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Norwegian Forest Cat vs. Maine Coon: A Battle of Seriously Big Cats

By: Mark Mancini & Talon Homer  | 
Maine Coon cat vs. Norwegian Forest cat
The Maine Coon cat (top left) and the Norwegian Forest cat (bottom right) are both big cat breeds, and while there are lots of similarities between them, there are many differences as well. Rob Stothard-Getty Images/Soon Koon-Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0)/HowStuffWorks

Not like all cats are created equal, not even if they look really, really similar. At a glance, do you think you could identify a feline as a Norwegian Forest Cat vs. Maine Coon?

Here's an overview of the two plus-sized breeds with personalities to match their statures


Norwegian Origins

As they say in Norway, there's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. To endure the harsh winters of Scandinavia, the Norwegian Forest cat — also called the "Wegie" (pronounced "wee-gee") — evolved a double layer of thick, waterproof fur.

Mystery surrounds the breed's origins; it may be descended from Siberian cats or Turkish longhair cats who entered present-day Norway.


Regardless, written records tell us that a new and distinctive type of domesticated cat had arisen in this corner of Europe by about the year 1000 C.E. The ancestors of today's Wegies were likely used to keep Viking ships and settlements clear of mice. Today, they are raised mostly by cat lovers for their unique aesthetics.

Maine Coon Origins

True to its name, the Maine Coon is a product of northern New England. Here again, we've got a creature whose backstory is unclear. According to one popular fable, the first Maine Coons can be traced back to Marie Antoinette (of all people).

During the French Revolution, she supposedly had her beloved cats shipped to North America, where they interbred with local felines. The truth may be less glamorous, but Maine Coons probably do have European roots. Historians think the breed is descended from long-haired cats whom seamen ferried across the north Atlantic.


Like Scandinavia, New England gets a lot of snowfall and some serious windchill every winter. Shaggy coats help protect Maine Coons from these frigid conditions. They've also got wide, tufted "snowshoe paws" that occasionally sport extra digits.

Norwegian Forest Cat vs. Maine Coon Size

Full-grown adults of both sexes are very muscular animals — and heavy, to boot. Mature females usually weigh 9 to 12 pounds (4 to 5.4 kilograms) while males regularly tip the scales at 16 pounds (7.3 kilograms) or more. Accordingly, the Norwegian Forest cat is one of the biggest breeds available.

But the Maine Coon has it beat. Capable of weighing upwards of 25 pounds (11.3 kilograms), this all-American beauty is downright gigantic. In fact, on May 22, 2018, a Maine Coon named Barivel set a new Guinness World Record as the longest known domestic cat. From one end to the other, the world-record largest Maine Coon measures 47 inches (120 centimeters) in length.


By the way, the previous record-holder in this category was another Maine Coon. Sounds like they've got a furry dynasty going.


Facial Differences

Some enthusiasts think the Norwegian Forest cat is the Maine Coon's direct ancestor. (After all, we know Norse settlers occupied modern-day Newfoundland during the 11th century C.E.)

The idea speaks to the many similarities between these long-haired, big-bodied breeds. Yet as Sandra Cagan will tell you, there are plenty of differences as well.


A resident of Florida, Cagan owns the Orlando Cat Café, a coffee shop where the patrons get to hang out with adoptable felines who need good homes. She personally owns two purebred Maine Coons and is well-acquainted with the breed's idiosyncratic physical traits.

"The Maine Coon has a wider muzzle than a Forest cat," Cagan explains via email. In contrast, the latter breed has a flattened forehead, straight nose and triangular-shaped skull, giving it what Cagan describes as "more of a 'regular cat face.'" Meanwhile, with its high cheekbones and broad snout, the Maine Coon looks rather lion-esque — at least facially.


Differences in Fur

Other distinctions in the two breeds reside in the fur. Although Wegies and Maine Coons are both longhaired cats available in lots of different colors, there's an iconic hairstyle specific to each breed.

"Both breeds have distinctive ear tufts, but the Maine Coon's are larger," says Cagan. Also, while Wegie tails end in pointed tips, the end of a Maine Coon's tail is bushier and less shapely.


Maine Coon vs. Norwegian Forest Cat Voice and Demeanor

Beyond looks, the felines may communicate differently. "Maine Coons tend to be very vocal; they are known for their chirping sounds," Cagan tells us. "Norwegian Forest cats tend to be quieter." That said, they both like to emit contented purrs, which can get fairly loud.

In terms of disposition, Wegies and Maine Coons are often described as "dog-like." The Norwegian Forest breed is a typical lap cat. It loves socializing with their favorite people, while Maine Coons are an affectionate breed that engage in all sorts of canine behaviors.


"I know of several Maine Coon owners who have taught their cats to give 'high fives' or 'shake paws' like a dog would do," says Cagan.

Not only are the big guys easy to train, but they've got an endearing habit of carrying their toys around like excited terriers. "Many of them also play fetch," Cagan adds. What's more, she notes that several owners have taught their Maine Coons to use leashes. "One of my two loves to walk on his leash, the other not so much," she tells us.


Norwegian Forest Cat FAQs

How can I tell if my cat is a Maine Coon?
The Maine Coon has a wide muzzle, high cheekbones and broad snout. Due to these features, the Maine Coon looks like a lion, at least facially. An easy way to confirm if your cat is a Maine Coon is by looking at their eyes. Maine Coons have large, wide-set almond shaped eyes eyes that are typically a bit oblique.
How do you tell if your cat is a Norwegian Forest Cat?
Wegies have medium-sized ears, long fur and their chin is strong and slightly rounded. Due to a flattened forehead and straight nose, their skulls appear to be triangular-shaped. Their hind legs are also a bit higher than the front legs.
What's the difference between a Maine Coon and a Norwegian Forest Cat?
There are plenty of differences between the two breeds. Maine Coons have a wider muzzle than a Forest cat while Wegies have a flattened forehead, straight nose and triangular-shaped skull. Wegies appear to have more of a "regular cat face." On the other hand, with its high cheekbones and broad snout, the Maine Coon looks like a lion, at least facially. Norwegian Forest tails end in pointed tips while the end of a Maine Coon's tail is bushier and less shapely. Lastly, Maine Coons are typically very vocal while Wegies tend to be quieter.
Which is bigger: Norwegian Forest Cat or Maine Coon?
While Maine Coons and Norwegian Forest Cats share a reputation for being larger than other cat species, Maine Coons are typically the largest. In fact, a Maine Coon named Barivel set a new Guinness World Record in May 2018 as the longest known domestic cat, measuring 47 inches (120 centimeters) in length. The Maine Coon also tends to be the larger of the long-haired breeds on average.
Why are Norwegian Forest Cats so big?
The Norwegian Forest Cats can be considered examples of Bergmann's Rule, which states that warm-blooded animals in cold places tend to be bulkier than members of the same species who live in warmer regions. This rule is based on the fact that larger individuals with compact physiques usually have an easier time retaining body heat.


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