Thomas Perez:
As board president, grew local immigrant advocacy group
Tom also served as the Board President for CASA de Maryland, where he was able to grow the organization from a small, local organization to one of the largest immigrant advocacy organizations in the nation.
Tom also served as a professor at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law teaching in the Law and Healthcare program from 2001 until 2007.
Thomas Perez:
Guarantee healthcare to immigrants, regardless of status
Maryland should join the handful of other states that guarantee health care to hard-working immigrants, regardless of their status. During the pandemic, these front-line workers have cared for our sick, grown and prepared our food, and delivered goods
to our doors. They are taxpayers, and they contribute to Social Security with every paycheck. Woven into the fabric of our community, our undocumented friends and neighbors should never be turned away when they get sick and need help.
Larry Hogan:
Reject Trump policy of separating families at the border
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has ordered the majority of National Guard troops deployed at her state's Southern border to withdraw, condemning what she called a "charade of border fear-mongering" by President Trump, who has warned of an
immigration emergency in the region. "I reject the federal contention that there exists an overwhelming national security crisis at the Southern border," Lujan Grisham said, adding that the area has "some of the safest communities in the country."
The governor's order covers most of New Mexico's deployed troops, along with Guard members who have traveled from AR, KS, KY, NH, SC, and WI. In all, 118 National Guard troops have been deployed in New Mexico, the governor's office said.
At least five states, including two led by Republicans, rejected the president's call to send troops., with Maryland's Gov. Larry Hogan saying his state wanted nothing to do with the Trump administration policy of separating families at the border.
Source: NPR Fact-Check on 2018 Maryland Gubernatorial race
Feb 6, 2019
Ben Jealous:
Defend DREAMers & champion a pathway to citizenship
Immigration: Support DREAM Act (DACA), allowing "Dreamers" who arrived illegally as children, then grew up in the US, to achieve legal status if meet certain conditions?
Hogan: "Stop targeting innocent kids." "Find a bipartisan, common sense solution
to protect DREAMers."
Jealous: Yes. "Defend Dreamers & champion a pathway to citizenship at the federal level." Named "Marylander of the year" for role in securing in-state tuition for undocumented students.
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Maryland Governor race
Nov 1, 2018
Ian Schlakman:
Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens"?
A: Strongly support
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Maryland Governor candidate
Aug 21, 2018
Ben Jealous:
Stand up to Trump's Muslim ban
Ben Jealous, former National President & CEO of the NAACP released the following statement in response to the recent decision by the Supreme Court upholding the Trump Administration's "Muslim Ban."
"As our Muslim friends and neighbors continue to be vilified by the Trump administration, we need a governor with the courage to stand up for all of us," said Jealous. "Larry Hogan has continuously failed to give the
Attorney General's office the needed resources to uphold Maryland's values and has continuously failed to stand up to the leader of his own party.
As governor, I'll ensure that office has the resources to hold the Trump administration accountable and I'll stand up for Marylanders regardless of religious identity."
Ben Jealous:
For society to be healthy all members need to be embraced
Immigrants have shaped our state since before it was founded. We have a moral responsibility to ensure members of our community are afforded equal opportunity, but we also have an economic responsibility to cultivate the talent immigrant families bring.
Immigrants are doctors, nurses, and students. They serve in our police forces and teach our children in school. They deserve our protection and policies that attempt to break up communities hurt all of us, not just those who weren't born here.
Source: 2018 Maryland Gubernatorial campaign website,
Jun 26, 2018
Tony Campbell:
Against sanctuary cities and pathway to citizenship
Q: Do you support the Trump administration's actions related to immigration?
A: Sanctuary cites are unconstitutional because cities do not have sovereignty; only the 50 states and the national government have that authority.
Not only do these cities have increased crime and gang activity, they also economically hurt the most vulnerable of our citizens--low-skilled and inadequately educated people living in urban areas. There should not be a pathway to citizenship.
Source: Herald-Mail on 2018 Maryland Senate race
Jun 13, 2018
Richard Madaleno:
Allow Syrian refugees into US and Maryland
OnTheIssues Q: what are your views on Immigration issues?
Supports allowing Syrian refugees into US and Maryland
Voted YES on allowing state AG to sue federal government on travel ban
Supports TRUST Act to bar local police from asking about immigration status
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Maryland Governor candidate
Jun 1, 2018
Shawn Quinn:
Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens"?
A: Support
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Maryland Governor candidate
May 13, 2018
Arvin Vohra:
Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
Q: What about a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens?
A: Support. I support open borders, and absolutely no welfare. Those who come to America to work should be welcome. Welfare parasites should go elsewhere. Eliminating all welfare, including
government schools, is far more effective at keeping out parasites than any wall. Ending the welfare state will also attract job creators to America. If elected, I will sponsor legislation to eliminate all welfare and all restrictions on immigration.
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Maryland Senate candidate
Mar 30, 2018
Chelsea Manning:
Believes all immigrants should be allowed into the U.S.
I also believe that people have an absolute right to come into this country. The immigration system is being used today to go after minority groups.
The immigration systems have been weaponized against minority communities in our country and we need to roll back on that and we need to stop.
Source: Baltimore Magazine on 2018 Maryland Senate race
Jan 18, 2018
Arvin Vohra:
End restrictions on immigration; open our borders
When we open our borders and end social welfare, we attract productive human capital. We invite people with skills, dedication, and ingenuity to cross our borders, build businesses, hire employees, and most importantly, to spend their money in our
economy. We can invite skilled workers to come here, and spend their money at American businesses, thereby boosting our economy. The more money spent at American businesses, the more growth we have, and that includes an increase in jobs.
Source: 2018 Maryland Senate campaign website
Dec 12, 2017
Jamie Raskin:
Comprehensive immigration reform must be a top priority
Comprehensive Immigration Reform: A strong supporter of the Maryland DREAM Act, Jamie believes that comprehensive immigration reform must be a top priority to break the deadlock in Congress and the country.
He'll work towards an earned and tangible path to citizenship to bring millions of people out of the shadows and into the rights and responsibilities of full membership in our society and economy.
Source: 2016 Maryland House campaign website
Nov 8, 2016
Richard Douglas:
Decriminalize hiring American; protect them from foreigners
[Congress should] restore American workers to their rightful place at the top of the nation's priority list.
How? First, Congress must decriminalize "hiring American." US employers must be free, if they choose, to give hiring preference to US and
lawful immigrant workers over unlawful migrants with US work permits, without fear of government or private lawsuits.
Second, Congress must extend to American human capital the same shield from foreign competition in the domestic market that
Congress created for American shipping and aviation capital. In laws like the Jones Act, Congress excluded foreign actors from large sectors of the domestic transport markets. Congress should enact similar protections to workers on projects involving
even a dollar of federal funding. American human capital, swamped with unregulated foreign competition in the domestic market, needs a Jones Act of its own.
Larry Hogan:
Feed & clothe illegal immigrant kids; then deport them
Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan says the state of Maryland should not house some of the thousands of children coming into the U.S. illegally from Central America.
Hogan says the state needs to respond to this "humanitarian crisis" by
providing for their immediate needs of food, and clothing and medical care, but then Hogan says these children have to be deported. "I want to reunite them back with their parents in their home countries," Hogan told the C-4 Show today. "I think it is
absolutely ridiculous to take these children and to be busing them thousands of miles from their point of entry, to try to house them in Maryland, when we can't house our own kids, and we have a broken health care system."
Governor O'Malley asked
clergy leaders to help create a network of foster families to help house these children, provide them with access to health care, and to provide them with other assistance as they wait to be reunited with relatives, or wait to be sent home.
Source: WBAL News Radio 1090 on 2018 Maryland Gubernatorial race
Jul 29, 2014
Martin O`Malley:
Feed & clothe illegal immigrant kids; then find foster homes
Governor O'Malley asked clergy leaders to help create a network of foster families to help house these children, provide them with access to health care, and to provide them with other assistance as they wait to be reunited with relatives, or wait to be
sent home. The governor's plan is seeking to house up to 2,000 children. Already more than 2,000 have come to Maryland this year, and are staying with either foster families or relatives.
Catholic Charities is seeking a federal grant to house about
50 children in St. Vincent Villa in Timonium.
Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan says the state of Maryland should not house some of the thousands of children coming into the U.S. illegally from Central America.
Hogan says the state needs to respond to this "humanitarian crisis" by providing for their immediate needs of food, and clothing and medical care, but then Hogan says these children have to be deported.
