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Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
by Cory Booker (2016)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election
What Happened ,
by Hillary Clinton (2017)
Higher Loyalty ,
by James Comey (2018)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Hard Choices,
by Hillary Clinton (2014)
Becoming ,
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews


(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from

Winners and Losers
Gubernatorial candidates from Maine

(Click for external website)

    Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations
    from Past and present Governor candidates from Maine (number of quotes indicated):
  • Angus King (6) Maine Former Independent Governor (1995-2002)
  • Eliot Cutler (14) Maine Independent Challenger
  • Janet Mills (10) Maine Democratic candidate for Maine Governor
  • John Baldacci (4) Maine Former Democratic Governor (2002-2010)
  • Mary Mayhew (15) Maine Republican candidate for governor of Maine
  • Mike Michaud (6)
  • Paul LePage (19) Maine Republican Governor
  • Shawn Moody (17) Maine Republican candidate for governor of Maine
    OR click on an issue category below for a subset. excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Shawn Moody: Strongly pro-life: opposes any tax dollars for abortion.
    Mary Mayhew: Ban abortions after 20 weeks, like most developed nations.
    Janet Mills: No comment on lawsuit to expand abortion access.
    Mike Michaud: Evolved from pro-life to pro-choice over period of 30 years.
Budget & Economy
    Mary Mayhew: Reduce taxes by deep budget cuts including family services.
Civil Rights
    Paul LePage: Confederate monuments are about a war for land.
    Janet Mills: Decries proposal to eliminate Civil Rights Funding.
    Eliot Cutler: Worked to uphold a law legalizing same-sex marriage.
    Mike Michaud: Would be 1st openly gay governor; but evolved on LGBT rights.
    Shawn Moody: Address red tape; focus on recruiting businesses.
    Shawn Moody: Run the state like I've run my business.
    Mary Mayhew: Keeping government out of business creates good paying jobs.
    Janet Mills: Won $21.5M settlement against S&P's mortgage practices.
    Eliot Cutler: Examine corporate tax breaks; avoid clawbacks by better deal.
    Shawn Moody: Law enforcement needs all the right tools to catch criminals.
    Mary Mayhew: imprisonment for life as a deterrent to crime.
    Eliot Cutler: Assure support services for victims of domestic violence.
    John Baldacci: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
    Angus King: Opposes the death penalty.
    Angus King: More prisons, but more alternative sentencing.
    Shawn Moody: Strengthen criminal code & stem tide of illegal trafficking.
    Janet Mills: Investigate role of opioid manufacturers in drug abuse.
    Mary Mayhew: Joint effort needed to provide effective drug treatment.
    Eliot Cutler: Legal pot makes drugs seem ok, but prohibition isn't working.
    Mike Michaud: Legal pot makes drug more accessible to children and teens.
    Paul LePage: Upholding the law includes illegal marijuana.
    Shawn Moody: Parental and local control in education curriculum.
    Mary Mayhew: Parents should have access to multiple education choices.
    Janet Mills: Commission on Education Reform must follow open meetings law.
    Eliot Cutler: Try out Common Core standards before tweaking them.
    Paul LePage: 2011: Signed onto Common Core, but now skeptical.
    Eliot Cutler: Cautious support for virtual charter schools.
    Paul LePage: Strong support for charter schools, virtual or otherwise.
    Paul LePage: Virtual charter schools are not the right answer.
    Angus King: More teacher development; more school construction.
    Angus King: Include both abstinence and safe sex in sex-ed.
Energy & Oil
    Shawn Moody: Door's open to renewable energy, but no subsidies.
    Mary Mayhew: Wind energy needs transparent commission, not moratorium.
    Janet Mills: Wean ourselves off fossil fuels.
    Paul LePage: Build a natural gas pipeline from Canada.
    Paul LePage: Global warming helps Maine by opening north shipping lanes.
    Eliot Cutler: Reduce carbon emissions to Kyoto Protocol targets.
    Shawn Moody: Voluntarily adopted eco-friendly practices at Moody's.
    Mary Mayhew: Environmental stewardship that also respects businesses.
    Janet Mills: Joins coalition to reject proposed cuts in funding to EPA.
    Paul LePage: Abstain from EPA petition to cut Midwest emissions.
    Mike Michaud: AdWatch: Replace LePage with a pro-environment governor.
    Eliot Cutler: More bus services, dedicated HOV lanes, and bike routes.
    Paul LePage: Change environmental laws to replace red tape with jobs.
    Paul LePage: Stop manufacturer recycling; start cost-benefit analyses.
Foreign Policy
    Eliot Cutler: China's future is like America in 1890s: booming and growing.
Government Reform
    Paul LePage: Investigate and report publicly on false campaign statements.
    Eliot Cutler: Oppose all efforts to restrict access to the ballot box.
    John Baldacci: Limit political campaign donations.
    Angus King: Restrict and disclose all campaign donations & spending.
Gun Control
    Shawn Moody: Pro 2nd Amendment; wants armed officials in high schools.
    Mary Mayhew: Pro gun ownership and armed guards wherever needed.
    John Baldacci: Allow concealed carry.
Health Care
    Shawn Moody: Wants health insurance open to competition amongst states.
    Shawn Moody: Citizen referendum decided Medicaid expansion: make it work.
    Mary Mayhew: Absolutely opposed to Medicaid expansion.
    Janet Mills: Her office took on drug manufacturer Mylan on price gouging.
    John Baldacci: Ensure access to basic health care.
Homeland Security
    Shawn Moody: Stand behind veterans: offer school, jobs and services.
    Mary Mayhew: Veterans should get all benefits earned, in a timely manner.
    Shawn Moody: Work with federal officials against illegal immigrants.
    Mary Mayhew: Slash funds for new immigrants & asylum seekers.
    Janet Mills: Condemns President's ban on refugees.
    Paul LePage: Build border fence as high as the Great Wall of China.
    Shawn Moody: Make it easier for job creators: create a service hotline.
    Paul LePage: Are low-wage call-center jobs the kind we want?
    Paul LePage: Vetoed incrementally raising the state's minimum wage.
    Mike Michaud: AdWatch: Unions endorse Michaud "to represent Maine workers".
    Eliot Cutler: Zealously guard against interference in unionization efforts.
Social Security
    Paul LePage: Keep our promise; don't tax Social Security.
    Mike Michaud: Soc. Sec. & Medicare secure retirement; they're not welfare.
    Paul LePage: Medicare and Social Security are really just welfare.
    Eliot Cutler: Support & strengthen the foundations for Social Security.
Tax Reform
    Shawn Moody: Tight N'Up spending; reduce income tax; provide transparency.
    Shawn Moody: You can't tax young people if we want to attract them here.
    Mary Mayhew: Cut tax burden for employers.
    Eliot Cutler: Shift burden from property tax as part of strategic reform.
    Angus King: Decrease income taxes, but no flat tax.
Welfare & Poverty
    Shawn Moody: Lifetime cap on welfare; with strong fraud detection.
    Mary Mayhew: Time limits on welfare benefits, to promote employment.
    Mary Mayhew: Auditor: DHHS improperly managed federal welfare funds.
    Janet Mills: Demands release of publically funded welfare study.
    Paul LePage: Give people in need a hand up; don't give unneeded hand-outs.
    Eliot Cutler: We need welfare reform but not demonization of recipients.
    Paul LePage: Maine grew at 0.8% if we discount federal welfare payments.
    Paul LePage: Maine's TANF welfare system is too generous.

