Press Clippings |

Top 100 ranked web sites Election week 2000:
Issues2000 ranked 18th overall for all political web sites.
Political web sites by category, ranked by activity in Election Week 2000 |
Election information sites: |
Political organization sites: |
Candidate & government sites: |
6. State candidates
7. Political advocacy
10. Political advocacy
13. Conservative politics
18. Candidates' views
20. Campaign finance info
22. Bush parody site
24. Political opinion
27. League of Women Voters
8. National Rifle Association
9. American Civil Liberties Union
15. American Assoc. of Retired Persons
16. Sierra Club (environmental)
19. The Heritage Foundation (think tank)
23. Mother Jones (policy magazine)
25. National Organization for Women
26. National Right to Life Committee
1. The White House
2. U.S. Senate
3. House of Representatives
4. National Archives
5. Al Gore for President
11. Federal Election Commission
12. Democratic Party
14. Republican Party
17. Ralph Nader for President
21. Libertarian Party
28. George Bush for President
Numbers indicate rank overall of the top 28 political web sites. Bold entries are Issues2000's corporate affiliates. |

The Dallas Morning News:
Cast your cursors on these election sites by Tim Wyatt
Nov. 2, 2000
Forget the voters guide, don't bother with editorial endorsements and, no matter what you do, don't turn on the television set. The Web has all the answers when it comes to finalizing Netizens' ballot lineup for Election Day. Pardon us for getting caught up in the hype. It's just that we find sizing up candidates online is easier, cheaper and less invasive than more traditional methods of convincing voters. A few of these sites might even sway the undecided - that is, if they remembered to register for Tuesday.
Issues 2000
For those still undecided, this is one site where every single presidential candidate - and we mean all 14 of them - gets his platform posted for the masses. Here's where virtual dark horses such as Harry Browne, John Hagelin, David McReynolds and Howard Phillips get equal billing with Al Gore and George W. Bush (or Mr. Bush and Mr. Gore, to be fair). Read up on their opinions on gun control, abortion, government reform, foreign policy and much more - that is, much more rhetoric than could possibly be taken in by Election Day. Hit the Grid tab for a quick visual of where candidates stand on the big issues - left, right, Libertarian, centrist or populist.

Los Angeles Times:
Candidate e-Quizzes by Massie Ritsch
Oct. 26, 2000
EZ-Print version
Online Candidate Selectors: review of Issues2000:
- Niche: "Every presidential candidate on every issue"
- The good: You come away with a candidate and a pithy label.
- The bad: If your pet issue is not on the questionnaire, you're out of luck.
- Bottom line: The quiz is good, but the background information on issues and candidates is even better.
The selector on and its parent company, at, features presidential candidates Republican George W. Bush, Democrat Al Gore and five of the major third-party candidates. The survey includes 20 statements in four policy groups: individual rights, domestic issues, economic issues and defense and international issues.
Quiz-takers indicate their support or opposition to the statements on a five-point scale, then indicate how important the overall issue group is to them.
Weighting the issues satisfies voters who have a litmus test for their candidate, Gordon said, and would drop him if he disagreed with them on that single issue.
For every statement on which the quiz-taker and the candidate match up exactly--or come close--the candidate's score increases.
Researchers for VoteMatch and other similar programs determined the candidates' positions by combing campaign Web sites, speeches and news stories. With the quiz's results, there are links to candidates' position papers and biographies.
Along with churning out a compatible candidate, VoteMatch assigns its participants one of about 20 political labels: "moderate libertarian liberal," for example, or "hard-core conservative."
For voters who have already settled on a candidate, the selector can be a way of confirming their choice. The affiliation label--with explanation--is "an interesting talking point," Gordon said.
|'s 17 listings on as of Election Day 2000
ACLU: examination of the application of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) to the Internet
Jan 6, 2000 (footnote 14)
For example, typing in "Bush" one might find the famous Bush parody site,, A site containing random references to Bush within a larger debate about an issue such as , and the official Bush Web site.

Alliance to Save Energy:
Dec. 30, 1999
| Learning the Presidential Candidate's Views on Fossil Fuel Development and Clean Air Issues

| Ask "Gore's stance on abortion", for example, and Issues2000 comes up as the first choice.
Pull down the candidate list (click on Al Gore's name) and 5 more of our candidates appear.
Pull down the issue list (click on the word "Abortion") and the rest of our 23 issues appear.
June 22, 2000
| Acquires
Political activist Web site said it is acquiring political news site of Cambridge, Mass., for an undetermined amount of cash and stock. The two sites should be fully integrated in a month, District-based said.
"The excellent research provided by Issues2000, will be rapidly integrated into SpeakOut's features to provide users with a comprehensive and quick way to research the candidates," Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ron Howard said in a statement issued late Wednesday.
