No unconstitutional COVID lockdowns; no mask mandates
In 2020, when most states were shutting down their economies and enforcing unconstitutional lockdowns, we did something different in South Dakota. Our state motto is "Under God, the People Rule." I followed it.
As Governor, I believed the best way to
fight a danger to our country was through an informed and free American people who made decisions for themselves. I refused to use unconstitutional powers. We never issued mask mandates. We didn't mandate vaccines.
We never kept anybody from going to church. We kept kids in the classroom. I did not arrest, ticket, or fine a single individual for exercising their basic rights. South Dakota was the ONLY state that never even defined what an "essential business" was.
Looking around at the world today, we see fundamental freedoms evaporating because of the COVID lockdowns, but not in South Dakota. We drew a clear line. And the line between tyranny and freedom is getting more clear every day across our country.
The COVID vaccination should be a choice. And we should reject the efforts that we're seeing in other parts of the country to divide us into two classes: vaccinated and unvaccinated. Unvaccinated Americans are still Americans. We live in a free
country--free to make our own decisions. The government does not get to make them for us. I am bringing legislation to protect the right to a medical or religious exemption from COVID vaccines. We will also recognize natural immunity.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to South Dakota legislature
, Jan 11, 2022
COVID: We didn't mandate; we trusted our people
We've got Republican governors across this country pretending they didn't shut down their states, that they didn't close their beaches, that they didn't mandate masks, that they didn't get issue shelter-in-places. Now, I'm not picking fights with
Republican governors. All I'm saying is that we need leaders with grit, that their first instinct is to make the right decision. South Dakota did not do any of those. We didn't mandate. We trusted our people. Personal responsibility was the best answer.
COVID: vaccine passports are oppressive and un-American
Vaccine passports are un-American, according to Gov. Kristi Noem. It's "one of the most un-American ideas in our nation's history," read a tweet posted on Noem's personal account. This is separate from her official governor account on the social media
website. "We as Americans should oppose this oppression." She made it clear she doesn't support making vaccination a requirement to get access to certain events, flights and businesses, calling the idea oppressive and at odds with American values.
Source: KOTA-TV ABC-3 on 2022 South Dakota Gubernatorial race
, Mar 29, 2021
COVID didn't crash the economy; government crushed it
Lots of governors shut down their states. What followed was record unemployment, business is closed, most schools were shuttered and committees suffered. The U.S. economy came to an immediate halt. Let me be clear -- COVID did not crash the economy.
Government crushed the economy. South Dakota is the only state in America that never ordered a single business or church to close. We never instituted a shelter-in-place order. We never mandated people wear masks.
Source: Remarks by Gov. Noem at the 2021 CPAC Conference
, Feb 27, 2021
Make pandemic rules for telehealth permanent
Another tool we greatly expanded access to is telehealth. People have used tech services like these more than 70,000 times in South Dakota's Medicaid program alone. This year, I'm going to ask that you support legislation to make these
flexibilities permanent. In 2021, we should build on telehealth advancements and continue to find ways to remove government red tape in health care.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to South Dakota legislature
, Jan 12, 2021
Repeal the trillion dollar health care bill
I will work to repeal the trillion dollar health care bill passed this year. The bill puts bureaucrats between patients and their doctor and pays for it with cuts to essential programs like Medicare. This is the wrong direction for health care.
Too man
politicians believe that expanding government is the solution to every problem. I will support efforts to fully repeal the health care bill. If full repeal is not possible right away, then we must pursue other options to diminish its effect.
Source: 2010 House campaign website,, "Issues"
, Nov 2, 2010
Voted YES on the Ryan Budget: Medicare choice, tax & spending cuts.
Proponent's Arguments for voting Yes:
[Sen. DeMint, R-SC]: The Democrats have Medicare on a course of bankruptcy. Republicans are trying to save Medicare & make sure there are options for seniors in the future. Medicare will not be there 5 or 10 years from now. Doctors will not see Medicare patients at the rate [Congress will] pay.
