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State of Alaska Archives: on War & Peace

Al Gross: Military is important but need to attract other businesses

[Dan Sullivan] purports to support the military but Alaska has gotten military money for years and years and will continue to long after Dan's gone because of our strategic location in the world. There's a lot more to Alaska than the military--the military is important to Alaska, but we need to attract other businesses.
Source: Anchorage Press on 2020 Alaska Senate race Jun 2, 2020

Al Gross: Opposed withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal

Q: Support Trump's withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal?Al Gross - Opposed withdrawal from nuclear deal: "Go back to the table with them and negotiate rather than just unilaterally pull out of a pre-arranged agreement."

Dan Sullivan: Supported withdrawal from "fundamentally flawed" Iran nuclear deal.

Source: CampusElect on 2020 Alaska Senate race Oct 10, 2020

Dan Sullivan: At State Department, I pursued global terrorist regimes

[In his first radio ad, Dan Sullivan says that] as a U.S. assistant secretary of state, he "pursued global terrorist regimes." He says it's been six years since Alaska had a "warrior" in the Senate. Sullivan is one of the GOP contenders for the Senate seat currently held by Democrat Mark Begich. Begich is seeking re-election.
Source: Associated Press AdWatch on 2014 Alaska Senate race Feb 14, 2014

Dan Sullivan: Air strikes against ISIS but means US combat troops

Sen. Mark Begich said he opposed arming Syrian rebels in the current fight against Islamic State militants. He said he's not sure who the rebels are and if they'll next turn into an enemy of the United States. Begich said a more comprehensive strategy is needed to fight the Islamic State extremists, which Sullivan agrees with.

The two went back and forth on what constitutes combat troops. Sullivan said troops conducting air strikes are combat troops. Begich said he supports air strikes but not U.S. forces on the ground in an offensive way. Begich said Arab nations need to step up.

Sullivan said there's a misperception that those in the military want to be on the ground in conflicts. "What I want do is defend my country," he said. Begich has been for taking options off the table, he said. "Inaction has its own consequences, as well," Sullivan said to applause.

Source: K. C. Star on 2014 Alaska Senate debate Oct 30, 2014

Dan Sullivan: Supported withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal

Q: Prohibit military attacks on Iran without congressional approval? Support Trump's withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal.

Dan Sullivan: No on requiring congressional approval for attacks. Voted against February 2020 measure that would have required this. Supported withdrawal from "fundamentally flawed" Iran nuclear deal.

Al Gross: No position found on military attacks. Opposed withdrawal from nuclear deal.

Source: CampusElect on 2020 Alaska Senate race Oct 10, 2020

Dan Sullivan: Voted against blocking arms sale to Saudi Arabia

Q: Block arms sales to Saudi Arabia?

Dan Sullivan: No. Voted against senate measure to block sale of precision bombs to Saudi Arabia.

Al Gross: No position found.

Source: CampusElect on 2020 Alaska Senate race Oct 10, 2020

Joe Miller: Focus on Afghan terrorism, not on nation-building

Q: Do you support United States military action in Afghanistan?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you support increasing military assistance for Afghanistan?

A: Yes; increased military and economic aid to Afghanistan must be hand in hand with a change in policy that is focused exclusively on effectuating US national interests (eliminating terroristic threats) rather than nation building.

Q: Should the US continue to strike suspected terrorist targets in Pakistan?

A: Yes.

Source: Alaska Congressional Election 2010 Political Courage Test Sep 9, 2010

Joe Miller: Keep forces in Iraq like we have in South Korea

Q: Do you support the withdrawal of United States troops from Iraq?

A: No. We should keep a troop presence in Iraq similar in size to that in South Korea as counterbalance to Iran.

Q: Do you support increasing sanctions on Iran if it continues to defy UN mandates?

A: Yes.

