Zane Lawhorn on Gun ControlRepublican Senate Challenger | |
Description of Position: Without it, all other rights will be could be lost. Our founding fathers realized this when they added this amendment to the Constitution. Their foresight has made America the greatest nation on earth.
Description of Position: Violent crimes drop dramatically when the right to carry is allowed. Firearm accidents have dropped to the lowest level since statistics have been gathered. We need legislation that allows armed citizens the right to protect themselves without fear of prosecution or lawsuits by criminals. How absurd can our legal system get?
Description of Position: I strongly support the right to keep and bear arms. Including high powered rifles. I support the right to defend oneself during an act of aggression. I support [protecting] our gun manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits.
When elected there will not be a stronger advocate of gun rights in the Senate. The Second Amendment is basic to our constitutional rights. If someone is concerned about crimes Americans should have the right to take whatever steps are necessary to stop aggression. without trying to flee first. When criminals learn that they can be blasted for entering your home they will think twice before trying. Maybe that is why the crime rate is lower in West Virginia than in areas where the law protects the criminal?????? Most every home in West Virginia has a person or two that knows how to use a weapon. Criminals had better take notice.