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Bill Sponsorships
Policy Reports
Memberships / Affiliations
Group Ratings
Court Rulings
Senate Surveys

Bill Sponsorships:
Congressional bills 2011-2012
Congressional bills 2009-2010
2008 Presidential Contenders' bills
Congressional bills 1998-2008
2010 Senate signature bills
2008 Senate signature bills
2008 Presidential signature bills
Pres. Barack Obama's Senate signature bills
V.P. Joe Biden's Senate signature bills
Rep. Ron Paul's House signature bills
Sen. John McCain's Senate signature bills
Sen. Hillary Clinton's Senate signature bills

Congressional memberships 2012
Congressional memberships 2001-2011
112th Congress Committees
Congressional Caucuses
Congressional Group Ratings

Surveys: Collection of all surveys in one summary.
2012 Project Vote Smart
2012 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 Christian Coalition voter guide
2010 voter guide
2010 Project Vote Smart
Contract From America
Contract With America

Reports & Letters:
Governmental Reports
Resolutions 2011
Letters 2011
Supreme Court Rulings
Supreme Court 2011:

2008 Presidential
2004 Presidential
2000 Presidential
2008 Issues
2004 Issues
2000 Issues

Senate Votes:
Through 2011
Through 2009
Through 2007
Through 2003

House Votes:
Through 2011


    This page contains group ratings from independent policy groups. Each group determines their own rating system.

03n-NEA on Dec 31, 2003

Political Group Ratings: by the NEA on public education issues
Source: NEA website
The National Education Association has a long, proud history as the nation's leading organization committed to advancing the cause of public education. Founded in 1857 "to elevate the character and advance the interests of the profession of teaching and to promote the cause of popular education in the United States," the NEA has remained constant in its commitment to its original mission as evidenced by the current mission statement:
To fulfill the promise of a democratic society, the National Education Association shall promote the cause of quality public education and advance the profession of education; expand the rights and further the interest of educational employees; and advocate human, civil, and economic rights for all.
In pursuing its mission, the NEA has determined that it will focus the energy and resources of its 2.7 million members toward the "promotion of public confidence in public education." The ratings are based on the votes the organization considered most important; the numbers reflect the percentage of time the representative voted the organization's preferred position.

    Participating counts on VoteMatch question 7. Question 7: Vouchers for school choice Scores: -2=Strongly oppose; -1=Oppose; 0=neutral; 1=Support; 2=Strongly support.
  • Topic: Education
  • Headline: by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes (Score: -2)
  • Headline 2: by the NEA, indicating a mixed record on public education (Score: 0)
  • Headline 3: by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes (Score: 2)

    Participating counts on AmericansElect question 6.
  • Headline: by the NEA, indicating pro-public education votes (Answer: D)
  • Headline 2: by the NEA, indicating a mixed record on public education (Answer: E)
  • Headline 3: by the NEA, indicating anti-public education votes (Answer: A)
  • AmericansElect Quiz Question 6 on Education: When you think about education in the US, which of the following is closest to your opinion?
    • A: School curriculums should be set entirely at a local school board level
    • B: School curriculums should be set more by local school boards than at a national level
    • C: School curriculums should be set more by national standards than at a local level
    • D: School curriculums should be set entirely at a national standardized level
    • E: Unsure

  • Key for participation codes:
  • Sponsorships: p=sponsored; o=co-sponsored; s=signed
  • Memberships: c=chair; m=member; e=endorsed; f=profiled; s=scored
  • Resolutions: i=introduced; w=wrote; a=adopted
  • Cases: w=wrote; j=joined; d=dissented; c=concurred
  • Surveys: '+' supports; '-' opposes.

