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Presidents of the United States

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Also known as: America, U.S., U.S.A., United States of America

The table provides a list of the presidents of the United States.

Presidents of the United States
no. president birthplace political party term
*Died in office.
**Resigned from office.
1 George Washington Virginia Federalist 1789–97
2 John Adams Massachusetts Federalist 1797–1801
3 Thomas Jefferson Virginia Democratic-Republican 1801–09
4 James Madison Virginia Democratic-Republican 1809–17
5 James Monroe Virginia Democratic-Republican 1817–25
6 John Quincy Adams Massachusetts National Republican 1825–29
7 Andrew Jackson South Carolina Democratic 1829–37
8 Martin Van Buren New York Democratic 1837–41
9 William Henry Harrison Virginia Whig 1841*
10 John Tyler Virginia Whig 1841–45
11 James K. Polk North Carolina Democratic 1845–49
12 Zachary Taylor Virginia Whig 1849–50*
13 Millard Fillmore New York Whig 1850–53
14 Franklin Pierce New Hampshire Democratic 1853–57
15 James Buchanan Pennsylvania Democratic 1857–61
16 Abraham Lincoln Kentucky Republican 1861–65*
17 Andrew Johnson North Carolina Democratic (Union) 1865–69
18 Ulysses S. Grant Ohio Republican 1869–77
19 Rutherford B. Hayes Ohio Republican 1877–81
20 James A. Garfield Ohio Republican 1881*
21 Chester A. Arthur Vermont Republican 1881–85
22 Grover Cleveland New Jersey Democratic 1885–89
23 Benjamin Harrison Ohio Republican 1889–93
24 Grover Cleveland New Jersey Democratic 1893–97
25 William McKinley Ohio Republican 1897–1901*
26 Theodore Roosevelt New York Republican 1901–09
27 William Howard Taft Ohio Republican 1909–13
28 Woodrow Wilson Virginia Democratic 1913–21
29 Warren G. Harding Ohio Republican 1921–23*
30 Calvin Coolidge Vermont Republican 1923–29
31 Herbert Hoover Iowa Republican 1929–33
32 Franklin D. Roosevelt New York Democratic 1933–45*
33 Harry S. Truman Missouri Democratic 1945–53
34 Dwight D. Eisenhower Texas Republican 1953–61
35 John F. Kennedy Massachusetts Democratic 1961–63*
36 Lyndon B. Johnson Texas Democratic 1963–69
37 Richard M. Nixon California Republican 1969–74**
38 Gerald R. Ford Nebraska Republican 1974–77
39 Jimmy Carter Georgia Democratic 1977–81
40 Ronald Reagan Illinois Republican 1981–89
41 George Bush Massachusetts Republican 1989–93
42 Bill Clinton Arkansas Democratic 1993–2001
43 George W. Bush Connecticut Republican 2001–09
44 Barack Obama Hawaii Democratic 2009–17
45 Donald Trump New York Republican 2017–21
46 Joe Biden Pennsylvania Democratic 2021–2025
47 Donald Trump New York Republican 2025–

Vice presidents of the United States

The table provides a list of the vice presidents of the United States.

