Vivid: Sony said no to PS3 porn streaming
Looks like Vivid's content won't be streaming from the PlayStation 3.
(Credit: Sony)Those looking to stream pornographic videos to their PlayStation 3 will be bummed to hear that that capability won't be coming to Sony's console. At least, that's what Vivid Video says.
Vivid, one of the world's largest pornography companies, recently approached Sony to see if the company would ink a deal allowing Vivid to stream its pornographic films to the PS3. But Sony wasn't interested, Vivid revealed in a recent interview.
"We started conversations with Sony, but they didn't lead anywhere," Vivid co-chairman Steven Hirsch told ComputerandVideogames (CVG). Hirsch revealed to CVG that Vivid was asking Sony to create an area on its PlayStation Network that would require age verification to enter. Upon doing so, the PS3 owner could pay for Vivid's streaming videos and play them from the console.
Of course, just because Sony won't allow streaming on the console doesn't mean owners won't be able to play porn videos on the PlayStation 3. Sony's console accommodates both DVD and Blu-ray discs--two formats Vivid sells its films on.
Still, those hoping to be able to stream adult content on a video game console might not be out of luck just yet. Hirsch told CVG that he would be "very interested" in bringing his company's content to the Xbox 360. He didn't indicate if he had broached the subject with Microsoft yet.
Regardless, Microsoft doesn't sound like it would even consider accepting such a deal from Vivid. A company spokesperson wrote in an e-mail that "Microsoft does not and will not support Adults Only-rated titles or X-rated video content on Xbox 360."
Sony did not immediately respond to request for comment.
Updated at 7:08 p.m. PDT to include Microsoft statement.
Don Reisinger is a technology columnist who has written about everything from HDTVs to computers to Flowbee Haircut Systems. Don is a member of the CNET Blog Network, and posts at The Digital Home. He is not an employee of CNET. Disclosure.
Besides, all this means is that Vivid will not be able to put movies on the PSN store or whatever delivery system they were looking at. Fact of the matter is, there is porn being streamed to PS3s right now. Whether its through the web browser or through Windows Media streaming, its happening.
It's not being forced down your throat. Especially with Apple. As I'm sure you already know, you can still download porn to you iphone or ipad via the internet. You just can't do it using the app store.
I can understand why Sony wouldn't want porn as a feature in what many consider a toy for children. It only makes sense. Iphone, well, as much as I'd say that's just a toy, too; I'm sure most people would disagree, so it's not really the same thing. Besides, you can buy a X rated BR disc and use it on the PS3. You can't buy porn in the app store which is the only place you're "supposed" to buy things.
Sony may not support streaming porn to the PS3 through the PSN, but at least they don't tell you want you can and cannot use their product for.
I'll be interested to see what happens when sliverlight becomes more widely used. I wonder is Sony will pay MS to allow its use in the PS3?