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Challenging Standardized Test Words Quiz: Vol. 2

Question: The business’s new computer system proved not to be a panacea.
Answer: Panacea can be traced back to the Greek word for “all-healing” and is often used in the manner above, to describe remedies that fall short of fixing every problem.
Question: The student council president had many quixotic goals.
Answer: Quixotic comes from Don Quixote, the titular character of Miguel de Cervantes’s 17th-century epic novel. Quixote is an idealist who attempts impossible feats, such as tilting (jousting) at windmills.
Question: Meg was pragmatic when it came to selecting which car to buy.
Answer: Pragmatic describes people who make practical, as opposed to idealistic, decisions. A budget-friendly sedan might be more pragmatic (but less fun) than a pricey sports car.
Question: When Detective Wendell’s partner retired, he was paired with a scrupulous rookie.
Answer: Scruples are ethical considerations. Scrupulous people act in strict regard for what is considered right or proper, whereas the unscrupulous act in their own self-interest.
Question: The teacher marked a particularly egregious paragraph from the student’s essay.
Answer: Egregious means “conspicuously bad” or “flagrant” and is often used to describe errors. The word comes from the Latin word for “distinguished” or “eminent” and may have arrived at its current meaning through ironic usage.
Question: When Rose told her brother that their mother loved him more, he demurred.
Answer: Synonymous with the verb object, demur means “to take exception.” It looks quite similar to another SAT word demure, meaning “reserved, modest.”
Question: The town experienced a conflagration such as it had never seen before.
Answer: Conflagration is frequently used to describe a large disastrous fire, but it can also be synonymous with war or conflict.
Question: After much cajolement, Cindy joined the band.
Answer: Similar to the word coax, the verb cajole means “to persuade with flattery or gentle urging especially in the face of reluctance.”
Question: During the postgame interview, the athlete gave laconic answers.
Answer: The ancient Greek city of Sparta was located in an area called Laconia; laconic reflects the Spartan reputation for being brief with words.
Question: Bill has intransigent political views.
Answer: Intransigent means “characterized by refusal to compromise or to abandon an often extreme position or attitude.”
Question: The first half of the book is more didactic than the second half.
Answer: Didactic was first used to mean “designed or intended to teach.” However, in recent usage it has taken on some negative connotations, describing works that are moralistic or dull from too much instruction.
Question: Josie’s professional career reached its nadir in 2018.
Answer: Nadir is derived from the Arabic word for “opposite,” as it was used to describe the opposite of a celestial sphere’s highest point, or zenith. The words can now refer to other lowest or highest points, respectively.
Question: Darla relegated Sawyer to the mail room.
Answer: Relegate is frequently used when someone or something is moved to a place of insignificance in order to be put out of sight or mind.
Question: The politician was known above all else for his circumlocutions.
Answer: From the Latin circum (meaning “around”) and locutio (meaning “speech”), circumlocution is a roundabout way of talking, using large words to be evasive.
Question: Kat wore a staid sweater to the holiday party.
Answer: Staid means “marked by settled sedateness and often prim self-restraint.”
Question: The teacher claimed the book had a pernicious effect on society.
Answer: Pernicious means “highly injurious or destructive.”
Question: After appearing in only a handful of films, it was easy to tell Paul was a protean actor.
Answer: The Greek mythological character Proteus had the gift of prophecy but opted to hide away by shape-shifting rather than share his knowledge. Thus, protean describes someone who takes on a variety of appearances or is versatile.
Question: This was Deion’s first time reading an epistolary novel.
Answer: Perhaps best known for their use in the Bible’s New Testament, epistles are compositions written in the form of letters. Epistolary refers to things relating to or written as a series of letters.
Question: The CEO remembered her days as an impecunious college student.
Answer: Impecunious means “having very little or no money usually habitually” and is often used to describe someone who cannot afford basic necessities.
Question: News pundits claimed the new legislation was antediluvian.
Answer: Combining ante (meaning “before”) and diluvium (meaning “flood”), antediluvian was first used to specifically describe the time before Noah’s ark. Today it frequently refers to things, people, and ideas that are primitive or outmoded.
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