Source: WBAL News Radio 1090 on 2018 Maryland Gubernatorial race
Jul 29, 2014
Rob Sobhani:
Immigration system is broken; enforce our current law
We need to fix our broken immigration system in several areas. First, we need to enforce our current law. Second, English should be the official language of all Americans, because a common language ties us together as a nation. Last, these internal
policy changes need to be met with a proactive approach to American foreign relations. It should be our policy that America will be stronger if our neighbors become more democratic and follow the rule of law.
Source: 2012 Senate campaign website,
Oct 15, 2012
Kathy Szeliga:
Voted NO on in-state tuition for undocumented immigrant
SB 167 In-State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrants Conference Report Adopted House (74 - 65); Rep. Kathy Szeliga voted Nay.
Authorizes an undocumented immigrant to pay in-state tuition rates at Maryland community colleges if the
individual meets criteria including:
Graduated from a Maryland secondary school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in the state;
Registers at a Maryland community college no later than 4 years after graduating from a Maryland
secondary school or equivalent; and
Provides to the community college an affidavit stating that the individual will file to become a permanent resident within 30 days of becoming eligible to do so, if he or she is not already a permanent resident.
Authorizes an undocumented immigrant to pay in-state tuition rates at Maryland public senior higher education institutions if the individual meets the above requirements, and was awarded an associate's degree at a Maryland community college.
Source: VoteSmart synopsis of 2011-2012 Maryland voting records
Apr 11, 2011
Kelly M. Schulz:
Voted NO on in-state tuition for undocumented immigrant
SB 167 In-State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrants
Conference Report Adopted House (74 - 65); Del. Kelly Schulz voted Nay.
Authorizes an undocumented immigrant to pay in-state tuition rates at Maryland community colleges if the
individual meets criteria including:
Graduated from a Maryland secondary school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in the state;
Registers at a Maryland community college no later than 4 years after graduating from a Maryland
secondary school or equivalent; and
Provides to the community college an affidavit stating that the individual will file to become a permanent resident within 30 days of becoming eligible to do so, if he or she is not already a permanent resident.
Authorizes an undocumented immigrant to pay in-state tuition rates at Maryland public senior higher education institutions if the individual meets the above requirements, and was awarded an associate's degree at a Maryland community college.
Source: VoteSmart synopsis of 2011-12 Maryland voting records SB167
Apr 11, 2011
Jamie Raskin:
Voted YES on in-state tuition for undocumented immigrant
SB 167 In-State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrants Passed House (74-65-2); passed Senate (27-19-1); Sen. Raskin voted YEA.
Authorizes an undocumented immigrant to pay in-state tuition rates at Maryland community colleges if the
individual meets criteria including:
Graduated from a Maryland secondary school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in the state;
Registers at a Maryland community college no later than 4 years after graduating from a Maryland
secondary school or equivalent; and
Provides to the community college an affidavit stating that the individual will file to become a permanent resident within 30 days of becoming eligible to do so, if he or she is not already a permanent resident.
Authorizes an undocumented immigrant to pay in-state tuition rates at Maryland public senior higher education institutions if the individual meets the above requirements, and was awarded an associate's degree at a Maryland community college.
Source: VoteSmart synopsis of 2011-2012 Maryland legislative records
Apr 7, 2011
Richard Madaleno:
Voted YES on in-state tuition for undocumented immigrant
SB 167 In-State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrants Passed House (74-65-2); passed Senate (27-19-1); Sen. Madaleno voted YEA.
Authorizes an undocumented immigrant to pay in-state tuition rates at Maryland community colleges if the
individual meets criteria including:
Graduated from a Maryland secondary school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in the state;
Registers at a Maryland community college no later than 4 years after graduating from a Maryland
secondary school or equivalent; and
Provides to the community college an affidavit stating that the individual will file to become a permanent resident within 30 days of becoming eligible to do so, if he or she is not already a permanent resident.
Authorizes an undocumented immigrant to pay in-state tuition rates at Maryland public senior higher education institutions if the individual meets the above requirements, and was awarded an associate's degree at a Maryland community college.
Source: VoteSmart synopsis of 2011-2012 Maryland legislative records
Apr 7, 2011
The above quotations are from State of Maryland Politicians: Archives.
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