Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Legislative voting records for Massachusetts House and Senate
 (Click for external website)
Massachusetts state legislative voting records, including these candidates:
- MA-D Sonia Chang-Díaz, 2022 candidate for governor
Massachusetts Senate from the 2nd Suffolk district, 2009-2021
- MA-D Ben Downing, candidate for Governor 2022
Member of the Massachusetts Senate from the Berkshire, Hampshire and Franklin district, 2007-2017
- MA-R Karyn Polito - Lt. Governor since 2015
Member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives from the 11th Worcester district, 2001 2011
- MA-D Marty Walsh - Mayor of Boston
Member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives from the 13th Suffolk district, 1997 - 2014
- MA-R Mitt Romney - Pres. candidate (2008)
Former GOP Governor (2003-2006);
- MA-R Richard Tisei - Challenger U.S. Rep Massachusetts- district 6
Member of the Massachusetts Senate from the Middlesex and Essex district 1991 2011
Member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives from the 22nd Middlesex district 1985 1991
- MA-R Scott Brown - New Hampshire Senate challenger
Former Republican U.S. Senator
Member of the Massachusetts Senate from the Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex district 2004 2010
Member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives from the 9th Norfolk district 19982004
- Geoff Diehl, 2018 Republican candidate for Massachusetts U. S. Senator
State Representative, Massachusetts, 7th Plymouth 2011-2018
- John MacGovern, 2018 Republican candidate for Vermont Senate
Former Member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, 2nd Middlesex district, 1983 1991
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Charlie Baker: No abortion for 16-year-olds without parental consent.
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on overriding veto on Stem Cell Research Bill.
Marty Walsh: Voted NO on overriding veto on Stem Cell Research Bill.
Mitt Romney: Vetoed stem cell research bill.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: No abortion for 16-year-olds; keep 24-hour waiting periods.
Charlie Baker: Protect abortion providers from out-of-state prosecution.
Charlie Baker: Steadfast commitment to reproductive health care services.
Diana DiZoglio: Protect abortion providers from out-of-state prosecution.
Kathleen Crogan-Camara: Protect abortion providers from out-of-state prosecution.
Kathleen Crogan-Camara: Protect abortion providers from out-of-state prosecution.
Sonia Chang-Daz: Protect abortion providers from out-of-state prosecution.
Budget & Economy
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on $300M to offset the budget deficit via bonds.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on $300M to offset the budget deficit via bonds.
Scott Brown: Voted NO on $300M to offset the budget deficit via bonds.
Civil Rights
Ben Downing: Include gender identity in public accommodation rules.
Charlie Baker: Include gender identity in public accommodation rules.
Geoff Diehl: Voted NO on protections by gender identity.
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on defining marriage as one man and one woman.
Karyn Polito: Supported $900K for disability & mentoring aid.
Karyn Polito: Opposed "Turning 22" mental disability program.
Karyn Polito: Protections by gender identity for public safety.
Marty Walsh: Opposed $900K for disability & mentoring aid.
Marty Walsh: Voted NO on defining marriage as one man and one woman.
Marty Walsh: Opposed $200K reduction to blind job program.
Marty Walsh: Supported "Turning 22" mental disability program.
Richard Tisei: Voted NO on defining marriage as one man and one woman.
Richard Tisei: Opposed $200K reduction to blind job program.
Richard Tisei: Supported $900K for disability & mentoring aid.
Richard Tisei: Opposed "Turning 22" mental disability program.
Scott Brown: Voted YES on defining marriage as one man and one woman.
Scott Brown: Supported $200K reduction to blind job program.
Scott Brown: Supported $900K for disability & mentoring aid.
Scott Brown: Opposed "Turning 22" mental disability program.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Include gender identity in public accommodation rules.
Kathleen Crogan-Camara: Protect gender-affirming care from out-of-state prosecution.
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on Extending corporate tax credit 5 years.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on closing $85 million in corporate tax loopholes.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on Defeating corporate tax disclosure.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on defeating corporate tax disclosure.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on Extending corporate tax credit 5 years.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on closing $85 million in corporate tax loopholes.
Scott Brown: Voted NO on Defeating corporate tax disclosure.
Scott Brown: Voted YES on Extending corporate tax credit 5 years.
Charlie Baker: Reform police based on racial equity.
Charlie Baker: Reform police based on racial equity.
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on reinstating capital punishment.
Karyn Polito: Opposed funding Mass Correctional Legal Services.
Marty Walsh: Supported funding Mass Correctional Legal Services.
