State of Iowa Archives: on Homeland Security
Al Gore:
Commit troops only if diplomacy fails and if its winnable
Q: When should US troops be used in international military operations? A: If were part of an international alliance [the rules are that]:- Our commander in chief always retains command
- Military force is the only option that can solve the proble
- Military force, if used, will in fact solve the problem.
- Allies are ready to go in with us and share the burden.
- The expected cost is worth what we are protecting by way of our national security interests.
Source: Democrat Debate in Johnston Iowa
Jan 8, 2000
Barack Obama:
Give 18-year-old women opportunity to serve
Q: Teenage boys must register for selective service at age 18, but not girls. Im wondering whether this sends the right message about national service?DODD: I dont see a need for the draft. I dont believe that is necessary.
But if you are going to have one I think it ought to be gender neutral.
Q: If it did not necessarily mean military service, should the country examine registering women at 18?
EDWARDS: Yes. But its absolutely crucial that we ask
Americans to be patriotic about something other than war. As with John Kennedys call to action, I think we need a president who asks Americans to sacrifice.
KUCINICH: We have to say no to a draft.
BIDEN: Yes ,and there should be universal service.
OBAMA: Yes. Every young person should have that opportunity to serve and do something that is bigger than themselves.
RICHARDSON: Yes. And I outlined a plan two years of college tuition paid off by the government, one year of national service
Source: 2007 Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum
Dec 1, 2007
Bernie Sanders:
Cut defense by $18B to pay for 55% of all college tuition
If the federal government were to invest $18 billion a year, with a dollar-for-dollar match from state governments, we would slash college tuition in the United States by more than half. Many of my colleagues in Washington would look at that number--
$18 billion a year--and tell you that we can't afford to make that kind of investment in our nation's young people. To put it simply, they are wrong. In the budget proposal President Obama released two weeks ago, he requested $561 billion for the
Department of Defense--$38 billion over budget caps that are currently in place. If we were to reduce the President's proposed increase in military spending by less than half, and instead invest that money in educational
opportunities for today's college students, we could cut tuition by 55%. So I challenge all of you. ask yourselves, where should our priorities lie?
Source: Forbes Magazine on 2016 hopefuls: 2015 speech at U. Iowa
Apr 30, 2015
Bernie Sanders:
Rid our planet of this barbarous organization called ISIS
Q: Your thoughts about the ISIS attacks in Paris?SANDERS: Together, leading the world, this country will rid our planet of this barbarous organization called ISIS.
O'MALLEY: ISIS, make no mistake about it, is an evil in this world.
Q [to Clinton]:
Was ISIS underestimated? In 2014, the president referred to ISIS as the "J.V."
CLINTON: ISIS has developed [since 2014]. I think that there are many other reasons why it has in addition to what happened in the region, but
I don't think that the United States has the bulk of the responsibility. I really put that on Assad and on the Iraqis and on the region itself.
SANDERS: She said the bulk of the responsibility is not ours.
Well, in fact, I would argue that the disastrous invasion of Iraq, something that I strongly opposed, has unraveled the region completely and led to the rise of al-Qaeda and to ISIS.
Source: 2015 CBS Democratic primary debate in Iowa
Nov 14, 2015
Bernie Sanders:
We spend billions on nuclear weapons & only 10% on terrorism
Sen. SANDERS: This nation is the most powerful military in the world. We're spending over $600 billion a year on the military and yet, significantly less than 10% of that money is used to be fighting international terrorism. We are spending hundreds of
billions of dollars maintaining 5,000 nuclear weapons. I think we need major reform in the military, making it more cost effective, but also focusing on the real crisis that faces us. The Cold War is over. And our focus has got to be on intelligence,
increased manpower, fighting international targets.Gov. O'MALLEY: The nature of warfare has changed. This is a new era of conflict where traditional ways of huge standing armies do not serve our purposes as well as special ops & better intelligence.
Secretary CLINTON: We do have to take a hard look at the defense budget and we do have to figure out how we get ready to fight the adversaries of the future, not the past. But we have to also be very clear that we do have some continuing challenges.
Source: 2015 CBS Democratic primary debate in Iowa
Nov 14, 2015
Bill Bradley:
The UN, not the US, is the worlds policeman
Q: When should US troops be used in international military operations?
A: I dont think that we can be the policeman to the world. I dont think we have the wisdom or the resources to do that. That means were going to have to move more and more to
multilateral forums such as the UN. The key thing is to never relinquish control of our troops, but integrate more fully into a UN operation to deal with these ethnic disputes that are popping up all over the world today.
Source: Democrat Debate in Johnston Iowa
Jan 8, 2000
Bill Richardson:
2 years of college tuition for 1 year of national service
Q: Teenage boys must register for selective service at age 18, but not girls. Im wondering whether this sends the right message about national service, & whether we ought to re-examine how we go about asking young people for their service to the country
A: My answer is yes. I outlined a plan: two years of college tuition paid off by the government, one year of national service. When it comes to the country sacrificing, and the people sacrificing, I sense that we need to pull together.
Source: 2007 Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum
Dec 1, 2007
Bob Krause:
Improve conditions for veterans, including PTSD & MSA
His veterans' charity has recently been visible to Iowans for working to improve conditions at the Iowa Veterans Home for PTSD veterans, and also for writing and passing a state law dealing with Military Sexual Assault (MSA). "I took on
MSA because no one else seems to be responding. I see it as a Human Rights issue--not a feminist issue," said Krause.Bob is a retired colonel with service in the National Guard and Army Reserve.