Vice presidents of the United States
no. vice president birthplace term presidential administration served under
*Died in office.
**Resigned from office.
1 John Adams Mass. 1789–97 George Washington
2 Thomas Jefferson Va. 1797–1801 John Adams
3 Aaron Burr N.J. 1801–05 Thomas Jefferson
4 George Clinton N.Y. 1805–09 Thomas Jefferson
George Clinton N.Y. 1809–12* James Madison
5 Elbridge Gerry Mass. 1813–14* James Madison
6 Daniel D. Tompkins N.Y. 1817–25 James Monroe
7 John C. Calhoun S.C. 1825–29 John Quincy Adams
John C. Calhoun S.C. 1829–32** Andrew Jackson
8 Martin Van Buren N.Y. 1833–37 Andrew Jackson
9 Richard M. Johnson Ky. 1837–41 Martin Van Buren
10 John Tyler Va. 1841 William Henry Harrison
11 George Mifflin Dallas Pa. 1845–49 James K. Polk
12 Millard Fillmore N.Y. 1849–50 Zachary Taylor
13 William Rufus de Vane King N.C. 1853* Franklin Pierce
14 John C. Breckinridge Ky. 1857–61 James Buchanan
15 Hannibal Hamlin Maine 1861–65 Abraham Lincoln
16 Andrew Johnson N.C. 1865 Abraham Lincoln
17 Schuyler Colfax N.Y. 1869–73 Ulysses S. Grant
18 Henry Wilson N.H. 1873–75* Ulysses S. Grant
19 William A. Wheeler N.Y. 1877–81 Rutherford B. Hayes
20 Chester A. Arthur Vt. 1881 James A. Garfield
21 Thomas A. Hendricks Ohio 1885* Grover Cleveland
22 Levi Morton Vt. 1889–93 Benjamin Harrison
23 Adlai E. Stevenson Ky. 1893–97 Grover Cleveland
24 Garret A. Hobart N.J. 1897–99* William McKinley
25 Theodore Roosevelt N.Y. 1901 William McKinley
26 Charles Warren Fairbanks Ohio 1905–09 Theodore Roosevelt
27 James Sherman N.Y. 1909–12* William Howard Taft
28 Thomas R. Marshall Ind. 1913–21 Woodrow Wilson
29 Calvin Coolidge Vt. 1921–23 Warren G. Harding
30 Charles G. Dawes Ohio 1925–29 Calvin Coolidge
31 Charles Curtis Kan. 1929–33 Herbert Hoover
32 John Nance Garner Texas 1933–41 Franklin D. Roosevelt
33 Henry A. Wallace Iowa 1941–45 Franklin D. Roosevelt
34 Harry S. Truman Mo. 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt
35 Alben W. Barkley Ky. 1949–53 Harry S. Truman
36 Richard M. Nixon Calif. 1953–61 Dwight D. Eisenhower
37 Lyndon B. Johnson Texas 1961–63 John F. Kennedy
38 Hubert H. Humphrey S.D. 1965–69 Lyndon B. Johnson
39 Spiro T. Agnew Md. 1969–73** Richard M. Nixon
40 Gerald R. Ford Neb. 1973–74 Richard M. Nixon
41 Nelson A. Rockefeller Maine 1974–77 Gerald R. Ford
42 Walter F. Mondale Minn. 1977–81 Jimmy Carter
43 George Bush Mass. 1981–89 Ronald Reagan
44 Dan Quayle Ind. 1989–93 George Bush
45 Albert Gore Wash., D.C. 1993–2001 Bill Clinton
46 Dick Cheney Neb. 2001–09 George W. Bush
47 Joe Biden Pa. 2009–17 Barack Obama
48 Mike Pence Ind. 2017–21 Donald Trump
49 Kamala Harris Calif. 2021–25 Joe Biden
50 J.D. Vance Ohio 2025– Donald Trump

First ladies of the United States

The table provides a list of the first ladies of the United States.

State maps, flags, and seals

The table provides a list of state maps, flags, and seals.

State nicknames and symbols

The table provides a list of state nicknames and symbols.

