State of Indiana Archives: on Immigration
Eric Holcomb:
Allowed DACA recipients to get state professional licenses
Q: Support tighter immigration restrictions?Eric Holcomb: Unclear. Will keep accepting refugees, but "NOT illegal or unlawful immigrants." Supported Trump's 2017 order restricting refugees and immigration. Signed law allowing immigrants brought to
U.S. illegally as children (DACA recipients) to get state professional licenses.
Woody Myers: No. Supports immigration in general. "We've got to make sure that people feel welcome." Against substandard medical care for immigrants.
Source: CampusElect survey on 2020 Indiana Gubernatorial race
Nov 3, 2020
Woody Myers:
Against substandard medical care for immigrants
Q: Support tighter immigration restrictions?Woody Myers: No. Supports immigration in general. "We've got to make sure that people feel welcome." Against substandard medical care for immigrants.
Eric Holcomb: Unclear. Will keep
accepting refugees, but "NOT illegal or unlawful immigrants." Supported Trump's 2017 order restricting refugees and immigration. Signed law allowing immigrants brought to U.S. illegally as children (DACA recipients) to get state professional licenses.
Source: CampusElect survey on 2020 Indiana Gubernatorial race
Nov 3, 2020
Pete Buttigieg:
Most Americans are immigrants or their descendants
Buttigieg thinks the country needs comprehensive immigration reform, but hasn't said what that will entail. He thinks current policy at the southern border, including building the wall andseparating families is bad policy. "I'm here because of
immigration," he said in a Scripps College town hall. "My father immigrated to this country and that's why I'm here. And most of us, unless we're descended from the first nations have that in our story, either came here or were brought here."
Source: Indianapolis Star on 2020 presidential hopefuls
May 6, 2019
Joe Donnelly:
3-year protection for DACA recipients
Immigration: Support path to citizenship for "DACA" recipients or "Dreamers," who grew up in the US after being brought here as children? General views on immigration?Braun: No. DACA recipients should be in the same pool as other illegal immigrants.
Build border wall, ban sanctuary cities, demand businesses verify employees' immigrant status, & end chain migration.
Donnelly: Supported 3-year protection for DACA recipients that deferred question of citizenship.
Supports border wall. Voted for broader immigration bill with more border security & possible citizenship after 13-year waiting period.
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Indiana Senate race
Nov 1, 2018
Mike Braun:
Treat DACA recipients like other illegal immigrants
Immigration: Support path to citizenship for "DACA" recipients or "Dreamers," who grew up in the US after being brought here as children? General views on immigration?Braun: No. DACA recipients should be in the same pool as other illegal immigrants.
Build border wall, ban sanctuary cities, demand businesses verify employees' immigrant status, & end chain migration.
Donnelly: Supported 3-year protection for DACA recipients that deferred question of citizenship.
Supports border wall. Voted for broader immigration bill with more border security & possible citizenship after 13-year waiting period.
Source: 2018 Issue Guide on Indiana Senate race
Nov 1, 2018
Mike Braun:
Hard line approach to illegal immigrants: build the wall
The most important obligation our government has is to protect its citizens. The Congress has failed to meet this duty by refusing to address the southern border, allowing illegal immigrants and illicit drugs to pour into our communities.
We must act immediately to secure the border by building a wall, crack down on criminal illegal immigrants and the Sanctuary Cities that protect them, end chain migration, and demand that every business verifies the immigration status of its workers.
Source: 2018 Indiana Senate campaign website
May 3, 2018
Andrew Straw:
Pathway to citizenship, except for felons
Q: Do you agree or disagree with the statement, "Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens"?
A: Support, but there should be costs and anyone who has committed a felony should be excluded.
Source: OnTheIssues interview of 2018 Indiana Senate candidate
Feb 28, 2018
Eddie Melton:
Protecting DACA is essential; DREAMers are contributors
Melton filed a resolution to protect DACA recipients. Sen. Melton [said], "Many undocumented immigrants are brought here by their parents at a very young age and Indiana quickly becomes the only home they've ever known. We need to show the nearly
10,000 of those DREAMers living in Indiana that we support them. The individuals who have immigrated to our state have greatly contributed to the overall cultural and economic vitality of Indiana and we can't risk losing those positive contributions."
Source: Indiana Senate Democrats on 2020 Indiana gubernatorial race
Jan 11, 2018
Todd Rokita:
Imprison local officials who allow sanctuary cities
Rep. Rokita wants to imprison sanctuary city officials who help undocumented immigrants. Rokita introduced a bill that could imprison and fine public officials $1 million if they obstruct federal immigration authority efforts. The legislation targets
sanctuary cities, which shelter undocumented immigrants or don't cooperate with federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Under Rokita's Stopping Lawless Actions of Politicians (SLAP) Act, violators could face up to five years of prison time and
a fine of up to $1 million for ignoring the federal government's requests for custody of undocumented individuals.
"The American people are rightfully infuriated watching politicians put their open-borders ideology before the rule of
law, and the safety of the people they represent," Rokita said in a statement. "Politicians don't get to pick and choose what laws to comply with."
