Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
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State of Indiana Politicians: Archives

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OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Andrew Straw: A fetus has rights; treat abortion like euthanasia.
Andrew Straw: Since 1973, courts allowed parents to kill their children.
Brad Ellsworth: Taxpayer money ok for abortions.
Brian Bosma: Voted YES on de-funding Planned Parenthood.
Eric Holcomb: Planned Parenthood videos were despicable, but no shutdown.
Eric Holcomb: Banned abortion after 13 weeks with exceptions.
Evan Bayh: Supports public funding for Planned Parenthood.
Jim Baird: Voted YES on de-funding Planned Parenthood.
Jim Banks: Unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life.
Joe Donnelly: God would never intend for rape to happen.
Joe Donnelly: Abortions only in cases of rape, incest, and maternal life.
John Gregg: Opposed law requiring interring aborted fetuses.
Mark Hurt: Life is precious; no tax-payer funded abortion.
Mark Hurt: Against abortion, funding Planned Parenthood.
Mike Braun: Life starts with conception.
Mike Pence: Periods for Pence: protest against interring aborted fetuses.
Mitch Daniels: No stem-cell research; private funds ok for adult stem cells.
Mitch Daniels: Legal abortion for rape, incest, or medical danger.
Mitch Daniels: Signed bill de-funding Planned Parenthood.
Pete Buttigieg: Federal government should protect reproductive freedom.
Richard Lugar: Government should not have a role in reproductive services.
Richard Mourdock: Government should not have a role in reproductive services.
Richard Mourdock: God at work when rape leads to pregnancy.
Richard Mourdock: No exception for rape; only for maternal life.
Richard Mourdock: No exception for rape, but God doesn't want people raped.
Thomas McDermott: God gives no one a right to control another person's body.
Woody Myers: Fully support a woman's right to choose.
Budget & Economy
Andrew Straw: Stimulus plus market-led recovery.
Brad Ellsworth: Voted for bailout, health care law and stimulus bill.
Brad Ellsworth: Stimulus legislation prevented going into a depression.
Brian Bosma: Reduce government regulations; reduce unemployment benefits.
Daniel Coats: Commitment to no new spending unless offset & paid for.
Eddie Melton: Gaming licenses issued to support new jobs & revenue.
Eric Holcomb: Tax-and-borrower math will bust us, not lead to prosperity.
Eric Holcomb: $250-million Next Level Indiana Trust Fund.
Eric Holcomb: Building "One Indiana" border to border.
Eric Holcomb: Infrastructure a priority, complete interstate project.
Eric Holcomb: Investing $3.6 billion this year in road projects.
Joe Donnelly: Supported anti-recession stimulus.
Mike Braun: Don't pay politicians if they can't pass a budget.
Mike Braun: Government isn't the driver of economic prosperity.
Mike Pence: Amend state constitution to require a balanced budget.
Richard Lugar: Pass the remarkable House budget plan & extend Bush tax cuts.
Thomas McDermott: Farm community needs a strong and fair safety net.
Todd Young: $19 trillion of debt is greatest threat to nation's future.
Todd Young: One of 17 Republicans who voted for infrastructure bill.
Eric Holcomb: Indiana has become known for our responsible budgets.
Civil Rights
Erin Houchin: Religious Freedom Act is not about LGBT discrimination.
Andrew Straw: Incentives to hire qualified women into management.
Andrew Straw: Same-sex marriage is none of state's business.
Andrew Straw: Gay marriage bans are like anti-miscegenation laws.
Baron Hill: 2006: Marriage is sacred; 2015: guarantee marriage equality.
Baron Hill: For ENDA & against DADT & in Congress; evolved on marriage.
Brian Bosma: No civil unions; no gay marriage.
Eddie Melton: Will fight to enact state hate crimes law.
Eddie Melton: Endorsed by the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus PAC.
Eric Holcomb: Supportive of the LGBT community: zero discrimination.
Eric Holcomb: Supports enacting hate crime laws.
Eric Holcomb: Now supports protecting sexual orientation, gender identity.
Eric Holcomb: Hate crimes not about thoughts, but about actions.
Eric Holcomb: Calls for resignation of Indiana AG over harassment charge.
Eric Holcomb: Signed into law consolidation of minority precincts.