He is past Iowa state president of the Reserve Officers Association (ROA) and past national public affairs officer for the ROA. He also served as state chair of the Iowa Democratic Veterans Caucus. He was military spokesperson during the mobilization of
Des Moines's 3rd Corps Support Command when it was called up for Bosnia, and was also Army Reserve spokesperson during Hurricane Andrew in Florida. He travelled to Korea often and wrote a portion of the contingency war plan for the Korean theater.
Source: 2016 Campaign website for Iowa Senate,
Nov 11, 2015
Bruce Braley:
Yes, missed 75% of Veterans' hearings; but made 97% of votes
Braley, a member of the Veterans Affairs' Committee, found himself defending his dedication to veterans. Enrst charged that Braley missed 75% of the hearings with the panel."I've been there for veterans,"
he said. "I've made 97% of the votes at the VA hearing to stand up for veterans and I fight for them every day."
He also mentioned work he did to help specific groups of veterans get access to certain benefits.
Source: The Hill e-zine on 2014 Iowa Senate debate
Sep 28, 2014
Carly Fiorina:
On Benghazi: I'm familiar with America's allies and enemies
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina touted her international business experience to help position herself as one familiar with America's allies and enemies. "Unlike Hillary Clinton, I know what difference it makes that our American
ambassador and three other brave Americans were killed in a deliberate terrorist attack," she said, alluding to the 2012 attack at the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya. The line brought a standing ovation from attendees, halting her mid-speech.
Source: Des Moines Register on 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit
Jan 24, 2015
Carly Fiorina:
Benghazi matters because we didn't seek retribution
One of the things we have to start with is understanding that we must stand up to adversaries. Hillary Clinton famously asked, "what difference does it make how four Americans died in Benghazi?" This is the difference it makes, Mrs. Clinton:
When terrorists purposefully attack an American embassy and kill four Americans, including an ambassador, and the next morning you get up and you lie about a videotape that doesn't represent our values, instead of saying the
United States of America was purposefully attacked by terrorists, and we will seek retribution, then you are saying to every adversary and every adversary and every terrorist organization on the planet, it's open season.
That, Mrs. Clinton, is what difference it makes.
Source: 2016 Fox News Republican Undercard debate in Iowa
Jan 28, 2016
Carol Moseley-Braun:
Color-coded warnings are no substitute for diplomacy
Q: Do you support the governments threat warning system? A: No. Duct tape, plastic sheeting and color codes are no substitute for diplomacy and for engaging our country in a global fight, a real fight against terrorism. This administration has
pandered to fear. The color-coded system is just part and parcel of that. I think wed be much better served to have the support for first responders, police & fire, our hospital systems, to protect our infrastructure, to give people a sense of security.
Source: Iowa Brown and Black Presidential Forum
Jan 11, 2004
Chet Culver:
More funding for veteran's jobs, homes, and education
During the Governor's first three years in office, Governor Culver signed legislation to help National Guard members complete their education, to protect veterans from losing their jobs or their homes when they are called-up for military service, and to
expand and renovate Iowa's veterans' home. Legislation included:- Providing unemployment benefits to spouses who move as a result of a spouses' deployment
- Enhancing housing benefits
- Adding more legal protections for service members
Extending "non-professional" firearms permits for service members who are deployed by 90 days
- Prohibiting utilities from disconnecting service to families while a family member is deployed
- Creating a program to inform state employees who
are military members of their rights and benefits while deployed
- Requiring Department of Administrative Services to develop programs to inform, train, and hire qualified disabled veterans for job opportunities in state government.
Source: 2014 Iowa gubernatorial campaign website,
Dec 20, 2013
Chris Dodd:
Strong advocate of universal national service
Q: Teenage boys must register for selective service at age 18, but not girls. Im wondering whether this sends the right message about national service, & whether we ought to re-examine how we go about asking young people for their service to the country
A: Im the only candidate here who has articulated a large national service program. I served in the Peace Corps back in the 1960s. I joined because an American president asked me to. He invited a generation of us to be involved in things larger than
ourselves. I dont see a need for the draft. I dont believe that is necessary. But if you are going to have one I think it ought to be gender neutral. But I believe we ought to do what Maryland has done. Maryland has a requirement that every high school
student commit 100 hours of public service in your community. Id like that to be a part of every community. So Im a very strong advocate of universal national service--not required, but extending that invitation to people be involved.
Source: 2007 Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum
Dec 1, 2007
Christopher Reed:
Opposes the draft; all-volunteer force is best
I wouldnt be for a draft. We have an all volunteer force and its the greatest fighting force in the world. I think a draft tends to take the well-to-do and the connected people who have a way to get out of it--we have an all volunteer force right now a
Source: Interview with Dean Borg, Iowa Press on Iowa Public TV
Jun 6, 2008
Cindy Axne:
Introduced bill supporting rural veteran mental health care
[On VA Healthcare]:"Veterans should be able to receive the care they need regardless of their zip code," said Rep. Axne. "We must take action to address rural health shortages, and the mental health needs of our nations' veterans."
The Sgt. Ketchum Rural Veterans' Mental Health Act, introduced by Rep. Axne, establishes new Rural Access Network for Growth Enhancement (RANGE) programs through the VA and supports additional research on rural veteran mental health care needs.
Source: 2022 Iowa Gubernatorial campaign website
Apr 15, 2021
David Young:
Soldiers deserve the best medical care available, period
America's commitment to our men and women in uniform and to our veterans should never waiver. David will always work to be sure our troops in battle have the resources needed for safety and to complete their missions.
When soldiers return home they deserve the best medical care available. Period. What has gone on in Veterans Administration hospitals around the country is inexcusable.
David believes veterans should receive timely care either in a VA hospital or at a hospital of the veteran's choosing.
David is a proponent of an exhaustive investigation into the poor practices of VA healthcare so we can be sure no more veterans are subjected to long waiting lists and sub-par treatment.
Source: 2014 Iowa House campaign website,
Nov 4, 2014
Dennis Kucinich:
Weapons in outer space and missile shields are DOD waste
Q: How do you insure national security if you cut the defense budget by 15%?KUCINICH: Im the ranking Democrat on a Department of Defense investigative subcommittee. I know the kind of waste that goes on there. Theres waste when you talk
about building weapons in outer space; waste when you talk about building new nuclear weapons; waste when you talk about building a missile shield that even those who have studied it know that theres been fraud involved in the development of it.
Source: Democratic 2004 Presidential Primary Debate in Iowa
Jan 4, 2004
Dennis Kucinich:
National service yes; military draft no
Q: Teenage boys must register for selective service at age 18, but not girls. Im wondering whether this sends the right message about national service?A: I think we need to move this country away from militarism and away from war as an instrument of
policy, and reach out to our young people as John Kennedy did, and said ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. There are many different ways to serve. One is in the military--thats honorable service, but at this
time, when we have our young people in Iraq in a war based on lies, and we have this country preparing to go to war against Iran, I think that we have to say no to a draft, and put in the context that America must change its direction.
If [service] means anything it should mean a new direction for America away from war and towards giving our young people a real future where they can use all their talents and ability serving in many different capacities.
Source: 2007 Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum
Dec 1, 2007
Donald Trump:
Defeat ISIS and stop Islamic terrorists
Businessman and celebrity Donald Trump got a standing ovation from most of the crowd at the Iowa Freedom Summit as he blasted rank-and-file Republican politicians and described President Barack Obama as either grossly incompetent or having ulterior
motives in leading the country: "I know what needs to be done to make America great again. We can make this country great again. The potential is enormous and I am seriously thinking of running for president,"
Trump remarked as the crowd cheered.Trump said the country is in trouble and if he wins the presidency he would defeat ISIS and stop Islamic terrorists.
He said he would reduce the federal budget deficit and build a fence on the nation's southern border to stop illegal immigration, adding, "I mean seriously securing" the border.
Source: Des Moines Register on 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit
Jan 24, 2015
Doug Butzier:
Stop expanding the military
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Expand the military"?
A: Absolutely not. We have more than 1,000 military bases in over 130 countries worldwide.
Source: E-mail interview: 2014 Iowa Senate race with
Sep 17, 2014
Elizabeth Warren:
Fight to get military benefits, but cut defense budget
WARREN: The job of the commander-in-chief is to keep America safe. I think that's about judgment. It starts with knowing our military. I sit on the Senate Armed Services Committee. I work with military leaders, but I also visit our troops.
I make sure they get their pay, the housing and medical benefits they've been promised. We have a problem with a revolving door between the defense industry and the Pentagon. We need to block that revolving door, and we need to cut our defense budget.
CEO Tom STEYER: It isn't so much about experience, it's about judgment. What we are hearing is 20 years of mistakes by the government in the Middle East. So the real question is judgment. If you look who had the judgment, it was a state senator from
Illinois with no experience named Barack Obama who opposed the war. An outside perspective, looking at this and actually dealing with the problems as they are is what we're looking for now.
Source: 7th Democrat primary debate, on eve of Iowa caucus
Jan 14, 2020
Fred Hubbell:
Respects and honors the military's courage and sacrifices
"Today [Veterans Day] we honor those whose service and sacrifice our nation was forged upon, offering our heartfelt gratitude and respect for all they have done," said Fred
Hubbell. "These courageous men and women are the reason we live freely in our great country. We owe a debt to each and every veteran and their families. Your strength inspires our nation."
Source: 2018 Iowa Gubernatorial campaign website,
Jun 26, 2018
George W. Bush:
Rebuild military power to deal with world of terror
This is still a world of terror & missiles & madmen. We are challenged by aging weapons and failing intelligence. I will rebuild our military power - because a dangerous world still requires a sharpened sword. I will move quickly to defend our people and
our allies against missiles and blackmail. And I will have a foreign policy with a touch of iron - driven by American values and American interests.
Source: Candidacy Announcement speech, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Jun 12, 1999
Hillary Clinton:
Examine registering 18-year-old women for selective service
Q: Teenage boys must register for selective service at age 18, but not girls. I'm wondering whether this sends the right message about national service?DODD: I don't see a need for the draft. I don't believe that is necessary.
But if you are going to have one I think it ought to be gender neutral.
Q: If it did not necessarily mean military service, should the country examine registering women at 18?
EDWARDS: Yes. But it's absolutely crucial that we ask
Americans to be patriotic about something other than war. As with John Kennedy's call to action, I think we need a president who asks Americans to sacrifice.
KUCINICH: We have to say no to a draft.
BIDEN: Yes ,and there should be universal service.
OBAMA: Yes. Every young person should have that opportunity to serve and do something that is bigger than themselves.
RICHARDSON: Yes. And I outlined a plan two years of college tuition paid off by the government, one year of national service
Source: [Xref Obama] 2007 Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum
Dec 1, 2007
Hillary Clinton:
Adversaries of the future: terrorists as well as drone subs
Sen. SANDERS: We're spending over $600 billion a year on the military and yet, significantly less than 10% of that money is used to be fighting international terrorism.Gov. O'MALLEY: This is a new era of conflict where traditional ways of huge
standing armies do not serve our purposes as well as special ops, better intelligence and being more proactive.
Secretary CLINTON: We do have to take a hard look at the defense budget and we do have to figure out how we get ready to fight the
adversaries of the future, not the past. But we have to also be very clear that we do have some continuing challenges. We've got challenges in the South China Sea because of what China is doing in building up military installations. We have problems
with Russia: they allowed a TV camera to see the plans for a drone submarine that could carry a tactical nuclear weapon. So we've got to look at the full range and then come to some smart decisions about having more streamlined and focused approach.
Source: 2015 CBS Democratic primary debate in Iowa
Nov 14, 2015
Howard Dean:
Saddam is a distraction; focus on Al Qaeda
Q: What about Lieberman's comment that if we had followed your ideas toward Saddam Hussein, he'd still be in power?DEAN: I actually don't believe that, because given the time that's elapsed, we could have done the proper thing, which George Bush's
father did, and put together a coalition to go after somebody who was a regional threat but not a threat to the US. We need a concentrated attack on Al Qaeda and on Osama bin Laden. Saddam Hussein has been a distraction.
Source: Democratic 2004 Presidential Primary Debate in Iowa
Jan 4, 2004
Jim Carlin:
We must maintain military superiority over China
By some measures China has already become the world's largest economy. By all measures it has the world's largest Navy. It provokes our trading partners and threatens our allies. In the face of this threat, we must maintain our military superiority,
and rid American soil of Chinese spies who are stealing our technology. In addition, we must form a NATO like pact with freedom loving nations which regards a violation of trade rules on one country an assault on all countries.
Source: 2021 Iowa Senate campaign website
Mar 7, 2021
Jim Gilmore:
Psychology services should be included in veteran benefits
I'm going to speak about the issue that really confronts veterans, the concerns they have with the veterans administration. The lousy appeals process. The fact that sometimes they get good service at the V.A.
and sometimes they don't and the fact that post-traumatic stress syndrome is not properly recognized. That psychology positions are unavailable in the Veterans Administration.
Source: 2016 Fox News Republican Undercard debate in Iowa
Jan 28, 2016
Jim Gilmore:
I think Gitmo ought to remain open
I think that Gitmo ought to remain open. I want to point out what the right topic is this international challenge we are facing, the international war that America is in. If I become president, I'm going to rebuild the military. We're going to take
the sequester off the defense budget. Give the Navy the ships it needs. Refit the United States Army. Refit the United States Marine Corps. And we need to recognize our Special Forces, our intelligence community, and the people we need to protect us.
Source: 2016 Fox News Republican Undercard debate in Iowa
Jan 28, 2016
Jim Gilmore:
Dangerous to give Iran option to develop nuclear program
The Iranians may be moving towards a nuclear program, because the deal gives them a time frame up the road when they are going to be able to do that kind of program. That's dangerous and the US has to continue to exercise influence in the
Middle East, stay active, and not do this pull-back type of program that we are seeing all over the place with President Obama, which is creating this kind of danger.
Source: 2016 Fox News Republican Undercard debate in Iowa
Jan 28, 2016
Joe Biden:
Universal national service, in military or Peace Corps
Q: Teenage boys must register for selective service at age 18, but not girls. I'm wondering whether this sends the right message about national service, & whether we ought to re-examine how we go about asking young people for their service to the country
A: The answer is yes. In 1988, [we in Congress] not only introduced a bill for mandatory universal service, but you get to pick one of three things: if you chose the army, it's six months; if you chose a domestic
Peace Corps, it's two years; if you chose foreign Peace Corps, you only have to do it a year.
Everyone man and woman when they get to be eighteen they can chose what they want, but there should be universal service unless there is an extreme physical disability.
Source: 2007 Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum
Dec 1, 2007
John Bolton:
America is less secure now than we were six years ago
For the past 6 years, Americans have waited for Obama to lead, to defend our country, and he has consistently failed. Two more years of danger remain until 2016, and his former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, is no more up to the job than he was.
We are, without question, less secure now than we were 6 years ago.Americans expect that the president will alert them when there are threats and lay out a program to deal with those threats, but Barack Obama does not consider American national
security a priority. He told us in 2008 that his top priority was to fundamentally transform the country, and national security is a distraction from that. I believe he is the first president, Republican or Democrat, since the attack on Pearl Harbor who
does not wake up every morning and think, "What threats does America face today?"
The people saw happened last year, and they made Obama's national security failures critical in several key elections. I think the message was unambiguous.
Source: John Bolton speech transcript from 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit
Jan 24, 2015
John Edwards:
Reduce $9B spending on missile defense
[I support] reducing the more than $9 billion we are spending each year to build a missile defense system that so far has succeeded in shooting down only one thing-the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. While we need to maintain deterrence
and keep a strong defense, it doesn't make sense to spend nine times as much on one program that might work some day than we spend on all the other programs that do work today to protect our citizens from weapons of mass destruction.