[Sen. Ayotte, R-NH]: We have 3 choices when it comes to addressing rising health care costs in Medicare. We can do nothing & watch the program go bankrupt in 2024. We can go forward with the President's proposal to ration care through an unelected board of 15 bureaucrats. Or we can show real leadership & strengthen the program to make it solvent for current beneficiaries, and allow future beneficiaries to make choices.
Opponent's Arguments for voting No:
[Sen. Conrad, D-ND]: In the House Republican budget plan, the first thing they do is cut $4 trillion in revenue over the next 10 years. For the wealthiest among us, they
give them an additional $1 trillion in tax reductions. To offset these massive new tax cuts, they have decided to shred the social safety net. They have decided to shred Medicare. They have decided to shred program after program so they can give more tax cuts to those who are the wealthiest among us.
[Sen. Merkley, D-OR]: The Republicans chose to end Medicare as we know it. The Republican plan reopens the doughnut hole. That is the hole into which seniors fall when, after they have some assistance with the first drugs they need, they get no assistance until they reach a catastrophic level. It is in that hole that seniors have had their finances devastated. We fixed it. Republicans want to unfix it and throw seniors back into the abyss. Then, instead of guaranteeing Medicare coverage for a fixed set of benefits for every senior--as Medicare does now--the Republican plan gives seniors a coupon and says: Good luck. Go buy your insurance. If the insurance goes up, too bad.
Reference: Ryan Budget Plan;
Bill HCR34&SCR21
; vote number 11-HV277
on Apr 15, 2011
Noem supports the CC survey question on repealing healthcare reform
The Christian Coalition voter guide [is] one of the most powerful tools Christians have ever had to impact our society during elections. This simple tool has helped educate tens of millions of citizens across this nation as to where candidates for public office stand on key faith and family issues.
The CC survey summarizes candidate stances on the following topic: "Supports repealing nationalized healthcare law that forces citizens to buy insurance or pay fines."
Source: Christian Coalition Survey 10-CC-q5a on Aug 11, 2010
Repeal the Job-Killing Health Care Law.
Noem co-sponsored Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act
Repeals the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, effective as of its enactment. Restores provisions of law amended by such Act.
Repeals the health care provisions of the Health Care and Education and Reconciliation Act of 2010, effective as of the Act's enactment. Restores provisions of law amended by the Act's health care provisions.
Fully repealing ObamaCare is important, but not sufficient.
Noem voted YEA Full Repeal of ObamaCare
Heritage Action Summary: This vote would fully repeal ObamaCare.
Heritage Foundation recommendation to vote YES: (2/3/2015): ObamaCare creates $1.8 trillion in new health care spending and uses cuts to Medicare spending to help pay for some of it. Millions of Americans already have lost, and more likely will lose, their coverage because of ObamaCare. Many Americans have not been able to keep their doctors as insurers try to offset the added costs of ObamaCare by limiting the number of providers in their networks. In spite of the promise, the law increases the cost of health coverage.
Secretary of Labor Robert Reich recommendation to vote NO: ( 11/22/2013): Having failed to defeat the Affordable Care Act, Republicans are now hell-bent on destroying the ObamaCare in Americans' minds, using the word "disaster" whenever mentioning the Act, and demand its repeal. Democrats [should] meet the Republican barrage with
three larger truths:
The wreck of private insurance: Ours has been the only healthcare system in the world designed to avoid sick people. For-profit insurers have spent billions finding and marketing their policies to healthy people--while rejecting people with preexisting conditions, or at high risk.
We could not continue with this travesty of a healthcare system: ObamaCare is a modest solution. It still relies on private insurers--merely setting minimum standards and "exchanges" where customers can compare policies.
The moral imperative: Even a clunky compromise like the ACA between a national system of health insurance and a for-profit insurance market depends, fundamentally, on a social compact in which those who are healthier and richer are willing to help those who are sicker and poorer. Such a social compact defines a society.
Legislative outcome: Passed House 239-186-8; never came to a vote in the Senate.
Source: Congressional vote 15-H0132 on Feb 3, 2015