State nicknames and symbols
state state tree state bird state flower state nickname(s) motto
United States -- bald eagle rose1 -- In God We Trust
Alabama southern longleaf pine yellowhammer; wild turkey2 common camellia; oak-leaf hydrangea5 Cotton State; Yellowhammer State; Heart of Dixie We Dare Defend Our Rights
Alaska Sitka spruce willow ptarmigan alpine forget-me-not The Last Frontier North to the Future
Arizona palo verde Coues's cactus wren saguaro cactus blossom Grand Canyon State Ditat Deus (God Enriches)
Arkansas pine1 northern mockingbird apple blossom The Natural State; Land of Opportunity Regnat Populus (The People Rule)
California coast redwood; giant sequoia (both known as California redwood) California valley quail California poppy Golden State Eureka (I Have Found It)
Colorado Colorado blue spruce lark bunting white-and-lavender columbine Centennial State Nil Sine Numine (Nothing Without Providence)
Connecticut white oak American robin mountain laurel Nutmeg State; Constitution State Qui Transtulit Sustinet (He Who Transplanted Still Sustains)
Delaware American holly blue hen chicken peach blossom First State; Diamond State Liberty and Independence
District of Columbia scarlet oak woodthrush American Beauty hybrid rose -- Justitia Omnibus (Justice for All)
Florida sabal palm (cabbage palmetto) northern mockingbird orange blossom; coreopsis1, 5 Sunshine State In God We Trust
Georgia live oak brown thrasher Cherokee rose; azalea1, 5 Empire State of the South; Peach State Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation
Hawaii kukui (candlenut) nene (Hawaiian goose) yellow hibiscus Aloha State Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Pono (The Life of the Land Is Perpetuated in Righteousness)
Idaho western white pine mountain bluebird; peregrine falcon4 Lewis's mock orange ('Syringa') Gem State Esto Perpetua (Let It Be Perpetual)
Illinois white oak northern cardinal violet1 Prairie State; Land of Lincoln State Sovereignty, National Union
Indiana tulip tree (yellow poplar) northern cardinal peony1 Hoosier State Crossroads of America
Iowa oak1 eastern goldfinch wild prairie rose Hawkeye State; Corn State Our Liberties We Prize and Our Rights We Will Maintain
Kansas eastern cottonwood western meadowlark common sunflower Sunflower State; Jayhawker State Ad Astra Per Aspera (To the Stars Through Difficulties)
Kentucky tulip tree (yellow poplar) northern cardinal goldenrod1 Bluegrass State United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Louisiana bald cypress eastern brown pelican southern magnolia; Louisiana iris5 Pelican State; Creole State; Sugar State Union, Justice, Confidence
Maine eastern white pine black-capped chickadee white pine cone and tassel Pine Tree State Dirigo (I Direct)
Maryland white oak Baltimore oriole black-eyed Susan Free State; Old Line State Fatti Maschii, Parole Femine (Manly Deeds, Womanly Words)
Massachusetts American elm black-capped chickadee; wild turkey2 mayflower (trailing arbutus) Bay State; Old Colony State Ense Petit Placidam Sub Libertate Quietem (By the Sword We Seek Peace, But Peace Only Under Liberty)
Michigan white pine American robin apple blossom; dwarf lake iris5 Wolverine State; Great Lake State Si Quaeris Peninsulam Amoenam Circumspice (If You Seek a Pleasant Peninsula, Look About You)
Minnesota red, or Norway, pine common loon pink-and-white lady's slipper North Star State; Gopher State; Land of 10,000 Lakes; Land of Sky-Blue Waters L'Étoile du Nord (The North Star)
Mississippi southern magnolia northern mockingbird; wood duck3 southern magnolia Magnolia State Virtute et Armis (By Valor and Arms)
Missouri flowering dogwood eastern bluebird hawthorn blossom1 Show Me State Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto (The Welfare of the People Shall Be the Supreme Law)
Montana ponderosa pine western meadowlark bitterroot Treasure State; Big Sky Country Oro y Plata (Gold and Silver)
Nebraska eastern cottonwood western meadowlark giant goldenrod Cornhusker State; Beef State Equality Before the Law
Nevada single-leaf piñon; bristlecone pine mountain bluebird sagebrush Sagebrush State; Silver State; Battle Born State All for Our Country
New Hampshire white birch purple finch purple lilac; pink lady's slipper5 Granite State Live Free or Die
New Jersey red oak eastern goldfinch blue violet Garden State Liberty and Prosperity
New Mexico two-needle piñon roadrunner yucca flower1 Land of Enchantment Crescit Eundo (It Grows As It Goes)
New York sugar maple eastern bluebird rose1 Empire State Excelsior (Ever Upward)
North Carolina pine1 northern cardinal flowering dogwood Tar Heel State; Old North State Esse Quam Videri (To Be Rather Than To Seem)
North Dakota American elm western meadowlark wild prairie rose Flickertail State; Sioux State; Peace Garden State; Rough Rider State Liberty and Union, Now and Forever, One and Inseparable
Ohio Ohio buckeye northern cardinal scarlet carnation; white trillium5 Buckeye State With God, All Things Are Possible
Oklahoma eastern redbud scissor-tailed flycatcher; wild turkey2 Oklahoma hybrid rose; American mistletoe; Indian blanket5 Sooner State Labor Omnia Vincit (Labor Conquers All Things)
Oregon Douglas fir western meadowlark Oregon grape Beaver State She Flies With Her Own Wings
Pennsylvania eastern hemlock ruffed grouse mountain laurel Keystone State Virtue, Liberty, and Independence
Rhode Island red maple Rhode Island Red chicken blue violet Little Rhody; Ocean State Hope
South Carolina sabal palm (cabbage palmetto) Carolina wren; wild turkey2; wood duck3 yellow jessamine; Canada goldenrod5 Palmetto State Animis Opibusque Parati (Prepared in Mind and Resources)
South Dakota Black Hills spruce ring-necked pheasant American pasqueflower Mount Rushmore State; Coyote State; Sunshine State Under God the People Rule
Tennessee tulip tree (yellow poplar) northern mockingbird; bobwhite quail2 iris1; purple passionflower5 Volunteer State Agriculture and Commerce
Texas pecan northern mockingbird bluebonnet1 Lone Star State Friendship
Utah blue spruce California seagull sego lily Beehive State Industry
Vermont sugar maple hermit thrush red clover Green Mountain State Freedom and Unity
Virginia flowering dogwood northern cardinal flowering dogwood Mother of Presidents; The Old Dominion Sic Semper Tyrannis (Thus Always to Tyrants)
Washington western hemlock willow goldfinch coast rhododendron Evergreen State; Chinook State Alki (By and By)
West Virginia sugar maple northern cardinal great laurel Mountain State Montani Semper Liberi (Mountaineers Are Always Free)
Wisconsin sugar maple American robin wood violet Badger State; America's Dairyland Forward
Wyoming eastern cottonwood (plains subspecies) western meadowlark Indian paintbrush Equality State Equal Rights
1Species not designated.
2Game bird; some states have also designated a representative game bird.
3Waterfowl; some states have also designated a representative waterfowl.
4Raptor; Idaho has designated a state raptor.
5Wildflower; some states have designated representative wildflowers, particularly when the official state flower is a cultivated or nonnative variety.
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