Once elected, the primary concern of long-time politicians is to use the advantages of their offices to get re-elected. They use our tax dollars to grow government programs to secure more votes in the next election. They increasingly lose touch with
those they are responsible to represent. Problems grow and remain unsolved because career politicians avoid making difficult and unpopular decisions that invite criticism and might lose votes.
The best way to break this dysfunctional cycle is to
limit the terms of our elected officials in Washington: 12 years in the House of Representatives and 12 years in the Senate are reasonable periods of time to get the People's work done. Term limits will encourage elected officials to do what's right
instead of what's politically advantageous to get re-elected.
15 state legislatures, including Maine's, and 8 of our 10 largest cities impose term limits on their senior elected officials. It's time Washington does the same.