Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Election 2000 National Political Awareness Test, by Project Vote Smart

The "National Political Awareness Test" is sent by Project Vote-Smart to all federal candidates.
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Steven Driehaus: Prohibit partial-birth abortion; and illegalize all abortion.
Dan Mongiardo: For waiting periods & notification, against partial-birth.
Charles Djou: Waiting periods and notification OK; partial birth not OK.
Corey Stapleton: Prohibit public funding & partial-birth abortion.
Gabby Giffords: Abortions should always be legally available.
Jim Martin: I support Roe v. Wade.
Mike Bishop: Abortions should always be illegal.
Mike Bost: Abortions should be illegal except for rape & incest.
Scott Howell: Legal only for rape, incest, or maternal health.
Howard Mills: Pro-choice but no partial birth abortions.
Harry Browne: No govt funding of abortion, but no prohibitions either.
John Hagelin: No govt abortion funding; no litmus test.
Budget & Economy
Alan Keyes: More $ for defense, NASA, parks; less for Ag, educ, arts.
Alan Keyes: Enforce spending limits to balance the budget.
Gary Bauer: More $ for defense & police; less $ for welfare & arts.
Gary Bauer: Support balanced budget spending limits.
Gary Bauer: Spend surplus on defense, debt, & Medicare; not education.
Harry Browne: Decrease defense & police $; eliminate everything else.
John Hagelin: More $ for environment; crime prevention; health care.
Orrin Hatch: More $ for defense, research, Ag, Education, police.
Orrin Hatch: Balance the budget; but high priority to all spending.
Civil Rights
Steven Driehaus: No civil unions; no same-sex marriage.
Dan Mongiardo: No affirmative action in schools or government.
Dan Mongiardo: No civil unions, no same-sex marriage.
Andy Martin: Discontinue affirmative action programs.
Charles Djou: No affirmative action.
Corey Stapleton: No affirmative action in state hiring or colleges.
Corey Stapleton: No civil unions; no gay marriage.
Dennis Daugaard: Ban racial profiling; keep affirmative action for college.
Gabby Giffords: Civil unions ok; marriage definition not ok.
Jim Martin: Support affirmative action consistent with federal law.
Jim Martin: Civil unions ok; but not same-sex marriage.
Jon Bruning: No affirmative action in public employment or contracting.
Jon Bruning: No civil unions; no same-sex marriage.
Jon Corzine: Consider race & sex in government hiring decisions.
Joyce Beatty: Supports affirmative action in state hiring & college.
Mike Bishop: No affirmative action in colleges nor public employment.
Mike Bishop: No same-sex civil unions, nor marriage.
Mike Bost: Apply affirmative action to all state hiring & colleges.
Scott Howell: Continue affirmative action programs.
George Allen: Opposes requiring companies to hire more minorities.
George Allen: Opposes Sexual orientation protected by civil rights laws.
Jon Corzine: Supports Sexual orientation protected by civil rights laws.
Howard Mills: Reduce regulations on private sector.
Howard Mills: Include sexual orientation in discrimination & hate crimes.
Howard Mills: Restrict marriage to one man and one woman.
Jim Jeffords: Continue federal affirmative action programs.
Gary Bauer: End affirmative action; but offer family leave time.
Harry Browne: Racism is immoral; but end affirmative action.
Howard Phillips: End affirmative action.
John Hagelin: Hiring quotas foster race resentment.
John McCain: Allow, but not mandate, school prayer.
Orrin Hatch: Merit and outreach are the bases for helping minorities.
Steve Forbes: School prayer OK; civil rights are local issues.
Lincoln Chafee: Continue affirmative action programs.
Steven Driehaus: Moratorium on the death penalty.
Dan Mongiardo: Support death penalty; ban racial profiling.
Dan Mongiardo: No parole for repeat offenders.
Brian Bilbray: Impose truth in sentencing; build more prisons.
Charles Djou: More prisons; less parole; more penalties; less profiling.
Corey Stapleton: Support death penalty; private prisons; sex offense registry.
Dennis Daugaard: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
Gabby Giffords: Support alternative sentencing; provide inmates job skills.
Jim Martin: Supports lethal injection as the method of execution.
Jim Martin: Supports alternative sentencing for non-violent offenders.
