Da 5 Bloods
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A soulless and incompetent action/thriller not even a veteran lead actor could save, let alone Taylor Lautner.
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All Critics (107) | Top Critics (26) | Fresh (5) | Rotten (102)
The holes in the film's twist-filled story are often so big you could almost squeeze Lautner's sex appeal through them. October 18, 2011 | Rating: 1/5
The holes in the film's twist-filled story are often so big you could almost squeeze Lautner's sex appeal through them.
Jim Schembri
Some movies are hard to spoof. September 30, 2011 | Rating: 2/5 | Full Review…
Some movies are hard to spoof.
Charlotte O'Sullivan
Sigourney Weaver? After Avatar, surely she doesn't need the cash? September 29, 2011 | Rating: 2/5 | Full Review…
Sigourney Weaver? After Avatar, surely she doesn't need the cash?
Catherine Shoard
When Taylor Lautner is the least of a movie's problems, be afraid. September 29, 2011 | Rating: 1/5
When Taylor Lautner is the least of a movie's problems, be afraid.
Tim Robey
While the ultra-banal dialogue draws the occasional titter, the action scenes are tame and it's rife with plot holes that you could navigate a burning blimp through. September 27, 2011 | Rating: 2/5 | Full Review…
While the ultra-banal dialogue draws the occasional titter, the action scenes are tame and it's rife with plot holes that you could navigate a burning blimp through.
David Jenkins
The movie is a more objective opportunity to assess Lautner's potential as a general-purpose action hero once his emo-goth run wraps. You might not want to go betting on that one. September 26, 2011 | Rating: 1.5/4 | Full Review…
The movie is a more objective opportunity to assess Lautner's potential as a general-purpose action hero once his emo-goth run wraps. You might not want to go betting on that one.
Tom Russo
It is an entertaining thriller that lets Lautner show he looks good as a young action hero, and as such, it accomplishes its mission. February 8, 2019 | Rating: B | Full Review…
It is an entertaining thriller that lets Lautner show he looks good as a young action hero, and as such, it accomplishes its mission.
Abbie Bernstein
Astute viewers will find themselves unhappily wondering what the point is of hiring great, experienced actors like Sigourney Weaver, Maria Bello, Alfred Molina and Jason Isaacs, only to then award them such a diminutive screen time. December 1, 2018 | Rating: 2/5 | Full Review…
Astute viewers will find themselves unhappily wondering what the point is of hiring great, experienced actors like Sigourney Weaver, Maria Bello, Alfred Molina and Jason Isaacs, only to then award them such a diminutive screen time.
Margherita Pellegrino
Unfortunately, there are many, many more reasons to skip it, the overriding reason being the leading man, Taylor Lautner-a hunky Neanderthal with the acting range of a dial tone. November 13, 2018 | Rating: 4/10 | Full Review…
Unfortunately, there are many, many more reasons to skip it, the overriding reason being the leading man, Taylor Lautner-a hunky Neanderthal with the acting range of a dial tone.
Debbie Baldwin
A film that's not only brain-dead, but also treats the audience as if it's equally as stupid. It shows as much contempt for its characters as it does for its viewers. October 31, 2018 | Rating: 2/10 | Full Review…
A film that's not only brain-dead, but also treats the audience as if it's equally as stupid. It shows as much contempt for its characters as it does for its viewers.
Johnny Gayzmonic
Abduction does little for Twilight's Taylor Lautner as he becomes a fish-out-of-water in this Bourne Identity-mirroring movie. August 24, 2018 | Rating: 2/5 | Full Review…
Abduction does little for Twilight's Taylor Lautner as he becomes a fish-out-of-water in this Bourne Identity-mirroring movie.
Anna Smith
By the end of "Abduction," it's even becoming difficult for supporting actors like Sigourney Weaver and Alfred Molina to keep from laughing at the lunacy unfolding. June 22, 2013 | Rating: D- | Full Review…
By the end of "Abduction," it's even becoming difficult for supporting actors like Sigourney Weaver and Alfred Molina to keep from laughing at the lunacy unfolding.
Will Leitch
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