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Citations de la série TV The Big Bang Theory

Saison 9
The Big Bang Theory saison 9 Episode 11
Sheldon : "Then it's settled. Amy's birthday present will be my genitals."

The Big Bang Theory saison 9 Episode 2
Sheldon : "All the things my girlfriend used to do can be taken care of with my right hand"

Saison 8
The Big Bang Theory saison 8 Episode 23
Mary : "A good Christian would’ve turned the other cheek. On the other hand, a good Texan would’ve shot her, so…"

The Big Bang Theory saison 8 Episode 12
Sheldon : "But, more importantly, driving me to work is one of the things that gives your life purpose"

The Big Bang Theory saison 8 Episode 8
Leonard : "What makes you think I didn't go to my prom?"
Penny : "Well, who'd you go with?"
Leonard : "I took a little lady I like to call loneliness. We ended up having a threesome with her friend humiliation."

The Big Bang Theory saison 8 Episode 4
Leonard : "Oh, kids buy comic books. It would be great to figure out a way to get more kids in the store."
Howard : "You know, when I was a kid, I loved going there, but I could never get a ride."
Raj : "Ooh, what if we got a van and drove around and picked kids up?"
Sheldon : "Nice. You mean, like at parks and schools?"

Saison 7
The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 20
Amy : "What did you do?"
Penny : "I gave him a new look. It's cute, uh?"
Amy : "Yeah, it's cute! That's the problem! I don't need other girls to see him walking around like sex on a stick."
Sheldon : "She's right! I'm too hot."

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 20
Penny : "Wait. What's wrong with geology?"
Sheldon : "Let me put this in a way you'll understand, Penny. You remember how you explained to me that the Kardashians aren't real celebrities? Well, geology is the Kardashians of science."

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 20
Raj : "But if we're really gonna do a double date, then we have to go over some ground rules about Emily."
Howard : "Like when it turns out she's made of rubber, I don't say anything ?"
Raj : "She's very real."
Howard : "Oh, that's what it says on the box. Right next to ‘dishwasher safe’."

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 18
Howard : "That was an hour ago, Sheldon. A Jew sits in front of a house in Texas that long, ‘For Sale’ signs start to go up."

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 17
Amy : "Once, I even dropped in on my OB/GYN just to get some human contact."
Raj : "It has been a while since I got my prostate checked."

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 14
Penny : "Okay, sex is not what makes you a grown-up."
Bernadette : "Yeah. Or you'd be the oldest one here."

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 12
Leonard : "I just think it's sexier when things are left to the imagination."
Amy (à Sheldon) : "He's wrong."

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 7
Amy : "They're gonna have sex before Sheldon and I do, I know it."

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 6
Leonard : "Is that a pregnancy test ?"
Penny : "Oh, yeah, just the first one. I didn't save them all."

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 6
Sheldon : "I like China. See, they know how to keep people in line."

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 4
Penny : "Bernadette told me everything. Now you don't get the left or the right."

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 4
Leonard : "Just warning you, I'm gonna go right. Don't make a big deal out of it."

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 4
Leonard : "Apparently, I favored the left one, she got a little lopsided."
Penny : "Oh, my God, you still go left!"

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 3
Sheldon : "Yes ! My brain is better than everybody's !"

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 3
Penny : "Run"

The Big Bang Theory saison 7 Episode 2
Penny : "50 cents off Vagisil."
Sheldon : "Think of me when you apply it."

Saison 6
The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 22
Professeur Proton : "Is the blonde girl really your girlfriend ?"
Leonard : "Yes, sir."
Professeur Proton : "You're the genius."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 21
Sheldon : "No. They can't just cancel a show like Alphas. You know ? They have to help the viewers let go. Firefly did a movie to wrap things up. Buffy the Vampire Slayer continued on as a comic book. Heroes gradually lowered the quality season by season till we were grateful it ended."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 20
Sheldon : "If we really want science to advance, people should have chips implanted in their skulls that explode when they say something stupid."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 20
Sheldon : "Don't just stand there. Take your breasts out."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 20
Leonard : "Guys, what are we doing here?"
Sheldon : "I don't know what you're doing, but I was about to insinuate that I had coitus with Raj's mother for a dollar."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 19
Howard : "Hey, you can tell me what to do or you can tell me how to do it, but you can't do both; this isn't sex."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 17
Sheldon (à Penny) : "Spread your legs, invite them in !"

