WCW Superbrawl VIII, Sunday, 02/22/98
WCW Superbrawl VIII - Sunday, 02/22/98
- Hello everyone, Im Big Mike and Id like to thank Bill for giving me the opportunity to do the SuperBrawl report. Of course, now I will have to miss the Bee Gees on HBO. On second thought, I will be in your debt forever, Bill.
- First, a little about myself (if anyone cares). I am from Houston, Texas, and began watching wrestling in the early 80s at the height of the Von Erich-Freebird feud, and I have been hooked on it ever since. And yes, I was marking out when Michael Hayes (hell never be Dok Hendrix to me) came out to "Badstreet, USA" on Raw Saturday. That is, until he got his a-- beat by Kane.
- Well, lets see if Bret Hart and/or Nick Patrick make their presence felt tonight. Boy I would hate to see a screwjob in the main event, but I have a sneaking suspicion.
- Now, on with the show........
- We start with a montage of Sting and Hogan. Damn, I still miss the old Sting.
- We are live from the Cow Palace in San Francisco, California.
- Tony Schiavone, the Professor, "Iron" Mike Tenay, and Bobby Heenan (in a tux!) commentating. Meanwhile, Tony stole his wardrobe from Johnny Cash, it appears.
- Sting-Hogan II. Is it just me, or has there been less hype than what is due for this match? Hogan has been too busy starting angles with EVERYONE in the company. Whats next? A Hogan-Disco Inferno angle?
- Booker T defeats TV champ Rick Martel with the Harlem Sidekick
- The first of two TV title matches. Winner faces Saturn.
- Man, Booker T gets a HUGE pop, almost like the one Harlem Heat got in the house show here in their hometown of Houston.
- Martel comes out as a heel. Man, that was a quick turn. Reminds me of his "Model" days. Another one of the dumbest angles in wrestling history (along with Doink--Matt Borne, what were you thinking?)
- Booker T starts off with a flurry, clotheslining Martel to the floor.
- Theres the Flock. Yeah, who cares. Brain calls them the "whos who of Skid Row." Nice one, Brain.
- Booker T is working the crowd very well.
- Martel is going for the Quebec (Boston) Crab. Booker T grabs the ropes, though.
- Five minutes into the match, Tony says the match has gone on longer than the men wanted. Hey wasnt that Martel in the 60-minute matches with Flair when he was AWA champ? Give me a break, Tony.
- Booker T misses off the top rope
- Harlem sidekick. Thats it! New champ. But for how long......
- Booker T defeats Saturn with the Harlem Hangover to retain the TV Title.
- Saturn pearl harbors Booker T and puts on the rings of Saturn as soon as he gets the pin on Martel. Booker T grabs the ropes, and the match is underway right away.
- Booker Ts been in for ten minutes and they are talking about how tired he is. How things have changed since the old days.
- Very physical match. I like it.
- Man, Saturn looks like hell.
- Both men showing some nice aerial moves.
- Tony says this will be the shortest title reign in the history of the sport if Saturn wins. Hey what about the whole Hogan-Yokozuna-Bret Hart thing a few years ago? Make that two for Mr. Misinformation, Tony Schiavone. Speak up, Tenay!
- Tony to Brain: "Are we going to argue all night?" Brain: "Not if you leave!" I love the Brain.
- Tenay says they have received a report that Martel has suffered a torn medial-collateral ligament.
- Booker T missed the Harlem Hangover off the top.
- Saturn really is a pretty good technical wrestler.
- Harlem Sidekick! Booker T remains the champ. Both men wrestled a pretty good match. Not a bad start.
- Backstage to the internet chat with Mark Madden, Lee Marshall, and Chris Jericho. Whatever.
- Disco Inferno over La Parka with the "Its Not the Stunner, Damn It!" Chart Buster.
- All right! The chairman! Heres your man, Bill. La Parka does have a great entrance.
- Disco Fever! Disco Fever! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Disco needs a shave.
- Heres another angle that just seemed to come out of nowhere.
- La Parka does a little of his own disco dancing. Its not the same without the chair.
- Brain wonders when La Parka is going to do some of those "Salt O Moons." Heh-heh.
- A lot of out of ring action.
- La Parka head scissors Disco outside the ring and it looks like Disco took a hard bump on his knee.
- Something happened to the ref. Didnt see it, but he is acting like he got poked in the eye.
