Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Eric Brakey: Pro-life, and anti-ObamaCare.
Eric Brakey: Oppose funding Planned Parenthood; require parental consent.
Zak Ringelstein: Publicly-funded reproductive healthcare for women.
Chris Lyons: Life is precious; abortion only if maternal life at risk.
Chris Lyons: Oppose abortion as an unrestricted right.
Susan Collins: Joined Democrats to fund Planned Parenthood.
Charlie Summers: Must consider incest or rape.
Angus King: Favors abortion rights; opposes defunding Planned Parenthood.
Budget & Economy
Chris Lyons: Market-led recovery better than stimulus.
Eric Brakey: The government takes enough; we shouldn't raise taxes.
Eric Brakey: Not just for economic freedom but also personal freedom.
Matt Dunlap: Shore up availability of credit to stimulate job creation.
Matt Dunlap: Shore up availability of credit to stimulate job creation.
Tom Allen: Bush administrations debt has failed middle-class America.
Susan Collins: We tried & failed in 2005 to tighten mortgage regulations.
Tom Allen: Driving up debt & unbridled free market caused bank crisis.
Civil Rights
Eric Brakey: Leave transgender bathroom policy up to local school board.
Chris Lyons: Education will achieve affirmative action, not law.
Chris Lyons: Government should have no say on same-sex marriage.
Chris Lyons: Comfortable with same-sex marriage.
Charlie Summers: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
Angus King: Supports gay marriage.
Eric Brakey: Cut $400M in corporate welfare & return it to the people.
Susan Collins: Excess corporate pay rewards risk-taking over results.
Chris Lyons: Stricter punishment doesn't reduce crime.
Eric Brakey: Being pro-life is why I oppose the death penalty.
Chris Lyons: Marijuana isn't a gateway drug.
Eric Brakey: Supports legalizing marijuana for recreational use.
Paul LePage: Oppose legalizing marijuana for recreational use.
Shenna Bellows: Supports marijuana legalization.
Eliot Cutler: Legalizing marijuana sends message that drug use is OK.
Mike Michaud: Real concerns about the impact of pot legalization on kids.
Shenna Bellows: Three past presidents acknowledged use; legalize pot.
Susan Collins: Declines to take sides in marijuana legalization petition.
Eric Brakey: Competition will improve our schools.
Chris Lyons: Vouchers for school choice.
Eric Brakey: Support private schools, charter schools, or homeschooling.
Shenna Bellows: Voucher programs siphon public school money.
Energy & Oil
Chris Lyons: Oppose prioritizing green energy.
Shenna Bellows: Green energy solutions instead of nuclear energy.
Charlie Summers: Off-shore exploration for oil, plus nuclear and coal.
Cynthia Dill: Encourage conservation and renewable energy.
Matt Dunlap: Invest in weatherization programs and maintain LIHEAP.
Susan Collins: Double funding for low-income home weatherization programs.
Tom Allen: 1%-interest loan for home weatherization projects.
Angus King: Support EPA brownfield program for industrial cleanup.
Chris Lyons: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
Foreign Policy
Chris Lyons: Oppose American Exceptionalism.
Eric Brakey: Crazy that we have our troops in 177 different countries.
Eric Brakey: Deposing secular dictators in Mid-East empowers our enemies.
Free Trade
Chris Lyons: Support & expand free trade.
Shenna Bellows: NAFTA damaged our manufacturing sector; so will TPP.
Charlie Summers: I support free trade, but protect shoe factories.
Cynthia Dill: Keep tariffs against foreign products that compete unfairly.
Susan Collins: Some trade agreements have resulted in more tariffs.
Tom Allen: Review existing trade agreements that damaged US economy.
Government Reform
Chris Lyons: Make voter registration easier.
Shenna Bellows: Funding her campaign $5 at a time from local events.
Susan Collins: Outrageous for IRS to target Tea Party groups.
Charlie Summers: OpEd: Pushes for voter registration, with his name on ballot.