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 16
Raj : "Later, losers!"

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 15
Leonard : "I don't know why I avoided the Harry Potter books for so long. These are great. I just started number six."
Sheldon : "That's a good one. Dumbledore dies in that one. Yeah, I know, I didn't see it coming, either."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 15
Sheldon: "Yes, and I have a theory why. Because of your lactose intolerance, you switched over to soy milk. Soy contains estrogen-mimicking compounds. I think your morning Cocoa Puffs are turning you into a hysterical woman."
Leonard: "You are unbelievable. I don’t know why I put up with you. You’re controlling, you’re irritating."
Sheldon: "There you go again, nag, nag, nag. You’re only proving my point, little lady."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 12
Sheldon : "My father used to say that a woman is like an egg salad sandwich on a warm Texas day."
Janine (DRH) : "What?"
Sheldon : "Full of eggs and only appealing
for a short time."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 9
Sheldon : "Revenge is a dish best served nude."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 9
Bernadette : "I'm sensing a little hostility. Is it maybe because like Sheldon's work, your sex life is also theoretical ?"

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 7
Sheldon : "Feel free to play with yourself."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 7
Sheldon: "You’ll appreciate this. Leonard has some ridiculous notion that you’re mad at me. Tell him you’re not mad at me. Go ahead, set him straight."
Amy: "I’m mad at you, Sheldon."
Sheldon: "Hmm. Eat one of your Luna bars. Very often when women think they’re angry, they’re really just hungry."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 4
Raj : "Plus, he doesn't have a girlfriend, I don't have a girlfriend. It's like we both had these holes in our lives, but now we fill each other's holes."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 4
Howard: "Bernadette? Bernie? Bernie?"
Bernadette: "That was amazing. You made me feel things I never…"

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 1
Mme Wolowitz : "Oh God, you are gonna leave! It's okay, your father left me, you left me, I guess I'm just the kind of person people like to leave!"
Howard : "It's not definite, I'll talk to Bernadette"
Mme Wolowitz : "Don't bother, I'll just go sit in the hole in the ground so I'm not in trouble when I die!"

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 1
Howard : "Now, come on, that's got to make you feel better."
Bernadette : "How clear is the image of me on that screen?"
Howard : "Pretty clear."
Bernadette : "Do I look like I feel better?"
Howard : "I mean, it's not, like, HD quality.."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 1
Penny : "Sweetie, can I just be the girl tonight?"
Leonard : "Absolutely. You're the girl, I'm the guy. Now you watch your football game while I make you a little plate here."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 1
Amy : "Have I ever told you you're like a sexy praying mantis?"
Sheldon : "Every time you drink alcohol."

The Big Bang Theory saison 6 Episode 1
Amy : "Sheldon, you either say something meaningful and from the heart, or you and I are done."
Sheldon : "Amy... when I look in your eyes and you're looking back in mine, everything feels not quite normal, because I feel stronger and weaker at the same time. I feel excited and, at the same time, terrified. The truth is, I don't know what I feel, except... I know what kind of man I want to be."
Amy : "Sheldon... that was beautiful."
Sheldon : "I should hope so. That's from the first Spider-Man movie."

Saison 5
The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 20
Leonard : "Once you open the box, it loses its value."
Penny : "Yeah, yeah. My mom gave me the same lecture about my virginity. Gotta tell you, it was a lot more fun taking it out and playing with it."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 19
Sheldon : "Amy, the relationship agreement was not designed for either one of us to get our way."
Amy : "You use it to get your way."
Sheldon : "I use it to get the right way. The fact that the right way is also my way is a happy coincidence."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 17
Sheldon : "I will take Ruthman's office, and you will find a way to be okay with that"
Kripke : "How about : I take Ruthman's office, and you go suck a lemon ?"