" gives us relevance beyond the November elections," said Naomi Lichtenberg, president and CEO of

Encyclop�dia Britannica on-line
| Voter's Guide: Issues 2000:
Comprehensive coverage of every presidential candidate from Democrat Al Gore to the Constitution Party's Howard Phillips, with issue-specific news on the race.
Campaign Journal #14:
by Harry Browne
May 18, 2000
| I notice that Issues2000 has an extremely informative website covering issues and candidates. They have an extensive compilation of my views on various issues -- culled from a number of sources, including quotes from Why Government Doesn't Work. They have similar coverage for the leading candidate of each of the other parties. There also are forums in which visitors can discuss each candidate.

Constellation Ventures:
June 21, 2000
Acquisition Further Empowers Users Through Political Content
Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is a non-partisan Web site with information compiled by researchers from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Columbia University and other institutions. Its goal is to serve as a comprehensive guide to presidential candidates' views on the issues. The information is compiled daily from newspapers, speeches, press releases, debates and the Internet.

Editor's Service:
2000 Is Seen as Pivotal E-Politics Year
By T.K. Maloy
The 2000 presidential and general elections will probably go down in history as being the pivotal �E-Politics� year....
Issues2000 presents the presidential candidate�s positions on an array of important national issues.
EXBTV (Executive Branch Television):
Interview of Jesse Gordon by Jed Duvall
Friday, Nov. 3, 12:00
| "Look Ahead with Jed Duvall"
Discussion with Jesse Gordon, Issues 2000, on what issues have defined this presidential election.
FEC Inquiry:
Jan 6, 2000
Federal Election Commission's examination of the application of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) to the Internet.
(Issues2000 is cited in footnote #8)

DROP OUT: Dan Quayle
By Martin Arnold
September 13 1999
(Issues2000 cited as source material for Quayle's budget views).
Jeff's World: A Political Junkie
Conservative view of presidential candidates.
This site acted as an early source of information for Issues2000; we traded links extensively throughout the campaign.
Thanks, Jeff!
US Embassy in Germany:
Electronic Commerce information page
Issues2000 cited in "Research/News" section of the web site for the U. S. Consulate General, Frankfurt Germany, Information Resource Center.
Global Warming Information Page
Issues2000 cited numerous times in article on the Presidential Candidates� Views on Kyoto
Hiram College
Cited under "General Campaign Information":
"Issues2000 - Produced by the non-profit, this site is designed to give you "every Presidential candidate's view on every issue." Just click on the candidate, then the issue, and you can read what the candidate had to say on that issue. Also includes a section on the New York Senate race."

Liberation magazine (French web site)
Article on US elections:
"Sur le site issues2000, on clique sur un candidat et on peut lire tout ce qu'il pense sur diff�rents th�mes tels que l'avortement, les impots ou la d�fense."
(On the Issues2000 site, one clicks on a candidate and one can read everything he thinks about different topics such as abortion, taxes, or defense.)
Liverpool NY
Liverpool, NY's public library:
"Sites selected and evaluated by librarians at Liverpool Public Library to meet the information needs of Liverpool community residents."
Morning Call:
Decision 2000 section
Issues2000 cited as #11 under "Miscellaneous Political Sites:"
"Reviews presidential candidates' positions on issues."
New Hampshire Public Radio
Issues2000 is the featured link on New Hampshire Public Radio (the NH affiliate of NPR)'s Presidential Primary page.
Palm Beach Post:
by Emily J. Minor
Feb. 9, 2000
See, I took a quiz on the Internet, a little survey that is supposed to tell
me which presidential candidate I agree with the most.
The good news is that I am a moderate liberal populist whose philosophies
align the most with Al Gore and Bill Bradley.
But brace yourself for the bad news because, if this happened to me, it
could happen to you.
I'm 48 percent Steve Forbes.
I can't bear to think what might have happened if I'd taken the quiz with my
glasses on....
After you answer, the computer aligns you with one of the seven
presidential candidates who feels the way you do on that particular
subject. Thing is, you can agree with more than one candidate on any one
question, which is why I have the great fortune of being (get this) 48
percent Forbes, 47 percent John McCain and 40 percent George W. Bush....
So go ahead. Try it: Click on the thing at the top with
the red star that says VoteMatch. It's kind of fun. Certainly better than
vacuuming or plucking your eyebrows or taking the kids to Chuck E.
But be careful.
You might find out things you wish you'd never known.
Like you dress like Steve Forbes, dance like Al Gore and call your mother
every two seconds just like that guy from Texas.
