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Current Designations, 2000 | Former Designations, 1996-2000 |
Persons appointed GNZM and KNZM/DNZM may continue to use the appellations of "Sir", in the case of men, and "Dame", in the case of women, before their name. The wife of a knight, provided she uses her husband’s surname, may use the courtesy title of "Lady" before the surname.
The Order is "for those persons who in any field of endeavour, have rendered meritorious service to the Crown and nation or who have become distinguished by their eminence, talents, contributions or other merits."
The concept of the Order arose out of the recommendations of the Prime Minister’s Honours Advisory Committee (1995) to discontinue recommendations for appointments to the various British State Orders of Chivalry and other awards.
The Queen is SOVEREIGN and the Governor-General CHANCELLOR of the Order. There is also a SECRETARY AND REGISTRAR (Clerk of the Executive Council) and a HERALD (New Zealand Herald of Arms) of the Order.
The first appointments to the Order were made in The Queen’s Birthday Honours announced on 3 June 1996.
The insignia of the Order consist of:
Principal Companions (PCNZM) and Knights and Dames Grand Companions (GNZM)
A badge, in the form of a cross in white enamel set in silver-gilt (gold) with, in the centre, a medallion comprising the New Zealand Coat of Arms in coloured enamel, within a circle of green enamel bearing the motto of the Order and surmounted by a Royal Crown. The badge is worn from a sash over the right shoulder and resting on the left hip.
A gold breast star, of eight points, each arm bearing in relief a representation of a fern frond, superimposed in the centre of which is a smaller representation of the badge of the Order.
Distinguished Companions (DCNZM) and Knights and Dames Companions (KNZM & DNZM)
A badge and breast star similar to that prescribed for Principal Companions and Knights and Dames Grand Companions except that the badge is worn from either a neck ribbon or from a bow on the left shoulder. The breast star is in silver, with the badge of the Order in the centre.
Companions (CNZM)
A badge similar to that prescribed for PCNZM/GNZM and DCNZM and KNZM/DNZM. It is worn from either a neck ribbon or from a bow on the left shoulder.
Officers (ONZM)
A smaller representation of the badge, in silver-gilt, with the motto set in green enamel. It is worn from a ribbon on the left lapel of the coat or from a ribbon tied in a bow and worn on the left shoulder.
Members (MNZM)
A badge similar to that prescribed for Officers, except that it is in silver and green enamel. It is worn in the same manner as the Officer’s badge.
Other insignia includes:
Collar of the Order
The Collar (chain) of the Order is composed of links of the central medallion of the badge and gold Koru (in the form of the letter S) with, in the centre (or front) a representation of the New Zealand Coat of Arms from which the badge of the Order hangs. The Collar is only worn by the Sovereign and the Chancellor (Governor-General) of the Order.
Lapel Badges and Miniatures
Lapel badges for everyday wear, and miniatures for evening wear, and on other appropriate occasions, are available to members of the various levels of the Order.
All the insignia of The New Zealand Order of Merit are currently made by Thomas Fattorini Ltd., of Birmingham, United Kingdom, gold and silversmiths, and makers of badges, medals and insignia, since 1827.
The motto of the Order is FOR MERIT, in English, and TOHU HIRANGA, in Maori. The literal translation of the Maori is “to achieve excellence”.
As the Order is an ‘Order of Chivalry’, a cross [a straight cross paty (or formy) convex] was selected for the badge. The particular shape of the cross chosen is not significant, although it has been found on several Maori tribal flags of the nineteenth century. The motto is set in green enamel which alludes to the highly prized pounamu or New Zealand greenstone (nephrite) which is noted for its beauty and toughness.
The breast star is based on the head or crown of the ponga or silver fern tree (cyathea dealbata) which is common throughout the country. It is regarded as a national emblem of New Zealand. The fern frond, in particular the silver fern frond, is to New Zealand what the oak leaves are to England and the laurel leaves to the world at large, i.e. the symbol of the champion, the winner or the achiever.
The collar provides a blend of both English and Maori cultures and alludes to the ancient origins of both, in particular the concept of chivalry. The koru is found in many forms in Maori art and is a stylised representation of a fern frond. It may symbolise new birth, growth, vitality, strength and achievement. The earliest known English collars were composed of the letter “S” and the design of the koru is based on this letter.
The ribbon and sash of the Order is plain red ochre (kokowai).
See also the Design of the New Zealand Orders Insignia - the Maori Dimension and the Designer.