Source: Campaign speech in Des Moines Iowa
Dec 15, 2003
John Edwards:
I think we need a president who asks Americans to sacrifice
Q: Teenage boys must register for selective service at age 18, but not girls. I'm wondering whether this sends the right message about national service?DODD: I don't see a need for the draft. I don't believe that is necessary.
But if you are going to have one I think it ought to be gender neutral.
Q: If it did not necessarily mean military service, should the country examine registering women at 18?
EDWARDS: Yes. But it's absolutely crucial that we ask
Americans to be patriotic about something other than war. As with John Kennedy's call to action, I think we need a president who asks Americans to sacrifice.
KUCINICH: We have to say no to a draft.
BIDEN: Yes ,and there should be universal service.
OBAMA: Yes. Every young person should have that opportunity to serve and do something that is bigger than themselves.
RICHARDSON: Yes. And I outlined a plan two years of college tuition paid off by the government, one year of national service
Source: [Xref Obama] 2007 Iowa Brown & Black Presidential Forum
Dec 1, 2007
Marco Battaglia:
Rein in the military-industrial complex
Q: Do you support or oppose the statement, "Expand the military"?
A: I think that we need to rein in the military industrial complex, audit the fed and the pentagon, and reevaluate all of our three letter agencies. I believe in transparency and am against hidden budgets.
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Iowa Governor candidate
May 13, 2018
John Kerry:
Bush misused the authority Congress gave him
Q: Was Dean wrong to oppose the war? A: Certainly not in its current status. But he has had it both ways. On October 6th, five days before we voted in the Senate, Governor Dean took a public position supporting the Biden-Lugar resolution,
which gave authority to the president of the United States to go to war if he found that the diplomatic effort had been exhausted and all he had to do was write a letter. We voted to do it the right way. This president chose to do it the wrong way.
Source: Iowa Brown and Black Presidential Forum
Jan 11, 2004
John Kerry:
Color-coded warning system needs to be changed
Q: Do you support the government's threat warning system? A: No, I would change it. I think a lot of Americans are desperately trying to figure out what the codes mean, what the colors mean. They're kind of struggling to figure out what it means.
I think Americans deserve something better. This president is actually playing to the culture of fear in our country. The war on terror is far less of a military operation and far more of an intelligence-gathering, law-enforcement operation.
Source: Iowa Brown and Black Presidential Forum
Jan 11, 2004
John McCain:
Women have proven themselves in combat-no restrictions
Q: Do you think it's a good idea to prohibit women from combat? A: No, I don't and it's already been proven in the Persian Gulf War that women performed extraordinarily with heroism and skill and courage including in a POW experience.
Source: Des Moines Iowa GOP Debate
Dec 13, 1999
John McCain:
Radical Islamic extremism is a hydra-headed challenge
I firmly believe that the challenge of the 21st century is the struggle against radical Islamic extremism. It is a transcendent issue. It is hydra-headed. It will be with us for the rest of the century. I have served my nation and my country and the
people of this country for all of my adult life. I am the most prepared. I have been involved in these issues. I have served this nation in the military and in the Congress, and I'm the best prepared and need no on-the-job training to meet that challenge
Source: 2007 GOP Iowa Straw Poll debate
Aug 5, 2007
Joni Ernst:
Strong national defense makes the world is a safer place
Joni believes in a strong national defense because she knows the world is a safer place when America is the strongest nation on the planet. She believes that military readiness cannot be allowed to fall victim to Washington politics or bureaucratic
maneuvering. Joni also believes that American foreign policy must be consistent and strong--never giving our enemies hesitation as to America's resolve to defend herself and her interests across the globe, whether by diplomatic means or use of force.
Source: 2014 Senate campaign website,, "Issues"
Sep 9, 2013
Joni Ernst:
I'm a veteran; honor and care for our nation's veterans
Honoring America's Heroes: Our Veterans: As a Lt. Colonel and battalion commander in the Iowa Army National Guard,
Joni knows first-hand the incredible service, and sacrifices, our men and women in uniform have given, and continue to provide, our great nation.
In the senate, she will fight as hard for them, and their families, as they have fought for us. That means caring for wounded warriors, streamlining the VA benefit system, improving veteran education and job training programs,
and accounting for all military personnel, from every avenue, to ensure no soldier, sailor, airmen, marine or coastguardsmen is ever left behind.
Source: 2014 Senate campaign website,, "Issues"
Sep 9, 2013
Joni Ernst:
Keep veterans in forefront of all foreign policy decisions
Joni Ernst, a state senator from Red Oak who serves as a commander in the Iowa Army National Guard, remarked that what drives her is a desire to protect Iowa values from federal overreach. Ernst choked up when she spoke
about the military service of her family members and all the Iowa soldiers who have served in the Middle East. She said she will always keep them in the forefront of her mind as she makes foreign policy decisions in Congress.
Source: Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier on 2014 Iowa Senate race
Sep 23, 2013
Joni Ernst:
Military experience always plays role in decision-making
Ernst highlighted her experience in the Iowa National Guard, having served in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003-2004. "As a leader in the Iowa Guard, I've experienced first hand the challenges these lengthy and difficult missions bring
to our troops and their families," Ernst said. "Experiences such as these will always play a role in my decision-making process on any related national policy."