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 16
Sheldon : "I bought a Tamagotchi in 1998... And.... it's still alive"

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 15
Sheldon : "I was just sitting at home thinking about how it might be nice to catch up with my ninth favorite person."
Stuart : "Ninth?"
Sheldon : "You moved up one. My pen pal in Somalia was kidnapped by pirates."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 15
Sheldon : "Wine and a girl in the dark-- he's gonna be bored out of his mind."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 12
Sheldon : "I can be faulted for being overly fond of koala bears. I don't know what it is, when they smart munching on eucalyptus, I just melt inside."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 12
Howard : "Maybe me and Bernadette aren't right for each other."
Leonard : "Look, Howard, I'd say there's a lot of fish in the sea, but I watched you dangle your hook in the water for years. Do not throw her back."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 12
Penny : "Sheldon, that pocket watch is ridiculous."
Sheldon : "Nonsense. I look like a train conductor."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 8
Leonard : "Why do I have to talk to Penny? She's not my girlfriend."
Sheldon : "You invited her to lunch four years ago. Everything about her is on you."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 7
Leonard : "Damn it, I can't. I can't do this."
Alice : "Uh, is it my tongue stud? 'Cause if that freaks you out, you're in for a real surprise later on."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 7
Sheldon : "Bazinga, punk. Now we're even."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 6
Sheldon : "My mother's fried chicken is why we had to buy my dad the extra large coffin."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 6
Leonard : "You want some Oreos?
Sheldon : "Double Stuf?"
Leonard : "No, regular."
Sheldon : "Nice. Kick a man when he's down."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 6
Mary : "Hon, you think maybe the reason why you're having trouble finding a guy to settle down with is because you're letting them ride the roller coaster without buying a ticket?"
Penny : "Oh, they don't always get to ride the roller coaster. Sometimes they only get to spin the teacups."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 6
Sheldon : "That lecture was a waste of time. I made more accurate diagrams of the expansion of the early universe on the nursery wall with the contents of my diaper."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 4
Sheldon : ""The entrance to the dungeon is a moss covered door. You manage to open it only to find yourself face-to-face with a hideous, foul-smelling, moss-covered ogre." What do you do?"
Wolowitz : "I say, "Hey, Ma, what's for dinner?""

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 4
Raj : "Ask her how many children she wants, and whatever number she says, say, "Me, too.""

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 4
Wolowitz : "Bernadette doesn't mind where I get my motor running, as long as I park in the right garage."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 4
Raj : "How dare you ambush my girlfriend at the gym!"
Penny : "We didn't mean for it to be an ambush. Just, it's kind of impossible not to sneak up on deaf people."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 4
Howard : "See, this is the good thing about having a girlfriend 9,000 miles away. I can spend my nights doing whatever I want."
Wolowitz : "You mean like playing nerd games with us and then taking a suspiciously long shower?"

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 4
Raj : "Oh, Penny, I hurt so bad."
Penny : "I know, I know."
Raj : "Sometimes I put the TV on mute just to pretend she's still with me. But I can't watch the closed captioning without crying."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 3
Amy : "Should I go? I've been told sometimes I overstay my welcome."
Leonard : "Who told you that?"
Amy : "Well, most recently my gynecologist."

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 3
Amy : "If it makes you feel any better, the only person who signed my yearbook was my mother. "Dear Amy, Self-respect and a hymen are better than friends and fun. Love, Mom.""

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 1
Sheldon "Geology isn't a real science !"

The Big Bang Theory saison 5 Episode 1
Raj : "After we got undressed and jumped in bed, you asked if I had protection."
Penny : "Oh, you did, didn't you?"
Raj : "Of course. I'm always packing."

Saison 4
The Big Bang Theory saison 4 Episode 24
Penny : "It's not what it looks like."
Sheldon : "What does it look like?"

The Big Bang Theory saison 4 Episode 22
Leonard : "Beekeeper to King 12. I capture your pope and release the swarm. Checkmate on Sheldon."
Sheldon : "I knew I should've given my pope the jet pack."

The Big Bang Theory saison 4 Episode 20
Wolowitz : "Hey, David, what'd you find? Sure, a half a caret's fine. Her freakishly small hands make anything look big. It's one of the reasons I love her."

The Big Bang Theory saison 4 Episode 13
Amy : "Are we talking about women wanting penises? Because I'd like to weigh in."

The Big Bang Theory saison 4 Episode 13
Howard : "What, I'm not hot enough for Angelina Jolie?"
Raj : "I'd like to weigh in here... No"

The Big Bang Theory saison 4 Episode 13
Amy : "Leonard, can I ask you a question?"
Leonard : "Sure."
Amy : "Are you bothered by the fact that your former girlfriend left the symposium with what is probably the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen in my life?"
Leonard : "No. Why do you ask?"
Amy : "Because we’re going 120 miles per hour"

The Big Bang Theory saison 4 Episode 13
Amy (to Penny) : "Please don't touch my breasts!"