Jim Banks: Let businesses express traditional religious values.
Joe Donnelly: Opposes same sex marriage.
Joe Donnelly: Protect LGBT Hoosiers from discrimination.
John Gregg: Hoosiers welcome others inclusively; RFRA is divisive.
John Gregg: 2012: No same-sex marriage; 2015: marriage & more for LGBT.
John Gregg: Protect LGBT rights; religious rights are already protected.
John Gregg: Sexual orientation & gender identity are civil rights issues.
John Gregg: Supports the legality of gay marriage in Indiana.
John Gregg: Supports equal pay for equal work.
John Gregg: Civil rights statute should support sexual orientation.
Mike Braun: Traditional marriage should be between a man & a woman.
Mike Pence: Listen to the merits of debate on LGBT rights.
Mike Pence: Religious Freedom Act is not about LGBT discrimination.
Mike Pence: Civil rights must be balanced with religious freedom.
Mike Pence: Pro-business environment better for wages than equal pay.
Mike Pence: Opposes pay equity; close wage gap by growing economy.
Mitch Daniels: No same-sex marriage nor civil unions.
Mitch Daniels: No affirmative action in public college admissions.
Woody Myers: Fought to keep teenage boy with AIDS in school after banning.
Eric Holcomb: Make America the global jobs magnet.
Joe Donnelly: Challenging auto bailout put 1000s of jobs at risk.
Joe Donnelly: Lower corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%.
Mark Hurt: Lower corporate rates; simplify taxes.
Mike Braun: Lowering taxes is a good start to empowering job creators.
Mike Pence: Corporate tax cuts create jobs & grow economy.
Mitch Daniels: Reduce corporate income tax; cut and cap property tax.
Andrew Straw: In some cases, punishment can reduce crime.
Brian Bosma: Supports capital punishment, and use of deadly force at home.
Eddie Melton: Restore state scholarship eligibility to felony offenders.
Eric Holcomb: Give prosecutors resources to protect vulnerable seniors.
Eric Holcomb: Train prisoners to reduce recidivism.
Eric Holcomb: Signs victims' rights law, tightening criminal penalties.
Eric Holcomb: Training programs for felons reduced recidivism.
Eric Holcomb: For oversight of police & body cameras.
John Gregg: Push community policing through federal COPS resources.
John Gregg: Transparent investigations of deadly force incidents.
John Gregg: Adult Protective Services is underfunded and understaffed.
Mark Hurt: One small brick in the wall of justice.
Mike Pence: Reduce crime, not penalties for crime.
Mitch Daniels: Support the death penalty.
Mitch Daniels: Prevent recidivism with vocational training & alternatives.
Mitch Daniels: Strengthen laws against horrid practice of human trafficking.
Woody Myers: Ban choke holds; need community-based training for police.
Andrew Straw: Marijuana is a medicine and nutritious.
Brian Bosma: Decriminalize marijuana; but no medicinal marijuana.
Brian Bosma: Decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana.
Eddie Melton: Legalize and regulate medical & recreational cannabis.
Eddie Melton: Allow some level of marijuana use, and recreational sales.
Eric Holcomb: Attack epidemic with prevention, treatment & enforcement.
John Gregg: Needle exchange helps stop HIV virus.
John Gregg: Legalize the medicinal use of marijuana.
John Gregg: Decriminalize marijuana; that's different than legalizing.
John Gregg: Focus on serious crimes, not minor drug offenses.
John Gregg: Study medical marijuana legalization before legalizing.
Mark Hurt: Tougher penalties on those dealing drugs.
Mark Hurt: Crack down on drug dealers.
Mike Braun: Marijuana use is about freedom of choice.
Mike Pence: Signed legislation allowing needle exchange.
Mike Pence: Confront the growing epidemic of drug abuse.
Mike Pence: Indiana will be tough on narcotics and drug dealers.
Mike Pence: Do not legalize: pot is a gateway drug.
Pete Buttigieg: Marijuana is personal responsibility issue; move to legalize.
Thomas McDermott: Time for the federal government to legalize marijuana.
Thomas McDermott: AdWatch: lights up a joint and inhales.
Woody Myers: Allow some level of marijuana use; not recreational sales.
Erin Houchin: Supports teaching creation science in public schools.