The above quotations are from Winners and Losers
Gubernatorial candidates from Maine.

Gubernatorial winners and losers in each state:

AK -  AL -  AR -  AZ -  CA -  CO -  CT -  DE -  FL -  GA -  HI -  IA -  ID -  IL -  IN -  KS -  KY -  LA -  MA - 
MD -  ME -  MI -  MN -  MO -  MS -  MT -  NC -  ND -  NE -  NH -  NJ -  NM -  NV -  NY - 
OH -  OK -  OR -  PA -  RI -  SC -  SD -  TN -  TX -  UT -  VA -  VT -  WA -  WI -  WV -  WY - 

Senatorial winners and losers in each state:

AK -  AL -  AR -  AZ -  CA -  CO -  CT -  DE -  FL -  GA -  HI -  IA -  ID -  IL -  IN -  KS -  KY -  LA -  MA - 
MD -  ME -  MI -  MN -  MO -  MS -  MT -  NC -  ND -  NE -  NH -  NJ -  NM -  NV -  NY - 
OH -  OK -  OR -  PA -  RI -  SC -  SD -  TN -  TX -  UT -  VA -  VT -  WA -  WI -  WV -  WY - 

U.S. House of Representatives winners and losers in each state:

AK -  AL -  AR -  AZ -  CA -  CO -  CT -  DE -  FL -  GA -  HI -  IA -  ID -  IL -  IN -  KS -  KY -  LA -  MA - 
MD -  ME -  MI -  MN -  MO -  MS -  MT -  NC -  ND -  NE -  NH -  NJ -  NM -  NV -  NY - 
OH -  OK -  OR -  PA -  RI -  SC -  SD -  TN -  TX -  UT -  VA -  VT -  WA -  WI -  WV -  WY - 

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and
Reprinting by permission only.

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Cambridge, MA 02140
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Page last edited: Dec 19, 2018

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