My financial problems let me relate to families' suffering
Q: You had an IRS lien for about $12,000 in taxes and penalties from '05. There was an '08 mortgage default judgment on your home. You just received your bachelors degree because it took a decade to pay off the tuition. How can voters rely upon your
thoughts on how to manage the deficit if you're having such personal financial issues?
O'DONNELL: On that IRS tax lien, the IRS already admitted that it was a computer error. You mentioned education. I don't have a trust fund. I didn't come from a
privileged, sheltered background as my opponent says he did.
Q: Let's stay to the issue of paying bills.
O'DONNELL: I paid for my own college education. When I fell upon difficult times, I made the sacrifices needed to set things right. I sold my
house. And I sold a lot of my possessions in order to pay of my personal debt and to become in a stronger position. I can relate to the thousands of Delaware families that are suffering right now.
Pledges to vote against all earmarks & pork barrel spending
My Deal With Delaware is that I pledge I will never vote for �pork barrel spending� or corrupt �earmark favors.� These terms refer to the practice of slipping favors for special interest groups into the final stages of spending bills. These so-called
special projects have little accountability to determine if the projects were completed on time, if the money was spent as intended or who profited from the deal. Pork and earmarks are out of control and crushing the financial future of America.
Source: 2006 Senate campaign website,
, Aug 31, 2006
Demand a Balanced Budget amendment.
O'Donnell signed the Contract From America
The Contract from America, clause 3. Demand a Balanced Budget:
Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax hike.
Source: The Contract From America 10-CFA03 on Jul 8, 2010
Limit federal spending growth to per-capita inflation rate.
O'Donnell signed the Contract From America
The Contract from America, clause 6. End Runaway Government Spending:
Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth.
Source: The Contract From America 10-CFA06 on Jul 8, 2010
O'Donnell opposes the F2A survey question on the economic stimulus is "the nation's largest network of pro-family groups." They provide election resources for each state, including Voter Guides and Congressional Scorecards excerpted here.
The Faith2Action survey summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: 'American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the stimulus bill) '
Source: Faith2Action Survey 10-FF-q11 on Sep 19, 2010