Source: KMA Land, 99.1 FM on 2014 Iowa Senate race
Jan 2, 2014
Joni Ernst:
I understand the importance a strong national defense
Question topic: The United States must maintain a nuclear arsenal that is safe, reliable, modern and numerically superior to those of potential adversaries.Ernst: Strongly Agree.
Question topic: Briefly list political or legislative issues of most
concern to you.
Ernst: Defense/Military- As a veteran, I understand the importance a strong national defense, and taking care of those soldiers who have laid their lives on the line for our freedom.
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Iowa Senate race
Sep 30, 2014
Joseph Lieberman:
Intelligence system must be reformed
Q: Do you support the government's threat warning system? A: What I'm concerned about is what's behind the Bush administration color-coded system. They have still not reformed our intelligence system as they should have. They have still not
coordinated watch lists. I'm the only one on this stage who drafted the original homeland security bill. We have something to fear, but if we pull together with tough leadership, we can give the American people a sense of confidence about their security.
Source: Iowa Brown and Black Presidential Forum
Jan 11, 2004
Joseph Lieberman:
Win the hearts and minds of the Muslim world
Q: How you could declare we are safer under your administration? A: I'm the one, who together with a few other members of the Senate, wrote the homeland security bill, because we were disorganized before 9/11 and the terrorists took advantage of it.
One of the ways you do it is not only to use American military to capture and/or kill Al Qaida, you win the larger battle for the hearts and minds of the great majority in the Muslim world who are living desperately poor lives in despotic countries.
Source: Iowa Brown and Black Presidential Forum
Jan 11, 2004
Marco Rubio:
FactCheck: Yes, Air Force is now smallest in its history
Sen. Marco Rubio asserted, "Today, we are on pace to have the smallest Army since the end of World War II, the smallest Navy in 100 years, the smallest Air Force in our history." It seemed to us that, with ever-improving technology since the Air Force
was formed in 1947, that Rubio had to be mistaken, so we dug up old records from 1968 (the peak of Vietnam) and 1980 (when Reagan started building up "the hollow military") and compared to today:Category | 1968 | 1980 |
2015 |
Personnel | 905,000 | 558,000 | 307,000 |
Aircraft | 15,500 | 10,100 | 5,600 |
Budget (2015 $) | $545B | $393B | $140B |
We checked other years too: between WWII and Vietnam, the counts were much higher due to the Korean War. In summary, any way you measure it, Rubio is correct: the Air Force is the smallest now whether you count personnel, aircraft, or budget.
Source: OnTheIssues FactCheck on 2016 Fox Republican debate in Iowa
Jan 28, 2016
Marco Rubio:
Send more terrorists to Gitmo; find out everything they know
Sen. Rand PAUL: [For the liberty movement], the NSA is a big issue. Ted Cruz said he was for NSA reform, but then he told Marco Rubio, "no, no, no, I voted for the bill because I'm for the government collecting 100% of your cell phone records." I don't
think Ted can have it both ways.RUBIO: I believe the world is a safer and a better place when America is the strongest power in the world. And I believe only with a strong America will we defeat this radical group, this apocalyptic group called ISIS.
That's why when I'm president we are going to rebuild our intelligence capabilities. And they're going to tell us where the terrorists are. And a rebuilt U.S. military is going to destroy these terrorists. And if we capture any of these ISIS killers
alive, they are going to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and we're going to find out everything they know, because when I'm president, unlike Barack Obama, we will keep this country safe.
Source: 2016 Fox News Republican two-tiered debate in Iowa
Jan 28, 2016
Martin O`Malley:
Nature of warfare has changed: focus on intel, not armies
Sen. SANDERS: We're spending over $600 billion a year on the military and yet, significantly less than 10% of that money is used to be fighting international terrorism. The Cold War is over. And our focus has got to be on intelligence, increased
manpower, fighting international targets.Gov. O'MALLEY: The nature of warfare has changed. [The war on terror] is not a conflict where we send in the third divisions of Marines. This is a new era of conflict where traditional ways of huge standing
armies do not serve our purposes as well as special ops, better intelligence and being more proactive.
Secretary CLINTON: We do have to take a hard look at the defense budget and we do have to figure out how we get ready to fight the
adversaries of the future, not the past. But we have to also be very clear that we do have some continuing challenges.
Source: 2015 CBS Democratic primary debate in Iowa
Nov 14, 2015
Michele Bachmann:
No Miranda rights for terrorists; expand Guantanamo
Q: You say that we don't win the war on terror by closing Guantanamo and reading Miranda rights to terrorists. Rep. Paul says terrorism suspects have committed a crime and should be given due process in civilian courts. Why is he wrong?BACHMANN:
Because terrorists who commit acts against US citizens, people who are from foreign countries who do that, do not have any rights under our Constitution, nor Miranda rights. We've also seen that Guantanamo Bay has yielded significant information.
In fact, we've learned that that led to the capture and the killing of bin Laden. This is a tool that we need to have in order to be able to prostitute the new type of war, the new type of warfare, and the new type of terrorists that this country is
dealing with.
PAUL: She turns our rule of law on its head. I thought our courts recognized that you had to be tried. We've brought nearly 300 individuals from Pakistan and other places, given them a trial in this country, and put them in prison.