Article on Elizabeth Dole
"If You Can't Beat Him, Join Him"
by Andy Olivastro,
Jan. 4, 2000
Issues2000 cited as source material for both Dole & Bush.

Sierra Club of NJ:
Sierra Activist Links:
Issues2000: reviews presidential candidates' positions on issues.

e-Xcursions column
by Lara Wright
Sept 20, 1999
VOTE: What do presidential candidates Al Gore, Elizabeth Dole, George W. Bush and others have to say about technology, welfare reform or education?
Presidential Candidates on the Issues ( lists "every candidates� view on every issue." Read background documents on the issues, and speech excerpts, quotes and other materials from presidential candidates.
This Massachusetts-based not-for-profit site is supported by donations, and will give its net income after November 2000 to the League of Women Voters "to support future issues-based candidate debates." A list of the site�s supporters can be viewed on the "help out" page. A thorough, organized and well-sourced site.
| The Popularity Search Directory:
November 2000 list of most popular Politics & New Media web sites - Issues2000 ranked 7th.
Click here for the October 2000 list: we did even better, relatively!
Election 2000: The Net wins big
Name an election issue, any election issue -- finding last-minute info on the topic is now a breeze on the Web.
By Lisa M. Bowman, ZDNet News
November 1, 2000
" indexes the candidates' views on a surprisingly wide variety of topics, ranging from taxes to technology.
For example, the site shows that Gore said he favored a "digital cabinet" of high-tech advisers on Sept. 30, while Bush said he wanted to safeguard genetic information a few days later.
It also offers direct links to the news stories and speeches that contain the information.
Or, for those who need even more help in choosing a candidate,'s VoteMatch service walks readers through a five-page Web questionnaire on topics ranging from abortion to China's human rights record.
It then presents test-takers with a list of candidates who most closely match their needs -- sort of like a dating service for voters."
| Secondary School Educators:
Date (p. )
VoteMatch Presidential Candidate Selector
Use this simple tool to find out your political philosophy and which candidate most closely matches your views.
Al Gore on the Issues
Issues 2000 gives you a great overview of each candidates' views from their own words.
Aug. 2000 chat room from the Abraham Lincoln Unitarian-Universalist Church, Springfield IL
where to go
08/23/2000 04:37
Go to , click on voteMatch, answer the questions and you'll see how you should vote. It is fun and might give insight. See y'all.
RE: where to go
08/23/2000 05:34
Pretty cool. It told me what I already knew- I'm a moderate liberal- that my positions align me most with Nader and Bradley. That I'm a strong supporter of individual rights ( this true while still lightly opposing the 'absolute right to own guns' question ) and this is where Nader and I see eye to eye. I differ with Nader on economic policy ( more closely aligned with Bradley there ).This is where the tough questions arise. I thought it interesting that they had nothing on the questionnaire about supreme court appointments- something that will be a huge responsibility for the next prez. It may be the one thing that keeps me from writing in Nader. In 1996 he ran as the Green party candidate ( though he is not a Green Party member ) and I simply refused to vote for prez as a protest over Nader ( and other candidates ) not being included on the Illinois ballot. I may opt for that again, may write in Nader, may vote Gore simply because of the Supreme court issue. When they asked us to weight issue areas all that we were asked to respond to I left as neutral. The one I would have given some priority to is the SC nomination issue.A pretty cool exercise- thanks for posting it for us.You're not such a bad guy afterall ;^)be well- joe
08/23/2000 09:40
I found out I'am a moderate liberal...How about you MICK? Huh..I think underneath all the fire your really a liberal at heart....It is a pretty neat site....RP
Alverno College, Milwaukee WI:
Election 2000 links
VoteMatch: "Answer questions about what you believe and find the candidate that matches your views."
American Museum of the Moving Image:
Election 2000 links
"Their VoteMatch Presidential Selector recommends a candidate (and a political ideology) for you based on information you provide them. Though a simplification, the exercise can be instructive and sometimes surprising."
Politics links
Bush vs. Gore Presidential Candidate Selector:
"Determine what percentage of the time candidates Bush and Gore agree with you on today's hot political issues by answering these questions."
The American School in Japan:
Election 2000 links
SpeakOut Presidential VoteMatch
"Take the votematch issues quiz and find out which candidate best matches your views. Plus, learn your political philosophy."
ATT WorldNet Newsletter Online:
booth's curtain and cast your vote, use the Web to find out where the candidates stand on the issues important to you and learn more about the issues on your local election ballot. (You might even have fun doing it!)"
VoteMatch Presidential Candidate Selector:
"Take's quiz on how you feel about a range of issues, and find out which candidates most closely match your political views. Plus, learn your political philosophy. Are you a moderate liberal populist, a hard-core conservative, or something else entirely? It's fun!"
