Adam Kinzinger:
Republicanism means stronger defense and smaller government
When Adam Kinzinger was asked recently what it means to be a Republican in the era of President Donald Trump, the fifth-term congressman chuckled, then turned serious. "I still hold that being a Republican in general means supporting national defense
and smaller government. What does it mean today? In the state we're in, I really don't know," Kinzinger said. "The Republican movement seems to be at the moment--and I think it's momentary--is just kind of 'own the libs, own the left,'" he said. "We've
kind of become unmoored from that original view of conservatism."
Kinzinger has been virtually alone among members of his party in readily criticizing some of Trump's most egregious statements and proposals on social media and in national cable
newscasts. He was the only one of the state's five GOP members not named by the Trump campaign to co-chair his efforts in Illinois.
Source: Chicago Tribune on 2022 Illinois Senate race
Dec 29, 2020
Mark Curran:
Proper funding & resources to fight terror
Q: What should the United States do to help eradicate the threat of radical Islamic terrorism?
A: It is critical that all of the nation's current resources to fight terror are properly funded and staffed. This includes our counter intelligence
agencies, the FBI, and very importantly, Immigration and Customs Enforcement. It is also imperative that the policies of these departments are geared towards vigilant follow up and pro-active measures to combat threats before they result in harm to
Americans. In my view, the safety of our people can only be assured when we recognize that there is a portion of the overseas Muslim population that believes in waging jihad against The United States.
We have certainly seen the results of this mindset before, and we will again unless we understand the true danger.
Source: AFA iVoterGuide on 2020 Illinois Senate race
Nov 3, 2020
Tammy Baldwin:
Full federal benefits to National Guard COVID fighters
Duckworth wrote to Trump expressing concern that his order to extend National Guard Title 32 authority for 89 days in response to COVID-19 precludes troops from qualifying for additional federal benefits. "Activated troops serving on the front lines
of this pandemic should be focused solely on the response to this national Public Health Emergency and not on the status of their Federal benefits. The Federal Government should do more to ensure these public servants are properly taken care of."
Source: 2022 Illinois Senate campaign website
Oct 16, 2019
Raja Krishnamoorthi:
Ensure our military has resources to carry out its mission
There is no responsibility of our national leaders more sacred than protecting the homeland and keeping our families safe. Raja knows this, and as president of a company
that researches and develops infrared night vision technology to keep our troops safe, Raja will fight to ensure our military has the resources it needs to carry out its mission anywhere in the world.
Source: 2016 Illinois House campaign website
Nov 8, 2016
Bruce Rauner:
Task Force to study drones vs. privacy rights
SB 44 creates a UAS Oversight Task Force (drones, or "Unmanned Aircraft Systems") which is tasked with considering commercial and private use of UAS, landowner and privacy rights and general rules and regulations for the safe operation of UAS.
The task force will prepare recommendations for the use of UAS in the state.
Legislative record: Passed House 106-0-1; passed Senate 55-0-4 May 30; signed by Governor Aug. 18.
Jim Oberweis:
Task Force to study drones vs. privacy rights
SB 44 creates a UAS Oversight Task Force (drones, or "Unmanned Aircraft Systems") which is tasked with considering commercial and private use of UAS, landowner and privacy rights and general rules and regulations for the safe operation of UAS.
The task force will prepare recommendations for the use of UAS in the state.
Legislative record: Passed House 106-0-1; passed Senate 55-0-4 May 30; signed by Governor Aug. 18. (Sen. Oberweis voted YEA)
Napoleon Harris:
Task Force to study drones vs. privacy rights
SB 44 creates a UAS Oversight Task Force (drones, or "Unmanned Aircraft Systems") which is tasked with considering commercial and private use of UAS, landowner and privacy rights and general rules and regulations for the safe operation of UAS.
The task force will prepare recommendations for the use of UAS in the state.
