Dan Mongiardo on Civil Rights2004 former Democratic challenger for Senate (KY) |
Mongiardo has been a proponent of anti-bullying legislation as a State Senator. Senate Bill 113 would have required school discipline codes to prohibit harassment, intimidation or bullying of a student for any of the characteristics listed in Kentuckys hate crime law race, gender, religion, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation. Bunning has voted against hate crime protections in the past. Yesterdays measure would also add the three new categories of protected groups and would eliminate a current restriction limiting federal intervention to cases where victims are engaged in federally protected activities, such as voting.
Q: College and university admissions
A: No.
Q: Public employment
A: No.
Q: State contracting
A: No.
A: No.
Q: Should Kentucky recognize civil unions between same-sex couples?
A: No.
Q: Should Kentucky restrict marriage to a relationship only between a man and a woman?
A: Yes.