The Voice of Women on the Web
You also need to understand the issues, and you can find them at the Political2000 site, but I also liked Not only can you read about the issues, a pop up grid will tell you where each of the candidates stand. A section on the Senate race in each state will keep you that much more on top of the political climate.
Just Can�t Figure It Out?
If you need some help, visit and take their VoteMatch Presidential Selector Quiz or Select Smart to see which of the candidates falls closest to your way of thinking. VoteMatch is pretty cool because you can click on the issue and read a simplified version of what it means you believe if you vote a particular way.
"Policy wonks will love this site. The �Issues� section provide thorough and interactive coverage of prominent issues. The �VoteMatch� feature is fun and informative, enabling users to find out which candidate most closely matches their views."
"Two selectors to help you make an informed vote. The next President's responses to certain issues may affect your quality of life, tax rate or even your life span. While campaign promises and statements should be considered with prudent skepticism, they indicate the candidate's most likely political positions. Use the SpeakOut Selector to determine which candidate most closely matches your political views. Also answer the questions on VoteMatch Selector and compare them to the presidential candidates to show you the best match!"
Friends of Canadian Broadcasting:
July 29, 2000
| offers a simple Web-based application that will give users an opportunity to participate in large-scale focus groups across the United States.
Modelled after the "perception analyzers" that have become a staple tool of political pollsters, will invite thousands of Web users to rate the candidates' speeches beginning Monday at the Republican convention in Philadelphia. The technology allows analysts to pinpoint specific moments when a speaker either scores points or alienates listeners.
Apart from the standard news updates and policy overviews, the site offers two unique tools � the VoteMatch Presidential Selector and the Tax Policy Calculator. The Votematch Selector helps users clear up confusion by running them through a survey designed to reveal their true political bent. The Tax Policy Calculator allows users to assess the tax they will pay under the policies proposed by Al Gore, the Democratic candidate for president, and George W. Bush, his Republican opponent.
Cooler by the Lake:
Northeast Wisconsin Librarian's Field Guide to the Web
"Find the presidential candidate that best matches your views! Take a look at one of the most comprehensive presidential candidate selectors on the Web! You tell them your political views, they compare your views to the presidential candidates and then show you the best match!"
October 26, 2000 (p.5)
By Dan Dinello. Special to the Tribune.
"If you would rather not reveal your political views on the Internet, then these Web sites will help you clarify and compare candidates' positions. At the exhaustive Issues 2000 site (, click on a candidate's name, then click on one of 23 issues. You will see up to 25 full quotes from the candidate, as well as a definition of the issue, background information, policy papers and a candidate profile."
Center for Civic Education
"Monitor election results throughout the primary season; take the VoteMatch Quiz and see how the candidates' answers match your own; learn your 'political philosophy'; find key information on candidates for the U.S. House and Senate nationwide, including biography and contact information; and much more."
"See which presidential candidate votes most like you and save your results for future reference. Rate where you stand on political issues such as individual rights (i.e. abortion, gay rights, etc.) and domestic issues (i.e. social security, education, etc.) and how important those issues are for you in general. Your results are displayed in a list ranking how closely each candidate matches your views. You can then compare candidates directly, get more info on where they stand, and see how you compare to other users."
Tax Policy Calculator:
"Figure out how different presidential candidates' tax proposals will affect your bottom line and the nation's treasury. This calculator lets you answer a few questions about your income and tax status to calculate which candidates' tax plan will benefit you the most."
Sept. 2000
Presidential Preference Finder
"Not sure which presidential candidate reflects your views on the issues? This unique quiz asks you your opinion on everything from investing social security to the Star Wars defense system, in order to determine who most closely matches your views among the presidential candidates. (Note that Ralph Nadar of the Green Party is not listed here.) As a special bonus, after completing Votematch and seeing your chosen candidate, the system will also peg your political leaning to liberal, conservative, or libertarian."
Decisions, Decisions Online
Tom Snyder Productions
Issues 2000 has a list of all the candidates and their positions on the issues.
VoteMatch asks a few questions about your views on the issues and tells you which candidates agree with you, and what political philosophy your views match.
Autre nouveaut� introduite par la seule gr�ce du r�seau Internet, la possibilit� offerte par site interpos� aux �lecteurs ind�cis d�affiner leur choix �lectoral. Gr�ce � de puissantes bases de donn�es, plusieurs sites web proposaient gratuitement des �s�lectionneurs de candidats� fonctionnant sur le m�me principe : l�internaute r�pond � un questionnaire, hi�rarchise ses priorit�s et ses centres d�int�r�t et le logiciel les compare aux plates-formes de George Bush, Al Gore et des candidats ind�pendants.
