A rising tide of competition and choice lifts all boats
In the face of intense pressure to keep the status quo, we passed one of the boldest school choice programs in the country, kicking off a national revolution. It goes to show that a rising tide of competition and choice really can lift all boats.
Our education policies are working, because--together--we stood firm and passed a law that puts Iowans in charge of their children's future.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Iowa legislature
, Jan 9, 2024
Put Iowa in top-five states for starting pay for teachers
We want younger Iowans to see the teaching profession as something to aspire to. It's one of the highest callings one can have, so let's make sure that teacher pay sends that message. Tonight I'm asking the legislature to invest
$96 million in new money to increase starting pay by 50%, to $50,000, and set a minimum salary of $62,000 for teachers with at least 12 years of experience. These investments will put Iowa in the top-five states for starting pay.
Source: 2024 State of the State Address to Iowa legislature
, Jan 9, 2024
Create education savings accounts for private schooling
Every parent should have a choice of where to send their child--and that choice shouldn't be limited to families who can afford it. My school choice bill will create education savings accounts for families who choose to send their child to a private
school. The State will contribute $7,598 to that account, which is the amount of funding the State provides for each child who attends a public school.
Source: 2023 State of the State Address to the Iowa legislature
, Jan 10, 2023
Parents have a right to know what kids are being taught
Republicans believe that parents matter. It was true before the pandemic and has never been more important to say out loud: Parents Matter.
They have a right to know, and to have a say in, what their kids are being taught.
Source: GOP Response to the 2022 State of the Union address
, Mar 1, 2022
Give families funds for education system of their choice
All schools should be required to publish what they're teaching. There's no reason to hide it--at least no good reason. The same goes for the books in the library. Parents should know what their kids have access to, and they should have a timely process
to address their concerns. Because when our parents are fully informed, they can make informed choices. And ultimately, that's what every parent deserves: a choice.
I'll be introducing legislation that allows middle- and low-income families and students with an individualized educational plan to receive a portion of the `per pupil' funds allocated annually by the state to move their child to the education system of
their choice. About 70% (over $5,300) of those funds will go directly into an account for families to customize their child's education. The remaining 30% will be distributed by the state to smaller school districts.
Launch the first teacher registered apprenticeship program
We'll be launching the first teacher registered apprenticeship program in the country, letting schools effectively grow their own workforce. High school apprentices start classroom instruction in their junior year and, within a year of
graduation, they can earn a paraeducator credential and associates degree. And for paraeducators, their day jobs will count toward student teaching requirements, greatly reducing the cost and time required to become a teacher.
Source: 2022 State of the State Address to the Iowa legislature
, Jan 11, 2022
$28 million for public-private partnerships for child care
It's in our state's interests to encourage these types of public-private partnerships, which is why we created the Child Care Challenge Fund last year. This year, we need to fund that program, so I'm allocating $3 million to jump-start these
public-private partnerships. I'm also using $25 million of child care development block grants to further promote child care startups. Let's remove the obstacles to high-quality, affordable child care.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Iowa legislature
, Jan 12, 2021
Make open enrollment available in all school districts
School choice shouldn't be limited to those who have the financial means or live in a district that allows open enrollment. Let's make choice an option for everyone. We can do that by making open enrollment available in all districts and by allowing
our communities more flexibility to create public charter schools where there is a need for an alternative. We should create education savings accounts for students who are trapped in a failing school; let's give them another choice.
Source: 2021 State of the State Address to the Iowa legislature
, Jan 12, 2021
We need 100% of schools to teach computer science
Currently, almost two-thirds of school districts teach computer science in middle and high school. And about half teach it in elementary school.
We need that to be 100 percent--which is why I'm calling on the Legislature to take computer science statewide and ensure every student, at every level, has access to this new basic skill.
Source: 2020 Iowa State of the State address
, Jan 14, 2020
Additional $93M to invest in our students
The budget I'm submitting proposes over $93 million in additional funding for preschool through high school education, which includes a 2.3% increase in per pupil funding. I'm asking for a $1 million increase in STEM funding. In total, that will bring
our preK-12 investment to almost $3.4 billion this year. Iowans know that a quality education can't be reduced to a dollar figure or a percentage increase. It's about one thing and one thing only: How well we prepare our children to succeed.
Source: 2019 State of the State address to Iowa legislature
, Jan 15, 2019
Major cuts to college funding to address budget shortfall
Education: Increase state funding for higher education?
Yes. "We've just been cutting, cutting, cutting." Proposes tuition payback for students at Iowa colleges who commit to 5 years working in rural Iowa.
Reynolds: No. Supported major cuts to address budget shortfall.
Source: 2018 CampusElect.org Issue Guide on Iowa Governor race
, Nov 1, 2018
School choice offers families option to teach their values
Since taking office seven years ago, we have added $735 million in new money to our preK-12 education systems. At $3.3 billion, funding is at an all-time high. Education is a priority, and we will continue to back that up with real money.
We have also maintained our commitment to school choice, which offers families the option to teach their values, beliefs, and viewpoints to their children. That's why my tax reform plan will expand 529 plans to include K-12 education.
Source: 2018 State of the State speech to Iowa legislature
, Jan 9, 2018
$40M more for schools; $150M more for teachers
Senate File 166 would modify requirements for the state school foundation program. Said Gov. Branstad, "With $40 million additional dollars, the total state commitment to schools next year will be $3.184 billion dollars."
Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds
added, "By setting funding levels early in the session, we are able to provide predictability and stability that administrators, school boards and teachers need. I want to thank the legislature for moving quickly on this important issue.
This is a difficult budget, but this $40 million increase for K-12 education is on top of the $150 million provided through the Teacher Leadership System that rewards our great teachers. Teachers are the key to giving students
a globally competitive education and helping us close the skills gap in Iowa."
The bill passed the Iowa House 55-40 on Feb. 6, 2017 and the Iowa Senate on Feb. 2, 2017, 28-21.
Score every Iowa high school for Post-Secondary Readiness
Gov. Terry Branstad and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds today announced a new state website that shows how prepared students are for success in postsecondary education and training upon graduation from public high schools in Iowa. Lt. Gov. Reynolds was joined by
the director of the Iowa Department of Education [to announce] Iowa's Postsecondary Readiness Report, which provides student enrollment in college and career training, postsecondary remedial course-taking rates, and postsecondary retention and
completion rates for every public high school in Iowa.
Reynolds, co-chair of the Future Ready Iowa Alliance added, "Iowa needs all of today's high school graduates to be genuinely ready for college or career training so they can succeed in a
knowledge-based, technology-driven economy. That will open up great opportunities in their personal and professional lives, and will help close the skills gap that employers tell us about when we travel the state."
Future Ready Iowa: 70% of Iowans beyond high school
Let's close the skills gap--which in many ways is the biggest challenge our state faces over the next decade. That is why Lt. Governor Reynolds and I set the Future Ready Iowa goal that 70 percent of Iowans in the workforce should have education or
training beyond high school by 2025. Today, less than half of our workforce does.
Accomplishing this ambitious goal will create unprecedented opportunities for Iowans and better position our state to compete in an increasingly knowledge-based, digital economy. That is why we established the Future Ready Iowa Alliance,
co-chaired by Lt. Governor Reynolds, which will make recommendations by Oct. 31, 2017, to assure more Iowans have the careers they deserve and employers can hire the skilled workers they need to grow and innovate.