Question topic: Government should enforce laws designed to protect the border and to prevent illegal entry of persons into the country.
Bell: Strongly Agree
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 New Jersey Senate race
, Sep 30, 2014
Support pathway to citizenship, plus guest workers
Q: Do you support or oppose a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens?
A: Support. Immigration has always been a key strength of this country, both culturally and economically. Our current system is badly broken and needs fixing in a manner that
secures our borders and encourages future immigrants to come here legally. We should provide a path to legalization for the roughly 11 million people here illegally, with fines and payment of back taxes a minimum requirement for obtaining legal status.
Once these requirements have been met, citizenship should be a possibility but with no preferential path other than that available to immigrants who have remained within the law.
Q: What about a guest worker program?
A: To prevent
recurrence of the problems of recent decades, immigration reform must include a generous guest worker program with state-by-state flexibility to exceed any nationwide limits or quotas specified by federal policy.
Earned path to legalization for 11 million illegals here now
Immigration has always been a key strength of this country, both culturally and economically. Our current system is badly broken and needs fixing in a manner that secures our borders and encourages future immigrants to come here legally.
We should not only welcome the highly-skilled and educated from abroad, but also those who are comparatively low-skilled and desire to come to America and work hard. We should provide an earned path to legalization and citizenship for the roughly
11 million people here illegally, with fines and payment of back taxes a requirement for obtaining legal status.
To prevent recurrence of the undocumented immigrant buildup of recent decades, immigration reform
must include a generous guest worker program with state-by-state flexibility to exceed any nationwide limits or quotas specified by federal policy.