Source: Alaska Congressional Election 2010 Political Courage Test Sep 9, 2010

Lisa Murkowski: Surge of US troops worked in both Iraq & Afghanistan

A little further from home, but perhaps a more direct link for many of us, the surge of U.S. troops first in Iraq and now Afghanistan has worked to reduce violence and allow more domestic troops in those countries to be trained and placed in the field. There's a sense within both countries that their governments are destined to succeed. While I support the decision to place more troops on the ground, I don't believe a political timeline should be set for when our troops will be withdrawn. That's a decision that should be determined by the situation, and the commanders, on the ground. In my trip to Afghanistan and Pakistan this January, the announcement of a July 2011 drawdown date left Afghani leaders with a trust deficit in the United States. They are not sure if the United States will finish the job. That uncertainty is helping the Taliban and al-Qaeda in their recruiting efforts.
Source: on 2011 Alaska Senate incumbents Jan 1, 2011

Mark Begich: I was too gung-ho supportive of Afghanistan war

When asked about a decision he wished he had back again, Begich said he had second thoughts about his "gung ho" support, earlier in his tenure, for additional resources and personnel in Afghanistan. He said he's not sure that was the right course given the loss of lives and financial costs. He said that has caused him to look at conflicts in a different way.

He said that's why he opposed arming Syrian rebels in the current fight against Islamic State militants. He said he's not sure who the rebels are and if they'll next turn into an enemy of the United States.

Begich said a more comprehensive strategy is needed to fight the Islamic State extremists, which Sullivan agrees with.

Source: K. C. Star on 2014 Alaska Senate debate Oct 30, 2014

Mark Begich: Air strikes against ISIS but no US forces on the ground

Sen. Mark Begich said he opposed arming Syrian rebels in the current fight against Islamic State militants. He said he's not sure who the rebels are and if they'll next turn into an enemy of the United States. Begich said a more comprehensive strategy is needed to fight the Islamic State extremists, which Sullivan agrees with.

The two went back and forth on what constitutes combat troops. Sullivan said troops conducting air strikes are combat troops. Begich said he supports air strikes but not U.S. forces on the ground in an offensive way. Begich said Arab nations need to step up.

Sullivan said there's a misperception that those in the military want to be on the ground in conflicts. "What I want do is defend my country," he said. Begich has been for taking options off the table, he said. "Inaction has its own consequences, as well," Sullivan said to applause.

Source: K. C. Star on 2014 Alaska Senate debate Oct 30, 2014

Ray Metcalfe: Bush's Iraq invasion was catalyst that made ISIS possible

Q: How should the nation combat ISIS?

A: I protested President Bush's invasion of Iraq and was appalled at the number of Democratic Senators voting to support him. Bush's invasion was the catalyst that made ISIS possible, unleashing a monster that really threatens America's security. We should use air power, and logistics support until ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al-shabaab, Boko Haram, and the Al-Nusra Front, are destroyed.

Source: 2016 Alaska Senate campaign website on Jun 24, 2013

Ray Metcalfe: Remove troops from Iraq as rapidly as safe

Q: What are the top three issues that you are running on?

A: Removing our troops from Iraq as rapidly as they are able to safely disengage, repairing the damage the Bush tax cuts have done to our economy, and recognizing health care as a right rather than a privilege. I will vote to usher in a single-payer system of universal medical care caring for all Americans from cradle to grave. Health care is a right not a privilege.

Source: Alaska 2008 Senate campaign website, Sep 17, 2008

Sarah Palin: Wants exit plan; also assurances to keep our troops safe

Q: We've lost a lot of Alaska's military members to the war in Iraq. How do you feel about sending more troops into battle, as President Bush is suggesting?

A: I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq. I heard on the news about the new deployments, and while I support our president, Condoleezza Rice and the administration, I want to know that we have an exit plan in place; I want assurances that we are doing all we can to keep our troops safe. Every life lost is such a tragedy. I am very, very proud of the troops we have in Alaska, those fighting overseas for our freedoms, and the families here who are making so many sacrifices.

Source: Q&A with Alaska Business Monthly Mar 1, 2007

Sarah Palin: We have not been attacked since 2001; so support our troops

Q: If the Secretary of Defense calls on the Alaska Guard to extend its tour of duty, what would be your response?

KNOWLES: I will challenge that on behalf of the Alaska National Guard. They've served their time. They don't need to be extended. They should understand at the top of the Pentagon, that they need a different strategy for this war.

PALIN: I would certainly have to encourage Don Rumsfeld to please look elsewhere when you consider the sacrifices already made. However, I do support our troops and I thank god that we have a voluntary military right now. Bottom line, I do support our troops and I do support our president, and we know that since Sept. 2001, we have not had an attack on American soil and for that we should be ever thankful, grateful, praying for our troops for the safety that they are providing us.

Source: Alaska 2006 Governor Debate: moderated by John Tracy Oct 30, 2006

Sarah Palin: I support the mission of our troops in Iraq

Q: From a philosophical standpoint, in hindsight, do you believe the US was justified in invading Iraq, and if we are continuing on the proper course.

KNOWLES: I think the record books are fairly clear, that there's a lot of concerns on the basis, the reasons that were given for going to war, were not justified. We're not going to second guess and say yes I know what we should do. All I know is that we should pray for a strategy that brings our troops home at the earliest possible time.

PALIN: I think that all Americans agree that every life lost there in Iraq and Afghanistan, it profoundly touches us all. And again, as I said in my previous answer, I do support our troops, I support the mission there, that the idea of keeping the enemy outside of our borders.

Source: Alaska 2006 Governor Debate: moderated by John Tracy Oct 30, 2006

Sarah Palin: Our troops in Iraq keep us safe at home

Q: Are we continuing on the proper course in Iraq?

PALIN: In the past five years, there hasn't been a successful terrorist strike on United States soil and that's no accident. It is our gratitude that we need to show to our military, to our troops for keeping us safe.

I support them being over there. I support our president. I support our military. But of course, I want to see that exit strategy being developed and being revealed to our public.

This hits me near and dear to my heart as I'm raising teenagers. A 17-year-old son who is interested in the military. Of course, you know I think about it every day, if that were my son or my daughter over there. I want our troops to come home safely.

Source: Alaska 2006 Governor Debate: moderated by John Tracy Oct 30, 2006

Tony Knowles: We need a different strategy for this war

Q: If the Secretary of Defense calls on the Alaska Guard to extend its tour of duty, what would be your response?

KNOWLES: As a Vietnam veteran, I understand service and having been commander and chief of the National Guard as your governor, I saw them respond magnificently during 9-11, and countless other incidents where they--through their outstanding training and good equipment--stand ready to protect our lives and our safety. I'm proud of them. I'm proud of everything that they do, and they're serving with honor in Iraq. But with a growing number of the top generals who already saying that this war is mismanaged, it's misjudged, it is putting lives unnecessarily at risk. I pray for there to be a new strategy. Donald Rumsfeld's on the line, wanting to extend one more year? I will challenge that on behalf of the Alaska National Guard. They've served their time. They don't need to be extended. They should understand at the top of the Pentagon, that they need a different strategy for this war.

Source: Alaska 2006 Governor Debate: moderated by John Tracy Oct 30, 2006

Tony Knowles: Reasons given for going to war were not justified

Q: From a philosophical standpoint, in hindsight, do you believe the US was justified in invading Iraq, and if we are continuing on the proper course.

KNOWLES: I think the record books are fairly clear, that there's a lot of concerns on the basis, the reasons that were given for going to war, were not justified. We're not going to second guess and say yes I know what we should do. All I know is that we should pray for a strategy that brings our troops home at the earliest possible time.

PALIN: I think that all Americans agree that every life lost there in Iraq and Afghanistan, it profoundly touches us all. And again, as I said in my previous answer, I do support our troops, I support the mission there, that the idea of keeping the enemy outside of our borders.

Source: Alaska 2006 Governor Debate: moderated by John Tracy Oct 30, 2006

  • The above quotations are from State of Alaska Politicians: Archives.
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2016 Presidential contenders on War & Peace:
Gov.Jeb Bush(FL)
Dr.Ben Carson(MD)
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Carly Fiorina(CA)
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Gov.John Kasich(OH)
Gov.Sarah Palin(AK)
Gov.George Pataki(NY)
Sen.Rand Paul(KY)
Gov.Rick Perry(TX)
Sen.Rob Portman(OH)
Sen.Marco Rubio(FL)
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Donald Trump(NY)
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Gov.Lincoln Chafee(RI)
Secy.Hillary Clinton(NY)
V.P.Joe Biden(DE)
Gov.Martin O`Malley(MD)
Sen.Bernie Sanders(VT)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren(MA)
Sen.Jim Webb(VA)

2016 Third Party Candidates:
Gov.Gary Johnson(L-NM)
Roseanne Barr(PF-HI)
Robert Steele(L-NY)
Dr.Jill Stein(G,MA)
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