Tax system is divisive because only half pay income tax
As I write about in my book, The Divided Era, our income tax code is among the most divisive policies we have in America today. It is well known that approximately half of Americans today pay income tax and half do not. In a republic or democracy, we
could not design a more divisive system of taxation.
Many of our politicians use taxes as their sharpest class warfare weapon. Hillary has gone so far as to say she wants to "topple" the top 1%. No society, however, has benefitted from class warfare--
let alone the poor. Not a single one. Opportunistic politicians yes, society no.
Ask yourself what benefit it has produced in America today--or consider the failed revolutions of history that have destroyed wealth and redistributed poverty--most of
which started with class warfare. Pitting one part of society against another with the tax code only produces resentment. That resentment is growing in America today and plays a role in the riots we see.
As your U.S. Senator, I will advocate for bold changes for California and the Nation so that prosperity is not limited to the well connected or to the well to do. Principal among those policies will be:
A flat tax for the Nation and California,
A comprehensive program to make California a world leader in water technology, infrastructure and distribution.
Source: 2016 Senate campaign website,
, Oct 9, 2015
Personal & corporate flat tax: 15.5% federal and 6% state
Del Beccaro is following the model of Gov. Jerry Brown, who ran for president in 1992 on a pledge to create a 13% tax across the board. A statement from the Del Beccaro campaign explained his plan in further detail:
Replace the current corporate
tax system with a 15.5% net business income tax with immediate expensing for business purchases and deductibility of wages.
Replace the current personal income tax with a flat 15.5% rate on wages, capital gains, dividends, interest and inheritance.
The payroll tax should be retained but its cap should be eliminated.
The elimination of the estate tax, Affordable Care Act tax and all tariffs.
Del Beccaro's state proposal includes:
A 6% flat tax imposed on all federal income subject to tax.
The elimination of the thousands of pages of state tax code. Californians would be able to fill out a simple post card for their tax returns.