- La Parka brings the chair in and puts Disco in it. The ref sees Disco in the chair and does nothing.
- After an awkward couple of moments of fooling around on the top rope, La Parka is thrown into the chair off the top rope.
- Disco comes back with the Stone Cold Stunner (Chart Buster), and its over.
- Not a great match, but not terrible either.
- Here is Mean Gene and JJ Dillon are introduced to a chorus of boos. Oh crap, they are bringing Nick Patrick out. Dont do it, JJ! Dont put him in the title match. Nick Patrick is reinstated, JJ announces. Nick Patrick acts like he just won the lottery. Nick jumps in and says that he will vindicate himself in the main event, but JJ says that Nick Patrick will not be the ref in the main event. Nick is angry, and goes off on some kind of spiel. Uh-oh, something is going to happen anyway with the main event and Nick Patrick screwing something up.
- In an unadvertised match, Bill Goldberg beats Brad Armstrong with guess what.
- Goldberg comes out to a HUGE pop.
- This should be quick.
- Chants of "Goldberg, Goldberg."
- Goldberg with an ankle lock! Wow, theres a new one for him!
- Goldberg with a suplex out of an abdominal stretch. That was a pretty nice move.
- Spear, Jackhammer, thats it. You already knew that, though.
- "Whineheart" Chris Jericho defeats Juventud Guerrera with the Liontamer in a mask vs. title match.
- Juvy has been getting over pretty well lately. Its about time they push him a little. It would be too bad if he lost his mask tonight
- Great sign in the crowd that simply says, "Flock you."
- "Jericho sucks" chants start.
- Jericho must have been watching the Four Musketeers when he decided to grow that beard.
- Jericho leaves the belt on, and Juvy gives him a nice drop kick right in the title belt.
- Brain says Juvy doesnt want to have the mask taken off so everyone finds out he looks like Freddy Fender. Heh-heh.
- Hurricanrana by Juvy off the top rope onto the floor. Jericho is playing possum outside the ring to get counted out and retain the title. Juvy gives him an elbow to "wake him up."
- Jericho tries to use the ring steps as a springboard, but Juvy catches him and throws him into the steel barrier.
- Uncharacteristically slow match for these two.
- The ole dropkick in the butt by Juvy.
- Juvy springboards onto Jericho outside the ring with a nice move.
- Tombstone piledriver by Juvy!
- 450 splash. We have a new champ! No wait, the bell rang, and then Mickey Jay says Jericho was in the ropes. What a crock! Someone screwed up royally.
- Nice DDT by Juvy, but Jericho kicks out. What happened to the DDT being a finishing move and knocking you unconscious?
- Jericho hooks the Liontamer, and Juvy taps out! Well, I guess we are going to see Juvy. What a shame.
- Jericho gets on the mic, and I tune him out. Juvy is taking off his mask. No surprises. Jericho leaves and Juvy makes sure everyone gets a good look at him. Brain: "Well, now when hes delivering pizzas, everyone will recognize him."
- "British Bullfrog" Davey Boy Smith makes Steve McMichael submit to an armbar!
- Ever since the Goldberg thing, Mongo has been getting zero push. Mongo really needs Flair and Benoit to make him look good.
- Time to go get a little liquid refreshment.
- Davey Boy goes for the sharpshooter, and hooks it, but Mongo reaches the ropes.
- Sloppy match, but what did you expect?
- Wow, Mongos forearm legitimately smashed hard into the ring post it looked like.
- OK, maybe it wasnt legit, as Bulldog is working on the wrist hard now.
- Oh man, Mongo tries to go into a three-point stance and his wrist gives out. Come on, guys.
- Davey Boy has Mongo in an armbar, and Mongo submits!?! What????? The crowd is booing. Mongo says he didnt quit and shoves the ref. Mongo yells "He just gave him the match, I didnt quit!" What, are we in the WWF now?
- One of the stupidest endings to a match I have ever seen. Whos booking this crap?
- Scmeme Gene with the Hotline ad, and he almost forgets the number the second time he says it. OK, you can shut up now Gene. They now have a Canadian hotline number. Hmmmm.....
- Diamond Dallas Page defeats "The Wolverine" Chris Benoit with the Diamond Cutter to retain the US Heavyweight Championship.
- OK, this should be a great match. Two of my favorite wrestlers. I dont care who wins as long as its a good match.
- Where has Kimberly been? She doesnt come out in front of DDP anymore.
