Wanted (2008)
Critic Consensus: Wanted is stylish, energetic popcorn fare with witty performances from Angelina Jolie (playing an expert assassin), James McAvoy, and Morgan Freeman that help to distract from its absurdly over-the-top plot.
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Critic Reviews for Wanted
All Critics (202) | Top Critics (45) | Fresh (144) | Rotten (58) | DVD (12)
Bekmambetov's movie evaporates pretty quickly after it's consumed.
Wanted is too bloody, too over the top, too silly, and too special effects driven. It's also excessively entertaining and fun.
It's made for fans of films that really just want to see some great visuals, some amazing sequences and some terrific performances.
A 12-armed heavy-metal drummer of a movie, kicking and flailing through two hours of impossible. The car chase of the year.
I've watched a movie that, while fiercely entertaining, made me fear for the emotional health of my gender. You have a problem with that?
If the graphic-novel-style hyperviolence of Sin City or 300 is your thing, go ahead and knock yourself out. Or let Angelina do it for you ... It feels so much nicer that way.
Audience Reviews for Wanted
With an exhilarating plot that cleverly modernizes the Greek Fates myth, this is a top-notch action-packed movie that defies the laws of Physics with a stylish direction, great performances, a lot of class and endless energy to offer us something truly unique.
Super Reviewer
This is, like, the only miss out of several hits in James McAvoy's 2000s career. I understand casting an actor of uncommon quality to portray the physical and emotional anxiety of pre-transformation Wesley, but the post-transformation characterization is somewhat pedestrian and wasted on McAvoy, and he kinda knew it, so he really phoned in that awful accent. Couldn't something have been done? The story is oddly slow with too much revenge masquerading as redemption, and Angie is just a one-note badass. Oh well.
Super Reviewer
The premise is ridiculous as are the action sequences. But what else can you expect from a mindless action summer popcorn movie? Also, why not make the main character British or Scottish instead of enduring McAvoy's shoddy American accent?
Super Reviewer
Wanted Quotes
Sloan: | Kill that motherfucker. |
Wes Gibson: | "This is me taking control — from Sloan, from the Fraternity, from Janice, from billing reports, from ergonomic keyboards, from cheating girlfriends and sack-of-shit best-friends. This is me taking back control — of my life. What the fuck have you done lately?" |
Wes Gibson: | This is me taking control ? from Sloan, from the Fraternity, from Janice, from billing reports, from ergonomic keyboards, from cheating girlfriends and sack-of-shit best-friends. This is me taking back control of my life. What the fuck have you done lately? |
Sloan: | Welcome... to the Fraternity. This gun you're holding belonged to your father; he could conduct a symphony orchestra with it. |
Mr. X: | Never send sheep to kill a wolf. |