Andrew Straw: Supports vouchers and more school choices.
Andrew Straw: Students can pray in school, but not imposed by teachers.
Brian Bosma: Supports vouchers and charter schools.
Eddie Melton: Reduce private school vouchers; increase teacher pay.
Eddie Melton: Every child deserves a quality public education.
Eddie Melton: Opposes teaching creation science in public schools.
Eddie Melton: Worked for Obama on mentoring boys and young men of color.
Eddie Melton: Increasing pay will address state teacher shortage.
Eddie Melton: No investment is more important than our students.
Eddie Melton: Criticizes current budget that favors online/charter schools.
Eric Holcomb: Give parents the freedom to choose child's school.
Eric Holcomb: Early start on career paths in opportunity industries.
Eric Holcomb: $140M to increase teacher pay.
Eric Holcomb: $115 million to increase teacher pay, more to come.
Eric Holcomb: Supports teaching creation science in public schools.
Eric Holcomb: Parents deserve options but not at expense of public schools.
Eric Holcomb: Help Hoosiers obtain post-secondary education for jobs.
Joe Donnelly: Pell Grants for low-income students, & lower interest rates.
John Gregg: Totally against Indiana's school voucher program.
John Gregg: Teachers must be a part of the education reform conversation.
John Gregg: I am not a fan of vouchers.
Mike Pence: Incentivize teaching as a career.
Mike Pence: Testing regime needs to be improved.
Mike Pence: Pro-voucher so parents decide how to educate their kids.
Mike Pence: Eliminate "No Child Left Behind" K-12 testing requirements.
Mitch Daniels: Lift backward-looking limits on charter schools.
Mitch Daniels: Support vouchers for public schools.
Mitch Daniels: Use lottery revenue for free college tuition for two years.
Mitch Daniels: Voluntary prayer in public schools.
Mitch Daniels: End cruel, defeatist practice of passing kids who can't read.
Richard Mourdock: Transfer federal education role to state & local level.
Thomas McDermott: Created local full-tuition college scholarship program.
Thomas McDermott: We must do more to support public education.
Todd Rokita: Against Common Core; for school choice.
Todd Young: Market alternatives to federal stranglehold on college loans.
Valerie McCray: Would like to see interest-free student loans.
Victoria Spartz: Supports teaching creation science in public schools.
Woody Myers: Boost teacher pay, increase access to vocational schools.
Woody Myers: Pay teachers what they deserve; future depends on it.
Woody Myers: We can take a hard look at our voucher program.
Woody Myers: We need multiple pathways to obtain good-paying jobs.
Woody Myers: For higher teacher pay & better testing model for students.
Woody Myers: Higher teacher pay; end unnecessary administrative burdens.
Eric Holcomb: State should cover cost of "curriculum fees" paid by parents.
Energy & Oil
Andrew Straw: Support green energy storage technology.
Brad Ellsworth: Supports nuclear, solar, & clean coal, but not cap-&-trade.
Brad Ellsworth: Cap-and-trade would put Hoosiers out of work.
Brian Bosma: Develop traditional domestic energy sources.
Daniel Coats: Don't pick winners & losers in biofuel; pick nuclear instead.
Daniel Coats: Accused of benefiting as lobbyist from pushing cap-and-trade.
Eric Holcomb: Coal reduces our dependency on foreign sources of energy.
Eric Holcomb: Delayed coal plant closures; ended credits for solar/wind.
Eric Holcomb: Building largest solar farm in US on 13,000 acres.
Evan Bayh: Climate science is unequivocal, but don't hurt business.
Joe Donnelly: I opposed cap-and-trade even though Dem leadership pushed it.
John Gregg: Indiana is the Saudi Arabia of coal; use it!
John Gregg: Nuclear plants have safety concerns; not for Indiana.
Mark Hurt: Cost-benefit analysis for measures affecting clean coal.
Mark Hurt: Climate change is a global scheme to redistribute wealth.
Mike Pence: All-of-the-above energy strategy instead of EPA over-reach.
Mike Pence: Against Obama's plan to battle climate change.
Mitch Daniels: Make IN a leader in electric vehicles & solar power industry.
Mitch Daniels: Support clean coal as well as alternative energy.
Richard Lugar: Subsidizing ethanol makes overall gasoline prices go down.