�Vous nous confiez vos opinions, nous les comparons � celles des candidats � l��lection pr�sidentielle et vous montrons ce qui correspond le mieux � vos vues�, assurait �VoteMatch�, le logiciel de s�lection de candidats du site web
�C�est con�u pour vous aider � vous former de fa�on juste et ind�pendante votre opinion sur les candidats sans avoir � lire trop de documentation ou �tre forc� de se forger une opinion � partir de ces sacr�es publicit�s t�l�vis�es�, ajoutait le mode d�emploi de VoteMatch. Pour chaque sujet abord� (l�internaute en s�lectionne le nombre et leur affecte un coefficient d�importance), des liens hyper-texte renvoient � des rappels, des explications, des mises en perspective. Au final, en plus du nom du candidat correspondant le mieux � vos id�es, VoteMatch vous localise dans le paysage am�ricain, de gauchiste � conservateur et de libertaire � autoritaire.
By Amy MacMillan - 9/7/2000
"This site focuses on the presidential race, with summaries of "every presidential candidate on every issue," plus news, candidate schedules, and primary commentary online. Take the "Votematch" political quiz and find the candidate whose view best match your own."
by J.D.Tuccille, Nov.1, 2000
Spotlight: Issues 2000:
"Every presidential candidate on every issue," and they're not kidding. With comprehensive records from public statements and interviews with all the presidential candidates (well, six or seven of them, anyway). Includes the VoteMatch quiz, which matches up your issues with a presidential candidate and also clue you in to your ideological leanings.
Freedom Network:
"This program asks you to answer a series of questions on political positions, it's fairly well done and quite informative. When I did it, my results first pointed out that I am a "hard-core libertarian" (which I already knew of course) and then matched what they consider the "major" candidates (which includes candidates that are out of the race, but not Browne, Nader, Hagelin, or the Socialist whose name I've forgotten) to my votes, in order from best match to worse. (They have a shorter quiz that also matches against third party candidates, but it is nearly useless, the VoteMatch is detailed enough to be meaningful. They also promise to add the third party candidates to the VoteMatch results, but haven't yet.) The scoring system seems to be derived from the Nolan chart. "
New Politics For A Neew Generation
"Find the Presidential Candidate That Best Matches Your Views!
On this site you tell your political views, and VoteMatch will compare them to the presidential candidates and then show you the best match."
Georgetown University
"Find the presidential candidate that best matches your views in terms of individual rights, domestic issues, economic issues, and defense and international issues."
Grossmont Community College
Class Assignment
Internet Assignment #2:
The survey has come back. Go to Scroll to the middle fo the page and take the survey entitled "VoteMatch Presidential Selector." (DO NOT take the survey entitled "Select Smart.") Then write a one-page paper (typed, double-spaced) summarizing the results and explaining why or why not you agree with them. Your assignment is due on October 11 or 12, depending on your section.
"Are you firm on your political stands but don't know which presidential
candidate is the choice for you? Visit and find out who your
perfect presidential match is. Answer a list of questions and compare
your answers with the candidates. Also find out what political party your
ideologies match up with. Whether you're a moderately liberal libertarian
or an extreme conservative republican, you will enjoy this site."
Chat room
Here's another political quiz to take! This one has a lot more questions, and gives you candidates positions matching or not matching your choices. It's a good one, so check it out if you have a minute:
Have fun!
-- sheepish (, August 18, 2000
That was interesting -- I turned out to be a hard-core conservative, which isn't too surprising! They had me matched most closely with the Constitution party candidate, but Bush and Cheney aren't too far off. Amazes me how little real life experience some of these people have, though -- some of them have really not done anything but politics since they got out of school.
-- Kathleen Sanderson (, August 18, 2000.
What's a "moderate populist conservative"?
-- Joe Cole (, August 18, 2000.
Im not sure where they received some of their information but a number of these candidates positions are misrepresented at that site so you may not actually wind up with the best match. They left out some other critical issues and worded various questions in ways that began with a false premise therefor a valid answer cant be given causing some variance in best match possibility.
-- William in WI (, August 18, 2000.
William, I suggest if you have a problem with the site, that you email them and let them know! Mine seemed okay although it was more conservative than other "tests" I have taken. What do you other folks think? Sometimes, I think we have our "definitions" a little skewed...for example, those folks who think "liberal" is the same as "communist". We may know what we are, but we may think we are called something else? Just an idea....
-- sheepish (, August 18, 2000.
Hey William, based on your observation, I went back and took the quiz again just to see the analysis part.
-- sheepish (, August 18, 2000.
Sheepish, even if it isn't perfect it was fun! I am a moderate libertarian conservative....Alan Keyes was supposedly my best match followed by Harry Browne then Howard Phillips. Alan Keyes isn't in the race anymore though, is he?