Marty Walsh: Voted NO on reinstating capital punishment.
Richard Tisei: Opposed funding Mass Correctional Legal Services.
Scott Brown: Opposed funding Mass Correctional Legal Services.
Charlie Baker: Voted YES on recreational marijuana.
Geoff Diehl: Voted NO on recreational marijuana.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on earmark for women's substance abuse program.
Marty Walsh: Voted NO on earmark for women's substance abuse program.
Scott Brown: Voted NO on earmark for women's substance abuse program.
Karyn Polito: Opposed federal school breakfast supplement.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on 3-year moratorium on charter schools.
Marty Walsh: Supported federal school breakfast supplement.
Mitt Romney: Vetoed abandoning three new Massachusetts charter schools.
Richard Tisei: Opposed federal school breakfast supplement.
Scott Brown: Opposed federal school breakfast supplement.
Scott Brown: Voted NO on 3-year moratorium on charter schools.
Energy & Oil
Charlie Baker: Next-generation roadmap for climate policy.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Next-generation roadmap for climate policy.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on requiring dental amalgam (mercury) separators.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on reduced fees for blood lead level testing.
Karyn Polito: Opposed keeping park maintenance funding within MDC.
Marty Walsh: Supported keeping park maintenance funding within MDC.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on requiring dental amalgam (mercury) separators.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on reduced fees for blood lead level testing.
Richard Tisei: Supported cuts in Water Management Act enforcement.
Richard Tisei: Voted NO on reduced fees for blood lead level testing.
Scott Brown: Opposed keeping park maintenance funding within MDC.
Families & Children
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on affirming marriage for heterosexuals only.
Marty Walsh: Voted NO on affirming marriage for heterosexuals only.
Free Trade
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on International Trade Council to promote exports.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on International Trade Council to promote exports.
Richard Tisei: Voted YES on International Trade Council to promote exports.
Scott Brown: Voted NO on International Trade Council to promote exports.
Government Reform
Ben Downing: Allow online voter registration, early voting, vote by mail.
Deval Patrick: Allow online voter registration, early voting, vote by mail.
Geoff Diehl: Allow online voter registration, early voting, vote by mail.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Allow online voter registration, early voting, vote by mail.
Gun Control
Karyn Polito: Reducing firearm licensing fee from $100 to $40.
Health Care
Charlie Baker: Patients First: mental health & COVID.
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on maintaining two state psychiatric hospitals.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on Constitutional call for universal health care.
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on tax credits for all smoking regulation costs.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on Constitutional call for universal health care.
Marty Walsh: Voted NO on tax credits for all smoking regulation costs.
Marty Walsh: Opposed $10M cut in the uncompensated care pool.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on maintaining two state psychiatric hospitals.
Mitt Romney: 2006: Compromise with Ted Kennedy to make RomneyCare reality.
Richard Tisei: Opposed tax credits for all smoking regulation costs.
Richard Tisei: Supported $10M cut in the uncompensated care pool.
Richard Tisei: Voted YES on Constitutional call for universal health care.
Scott Brown: Supported $10M cut in the uncompensated care pool.
Scott Brown: Voted NO on Constitutional call for universal health care.
Scott Brown: Voted YES on tax credits for all smoking regulation costs.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Patients First: mental health & COVID.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants.
Karyn Polito: Opposed two-way bilingual programs; supported English-only.
Marty Walsh: Supported two-way bilingual programs; supported English-only.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants.
Richard Tisei: Opposed two-way bilingual programs; supported English-only.
Scott Brown: Opposed two-way bilingual programs; supported English-only.
Ben Downing: No disclosure of salary history; equal pay for equal work.
Charlie Baker: No disclosure of salary history; equal pay for equal work.
Geoff Diehl: No disclosure of salary history; equal pay for equal work.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on early retirement for MWRA-work-related cancer.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on early retirement for MWRA-work-related cancer.
Richard Tisei: Voted NO on early retirement for MWRA-work-related cancer.
Scott Brown: Voted NO on early retirement for MWRA-work-related cancer.
Shannon Liss-Riordan: Raise the minimum wage; eliminate the sub-minimum wage.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: No disclosure of salary history; equal pay for equal work.
Principles & Values
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on 'one nation under God' in pledge of allegiance.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on 'one nation under God' in pledge of allegiance.
Tax Reform
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on capital gains tax rebates.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on postponing reduction of income tax to 5%.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on municipal meals tax, in addition to state tax.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on raising income tax to 5.95% to offset deficit.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on municipal meals tax, in addition to state tax.