Gun Control
Eric Brakey: Oppose background checks for individual gun transfers.
Zak Ringelstein: Most Americans wants gun control but NRA stops it.
Chris Lyons: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Eric Brakey: The second amendment is essential for liberty.
Eric Brakey: Bipartisan Republican leads the charge to less gun control.
Shenna Bellows: Was NRA member, but left because they became too extreme.
Angus King: Supports gun rights.
Health Care
Chris Lyons: Insurance companies benefit from ObamaCare; people don't.
Chris Lyons: Oppose ObamaCare.
Eric Brakey: Do better than backdoor deals that led to ObamaCare.
Eric Brakey: Apply principles of freedom to broken healthcare system.
Shenna Bellows: Supports ObamaCare & universal health coverage.
Cynthia Dill: Medicaid and Medicare programs need to be strengthened.
Matt Dunlap: ObamaCare individual mandate is constitutional.
Homeland Security
Chris Lyons: Don't expand the military.
Eric Brakey: Apply limited government philosophy to the military.
Shenna Bellows: NSA should target only based on individualized suspicion.
Susan Collins: Increase transparency of NSA but keep NSA programs.
Susan Collins: Mass surveillance justified by national security.
Susan Collins: Mass unwarranted surveillance is never justified.
Shenna Bellows: We cannot afford to be the world's policemen.
Shenna Bellows: No spying on foreign leaders NOR on ordinary Americans.
Shenna Bellows: Snowden was a whistle-blower, not a criminal.
Susan Collins: No justification for spying on Germany's chancellor.
Susan Collins: Cuts in defense are very troubling to me personally.
Cynthia Dill: Cut military spending such as weapons systems.
Cynthia Dill: Opposes unlimited detention of terror suspects.
Chris Lyons: Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
Eric Brakey: Oppose increasing minimum wage; it takes out the bottom rung.
Chris Lyons: Oppose affirmative action in hiring.
Shenna Bellows: Increase minimum wage to make it a living wage.
Angus King: Keep 900 shoe factory jobs in Maine.
Principles & Values
Chris Lyons: Personal belief in God is fine; government action is not.
Chris Lyons: Keep God in the public sphere.
Shenna Bellows: Calls herself a progressive libertarian.
Susan Collins: Focuses on seniority & forging bipartisan solutions.
Social Security
Chris Lyons: Privatize Social Security.
Shenna Bellows: Scrap the Cap: highest-paid Americans pay their fair share.
Shenna Bellows: Scrap the cap; apply payroll tax over $113,700.
Charlie Summers: Remove disability coverage from Social Security.
Cynthia Dill: Stop raiding Social Security Trust Fund.
Matt Dunlap: Remove cap on earnings to sustain system.
Scott D`Amboise: Option to invest in private retirement program.
Tax Reform
Eric Brakey: No additional 3% tax on income above $200,000.
Chris Lyons: Oppose higher taxes on the wealthy.
Eric Brakey: Voted against raising the lodging tax to 10.5%.
Cynthia Dill: Require the wealthy to pay their fair share.
Shenna Bellows: "Total Information Awareness" undermines our democracy.
War & Peace
Chris Lyons: Avoid foreign entanglements.
Eric Brakey: Learn from the past: we don't need another Mideast war.
Charlie Summers: Iraq & Afghanistan have taken a turn for the positive.
Cynthia Dill: Afghanistan is not as irresponsible as was Iraq.
Matt Dunlap: Iraq war was poorly thought out and enormously expensive.
Scott D`Amboise: Time to bring our troops home from Afghanistan.
Matt Dunlap: We cannot stand by while Syria slaughters its citizens.
Susan Collins: Exert economic pressure on Iran to stop its nuclear program.
Tom Allen: We need strong economic sanctions against Iran.
Welfare & Poverty
Eric Brakey: Disallow using food stamps to purchase junk food.
Shenna Bellows: No one in Washington stands up for people who are hurting.