Richard Lugar: Make all cars "flex-fuel" vehicles.
Richard Mourdock: High gas prices come from federal mandates like ethanol.
Richard Mourdock: Oppose ethanol subsidy as a matter of conservative principle.
Richard Mourdock: FactCheck: No, ethanol additive lowers gasoline price.
Richard Mourdock: Ethanol mandates lead to high gas prices.
Thomas McDermott: Focus on clean energy jobs, reduce carbon footprint.
Woody Myers: State is a big polluter, that needs to change.
Woody Myers: Indiana must shift to renewable energy to meet our needs.
Woody Myers: AdWatch: End tax cuts for Big Oil; invest in clean energy.
Erin Houchin: For climate bill compromise by industry & environmentalists.
Andrew Straw: EPA should have more power to clean up, not less.
Brian Bosma: State funding for open space preservation.
Eddie Melton: Clean car standards create jobs.
Eric Holcomb: Stand up to federal government over environmental regulation.
Eric Holcomb: Additional million trees to be planted over next five years.
Eric Holcomb: Investing in community trails, planting a million new trees.
John Gregg: Reducing air pollution reduces healthcare costs for decades.
Mark Hurt: Rein in environmental regulations.
Mike Pence: Signed a bill that allows for more usage of eminent domain.
Mike Pence: Veto climate bill compromise by industry & environmentalists.
Mitch Daniels: First state to phase in new environmental Clean Air permits.
Richard Lugar: Ethanol mandates help state corn farmers.
Woody Myers: Set standards for clean energy, reducing greenhouse gases.
Families & Children
Charlie Hardy: Many parents worry about not providing for their children.
Eric Holcomb: Levels of Care program: Reduce infant mortality.
Mike Pence: Adoption is a beautiful way for families to come together.
Mike Pence: Let parents and doctors decide on HPV vaccinations.
Mitch Daniels: Nothing more contemptible than failing to pay child support.
Richard Lugar: Government should play no role reproductive health services.
Richard Mourdock: Government should play no role reproductive health services.
Todd Rokita: Background checks & FBI screening for every school worker.
Todd Young: House Adoption Caucus: raise awareness of foster parenting.
Foreign Policy
Andrew Straw: USA should encourage our values in UN programs.
Eric Holcomb: I want a safer, stronger and freer America, today & tomorrow.
Jim Banks: Defend US national interests; disappointed in Iran nuke deal.
Mark Hurt: Security of Israel should be paramount.
Mark Hurt: Slash foreign aid.
Mike Pence: We're in a global war of civilization against barbarism.
Mike Pence: Against agreement with Iran; keep all sanctions.
Mike Pence: Russian "reset" is appeasement and invites aggression.
Mike Pence: Foreign aid for US security interests & disasters.
Richard Lugar: Russia is neither friend nor foe; just an important country.
Richard Mourdock: Russia is more foe than friend; they aid our enemies.
Richard Mourdock: Russia is more foe than friend.
Thomas McDermott: Denounced Trump as "traitorous" for praising Putin.
Todd Young: Rely all instruments of power, not just military might.
Free Trade
Andrew Straw: Adjust NAFTA with 1% tariff to raise Mexican standards.
Brad Ellsworth: NAFTA has cost Indiana jobs.
Daniel Coats: Trade barriers would hurt Indiana.
Eric Holcomb: We're as likely to trade with Germany as with Georgia.
John Gregg: Unified strategy to promote Hoosier brand worldwide.
Luke Messer: Free trade pacts haven't led to free trade.
Mike Braun: 2016: Voted against clawbacks for moving jobs to Mexico.
Mike Braun: Trust Trump to negotiate tariffs on China.
Mike Pence: Favors free trade, but not tariff dodging from China.
Mike Pence: Favors free trade, but not tariff dodging from China.
Todd Rokita: Supports international free trade agreements.
Government Reform
Andrew Straw: Expand voting rights for disabled people.
Andrew Straw: Suing government for ballot access for disabled people.
Brian Bosma: No limits on PAC contributions; but full disclosure.
Brian Bosma: Require a photo ID in order to vote.
Eric Holcomb: Budgeted for election security: covers about 10% of machines.
John Gregg: Longer voting hours; make registration & mail voting easier.
John Gregg: Voter Participation Plan: expand ID rules & early voting.
