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Click on Resolutions & Bills below for members of Congress who co-sponsored....

Resolutions / Bill Sponsorships>>
2020 Voting records: 116th Congress
2020 Surveys & Ratings: CC/PVS/AFA
2018 Surveys & Ratings: CC/PVS
Excerpts from Trump Impeachment reports (December 2019)
Bill sponsorships, 2018-2020 (116th Congress major legislation)
Bill sponsorships, 2016-2018 (115th Congress major legislation)
Ratings on members of 114th and 115th Congress (Non-profit groups' candidate evaluations)
Bill sponsorships, 2015-2016 (114th Congress major legislation)
Bill sponsorships, 2013-2014 (113th Congress major legislation)
Ratings on members of 112th and 113th Congress (Non-profit groups' evaluations of voting records 2011-2014)
Early bills from 113th Congress. Bill sponsorships and letters from early in 2013 in the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and Governors.
2013 incoming House Freshmen surveys. Newly elected U.S. House members from the 2012 elections, rated by numerous organizations. (Same without older survey comparisons)
2012 Christian Coalition voter guide. Newly elected candidates from the 2012 House, Senate, and Gubernatorial elections.
Bills and ratings from 111th Congress and earlier (Bills 2009-2010 and earlier)
Surveys 2011: Latest survey update through 2011.
Surveys: Collection of all surveys in one summary.
2010 Christian Coalition voter guide. From the 2010 Congressional and Gubernatorial elections.
2010 voter guide. From "the nation's largest network of pro-family groups."
2010 Project Vote Smart: Congressional Political Courage Test.
Contract From America: 2010 House candidates' set of campaign pledges.
Contract With America: 1994 House candidates' set of campaign pledges.some
Additional Surveys and Notebooks.

Older Notebook archives:
2008 Presidential contenders
2008 Senate Signature Issues
2001-2012 Caucus Memberships / Affiliations
2000-2006 Group Ratings
1999-2007 Congressional Member Surveys
1999-2004 Public Letters
1998-2001 Resolutions
1994-2005 Policy Reports
1992-2000 Court Rulings
1990s-2008 Bill Sponsorships

Bill Sponsorships by 2008 Presidential Contenders:
Sen. Hillary Clinton
Sen. John McCain
Sen. Barack Obama
Rep. Ron Paul

Former Gov. Mitt Romney (R, MA)
No Apology
Rep. Paul Ryan (R, WI)
Young Guns
Pres. Barack Obama
The Audacity of Hope
V.P. Joe Biden
Promises to Keep
Former Rep. Ron Paul
End the Fed

Former Pres. George W. Bush
Decision Points
Former Gov. Sarah Palin (R, AK)
America By Heart
Secy. of State Hillary Clinton
Living History
Former Pres. Bill Clinton
My Life
Gov. Jesse Ventura
American Conspiracies

Site Map
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(Quotations organized by topic)
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Candidate Grid
(Summary by candidate of positions on each topic)

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Foreign Policy Gun Control Budget & Economy Education
Homeland Security Crime Government Reform   Health Care
War & Peace Drugs Tax Reform Abortion
Free Trade Civil Rights Social Security Families & Children
Immigration  Jobs Welfare & Poverty Corporations
Energy & Oil  Environment Technology Principles & Values
Following are Resolutions and Bill Sponsorships for governors and members of Congress, which are used to indicate politicians' stances on the issues. Co-sponsoring a bill implies a promise to vote in its favor, as well as work towards its passage. Affiliations which include "VoteMatch Usage" are scored as VoteMatch quiz responses. Those without a VoteMatch usage are included only on each candidate's main issues page.
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jun 4, 2004
Expand embryonic stem cell research Participating counts on VoteMatch question 1. Democrats: 43
Republicans: 14
Independents: 1

Budget & Economy
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on May 9, 2001
Retire half the public debt by 2006 (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 58
Republicans: 0
Independents: 2
on Jan 11, 2001
Balance debt reduction, tax relief, & policy investment (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 10
Republicans: 0
Independents: 0
on Feb 3, 2000
More federal funding for FAA and air traffic control (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 3
Republicans: 1
Independents: 0

Civil Rights
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Mar 14, 2000
More federal funding of IDEA for disabled education Participating counts on VoteMatch question 20. Democrats: 2
Republicans: 1
Independents: 1
on Jul 27, 1999
Decide Indian gaming rules at state level, not DOI (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 2
Republicans: 1
Independents: 1

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on May 5, 1999
Bankruptcy reform: prevent inappropriate Chapter 7 filings (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 2
Republicans: 1
Independents: 1

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Aug 5, 1999
Tougher juvenile crime penalties; but let states set them Participating counts on VoteMatch question 9. Democrats: 2
Republicans: 1
Independents: 1

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jan 11, 2001
Firmly opposed to Bushs voucher proposal Participating counts on VoteMatch question 7. Democrats: 10
Republicans: 0
Independents: 0

Energy & Oil
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Mar 19, 2004
Keep efficient air conditioner rule to conserve energy Participating counts on VoteMatch question 18. Democrats: 41
Republicans: 11
Independents: 1
on Jun 19, 2003
Keep climate change in EPA "State of the Environment" report Participating counts on VoteMatch question 18. Democrats: 6
Republicans: 0
Independents: 1
on Jul 2, 1999
Maintain federal funds for transit funding above 12.5% cap (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 2
Republicans: 1
Independents: 1

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Apr 1, 2004
EPA must do better on mercury clean-up (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 37
Republicans: 7
Independents: 1
on Apr 6, 2001
Remove PCBs from Hudson River by dredging 200 miles (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 27
Republicans: 3
Independents: 0
on Oct 21, 1999
Maintain joint EPA-state authority over nuclear waste (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 2
Republicans: 1
Independents: 1

Families & Children
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jun 24, 1999
Maintain federal welfare funding for child support Participating counts on VoteMatch question 20. Democrats: 1
Republicans: 0
Independents: 1
on Mar 24, 1999
Keep TANF program focused on family welfare, not other tasks Participating counts on VoteMatch question 20. Democrats: 2
Republicans: 0
Independents: 2

Free Trade
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Sep 7, 2007
Reauthorize the federal Trade Adjustment Assistance program Participating counts on VoteMatch question 13. Democrats: 2
Republicans: 1
Independents: 0
on Jan 11, 2001
Free & fair trade is key to economic growth Participating counts on VoteMatch question 13. Democrats: 10
Republicans: 0
Independents: 0
on Jun 6, 2000
Quick vote on PNTR; China into WTO Participating counts on VoteMatch question 13. Democrats: 9
Republicans: 0
Independents: 0

Government Reform
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jul 27, 1999
More federal funding for FAA and air traffic control (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 4
Republicans: 1
Independents: 1

Health Care
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Apr 2, 2008
Delay Medicaid changes that shift costs from feds to states Participating counts on VoteMatch question 5. Democrats: 2
Republicans: 2
Independents: 0
on Dec 17, 2007
Extend SCHIP with full funding, plus $12B for Medicaid Participating counts on VoteMatch question 5. Democrats: 2
Republicans: 2
Independents: 0
on Mar 15, 2004
End government propaganda on Medicare bill (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 6
Republicans: 0
Independents: 0
on May 20, 2003
Let states make bulk Rx purchases, and other innovations Participating counts on VoteMatch question 5. Democrats: 27
Republicans: 2
Independents: 0
on Dec 5, 2000
Better and immediate funding for Medicare & Medicaid Participating counts on VoteMatch question 5. Democrats: 59
Republicans: 0
Independents: 2
on Apr 14, 1999
Protect state tobacco settlement funds from federal seizure Participating counts on VoteMatch question 5. Democrats: 19
Republicans: 25
Independents: 7

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jun 30, 2003
Protect overtime pay protections (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 43
Republicans: 0
Independents: 0
on May 25, 2001
Full review of farm policy; more state flexibility (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 2
Republicans: 2
Independents: 0
on Sep 14, 1999
Immediate federal assistance for farm crisis (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 4
Republicans: 5
Independents: 1

Social Security
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on May 9, 2001
Strengthen Trust Funds and take them off-budget (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 58
Republicans: 0
Independents: 2
on Sep 29, 1999
Maintain federal funding of Social Services Block Grants Participating counts on VoteMatch question 6. Democrats: 2
Republicans: 1
Independents: 1

Tax Reform
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jan 28, 2008
$12B in federal economic stimulus as state block grants Participating counts on VoteMatch question 11. Democrats: 24
Republicans: 11
Independents: 0
on May 23, 2001
Let states independently determine estate taxes (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 15
Republicans: 19
Independents: 3

Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Aug 20, 2001
Level playing field for Main Street vs. Internet sales tax (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 16
Republicans: 24
Independents: 4

Welfare & Poverty
Public NoteVote descriptionVoteMatch UsageParticipants
on Jun 17, 2003
Fully fund AmeriCorps (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 33
Republicans: 9
Independents: 1
on Apr 27, 2000
Maintain TANF block grants (Not used in VoteMatch) Democrats: 2
Republicans: 1
Independents: 1

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