Democrats participating in 03n-NEA

Neil Abercrombie s1n83%Hawaii Democrat (Resigned 2010) 
Gary Ackerman s1n91%New York Dem./Ind./Lib. (Retiring 2012) 
Daniel Akaka s1n82%HI Democratic Jr Senator (Retiring) 
Tom Allen s1n100%Maine Democrat (Retiring 2008) 
Rob Andrews s1n100%New Jersey Democrat (resigned 2014) 
Joe Baca s1n100%California Democratic Challenger 
Jan Backus s1n82%Vermont Democratic Challenger 
Brian Baird s1n83%Washington Democrat (until 2010) 
Tammy Baldwin s1n92%WI Democratic Challenger 
Max Baucus s1n91%MT Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2014) 
Evan Bayh s1n91%IN Former Democratic Senator 
Xavier Becerra s1n100%California Democrat 
Chris Bell s1n100%Texas Democrat 
Shelley Berkley s1n100%Nevada Democrat (Senate run 2012) 
Howard Berman s1n100%California Democrat 
Marion Berry s1n92%Arkansas Former Democrat (until 2010) 
Jeff Bingaman s1n82%NM Democratic Sr Senator (Retiring) 
Sanford Bishop s1n100%Georgia Democrat 
Timothy Bishop s1n92%New York Democrat 
Earl Blumenauer s1n92%Oregon Democrat 
Leonard Boswell s1n92%Iowa Democrat 
Rick Boucher s1n100%Virginia Democrat (until 2010) 
Barbara Boxer s1n91%CA Democratic Jr Senator (retiring 2016) 
Allen Boyd s1n100%Florida Former Democrat (until 2010) 
Robert Brady s1n100%Pennsylvania Democrat 
John Breaux s1n91%LA Former Democratic incumbent; retired 2004 
Corrine Brown s1n100%Florida Democrat 
Sherrod Brown s1n92%OH Democratic Sr Senator 
Robert Byrd s1n100%WV Former Democratic Senator 
Maria Cantwell s1n100%WA Democratic Jr Senator 
Lois Capps s1n100%California Democrat (retiring 2016) 
Michael Capuano s1n90%MA Former Democratic Primary Senate Challenger (2009) 
Benjamin Cardin s1n91%Maryland Democrat 
Dennis Cardoza s1n100%California Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
Tom Carper s1n82%DE Democratic Sr Senator 
Julia Carson s1n100%Indiana Former Dem. (Deceased 2008) 
Ed Case s1n100%Hawaii Democrat 
William Lacy Clay s1n92%Missouri Democrat 
Hillary Clinton s1n82%NY Former Democratic Senator (NY); now Secretary of State 
James Clyburn s1n100%South Carolina Democrat 
Kent Conrad s1n91%ND Democrat Sr Senator (Retiring) 
John Conyers s1n91%Michigan Democrat 
Jim Cooper s1n75%Tennessee Democrat 
Jon Corzine s1n91%NJ Former Democrat (until 2009) 
Jerry Costello s1n92%Illinois Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
Bud Cramer s1n90%Alabama Democrat (Retired 2008) 
Joseph Crowley s1n100%New York Democrat 
Elijah Cummings s1n100%Maryland Democrat 
Tom Daschle s1n91%SD Former Democratic Senator 
Artur Davis s1n100%Alabama Former Democrat (until 2010) 
Danny Davis s1n92%Illinois Democrat 
Jim Davis s1n100%Florida Democrat 
Lincoln Davis s1n91%Tennessee Democrat (until 2010) 
Susan Davis s1n100%California Democrat 
Mark Dayton s1n82%MN Democratic Governor 
Peter Defazio s1n92%Oregon Democrat 
Diana DeGette s1n91%Colorado Democrat 
Bill Delahunt s1n92%Massachusetts Democrat (until 2010) 
Rosa DeLauro s1n100%Connecticut Democrat 
Peter Deutsch s1n92%FL Former Democratic Senate challenger (2004); US Rep. 
Norm Dicks s1n92%Washington Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
John Dingell s1n100%Michigan Democrat (retiring 2014) 
Chris Dodd s1n82%CT Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2010) 
Lloyd Doggett s1n92%Texas Democrat 
Cal Dooley s1n83%California Democrat (Until 2004) 
Byron Dorgan s1n100%ND Democratic Jr Senator (retiring 2010) 
Mike Doyle s1n92%Pennsylvania Democrat 
Richard Durbin s1n91%IL Democratic Sr Senator 
Chet Edwards s1n100%Texas Former Democrat (until 2010) 
John Edwards s1n83%NC Former Democrat Senator; retired to run for President, 2004 
Rahm Emanuel s1n100%Illinois Former Democrat (until 2009) 
Eliot Engel s1n100%New York Democrat/Liberal 
Anna Eshoo s1n82%California Democrat 
Bob Etheridge s1n92%North Carolina Democrat (Unseated 2010) 
Lane Evans s1n92%Illinois Democrat 
Sam Farr s1n92%California Democrat 
Chaka Fattah s1n100%Pennsylvania Democrat 
Russell Feingold s1n91%POTUS Democrat 
Dianne Feinstein s1n91%CA Democratic Sr Senator 
Bob Filner s1n92%California Democrat (Mayoral run 2011) 
Barney Frank s1n92%Massachusetts Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
Martin Frost s1n100%Texas Democrat (Until 2004) 