Mark Hurt: Stop the nefarious practice of omnibus legislation.
Michael Folk: Send absentee voter applications to all registered voters.
Mike Braun: Replace the swamp with citizen legislators and term limits.
Mitch Daniels: No limits on individual nor PAC campaign contributions.
Pete Buttigieg: Citizens United was a disaster for our democracy.
Richard Mourdock: Eliminate cabinet departments DOE, ED, DOC, and HUD.
Thomas McDermott: Eliminate regulations that impede growth and prosperity.
Thomas McDermott: We need to protect the rights of every American to vote.
Todd Rokita: Voter ID laws increase turnout and never black voters.
Todd Young: Claims "voting has never been easier than it is right now".
Trey Hollingsworth: Politicians should learn to earn money outside of government.
Trey Hollingsworth: I believe in term limits.
Woody Myers: Wants statewide vote-by-mail.
Gun Control
Andrew Straw: I support the 2nd Amendment.
Brian Bosma: Do all I can to protect the 2nd amendment rights.
Daniel Coats: 1991: voted for Brady Bill & background checks.
Eddie Melton: Opposes funding NRA gun training for teachers.
Eric Holcomb: Eliminated fees for gun licenses; allowed guns in churches.
Jim Banks: Right to responsible gun ownership is under attack.
John Gregg: I'm a gun-totin', Bible-quotin' Southern Indiana Democrat.
Mark Hurt: Guns protect innocent people.
Mike Braun: A hunter himself, he's a proud backer of the 2nd Amendment.
Mike Braun: 100% pro-Second Amendment.
Mike Pence: Gun ownership increases public safety.
Mitch Daniels: No background checks; no licenses; yes concealed carry.
Todd Young: National reciprocity for conceal-carry.
Woody Myers: For background checks, ban semi-automatic weapons.
Health Care
Andrew Straw: Expand Medicare incrementally, not via ObamaCare.
Brian Bosma: Tort reform instead of individual mandate.
Eric Holcomb: ObamaCare was the wrong answer to a national problem.
Eric Holcomb: New Medicaid waiver for Structured Family Caregiving.
Eric Holcomb: Must reduce infant mortality rate.
Eric Holcomb: Now is the time to implement a managed care system.
Eric Holcomb: I beg you to speak to your doctor and get vaccinated.
Eric Holcomb: Expand access for mental health, reduce stigma.
Jim Banks: ObamaCare is ill-conceived takeover of healthcare.
John Gregg: Protect CHOICE program for seniors aging at home.
Luke Messer: ObamaCare bad for middle class.
Mark Hurt: Funding to alleviate shortage of mental health professionals.
Mark Hurt: Support cross-state competition, not ObamaCare bureaucracy.
Mark Hurt: Market forces better than ObamaCare.
Mike Braun: Common sense solutions can offset ObamaCare shortfalls.
Mike Pence: Medicaid is not just broke, it is broken.
Mike Pence: Healthy Indiana: expand Medicaid but with "skin in the game".
Mitch Daniels: Tort reform; sue HMOs; no guarantees.
Mitch Daniels: INShape plan: insure 130,000 uninsured Hoosiers.
Richard Mourdock: Tax-deductible health savings accounts for those under 55.
Richard Mourdock: ObamaCare makes government bigger.
Richard Mourdock: No national nor Massachusetts-style health care plan.
Sam Clovis: Keep ObamaCare rule: kids can stay on parent's plan until 26.
Thomas McDermott: Supports creation of an affordable public option.
Woody Myers: Now is the time to put a doctor in the Governor's Office.
Woody Myers: Would not trade our system for Canada's or England's.
Woody Myers: Controversial & brief tenure as NYC Health Commissioner.
Woody Myers: Make it easier to enroll in Medicaid, Obamacare.
Eric Holcomb: Address mental health, addiction, suicide, & public health.
Homeland Security
Andrew Straw: We spend too much on the military now.
Eddie Melton: Ensure access to veterans' resources and benefits.
Eric Holcomb: Peace through strength, not peace through hope.
Jim Banks: Rebuild American greatness; make our military mighty again.
John Gregg: Increase federal vet benefits by 10%, plus state services.
Mark Hurt: Strategic increased spending on military weapons systems.
Mark Hurt: Work with countries like Russia & comprehensively fight ISIS.
Mark Hurt: Increase high tech weapons.
Mark Hurt: Could support transgender military ban.
Mike Braun: We need increased military to protect our interests abroad.
Mike Braun: North Korea & Russian dangers require strong US military.
Mike Pence: Use military tribunals to try suspected terrorists.
Mike Pence: Supported expanding benefits and opportunities for veterans.
Richard Lugar: So-authored nuclear nonproliferation program 20 years ago.
Thomas McDermott: Ensure our veterans get the care and services they deserve.
Todd Rokita: Project American power around the world to deter aggression.
Andrew Straw: Pathway to citizenship, except for felons.
Brian Bosma: Local police should enforce federal immigration laws.
Daniel Coats: Voted for amnesty 26 years ago; against a dozen times since.
Eddie Melton: Protecting DACA is essential; DREAMers are contributors.
Eric Holcomb: I won't be xenophobic on immigration policy.
Eric Holcomb: Allowed DACA recipients to get state professional licenses.
Jim Banks: No amnesty; deport criminals; enforce existing laws.
Joe Donnelly: 3-year protection for DACA recipients.
Lyndon Johnson: Abolish country-specific discriminatory quotas.
Mike Braun: Hard line approach to illegal immigrants: build the wall.
Mike Braun: Treat DACA recipients like other illegal immigrants.
Pete Buttigieg: Most Americans are immigrants or their descendants.
Richard Lugar: Yes, voted for DREAM Act, but not for benefits to illegals.
Richard Mourdock: No Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants.
Todd Rokita: Build the wall; oppose sanctuary cities.
Todd Rokita: Imprison local officials who allow sanctuary cities.
Todd Young: Cites support for border wall in re-election announcement.
Woody Myers: Against substandard medical care for immigrants.
Andrew Straw: In recessions, increase money supply to create jobs.
Andrew Straw: Visas for high-wage jobs; don't export jobs via trade.
Eddie Melton: Support organized labor and good-paying jobs.
Eric Holcomb: Five pillars: 21st century workforce is magnet for jobs.
Eric Holcomb: Mandated teachers be informed of non-union options.
Eric Holcomb: When minimum wage is raised, cost is passed to consumers.
Eric Holcomb: Pass pregnancy accommodations bill for women on the job.
John Gregg: Focus on living-wage jobs, not on social issues.
Mike Braun: Cut regulations and red tape and businesses will create jobs.
Mike Braun: 2015: opposed increasing Indiana minimum wage to $10.10.
Mitch Daniels: Support Right to Work and Indiana will add jobs faster.
Richard Mourdock: Focus on cutting the deficit and creating jobs.
Woody Myers: We deserve best schools, health care, state creating jobs.
Woody Myers: Diversify our economy, improve business environment.
Woody Myers: Would repeal the state's right-to-work law.
Woody Myers: Would support increasing state's minimum wage.
Principles & Values
Andrew Straw: Ten Commandments are public already; don't impose in court.
Brad Ellsworth: Coats negotiated lobbying job while still a Senator.
Daniel Coats: Accepted lobbying job after adjournment but still in Senate.
Daniel Coats: Accused of lobbying for whatever issue paid the most money.
Daniel Coats: There's a lot of enthusiasm for change in Washington.
Daniel Coats: YouTube video: "Don't tell Hoosiers I'm a Tar Heel".
Eric Holcomb: Proven, passionate solutions-oriented approach.
Eric Holcomb: Every citizen should have equal access and opportunity.
Joe Donnelly: Irish Catholic faith deeply important.
Joe Donnelly: Help someone in private instead of making show of religion.
John Gregg: Calls himself a "gun-totin' Bible-quotin' Democrat".
Mike Braun: Use record of what's been done in hometown and statehouse.
Mike Pence: Religious Freedom Restoration Act protects religion.
Mike Pence: Indiana & U.S. Constitutions guarantee religious freedom.
Mike Pence: I'm Christian, conservative, & Republican, in that order.
Mike Pence: Voted for Carter in 1980 over Reagan but views changed since.
Mike Pence: I was Tea Party before it was cool.
Mitch Daniels: You might dislike my decisions, but things ARE different.
Richard Lugar: OpEd: Lives in Washington DC, no longer in Indiana.