Source: Iowa Straw Poll 2011 GOP debate in Ames Iowa
Aug 11, 2011
Newt Gingrich:
Threat of militant Islam is comparable to pre-WWII Nazis
Gingrich devoted his entire remarks at the Iowa Freedom Summit to issuing a clarion call for Americans to battle radical Islam and asking Iowans to demand accountability from presidential candidates on the issue. Gingrich compared the threat posed by
militant Islam to the threat the world faced from the Nazis before World War II and by the former Soviet Union after the war. "Almost 14 years after 9/11, the United States of America is losing the war with radical Islam and we need to have the
courage to confront how badly we are losing this war," Gingrich said. He emphasized several times that Americans need to know that Islamic militants are prepared to cut off the heads of Americans if they do not convert to Islam. Unfortunately,
President Barack Obama appears to have a "speech impediment" that prevents him from saying the words "radical Islam," Gingrich said. "You are not going to win this war if you can't tell the truth. You can't win if you don't call it a war," he said.
Source: Des Moines Register on 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit
Jan 24, 2015
Patty Judge:
Military is last resort, when diplomacy is exhausted
Patty believes there is nothing more important than keeping Americans safe. To do this, we need smart and strong leadership.
The United States has a powerful ability to bring nations together and build coalitions that promote peace and prosperity across the globe.
That means we must be willing to strategically use our military, but ensure that military force is a last resort, when diplomatic efforts have been exhausted.
Patty believes that ISIS is a serious threat and supports increased airstrikes against ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria to destroy their infrastructure and operations.
Source: 2016 Iowa Senate campaign website
Aug 8, 2016
Rand Paul:
Let's get warrants the old-fashioned way: via 4th Amendment
Sen. Rand PAUL: Ted Cruz said he was for NSA reform, but then he told Marco Rubio, "no, no, no, I voted for the bill because I'm for the government collecting 100% of your cell phone records."RUBIO: When I'm president we are going to rebuild our
intelligence capabilities. And they're going to tell us where the terrorists are. And if we capture any of these ISIS killers alive, they are going to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and we're going to find out everything they know.
PAUL: The bulk collection of
your phone data, the invasion of your privacy did not stop one terrorist attack. I don't think you have to give up your liberty for a false sense of security. When we look at this bulk collection, the court has looked at this. Even the court declared it
to be illegal. If we want to collect the records of terrorists, let's do it the old fashioned way. Let's use the Fourth Amendment. Let's put a name on a warrant, let's ask a judge for it. Let's respect the history of our country.
Source: 2016 Fox News Republican two-tiered debate in Iowa
Jan 28, 2016
Rod Blum:
Oppose FISA warrantless searches; oppose roving wiretaps
I oppose the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) "courts" using warrant-less searches on any American of their choosing.I oppose portions of the Patriot Act which, day after day, erode our civil liberty.
Instead of researching what went wrong on 9/11, with the terror of those events fresh in our mind, Congress and the President feverishly signed this into law without even reading it.
The Patriot Act allows roving wiretaps to our conversations no matter how minor and essentially repeals the 4th Amendment.
I oppose portions of the National Defense Authorization Act such as Section 1021, Indefinite Detention of anyone thus removing Habeas Corpus.
I oppose government interference in the Internet.
Source: 2014 Iowa House campaign website,
Nov 4, 2014
Ron Paul:
Neither Dems nor GOP will cut one nickel from militarism
Q: What would you do for the economy that could pass through a divided Congress?A: You have to allow liquidation of debt, eliminate the malinvestment. Then you go back and you can get growth again by having a better tax structure, lower taxes, invite
capital back into this country, get a lot less regulations. And under those conditions, you can have growth again.
Q: And you can get it through a divided Congress?
A: Well... the divided Congress will exist for a long time to come.
Yes, you would have to get it through a--you'd have to get it through a divided Congress. But the one thing is, if you approach it constitutionally and if you approach it on the principles of liberty, you can bring people together. If we have to cut,
maybe we wouldn't be so--so determined that you can't cut one nickel out of the militarism around the world. Neither the Democrats or the Republicans want to cut that. So if you want to cut, you have to put the militarism on the table, as well.
Source: Iowa Straw Poll 2011 GOP debate in Ames Iowa
Aug 11, 2011
Ron Paul:
Many terrorists have been properly tried in US courts
Q: [to Bachmann]: Rep. Paul says terrorism suspects have committed a crime and should be given due process in civilian courts. Why is he wrong?BACHMANN: Because terrorists who are from foreign countries who commit acts against US citizens do not have
any rights under our Constitution.
PAUL: She turns our rule of law on its head. She says that the terrorists don't deserve protection under our courts, but, therefore, a judgment has to be made. They're ruled a terrorist. Who rules them a terrorist?
I thought our courts recognized that you had to be tried. And we've done this. We've brought individuals back from Pakistan and other places. We've given them a trial in this country, near 300, we tried and put them in prison.
So this idea that we have to reject the rule of law, when you assume somebody is a terrorist, they can be targeted for assassination, even American citizens, that affects all of us eventually. You don't want to translate our rule of law into mob rule.
Source: Iowa Straw Poll 2011 GOP debate in Ames Iowa
Aug 11, 2011
Ron Paul:
17,000 troops for Baghdad embassy? Come home!
