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The Daily Beast Code of Ethics and Editorial Standards

The Daily Beast is committed to accurate, fair, independent, fast, and accountable journalism. We seek the truth and report it honestly, without fear or favor. We ground robust and provocative opinions in fact.

This Code of Ethics is a guide for our newsroom and a commitment to our readers. It is a living document that will evolve to uphold our mission in a changing world.

Core Ethical Standards


We hold truth as our highest value. Our reporting is accurate, fact-based and rigorously researched. Our readers must be able to trust every word we write.


We treat subjects, sources, and colleagues with respect. Our reporting strives for fairness in representation and tone. We aim to include a diversity of voices and perspectives.


We are and strive to be independent of political, corporate, or advocacy influence. We put the public interest over private or partisan concerns.


We best empower readers by providing the most up-to-date, informed reporting without compromising our highest value: truth.


We listen to our readers. We admit our errors and we correct them.

Editorial Standards

Anonymous Sources:

Anonymous sourcing is used only when necessary to protect individuals from harm or when the public interest is compelling. The claims of anonymous sources should be corroborated with multiple sources and/or with supporting evidence wherever possible. The use of anonymous sources must be done in consultation with senior editors.

Conflicts of Interest:

Our journalists avoid conflicts of interest that compromise or appear to compromise integrity. Our journalists must never seek to profit personally from any information they receive. Significant gifts and paid travel are prohibited. All potential conflicts must be disclosed to editorial management. .

Corrections and Updates:

We correct errors transparently and promptly. When we make major corrections, we include an editor’s note. Minor clarifications do not require acknowledgment. We clearly mark and date substantive updates to our stories.

Identification in Reporting:

Daily Beast reporters identify themselves when engaging sources, unless there are compelling reasons not to do so. Undercover reporting is carried out only in the public interest when no other method is available and always requires pre-authorization by senior editors. We may observe public events without self-identification when appropriate.


All interviews are on the record unless explicitly agreed otherwise. We clearly define and respect off-the-record or background agreements.

Opinion and Editorials:

We provide a platform for diverse opinions while clearly distinguishing between reporting and commentary. Opinion pieces reflect the views of their authors, not the editorial stance of the Daily Beast. We always label opinion journalism.

Plagiarism and Fabrication:

Plagiarism and fabrication are always prohibited.

Political Donations and Activism:

To avoid any perception of bias, our journalists are prohibited from donating to political candidates, parties or partisan causes, and from participating in political activism. Opinion journalists are exempt from this prohibition.

Requests for Comment:

We make every reasonable effort to contact key subjects for comment in a timely manner before publication.

Social Media Conduct:

Our journalists must use their personal social media accounts with thoughtfulness and good judgment and be mindful that, as employees of The Daily Beast, they represent our company and values in their conduct outside of work. That said, our journalists’ personal opinions do not reflect The Daily Beast’s views.


Journalists have a moral obligation to protect confidential sources of information. We do not pay sources for information.

Story Removal:

We remove previously published journalism in only exceptional cases. Those include, but are not limited to, serious factual errors or legal reasons. Stories can only be removed by senior editors. Where appropriate, we explain the reason for deletion in a written note.

Using Artificial Intelligence:

We believe in the use of new technology to empower our journalism. When we use AI every use will be in keeping with this Code and separate guidelines on the responsible use of AI in the newsroom. Read more.

Violent and Sexual Content:

We report on violence and explicit sexual material only to serve the public interest. Graphic content is used sparingly and with purpose. We avoid explicit content without public merit.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Journalism is a dynamic and evolving profession. We regularly review this Code of Ethics to keep our standards and practices up to date.

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