Legislative record: Passed House 106-0-1; passed Senate 55-0-4 May 30; signed by Governor Aug. 18. (Sen. Harris voted YEA)
Mike Bost:
Any defense budget cuts directly impact strength of military
With growing threats to U.S. interests around the world, we must ensure our military is the best-trained and most advanced in the world so we meet the challenges of today and preparing for threats of tomorrow. As a U.S. Marine, Mike is committed to a
strong national defense. He believes that any defense budget cuts directly impact the strength of our military today, and in the future, especially to Scott Air Force Base--a vital economic engine to Southern Illinois.
Source: 2014 Illinois House campaign website,
Nov 4, 2014
Sharon Hansen:
Superior nuclear arsenal is unnecessary
Question topic: The United States must maintain a nuclear arsenal that is safe, reliable, modern and numerically superior to those of potential adversaries.
Jim Oberweis:
Supports funding cuts for the military
Oberweis also wants to make sure the military remains well equipped. But he says the nation cannot afford to be involved in every conflict. He would support funding cuts for the military.
As a businessman, he said he will push for fewer regulations that stymie growth and streamlining the tax code.
Source: WUIS 91.9 FM on 2014 Illinois GOP Senate primary debate
Mar 3, 2014
Doug Truax:
Ok to interrogate jihadists using any means necessary
On Teri O'Brien's radio show, Republican candidate Doug Truax confirmed that he will push for a debate with US Senator Dick Durbin before next November. Among a number of issues with which he disagrees with Durbin,
Truax, a West Point grad, said the military should be allowed to interrogate jihadists and not be restricted from using means necessary to protect American lives.
Source: Illinois Review on 2014 Illinois Senate debate
Oct 6, 2013
Richard Durbin:
$48M to protect US Embassies around the world
Q: The Benghazi attack became not only a tragedy, but also a politicized event in our national security debate. Is this a big deal or a big reaction?
DURBIN: No, it's a big deal. Vice President Biden gave us a classified briefing this last week.
They identified more than 25 of our embassies around the world that are particularly vulnerable.
In the Defense Appropriations bill, which we wrote and sent to committee this week, I included $48 million specifically to upgrade in 35 embassies around the world the security that we need. We need to protect the people who are out there representing
us, we need to know and realize we're living in an increasingly-dangerous world. And this specific threat that we've been briefed on over and over again has reached a new level.
Source: Meet the Press 2013 on 2014 Illinois Senate race
Aug 4, 2013
Richard Durbin:
Benghazi was a tragedy, but not a cover-up
Q: What about Benghazi?
DURBIN: The bottom line is this--this was a tragedy. We lost four Americans. We want to find those responsible and hold them responsible and we want to make sure that the security in embassies and consulates in the future, is
going to be the very best. But unfortunately, this has been caught up in the 2016 presidential campaign--this effort to go after Hillary Clinton.
Q: There were 12 revisions of the government's version of what happened that night. The first version said
that there were elements of al Qaeda involved in this, as an attack. Then at the end, the talking points said, "there are indications that extremists participated in violent demonstrations"--a totally different take on things. Why?
DURBIN: The Obama
administration provided 25,000 pages of email. There's no attempt to cover it up. This was a squabble between two agencies, the CIA & the State Department, about the wording. [The idea of a cover-up] is unsubstantiated, and yet, the witch hunt continues.
Source: CBS Face the Nation 2013 series: 2014 Illinois Senate race
May 12, 2013
Pat Quinn:
Let military medics to obtain LPN licenses
This morning, I signed an Executive Order that directs our licensing agencies to assess military training for state license requirements. Just last month, we completed a great first step, with the
Board of Nursing approving a suggested "bridge" curriculum for military medics to obtain LPN licenses. We owe it to our veterans--and to our companies--to keep this process moving.
Source: 2013 State of the State speech to Illinois Legislature
Feb 6, 2013
Pat Quinn:
Supports the Illinois Military Family Relief Trust Fund
We have a program in Illinois, a good program, the first of its kind in the country. And it's been imitated by many other states, but we have the best. It's called the Illinois Military Family Relief Trust Fund, provides financial assistance to all of ou
Guard Members and Reservists. It's helped nearly 20,000 military families in Illinois with more than $10 million. I want to thank the people of Illinois for voluntarily contributing to that program through a check-off box, on our income tax.