Jon Bruning: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
Jon Bruning: Supports death penalty by lethal injection in Nebraska.
Jon Corzine: Impose truth in sentencing for violent criminals.
Joyce Beatty: Moratorium on the death penalty.
Joyce Beatty: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
Mike Bishop: Supports death penalty; opposes parole for repeat offenders.
Mike Bost: Supports death penalty & more prisons.
Scott Howell: Truth in sentencing: serve full sentences with no parole.
Scott Howell: Broaden the use of the death penalty.
George Allen: Supports the death penalty.
Jon Corzine: Supports mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws.
Jon Corzine: Opposes the death penalty.
Howard Mills: Pro-death penalty; build more prisons.
Howard Mills: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
David McReynolds: Eliminate the death penalty.
Alan Keyes: Stricter penalties; truth in sentencing.
Gary Bauer: Stricter penalties; more prisons; less parole.
Harry Browne: No federal law enforcement; let states handle crime.
Howard Phillips: Stricter prosecutions for juveniles.
John Hagelin: More prison rehabilitation; address root causes of crime.
John McCain: More death penalty; stricter sentencing.
John McCain: More community policing; enough hate crime laws.
John McCain: Prosecute youths as adults, but separately; explore sources.
Orrin Hatch: Strict penalties; more prisons; status quo on death penalty.
Steve Forbes: Stricter penalties, more prisons, longer sentences.
Lincoln Chafee: Focus on inmate skills & treatment.
Steven Driehaus: Strengthen penalties and sentences for drug-related crimes.
Andy Martin: Decriminalize medicinal marijuana; end War on Drugs.
Charles Djou: Prohibit the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes.
Jon Corzine: Increase penalties for selling illegal drugs.
Joyce Beatty: Strengthen penalties for drug-related crimes.
Mike Bost: Strengthen drug-related penalties, but consider alternatives.
Scott Howell: Decriminalize medical marijuana.
Jon Corzine: Neutral on Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it.
Howard Mills: Stiffer penalties for drug-related crimes.
Jim Jeffords: Decriminalize medical marijuana.
Alan Keyes: Stricter drug penalties; more border security.
Gary Bauer: Stricter penalties; more border security.
Harry Browne: Decriminalize pot; end the war on drugs.
Howard Phillips: More border security needed.
John Hagelin: Legalize medical marijuana; educate for prevention.
John McCain: Public/private partnerships for drug treatment.
Orrin Hatch: Stricter sentencing; death penalty for drug traffickers.
Dan Mongiardo: Encourage private investment in public schools.
Dan Mongiardo: Post the Ten Commandments in public schools.
Andy Martin: Supports vouchers for public, private or religious schools.
Corrogan Vaughn: Support affirmative action in public college admissions.
Jon Bruning: Vouchers for public, private, & religious schools.
Jon Corzine: Support charter schools.
Joyce Beatty: Adequately fund Ohio public schools.
Mike Bishop: Supports charter schools; support corporate investment.
Mike Bishop: Supports Ten Commandments & voluntary prayer in schools.
Mike Bost: Supports charters, corporate investment, and merit pay.
Scott Howell: More funding for teachers & classrooms & charters.
Scott Howell: More resources for teachers, kindergarten, and technology.
George Allen: Supports parents choosing schools via vouchers.
David McReynolds: More funding for public schools.
David McReynolds: More tax incentives & more affirmative action for college.
David McReynolds: No religious groups on public school property.
Alan Keyes: Pro-voucher; govt out of K-12 education.
Harry Browne: Separate school and state.
Howard Phillips: End federal funding of education.
John Hagelin: Focus education on developing consciousness of students.
John Hagelin: Supports vouchers, charter schools, & block grants.
Orrin Hatch: More block grants; more student loans; school prayer OK.
Orrin Hatch: More vouchers; more charter schools.
Steve Forbes: Supports teacher testing and merit pay.
Steve Forbes: More charters; vouchers at private & parochial schools.
Lincoln Chafee: Supports vouchers & charters, plus more public funding.
Energy & Oil
Joyce Beatty: Develop alternative fuels.
Mike Bost: Develop and use of alternative fuels.
Scott Howell: Develop and use alternative fuels.
