Twice last year, the unemployment rate in Mississippi fell to 4.9 percent, and was 4.8 percent in November. That is the lowest since unemployment levels began to be recorded in 1979.
I believe every Mississippian deserves an equal opportunity for a good job, and I am working hard to make this belief a reality.
As Ronald Reagan once said, the best social program is a job.
Now, that's a program we have been very successful in expanding. In the past, Mississippi has had people looking for jobs. Today, we have more than 40,000 jobs looking for people.
This session, I will have some other recommendations to reduce more government regulations and unleash the independent spirit that will make Mississippi the most job-friendly state in America.
How do we generate sufficient revenue to maintain and keep safe the roads and bridges that are our economic life line and not place an undue burden upon the working people of this state? There is no reason we cannot balance an increase in fuel tax with
an equal and sufficient tax reduction. This tax cut does not need to apply to large corporations. They are and have been receiving the reduction in fuel cost for some time now. It is the working families of Mississippi I am concerned about.
Source: 2016 State of the State speech to Mississippi legislature
, Jan 26, 2016
Tax relief from delayed-accelerated tax payment
As all of you understand, Mississippi's business climate plays a critical role in attracting new opportunities and new jobs to our state. In my executive budget recommendation,
I proposed a small business tax relief measure that will further stabilize our business climate. Each June, certain small employers in this state are required to pre-pay a portion of their taxes.
Known as the delayed-accelerated tax payment--a name only the government could create--this move puts a large burden on our state's job creators.
My budget proposes relief for small employers, and I urge the Legislature to support it. The National Federation of Independent Businesses joins me in my call.