- Benoit goes for the Crossface, but Page gets out of it and out of the ring.
- Test of strength, kind of lame.
- Exchange of punches. They are rolling around on the mat - wow, looks like a fight I saw at a country bar the other night.
- Suprisingly slow-paced match for these guys, especially Benoit. Lots of rest holds.
- DDP with a version of the Stone Cold Stunner or Jawbreaker or something. Benoit stays up. How come when Disco does it, the other guy is put out?
- Sleeper hold by Benoit, and DDP throws him out of the ring.
- Benoit is on the ropes and DDP shakes the ropes for the ole nutcracker.
- Superplex by DDP, and both men are down.
- Benoit hooks the Crossface again, and again DDP gets to the ropes.
- Belly-to-belly suplex, and the refs very noticeably hesitates before he counts three so Benoit can kick out.
- German suplex, and the ref hesitates again before three so DDP can kick out! The crowd is booing. Charles Robinson looks bad. Heenan even mentions something about the hesitation.
- Diamond Cutter! BANG! Its over.
- Wow, that could have been a much better match, and the ref looked stupid with the hitch in his count twice.
- Schiavone says Giant had trouble making his flight connections and will not be there tonight to speak. They said he will be on Nitro tomorrow.
- Cut to a montage of the Giant. Why have we not heard more on his condition? How legitimate was that bump he took at Souled Out?
- "The Total Package" Lex Luger makes The "Nacho Man" Randy Savage submit? in a no DQ match.
- Savage still comes out to the nWo first-team music.
- Nice shot of a pretty well-endowed woman booing Savage.
- Lodi has a sign: "Benoit we knew youd lose!" Ouch.
- Luger came out with taped ribs.
- Crowd with a LOUD "Luger sucks!" chant. Not bad for the people in San Francisco.
- Savage, of course, works on the ribs.
- Luger shows no offense in the early going.
- They are taking it outside, and Savage is using everything he can.
- Savage takes the time to go face to face with someone in the crowd.
- Luger finally wakes up and puts Savage in the rack, but Liz comes in and gives the eye rake to Luger!
- nWo second team comes out to attack. The bell rings. Isnt this a no DQ match???? Oh wait, here comes Hogan. Savage gets put in the rack and Hogan says to the nWo "Let it go!" The bell rings again. Apparently, Savage submitted. What?? Whos ringing the bell tonight? Thats the second time the bell ringer screwed up a finish.
- The Outsiders defeat the Steiners for the World Tag Team championship as Scott Steiner turns nWo!
- David Penzer states that it is for "the Unified Tag Team Championship." OK, whatever.
- "The American Cream" Dusty Rhodes comes out with Hall and Nash. You think Bischoff had Dusty turn heel to get him off the announcing crew?
- Hall does his survey. More liquid refreshment.
- The crowd is loudly behind the nWo. Wow, I heard it from the kitchen!
- I wish Dibiase was still wrestling. Anyone remember in Mid-South Wrestling when Dibiase was scheduled to wrestle Ric Flair one time and Dick Murdoch came out and punked him? Dibiase proceeded to wrestle a long match with Flair, and the whole time, he was just completely busted open from Murdoch. His whole face and head was bloody. It was a great match. Then he became the Million Dollar Man in another Vince McMahon brainstorm.
- Rick starts, and Brain makes a big deal about Scott walking away when Dibiase was talking to them. I thought that angle was over with. Hmmm.....I wonder whats coming.
- Here comes Scott into the ring to do the barking thing.
- Scott turns on Rick!!!!!! Hes nWo! He gives Rick a powerbomb. Scott throws Dibiase out and then Dusty rams Dibiase into the ring post.
- Hall goes for the pin and Rick kicks out. Hes fighting three men by himself!
- Scott is taunting Rick as Hall gives him the Razors (Outsiders) Edge. We have new tag team champs.
- OK, so maybe we saw that coming. Scott Steiner hands the belt to Hall and Nash and leaves with them.
- Promo for Uncensored.
- Main event time!
- Sting defeats "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, with an assist from Randy Savage, to become the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion!
- Heres the man with the greatest job in the world, Michael Buffer. Ill bet that he tries to use that "Lets get ready to rumble!" line on the chicks all the time. Heh-heh. He says the match is for the Unified WCW/nWo World Heavyweight Championship. Thats twice tonight. Never heard that one before.
- Hogan comes out by himself.
