Pass pregnancy accommodations bill for women on the job
Women make up over half of Indiana's workforce and should expect reasonable accommodations at their workplace, which often comes at little or no cost to an employer.
This is why I've come back to the legislature again
to ask them to make Indiana the 31st state to pass a pregnancy accommodations bill. Many employers already do this on their own. So, let's get this done for the well-being and security of Indiana's current and future working mothers.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Indiana legislature
, Jan 19, 2021
Mandated teachers be informed of non-union options
Q: Support "right to work" laws, eliminating the ability of unions to mandate dues for workers they represent?
Eric Holcomb: Yes. Touted faster union job growth in Indiana than in Illinois, which is a non-right-to-work state.
(Claim supported and opposed.) Signed into law bill mandating that teachers be informed of non-union options.
Woody Myers: No. As governor, would repeal the state's right-to-work legislation and use executive orders to support worker unions.
Source: CampusElect survey on 2020 Indiana Gubernatorial race
, Nov 3, 2020
When minimum wage is raised, cost is passed to consumers
Q: Raise federal hourly minimum wage above current $7.25?
Eric Holcomb: No. Would rather create livable-wage opportunities. "When people start to raise the minimum wage that cost is just passed on to the consumer."
Woody Myers: Yes. "A fair minimum wage is fundamental to a fair social/economic system. Will support legislation that increases the state's minimum wage."
Source: CampusElect survey on 2020 Indiana Gubernatorial race
, Nov 3, 2020
Five pillars: 21st century workforce is magnet for jobs
Over the next 10 years we'll need to find 1 million new skilled workers to replace the 700,000 baby boomers who will retire plus the 300,000 new jobs we'll need to create. So I am proposing a set of transformational priorities--my five pillars--aimed
at doing exactly that. Most will require long-term commitment and focus. Some will require new resources and new ways of doing business. But all of them must begin today. For 2017, we must:
ONE: Cultivate a strong and diverse economy to ensure
that Indiana remains a magnet for jobs
TWO: Fund a long-term roads and bridges plan that takes the greatest advantage of our location
THREE: Develop a 21st century skilled and ready workforce
FOUR: Attack the drug epidemic, and
FIVE: Provide great government service at a great value to taxpayers.