Alan Keyes: Against Kyoto Treaty; for market-based solutions.
Howard Phillips: No to Kyoto.
John Hagelin: Promote sustainability; tax cost of fossil fuels.
John McCain: Strength Clean Air & Water Acts; but not Kyoto.
Dan Mongiardo: No unfunded environmental mandates.
Corey Stapleton: Stricter environmental regulations with federal flexibility.
Mike Bishop: Suspend federally-mandated environmental protection.
Mike Bost: Supports recycling but also cost/benefit analysis.
Alan Keyes: Supports marketable pollution credits; against regulations.
Harry Browne: Solve enviro problems via private property rights.
John Hagelin: Strengthen Clean Water & Air Acts & other enviro regs.
Families & Children
Scott Howell: Restrict minors' access to TV, movies, and Internet.
David McReynolds: No moral and ethical decline since 1960s.
Gary Bauer: Pro-marriage & virtue; anti-porn & Hollywood promiscuity.
John Hagelin: Better education & development to reduce juvenile crime.
Steve Forbes: Celebrate marriage; support it via tax cuts & other policy.
Foreign Policy
Corrogan Vaughn: Full diplomatic relations with Taiwan, but not China.
George Allen: Opposes linking Human Rights to trade with China.
George Allen: Supports continuing Foreign Aid to Russia, Israel, & others.
David McReynolds: Eliminate most foreign aid; its only for disasters.
Harry Browne: End foreign aid to individual countries as well as agencies.
Harry Browne: Mideast: End meddling with embargoes & peace negotiations.
Harry Browne: Exit UN; extend diplomatic relations to all countries.
Howard Phillips: Foreign aid is unconstitutional.
Howard Phillips: Reduce federal foreign policy role.
John Hagelin: Shift foreign aid from military basis to know-how basis.
John Hagelin: Pay debt to UN; diplomacy with Cuba.
John Hagelin: Full diplomatic relations with China, but not with Taiwan.
Orrin Hatch: Relations with China; limited with Taiwan.
Free Trade
Andy Martin: Opposes NAFTA, GATT, and WTO.
Corrogan Vaughn: Supports retaliatory tarriffs; opposes Fast Track.
Jon Corzine: Supports NAFTA, GAT, & WTO.
Jon Corzine: Supports retaliatorytarrifs; opposes Fast Track.
Scott Howell: Supports NAFTA, GATT,WTO, and fast-track.
George Allen: Supports expanding Free Trade.
David McReynolds: Opposes NAFTA, GATT, WTO, Fast Track.
David McReynolds: No China in WTO; but dont link human rights to trade.
Alan Keyes: Separate naturalization (legal) from border patrols.
Harry Browne: Let in the huddled masses.
Harry Browne: Open trade policy without NAFTA or WTO.
John Hagelin: For anti-dumping & counter-tariffs; not NAFTA & Fast Track.
Orrin Hatch: Supports NAFTA, GATT, WTO, Fast-Track.
Government Reform
Andy Martin: State campaign funding for complying with spending limits.
Brian Bilbray: Increase individual limits for campaign donations.
Brian Bilbray: Term limits for members of Congress.
Corey Stapleton: Limit political contributions; plus full disclosure.
Corrogan Vaughn: Support on-line voter registration & on-line voting.
Corrogan Vaughn: No term limits for members of Congress.
Dennis Daugaard: No campaign spending limits; no state campaign funding.
Gabby Giffords: Supports public funding for political campaigns.
Jon Bruning: No campaign donation limits; but full disclosure.
Jon Corzine: No Constitutional Amendment forTerm Limits.
Joyce Beatty: Limit campaign contributions & campaigm spending.
Lindsey Graham: Increase campaign contribution limits; but no foreigners.
Mike Bishop: Limit campaign contributions; but no state funding.
Mike Bost: No political contributions from the gambling industry.
Scott Howell: Taxpayer funding for Congressional candidates.
Alan Keyes: Dollar vote only if you can ballot vote.
Harry Browne: Remove both campaign spending limits and donation limits.
Harry Browne: Reducing government promotes personal responsibility.
John Hagelin: Campaign finance: Public funding; ban PACs & soft money.
Gun Control
Steven Driehaus: More enforcement; more safety locks; more background checks.