-- Doreen (, August 20, 2000.
Sheepish, that was fun! Mine in order - Howard Phillips, Alan Keys, Pat Buchanan, Dick Cheney then Bush. No suprises here. Thanks for the heads up! God Bless! Wendy
-- Wendy@GraceAcres (, August 20, 2000.
Milner Library, Illinois State University
Selected Web Sites:
Includes VoteMatch Presidential Selector, a quiz designed to find out which candidate best mataches your views.
February 28, 2000
| Acquires
By Bill Pietrucha
Non-partisan activism meets partisan political news and information, as and agree to combine their operations. Financial terms of the merger were not disclosed.
Election Coverage
| offers background on a range of issues and candidates. Features include the VoteMatch Presidential Selector, an interactive quiz to find out which candidate best matches a user's views; a Tax Policy Calculator to determine how users would fare under each candidate's tax proposals; and a searchable video database of candidates' stands on specific issues:
Issues2000 has devoted a section of its site to headlines and quotes from all the candidates on technology issues and electronic government:
The PBS Democracy Project
Online Poll for grades 8-12:
"For another approach to the issue of personal opinion/candidate match, have students take the questionnaire at Did their opinions correlate with their preferred candidate? Were there any surprises?"
Idaho's NewsChannel 7
Are you still undecided about who to vote for? It's not too late to do your homework. There is a website that can help you choose a candidate.
From healthcare issues to gun control and finance reform, your opinions on the subject will help determine which candidate can best represent your views.
The presidential quiz is informative and helpful. The site also has a candidate comparison chart.
A Trucker's Info Highway to the White House
Find the Presidential candidate that matches your views on the issues with this selector. After completing VoteMatch, you will also be told what your individual political philosophy is, be it Liberal, Conservative, or Libertarian.
LEM Soapbox by Dan Knight, Nov. 6, 2000
"Go to and use their VoteMatch survey to see if perhaps another candidate better represents your political views than W or Gore. And when you are surprised by the results, take the survey a second time.
"I went there with George W. Bush as my default candidate. VoteMatch said he didn't best represent my thinking on the issues, although he was closer than Al Gore Jr. A pro-Gore friend did the same, also finding another candidate closer to his views.
"So what am I going to do about it?
"That would be telling. Despite the VoteMatch results, I was still planning on voting for Bush coming into the final weekend of the campaign. But the negative ads run by the Bush campaign offend me almost as much as the negative ads run by the Gore campaign. If both men are right about each other, neither deserves to be President."
Liberator OnLine:
Feb. 9, 2000
Vol. 5, No. 3
Editor's Choice: provides an easy way for voters to access non-partisan, accurate, timely political news and information online. They offer "VoteMatch Presidential Selector," a 20-question quiz that returns a ranking of the presidential candidates based on a voter's views. provides:
- Voter registration
- Snapshots of daily political news coverage drawn from the top 30 U.S. sources
- Discussion forums on issues such as gun control and abortion
- A spotlight on the presidential candidates' background and policy positions
And much more.
By Joey Cooper
Internet medium offers something unique... a wakeup call
For those of us who don't really have the time or care enough,'s VoteMatch is perfect because it tells us which candidates shares most of our political stands and views.
What's really surprising, however, is the results you can get from this online gizmo. Before trying it out, I was not really thinking which candidate it would find as the perfect match for me. As I started to "fill-in" the radio button answers, however, I got to thinking: Which candidate would it pick? Do I agree more with Al Gore on important issues or George W.? As I continued through the survey pages, I got to wondering if maybe it would find some oddball "Third-Party" candidate as the person agreeing the most with me. I thought, "Hey, some of my political views are pretty far out, it will probably find some Communist or something."
Boy was I wrong.
When the script got done loading the results, I was shocked. Technology had once again proved to me that its worth all the trouble. Without this funky little candidate comparison script on some political website, I would have never have know that I don't agree on anything with even one human being on this planet.
That's right, when all the questions were run through the script, decided that in fact no candidate agrees with me on anything much at all. The candidate who was at the top of the list, in fact, only fit me just barely with a 43% views match. The Javascript pop-up window suggested I not even support this candidate unless I "really like his background or character" because even though he's the closest in views to mine, I really don't support anything he supports.
People have always said I disagree with everyone... now science and a simple web script have proved beyond a shade of a doubt that in fact this is true. When it comes to electing our next president, I'm glad I won't be voting... because if I was I wouldn't have anyone to vote for.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
By Stanley A. Miller II, Aug. 15, 2000
"Web sites help voters match views to candidates"
The VoteMatch questionnaire is designed so test takers can give more weight to the issues they feel most strongly about, so if individual rights are more important to you than foreign policy, the Web site takes that into consideration.
The creators of these candidate selector systems don't hope visitors run out and vote based on exactly what their Web sites say. Instead, the lists are packaged with the candidates' resumes, position statements and antics on the campaign trail. It's a deceptively educational way to learn their views in an interactive way.
"We get a lot of teachers who call us and say, 'I am going to use this in my class,' " said Heming Nelson, director of content development for "People find it informative, and it does a pretty good job."
My views on personal rights issues are identical to Vice President Al Gore's position, according to the VoteMatch selector. Those figures, combined with an 84% compatibility rating with Gore's views on economics, put him at the top of my computer-generated list.
VoteMatch also classifies users' political philosophies depending on their scores. I was designated a "moderate liberal populist," which means I believe in having a pretty high tolerance for different people and lifestyles, combined with economic views slightly leaning toward believing that a good society is best achieved by the government redistributing wealth.
I'm sure that being an impoverished journalist has nothing to do with that . .
More press links coming soon:
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University of Colorado at Boulder:
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US News and World Report:
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Dayton Daily News, Page 2G
Dec. 6, 1999
With so many candidates, you need a scorecard to know where they line up on the issues.
This site offers excerpts from speeches, news stories, press releases and other sources spotlighting each candidate's views on such issues as abortion, civil rights, crime, education and foreign policy.

Detroit News:
Technology section
June 22, 2000
|, an online site for activism, and, an independent Web site that provides information on national candidates and key election issues, have combined their content.
The merger will mix the political and issues content, activism tools and technology of SpeakOut with voter information presented at Issues2000. is a non-partisan Web site at with information compiled by researchers from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Columbia University and other institutions.
Its goal is to serve as a comprehensive guide to presidential candidates' views on the issues. acquired, a Web site for political news and information, in February 2000.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
March 5, 2000 (p. B2)
Information on the top five candidates in Tuesday's primary can be found on their Web sites:
- Bill Bradley --
- Sen. John McCain --
- Vice President Al Gore --
- Gov. George W. Bush --
- Alan Keyes --
- Positions of some of the 13 other candidates on the ballot can be found at:
Madison (WI) News:
ISSUES 2000 by Gwen Carleton
Friday, January 28, 2000
If you only have room for one political Web site in your life, Issues 2000 would be an excellent candidate. This information-rich site lets you match politicians' names with their positions on a wide variety of issues, lists withdrawn candidates, offers topics in the news, a primary schedule, and even ``Most recent candidate quotes,'' updated regularly. For those with more time, the candidate quiz collects information from you and then ranks the candidates according to your own personal belief system (Gore and Bradley topped my list; Buchanan came in last -- go figure.) You can even save it, for quick updates as the candidates waiver and the field narrows. The Massachusetts nonprofit organization behind the site has pledged to give its net income after the November elections to the League of Women Voters, ``to support future issues-based candidate debates.''
Volume 2, Issue 26,
September 8, 2000
Congressional Universe:
Added and Cox News/Campaign 2000 Web sites to the List of Links.
Lycos News Elizabeth Dole.htm:
Tues, March 21, 2000
By Kym O'Connell-Todd
WEB SITES referenced:
- Elizabeth Dole Official Site
- Elizabeth Dole on the Issues
- Elizabeth Dole: Skeleton Closet
- Elizabeth Dole's Pecan Roll Cookies
- Republican National Committee
- Vice Presidents Trivia Quiz
Minnesota Legislative Reference Library:
Under "National Information", by the Minnesota Legislative Information Service
Summer, 2000
Issues2000 -- Giving us every presidential candidate's view on every issue.
Monroe County Library, Spring 2000
Politics information for Indiana
NPR Campaign2000
April 21, 2000
WBUR Radio (90.9 FM Boston) cals
"A comprehensive site offering non-partisan news and reviews of the issues in the 2000 election."
Autumn, 2000
Top-Five Political Sites...
- Rainbow Coalition
- Issues 2000
- NY Times
Presidential Contenders
Debates and Polls
Great Sources
- Project Vote Smart
- Skeleton Closet
- Issues2000 Presidential Candidates on the Issues
- Common Cause - Reporter's Guide to Money in Politics Campaign 2000
Surfer_CH.htm: Portal Surfer on School Choice
| School Choice Presidential candidates's views on school choice and vouchers, both pro and con.