Trey Hollingsworth: I believe in Christian family values.
Valerie McCray: Psychologist; sought presidential nomination in 2020.
Social Security
Andrew Straw: Too many people rely on SSA to risk losses.
Brad Ellsworth: Don't raise the retirement age; put people to work instead.
Daniel Coats: Save Social Security from itself; increase age & more.
Eric Holcomb: No mandates to offer retirement plans, but voluntary IRAs ok.
Evan Bayh: Raise Social Security age.
John Gregg: Pledge to always protect & strengthen Social Security system.
Luke Messer: Let retirees earn more.
Luke Messer: Use Social Security to restrict aid to illegal immigrants.
Matthew Whitaker: No hope that Social Security will be there for future.
Mike Pence: Personal investment for Social Security retirement.
Richard Mourdock: Raise the retirement age.
Richard Mourdock: Constitution mentions neither Social Security nor Medicare.
Todd Young: Strong support for privatization.
Tax Reform
Andrew Straw: Tax cuts for rich don't help economy if tied up in stocks.
Brad Ellsworth: Take away some of the hundreds of tax breaks & exemptions.
Daniel Coats: Open to the FairTax, but no VAT.
Eddie Melton: Authored property tax amnesty program.
Eric Holcomb: Stop funneling Hoosier tax money through federal czars.
Eric Holcomb: Simplifying the 75,000-page tax code would lead to growth.
Eric Holcomb: Exempt military pensions from state tax.
Eric Holcomb: End 30% personal property tax floor on new equipment.
Jim Banks: Estate tax is an anti-growth policy.
John Gregg: Recommends slashing corporate taxes.
John Roberts: Refund sewer taxes equally, whether prepaid or installment.
Luke Messer: Tax cuts should lead to growth.
Mike Braun: Pledged never to raise federal taxes, but infrastructure ok.
Mike Pence: Simplify the tax code.
Mitch Daniels: Raising taxes is the worst thing possible in a recession.
Richard Mourdock: Major tax reforms yes; national sales tax no.
Todd Rokita: Cut taxes, balance budget.
Todd Young: Simplify tax code to reward Americans for working hard.
Eddie Melton: Increase reliable public transportation options.
Eric Holcomb: High-tech is key to unlocking 21st century economy.
Eric Holcomb: Invest a little more to keep the Crossroads of America.
Eric Holcomb: Additional $100 million to boost broadband connectivity.
Eric Holcomb: Forbes calls state national model for boosting broadband.
Joe Donnelly: Voted to keep Net Neutrality.
John Gregg: Roads and infrastructure are a priority.
John Gregg: $16B for water projects via Infrastructure Bank.
Mike Braun: Increase gas tax by 10 cents for crumbling infrastructure.
Mike Pence: Riverboat gambling ok, but no electronic wagering.
Mike Pence: Invest in our roads and ports, but without raising taxes.
Mitch Daniels: Supports internet sales tax.
Mitch Daniels: Invest $1.2 billion in Hoosier Heartland Corridor and US31.
Richard Mourdock: Space program is not in Constitution, but I support it.
Thomas McDermott: Dramatically strengthen broadband coverage across the state.
Todd Rokita: Gas tax ok for infrastructure improvements.
Eric Holcomb: We're investing in infrastructure in all 92 counties.
War & Peace
Andrew Straw: Treaties with allies instead of empire-building attitudes.
Eric Holcomb: Iran funds terrorism; no nuclear deal.
Jim Banks: Military sanctions against Iran.
Luke Messer: Get tough with North Korea.
Mark Hurt: We lost allies' respect, enabling rise of extreme ideologies.
Mark Hurt: Strengthen military to deal with Iran.
Mike Braun: Re-impose sanctions on Iran for nuclear capability.
Mike Braun: Defeat ISIS terrorists where they live.
Pete Buttigieg: Be more judicious when committing troops.
Richard Lugar: US is not going to have troops in Afghanistan indefinitely.
Richard Mourdock: Inexcusable failure to withdraw from Iraq.
Richard Mourdock: inexcusable failure to turn tail & run in Iraq.
Welfare & Poverty
Mike Pence: Faith-based community gives us hope for new opportunities.
The above quotations are from State of Indiana Politicians: Archives.