Source: Illinois 2010 State of the State Address
Jan 13, 2010
Alexi Giannoulias:
Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Brave men and women who are willing to fight and die for our country should be asked only one question: can they do the job? That is why Alexi supports the repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
As State Treasurer, Alexi ended years of a misguided policy in his office by extending health coverage to domestic partners. As a U.S. Senator, he would also work to end the double taxation of couples.
Source: 2010 Senate campaign website,, "Issues"
Dec 25, 2009
Richard Durbin:
Veterans angry over accusations that Guantanamo like gulag
Sauerberg accused Durbin of comparing U.S. troops to Nazis, saying many Illinois veterans are angry with Durbin. Sauerberg was referring to a comment Durbin made in 2005 saying prisoners at
Guantanamo Bay were receiving treatment that sounded like something �done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or some mad regime.� The comment made no reference to U.S. troops.
Durbin said Monday night that he was among the first senators to call attention to treatment at Guantanamo, though he wound up apologizing for �some words� he used. �They weren�t used in reference to any soldiers, doctor,�
Durbin said to Sauerberg. �They were in reference to whoever was involved in what the FBI agents found at Guantanamo.�
Source: 2008 Illinois Senate Debate reported in Chicago Sun Times
Oct 7, 2008
Steven Sauerberg:
Apologized for saying Guantanamo is like gulag
Sauerberg accused Durbin of comparing U.S. troops to Nazis, saying many Illinois veterans are angry with Durbin. Sauerberg was referring to a comment Durbin made in 2005 saying prisoners at
Guantanamo Bay were receiving treatment that sounded like something �done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or some mad regime.� The comment made no reference to U.S. troops.
Durbin said Monday night that he was among the first senators to call attention to treatment at Guantanamo, though he wound up apologizing for �some words� he used. �They weren�t used in reference to any soldiers, doctor,�
Durbin said to Sauerberg. �They were in reference to whoever was involved in what the FBI agents found at Guantanamo.�
Source: 2008 Illinois Senate Debate reported in Chicago Sun Times
Oct 7, 2008
Alan Keyes:
Send a clear message to the entire terror network
It was absolutely essential to send a clear message to the entire terror network that we were not going to allow safe havens, that we were not going to allow states that aided and abetted the terrorists off the hook. This has had its desired effect with
the Libyans backing away from their commitment, with Syria now talking as if it wants to reach an accommodation. It�s a failure of strategic understanding if one isolates the Iraqi situation and does not see it in the context of what must be the larger
mission of the US to deal with the entire global infrastructure of terror. We have also created for ourselves a clear base of operations in the Middle East that will then have further implications for others, including Iran that might want to stir up
trouble in the future. We have to be persistent, deal first & foremost with the national security challenge & with others when it comes to the political arrangements for Iraq-but we must put first the safety of the people of the US as we deal with terror.
Source: IL Senate Debate, Illinois Radio Network
Oct 12, 2004
Alan Keyes:
Take preemptive action only if a probable threat exists
Q: How strongly would you consider preemptive action against those nations?
A: One of the brilliant things about the Iraq decision is that you go after those things most susceptible to the right kinds of action. Iraq was susceptible to direct military
action, and so Bush acted. If you�re talking about North Korea, you have to look at the entire context in which we deal with the North Korean threat. That includes relationships with the Chinese and the possibility that you�re talking about something
that could escalate into a larger war. We also have mechanisms preexisting for bringing international pressure to bear on both the North Koreans and the Iranians, when it comes to proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons
We consider the possibility of direct action in an appropriate form only if we have evidence that there is a probably threat, and that they are moving on that threat.
Source: IL Senate Debate, Illinois Radio Network
Oct 12, 2004
The above quotations are from State of Illinois Politicians: Archives.
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