Wireless Access
Wireless access is available for attorneys in all courtrooms and attorney areas throughout the Middle District of Georgia. The wireless encryption key can be found on each counsel table or obtained from the courtroom deputy. Please note that the attorney wireless network is unmonitored, similar to public networks in coffee shops or hotels. The user assumes all associated risks.
Courtroom Technology
Each courtroom is equipped with various levels of audio/visual and automated evidence presentation equipment which is available to attorneys. Attorneys are encouraged to take advantage of this equipment, which is fairly simple to operate. Attorneys who wish to schedule a time to test their presentations before court should contact the respective courtroom deputy.
For technical questions regarding the equipment contact the court's IT department at 478-752-3417. A list of courtroom technology capabilities in each courtroom can be found below.
Courtroom Technology Capabilities by Courtroom
This court uses the Jury Evidence Recording System (JERS) in select courtrooms to collect evidence electronically during a trial. Evidence released to the jury can be played back by the jury in the deliberation room.
How to Submit Electronic Exhibit Files
Electronic evidence files should be provided on a USB drive, DVD, or CD.
A folder should be created on the drive, with the description of the party and case number.
- if plaintiff: Plaintiff_casenumber
- if defendant: Defendant_casenumber
- if joint: Joint_casenumber
Exhibit Formatting Instructions for Batch Importing
Exhibit files can be formatted in a manner that permits them to be batch imported into the JERS system. The method to use is described below:
File Naming Method
- All files are provided on a single storage device such as a CD, DVD, or USB drive.
- Using any software or method, exhibit files are renamed using a naming convention simliar to:
(exhibit number)-(exhibit part)_(exhibit description).(file extension)Exhibit names should not contain apostrophe ‘ or quotation “ marks
- The use of the "underscore" character is required when an optional description of the exhibit is included and cannot be used elsewhere in the exhibit name.
- Example listing of valid exhibit file names:
"12_2009 Tax Statement.pdf", "35d.pdf", "12(a)_camera footage.wmv"
Requirements for Exhibit File Types and Size Limits
All electronic evidence should be provided using the following formats:
- Documents and Photographs: All documents and photographs should be submitted in PDF format. (Maximum file size 50MB)
- Video and Audio Recordings: .avi, .wmv, .mpg, .mp3, .wma, .wav (Maximum file size 512MB)