Dan Mongiardo: Allow citizens to carry concealed guns.
Dennis Daugaard: Require background checks at gun shows.
Gabby Giffords: Ban semi-automatics; but allow concealed carry.
Mike Bishop: Ease restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
Mike Bost: More enforcement on laws on purchase and possession of guns.
Scott Howell: Background checks, but concealed carry ok.
George Allen: Opposes absolute right to gun ownership.
Harry Browne: Gun restrictions are unconstitutional.
Howard Phillips: Repeal gun restrictions; concealed carry OK.
John Hagelin: More restrictions on purchase, possession, & use of guns.
Steve Forbes: Concealed carry OK; gun issues are local.
Health Care
Dan Mongiardo: Ensure access to basic health care.
Corey Stapleton: Government not responsible for medical care.
Mike Bishop: Guaranteed medical care is not a government responsibility.
Mike Bost: Guaranteed medical care is not a government responsibility.
Scott Howell: Patient's Bill of Rights; Medicare opt-in at age 55.
Howard Mills: Ensure access to basic health care.
Harry Browne: Get government out of health care & costs will plummet.
Howard Phillips: Federal govt out of health care.
John Hagelin: More prevention, more patient rights, less malpractice.
John Hagelin: Cut costs via prevention; allow more Medicare choice.
Steve Forbes: Give small-business employees same options as others.
Homeland Security
Mark Udall: No missile defense until proven technically & politically.
Scott Howell: Increase funding for military hardware & personnel.
Jon Corzine: Opposes spending on Missile Defense (Star Wars).
Harry Browne: Fund SDI, pay, & readiness; cut CIA & everything else.
Harry Browne: Deploy SDI; no need to fight spread of nukes.
John Hagelin: Maintain nuclear non-proliferation and maintain ABM Treaty.
Orrin Hatch: Increase defense spending greatly.
Steve Forbes: Act unilaterally, without UN command or involvement.
Lincoln Chafee: Decrease funding for missile defense.
Andy Martin: Support official English; decrease immigration numbers.
Brian Bilbray: Reimburse states for providing services to illegal aliens.
Corrogan Vaughn: No citizenship for children of illegals.
Jon Corzine: Maintain human services to children of immigrants.
Scott Howell: Increase immigration quota & state aid for immigants.
George Allen: Opposes Immigration helps our economy.
Jon Corzine: Supports Immigration helps our economy-encourage it.
Jim Jeffords: More visas & social programs for immigrants.
David McReynolds: More federal & state aid to immigrants.
Gary Bauer: Enforce laws against illegal immigration.
Howard Phillips: Tighten borders and subsidies to illegal immigrants.
John Hagelin: More high-tech immigrants; more control at state level.
Lincoln Chafee: More programs for legal immigrants.
Brian Bilbray: Increase the minimum wage.
Jim Jeffords: More employer flexibility; raise minimum wage.
Gary Bauer: For grazing & ethanol; against Kyoto treaty.
Lincoln Chafee: Increase the minimum wage.
Principles & Values
Harry Browne: Priorities: End income tax, drug war, & commercial meddling.
Howard Phillips: Stick to biblical & constitutional standards.
John Hagelin: Decline of moral standards follow from breaking natural law.
John Hagelin: Priorities: health prevention; criminal rehabilitation.
Steve Forbes: New birth of freedom applies to all policies.
Social Security
Andy Martin: Allow individual investment of payroll tax.
Brian Bilbray: Allow investing portion of payroll tax in private accounts.
Corrogan Vaughn: Allow investing payroll tax in private accounts.
Mark Udall: Lock box measure for Social Security & Medicare surpluses.
Scott Howell: Allow self-investing payroll tax in private accounts.
George Allen: Supports privatizing Social Security.
Jim Jeffords: Raise FICA on rich; support lock-box.
David McReynolds: Supports raising payroll tax; plus Lockbox.
Alan Keyes: Supports privatization & Lock-box.
Gary Bauer: Preserve system, but allow personal investment.
Harry Browne: End the government Social Security system.
Howard Phillips: Keep Congress out of Social Securitys pocket.
John Hagelin: More funds for Soc. Sec; invest in stocks; supports Lockbox.