Side - by - Side Candidate Comparison
( provided content)
Time Magazine on-line:
Thu., Oct. 12, 2000
Thumbs up as well for VoteMatch, the presidential "selector" at Like the AOL/CBS quiz, VoteMatch asks for your views on a series of policy issues. But you can also note which issues are most important to you, so if you care more about, say, gun control than taxes, VoteMatch will give that issue more weight. Again, we weren't shocked by the results; the candidates we were already leaning toward were the ones VoteMatch picked. But Vote-Match does an outstanding job of detailing where you converge � and diverge � with your choices. It also covers more candidates than the AOL/CBS selector, including nine presidential candidates (not just Nader and Buchanan but also less-than-household names such as libertarian Harry Browne), the Democratic and Republican vice-presidential nominees, and � by the time you read this � all the candidates running this year for the U.S. Senate. The site will also analyze your responses and show how you rank generally on the political spectrum, from liberal to conservative and from libertarian to authoritarian.
Yahoo Election listings:
as of October 9, 2000
| listing on, including links to our competitors
The Wall Street Journal:
Watching the Web by Andrea Peterson
Thursday, Aug. 17, 2000 (p. B14)
Through the din of convention speeches and campaign photo opportunities, it can be tough to figure out exactly where the politicians stand on the issues. This site, produced by a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, gives details on the voting patterns and beliefs of each presindetial, vice-preisdential and Senate candidate. Issues2000 culls its information from a variety of sources, including candidates' voting records, transcripts of television interviews and newspaper clippings. Curious about vice-presidential candidate Dick Cheney's views on education? This site pulls up eight different citations, such as quotes from former Defense Secretary Cheney's speech accepting the Republican vice-presidential nomination. There are also details about his votes while a Congressman in the 1980s against funding for the Head Start program for preschoolers and in favor of grants for low-income schools. If you are passionate about one specific issue, you can also search by issue and see how the candidates stack up against one another. Though very thorough, this site isn't updated often enough to reflect daily changes. In a search for "school choice," for example, Issues2000 still says Democratic vice-presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman supports giving vouchers to help parents pay for private school. The site even gives the views of fringe candidates such as John Hagelin, who is running for president from the Natural Law Party.
LibertyWire: Harry Browne's Campaign Journal #14
Thursday, May 18, 2000 Nashville
I notice that Issues2000 ( has an extremely
informative website covering issues and candidates. They have an extensive
compilation of my views on various issues -- culled from a number of
sources, including quotes from Why Government Doesn't Work. They have
similar coverage for the leading candidate of each of the other parties.
There also are forums in which visitors can discuss each candidate.
| Encyclopedia Brittanica, Feb. 1, 2000:
"Our editors have selected your site as one of the best on the Internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation and usability."
| US News & World Report, Jan. 24-31, 2000
review of (our site in general):
"View candidates' recent quotations on 23 major issues at this information-rich,
plain-jane site, which also offers detailed backgrounders on each topic."
| US News & World Report, Jan. 24-31, 2000
review of (our VoteMatch quiz):
"A 20-question quiz, covering such topics as abortion and immigration,
matches you with your soulmate among the nine leading presidential candidates.
The answers also map your political personality,
such as 'authoritarian' or 'liberal populist.'"
| Click of the Day award, Jan. 13, 2000
Our VoteMatch quiz is rated 10.0 on a scale of 1 to 10. Their review:
"I've never found another site like this! You answer a series of questions, and then the computer matches you with the 2000 presidential candidate who most closely matches your views on issues of personal freedom, domestic, and foreign policy issues. You then can click on the candidates to find a detailed profile about them. A good way to examine your own stance on issues and find out how other candidates feel about those issues."
Associated Press article, Dec. 23, 1999
Plethora of Web sites on political scene
by Douglas Kiker
(as reported in the Bergen Record, Bergen County, NJ, 12/24/99)
Are you curious about which political candidate your neighbor or boss gives money to?
How about the fate of that school bond referendum in California?
Want to watch videotape of the presidential candidates discussing Social Security reform?
Just use your mouse to find out, because politics -- like almost everything else -- is flooding cyberspace....
Web sites thatprovide a variety of political information:
information on electeions and candidates from all states
news, campaign fund-raising information, poll results, issue forums.
provides 90-second, campaign-supplied video footage of the presidential candidates discussing various issues.
focused on Congress.
reviews presidential candidates' positions on issues.
| Conservative Site of the Day, Dec. 3-5, 1999.
"It's not a conservative web site, but one that is of great interest to all...
track the stands on issues of all the candidates...
Republican, Democrat, Libertarian and everyone else"
World Net Daily
"It's the Issues, Stupid" by Lisa Ronthal, Sept. 7, 1999
| "At the admirably practical site Issues 2000 you can research and compare the various presidential candidates according to their positions on the issues that matter most to you...."
| eCOLOGY award, Oct. 1999
Your Source for Environmental Links
| Young Politicians of America award, Nov. 1999.
YPA was founded to expand the democratic experience to the youth of our society.
Their goal is to further democracy, participation in government, and good citizenship.