- Sign in the stands: "El Nio sucks" Heh-heh.
- Sting comes out to his weird entrance music.
- Sting comes in and attacks Hogan. Buffer is still talking as he is scrambling to get out of the ring.
- Hogan is using the belt on Sting.
- Charles Robinson is the referee. Oh yeah, great choice, JJ, I wonder when Nick Patrick and/or Bret Hart is coming out.
- Now Hogan is using Stings coat to choke him.
- Twenty-five minutes after the hour. Either this is going to be a long match or were going to end early.
- Hogans hair looks more bleached than usual. It is almost white!
- Hogan is posing, and Sting comes up behind him and goes on one of his rampages. He takes off Hogans belt and is beating the hell out of Hogan with it. Hogan tries to leave, and Sting grab him around the neck with the belt and pulls him back toward the ring.
- Theyre still outside the ring. I guess there are no count outs in this match.
- Sting goes for the Stinger Splash outside and Hogan moves and Sting hits the railing
- The Scorpion Death Lock is on. Hogan gets to the ropes.
- Charles Robinson gets his and is knocked out. Oh no, here comes Nick Patrick. He rolls Charles Robinson out. Hogan hits the Leg Drop and goes for the pin, and Sting kicked out after a slow count. Hogan acts pissed. He says, "Its me!" to Patrick.
- Nick Patrick pulls Hogan off for using the closed fist. Now I see whats coming.
- Another Leg Drop of Doom. Two count.
- More two counts and Hogan is complaining to Nick Patrick. Hogan to Nick Patrick: "What are you doing?"
- Hogan with a Nutcracker on Sting as Sting is gaining momentum.
- Here it comes. Sting is no-selling Hogan punches.
- Stinger Splash...once, twice! Scorpion Death Drop and Hogan kicks Nick Patrick. Here comes the nWo second-team. Macho comes in and hits Hogan with a spray paint can!! Patrick recovers and Sting gets the three count! We have a new champion.
- Oh, damn it, damn it, here comes JJ Dillon.
- Sting spray paints Hogan "WCW"
- Oh good, JJ is just there to hand the belt to Sting.
- We leave with Hogan laying in the ring and Sting the new World Heavyweight Champion.
- Well, we should see a Savage-Hogan feud coming up.
- A decent card, although I expected more from the DDP-Benoit match. Not too many surprises, no matter how surprised Schiavone acted when Scott Steiner turned nWo.
- Thanks again, Bill, for letting me do this report, and remember as Robert Earl Keen says, "The road goes on forever, and the party never ends." Dusty Rhodes stole that from him.
Joe M. sends the following arena report:
For some things the home viewer may not of seen at the lovely Cow Palace:
In the parking lot, there was a sea of nWo shirts. I've never seen so many redneck drunks in San Francisco
We were privileged to see Ultimo Dragon vs. some name I missed w/ Sonny Ono in a dark match. Dragon wins with the Dragon Sleeper to a chant of "Boring".
50 ft above the ring was a steel cage. Hmmm...
Booker T. got a huge pop!
Goldberg looks even more massive in person. I still can't believe he did a standing backflip.
In he biggest rip off of the night, Air Juvy never turned to face where I was sitting to let us see his face. I was pumped to see what he looked like but got the big letdown. I heard he looked rather handsome - not that I care. (But if you do there's nothing wrong with that-especially here in San Francisco). Juvy had one viscous backhand chop though - very, very loud.
The crowd didn't know what to do after the Mongo/Bulldog match. It just ended and nobody knew exactly what happened. Mongo has to be seriously hurt or Bulldog has the worst finishing move since Ronnie Garvin's body stomp.
Macho got a huge pop as well. Luger got a loud "Luger Sucks" chant. Yes! After the match, Luger tried to jump the railing to go after a fan. Security had to hold him back. If he only would have shown as much effort during the match....
The biggest pop of the night went to the Outsiders. I may be wrong, but that was the widest margin in the for the survey to date. The Steiners got a "Steiners Suck" for their effort.
After Sting was presented with the belt and left the ring we saw the best piece of athleticism for the night. While Hogan laid knocked out in the ring, a fan jumped the railing and got up on the mat. Before he could get through the ropes though a camera guy held him up while still filming Hogan! No doubt he spent some time at the Power Plant. He held the guy for about 5 seconds until security came to punk the dude. Hogan walked out to a chant of "Loser".