Tax Reform
Corey Stapleton: No flat tax; no super-majority; yes to sales tax.
Gabby Giffords: No flat tax; no rebate of budget surplus.
Mike Bishop: Supports flat tax; opposes internet sales tax.
Mike Bost: Flat tax structure for state income taxes.
Scott Howell: Increase tax on high earners; decrease tax on low earners.
David McReynolds: Keep progressive income tax; drop marriage penalty.
Harry Browne: Eliminate most fees & taxes, including income tax.
Harry Browne: No flat tax nor sales tax; super-majority to raise taxes.
John Hagelin: 18% flat tax, falling to 10% by 2006.
Brian Bilbray: Mandate less violent and sexual content on television.
Corrogan Vaughn: Supports strong Internet privacy laws.
Scott Howell: Promote innovation, entrepreneurship & high-tech development.
David McReynolds: Supports Internet deregulation and privacy.
Gary Bauer: Stricter Internet laws against hacking & porn; for privacy.
Harry Browne: Keep government out of the Internet.
Howard Phillips: The internet doesnt need govt regulations.
John Hagelin: Limit violence & sex in media, but maintain privacy.
War & Peace
Brian Bilbray: Military action in Iraq only as part of international effort.
Scott Howell: US into Iraq only as part of international effort.
Gary Bauer: Withdraw ground troops; insist on US command.
Harry Browne: US should not be involved in Kosovo at all.
Howard Phillips: US out of Kosovo.
John Hagelin: Ease off Iraq; maintain Israeli peace process.
John Hagelin: Ground troops out of Kosovo.
Welfare & Poverty
Steven Driehaus: Fund faith-based and community-based private organizations.
Dan Mongiardo: Encourage faith-based organizations to provide welfare.
Brian Bilbray: Provide welfare through non-profit & religious organizations.
Corrogan Vaughn: Direct federal poverty aid through religious organizations.
Jim Martin: Supports workfare, but expand TANF for state services.
Jon Bruning: Fund welfare via faith-based organizations.
Jon Corzine: Supplement poverty aid via religious organizations.
Joyce Beatty: Expand state services to include the working poor.
Lindsey Graham: Fund welfare via religious & community-based NPOs.
Mike Bishop: Require able-bodied welfare recipients to work.
Mike Bost: Welfare funding to faith-based & private organizations.
Scott Howell: Direct poverty aid through religious & community groups.
David McReynolds: Housing, food, & health benefits for welfare recipients.
Gary Bauer: Pro-block grants; require teen moms to live with parents.
Gary Bauer: Allow religious organizations to provide welfare services.
Harry Browne: End unemployment programs; feds out of employment biz.
Harry Browne: Religious & community-based charities should handle welfare.
Howard Phillips: Federally subsidized welfare should be ended.
John Hagelin: Supports tax credits for job creation & empowerment zones.
John Hagelin: Welfare via block grants; focus on job creation.
John McCain: Supports block grants, welfare-to-work, state control.
John McCain: Anti-poverty shared by govt & faith-based orgs.
The above quotations are from Election 2000 National Political Awareness Test, by Project Vote Smart.
- 2020 Political Courage Test: House and Senate
- 2018 State legislation: House, Senate, and Governor
- 2016 State legislation: Presidential, Gubernatorial, and State
- 2013-2014 Political Courage Test: Gubernatorial & Senate, plus legislative records
- 2011-12 State legislation: House and Senate plus legislative records
- 2009-10 Political Courage Tests: Senatorial, Gubernatorial, and State legislation
- 2008 Political Courage Tests: Presidential, Gubernatorial, and Senatorial
- 2006 Political Awareness Tests: Gubernatorial and Senatorial
- 2004 Political Awareness Tests: Presidential, Gubernatorial, and Senatorial
- 2002 Political Awareness Tests: Gubernatorial and Senatorial
- 2000 Political Awareness Tests: Presidential and Congress
- 1996-1998 Political Awareness Tests: House, Senate, and State
- Collections of Voter Guides:
- American Family Association iVoterGuides:
- Science Debate Voter Guides:
- CampusElect.org Voter Guides:
- AARP voter guides:
- Vote-USA.org voter guides:
- Miscellaneous voter guides: