  summer  bungalows,  these 
houses,  chiefly  constructed  of  matting,  were 
in  great  danger.  One  was  blown  bodily — 
furniture  and  all — into  the  sea.  Its  occu- 
pants only  escaped  with  their  lives  by 
rushing  out  in  their  sleeping  clothes,  and 
seeking  shelter  behind  the  remaining  waU 


of  the  wasli-liouse,  where  they  passed  the 
remainder  of  that  fearful  night,  in  perfect 
misery  and  wretchedness. 
-  Cargo  hoats  used  for  trans-shipping  goods 
were  in  great  demand,  and  could  only  be 
procured  by  paying  a  heavy  premium.  All 
the  racing  and  regatta  boats,  of  which  there 
were  a  great  many,  and  of  which  the  colony 
was  very  proud,  were  destroyed  by  the  hulk 
of  a  vessel  being  blown  through  the  roof  of 
the  boat-house.  The  swimming  baths  were 
also  ruined.  Most  of  the  private  steam- 
launches  had  either  capsized  or  been 
swamped.  One  of  the  Canton  Steamboat 
Company's  steamers  had  a  large  hole 
knocked  in  her  side :  and  there  were  manv 
other  incidents  to  show  the  general  destruc- 
tion, which  would,  however,  be  tedious  to 

It  can,  therefore, 'easily  be  imagined  how 
wretched  and  sad  the  harbour  looked,  with 

THE   TYPHOON  OF  1874.  251 

wrecked  hulks  floating  about,  or  the  masts 
of  ships  projecting  above  the  surface  of  the 

I  understand,  however,  that  Macao  suf- 
fered to  a  greater  extent  even  than  Hong- 
Kong.  The  bodies  of  over  4,000  Chinese 
were  recovered,  not  a  boat  was  left  uninjured 
in  the  place,  gunboats  were  either  over- 
turned, or  landed  high  and  dry,  and  one 
steamer  was  rejported  to  have  been  blown 
three  miles  inland. 

The  Canton  steamer  to  Macao,  White 
Cloud,  was  fouled  by  a  junk,  sunk,  and  was 
of  no  use  afterwards. 

Fires  were  also  more  numerous  here  than 
at  Hong-Kong,  and  some  assumed  alarming 
proportions.  These  were  set  down  as  the 
acts  of  incendiaries,  and  there  were  many 
daring  robberies.  The  soldiers  were  <3alled 
oat  to  put  down  these  disorders,  but  refused 
to  obey,  and  the  Maoaese  had  to  be  armed 


in  self-defence,  as  a  last  resource  to  restore 
order  in  the  state  of  anarchy  and  turmoil 
that  was  rampant  in  the  island  for  several 
days.  The  destruction  was  so  extensive, 
that  when  I  left  China  it  was  considered 
extremely  douhtful  whether  such  a  poor 
place  could  ever  recover.  The  only  pros- 
pect was  that  the  Chinese  might  think  it 
worth  their  Avhile  to  rebuild  it  themselves. 

So  ended  the  great  typhoon  of  1874, 
which,  for  its  violence  and  for  the  damage 
inflicted  by  it,  may  compare  with  any  of  the 
greatest  catastrophes  that  have  become  his- 
torical. It  must  be  remembered  that, 
besides  the  direct  loss,  there  was  much 
injury  done  to  the  country  by  the  wind 
blowing  the  salt  inland  for  miles,  which 
cast  a  blight  on  all  vegetation.  It  cannot 
be  accurately  estimated  how  much  damage 
was  inflicted,  but  it  certainly  cannot  have 
been  less  than  several  millions  sterling  in 
this  neighbourhood  alone. 

THE   TYPHOON  OF  1874.  253 

While  the  natives  seemed  during  its  dura- 
tion completely  crushed  with  terror,  after- 
wards, when  they  were  able  to  review  their 
altered  circumstances,  their  natural  apathy 
returned  to  enable  them  to  bear  the  accu- 
mulated losses  they  found  they  had  incurred. 
But  although,  with  care  and  hard  work,  a 
few  years  will  doubtless  remove  all  traces 
of  the  destruction  of  property,  it  will  require 
a  much  longer  time  before  the  black  images 
of  that  terrible  night  shall  be  equally  blotted 
out  from  their  memory.  Those  who,  like 
myself,  saw  it  for  the  first,  and  also  pro- 
bably for  the  last  time,  must  ever  retain  a 
most  vivid  remembrance  of  its  terrific 
grandeur;  although  I,  personally,  had  no 
loss  in  any  way  to  lament  by  it ;  and  indeed 
my  altered  circumstances  and  departure  for 
home  afforded  me  too  many  subjects  to 
occupy  my  attention,  to  permit  me  to 
indulge  in  any  unnecessary  recurrence  to  a 
painful  and  unpleasant  event.   > 




But  a  few  days  elapsed  after  the  occurrence 
of  the  typhoon,  when  it  was  decided  by  my 
medical  attendants  that  a  return  to  Europe 
was  absolutely  necessary  for  me,  as  longer 
residence  in  China  had  become  an  impossi- 
bihty,  through  the  shattered  state  of  my 
nervous  system.  I  will  only  look  on  that 
fact  as  the  cause  for  the  end  of  my  narra- 
tive. I  will  make  no  remark  here  on  the 
far  more  important  bearing  that  decision 
had  on  my  own  destiny.  In  the  course  of 
this  narrative  I  have  endeavoured — with 
what  success  my  readers  must  determine — 
to  show  the  mode  of  Hfe  followed  by  Eng- 


lish  residents  in  China  ;  while  I  have  at  the 
same   time  attempted  the  more  ambitious 
task  of  considering  those  topics  that  seem 
most  pressing  in  their  character,  occasioned 
by   our  intercourse   with   the   Chinese.     I 
am  perfectly  aware  of  the  responsihihty  I 
have  incurred  by  commenting  as  freely  as 
I  have  on  pohtical  subjects  that  may  by 
some  be  considered  beyond  the  province  of 
such  an  unpretending  book  as  mine.     I  may 
seem  to  have  neglected  the  real  object  of 
my  story  for  the  sake  of  saying  something 
about  matters  of  a  more  fascinating  charac- 
ter than  the  dry  details  of  daily  life  in  Can- 
ton.    But  my  answer  to  such  objections  is, 
that  my  whole  idea  in  writing  this  relation 
of  my  brief  residence    was   to   famiUarise 
— even  to  such  a  small  degree  as  I  am  able 
— the  public  to  some  knowledge  of  Chinese 
matters.     In    doing    so,    where    topics    of 
general    interest     have     seemed    naturally 


suggested,  I  have  ventured  to  comment 
upon  them  ;  and  in  this  I  think  I  have  not 
exceeded  my  right.  I  have  also  devoted 
three  chapters  to  piracy,  and  have  done 
my  best  to  view  that  public  evil  in  as  im- 
partial a  light  as  possible. 

Eesidence  in  China  may  be  taken  to  be  a 
state  of  existence  that  requires  much  luxury 
and  amusement  to  make  it  endurable  ;  but 
as  those  necessaries  are  always  obtainable, 
there  is  no  discontent  on  the  part  of  the 
English  residents.  The  insecurity  always 
experienced,  and  the  uncertainty  of  ap- 
proaching events,  have,  however,  greatly 
increased  since  my  departure ;  and  indeed, 
if  it  is  generally  imagined  out  there  that 
they  are  living  on  the  sides  of  a  volcano  that 
may  any  day  explode  to  their  destruction, 
occurrences  of  too  recent  date  to  need 
specific  mention  have  been  such  as  to  give 
some  ground  for  their  worst  fears.     For  it 


must  be  clearly  understood  that  there  is  no 
friendly  communication  whatever  between 
the  natives  and  ourselves.  We  never  ask 
them  to  our  houses,  we  never  go  to  theirs  ; 
we  are  never  seen  in  general  conversation 
with  any  of  them;  when  we  do  dine  to- 
gether, it  is  at  the  Flower  Boats,  in  a  hired 
room  ;  we  are  not,  even  on  these  rare  occa- 
sions, admitted  to  any  very  great  degree  of 
intimacy,  although  our  entertainers  are  of 
course  of  the  more  convivial  or  youthful  de- 
scription. The  restraint  is  increased  by  our 
ignorance  of  one  another's  tongue.  An 
EngHsh  resident  for  years  will  only  know  a 
few  words,  or  at  the  most  a  smattering  of 
business  verbiage.  The  Chinaman  is  still 
less  proficient.  But  it  is  certainly  for  us  to 
learn  out  there ;  and  a  spirit  of  emulation 
ought  to  possess  all  Englishmen  to  attain 
to  a  certain  fluency  in  the  native  language 
as  rapidly  as  possible.     Perhaps  such  know- 



ledge,  besides  being  of  immense  practical 
use,  might  be  also  of  some  political  weight, 
and  might  tend  to  lessen  the  prejudices  at 
present  existing  on  both  sides, 

I  have  also  ventured  to  speak  strongly  in 
favour  of  the  speedy  introduction  of  the 
steam  engine,  and  believe  that  the  fact  of 
Whampoa  being  to  all  purposes  the  port  of 
Canton,  presents  a  very  suitable  occasion 
to  inaugurate  such  an  experiment,  and  one 
at  the  same  time  presenting  no  inordinate 
difficulties,  both  because  the  natives  are 
there  most  familiar  to  the  presence  of  the 
foreigner,  and  also  on  account  of  the  short- 
ness of  the  journey. 

But  I  will  no  longer  Hnger  over  what  I 
have  previously  narrated.  My  subject  is 
one  of  daily  increasing  importance.  China 
is  rapidly  occupying  as  much  of  attention 
as  India;  and  papers  which  before  treated 
Chinese  questions  as  beneath  their  notice. 


are  now  continually  instructing  the  public 
by  articles  on  their  customs,  their  military 
or  naval  progress,  and  the  movements  of 
Christian  missionaries ;  and  even  the  dis- 
agreements with  ourselves  are  turned  to 
profitable  account  by  increasing  our  ac- 
quaintance with  this  strange  nation.  There 
therefore  can  be  no  question  as  to  the  im- 
portance of  my  theme  ;  but  when  I  consider 
the  manner  in  which  I  have  been  able  to 
treat  it,  it  is  then  that  I  feel  my  own  unfit- 
ness to  do  so  in  an  adequate  way.  Many 
of  my  readers,  I  dare  say,  have  spent  as 
many  years  in  China  as  I  have  months ; 
some,  perhaps,  much  longer ;  others  who 
have  never  been  there  have  made  her 
history  a  life-long  study.  What  will  these 
say  as  to  the  propriety  of  my  writing,  when 
they,  with  all  their  acquaintance,  or  with 
all  their  knowledge,  have  remained  silent  ? 
I  may  be  permitted  to  say  that  they  are 


the  only  proper  persons  to  farnish  the  reply. 
But  from  the  general  reader  who  has  fol- 
lowed me  through  my  reminiscence  of  a 
happy  six  months  in  a  far  distant  land,  I 
feel  assured  that  I  shall  receive  nothing  hut 
consideration.  That  re-awakening  of  past 
events  has  not  been  accomplished  without 
some  pain,  and  to  recall  how  swift  was  the 
passage  from  a  pleasant  existence  to  a  bed 
of  sickness  and  a  blank  career  has  been  no 
pleasant  operation.  I  will  end  as  I  com- 
menced, by  expressing  that  the  highest 
reward  I  could  possibly  expect  to  result 
from  what  I  have  written  would  be  to  set 
an  example  that  might  be  followed  with 
more  brilhant  success  by  those  more  versed 
in  Chinese  life  than  myself.  If  in  any  way 
or  on  any  single  point  my  remarks  have 
made  something  more  comprehensible,  or 
have  put  questions  in  a  clearer  light,  my 
book  has  served  its  purpose,  and  I  am  con- 


tent.  To  elucidate  tlie  hidden  mysteries  of 
any  national  character ;  to  point  in  any  way, 
be  it  never  so  slight,  to  a  mode  of  making 
peoples  better  affected  one  towards  the 
other ;  to  view  the  actions  of  those  we  are 
brought  in  contact  with  so  as  to  enable  us 
to  appreciate  their  virtues  and  condone 
their  faults, — each  one  of  these  objects  is 
sufficient  to  honour  the  attempt  of  anyone, 
were  he  even  such  an  humble  instrument  of 
use  as  myseK. 

SEPTEMBER,  1876. 



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