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July 19, 2019
The Republic of Zambia, a landlocked southern African
Practices report. The government also appears to use the
country, has historically been politically stable and has held
award of state positions to help secure its agenda in
regular elections since a return to multiparty politics in
parliament—nearly half of PF members in parliament hold
1991, after nearly two decades of one-party rule. The
ministerial posts—and has dismissed numerous allegedly
government reportedly uses the state legal apparatus to
pro-UPND public servants.
restrict opposition political activity and muzzle critics,
Figure 1. Zambia at a Glance
however, curtailing the exercise of civic freedoms.
Corruption is also a governance challenge, and Zambia
faces economic headwinds. Since 2014, economic growth
has slowed, while public debt has risen. U.S.-Zambian
relations are cordial and center primarily on bilateral
development cooperation, notably in the health sector.
Politics: Background and Recent Developments
Zambia has a presidential system with a unicameral
parliament. The country has held multiple elections since
1991 and is rated “Partly Free” by the U.S. nonprofit

Freedom House. Surveys by Afrobarometer, a think tank,
Source: CIA, World Bank, and IMF reference databases.
suggest that the public supports free and fair elections, but a
number of elections since 1991 have featured alleged
A range of opposition parties and individuals face state
irregularities and limited political violence. Fierce electoral
harassment, particularly the UPND and its leader,
Hichilema. In 2017, Hichilema was charged with treason
competition and frequently polarized politics may account
for an arguably antidemocratic current: Several recent
and held in a maximum security prison for months. The
governments, and the current one, have used presidential
charges were suspended—just prior to a trial seen as having
the potential to spur instability, given heated tensions over
clout, state powers, and repressive laws to target political
opponents and favor allies.
the case—but could be renewed. Hichilema has since faced
other constraints on his political activity, and in late 2018
Recent Elections
was detained for questioning after allegedly inciting riots by
Incumbent President Edward Lungu, of the Patriotic Front
making remarks on the possible sale of a state-owned firm
(PF), came to power after the 2014 death in office of his
to Chinese interests during a radio interview. Freedom
House reports that the latter incident could be used to
predecessor, Michael Sata (PF), whose term Lungu was
disqualify Hichilema as a 2021 presidential candidate.
elected to complete. Lungu then won election for a full term
in 2016 by a slim margin, defeating his archrival, Hakainde
Rule of Law and Press Freedom
Hichilema of the United Party for National Development
(UPND), the main opposition party. The PF also holds a
The judiciary also has faced periodic political pressure,
narrow majority (80 of 156 seats) in the parliament. General
notably in relation to election legal disputes and other
political cases. In late 2018, Lungu warned of chaos should
elections are next slated for 2021.
the Constitutional Court block his bid for a third term in
The 2016 elections featured pre-poll violence, partisan PF
2021. Weeks later, the entirely Lungu-appointed court ruled
use of state resources, state harassment of media that hosted
unanimously that a two-term presidential tenure limit did
the opposition, and the arguably questionable use of the
not apply to Lungu with respect to the 2021 elections, as his
Public Order Act—which governs public assembly—to
first term had been a partial one. His eligibility had been a
hinder opposition political rallies. A UPND court case
matter of heated contention since his 2016 election.
seeking to overturn the election was thrown out on a
technicality, drawing criticism from the U.S.-based Carter
While the press is lively and some privately owned media
Center. The UPND has since contended that the vote was
sources criticize the government, according to Freedom
fraudulent and that Lungu’s tenure is illegitimate.
House, the state pressures the media to minimize opposition
coverage. Many media outlets, notably government-aligned
Political Climate
ones, reportedly comply and also self-censor. In recent
years, authorities have routinely used tax, licensing, libel,
The ongoing politicized use of state authority has spurred
some observers to warn of creeping authoritarianism under
and sedition laws to harass selected media outlets and
Lungu. Concerns over governance trends are reflected in
curtail their activity, and PF supporters have periodically
reports by such organizations as Freedom House and
disrupted broadcasts airing opposition views.
Human Rights Watch, as well as the U.S. State
In April 2019, the PF-dominated parliament enacted a law
Department’s 2018 Country Reports on Human Rights
ostensibly aimed at fostering government-opposition

cooperation. The law contains a series of provisions for
Corruption, notably graft related to state expenditures and
changing the constitution, ensuring the independence of the
contracts, is a major challenge; questionable spending has
judiciary and other institutions, amending the Public Order
reportedly contributed significantly to high debt levels. A
Act, and enacting electoral reforms. The law also
2019 Transparency International survey found that 66% of
established a national dialogue on these and other issues.
Zambians view corruption as having risen over the prior
The UPND opposed the law’s passage and, with some other
year and 70% view state anticorruption efforts as poor.
parties, has boycotted the dialogue, contending that these
efforts are PF-dominated and partisan.
Chinese firms have invested heavily in mining in Zambia
Economy and Key Development Challenges
and are involved in the construction and retail sectors,
Zambia has large deposits of minerals, particularly copper.
among others. China’s government also provides
Mining accounts for 70% of Zambia’s exports, making
development aid and state-to-state loans. Some Chinese-
Zambia vulnerable to market fluctuations. The country
Zambian credit and commercial transactions have
enjoyed fast growth from 2005 to 2014, averaging 7.4% a
reportedly been opaque, and some loans have appeared to
year, but in 2015 gross domestic product growth (GDP) fell
exceed the nominal value of the goods or projects at issue.
to 2.9%. GDP growth later recovered moderately; it stood
Questions about these issues and other aspects of
at 3.5% in 2018. The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
commercial ties with China have spurred political
projects continued low growth over the next five years.
controversy and, in some cases, allegations that Chinese
loans have contributed to rising public debt and potentially
The local currency, the Kwacha, has depreciated
to corruption. Chinese firms’ labor practices have also
concurrently with the drop in GDP, while chronic deficit
drawn fire, and pejorative views of China have featured in
spending has swelled Zambia’s external debt. This debt,
political campaigns and discourse. In 2018, President
which has increased an average of 20.7% a year since 2010,
Lungu publicly referred to Chinese people as
stood at $16.3 billion in 2017, according to the World
“cockroaches”—but met with investors from China a day
Bank. Recently, the government took measures to curtail
later. As a candidate, the late President Sata harshly
spending, but political pressure to maintain funding flows
criticized China, but after assuming power, his government
ahead of the 2021 elections may undercut such efforts.
cooperated closely with that of China.
Despite years of growth, many Zambians have remained
poor. The World Bank estimates that 54% of citizens lived
U.S. Relations
in poverty in 2015 (latest data). Nominal per capita incomes
U.S.-Zambian center primarily on U.S. development aid
have decreased since peaking at $1,840 in 2013, and stood
programs. In FY2018, $452 million in State Department-
at $1,417 in 2018. About 54% of Zambians work in
and U.S. Agency for International Development-
agriculture, mostly as smallholder farmers. Periodic
administered aid was appropriated for Zambia. Of this, 92%
droughts have reduced food security and the rate of
supported health programs, primarily under the U.S.
agricultural productivity, which already was low due to
President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and the
insufficient access to farming inputs and technology. An
President’s Malaria Initiative, as well as maternal and child
ongoing drought has contributed to massive electricity
health, family planning, and reproductive health. Another
shortages. The tourism industry accounted for just over 4%
$36 million supported programs centering on good
of imports in 2017. While the value of tourism receipts
governance, political competition, and civil society, water
comprises a small portion of overall economic activity, the
and sanitation, basic education, agriculture, and
sector is a source of local jobs and non-mining sector hard
environmental sustainability. An International Military
currency. Tourism in Zambia centers on game parks and
Education and Training program received $0.4 million.
conservation areas, which cover about 8% of the country,
The State Department requested $440 million in FY2019
and include Victoria Falls, a world-famous waterfall.
and $365 million for FY2020. (FY2019 country-level aid
Development challenges include high unemployment, lack
allocations are not yet available.) Over 98% of such funding
of roads and other infrastructure, a weak private sector, and
would support health programs in both years. In FY2020,
limited access to social services like education and health
$5 million would support wildlife anti-trafficking activity,
care. In 2017, the Lungu administration launched a roughly
environmental conservation, small business growth, basic
$27 billion 2017-2021 National Development Plan
education, and democratic governance—including
centering on infrastructure projects, economic
programs to aid the electoral process and reduce restrictions
diversification, and reductions in poverty and income
on civil rights ahead of the 2021 elections. A longstanding
inequality. The plan also prioritizes public finance reforms,
Peace Corps Program focuses on agriculture, education, the
private sector development, and communications reforms.
environment, and health. Between 2012 and 2018, Zambia
also implemented a $354.8 million Millennium Challenge
HIV/AIDS poses socioeconomic burdens, particularly as
Corporation compact. The compact supported water supply,
HIV often affects those at the peak of their productive and
sanitation, and drainage projects.
reproductive lives. The adult HIV prevalence rate, however,
has dropped gradually since peaking at 15.9% in 1998; it
Nicolas Cook, Specialist in African Affairs
stood at 11.5% in 2017 according to UNAIDS. Malaria is
another major public health challenge. The government has
made improved health care a core development goal, for
which it receives substantial U.S. assistance (see below).

Zambia | IF11271 · VERSION 1 · NEW


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