Q: Would you extend the payroll tax cut, and what about the Social Security Trust Fund?A: I want to extend the tax cut, because if you don't, you raise the taxes. But I want to pay for it. And it's not that difficult. In my proposed budget,
I want to cut hundreds of billions of dollars from overseas. The trust fund is gone. But how are we going to restore it? We have to quit the spending. We have to quit this being the policemen of the world. We don't need another war in
Syria and another war in Iran. Just get rid of the embassy in Baghdad. We're pretending we're coming home from Baghdad. We built an embassy there that cost a billion dollars and we're putting
17,000 contractors in there, pretending our troops are coming home. I could save [billions] and we don't have to raise payroll taxes.
Source: Yahoo's "Your Voice Your Vote" debate in Iowa
Dec 10, 2011
Rudy Giuliani:
FactCheck: Dems don't say "Islamic" but do say "terrorism"
Giuliani accused Democratic candidates of "appeasement" toward Islamic terrorists out of "political correctness." Giuliani said, "In four Democratic debates, not a single Democratic candidate said the word Islamic terrorism.' Now, that is taking
political correctness to extremes. You do not achieve peace through weakness and appeasement."Giuliani is correct that in four debates the Democratic candidates have not uttered the words "Islamic terrorism" together, and have generally avoided making
critical comments about Muslims. But Giuliani is wrong to imply that the Democrats have failed to address terrorism. Here is a sampling of what leading Democratic candidates said in one debate on June 3:
- Obama: "On this issue of terrorism: We
have genuine enemies out there that have to be hunted down."
- Edwards: "I will do absolutely everything to find terrorists where they are."
- Clinton: "I have seen firsthand the terrible damage that can be inflicted by a small band of terrorists."
Source: FactCheck on 2007 GOP Iowa Straw Poll debate
Aug 5, 2007
Sam Clovis:
Military holds a special place in fabric of American society
Today, we Americans enjoy the protection of the greatest military force ever assembled. We continue to attract into our armed services the very best young men and women who sacrifice so much to make sure we are safe. My father was a veteran.
I am a veteran and my son and daughter-in-law are veterans. The military holds a special place in my life and in the fabric of American society.
I was honored to have served this nation and will, as a Senator, work tirelessly to ensure our military forces have the best equipment & training available.Today, we face a staggering economy. Through the ill-conceived sequestration apparatus in place
today, we are taking half of the required spending cuts out of the Department of Defense. There is little we can do about the sequestration structure now, but as a Senator, I would fight to make sure that our military readiness received top priority.
Source: 2014 Senate campaign website,, "Issues"
Nov 11, 2013
Sam Clovis:
Maintain a superior nuclear arsenal
Question topic: The United States must maintain a nuclear arsenal that is safe, reliable, modern and numerically superior to those of potential adversaries.
Clovis: Strongly Agree
Source: Faith2Action iVoterGuide on 2014 Iowa Senate race
Jul 2, 2014
Sarah Palin:
Muslim jihadists threaten our way of life
Palin's 35-minute speech at the Iowa Freedom Summit was a free-form reflection on Republican presidential strategy, Democratic dishonesty, personal slights, the glory of the United States and its military, and several other subjects."We get honest on
national security," Palin said. "We give hope to the people that we need not--we will not--succumb to evil, and we call it as it is, we address it. That must be, by the way, that 800-pound elephant in the room of the White House that the radical left
won't even name--they won't even name the threat to our way of life today. We'll hit it, we'll name it."
"It is any Muslim who would choose evil, whose loyalty to a death-cult perversion is so darkened and has deceived their soul that they actually
think they're welcome here to transform here. No. What we do is strengthen our military, we respect our troops and let them, our troops as our gatekeepers, we let them tell jihadists, 'Uh-uh, this is our house, get the hell out.' "
Source: Des Moines Register on 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit
Jan 24, 2015
Terry Branstad:
Exempt active-duty military from paying state income tax
Gov. Terry E. Branstad today signed the following legislation into law: House File 652: An act providing an exemption from the computation of the individual state income tax of all pay received for active duty military service and service in
Operation New Dawn and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.
Source: 2011 Iowa Gubernatorial press release
May 11, 2011
Theresa Greenfield:
Take care of veterans with healthcare & jobs
Theresa will fight to ensure we take care of our brave men and women in uniform both on and off the battlefield.
That means when our soldiers return home, they have access to the best and most efficient health care our nation can provide at the Veterans Administration as well as paths to finding and keeping good-paying civilian jobs.
Source: 2020 Iowa Senate campaign website
Jun 2, 2020
Tom Fiegen:
Take care of veterans and their families
While serious people can have legitimate differences about when our country should go to war, there should never be a debate whether we fulfill the promises made to the men and women who served this country in the military. As a nation, we have a moral
obligation to provide the best quality care to those who have put their lives on the line to defend us.Just as planes and tanks and guns are a cost of war, so is taking care of the men and women who we sent off to fight the war. It includes caring
for the spouses and children who have to rebuild their lives after the loss of a loved one. It includes caring for the hundreds of thousands of veterans with multiple amputations or loss of eyesight, post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain
injury. It includes veterans who are having difficulty keeping jobs in order to pay their bills, and it includes the terrible tragedy of veterans committing suicide. Sometimes war is necessary, but it should be the last--not first--option.
Source: 2016 Iowa Senate campaign website,
Oct 9, 2015
Page last updated: Feb 18, 2023