Mark Warner on Technology
Democratic Jr Senator; previously Governor
Target more enforcement against cyber-crime
As technology advances, the threat of cyber-crimes grows more serious. Because much of the technology community calls Virginia home, we face unique threats that other states dont. As Governor,
Mark will target more law enforcement officers specifically to cyber-crimes, promote greater training for all law enforcement personnel to spot and crack down on cyber-crimes, and improve cooperation between law enforcement at all levels.
Source: Campaign web site, MarkWarner2001.org/issues
, Nov 6, 2001
Fight Internet pornography
As a technology leader, Mark understands the freedom and opportunities that the Internet brings. But as a father of three young girls, he knows it also brings a deep responsibility. Parents are scared about the trash that their children can gain
access to over the Internet, and they feel like theres nothing they can do about it. As Governor, Mark will work with parents, technology businesses, and community leaders to find ways to protect children from inappropriate material on the Internet.
Source: Campaign web site, MarkWarner2001.org/issues
, Nov 6, 2001
Promote e-government
As a successful businessman in the technology field, Mark Warner understands the many advantages and cost savings that can flow from the greater use of technology. As Governor, Mark will promote e-government
initiatives that encourage the best uses of technology to make government run more efficiently and also allow citizens and businesses easier and more cost-effective access to government information and services.
Source: Campaign web site, MarkWarner2001.org/issues
, Nov 6, 2001
Supports Tek.Xam: standard test for technology employment
Until recently, liberal-arts students couldnt even get an interview with a high-tech company because they had no way to demonstrate their technology skills. Thats why we worked to develop Tek.Xam, a test that measures problem solving and technology
skills. Tek.Xam is a 4-hour test, delivered over the Internet. Its major components require students to prove their ability to use technology. We believe Tek.Xam will someday rank alongside the SAT & GRE as a recognized barometer of aptitude.
Source: MarkWarner2001.org, Leaving No One Behind
, Jan 8, 2001
Invest broadcast spectrum receipts into school Internet
We must prepare our children for the jobs of the future and the opportunities created by new technologies. Instead of cutting Head Start and student loans, the federal government should help local school districts invest in safe, modern schools connected
to the Information Superhighway. Additional funding, if necessary, can come from partnership with the private sector and the sale of broadcast spectrum. I also believe that we must make balancing our budget a top priority.
Source: 1996 Congressional National Political Awareness Test
, Jul 2, 1996
Voted YES on authorizing states to collect Internet sales taxes.
Congressional Summary: The Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013 authorizes each state to require all sellers with sales exceeding $1 million in the preceding calendar year to collect and remit sales and use taxes, but only if complying with the minimum simplification requirements relating to the administration of such taxes & audits.Opponent's Argument for voting No (Cnet.com): Online retailers are objecting to S.743, saying it's unreasonable to expect small businesses to comply with the detailed--and sometimes conflicting--regulations of nearly 10,000 government tax collectors. S.743 caps years of lobbying by the National Retail Federation and the Retail Industry Leaders Association, which represent big box stores. President Obama also supports the bill.
Proponent's Argument for voting Yes: Sen. COLLINS. This bill rectifies a fundamental unfairness in our current system. Right now, Main Street businesses have to collect sales taxes
on every transaction, but outbecause -of-state Internet sellers don't have to charge this tax, they enjoy a price advantage over the mom-and-pop businesses. This bill would allow States to collect sales taxes on Internet sales, thereby leveling the playing field with Main Street businesses. This bill does not authorize any new or higher tax, nor does it impose an Internet tax. It simply helps ensure that taxes already owed are paid.
Opponent's Argument for voting No: Sen. WYDEN: This bill takes a function that is now vested in government--State tax collection--and outsources that function to small online retailers. The proponents say it is not going to be hard for small businesses to handle this--via a lot of new computer software and the like. It is, in fact, not so simple. There are more than 5,000 taxing jurisdictions in our country. Some of them give very different treatment for products and services that are almost identical.
Reference: Marketplace Fairness Act;
Bill S.743
; vote number 13-SV113
on May 6, 2013
Warner supports the Christian Coalition survey question on grid security
The Christian Coalition inferred whether candidates agree or disagree with the statement, 'Take Federal Action to Secure the Grid Against Foreign/Terrorist Interference ?'
Self-description by Christian Coalition of America: "These guides help give voters a clear understanding of where candidates stand on important pro-family issues" for all Senate and Presidential candidates.
Source: CC Survey 20CC-15 on Sep 10, 2020
Page last updated: Dec 27, 2021