What's the point of the type III secretion system needle?
Ariel J. Blocker, Janet E. Deane, Andreas K. J. Veenendaal, Pietro Roversi, Julie L. Hodgkinson, Steven Johnson, and Susan M. Lea
PNAS 2008 105: 6507-6513.
[Abstract][Full text][PDF]
Cell–cell contact interactions conditionally determine suppression and selection of the neoplastic phenotype
Chemical Ecology Special Feature: Biosynthetic origin of natural products isolated from marine microorganism–invertebrate assemblages
T. Luke Simmons, R. Cameron Coates, Benjamin R. Clark, Niclas Engene, David Gonzalez, Eduardo Esquenazi, Pieter C. Dorrestein, and William H. Gerwick
PNAS 2008 105: 4587-4594.
[Abstract][Full text][PDF][Supporting Information]
Chemical Ecology Special Feature: The evolution of gene collectives: How natural selection drives chemical innovation
Michael A. Fischbach, Christopher T. Walsh, and Jon Clardy
PNAS 2008 105: 4601-4608.
[Abstract][Full text][PDF]
From the Cover: Single-molecule Chemistry And Biology Special Feature: Single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy in (bio)catalysis
Maarten B. J. Roeffaers, Gert De Cremer, Hiroshi Uji-i, Beniot Muls, Bert F. Sels, Pierre A. Jacobs, Frans C. De Schryver, Dirk E. De Vos, and Johan Hofkens
PNAS 2007 104: 12603-12609.
[Abstract][Full text][PDF]
From the Cover: Coordination Chemistry of Saturated Molecules Special Feature: Dihydrogen complexes as prototypes for the coordination chemistry of saturated molecules
Chemical Theory and Computation Special Feature: Molecular dynamics studies of heterogeneous dynamics and dynamic crossover in supercooled atomic liquids
Asymmetric Catalysis Special Feature Part II: Controlling the enantioselectivity of enzymes by directed evolution: Practical and theoretical ramifications
Asymmetric Catalysis Special Feature Part II: Design of chiral ligands for asymmetric catalysis: From C2-symmetric P,P- and N,N-ligands to sterically and electronically nonsymmetrical P,N-ligands
Asymmetric Catalysis Special Feature Part I: Toward efficient asymmetric hydrogenation: Architectural and functional engineering of chiral molecular catalysts
Calcification in atherosclerosis: Bone biology and chronic inflammation at the arterial crossroads
Terence M. Doherty, Kamlesh Asotra, Lorraine A. Fitzpatrick, Jian-Hua Qiao, Douglas J. Wilkin, Robert C. Detrano, Colin R. Dunstan, Prediman K. Shah, and Tripathi B. Rajavashisth
PNAS 2003 100: 11201-11206.
[Abstract][Full text][PDF]
The discovery of the -helix and -sheet, the principal structural features of proteins
How does ATP hydrolysis control actin's associations?
Elena P. Sablin, John F. Dawson, Margaret S. VanLoock, James A. Spudich, Edward H. Egelman, and Robert J. Fletterick
PNAS 2002 99: 10945-10947.
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Adaptive agents, intelligence, and emergent human organization: Capturing complexity through agent-based modeling
Brian J. L. Berry, L. Douglas Kiel, and Euel Elliott
PNAS 2002 99: 7187-7188.
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Agent-based modeling for understanding social intelligence
Supramolecular Chemistry And Self-assembly Special Feature: Supramolecular templating in thermodynamically controlled synthesis
Ricardo L. E. Furlan, Sijbren Otto, and Jeremy K. M. Sanders
PNAS 2002 99: 4801-4804.
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Supramolecular Chemistry And Self-assembly Special Feature: Supramolecular organic photochemistry: Control of covalent bond formation through noncovalent supramolecular interactions and magnetic effects
Supramolecular Chemistry And Self-assembly Special Feature: Controlled disassembling of self-assembling systems: Toward artificial molecular-level devices and machines
Vincenzo Balzani, Alberto Credi, and Margherita Venturi
PNAS 2002 99: 4814-4817.
[Abstract][Full text][PDF]
Supramolecular Chemistry And Self-assembly Special Feature: Supramolecular chemistry and self-assembly
Special Feature: The new animal phylogeny: Reliability and implications
Andre Adoutte, Guillaume Balavoine, Nicolas Lartillot, Olivier Lespinet, Benjamin Prud'homme, and Renaud de Rosa
PNAS 2000 97: 4453-4456.
[Abstract][Full text][PDF]