Source: Indianapolis Star on 2018 Indiana Senatorial race
Dec 4, 2017
Todd Rokita:
Build the wall; oppose sanctuary cities
Today, technology exists so that we can effectively and economically enforce our immigration laws and protect our border.
I support all measures necessary to secure the border, including building a wall. I will oppose amnesty and work with President Trump to stop dangerous sanctuary cities and deport criminal illegal immigrants.
Source: 2018 Indiana Senatorial website
Oct 1, 2017
Jim Banks:
No amnesty; deport criminals; enforce existing laws
Jim Banks vows to fight to protect northeast Indiana from harmful immigration proposals. Lack of action on comprehensive border security endangers our national security and puts all of our families at risk. If elected to serve northeast Indiana in
Congress, Jim will:- Vote to defeat any immigration legislation that will result in amnesty for illegal aliens
- Support efforts to enforce existing U.S. immigration laws, including the implementation of the US-VISIT visitor entry program
Close borders to illegal aliens and illegal drugs
- Vote to complete the 700 miles of walls along our border with Mexico
- Vote to deport criminal illegal aliens
- Oppose any expansion of guest-worker programs
Reduce federal funding to states that issue drivers' licenses to illegal aliens, or adopt "sanctuary city" policies
- Vote to require that all government business must be conducted in English
Source: 2016 Indiana House campaign website
Nov 8, 2016
Eric Holcomb:
I won't be xenophobic on immigration policy
A new super PAC, called Frugal Hoosiers, was started by Bill Oesterle, the former CEO of Indianapolis-based Angie's List. Oesterle and Eric Holcomb were top political aides to Pence's predecessor, former Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels."We want to make
sure people understand two of these candidates want to shut down the government; one of them has said he won't do that," Holcomb said. "Two of these candidates are not supportive of the LGBT community; one of them is.
Two of these candidates are very xenophobic on immigration policy; one of them isn't."
The campaigns of Stutzman and Young, who both voted last month against the federal budget-and-debt deal that averted a possible government shutdown, said they
were unfazed by the new super PAC.
Holcomb said he doesn't support efforts to shut down the government, believes securing the border should be a priority, and has a zero-tolerance policy on discrimination.
Source: Chicago Tribune on 2016 Indiana Senate race
Nov 10, 2015
Brian Bosma:
Local police should enforce federal immigration laws
Q: Do you support the enforcement of federal immigration laws by state and local police?
A: Yes.
Source: 2012 Indiana State Legislative PVS Political Courage Test
Nov 1, 2012
Richard Lugar:
Yes, voted for DREAM Act, but not for benefits to illegals
About the only time either candidate got testy was after Mourdock claimed Lugar voted to give Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants, an apparent reference to the DREAM Act, legislation that would have provided a
route to citizenship to children of illegal immigrants. "That is unfair," Lugar responded, denying he had cast such votes. Lugar did support the DREAM Act.
Source: Fort Wayne Journal Gazette on 2012 Indiana Senate debate
Apr 12, 2012
Richard Mourdock:
No Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants
About the only time either candidate got testy was after Mourdock claimed Lugar voted to give Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants, an apparent reference to the DREAM Act, legislation that would have provided a
route to citizenship to children of illegal immigrants. "That is unfair," Lugar responded, denying he had cast such votes. Lugar did support the DREAM Act.
Source: Fort Wayne Journal Gazette on 2012 Indiana Senate debate
Apr 12, 2012
Daniel Coats:
Voted for amnesty 26 years ago; against a dozen times since
Ellsworth also criticized Coats for voting for an amnesty proposal for illegal immigrants, though Coats said he does not support amnesty. "To come home to Indiana after this many years and say he's totally against it is disingenuous," Ellsworth said.
Coats, the son of a Swedish immigrant, said he has cast 12 to 15 votes against amnesty since the vote Ellsworth referenced. "That was 26 years ago," Coats said.
Source: Washington Post coverage of 2010 Indiana Senate debate
Oct 25, 2010
Lyndon Johnson:
Abolish country-specific discriminatory quotas
We must do something about our immigration laws. Two-thirds of the total immigration quota goes under that law, to people who never use all their quota.- Pres. Roosevelt, with a good Dutch name, proposed the immigration law be changed.
Truman, with a good English name, proposed the law be changed.
- Pres. Eisenhower, with a good German name, proposed the law be changed.
- Pres. Kennedy, with a good Irish name, proposed that the law be changed.
- And now a President, L
Johnson, with an English name, and with an Irish name, and with German and Scottish and French forebears, proposes this law be changed.
We want to abolish those discriminatory quotas gradually over a 5-year period and raise the overall l
9,000, or 1/80th of 1 percent of our work force. This would permit families to unite which have too long been broken.We stand for a compassionate nation, not a callous nation. We stand for uniting our country instead of dividing it.
Source: Remarks at Washington H.S., Lake County, Indiana (APP#639)
Oct 8, 1964
Page last updated: Oct 13, 2021