Marty Walsh: Voted NO on raising income tax to 5.95% to offset deficit.
Marty Walsh: Voted NO on capital gains tax rebates.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on postponing reduction of income tax to 5%.
Richard Tisei: Voted YES on municipal meals tax, in addition to state tax.
Scott Brown: Voted NO on municipal meals tax, in addition to state tax.
Scott Brown: Voted NO on raising income tax to 5.95% to offset deficit.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on replacing restrictions on local aid allocations.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on emerging technologies, math & science Fund.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on emerging technologies, math & science Fund.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on replacing restrictions on local aid allocations.
Richard Tisei: Voted NO on emerging technologies, math & science Fund.
Scott Brown: Voted NO on emerging technologies, math & science Fund.
Welfare & Poverty
Charlie Baker: $1.8B for production and preservation of affordable housing.
Geoff Diehl: $1.8B for production and preservation of affordable housing.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on removing funds for Affordable Housing Trust.
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on rejecting $25M earmarked for Housing Trust Fund.
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on $2 million for Mass Rental Voucher Program.
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on veto override for $220K for homelessness.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on studying how to overcome federal workfare rules.
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on restricting welfare benefits to 5 years.
Karyn Polito: Voted NO on allowing parents on welfare to attend school.
Karyn Polito: Voted YES on workfare for mothers of 2- to 6-year-olds.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on workfare for mothers of 2- to 6-year-olds.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on allowing parents on welfare to attend school.
Marty Walsh: Voted NO on removing funds for Affordable Housing Trust.
Marty Walsh: Voted NO on rejecting $25M earmarked for Housing Trust Fund.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on $2 million for Mass Rental Voucher Program.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on veto override for $220K for homelessness.
Marty Walsh: Voted YES on studying how to overcome federal workfare rules.
Marty Walsh: Voted NO on restricting welfare benefits to 5 years.
Mitt Romney: Vetoed $220K for state-run homelessness projects.
Mitt Romney: Vetoed studying how MA can overcome federal workfare rules.
Richard Tisei: Voted NO on allowing parents on welfare to attend school.
Scott Brown: Voted NO on allowing parents on welfare to attend school.
Scott Brown: Voted YES on workfare for mothers of 2- to 6-year-olds.
Sonia Chang-Diaz: $1.8B for production and preservation of affordable housing.
The above quotations are from Legislative voting records for Massachusetts House and Senate.
Legislation citations (from news media or state archives):
- H5090: Center for Reproductive Rights, "After Roe Fell: Abortion Laws by State > Massachusetts", downloaded 5/2/2023, (Link)
- H5090: Boston Globe, "Baker signs abortion rights expansion bill into law," by Matt Stout, July 29, 2022, (Link)
- MA H5090: Associated Press, "Massachusetts governor signs bill protecting abortion access," by Steve LeBlanc, July 29, 2022, (Link)
- WBUR (NPR 90.9-FM), "Climate Roadmap Bill Sent To Baker’s Desk," by Colin A. Young, January 04, 2021
- Governor's press release: "Baker Signs Health Care Legislation Increasing Access to Quality, Affordable Care, Promoting Telehealth and Protecting Access To COVID-19 Testing, Treatment," 1/01/2021
- WBUR (NPR 90.9-FM), "Baker Vetoes Bill Expanding Abortion Access In Mass.", by Matt Murphy, December 24, 2020
- NBC TV-10 Boston, "Gov. Baker Signs Landmark Mass. Police Reform Bill," December 31, 2020
- Springfield Republican on H.1617, on minimum wage, (Shannon Liss-Riordan), 6/18/2019
- Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC), "Baker Signs $1.8 Billion Affordable Housing Bill to Preserve Housing Affordability," May/31/18
- Massachusetts H.3768, on recreational marijuana, (Geoff Diehl), 6/21/2017
- S2119: Mintz-Levin law firm, "2015-2016 Massachusetts Legislative Session Ends," by Julie Cox, Steven A. Baddour, Daniel J. Connelly, & Parnia Zahedi, August 08, 2016
- Massachusetts S.735, on gender identity, (Geoff Diehl & Karyn Polito), 7/8/2016
- Press release on S.2407, "Governor Baker Signs Transgender Anti-Discrimination Legislation," 7/8/16
- S735: Blog of the Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries, "Election Reform Bill Signed into Law to Allow Early Voting and Online Voter Registration", May 22, 2014