Saison 3
The Big Bang Theory saison 3 Episode 22
Sheldon : "The apartment's flag is a gold lion rampant on a field of azure."
Leonard : "We have a flag?"
Sheldon : "Never fly it upside down.Unless the apartment's in distress."

The Big Bang Theory saison 3 Episode 21
Wolowitz : "Yeah, um, I have a two-part question."
Sheldon : "Go ahead"
Wolowitz : "A) Are you kidding me? And B) seriously, are you freaking kidding me?"
Sheldon : "A) I rarely kid. And B) when I do kid, you will know it by my use of the word "bazinga."

The Big Bang Theory saison 3 Episode 21
Leonard : "Come on. It wasn't my fault."
Sheldon : "The implication being that you tripped and fell into her lady parts?"
Penny : "You know what? I'm just gonna take the bus to work."
Leonard : "Penny, I can still drive you."
Penny : "Oh, no, no, it's okay. You might slip on a banana peel and get me pregnant."

The Big Bang Theory saison 3 Episode 19
Howard: "Ok, how about this topic : why is Leonard being a giant doosh? Assuming that giants doosh are possible."
Sheldon : "Of course they are. Leonard's being one."

The Big Bang Theory saison 3 Episode 19
Sheldon: "Perhaps he's at a sensitive
point in his monthly cycle."
Wolowitz: "Are you saying he's man-strating?"

The Big Bang Theory saison 3 Episode 16
Sheldon: "This is my spot."

The Big Bang Theory saison 3 Episode 10
Sheldon : "Howard, your shoes are delightful ! Where did you get them ?"
Howard : "What ?"
Sheldon : "Bazinga ! I don't care !"

The Big Bang Theory saison 3 Episode 8
Penny : "Is that my arm ?"
Sheldon : "It doesn't feel like an arm"
Penny : "Then, maybe you should let it go"

The Big Bang Theory saison 3 Episode 6
"And without rules, the competition has no meaning."

The Big Bang Theory saison 3 Episode 4
Sheldon : "There is a fine line between "wrong" and "visionnary". Unfortunately you have to be a visionnary to see it."

The Big Bang Theory saison 3 Episode 3
Sheldon : "Bad Leonard ! Pschit pschit."

The Big Bang Theory saison 3 Episode 1
Wolowitz : "Did you and Penny finally... you know"
Leonard : "Howard !"
Wolowitz : "Personnally, I don't care but my genitals wanted me to ask!"

The Big Bang Theory saison 3 Episode 1
Wolowitz : "My people already crossed the desert. We're done."

Saison 2
The Big Bang Theory saison 2 Episode 15
Raj : "Yah! You're like the Jar Jar Binks of the Hofstadter family!"

The Big Bang Theory saison 2 Episode 7
Sheldon: "Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken."
Penny: "Yeah, well your Ken can kiss my Barbie!"

The Big Bang Theory saison 2 Episode 3
Sheldon : "Level 3 and she thinks she's rich. What a noob!"

Saison 1
The Big Bang Theory saison 1 Episode 17
Incredible. You managed to screw up the screw up.

The Big Bang Theory saison 1 Episode 16
Did someone say "party" ?

The Big Bang Theory saison 1 Episode 15
I'm not even gonna ask why you pimp me up for cheese.

The Big Bang Theory saison 1 Episode 14
Look what you've created here. It's like nerdvana.

The Big Bang Theory saison 1 Episode 13
For Vulcans, mating or if you will, PonFahr... it's an extremely private matter.

The Big Bang Theory saison 1 Episode 12
Let me step in and assure you my research will go on uninterrupted and that social relationships will continue to baffle and repulse me.

The Big Bang Theory saison 1 Episode 11
Everyone in here is doomed!

The Big Bang Theory saison 1 Episode 10
Lack of physiological response while lying is characteristic of a violent sociopath.

The Big Bang Theory saison 1 Episode 9
"Forget the parties!" What a nerd!

The Big Bang Theory saison 1 Episode 4
Mère de Sheldon: "You're gonna apologize to your boss and get your job back!"
Sheldon: "No!"
Mère de Sheldon: "I'm sorry did I start that sentence wth the words 'if it pleased your highness'"

The Big Bang Theory

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