Dick Gephardt s2n67%Missouri Democrat (Until 2004) 
Charles Gonzalez s1n100%Texas Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
Bart Gordon s1n100%Tennessee Democrat (until 2010) 
Bob Graham s1n100%FL Former Democratic Senator; retired 2004 
Gene Green s1n100%Texas Democrat 
Raul Grijalva s1n92%Arizona Democrat 
Luis Gutierrez s1n100%Illinois Democrat 
Ralph Moody Hall s2n58%Texas Democrat until 2004; now GOP 
Tom Harkin s1n91%IA Democratic Jr Senator (retiring 2014) 
Jane Harman s1n100%California Democrat (Resigned 2011) 
Alcee Hastings s1n92%Florida Democrat 
Baron Hill s1n100%IN Democratic Senate candidate 
Maurice Hinchey s1n92%New York Dem/Working-Fam.(Retired 2012) 
Ruben Hinojosa s1n100%Texas Democrat 
Tim Holden s1n83%Pennsylvania Democrat (Lost 2012 Primary) 
Fritz Hollings s1n91%SC Former Democratic Sr Senator; retired 2004 
Rush Holt s1n100%New Jersey Democrat (retiring 2014) 
Mike Honda s1n100%California Democrat 
Darlene Hooley s1n100%Oregon Democrat (Retiring 2008) 
Steny Hoyer s1n100%Maryland Democrat 
Daniel Inouye s1n100%HI Democratic Sr Senator 
Jay Inslee s1n100%WA Democratic Governor 
Steve Israel s1n100%New York Democrat 
Jesse Louis Jackson s1n92%Illinois Democrat (Resigned 2013) 
Sheila Jackson Lee s1n100%Texas Democrat 
William Jefferson s1n92%Louisiana Democrat 
Eddie Bernice Johnson s1n100%Texas Democrat 
Tim Johnson s1n100%SD Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2014) 
Stephanie Tubbs Jones s1n91%Ohio Former Dem. (Deceased, 2008) 
Paul Kanjorski s1n92%Pennsylvania Democrat (until 2010) 
Marcy Kaptur s1n100%Ohio Democrat 
Patrick Kennedy s1n100%Rhode Island Democrat (until 2010) 
Ted Kennedy s1n82%MA Democratic Senator (until 2009) 
John Kerry s1n100%MA Democratic Sr Senator 
Dale Kildee s1n92%Michigan Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
Carolyn Kilpatrick s1n100%Michigan Democrat (until 2010) 
Ron Kind s1n82%WI Former Democratic challenger (2012) 
Jerry Kleczka s1n100%Wisconsin Democrat (Until 2004) 
Herbert Kohl s1n82%WI Democratic Sr Senator (Retiring) 
Dennis Kucinich s1n90%Ohio Democrat (Lost 2012 Primary) 
Nicholas Lampson s1n100%Texas Democrat (Unseated 2008) 
Mary Landrieu s1n91%LA Democratic Sr Senator 
James Langevin s1n100%Rhode Island Democrat 
Tom Lantos s1n100%California Former Democrat (until 2008) 
Rick Larsen s1n100%Washington Democrat 
John Larson s1n100%Connecticut Democrat 
Frank Lautenberg s1n82%NJ Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2014) 
Patrick Leahy s1n100%VT Democratic Sr Senator 
Barbara Lee s1n100%California Democrat 
Carl Levin s1n82%MI Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2014) 
Sander Levin s1n100%Michigan Democrat 
John Lewis s1n91%Georgia Democrat 
Blanche Lambert Lincoln s1n91%AR Former Democratic Senator 
William Lipinski s2n50%Illinois Democrat (Until 2004) 
Zoe Lofgren s1n90%California Democrat 
Nita Lowey s1n92%New York Democrat 
Ken Lucas s1n92%Kentucky Democrat (Until 2004) 
Steve Lynch s1n100%Massachusetts Democrat (Senate run 2013) 
Carolyn Maloney s1n100%New York Democrat/Liberal 
Ed Markey s1n92%MA Democratic Challenger 
Jim Marshall s1n100%Georgia Former Democrat (until 2010) 
Jim Matheson s1n100%Utah Democrat (retiring 2014) 
Robert Matsui s1n91%California Former Democrat (deceased) 
Carolyn McCarthy s1n92%New York Dem. (retiring 2014) 
Karen McCarthy s1n100%Missouri Democrat (Until 2004) 
Betty McCollum s1n92%Minnesota Democrat 
Jim McDermott s1n92%Washington Democrat 
Jim McGovern s1n100%Massachusetts Democrat 
Mike McIntyre s1n92%North Carolina Democrat (retiring 2014) 
Michael McNulty s1n100%New York Dem./Cons. (Retiring 2008) 
Marty Meehan s1n92%Massachusetts Democrat (Retired 2007) 
Gregory Meeks s1n100%New York Dem./Working-Families 
Robert Menendez s1n100%New Jersey Democrat 
Michael Michaud s1n100%Maine Democratic Governor Challenger 
Barbara Mikulski s1n100%MD Democratic Sr Senator (Retiring 2016) 
Juanita Millender-McDonald s1n100%California Democrat 
Brad Miller s1n100%North Carolina Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
George Miller s1n83%California Democrat (retiring 2014) 
Zell Miller s3n25%GA Former Democratic Senator; retired 2004 
Alan Mollohan s1n100%West Virginia Democrat 
Dennis Moore s1n92%Kansas Democrat (until 2010) 
James Moran s1n100%Virginia Democrat (retiring 2014) 
Patty Murray s1n100%WA Democratic Sr Senator 
John Murtha s1n91%Pennsylvania Democrat (Deceased Feb. 2010) 
Jerrold Nadler s1n100%New York Dem./Lib./Working-Families 
Grace Napolitano s1n100%California Democrat 
Richard Neal s1n100%Massachusetts Democrat 
Ben Nelson s1n100%NE Democratic Sr Senator (Retiring) 
Bill Nelson s1n91%FL Democratic Sr Senator 
James Oberstar s1n100%Minnesota Dem./Farmer/Labor (until 2010) 
David Obey s1n83%Wisconsin Democrat (until 2010) 
John Olver s1n100%Massachusetts Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
Solomon Ortiz s1n100%Texas Democrat (Unseated 2010) 
Major Owens s1n100%New York Democrat (until 2007) 
Frank Pallone s1n100%New Jersey Democrat 
Bill Pascrell s1n91%New Jersey Democrat 
Ed Pastor s1n100%Arizona Democrat (retiring 2014) 
Donald Payne s1n100%New Jersey Former Democrat(Deceased 2012) 
Nancy Pelosi s1n100%California Democrat 
Collin Peterson s1n100%Minnesota Democrat/Farmer/Labor 
Earl Pomeroy s1n82%North Dakota Democrat (until 2010) 
David Eugene Price s1n100%North Carolina Democrat 
Mark Pryor s1n82%AR Democratic Sr Senator 
Nick Rahall s1n100%West Virginia Democrat 
Charles Rangel s1n100%New York Dem./Lib. (retiring 2016) 
Jack Reed s1n91%RI Democratic Sr Senator 
Harry Reid s1n91%NV Democratic Sr Senator (Retiring 2016) 
Silvestre Reyes s1n100%Texas Democrat 
John Rockefeller s1n91%WV Democratic Sr Senator (retiring 2014) 
Ciro Rodriguez s1n100%Texas Democrat (until 2010) 
Mike Ross s1n100%AR Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger 
Steven Rothman s1n92%New Jersey Democrat 
Lucille Roybal-Allard s1n100%California Democrat 
Dutch Ruppersberger s1n100%Maryland Democrat 
Bobby Rush s1n92%Illinois Democrat 
Tim Ryan s1n100%Ohio Democrat 
Martin Sabo s1n75%Minnesota Democrat/Farmer/Labor 
Linda Sanchez s1n100%California Democrat 
Loretta Sanchez s1n100%CA Democratic Senate candidate 
Bernie Sanders s1n83%POTUS Democratic Presidential candidate 
Max Sandlin s1n100%Texas Democrat (Until 2004) 
Paul Sarbanes s1n91%MD Former Democrat Senator (Retired 2006) 
Jan Schakowsky s1n92%Illinois Democrat 
Adam Schiff s1n100%California Democrat 
Charles Schumer s1n100%NY Democratic Sr Senator 
Bobby Scott s1n100%Virginia Democrat 
David Scott s1n100%Georgia Democrat 
Jose Serrano s1n100%New York Democrat/Liberal 
Brad Sherman s1n100%California Democrat 
Ike Skelton s1n100%Missouri Democrat (until 2010) 
Louise Slaughter s1n100%New York Democrat 
David Adam Smith s1n75%Washington Democrat 
Vic Snyder s1n88%Arkansas Former Democrat (until 2010) 
Hilda Solis s1n100%CA Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger 
Arlen Specter s2n36%PA Former Democratic incumbent (elected as Republican) 
John Spratt s1n100%South Carolina Democrat (until 2010) 
Debbie Stabenow s1n100%MI Democratic Jr Senator 
Pete Stark s1n92%California Democrat 
Charles Stenholm s1n100%Texas Democrat 
Ted Strickland s1n100%OH Democratic Senate candidate 
Bart Stupak s1n100%Michigan Democrat (until 2010) 
John Tanner s1n83%Tennessee Democrat (until 2010) 
Ellen Tauscher s1n92%California Former Democrat (until 2009) 
Gene Taylor s2n50%Mississippi Democratic Challenger 
Bennie Thompson s1n100%Mississippi Democrat 
Mike Thompson s1n100%California Democrat 
John Tierney s1n83%Massachusetts Democrat 
Ed Towns s1n91%New York Democrat/Liberal (Retiring) 
Jim Turner s1n100%Texas Democrat (Until 2004) 
Mark Udall s1n80%CO Democratic Sr Senator; previously Representative 
Tom Udall s1n92%New Mexico Democrat (Senate 2008) 
Chris Van Hollen s1n100%Maryland Democrat (retiring 2016) 
Nydia Velazquez s1n100%New York Democrat/Working-Families 
Peter Visclosky s1n92%Indiana Democrat 
Maxine Waters s1n100%California Democrat 
Diane Watson s1n91%California Former Democrat (until 2010) 
Mel Watt s1n92%North Carolina Democrat (appointed to FHFA) 
Henry Waxman s1n91%California Democrat (retiring 2014) 
Anthony Weiner s1n83%New York Former Democrat(Resigned 2011) 
Robert Wexler s1n92%Florida Democrat (resigned Jan. 2010) 
Lynn Woolsey s1n89%California Democrat (Retiring 2012) 
David Wu s1n100%Oregon Democrat (Resigned 2011) 
Ron Wyden s1n91%OR Democratic Sr Senator 
Albert Wynn s1n100%Maryland Democrat (Unseated 2008) 

Republicans participating in 03n-NEA

Robert Aderholt s3n17%Alabama Republican 
Todd Akin s3n8%Missouri Republican (Senate run 2012) 
Lamar Alexander s3n27%TN Republican Sr Senator 
Rodney Alexander s1n100%Louisiana Republican (resigned 2014) 
Wayne Allard s3n27%CO Former Republican Senator (retired 2008) 
George Allen s3n27%POTUS Republican 
Spencer Bachus s3n18%Alabama Republican (retiring 2014) 
Richard Hugh Baker s3n8%Louisiana Republican (Resigned 2008) 
Cass Ballenger s3n18%North Carolina Republican 
Gresham Barrett s3n18%South Carolina Republican (until 2010) 
Roscoe Bartlett s3n17%Maryland Republican 
Joe Linus Barton s3n17%Texas Republican 
Charlie Bass s3n25%New Hampshire Republican (Retired 2012) 
Bob Beauprez s3n17%CO Republican Gubernatorial Challenger 
Robert Bennett s3n27%UT Former Republican Senator 
Doug Bereuter s3n25%Nebraska Republican (Until 2004) 
Judy Biggert s2n50%Illinois Republican 
Michael Bilirakis s3n25%Florida Republican (Retired 2006) 
Rob Bishop s3n25%Utah Republican 
Marsha Blackburn s3n17%Tennessee Republican 
Roy Blunt s3n17%Missouri Republican (until 2010) 
Sherry Boehlert s2n45%New York Republican/Independence 
John Boehner s3n17%Ohio Republican 
Kit Bond s3n27%MO Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2010) 
Henry Bonilla s3n33%Texas Republican 
Jo Bonner s3n17%Alabama Republican (Resigned 2013) 
Mary Bono s3n9%California Republican 
John Boozman s3n17%AR Republican Jr Senator 
Jeb Bradley s3n17%New Hampshire Republican 
Kevin Brady s3n17%Texas Republican 
Henry Brown s3n17%South Carolina Republican (until 2010) 
Sam Brownback s3n27%KS Republican Governor 
Jim Bunning s3n27%KY Republican Jr Senator (retiring 2010) 
Michael Burgess s3n33%Texas Republican 
Conrad Burns s3n27%MT Former Republican Senator (MT, 1989-2007) 
Max Burns s3n33%Georgia Republican (Until 2004) 
Richard Burr s2n40%NC Republican Sr Senator; previously Representative 
Dan Burton s3n20%Indiana Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Steve Buyer s3n18%Indiana Republican (until 2010) 
Ken Calvert s3n9%California Republican 
Dave Camp s3n17%Michigan Republican (Retiring 2014) 
Ben Nighthorse Campbell s2n45%CO Former Republican incumbent; retired 2004 
Chris Cannon s3n8%Utah Republican 
Eric Cantor s3n17%Virginia Republican 
Shelley Moore Capito s3n25%West Virginia Republican (Senate run 2014) 
John Carter s3n33%Texas Republican 
Steve Chabot s3n8%Ohio Republican 
Lincoln Chafee s2n55%RI Former Republican Senator (Lost re-election, 2006) 
Saxby Chambliss s3n27%GA Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2014) 
Chris Chocola s3n17%Indiana Republican 
John Howard Coble s3n17%North Carolina Republican (retiring 2014) 
Thad Cochran s3n27%MS Republican Sr Senator 
Tom Cole s3n17%Oklahoma Republican 
Norm Coleman s2n45%MN Former Republican Senator; lost court battle, 2009 
Susan Collins s2n55%ME Republican Sr Senator 
John Cornyn s3n27%TX Republican Sr Senator 
Christopher Cox s3n8%California Republican 
Larry Craig s3n20%ID Former Republican Senator (until 2008) 
Philip Crane s3n25%Illinois Republican (Until 2004) 
Michael Crapo s3n27%ID Republican Sr Senator 
Ander Crenshaw s3n17%Florida Republican 
Barbara Cubin s3n10%Wyoming Republican (Retiring 2008) 
John Culberson s3n33%Texas Republican 
Duke Cunningham s3n17%California Republican 
Jo Ann Davis s3n17%Virginia Republican 
Tom Davis s3n25%Virginia Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Nathan Deal s3n17%GA Republican Governor 
Tom DeLay s3n9%Texas Republican 
Jim DeMint s3n18%SC Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative 
Mike DeWine s3n27%OH Former Republican Senator (lost re-election, 2006) 
Mario Diaz-Balart s3n17%Florida Republican 
Pete Domenici s3n27%NM Former Republican Senator (retired 2008) 
John Doolittle s3n17%California Republican (Retiring 2008) 
David Dreier s3n20%California Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Jimmy Duncan s3n25%Tennessee Republican 
Jennifer Dunn s3n17%Washington Republican (Until 2004) 
Vernon Ehlers s3n20%Michigan Republican (until 2010) 
Jo Ann Emerson s3n27%Missouri Republican (Resigned 2013) 
Phil English s3n33%Pennsylvania Republican (Unseated 2008) 
John Ensign s3n18%NV Republican Jr Senator 
Michael Enzi s3n27%WY Republican Sr Senator 
Terry Everett s3n9%Alabama Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Mike Ferguson s3n9%New Jersey Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Peter Fitzgerald s3n18%IL Former Republican incumbent; retired 2004 
Jeff Flake s3n17%Arizona Republican (Senate run 2012) 
Mark Foley s3n10%Florida Republican 
Randy Forbes s3n17%Virginia Republican 
Vito Fossella s3n22%New York Rep./Cons. challenger 
Trent Franks s3n17%Arizona Republican 
Rodney Frelinghuysen s3n25%New Jersey Republican 
Bill Frist s3n27%POTUS Republican 
Elton Gallegly s3n17%California Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Scott Garrett s3n17%New Jersey Republican 
Jim Gerlach s3n25%Pennsylvania Republican (retiring 2014) 
Jim Gibbons s3n10%Nevada Republican 
Wayne Gilchrest s3n9%Maryland Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Paul Gillmor s3n25%Ohio Republican (Deceased 2007) 
Phil Gingrey s3n17%GA Republican Challenger 
Bob Goodlatte s3n9%Virginia Republican 
Porter Goss s3n20%Florida Republican (Until 2004) 
Lindsey Graham s3n27%SC Republican Sr Senator 
Kay Granger s3n33%Texas Republican 
Chuck Grassley s2n36%IA Republican Sr Senator 
Samuel Graves s2n36%Missouri Republican 
Mark Green s3n8%Wisconsin Republican 
Jim Greenwood s3n25%Pennsylvania Republican (Until 2004) 
Judd Gregg s3n27%NH Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2010) 
Gil Gutknecht s3n8%Minnesota Republican 
Chuck Hagel s2n36%NE Former Republican Senator (retired 2008) 
Katherine Harris s3n17%FL Republican challenger (2006); Former US Representative 
Melissa Hart s3n17%Pennsylvania Republican 
Denny Hastert s3n25%Illinois Republican (Retired 2007) 
Doc Hastings s3n17%Washington Republican (retiring 2014) 
Orrin Hatch s3n27%UT Republican Sr Senator 
Robin Hayes s3n17%North Carolina Republican (Unseated 2008) 
J.D. Hayworth s3n17%Arizona Republican (until 2007) 
Joel Hefley s3n33%Colorado Republican 
Jeb Hensarling s3n17%Texas Republican 
Wally Herger s3n17%California Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Dave Hobson s3n25%Ohio Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Peter Hoekstra s3n9%MI Republican Challenger 
Amo Houghton s3n27%New York Republican/Conservative 
Kenny Hulshof s3n25%Missouri Republican (Governor 2008) 
Duncan Hunter s3n17%California Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Kay Bailey Hutchison s2n36%TX Republican Sr Senator (Retiring) 
Henry Hyde s3n20%Illinois Republican 
James Inhofe s3n27%OK Republican Sr Senator 
Johnny Isakson s3n17%GA Republican Jr Senator; previously Representative 
Ernest Istook s3n17%Oklahoma Republican 
Bill Jenkins s3n17%Tennessee Republican (Retired 2006) 
Nancy Lee Johnson s2n50%Connecticut Republican 
Sam Johnson s3n17%Texas Republican 
Timothy Johnson s2n58%Illinois Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Walter Beaman Jones s3n17%North Carolina Republican 
Ric Keller s3n18%Florida Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Sue Kelly s3n17%New York Republican (until 2007) 
Mark Kennedy s3n17%Minnesota Republican (until 2006) 
Peter King s3n18%New York Rep./Ind./Cons./Right-To-Life 
Steve King s3n17%Iowa Republican 
Jack Kingston s3n27%GA Republican Challenger 
Mark Kirk s3n27%IL Republican Jr Senator 
John Kline s3n17%Minnesota Republican 
Joe Knollenberg s3n17%Michigan Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Jim Kolbe s3n17%Arizona Republican 
Jon Kyl s3n18%AZ Republican Jr Senator (Retiring) 
Ray LaHood s3n18%Illinois Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Tom Latham s3n17%Iowa Republican (retiring 2014) 
Steven LaTourette s3n33%Ohio Republican 
Jim Leach s2n55%Iowa Republican 
Jerry Lewis s3n17%California Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Ron Lewis s3n17%Kentucky Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Frank LoBiondo s2n42%New Jersey Republican 
Trent Lott s3n18%MS Former Republican Senator (MS, 1989-2007) 
Frank Dean Lucas s3n25%Oklahoma Republican 
Richard Lugar s3n27%IN Republican Sr Senator 
Donald Manzullo s3n17%Illinois Republican (Lost 2012 Primary) 
John McCain s2n45%AZ Republican Sr Senator 
Mitch McConnell s3n20%KY Republican Sr Senator 
Thad McCotter s3n17%Michigan Republican 
Jim McCrery s3n17%Louisiana Republican (Retiring 2008) 
John McHugh s2n50%New York Republican/Conservative 
Scott McInnis s3n18%Colorado Republican (Until 2004) 
Buck McKeon s3n25%California Republican (retiring 2014) 
John Mica s3n17%Florida Republican 
Candice Miller s3n17%Michigan Republican (retiring 2016) 
Gary Miller s3n17%California Republican (retiring 2014) 
Jeff Miller s3n8%Florida Republican 
Jerry Moran s3n33%Kansas Republican (until 2010) 
Lisa Murkowski s2n55%AK Republican Sr Senator 
Tim Murphy s3n17%Pennsylvania Republican 
Marilyn Musgrave s3n8%Colorado Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Sue Myrick s3n18%North Carolina Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Randy Neugebauer s3n17%Texas Republican 
Bob Ney s2n42%Ohio Republican 
Don Nickles s3n18%OK Former Republican incumbent; retired 2004 
Anne Meagher Northup s3n17%Kentucky Republican 
Charlie Norwood s3n17%Georgia Republican 
Devin Nunes s3n17%California Republican 
Jim Nussle s3n17%Iowa Republican 
Tom Osborne s2n42%Nebraska Republican 
Doug Ose s3n25%California Republican challenger 
Butch Otter s3n17%ID Republican Governor 
Michael Oxley s3n8%Ohio Republican 
Ron Paul s2n67%POTUS Republican (Libertarian 1988) 
Steve Pearce s3n17%New Mexico Republican 
Mike Pence s3n17%IN Republican Governor 
John Peterson s3n17%Pennsylvania Republican (Retired 2008) 
Tom Petri s3n8%Wisconsin Republican 
Chip Pickering s3n18%MS Republican challenger (2006), U.S. Rep. 
Joseph Pitts s3n8%Pennsylvania Republican 
Todd Platts s2n50%Pennsylvania Republican (Retiring 2012) 
Richard Pombo s3n17%California Republican 
Jon Porter s3n17%Nevada Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Rob Portman s3n17%OH Republican Jr Senator 
Deborah Pryce s3n17%Ohio Republican 
Jack Quinn s3n33%New York Republican/Ind./Cons. 
Jim Ramstad s2n58%Minnesota Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Ralph Regula s3n25%Ohio Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Dennis Rehberg s3n25%Montana Republican (Senate run 2014) 
Rick Renzi s3n17%Arizona Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Thomas Reynolds s3n17%New York Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Pat Roberts s2n36%KS Republican Sr Senator 
Hal Rogers s3n17%Kentucky Republican 
Michael Rogers s3n18%Alabama Republican 
Mike Rogers s3n17%Michigan Republican 
Dana Rohrabacher s3n17%California Republican 
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen s3n17%Florida Republican 
Ed Royce s3n8%California Republican 
Paul Ryan s3n8%POTUS Republican 
Jim Ryun s3n8%Kansas Republican 
Rick Santorum s3n27%PA Former Republican Senator (lost re-election, 2006) 
Jim Saxton s2n36%New Jersey Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Edward Schrock s3n17%Virginia Republican (Until 2004) 
James Sensenbrenner s3n8%Wisconsin Republican 
Jeff Sessions s3n20%AL Republican Sr Senator 
Pete Sessions s3n17%Texas Republican 
John Shadegg s3n8%Arizona Republican 
Clay Shaw s3n9%Florida Republican 
Christopher Shays s3n25%Connecticut Republican (Unseated 2008) 
Richard Shelby s3n27%AL Republican Jr Senator 
Don Sherwood s3n17%Pennsylvania Republican 
John Shimkus s3n25%Illinois Republican 
Bill Shuster s3n25%Pennsylvania Republican 
Rob Simmons s2n58%Connecticut Republican 
Mike Simpson s3n27%Idaho Republican 
Christopher Smith s3n17%New Jersey Republican 
Gordon Harold Smith s2n57%OR Former Republican Senator (lost re-election, 2008) 
Lamar Smith s3n17%Texas Republican 
Nick Smith s3n8%MI Former Republican challenger (2006), previously U.S. Rep 
Olympia Snowe s2n55%ME Republican Sr Senator 
Mark Souder s3n18%Indiana Republican (until 2010) 
Cliff Stearns s3n17%Florida Republican (Lost 2012 primary) 
Ted Stevens s2n36%AK Former Republican Sr Senator 
John Sullivan s3n18%Oklahoma Republican 
John Sununu s3n27%New Hampshire Republican 
John Sweeney s3n18%New York Republican/Conservative 
Kathy Szeliga s2n50%MD Republican Senate candidateDec 31, 2011
Maryland NEA
Jim Talent s3n27%Missouri Republican 
Tom Tancredo s3n8%CO Republican Gubernatorial Challenger 
Billy Tauzin s3n18%Louisiana Republican (Until 2004) 
Charles Taylor s3n18%North Carolina Republican 
Lee Terry s3n18%Nebraska Republican 
Bill Thomas s3n17%California Republican 
Craig Thomas s3n27%WY Former Republican Senator (deceased in office 2007) 
Mac Thornberry s3n27%Texas Republican 
Todd Tiahrt s3n17%Kansas Republican Challenger 
Pat Tiberi s3n9%Ohio Republican 
Pat Toomey s3n17%PA Republican Jr Senator 
Mike Turner s3n17%Ohio Republican 
Fred Upton s3n18%Michigan Republican 
David Vitter s3n9%LA Republican 2015 Gubernatorial candidate 
George Voinovich s3n27%OH Republican Sr Senator (retiring 2010) 
Greg Walden s3n20%Oregon Republican 
Jim Walsh s3n25%New York Rep./Ind. (Retiring 2008) 
Zach Wamp s3n17%Tennessee Republican (until 2010) 
John Warner s3n27%VA Former Republican Senator (retired 2008) 
Curt Weldon s3n25%Pennsylvania Republican 
Dave Weldon s3n17%FL Republican Senate Challenger (Lost primary) 
Jerry Weller s3n17%Illinois Republican (Retiring 2008) 
Ed Whitfield s3n33%Kentucky Republican 
Roger Wicker s3n17%Mississippi Republican (Senate 2008) 
Heather Wilson s3n33%New Mexico Republican (Senate 2008) 
Joe Wilson s3n10%South Carolina Republican 
Frank Wolf s3n17%Virginia Republican (retiring 2014) 
Bill Young s3n25%Florida Republican (Deceased 2013) 
Don Young s3n18%Alaska Republican 

Independents participating in 03n-NEA

Joe Biden s1n91%DE Vice President 
Ginny Brown-Waite s3n17%Florida Former GOP (until 2010) 
Brad Carson s1n92%OK 2004 former Democratic challenger; US Representative 
Michael Castle s3n27%DE 2010 Senate Challenger (lost primary); previously Gov.& Rep. 
Mac Collins s3n10%GA 2004 former Republican challenger; US Representative 
Lincoln Diaz-Balart s3n10%Florida Former GOP (until 2010) 
Elizabeth Dole s3n27%NC Former Cabinet Member (Labor Sec'y) and Senator 
Tom Feeney s3n17%Florida Former GOP 
Harold Ford s1n91%NY 2010 Democratic Primary Challenger; previously US Rep (TN) 
Virgil Goode s3n17%POTUS Constitution Party Challenger 
Joseph Hoeffel s1n100%PA 2004 former Democratic challenger; US Representative 
John Hostettler s3n25%IN 2010 Senate Challenger (lost GOP primary); formerly US Rep. 
Darrell Issa s3n9%CA03 Former Initiator of Gubernatorial Recall (2003) 
Chris John s1n100%LA 2004 former Democratic challenger; US Representative 
Joseph Lieberman s1n86%CT Independent Sr Senator; Gore's VP nominee (Retiring) 
John Linder s3n9%Georgia Former GOP (until 2010) 
Denise Majette s1n100%GA 2004 former Democratic challenger; US Representative 
Kendrick Meek s1n100%FL 2010 Democratic Senate Challenger; currently US Rep. 
George Nethercutt s3n27%WA 2004 former Republican challenger; US Representative 
Adam Putnam s3n17%Florida Former GOP (until 2010) 
George Radanovich s3n17%California Former GOP (until 2010) 

Total recorded by OnTheIssues:

Democrats: 246
Republicans: 266
Independents: 21

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